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The App pt4

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

DarknesePassenger: Sorry I'm late.

As if I had the chance to keep track of time. The whole day had been a blur of scenes from a dream, and the only sense of time I could grasp in that whirlwind was measured in edges. Just giving shape to that thought made me squirm.

DarknessPassenger: I hope you've got your fitness tracker now, you're going to need it.

I was puzzled but I answered anyway that I had bought a FitBit and synced it with my phone.

DarknesePassenger: Good. Now you just need to switch on the "activity tracker" on Desires. This way the app will be able to read your FitBit data.

SluttyAlanna: What is it supposed to do then?

DarknessPassenger: You'll see. Be quick about it. I will require proof in a minute.

Still not imagining where this new gimmick was leading me, I switched on the option on my profile. I was then welcomed on my activity dashboard.

It was something that resembled a fitness tracking app: it showed my current heart rate, number of daily steps, sleep monitor and so on. I scrolled down the list until I reached the very bottom, where the fitness tracker appearance of this new feature took an erotic detour on the wild side.

The last three tools on the list were the "Arousal Tracker", the "Sex Tracker" and the "Orgasm Tracker". It was way too soon to think of all the implications those names could involve, but still in the state I was now it wasn't hard for me to start imagining all the depraved scenarios those names evoked.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

DarknessPassenger has requested a proof for Rule #2

I clicked on the notification right away.

Hi SluttyAlanna,

DarknesePassenger has requested a proof for your Rule #2: "You are not allowed to cum without permission".

The kind of proof requested is passive. It means you don't have to upload any content, but you have to respect established parameters on your activity tracker to succeed. The parameters provided by DarknessPassenger are:

Orgasm count on the Orgasm Tracker = 0

If by the end of the day you have met the parameters the rule will be considered fulfilled. Remember: as long as a rule stays active it contributes to your daily dares count. If you fail following a rule that rule expires and it doesn't count as a completed dare for that day anymore. If you fail to follow 2 or more active rules on a single day your account will be inactivated.

This is your first passive proof. If you want to know more about it and learn more about Desires activity trackers please click here.

DarknessPassenger: Let's see how it works, shall we?

I was still startled.

DarknessPassenger: I'd like an answer Alanna. A polite one.

SluttyAlanna: Sorry. Yes, we can try.

I was typing but my expression was completely blank. I was still unable to name the feeling blossoming in my chest, growing along with my heart-rate.

DarknessPassenger: Now please, edge for me Alanna. You don't need to film it for now. I'll know.

SluttyAlanna: Yes.

My hand moved on its own accord, quickly finding the swollen tender flesh of my pussy. A familiar wetness welcomed my fingers inside. I had the feeling that same wetness was now starting to ooze out, a continuous stream, impossible to stop, forming a big wet patch between my thighs and on my dress. I had never been "messy", what was... my fingertips caressing my clit were too much. I let out a long moan as I curled a finger inside gently scratching the insides of my pussy, and I grunted softly as waves of pleasure unexpectedly reached my brain.

My left wrist vibrated.

DarknessPassenger: Stop. We don't want any accidents, right Alanna?

DarknessPassenger: Alanna? Are you there?

SluttyAlanna: Yes, I'm here, I'm sorry.

DarknessPassenger: I think you understood how it works, right? From now on whenever you need to cum you just need to ask me. Unless of course you decide to break the rule I gave you. But we know that wouldn't be a smart move, right?

SluttyAlanna: Right.

DarknessPassenger: So I guess I'll hear from you later.

Later. If I managed to get through SubtleB's task I still had to ask DarknessPassenger's permission to have an orgasm as the task required. I had to ask permission to be allowed to cum. I glanced at my watch: a small red dot glowed on the screen, below it a message read "Arousal level: High".

Soon the red dot was replaced by a notification. My phone started to vibrate as well. It was time for another edge.

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Got to love an edge, or 10

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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago



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By *aul_ukMan
over a year ago

Walsden & Manchester

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By *oad runner69Man
over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

For another two hours I kept working and edging. I had some trouble focusing, but had managed completing the review on the first chapter of Sussie's paper. I had also made the preparations for my next seminar lesson and updated my schedule according to the available slots of my newly assigned classroom.

I had found that getting to the edge was easier now, even if I focused on something else for a while, it took mee just a couple of minutes of rubbing to make my arousal spike up again. Even if i neglected it, my pussy seemed to be wet all the time. It was like a latent erotic energy permeated my whole body, ready to be awaken at the slightest touch, at the first remotely arousing thought that took shape in the back of my head.

You still got a lot to do there?

Good Lord Lilly, do you always sneak up on people like that?

What are you talking about? Look at you! You're so stoned by looking at that screen you haven't even noticed you got your boobs out.

I suddenly looked down and heavily blushed as I noticed that the sides of my dress had fallen slightly apart showing some skin and a hint of a nipple.

I, I'm sorry, the dress.

Relax, don't be all st-st-stuttering, it's cool. Just don't roam around the bar topless. It's not that kind of bar.

I wouldn't...

God, I'm just teasing you. I thought you stopped being so uptight. Nice touch that neckline anyway. Meeting mister Morning Texts later?

I told you, there's no one.

Sure. So I'm meeting up with the lads tonight, wanna come?


Come on, just a drink, or a couple. Nobody gets to see you around anymore. They're your friends too.

Ok ok, you don't have to get all teary and whiny, I'll come.

Cool. Guners at 7. Now I gotta go or they'll make me do the next shift too.

- Ok. Later.

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *y AmoreMan
over a year ago


Just read this from the start and it’s absolutely fantastic. I’m completely turned on. Can’t wait to kept reading

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

That was... fuck. Yoga. I thought about cancelling the night out right away, but then another thought came to me: how could I go to my Yoga class now that I trashed all my yoga pants? Christ I hadn't thought about it for a sec.

Well at least that problem was sorted for today. Anyway I had to do something about it. What though? I didn't want to get DarknessPassenger angry at me again, look how that played out. I could've asked him permission to have at least one pair of yoga pants to... Oh fuck you Alanna Marshell. Asking permission for everything, that's what it has come to?

The sudden frustration that thought provoked couldn't let me see it clearly, but yes, it was exactly what it had come to.

SubtleB: So you have an activity tracking device now.

SluttyAlanna: Yes. How do you know?

SubtleB: It shows up in your feed when you activate the feature. Too bad data isn't public, it would be easier for you to track your edges and for me to have confirmation you're completing the task. Even if by now you are almost done.

It was true, only three edges left and the next was due in a few, hopefully I would have completed it before they asked me to leave my booth to get the VIP room ready for the night. I didn't know yet where to go to complete the next two edges and the final part of the task though, and being spared from filming my efforts could only help me at this point.

SluttyAlanna: I guess I can change the privacy options if you cannot see them right now.

SubtleB: Oh that would be great. By default your activity tracker data are available only to yourself, specific data might be available to users who gave you dares that involve activity tracking. So, if you want to give me access you'll need to share them with all the users in your friendlist I guess.

SluttyAlanna: I guess that will be alright.

I've done worse haven't I?

I had to wait just a couple of minutes for my edge countdown to start again. Since I was done with work I spent them casually rubbing myself, keeping an eye on the entrance. I figured it was a matter of minutes now before one of the guys from the new shift came in. That was another good reason not to be found taking an openly pornographic video. Tracking my edges through the FitBit was pretty useful, I had to admit.

