By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
This is based on a true story. My true experience.
It was about 15 years ago I discovered that I actually desired and needed cock.
It was a warm summer afternoon and my Ex Wife (Ex) and I had just arrived at her work colleagues birthday party. It was at a small cottage with large garden. There was a marquee with an bar area, bouncy castle and other garden games.
We were in our later 20s, me being 26 and my Ex being 27. The girl who's birthday it was(I forget her name) was turning 23 and so there were many people there in early 20s with only a couple of older guests.
I recognised a handful of people, having been to previous work functions and listened to my Ex talk about the work place gossip.
Some guests I should mention in detail are.
Chris was a really close friend of my Ex as they worked on the same projects. He was taller (6'1 I'm guessing) slender guy who was always really well dressed. He was 22 and full of energy. He always had a quick smile followed by witty banter. His eyes we're dark and framed by well groaned eyebrows. Despite having very different interests in life I always got on well with him at previous events.
Sasha was Chris's younger cousin (maybe 19). She was a whirlwind of unpredictability. She loved her cocktails and often drank too much but never let it spoil the mood. She had a habit of disappearing towards the end of a night, either to some guys/girls bed or to fall asleep on a sofa.
Admittedly she was slightly too arrogant to be liked by many people but that was due to the fact she knew she was very attractive. She was petite at 5'2ish, Long full dark hair, In dutch braids that night. She had tanned cinnamon skin and green eyes. Her figure, was tight and curved proportionally. Surprising she had a bit of depth to her and would often blind side unsuspecting suitors with some deep conversations that they couldn't follow up on.
My Ex and I tolerated her at a couple of previous parties as she was new to the area having started working with Chris and wanted to get to know people.
My Ex was a 5'7 brunette. She had 34GG boobs and an average frame. She was attractive but nothing too spectacular.
She had blue eyes and was quite a shy character until she had a drink then she would come out of her shell.
She was wearing a floor length green floral dress which showed off her boobs.
I remember finding it rather dull and mumsy but I knew under it she had a pair of turquoise lace French panties on. With a miss-matched dark bra.
I remember the panties because I have a real kink for panties.
That morning, before leaving for the party I lay on the bed watching her get dressed.
The sight of her pulling the lace up over her plump ass and seeing how the soft material cuped her puffy pussy immediately got me excited.
I stood up and cuddled her from behind and started kissing her neck. I cupped one breast and started to let my other hand slide into the front of her panties.
She was warm and smelt of vanilla soap from the shower.
I was getting hard and my cock twitched in my boxers. My excitement was short lived and she firmly told me to stop as she wanted to get ready.
I stopped my affection but playfully turned her round and with a smile said, "We can be late."
She repeated no and said she wasn't in the mood.
My heart sank. We had not had sex in over 8 weeks. Admittedly I had been working away for the last 3 but before I had left I remember it being a few weeks ago.
It was when she was d*unk after her sisters had visited. She had come home from a bottomless brunch at around 4pm, I was in the garden cutting the grass.
She was in a pair of white jeans, don't remember the top. She came straight up to me and gave me a big kiss and whispered that she'd be up stairs getting wet and I was welcome to join her.
I followed her up stairs, she told me to go lie down and went into the bathroom. She came out in a red cotton thong and nothing else.
She got on top, guided my cock into her eager pussy and began to grind on me. She climaxed quickly with the rest of sex was intense and frantic, making the room smelling of cheap wine, expensive perfume, fresh grass clippings and sweat. She told me to pull out and cum on her panties as she knew I loved it. So I happily obliged.
She was bent forward doggy her bum making a cute heart, red cotton thong pulled to the side. My cum ran down off her cheeks and darkened the cotton as it soaked in.
She got up and left to shower.
Back then if you'd asked me, I'd have said I was happy but I knew I was never really sexually satisfied. It was a classic case of us getting married and then life getting in the way. Her new job, of about a year, had brought a lot of stress and she had started to put on some extra weight. I really didn't mind but she was obviously self conscious.
My job meant I was away a lot more, for weeks at a time and our sexual desires just clashed. With being away and I didn't want to put pressure on her everytime I wanted relief I started wanking a lot more.
