Tues n Wednesday pass by in a blur…
I can’t wait for Thursday… I can’t lie, I’m nervous n scared, but I’m more excited n turned on than I’ve ever been.
It’s finally Thursday. 8 pm. N I’m back out side the van. I knock the door.
Pete opens the door. Without saying a word he reaches to take my hand to help me up the step. I go inside. There’s different birds hanging it makes me sad to look at them.
It’s still cool in the van. I feel a shiver run through me. “I wasn’t sure you’d come back.”
“I told you I would” I almost whisper it.
“Does your body still ache?”
It does but only faintly.. more in my shoulders than anywhere else. “not so much”
I walk into the front area of the van… where he’d tied me only days ago. It’s not a modern van.. there’s the settee with the table in the middle n a small cupboard to the side. I don’t even see a tele.
“You want more?”
I nod. I can feel my pussy already swelling against my knickers… just by looking at me this weird, grubby, stranger causes such a reaction inside.
He almost smiles at me for the first time. I smile back… “you’re much prettier when you’re not being a show off” I want to tell him to fuck off. He’s not all that, but I don’t, because I’m aching to let him do whatever he wants with me. It’s a scary thought. He moves infront of me, n I can smell outdoors. No whiskey this time, but cigarettes, roll ups. I’d never noticed him smoking. He leans in and whispers… “I’m going to remove your clothes now.”
I nod like it’s a given… I turn around for him to undo my zip. He does, as he removes it he then brushes my shoulders with his rough hands, sparks fly across my back n straight down to my cunt. I can’t help but gasp… I know he must feel it too, he gently squeezes the top of my arms n pulls me back… a single peck to my left shoulder, another gasp escapes me. I want him on me… I want his mouth all over me. I want his hands squeezing me. I daren’t speak because I know I’ll beg. His fingers undo my bra… the first time my tits have been exposed to him. I expect him to touch them… i want him to touch them… but he leaves me facing away from him. I feel him move as his hands go to my tights… softly pulling them down but leaving my knickers in place. They’re lace shorts… sitting high on my hips but showing my arse cheeks well. He places a cushion on the old Formica table and gets a scarf from the side. “What’s that for? He doesn’t answer just places it over my eyes and begins tying at the back.
“I want your legs open n your arse slightly off the table but your tits n your face leaning on the table. Now, you have a choice doll”
My breathing is getting faster.
“Tied or not tied?”
He pushes me forward so my thighs are against the table n continues to push me so my belly n tits are on the table and against the cushion. I turn my face to the side and allow my body to rest on the table. My feet together on the floor.
“The table will hold you… don’t worry about that. So, tied or not tied. Can I trust you that no matter what you won’t change position? Or do I need to make sure you stay there?”
I’m trying to think, but honestly the reality is I’m almost naked… blind fold, in this strange man’s caravan, I panic… “I don’t want to be tied!”
“Ok. Get as comfy as you can… as that’s how you’ll stay… but your feet need to be apart.”
I open my legs… n I move my arms to under my head. “Ok?”
“Yes ok” I reply… feeling furthest from ok than I’d ever felt in my life.
“Don’t move, don’t take off the blind fold…
No matter what. Do u understand?”
I’m tense… my thighs are tense I’m waiting for him to touch me, or instruct me, anything. But I hear nothing. I don’t even think he’s moved.
My brain is racing… what’s he doing? How long will I stay like this? Suddenly I hear a click… I feel heat. He’s put a fire on. I’m straining to hear him moving but I can’t. I can’t even feel that movement that you get in caravans when others move about. He’s silent.
I’m longing for him to touch me… I wonder if he’s looking at me? or wanking?
Suddenly I hear the front door of the caravan open n a cold draft hits me. It closes. N all I can hear is the sound of the fire. I panic, has he let someone in? Has he gone out… n he’s leaving me here? Or is there, watching to see if I move.