This time the wave came in softer. Maybe I was getting used to it, or the fear of being caught had grown stronger, or... or not filming it, not seeing my image on the phone screen as I was frantically masturbating in a public place, or knowing nobody would have seen a video of me doing it, a video that would have stayed online possibly forever, maybe that was the kick I was missing and yes, yes there it was, the edge of climax along with that realisation, God it took you just two days to turn yourself in this exposure seeking needy slut? Fuck.

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *igjohn_2Man
over a year ago


"Just read this from the start and it’s absolutely fantastic. I’m completely turned on. Can’t wait to kept reading "

I know what you mean, it's the first place Iook every time I log in. The next part can not cum soon enough.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *eysham1979Man
over a year ago


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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I gasped for air and swallowed hard as my breathing was getting back to normal. No, no that was the arousal talking. Just something to get me going. Just that.

The sad fanfare of failure took me by surprise. That was not possible. My wet fingers tapped the screen until they found the tracker dashboard where a spike in her arousal graph was labelled as "edge".

SluttyAlanna: There's a mistake, I just completed the edge.

SubtleB: I saw that on your activity tracker data.

SluttyAlanna: Then why did I fail?

SubtleB: You have not uploaded any video. If you thought you were relieved from that duty I'm sorry I misled you, but I've never mentioned such a thing.

Sucker. He did that on purpose. And I had been so stupid, so fucking stupid. I had to admit to myself that my judgement was clouded at best, but I couldn't see past arousal, anger, and frustration.

SubtleB: Alanna don't worry you will learn to always play by the rules. In time. Now don't forget a pic of your outfit after you take off another button.

Steaming with rage I took off another button in the middle. That left me with three buttons below my deep cleavage, then a hole left by two missing buttons, well concealed for now by the belt, and just another button below that kept the dress from falling apart and showing my wet and swollen pussy lips to the world.

I took the picture that showed the state of my outfit and uploaded it. My hands were trembling as I adjusted the dress in a way that didn't give away too much.

Just two more edges and that nightmare would have been close to an end.

For a while I browsed a list of nearby cafes, bookshops with a reading room, libraries, bars, looking for some familiar place I could go to. Not too crowded, the less the better. Or maybe a park? No, that was my mind playing tricks on me wasn't it? Trying to set me up for one of those scenarios I was so used to fantasising about, the ones populated by naked women striking through crowds, or subtle exhibitionists showing the lack of underwear under their clothes while having a walk in the woods.

I had some time before my next edge but if I wanted to go somewhere else I had to pick a place not too far and leave now.

The chime of my phone drew my attention to Desires' chats once again. There were a few messages piling up now, but I didn't have the time or even cared to check the ones from unknown users. I discarded a few in an attempt to dig out some of my old ordinary notifications: missed calls, unanswered whatsapps, my mom's texts. But what I was left with was a new message from DarknessPassenger.

DarknessPassenger: By your uploads and arousal tracker I can tell you might be getting a little bit bored by this task you're currently carrying out, aren't you? Why don't we spice it up?

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Be careful

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *aul_ukMan
over a year ago

Walsden & Manchester

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Push two fingers inside. Now that's something entirely different. Feeling your tender flesh parting, feeling how hot your skin is on the inside, touching the moist walls of your pussy, caressing them with your fingertips, exploring, pushing your fingers deeper. It is not the same thing as rubbing an edge away while you take a look around to make sure the front is clear. Now you are really going at it in a public place. Now you could really get caught with your hands deep in the jam. And doing so for a stranger. Doing so while streaming it online. Doing so without coercion. Doing so because you couldn't stop yourself. That's something else, isn't it? You have been talked into it, you have been seduced by an idea. You were not in control before, but now. Now you have lost control over your own body and mind. You erased the thin line you were so afraid to cross. Now you have become something different from what you were until five minutes ago. You really are a slut, Alanna.

DarknessPassenger: I'm sure you have imagined this kind of situation in your head countless times. Wearing that kind of outfit, almost nothing underneath, going out and about.

DarknessPassenger: Be honest.

SluttyAlannq: Yes...

DarknessPassenger: How would you imagine it playing out if you could have it your way, no consequences.

SluttyAlanna: I don't know.

DarknessPassenger: Don't lie to me Alannq.

Ali couldn't see where he wanted to go with this, but I knew I couldn't afford jeopardising the completion of my task. I had given it some thought and for now the only way to get through the day was keeping DarknessPassenger on hmy side and hopefully he would have allowed me to cum when the task required it.

SluttyAlanna: I would end up with just a couple of buttons keeping my dress together. I would be high on arousal, frantically walking around looking for a place for my next edge, scared of what people could see and what they could be thinking of me. I would be risking showing my breasts or pussy with every movement.

DarknessPassenger: That's better.

DarknessPassenger: Would you imagine ending up looking anything like this?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Attached to the message there was a picture of a woman in a button down dress pretty much like my own, I was walking down a street, the upper part of the dress had all the buttons undone and the sides of the dress were open enough to show the inner curves of her breasts up to the darker skin of her areolas. The hem of the dress barely reached the cease of her butt, but on the front the already not so modest skirt became obscene due to a couple of buttons undone that formed a slit opening up to her pussy.

SluttyAlanna: Yes...

DarknessPassenger: Would you actually do it?

SluttyAlanna: No.

DarknessPassenger: What's stopping you?

I wanted to answer that it was against my best judgement, it was against common sense and decency, I wasn't that kind of girl, I wasn't a girl, she was a respectable woman with a brilliant academic career that was about to unfold in front of me, that was not, I was not... Instead I was just hearing myself blabbering those things in my own head without typing anything.

DarknessPassenger: Tell you what. I'll give you a chance to earn your permission to orgasm.

I hated to admit it even to myself, but given my current predicament I needed that to get through the day: once I had completed SubtleN's task I would have been off the hook, at least for a while. The fact that "getting through the day" implied live streaming my next orgasm to a dozen strangers on the internet, as I had done with all the edges of the day, was still a thought in the back of my mind, hidden by more immediate urges and issues, and yet unawarely making me uneasy and aroused.

DarknessPassenger: I'll send you some pictures. If a picture turns you on you will either finger yourself for a minute or take one button off your dress. You will be streaming live the whole time. If you fail to follow these instructions you will lose your chance to have an orgasm today. And remember: no cheating, I'll know if you're aroused or not. So, do you accept?

What choice did I have?

No. I had a choice. There was always a choice but... why was a part of me eagerly enthralled by that offer? Was it the part of me that wanted to see me fail, and push me further down this spiral of depravity? Or was it my survival instinct kicking in trying to make me do whatever it took?

SluttyAlanna: Yes.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By *aul_ukMan
over a year ago

Walsden & Manchester

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By *ab kevMan
over a year ago


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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

DarknessPassenger: start the streaming now.

I adjusted my laptop to make the camera framee in the booth, roughly from my chin to my thighs, and started the streaming. It took a minute, but as soon as I was live I noticed 7 users were already watching.

DarknessPassenger: I took the liberty to inform a few of your Desires friends.

