By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Hello all,
From the title this post is about why I’m compelled to a FLR, from the perspective of a 24 year old male.
So quick background on me I’m Liam, 24 year old from Cambridgeshire. 6’6 so am a tall and down to earth guy. Have always been naturally submissive.
So, why am I drawn to FLR so much?
For much of my life I’ve always been fortunate to be surrounded by some amazing woman who I’ve always looked up to and respected very much. I’ve also seen how men’s ignorance and stupidity can also cause things to crumbling down. Now obviously we’re all different and also seek different things so the above should be taken so literally but is something I experienced first hand and unfortunately that came down to a man in a relationship who’s own stupidity and power in the relationship brought it all to an end.
Now is that why I seek a FLR, no that’s far from it to be completed honest but did highlight to me at an early age that power means nothing without respect and honesty. Power is a very interesting word but also things like responsibility also require great trust and care, especially in a relationship.
I’ve always been naturally submissive and shy but have became a very confident, ambitious, driven and outgoing person since becoming an adult. I’m glad I’ve gained and grower allot over recent year and also proud of myself and what I’ve achieved. During school it was actually female figures in my life weather it be parents, teachers, support network that encouraged me to pursuit what I’m doing today and provided me with the skills and encouragement to do so which I’m always grateful for and given me allot of respect for women! Even in the workplace I’m in a male dominated industry which at our workplace is becoming much more diverse and is wonder to see the change happen first hand and it makes me happy to see women in senior positions and actually being better than allot of the men.
despite my confidence I’ve always kept my submissive side which I definitely don’t mind and believe this comes from my desire to please and also seeing others achieve and grow and inspiring others.
A FLR intrigued me as it breaks the norms of a normal relationship in what may seem little ways but are the fundamental foundations to a relationship men often take for granted. Responsibilities and duties in a relationship are often split a certain way which I’m sure we can all stereotype so I won’t be mansplaning don’t worry! The idea that these social norms can be flipped on their head excites me, but even in my own head makes me go would that be ok, which is exactly why I think FLR need to be more common as these norms have been engrained into us, especially us men.
I know if I was to find a woman who seemed a FLR though I would be all for it and supportive of the woman as her partner, of course I’m sure there would be lots of learning to do from my end and also respecting the woman and trusting her which so many women do to men as a given.
As with everything there is a scale and everyone and everything falls differently on a scale so relationships and FLRs would look very different from person to person, but that’s ok. A relationship should be built on care, trust and understanding of one another and there is always a balance and a natural place for both involved.
Hopefully one day I will find a FLR, most likely in my life partner who is out there somewhere I’m sure. But until then, I’m on the pursuit of happiness and self exploration for myself!
Hopefully this was an interesting read and would love to have an open chat or see others thoughts or maybe even opinions on what I’ve written?
hope you have a wonderful day.
Liam |