A dozen or so years ago, 50 at the time, I was a contractor working away from home.
Most evenings I would visit the local Witherspoons for a cheap and cheerful evenings food and entertainment. The night in question, I'd ordered my food and proceeded to take in my surroundings. There's not much else to do when on your own other than to people whatch. The one person tjat grabbed my attention was a Lady on her own sitting at a table adjacent to me. We made eye contact and exchanged pleasant smiles. Now back in The day, 20's and 30's, I took a shine to the more mature to me Ladies, 40's and 50's, but as I got more mature myself this seemed not to be the case preferring the same age as me or younger.
However, on this particular occasion, there was something very alluring about the mid 60's Lady sitting near me. For her age she had, from what I could see with her sitting, a very tidy figure.
This was confirmed when after a few minutes she got up to visit the Little Ladies room. As she did so she threw me another glance, smiled and passed really close to me on her way. I took in her pleasant aroma as she passed, an expensive smelling perfume.
Now I've always been the shy type and usually let the other person start any interaction, that way I know they are keen, and not just my imagination that leads me to the wrong impression, but on this occasion she'd really aroused somethimg in me, so with the few minutes that she was gone I'd made my mind up to say something to her and her perfume was the way in.
As she approached again I turned, smiled and said to her that I was sorry but couldn't help but notice what a lovely smelling perfume she was wearing and could she tell me what it was as my sister's birthday was approaching and I was stuck for what to get her.
She smiled back, thanked me for the compliment and proceeded to tell me. The ice had been broken now and for the next half hour or so, with our tables being so close we, we continued to small talk during our meals.
Once the eating had finished I asked if I could join her. She readily accepted my request and moved her handbag from the seat next to her so I could sit closer.
A couple of drinks with small talk ensued. Again, being of the shy persuasion, I always leave it to the other person to change the conversation down the more risque route and I was not disappointed. In fact more shocked as from talking about work she suddenly came out with, after a big gulp of her gin, "Have you ever had a Mother Daughter threesome?"...
I nearly spat out the latest sip from my pint as that was the last thing I expecting her to say...
After a few seconds to compose my self I told her that I hadn't but it was towards the too of my fantasy list.
She said well, if you want to make your fantasy a reality drink up and come back to mine.
Whilst hurriedly finishing my pint I did say to her that i didn't normally go for the older Lady but that i had been thinking that she was definitely the exception to the rule.
As we walked the short distance to her house we flirted and joked about with the occasional step into an alley way for a snog and carress of what we both had to offer. On entering her house we snogged again at the foot of the stairs before she broke away from me and said go into the lounge and make yourself comfy. As I turned to enter the lounge she shouted up the stairs the words that'll live with me forever...
"Are you awake Mum!!"...
Sorry  |