I felt my heart beating faster and somehow I could feel the beats pulsing throughout my body, from my temples to my clit. My FitBit showed a Desires notification. Arousal level: High.

DarknessPassenger: Hold your horses. I haven't even sent the first picture.

I sighed as the picture came in. It showed a girl in a booth, just like mine, the skirt hiked up to her waist, two fingers inside her pussy, her eyes looking away as she checked out if people behind her could see what she was doing.

The red dot on the FitBit was pulsing.

DarknessPassenger: We can all see your arousal tracker moving up, so I guess it's time for you to make a choice Alanna.

Biting my lips but without saying or typing a word I spread my legs a little bit more, showing to the camera my pussy tortured by the continuous edging and the backwards thong. I rubbed my fingers on my lips for a second and then easily pushed them inside, with what seemed to me a loud gushing sound. It made me avert my eyes from the screen, checking if everything was quiet behind me, just like the girl in the picture.

DarknessPassenger: 1 minute. No less, no more. And then on we go.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

You really are a slut, Alanns. All it took was being offered the chance to prove it, fuck.

My own erotic drive, my own depraved thoughts were subduing my conscious mind.

As soon as the first minute was over a new picture popped up, this time it wasn't on the chat, it was in the comments section of my live video. This way I was forced to look at that endless stream of degrading comments from the others watching.

I recognized a couple of nicknames as users I had received messages from. I had received some notifications about likes and comments to the hell of a lot of stuff I had uploaded over the last few days.

Asking for everyone to be as gracious and polite as SubtleB or DarknessPassenger would have been too much. Mostly I had avoided any kind of interaction with other Desires users except for when it was somehow mandatory. Even so I couldn't blame any of the commenters calling me names: I was the one who added them and sent them a video where I asked them in a slutty voice to dare me, and doing so as I was rubbing my pussy and pinching my nipples. Who could I blame for that and for everything else if not myself?

MindBreakers: where are you exactly slut? Is that a bar?

SlutyTrainer: You've got potential, a couple of days here and you're already streaming an erotic show in public. I should send you more interesting dares I guess.

Exposer: You're a nice whore, you know that? You'd deserve a larger audience. Anyone around who can see you?

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

And then there was the picture. A slim brunette was wearing a skirt so short it showed a glimpse of her cheeks as she was standing. You could see the lack of panties under it, and the shiny base of a buttplug peeking out. The upper blurry half of the image showed a few people around her. They were all probably engaging in a conversation. It was dark, early evening maybe. It looked like they were on a sidewalk. Maybe outside of a pub? Maybe they were just a group friends hanging out. From another angle the same picture could have shown a completely ordinary situation.

SlutyTrainer: Do you think it could be you? You could easily get to that point.

Enticer: Judging from where she is now, she could have tried it already.

Exposer: We would have seen it on her profile I think. Anyway she's been here just for 2 or 3 days. Give her time and she will be sucking cock on stream.

Enticer: Well I'm sure she has tried something else before Desires. She could even be a pro, you don't know that.

MindBreakers: Right, usually everybody's pretty tame in the first few days.

They had to be right. What kind of person was I? What the hell was I doing? What the fuck... I wanted to cry but instead as I could see on the screen my pussy was glistening. I hadn't even stopped masturbating, I was just going on and on, carried away by the pictures, the comments, by my own image on the screen. Only was it really me? There was a part of my brain that failed to accept it. In a way it all felt so distant from reality, just like a dream where you know it's you but you also know it is not.

DarknessPassenger: Another minute then I guess. Remember: no orgasms without permission.

Another minute. I turned my head as I heard voices from the other room. I never stopped fingering, not for a second. It was like I was torn apart between the relentless stimulation, the upcoming orgasm and the constant fear of being caught. God what was I doing? Why didn't I just stop? Just oh God, fuck, fuck.

SluttyAlanna: May I cum?

I wrote it on the chat with DarknessPassenger, but my movement towards the screen got noticed.

SlutyTrainer: Who are you writing to, Alanna?

DarknessPassenger: Yes Alanna, let everybody read.

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Yes, let us all see

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ab kevMan
over a year ago


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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I whimpered but I had no choice, I could feel the orgasm approaching, I couldn't think straight and I wanted release and I wanted it to be over as soon as possible and I wanted it to go on and on forever and I was losing it. May I cum? This time i wrote it in the comments section.

SlutyTrainer: Oh that's a good slut.

DarknessPassenger: You may not Alanna. Keep going until the minute is over.

Exposer: What would you do to cum?

DarknessPassenger: Be kind Alanna, answer the question. I might take into account customers' satisfaction to make the right call.

Oh fuck you fucking fuck. What do you want me to say? What do you want to hear?

SluttyAlanna: I'd send you all a video to thank you for letting me cum.

Exposer: What kind of video?

SluttyAlanna: something sexy.

Exposer: better than this? Anyway I think we'll see more of you even if you do not cum so... meh.

DarknessPassenger: Minute's up, as for the next picture...

I immediately stopped fingering. As I tried to catch my breath I took a look towards the other room to see if there was any movement. What time is it? They're going to come in any minute now and I can't be caught like this. I just can't.

DarknessPassenger: so, what about this one Alanna?

On the screen there was a picture showing a girl walking on a crowded sidewalk. She was wearing an impossibly short white crop top that left the lower half of her breasts exposed up to the lower edge of the areolas. She was trying to pull down the hem of a tight black miniskirt so short it could barely cover her butt on the back, while on the front two layers of stretch fabric were crossed one over the other narrowing towards the centre. The result was the girl could either choose to lower the skirt as far as it would go showing her slightly hairy mound, or show her pussy lips now peeking under the hem.

I can't.

DarknessPassenger: You can't what, Alanna?

Fuck I hadn't even realised i said that out loud.

SluttyAlanna: May I cum? I won't last a whole minute.

I could have never brought myself to speak those exact words, typing them was easier but still it sent a shiver down my spine, ny whole body felt it.

DarknessPassenger: if I give you my permission this will be the only time today, think it through.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

My body was shaking now in the same way it would have if I was freezing. Cold sweat was coming down my spine. My hand not daring to move but still touching my pussy finally gave up and softly moved upwards. I reached for one of the two middle buttons left.

DarknessPassenger: That is a pretty boring button, isn't it?

I was biting my lips now, I was being transported somewhere else, the fog was coming in again. I reached higher but I hesitated. I can't, I wouldn't.

DarknessPassenger: tell you what, if you cut off the top button this little game will end. You will get your chance to finish the task and have your chance to cum later.

The task, yes, I had to get through the day, I was so close now. So close. Just a little more and... my right hand pulled the button so hard it almost ripped off the fabric and I let out a whimper. It was like a spell was broken but instead of releasing the tension my heartbeat got faster. The messages on the streaming were flooding in, disappointed by DarknessPassenger's decision to end it. I just got a glimpse of it all as I furiously closed my laptop and tried to fix my dress and my hair as well as I could.

I got up and straightened down my dress, adjusted my thong trying not to stimulate my swollen pussy too much. Breath Alanna, breath. The fabric of the dress seemed drenched, I couldn't say if it was sweat or my juices soaking the skirt. I started gathering my things. It was crazy. I was crazy, completely mental. What was I doing? Another edge alert was a few minutes away, and I had to find a place, and my dress couldn't even cover me properly and the fucking bar staff was about to...