I would look at porn and started exploring what would get me off. I know now that I have an addictive personality which meant that back then I started "chasing the metaphorical dragon" of porn. I tried "regular" but quickly got bored, group fun, some real extreme insertion, fascinating but not for me.
What seemed to work work was starting with some simple soft core of well dressed women. I'd find videos and pictures of them in sexy outfits or underwear and get my self hard. The compilation style with a good sound track worked great.
Once I was hard I'd watch candid or voyeur stuff as if I was watching a couple in their room or a party.
This would progress to cheating wives or transsexual porn. Don't ask me how they go together but they would get me off.
The cheating wife fantasy I think was picturing me being the one so desirable that someone else's wife wanted to sleep with me. Or on reflection it could have been that I wanted my wife to feel desired the way I felt desire towards her. I pictured hot guys getting her excited and then she'd fuck them. Plus I know now I have my own insecurities which tend towards desiring to be a partial cuck.
I would regularly find myself looking at crossdresser porn. I was really excited by the way they dressed so sexy. The variety of underwear and lingerie always got me so hard.
I started to find I liked their cocks too. I found myself appreciating the beauty of the guys cocks they were fucking. I was jealous of the attention they got in videos I was watching.
I should explain that, sexually I really get off on being a pleasure giver and get off on people being responsive and physically reacting positively to my touch or actions.
This meant that sometimes I'd wish I was the girl or TV all dressed up giving the handsome guy pleasure and then being rewarded in return.
I used to be in pretty good shape, I'm 5'10 and was playing a lot of sports and trained regularly. I also had an active job. So my muscles were defined. I wasn't large just toned with an ass that looked great in jeans, shorts, grey trackies, well most things really. I've let myself go now and the muscle definition has gone. I'm still slim but a Shadow of my former self.
So all this is to set the scene that I had arrived at the party with a background of sexual frustration, a head full of desires and tendancies towards exploring my sexuality in all ways.
It was a warm afternoon and the majority of people were dressed accordingly. Guys were in shorts and t shirts and the girls in various short summer dresses or hot pants and tank tops.
The music played and drinks flowed easily and everyone was relaxed. My ex and I were engaged in drinking/dare games in the marque, with us electing to take the sip of our drinks rather than strip or dirty dance for strangers or even snog the person next to them. Sasha and Chris were in good form driving the games forward and eventually Sasha suggested that all the guys play strip bouncy castle rumble.
Simple rules were bounce around to the music and when it stops we pushed each other around until some fell over and that meant that person took a layer of clothes off.
About 6 of us climbed on and off we went bouncing around getting sweaty and laughing a lot.
We were soon in various states of undress rolling around to the cheering lady filled audience. When it was over I was in my shorts with a few guy's in their boxers and one younger guy naked. There was much laughter and everyone climbed off.
"Right girls turn" the cheer went up.
Surprisingly my Ex climbed on along with about 7 others, Sasha included.
I sat on bench next to a topless Chris who I noticed was wet with sweat but yet he smelt devine. I leaned over and jokingly sniffed him, saying "you should bottle that, if that's what you smell like when you sweat" (I cringed at my own bants) he turned and flashed a wicked smile, slapping a hand on my thigh, he said "if I did, I'd give you a free sample", we held eye contact for a short period before our attention turned back to the castle. A cheer went up to a larger girl pulling her panties off from under her dress and threw them to her boyfriend.
I noticed my heart was beating a little faster and I put that down to imaging those panties.
They were plain black with a small logo on the front. They were traditional seamless briefs. I pictured them being warm and little damp from sweat or more I hoped. I took a sip of my cool beer and closed my eyes thinking what it might be like to smell them.
I snapped back with sound of Sasha shouting my name.. She was cheering and helping my wife remove her dress..."you see this Tony, woohoo"
I gulped down my beer and raised the bottle to the sky, that's my girl! My wife blushed and the music played again. Soon the ladies were in their underwear with boobs and ass bouncing.
My breathing tightened and I felt myself getting harder from being so horny. I couldn't stop looking at Sasha as she floated from women to women removing clothing or playfully cupping breasts and patting bums.
I felt a nudge on my arm and turned to see Chris smiling at me.