My heart is thudding in my chest now. “Pete?” Nothing… “Pete?” I don’t want to let him know I was scared… but I don’t want to break position either… in case he was watching me… there’s a pain starting up my legs now. I want to stretch them out… every nerve inside me is telling me to stand up, stop being a dick, get dressed n go home. Why won’t he just fuck me? I try deep breathing… I want him to fuck me. I imagine him now… just walking up behind me, pulling my knickers to the side, feeling how wet I am n just sliding himself inside me. A little moan escapes me. It’s then I feel it… a very slight tickle just above my Achilles heel…
My leg twitches… first I think it’s him… then I think it’s a rat… fuck what if its a rat… a spider? I feel my eyes start to water against the scarf… a breath catches in my throat… I feel it again… same leg. N then the other. It’s your hands on my legs. Your thumbs pressing into my calf muscles…. It’s sets heat up my body… I want to sob. It’s almost relief that I realise you’ve been in the room all the time. I’m glad I haven’t moved but at the same time I want to run away. It’s only my calf’s but it feels the most intimate I’ve ever been touched. A long moan comes from inside as your hands travel further up my leg. You’re near the back of my knees. N suddenly there’s another sensation. Your mouth against me. My legs go to buckle as your tongue runs behind my knee, my body melts on to the table n I realise I’d not been putting my full weight down. You bite. Your teeth against my thigh. It’s sharp n it hurts. Your hands are pushing into my skin harder now n I feel my back arching upwards. I want to be filled. I can feel your breath on my thighs… getting nearer to my arse… your hands r now stroking my inner thighs, I feel you pressing more, your nails scratching my skin. I moan, “please touch me” I gasp it… I didn’t know I was gonna say it. My arse is now fully up. My cunt tingling in my knickers… you bite again but on my arse cheek. I make a noise like a whimper… I thought I’d been touched everywhere before now but right this minute it’s like I’ve never been touched before. Suddenly out of nowhere I hear a slap. Then the sting hits… you’ve slapped my arse. It burns. I moan again… you slap again exactly the same place. My arms now moving from under my head n gripping the the sides of the table… I cry out… another slap… the other cheek. I feel the wet of my eyes again against the scarf… U rub where you’ve slapped… it stings but I don’t want you to stop… I can feel my pussy juice escaping me n into my knickers. My clit swollen against the fabric. “I want you to fuck me… please fuck me” I am begging. I’ve never felt such an empty hole inside me. I need you to fill it…
“No doll” that’s all you say… u begin rubbing your hands up my back… your kissing the small of my back my arse is pushing against you n I can feel the bulge in your trousers… I need you to put me out of my misery.
Your hand finally reaching between my legs. I rub against you but your hand doesn’t slip inside my knickers… I’m a tense mess against the table I’m crying out but you’re not even skin to skin on my clit. Just rubbing over my lacy fabric… “you’re gonna come in your panties for me like a bitch on heat” you stop rubbing n using both hands you pull apart my arse n pussy… “You look good you dirty little cunt. Your panties all wet n stuck to your clit.” You rub your thumbs either side of my pussy opening n closing my hole. I’m really moaning now… my muscles all tightening as I feel my skin being pushed open n closed n my clit rubbing against the lacy fabric. “I’m gonna cum. You’re making me cum”
My hips r now rocking hard against the table as I feel that warm sensation in my clit… I can’t believe you’re doing what none of the other boys have done before… without even entering me. My orgasm lands as your thumbs are so close to either side of my pussy…u slide a little in my wetness n your thumbs slips into my cunt… I hear u groan as you feel the heat n warmth from my hole. You continue rubbing your thumb inside n for the first time I realise this isn’t controlled… you want me. It’s killing you as much as me for you to just not fuck me now against this table. Your thumb pressed against my clit and in the aftermath of my orgasm I gush a little over your hand n down my leg. You groan again n I hear you undo your zip… I know you’ve got your cock out I can hear you rubbing it… your thumb still inside me. Your hand stops moving n you pinch the side of my pussy as your spunk spurts all over my arse n knickers. I feel a little victory. I don’t think you wanted to do that. You moan as it lands… I stay in position but my thoughts are running wild. I wait for you to zip back up. You then wipe your cum from my arse cheek n tap my shoulder. I stand back up.. my thighs on fire. You remove the blindfold n turn me to face you… you look at me.
“You cried?” There’s a look of concern on your face that I’ve never seen before. I smile. I don’t want to answer.
“I didn’t want to make you cry.”
“You did nothing I didn’t want you to.” N then completely unexpected you kiss me. Deep n hot n hard. Butterflies in my stomach.. your arms around me. Too soon you pull away… “you better get dressed” I do so longing for you to offer me to stay.
“I’ll see u tomorrow in the pub?”
You nod, that stern uncompromising look on your face is back.
“But doll, no games tomorrow.”
I laugh… “can’t promise”
“Then there’s consequences…” no laugh.
I pick up all my stuff… just getting to the door.
“Kay,” I look back, you’re leaning on the same shitty table I just had my best orgasm on. “You did good tonight.” I walk away. |