Oh, hey Alanna. Lilly didn't tell me you would've been here.

Gary... I'm so sorry, yes I should go, I just...

No worries, we got plenty of time, we got, I mean, me and Pixie, you know? To get the... to get everything ready.

Why is he stuttering, and why is he looking... God, Alanna you idiot, you're bending over on your bag trying to fit everything inside, you're bending over you dumb slut, what a view he must have from there. The dress was so loose now that the downblouse view was unobstructed. I could see my full breasts from my point of view, one side of the dress open enough to let my right boob plainly into view, but it was almost certain Gary could see pretty much everything from where he was standing.

I froze. What was I supposed to do? Hurriedly cover myself giving away I busted him? Play dumb? Act as I was unaware of my state of undress?

I wasn't functioning at all.

The result was I kept standing there gathering my stuff, without saying anything, unable to pull myself out of that absurd situation.

Once I was done I took my bag and finally managed to turn my back to Gary. I roughly adjusted my dress that now at least covered my nipples, even if it left a lot of skin exposed by the deep plunge that reached down almost to my navel.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

So, you are going, would you...

Bye Gary.

I spitted out those words as I quickly walked out of the room with my eyes down, my eyes down, my face flushed. I didn't even wave at Pixie and got out on the street.

Think Alanna, think.

Just get through with it, there's no time for anything else.

As I walked numbly on the sidewalk with no destination in mind, I used one hand to keep the bag from falling off my shoulder, and the other to keep my dress together.

Be cool. You are safe, you're not showing off anything right now, it's almost over.

My eyes stared at the blurry mess of people and cars before me without focusing on anything in particular, until the sign emerged from it: the station. Yes, yes, I was just one stop away from a big Primark, it could've worked. I had seen dozens of videos of girls and couples doing whatever popped up in their heads inside the changing room, I would've been safe there. You are a genius Alanna. If you can catch the right train you could even be there in time for your next edge.

I speeded up and went down the stairs. Between fishing in my bag for the wallet and quickly climbing down the stairs I couldn't keep too much attention to my dress or to the glances I was getting. Once I was down I blushed passing by a group of guys standing at the end of the stairs: the plunging neckline was showing a generous amount of skin, the inner curves of my breasts were clearly on view. My tits had to be a sight, bouncing freely inside the dress as I went down. And God what if they could get a sneak peek under my skirt?

I got more glances as I passed through the gates to the trains. A hell of a lot more. Fuck, there was a crowd coming out, and that dress seemed ridiculous now and... fuck that meant the train was about to leave.

I rushed through the hall and down the escalator trying to keep my dress from falling apart. It was a matter of seconds: I got off the last step just in time to see the doors closing.


It took me a second to realise I said that out loud as the few persons waiting for the following train turned their heads in my direction. My skin was glistening with drops of sweat coming down my neck and chest, I was breathing hard and I was clearly losing it. The next train would have arrived in four minutes. Four bloody minutes. What now? When was her edge due? I had lost the perception of time completely but I had to brace for the worst case scenario, so I walked down the platform until I reached the seats on the far end.

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By *oad runner69Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *aul_ukMan
over a year ago

Walsden & Manchester

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I glanced at my watch and tapped on it until Desires' arousal tracker appeared. Arousal level: low. Anger and weariness were taking a toll on me but I couldn't fail again. As discreetly as I could, taking a quick look around every few seconds, I let my hand slide inside the dress and started rubbing my pussy while trying to face away from the rest of the platform.

The lack of any cover and the echo of the tunnels made me feel more exposed than ever. Every rustle seemed amplified, every move detectable. I was constantly looking back where the number of people waiting for the next train could only grow as time went by and... and there it was my edge alarm. "Edge alarm" that's how I phrased it in my own head. I was just a puppet, the alarm went off and my hand became a blur on my pussy. I couldn't honestly say if I felt more of a mess physically or mentally at that point.

Fuck, I had almost forgotten to start the streaming.

My phone chimed louder and I had the sense it was drawing even more unwanted attention, even though everybody else on that platform was probably minding his own business. I started the video seeing I had already wasted thirty seconds.

Bringing my left leg on the bench I opened the lower part of the dress enough to expose my pussy. My God I was trembling with fear now as one hand held the phone and the other worked incessantly in and out of my pussy.

What the hell was I doing? The image on my screen was unbelievable. Whoever was watching could easily guess where I was. Those guys before were right, I was indecent, how could this app have turned me so fast into that, that slut, that fucking silly exhibitionist cunt-driven bimbo, fuck fuck, as my hand moved faster the dress slipped off my shoulder on one side and I saw on the screen my tit coming fully into view, my breathing got harder. Then a sudden noise, the voice announcing the approaching train, my eyes bolting back and catching a glimpse of the people now standing closer to me, they looked so fucking closer even if they were probably still far enough. And the train coming in bloody fuckin'... God that was it, the fear surged inside me and in a second it completely absorbed me. I glanced at the phone again and I adjusted it quickly in my hand to stop the streaming. An even greater sense of failure came upon me as I clicked and then bowed her head down and tried to discreetly fix my dress.

As the train came in I was still fidgeting with the last middle button left. Soon one single button would have been the only thing apart from my belt preventing the upper half of the dress from opening completely like a loose bathrobe, and another one would be the only thing keeping the slit from reaching up to my mound. The train stopped. It was now or never if I wanted to get it done. I pulled the string as hard as I could as a tear of frustration came down my cheek.

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Wow, what a story

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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *rlowslungMan
over a year ago


wow. Just gets better and better.

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By *oad runner69Man
over a year ago


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By *ursuitsofHedoneCouple
over a year ago


Absolutely love this … and giving us ideas

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The second floor was packed with people, but so were the first and third as well.

I only had a couple of minutes before my final edge.

I didn't know how I felt about that. Relieved? Sure. Afraid I could get caught? My great idea for the location seemed a little less clever now i actually saw how many people were coming and going from the changing rooms. And only now, as the goal finally got within my reach, I was realising the enormity of what I had done and what I was about to do. In just a couple of days I had shared a ton of pictures and videos on Desires. I was about to add even more, and after I was done with my current dare I still had two more to complete before the day was over. I couldn't let myself panic though or the pressure would have become overwhelming. One step at a time, one step at a time.

I got as many items as I could carry and made my way to the changing rooms. The pile of clothes served two purposes: giving me a reason to spend several minutes inside the stall, and covering the current state of my button-down dress barely held together by the two remaining buttons.

As soon as I was inside I closed the door behind me and breathed for a moment.

You can do it. You can get through with this. You can fuckin' do it.

I had just enough time to find a place for all the clothes, then my phone chimed.

It's the last one, come on.

I placed the phone on the seat against the wall, and quickly checked the quality and angle of the shot before starting the streaming. Outside I could hear the noises coming from the store, other people in the changing rooms, bits of conversation: you can totally pull that off, the other one suits you better, I don't like how it tightens on my hips. The squishy sound my fingers made as I started masturbating somehow seemed louder than all that.

Maybe I hadn't thought it through. Maybe it was more risky than I imagined. I turned my head to the door, fuck I couldn't even lock it, what if someone came in by mistake?

