By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I had two more Johnnie's in my pocket so I handed them to him and the bottle of WKD. "She's thirsty" I responded to his quizzical look. He shrugged and walked back to his mates, a bit of banter went on, the drink swapped hands and general gesturing in the direction of the church ensued. I assumed the Johnnie's also swapped hands but couldn't really see that. The two guys headed for the door. My phone pinged "what's happening? I'm thirsty and I'm getting a bit cold now". I quickly typed "THEY are on their way now".. "They???? WTAF" ... "Yeah THEY = 2 guys. Don't worry they are fitter than the last one, I'm not scrapping the bottom of the barrel". Not long after my phone pinged again "I think they are coming, you gave them thingies didn't you?"...."Uhuh - have fun I'll be out to watch in a few minutes"
I'd been a bit engrossed in my phone and lost contact with the room first guy wasn't down the steps any more. I had a bit of tense moment rapidly looking around - ah there he is - mid patter with the girl behind the bar pint in both hands leaning over the bar like co conspirators.
I faffed around on my phone and finished off my drink, looked over at the bar, first guy was clearly doing well with the bar girl so I did a little hmmm and set off in the direction of the church. My eyes took a bit longer to get accustomed to the dark this time but my feet knew where they were going retracing my steps.
And there she was, she had moved over a bit and was over by a tree making her quite hard to see, I only noticed her because I saw the movement of the three of them together. As I walked closer there was no doubt what was happening - BB is a very loud lady when she's in the zone and she definitely in the zone!. As I drew in close enough to pick out some detail I announced myself in a jovial tone "having fun babes?" - "UH-UH-Fuck-Yeah-Ohhhhhh-FUUUUCCCKK" was the response mingled in with some male grunting and heavy breaths.
I was close enough to see her now. One guy was in front of her - her legs wrapped around him holding her up by her legs and area and the other guy behind her holding her up around her waist. Both were pumping into her, you could hear the ball slaps as they thrust into her intermingled with her ragged moans and their guttural grunting. "OW" the guy in front of her exclaimed loudly "She fucking bit m" he got cut off as she'd grabbed his face and in the dark looked like she was devouring his mouth. A little bit spooky given the setting! The guy behind her had his nose safely tucked under her left ear and was sucking and nibbling the back of her neck which just made her more rampant, she started thrusting her hips into the guy at the front and almost toppled them all over.
The guys complained a bit and told her off, She just giggled and agreed hands up in a placating manner "okay guys you're in charge". They resumed with a distinct increase of fervour, the guy behind her really started to slam it into her. Well that was enough - it was like watching a slo-mo, the guy behind her tensed up and started "Oh God, I'm cummin, I'm cummin, I'm cummin"... She started shaking like a shitting dog "AAAHHHH - AAAAHHHH!" ... Matey in front let out a little scream - that'll be the nails buried in the shoulder blades I surmised to myself.. but it didn't stop him blowing his load with a bit of a whimper actually.
There's another sight for the memory bank then, three completely spent people in the after glow of sex in the dark like that is quite a vision and that's before considering the one in the middle is your other half....
They extricated themselves from the mass of bodies and made themselves presentable, I could see the sweat glistening on her face though even in the low light but more noticeable was her smile.. it beams at you normally but this was like a joker style ear to ear grin. She ran up to me skirt still around her waist and just peck kissed me all over my face. "Thank you, Thank you, thank you" she squeeled.
The guys filed past us, front guy held out his Johnny like a prize - "Ere ya go Steve said you wanted this" - I didn't really, the relay passing the Johnny as a baton seemed like a fun idea at the time, squidgy man goo in a bag doesn't translate well eugh!. Politely I take it off him and slaps her arse quite hard as he walks off "That's for the bitten lip and nails" . Behind guy declared, "I don't think you want this one mate, it's been up her arse, shall I just skip it in the dog shit bin at the gate?". I gratefully accepted with a nod as she's still kissing me manically. It would've been an absolutely sublime moment if it weren't for the Johnny full of cum pinched between my right thumb and finger.
I hugged her tight and then we headed back to the road to catch the bus home. "You've earned your name tonight you bad bitch" I whispered in her ear.. "I'm your bad bitch" she proudly exclaimed and we actually skipped out of the church yard as far as the bus stop like a pair of demented lunatics  |