"Might want to do something about that" he nodded his eyes downward.
I looked down to see my cock straining at my shorts and a little wet patch appearing from all the precum I was producing.
I nervously adjusted and said sorry. He laughed reassuringly and said with a real calm voice "honestly, no need at all, it is a really good show isn't it" but notably he didn't look at the castle,I felt he basically drank me in with his eyes.
The music stopped and a big cheer and boo went up. I looked round to see a guy bounding onto the castle with a large throw tackling his girlfriend. They playfully kissed and lay on the castle as everyone turned and left them to whatever was about to happen.
My wife appeared by my side. She leant in and kissed me passionately taking my head with one hand. She tasted of passion fruit and gin. Her skin was warm and now scented with multiple girls perfume.
She pulled back and said she was off to get her trousers and top from the car and have a shower. I watched as she walked away, she looked back over her shoulder and smiled as she playfully unwedgied herself...I was once again left solid and straining at my shorts.
I lept up and started to follow, thinking that I was being invited for a quickie in the shower. As I came alongside her she frowned and asked where I was going. I whispered what I wanted to do and she laughed and said not a chance here. Maybe later my love.
I was gutted. I knew that wouldn't happen she was already pretty d*unk and I knew that meant a night of her snoring in a deep sleep.
Frustrated I sighed and turned back to the party. My boner disappearing at the disappointment.
I returned to the table with Chris and few others who were playing cards. He asked why the long face. I replied that I wasn't getting any tonight.
He smiled very broadly and winked, never say never.
Before I wallowed to deeply in my own sadness Sasha appeared, still in her underwear. It was a purple matching set. The panties were thong style and the bra pushed her breasts neatly together. The thong had a couple of dark patches from her sweat and the under side of her bra was damp.
She had a light weight cream shawl wrapped round her waste covering her plump ass.
She sighed, "oooh is there room for a little one?"
Feeling confident I scooched my seat back and she plonked herself down in my lap.
She was warm and smelt of citrus and musk. Her hair fell across my chest tickling me and giving me goose pimples... We all drank, played some hands, laughed and relaxed into the mild evening. Sasha did not sit still, she would wiggle, lean and shift about flirting with the guys at the table and often stealing a drink from my glass.
She left little lip gloss marks that tasted like cherry. I was very happy in this situation. I would get to brush her smooth skin as my arms were placed through under her armpits(like some bad TV improv'game) as we played cards. She would smile at me and occasionally rub my head.
I was in a continuous state of semi-hard-on and it took a lot of will power not to get fully hard. My shorts were thin enough I could feel her panty seem glide over me while her firm bum pressed into my groin.
I occasionally excused myself to wee where I would stroke myself thinking of her sitting on me.
After one such trip Sasha was getting some drinks, my Ex had joined the table opposite me and Chris was standing near by her.
As I took my seat I could see my Ex was unhappy and very d*unk. As Sasha returned with our drinks Chris quickly sat in my lap to prevent Sasha sitting down and causing the drama of Jealousy from my Ex. Which I was appreciative of.
She sighed and took the place of a guy who said he was heading off on the other side of the table.
We played on, my Ex kept falling asleep and people started drifting off home.
We had planned to sleep in the marquee anyway so my Ex said she was going to lie down in the pre arranged cumffy corner. (Basically few roll mats, pillows and sleeping bags for 5).
We took this cue for all of us to get changed into sleep wear.
I changed into black loose fitting boxer shorts with standard button fly. I pulled on my grey trackies and a dark t shirt.
Chris appeared back with just loose basketball shorts and matching vest.
As he walked passed to sit down I could see a healthy sized cock and balls swing inside his shorts. Lucky guy I thought.
Sasha returned in a white tight fitting strappy vest top, no bra and matching PJ bottoms with a whale tail situation going on. I think they were velour or fleece, either way they looked a bit cheap and chavy. She had a blanket folded over her arms.
There were only 6 of us left at the table. Chris, Sasha, me, another girl and two guys. Sasha sat real close to one of the guys and threw the blanket over them both.
Drinking had slowed down a lot by then and most of us were drinking water or soda. So we all had a suitable buzz but weren't out of it.