I turned back to the phone but something else drew my attention. It was my own image, furiously fingering my pussy, reflected on the full figure mirror. I had never seen myself like that apart from my tiny counterpart on the screen. It was a weird alienating sight. The girl in the mirror was one of those girls I used to masturbate to, one of those exhibitionists going at it in the changing rooms of a department store or in a locker room, one of those indie pornstars bringing their dildos around town and giving a show to their followers.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Maybe only then the reality of the situation was hitting me, leaving me halfway between being knocked out and mesmerised. And God, when had I taken off my belt and opened my dress completely? I did it as I started masturbating? I was that eager to show myself in full nudity to a bunch of strangers on that fucking perverted goddamn app?

The frustration and the excitement and the fear I accumulated all day were all flowing to my clit now, fast as an adrenaline rush. I opened my mouth wide in a silent scream, and just as the time for my last edge finished I managed to hold off myself and avoid an immensely powerful climax. I didn't know how. I jerked my hand away. On the screen my pussy was visibly pulsing. I wondered if they could see how hard my nipples were.

For a few seconds I just rested like that, lying on the seat, spent. For a few seconds the noises outside were far and vague.

Eventually I grabbed the phone. The streaming was still going and I was now framing my body from my chin to my breasts, obscenely filling the shot. I could see just a glimpse of my dry lower lip.

12 users are watching.


I had never cared to check how many of them actually saw me stuff. I just figured that every user on my friendlist would have eventually watched the streams. But this, now, they were watching me now, they were hearing what I was hearing, maybe they could make out where I was, maybe they could even hear my short breathing, maybe they could hear my tongue and my lips snapping as i was trying to moisten them up again.

SubtleB: Congratulations, Alanna. You made it! And it was quite a show you saved for last. Or well, almost last.

Yes, there was more, and I knew it. The whole day I kind of tried to forget it, taking baby steps, getting to the next edge and then the next one and the next one. Until now. Now it was time for the final part of my task.

The weird thing was, after all I had been through, that final part of my dare didn't feel like an obligation but a reward. I wanted, no, I needed that orgasm now. A part of me even wished I could lose those two buttons left on my dress to be able to skip those last two edges I was still supposed to reach and get right to it.

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Damn, what a show that would be

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By *orkKnightMan
over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

One edge for every button left on your dress.

It didn't matter. It didn't matter that twelve strangers were watching me. It didn't matter that i was in a public changing room basically naked. It didn't matter I was streaming live on an app that had drawn me deep into depravity and into my wildest fantasies. The only thing that mattered was that finally I was about to release all that tension built up inside me.

I was way past the line I would have never imagined to cross. Those edges had pushed h

Me into a state of frantic excitement that blurred everything else. I couldn't tell how much time had passed since i entered the changing room. I didn't know how loud I had been on that second, well third, or bloody 7th or 8th or 10th edge. My heart pounding in my chest, my breasts moving up and down on the screen and on the mirror, along with my breath, my face reddened: it took a minute to let the outside world back in, with its voices and all its noise.

Well done Alanna. SubtleB's message popped up among the comments of my live streaming. I just missed most of them, or all of them, while I was focused only on myself. And now...

SubtleB: And now you are just one step away from completing your task. I'm sure you are eager to get it done. You've earned it.

DarknessPassenger: I'm not quite sure.

DarknessPassenger's message appeared on the screen. It was a private message. My breath was cut short. I had almost forgotten about it but what else could he ask of me?

SluttyAlanna: You are right. I'm sorry, I was about to ask your permission.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

DarknessPassenger: Do then.

SluttyAlanna: May I have an orgasm?

DarknessPassenger: You can do better.

SluttyAlanna: May I cum, please?

DarknessnessPassenger: Are you sure you want to? It doesn't sound like it.

SluttyAlannq: Please, I am desperate I can't take it anymore, please let me cum.

DarknessPassenger: So it's not about the task after all.

SluttyAlanna: What?

SluttyAlanna: Yes of course, I need to cum to complete the task.

DarknessPassenger: It's that then.

DarknessPassenger: Then you would be ok if, say, I agreed with your task giver to allow you to end it right now and mark it as completed.

SluttyAlanna: No, please.

DarknessPassenger: No please, what?

SluttyAlanna: Please, I need to cum.

DarknessPassenger: Why?

SluttyAlanna: Because I need to complete this task... but also because I need it, I just need it, I've been edging all day, it's driving me insane, it's mental, I'm mental, I just have to cum and snap out of it, please.

DarknessPassenger: That's better.

DarknessPassenger: Still you haven't learned an important lesson yet. Do not lie. Not even by omission. I can see right through you, Alanna.

SluttyAlanna: I won't lie again, I promise.

DarknessPassenger: It's not the first time, and I am afraid it won't be the last if I let you believe you can get away with it. So I'll give you a choice.

SluttyAlanna: No please... I'll be good, I promise.

DarknessPassenger: You can either cum, streaming it live and completing your task, but you'll have to show your face, or you can have a ruined orgasm, stop masturbating the second you feel you're getting over the edge. You will still be streaming it, technically you would have completed your task, but I doubt you'll get the release you so desperately want.

My eyes were fixated on the message, i was paralysed, unable to answer. My mind went blank.

DarknessPassenger: To be honest with you, I'd rather see you choose the second option. I think it's a proper punishment for your actions.

He couldn't ask me that. It wasn't fair.

DarknessPassenger: Also, when you'll finally show yourself in your full splendour, I think it should be a free and conscious choice.

There was no discussion on which option I had to take. So why was my brain still processing it?

DarknessPassenger: And mind, I mean you will do it because just thinking about it drives you crazy, you'll be eager to do it, you'll get off on it.

Was there a part of me seriously considering it? Had I completely lost my mind?

DarknessPassenger: Good lord, you're getting off on this right now, aren't you?

That's when I realised I was still streaming, but that was not it. Comments were flooding in, calling me names, cheering me on in a way. As I held my phone in front of me, still unable to write anything, my left hand was back on my pussy, and it was soaking wet with my juice. The FitBit was sending out small vibrations as a red pulsing dot filled its display.

DarknessPassenger: What will it be, Alanna? Are you even able to stop?

Are you?

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Keep posting…

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


Fuck, this is so intense!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can’t wait for next bit

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Are you with us, Alanna?

I'm sorry, I'm just...

Yeah, you're a little spacy tonight.

It's been one hell of a day.

Then you just need to relax a bit.

Lilly told me you weren't sure you were gonna make it, but if this is you after a rough day, well you're hanging in way better than any of us.

By a fuckin' shitload. Tell you what. Guys, guys a toast. Here, stand up Lex. Come on, don't be so tense. A toast! To this gorgeous girl, the youngest lecturer...


Youngest Assistant Lecturer. And to getting her wasted!

They were just five at the table, but they made so much noise they drew the attention of the whole pub. My face turned a bright shade of red as I was battling with Lilly to sit back down.

No way. You're not sitting down. You're going up to that bar, and you gonna get us all another round of shots, and you're gonna get yourself that extremely handsome bartender's number.

You are out of your mind, I'm not...

Hush. Clippety-clop. And if you're not doing it for yourself, at least do it for mama, she needs it very bad.

Lillu pushed me away with a chuckle. I forced a smile at her and the guys, and started walking towards the bar. I felt every single eye on me, even if everyone was probably back to minding their own business.

It wasn't the fuss and the attention that were bothering me. They were my friends, and that was their way of showing support. Any other day everything would have been fine, even fun. But today.

I still couldn't believe what I was wearing. And even the guys seemed a little bit taken off guard at first. Then Lilly showed up. She made everything feel ok. Maybe it was her natural sociable character, or her easygoing party-girl attitude. While given the right scenario they could be a perfect duo, to some degree she was my full-on nemesis. Approaching the bar though I felt alone again, and this time I sensed stranger eyes exploring my body.

Meeting up with my friends wearing that kind of outfit had been embarrassing, a specific kind of embarrassing: I felt judged, maybe they could tell something was off, maybe they thought her clothes were inappropriate. Or maybe I misinterpreted their stares, maybe they were just surprised by my new look, even charmed, maybe I just looked sexy and they weren't used to it. Then again maybe it was too much, maybe I looked like a slut to them, maybe they were asking themselves what happened to me, chances were they were talking about me right now, maybe.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *aul_ukMan
over a year ago

Walsden & Manchester

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The top was surely meant to be more form-fitting, had it been the right size. It was light-coloured and definitely summery, one of those v-necks with wide armholes that would show a bit of bra on the sides and a hint of cleavage on the front. Only I wasn't wearing a bra, and the top was at least one size larger than it should've been.

Not quite it yet. Go fetch another.

Face the screen, ok, now give me the side view. There you go. It wasn't that hard was it? You're almost ready now.

I couldn't help but give a voice to DarknessPassenger's instructions as I remembered following them in a haze of excitement and frustration. And that voice started resembling old half-forgotten memories that came up at the worst times.

As I was facing the mirror still inside Primark's changing room, I couldn't bring myself to believe that was the outfit I would be wearing to go grab a beer with my friends.

The dare described it in so many details it would've been hard to cheat, it also asked for detailed pictures showing the front, the back and the sides. Not to mention DarknessPassenger had personally guided me in the choice of specific items of clothing and I had been trying on a few outfits for him before getting his approval.

All of it, all of this, because she I no choice? I certainty was starting to waver. Not that I had found a solution for the whole Desires conundrum, no. Although could I be sure that getting myself out of it was still my main motive? Now that the fog had come to stay, now that my excitement was an incessant background noise I couldn't turn off anymore, now that an orgasm, honest to God, was everything I hoped for.

SluttyAlanna: I can't wear it tonight.

DarknessPassenger: Sure you can. Remember you still have two dares to complete, and if you fail one of my dares, you'll have to try your luck with someone else's.

DarknessPassenger: Only at that point you're gonna be in over your head, and there's only so many hours in a day.

DarknessPassenger: Admit it, my dares are not that bad. You're only afraid you're gonna get too excited, maybe the situation will get out of hand? Even while you're out with your friends.

SluttyAlanna: It's not that. But like this, this is too much...

DarknessPassenger: Nonsense. I've seen far worse on perfectly respectable women. Also, it's not like you really have a choice. You'll end up showing off for your friends, your family, your coworkers. This is just who you are, this is what you like, what gets you off. It's not about what I want, it never was. It's about what you want.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *y AmoreMan
over a year ago


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By *orgotten22Woman
over a year ago

out in the sticks in the north east england

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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The top made it perfectly clear I couldn't be wearing any kind of bra, it made my breasts stand out. From the side their full shape came clearly into view any time I bent ever so slightly. Even standing still, the thin fabric covered just the front and little more. The size being larger than it was supposed to didn't help with that, nor with the cleavage: the armholes were wide, the v-neck left a lot of skin showing in the middle, and the fabric was so soft it outlined pretty well even the covered parts, starting with my nipples.

Then there was the skirt. Black, tight, made of synthetic elastic fabric that made it cling to my butt. It was already short, mid-thigh, but if you felt like going full-slut it came with adjustable ties on the sides to shorten the length.

SluttyAlanna: You don't mean it. Making me show off for my family.

DarknessPassenger: I don't want for you anything that you don't want for yourself. I'm still learning from you how to be a better guide. I think tonight will teach something to the both of us.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Here's the birthday girl.

It's not my birthday.

Feels like it. We're drinking, we're celebrating, you're looking swell oh my God I can't even begin to say how hot you look in that...

Ok stop it Elaine, that's enough.

They both chuckled. Lilly had sneaked up to me while I was waiting for the drinks and placed her hands on my hips.

I like this no bra thing you're trying out.

Come on.

No, I like it. Sure it's kind of distracting for someone. Even me, I'm not sure I can take my eyes off your boobies sometimes. Nicky surely can't handle it. Wanker alert!

I brought my arms up to my chest feeling even more exposed than before, but Lilly took my hands and brought them back down.

Oh come on Lex, I'm messing with you as usual. It's just my way to say you look sexy and one day you are gonna make some lucky boy really happy.

You're an idiot.

Can't say I ain't. I like the top, maybe it's kind of risque on the sides but you pull that off brilliantly.

Yeah... I didn't, I mean, I wasn't sure, maybe I should have worn a bra but...

Don't apologise, I said you look great, just go with it. Still no plans to see the mystery man later?

I told you there's no mystery man, would you...

Talk to me Lex, I've noticed something's going on in the last couple of days. You're always distracted, always on the damn phone. You know you can talk to me, right?

I could, couldn't I? Talk to Lilly. I whimpere and turned away from the bar facing my friend.

The thing is...

Is it that bad? Is he a felon or something? God don't tell me he's a student! It would be great! I mean probably bad career-wise, but so hot!

Shh, calm down, he's not a student. Or a felon. Not that I know.

So there is someone.

Yes, No. Look, it's complicated. I kinda used this app...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *oad runner69Man
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oh wow x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oh wow wow wow x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Oh sweet Lord you're on Tin*er, my baby has finally grown up, they grow up so fast.

Ladies, your drinks. Should I keep the tab open or...

Yes, sure, tab open, she's a professor, you can use her card.


What? Do I get something out of your achievements or not? And have you asked for you know what?

I, you didn't mean like for real right?

Hey lad, this nice girl's my friend Lex. She would like to ask for your number, but she's a shy little thing. Would you mind?

The guy gave me a not so subtle look, his eyes roamed down to my cleavage. He gave me a smile. He was handsome alright, but my only concern right now was how exposed my breasts were: i was about to grab the drinks in an attempt to get some cover, but Lilly got there faster and winked at me as she moved away from the bar with the tray.

I just stood there, not moving or talking for a second.

Should I write it on your phone or something?

Oh actually I... I left my phone... at the table.

We'll do it the old-fashioned way then.

He took a coaster and wrote down his name and number. I tried to be polite, she smiled back at him with a look on my face that was both embarrassed and scared. It had nothing to do with Clover that was the name on the coaster.

I'll... I'll call you.

I didn't know why I said that, but it was a way like any other to end that conversation as quickly as possible and get back to the table. Nicky was taking stupid selfies along with the others using my phone.

Come here, come here, grab a shot.

Why don't you use your phone?

What? Come on, everybody, say "nerd".


And drink!

I gulped down the cheap whiskey, God knows I needed it.

Nicky, give me the phone.