The marquee was very dully lit, only by the moon and those red heaters. The heaters meant it was warm in the tent but the occasional breeze brought a cool air in.
Sasha could not feel the cool air but her Hardening nipples said other wise.
Emboldened by the rum I flirted with Sasha across the table knowing my ex was not to far away. I occasionally felt her bare foot run up my leg.
I was solid during all this and scared to move incase Chris could see as my shorts and bottoms held nothing back.
The breeze made the tip of my cock feel cold due to it being covered in precum.
We played more cards and occasionally a dare was challenged or truth was asked.
Following a truth question where I had to admit that my fetish was panties I felt my knees being pressed apart by Sasha foot. I reached under and started to massage her foot between my legs. I deliberately pressed her toes against my stiff member, trying to be subtle. She played along curling her toes and stroking back and forth.
I looked at her and she was showing signs of pleasure but I thought a little too much for just a foot rub.
I pretended to drop my drink and as I went to pick it up from under the table.
I saw it.
The fleece blanket was hitched up and the guy she had sat next to had his hand between her legs.
On the surface he was cool as anything but I could see he knew how to work his fingers.
It was dark but I could make out her skin in the moon light right up to the purple thong. It was over the guys thumb out the way and he was in deep. In that moment I started trying to imagine what her pussy looked like. Was it full and puffy like my Ex, was it taught and tight from from to back. I pictured the sound it would make, thinking of the gorgeous wet sound a pussy makes as you move your fingers in it, building pace to orgasm. I longed to feel her wetness and thought how wet her panties must be getting.
I came up with my glass in hand to receive the biggest smile from Sasha.
I smiled back and raised my glass.
Chris brought me back into the room by gripping my thigh. He got so close to my cock I coughed on my drink. He reminded it was my go and my round.
I said I need a shot. The group left Sasha and the gentleman as I got up and took Chris to get a shot. The girl left to go to the toilet and the other guy went off to bed.
Few minutes passed and the girl went off to bed too and the guys taxi arrived.
Leaving me Sasha and Chris.
She bounced over to Chris and gave him a hug and said she's going home with that guy and then walked up to me. She put her arms around my waist and squeezed tight. Pressing her head into my chest. I took a deep breath of her hair smelling peach shampoo. As she pulled back saying how nice it was to see me again. I felt my pocket move and her hand brushed over my cock.
She kissed my neck and quickly ran off to get in the taxi. Lucky guy I thought again.
I said to Chris that we might as well head to bed as it appears the night is over.
We casually went to the cumffy area where my Ex slept in the corner and the other girl and guy (Darren) slept at the edge closer to the table. There was a tight space between my Ex and Darren where Chris and I laid out our bags. As I started to remove my trackies I felt a bulge in my pocket. I checked and was surprised to find a balled up purple thong. My heart skipped and I squeezed them tight in my hand and quickly stripped my shirt off and got into my sleeping bag.
my heart raced and I had to control my breathing. I slowly opened my hand and explored my present. It was as I excitedly discovered Sasha's thong. They were small, size 8/10 and they felt damp and I knew they were covered in her juices.
I could feel the gusset was amazingly wet and her juices was deliciously tacky and like silk to touch. I dared myself to smell them.
I rolled away from Chris and slouched myself down into my bag. I raised then slowly to my nose in anticipation and once close enough I inhaled deeply.
Her scent brought out all my primal animalistic urges.
It was a sweet, powdery musky scent mixed with a bit of tangy and urine. As expected from a girl who's been active in them all afternoon. My body reacted strongly to her flavour and I could feel my head pulse, my breathing and heart got faster.
My left hand fondled my precum soaked chubby in my boxers. I gradually stroked the tip. It was sensitive sending pleasure through my body. I breathed deep into my stomach and squeezed my pc muscles imaging Sasha was lay on top of me using her tongue to tease me. I realised I was not even fully hard yet but felt the need to cum. I didn't want to do it in my bag and have to deal with the mess. As I started to think about where to go I heard Chris sigh with pleasure and felt a hand press and rub across my back.
I rolled onto my back to listen.
I heard a rhythmic rustle and heavy breathing.