Just a sec, I'm just... look Fran you're gorgeous, eyes closed, mouth open, and is that dip on your cheek?

What? You, give me that! I'm deleting it.

Oh come on come on, that's not fair, we're not sharing it anyway, it's got a little extra that would get it banned for indecency anyway.

Your dumbass face?

Look closer.

Frann, for fuck's sake can I get my phone back?

Just let me... oh you got some alarm going off.


I reached out, took my phone from Frann's hands and silenced the notification. Then I took my bag and went straight to the restrooms.

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

This could be interesting

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By *rlowslungMan
over a year ago



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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

What was that about?

I have no idea. There's no way she noticed one of her boobs was in the picture yet.


Well, both were there actually.

You're a pig.

Come on, it's just a nip-slip, I was just joking.

Calm down, calm down. That's not it. Guys I'm afraid I'm gonna have to tell you sooner or later. You would find out anyway.

Find out what, Lilly? You're making me worry, is something wrong about Alanna?

I'm afraid it is. Our little prude friend is not so prude after all.

Wait what?

Our dear Lex's got someone!

Someone like a guy? Finally, it's been ages since whatshisname.

You'd rather it'd be a girl, wouldn't you Nicky?

Well, you never know, it's...


Come on Frann, let Nicky have his fantasy-world. It's not like the real one has been kind to him.

Oh fuck you, Andie!

And that'd still be more adventurous than your sex-life.

Another round?

Yes, but you gotta tell us more.

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Fuck you Alanna. Fuck.

The notification on my phone informed me the arousal tracker had reached High again. I could feel my heart still pounding. It was fear, wasn't it?

It was wrong. I couldn't be turned on by the risk of being exposed to my friends. And I was so close to be exposed, too damn close. What if Nicky knew my code and saw the app? What if some notification came up, like it did, and they read it? How could I be so stupid, leaving my phone at the table?

It was ridiculous. The neverending struggle between my efforts to keep all of it private and the escalating exposure I was enduring. Right now I was inside a restroom, completely naked except for my shoes, taking a selfie I was about to post online, on that bloody app. And here it went another one, this time I was holding my tits together and taking a shot at the mirror. The only decency I allowed myself was leaving my face out, but was it really less humiliating? I was out with my friends and yet I sneaked out to do this, to comply with the instructions of DarknessPassenger's dare. Back when I was just reading them in the changing room at Primark I couldn't imagine myself carrying out the task, and yet now.

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *aul_ukMan
over a year ago

Walsden & Manchester

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

New Dare from DarknessPassenger

Alanna, watching you today convinced me even more that you have a great potential, and you're gonna fulfil all your fantasies soon enough and go way beyond. I'm well aware of it, you still need to achieve that awareness. Tonight we'll work on that.

Whatever you're planning to do tonight you're going to dress sexy for it. So first of all you're buying a new outfit. I want you to find a stretch black skirt and a light coloured top that shows some cleavage and some sideboob. I know you'll choose something I like. I'll help you, and you will post pictures of your outfit.

Then I want you to go about your night like any other.

I'm sure the outfit will take a toll on you. Imagine the skirt, so tight it outlines perfectly your shapes, making it so easy to guess what kind of panties you're wearing. Actually, tell you what, you will try on two skirts, one skirt your size and the other one size smaller. If it fits we'll go with that.

And the top. The lack of bra made so obvious by a thin fabric, your breasts swaying in it, constantly on the verge of showing too much. We will choose something that will assure you'll get all the attention you deserve.

And now your actual dare.

From now until midnight anytime, if ever, your arousal tracker reaches the level High you'll need to take a couple of selfies. You will receive a notification giving you specific instructions on how to take them, but mostly they'll be just naked selfies, nothing special given what you've already achieved so far.

Here comes the important part: you'll need to share each picture here on Desires of course, but each time you do upload a picture you'll also have to click on one of the following buttons:

Set as lock screen and home background on your phone

Send to a random contact

Share on Instagram

Choose a contact and send

Share on Facebook

Share on Desires and set privacy as public

Set as profile picture on Desires

Share on Pornhub

Share on a random social media profile

Random pick

Choose carefully but mind: everytime you make a choice one of the other options will be randomly deleted.

We'll see what will be stronger Alanna: your arousal or your will to keep yourself from exposure.

Time left to complete the dare: 5.30 hours.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

This is a journey of self-discovery. I trust you to make it.

That's what Darknesspassenger told me in the chat right after I accepted the dare. And as I read the notification for the first picture I knew he was right to some level.

The instructions were not too wild, a full naked shot and a close-up of my holding my breasts together. I was just being honest with myself: with all I had been through the last few days that felt like nothing. And this was something I had learned about myself: I was able to endure it, to bargain and compromise with my rational mind, even to ease myself into it.

The second thing became more evident as I was presented with the choice on where to share the pictures.

The first pick was easy, I set the close-up as my profile picture on Desires. One more picture of my tits, it was no big deal.i clicked on the button and a message informed me that my profile picture had been updated. Back on the dare page I noticed the *share on Facebook* button was now inactive. There was not a chance on Earth I would've clicked on it but anyway it felt like a win.

The second choice then had to be setting my full frontal as my wallpaper. And that choice made it clear that, despite everything, i was still confident I was going to make it: soon enough Desires would have been just a kinky memory to bring back up to my mind on one of those nights. I couldn't be sure about where that confidence came from, but right now I knew that eventually everything would have been alright. It had to.

As I clicked on the button "Set as lock screen and home background on your phone" a message showed up: "You have to allow Desires to control your display settings". I allowed it and chose my naked selfie as the background picture for lock and home screen. Then, as I saw it coming up, I felt a familiar warmness between my legs. I couldn't resist indulging my hunger for stimulation and lightly caressed my pussy. I was soaking wet. In my head the image of my friends grabbing my phone and looking at it in disbelief was starting to take shape, when someone knocked on the door.


Just a second.

I quickly got my clothes back on. Dizzy as I was, I spent one full minute looking for my panties before remembering I wasn't wearing any.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *aul_ukMan
over a year ago

Walsden & Manchester

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

DarknessPassenger: If my math's is right I should still have another dare.

SluttyAlanna: Yes, I need one more to complete my daily dares.

DarknessPassenger: What about a rule though? I doubt you will be able to carry out two dares in one night. Not yet at least.

SluttyAlanna: Thank you, that would help.

I took a look at the Fitbit and sped up. I was already late, and honestly I was starving, I just realised I hadn't eaten a single thing after breakfast. And I had quite the day.

DarnesskPassenger: Ok then. No panties it is.

My face turned to a paler shade and i stopped dead in my tracks. I was almost unaware of my own actions when the notification came in and I accepted the rule. My heart pounding once again, my legs feeling weak.

DarknessPassenger: no need to remind you I might require proof soon, so remember the rule is already effective.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I looked around, I spotted a less trafficked road between two tall buildings and walked that way. When I was fairly sure no one was around I leaned against the wall and reached under my skirt. The skirt being so short made it easier to take off my thong. The skirt being so short made it even more mental not wearing underwear.

That was probably my most cliché fantasy coming true. Going out in a short skirt and a revealing top, no bra, no panties. All it took was a few days, the right buttons being pushed, and a complete loss of control that in that very moment seemed overwhelming, but not as much so as my arousal spiking up again. No, I had to resist, I had to keep it under control. At least this one thing still depended on me.

The pub Lilly picked for the night was just a few minutes away now. A couple of drinks with my friends, something to eat, chitchat, jokes, it was going to be easier to forget about everything else.

But it was so hard. It was so fucking hard to forget about it as I walked around with my thong, drenched in the juices I had been leaking all day long, now safely hidden in my bag; my tits swaying around in that top; my mind messed up by excitement and fear, and my pussy screaming for attention.

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By *ed-devilsCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

God that's hot can't stop reading it

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Back when I was still looking at myself in the changing room's mirror I couldn't recognise the girl staring back at me: flushed face, my obscenely exposed body, trembling hands, forcibly jerked away from my swollen and pulsing cunt at the last second.

SubtleB: Alanna, I must congratulate you on the completion of your task. Still the arousal tracker shows a ruined orgasm.

SubtleB: And we all saw you abandon it.

SubtleB: You would've deserved a mind-blowing climax after all those edges. Is that some other kink of yours? Maybe there's more to you than the eyes can see?

SubtleB: And mind, the eyes can see plenty.

Chat messages kept coming in as users started leaving the streaming.

As I took the phone and closed the app my fingers clenched it in a grip so hard my fingertips turned yellow. The girl in the mirror let out a whimper, something like a resigned moan. That. In that frustration I could see myself. Right now I was that girl more than any other thing I had been in my life.

Another round?

I.. No, we better go home.



Lilly turned around, the seat next to hers was empty.

She slipped away again. I didn't even notice. I wonder how her parents kept her home when she was grounded or something.

I bet they weren't as d*unk as you are right now.

You do have a point. So what do you say Nicky, in for a penny in for a pound?

Hit me.

Ok then, but first let me go fish Alanna. There's no way she's getting back home sober...er than me.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Loving this journey Alannah is on

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The second alert came in the middle of their third round. Everybody else but me Lilly and Nicky had called it a night. I had just received a couple of messages from my mother informing her about some kind of family gathering next week. That was all it took for me: to see my phone screen light up, and my naked selfie being at the mercy of anyone who cared to look in mu direction. My eyes widened and as soon as Nicky asked me something i quickly put the phone away. Trying to hide how heavy my breath suddenly got, and how flushed I had suddenly become, I excused myself and almost ran to the toilet.

Now I was unable to look away from the screen, mesmerised and terrified by what was on it. If I was on a journey as DarknessPassenger said, the step I just took was a big one.

The image of my naked body framed by a black and orange interface was disturbing and exciting at the same time. Seeing a picture of myself like that one was familiar, it had become so ordinary, and yet it felt entirely new. My left hand was pinching a nipple, teeth biting my lower lip, a dark shade of red lipstick drew uncertain lines on my stomach. Arousal and fear had affected my handwriting more than the improper tool and surface, still the words were perfectly clear, even more so to me: SluttyAlanna

This time I had to upload just one picture, actually the same picture twice, but I would have rather uploaded five, ten, fifty more... If it'd been up to me I would've happily spent the whole night taking naked selfies in that bathroom and uploading them on Desires to avoid publishing just one on a public site. But that was my only choice wasn't it? I had to pick Pornhub and Imgur. No other option seemed viable, right? Why, though?

There was still a range of possible choices:

Set as lock screen and home background on your phone [DONE]

Send to a random contact

Share on Instagram

Choose a contact and send

Share on Facebook now gone.

Share on Desires and set privacy as public

Set as profile picture on Desores [DONE]

Share on Imgur

Share on Pornhub

Share on a random social media profile

Share on LinkedIn

Random pick which was now crossed out

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Awesome story but only so many times I can read it.

Search for ‘Turnons’ on literotica to get the full thing

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oad runner69Man
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Awesome story but only so many times I can read it.

Search for ‘Turnons’ on literotica to get the full thing"

Thanks. Didn't even know the site existed

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No wonder there are so many changes to names that OP missed and tenses being incorrect. Had a feeling it must have been copied from somewhere. Thanks!

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By *aul469xMan
over a year ago


"Awesome story but only so many times I can read it.

Search for ‘Turnons’ on literotica to get the full thing"

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

For a second I thought it was no big deal sending a naked selfie to Lilly after all. Not a bigger deal than posting it online for all to find and see. I could have run to her right after sending it, make up an excuse to get a hold of her phone, or explain I had sent her something by mistake, that I had to delete it. By now Lilly was d*unk enough not to pay too much attention to it but...

But that was not it, was it?

And it wasn't even the fact that I had to choose two options, so I would've picked either Pornhub or Imgur anyway right? Better than risking it with a random contact.

It was just the obvious conclusion, the only rational choice to make, right?

Well, if I was really honest to myself there was something undermining my rationality. Something more obnubilating than arousal and fear. Hope. The hope that none of it would ever be found. The hope that I could still make it, somehow, keep it all together, yes. A hope getting smaller with every new pic and every new dare, but still there.

It was just a couple of pics after all, in the whole bloody internet, no face, the chance was no one I knew would ever see them. And even in the remote case they did there was no way to tell it was me.

Still there were those words, branded on me, and the ones written on the mirror in that same dark red lipstick.


Follow me on Desires.

I was trying not to think about it too much, consciously avoiding to outline all the possible ramifications of those pictures. I was focused on cleaning the lipstick off the mirror. And for God's sake I was focused on keeping my arousal down, to steer clear of new catastrophic consequences of my inability to control myself.

Yet my focus drifted, my mind went back to the moment I clicked on those buttons. Barely a minute ago, but that image was already burned in my head, haunting me like only defining moments can haunt us sometimes.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *oad runner69Man
over a year ago


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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *igjohn_2Man
over a year ago


I am getting withdrawal symptoms here, desperate for next installment...

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By *igjohn_2Man
over a year ago


Think I will stop looking.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I had imagined it differently. Slower, hesitant. The app got rid of it in a second. Share it on Pornhub. Next. Login or create a new account. New account. And then a blur of screens loading one after the other and eventually her naked mirror selfie, already there, almost without any agency on her part. Desires had taken care of everything.

The account was created with the same SluttyAlanna username. The profile had the same information I shared on Desires, the same profile picture and, of course, it was already linked to my profile on the app. Only I apparently had no access to it. I could visit it as any other Pornhub user, but I didn't have any login credentials nor was I able to retrieve them in any way.

The realisation of being locked out of an account that shared a naked picture of me had left me startled, blankly gazing at my phone screen at first, and now mindlessly cleaning the mirror while standing naked in the middle of a public bathroom.

The mirror was already stainless, probably cleaner than it had ever been in the last year, but I kept brushing it with countless pieces of humid toilet paper. As if erasing that writing could cancel everything else.

Once done with the mirror I went back to the dare to upload my naked picture on Imgager this time. But when I went back to the dare my heart sank, seeing the Imgur option was gone. For good.

Set as lock screen and home background on your phone [DONE]

Send to a random contact

Share on Instagram

Choose a contact and send

Share on Desires and set privacy as public

Set as profile picture on Desires [DONE]

Share on Pornhub [DONE]

Share on a random social media profile

Share on LinkedIn

There was just one possible choice left, right?


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