By *rumCouple OP Couple
over a year ago
birmingham |
Next day I had to force myself to go into Poly. Luckily I only had two lectures in the morning, so was able to get back to digs, and shave and shower with plenty of time to spare. I had three housemates. One worked and was never back before 8. One was in his final year, and hardly came out of his room. And one was a well off first year student who still went to the pub every night. The knowledge that no one would see me leave or return wearing a suit was a great comfort. Despite knowing I was doing nothing illegal, I still felt very guilty.
Worrying I wouldn’t be able to stop myself cumming in the studio, I had a quick wank before showering. To my dismay, my cock stayed rock hard after ejaculating, and I had a sudden almost anti-worry, that I wouldn’t be able to go soft, as I had seen in the series of pictures yesterday. I was more taken aback when after a couple of minutes, I found myself wanking again, and cumming almost as much as the first time. This time my erection subsided, and I felt a slight ache in my cock. I had never felt it before, and while it was an ache, and slightly uncomfortable, it was also like an itch that had to be scratched. I knew I would have no problem getting hard again. I showered and washed my cock very well.
I deliberately faced away from the mirror as I dressed.
Finally, I went downstairs, and went out the front door. Feeling slightly self conscious, I tried to ignore the swirling butterflies in my stomach. Although I had walked the route from digs to Poly too many times to count, I felt I stood out in a suit. Especially as I cut through a couple of alleys. I kept looking at my watch, and marvelled that somehow, without really planning it, I was going to emerge opposite the parade of shops at exactly five.
Once again, Jane let me in. Once again, she offered a tea, which I gratefully accepted. Although I didn’t usually smoke without a drink, I had bought my baccy, and now craved a cigarette.
“Oh, not inside.” Said Jane, when I asked if I could smoke. “It ruins the sets and furnishings. If you hang on, I’ll join you out back.”. So we found ourselves in a small yard, holding mugs of tea, and puffing away. I worried that it was wasting time, but Jane just said that as long as I was OK for time, it wasn’t a problem – besides, Tony was finishing some printing. I found myself unwinding, and becoming more sociable,
“Emma said you used to … er, model.” I said, not sure if it was a question. Jane read it as such, and smiled.
“Back in the day” she said. “How old are you ? 19 ?”. I nodded.
“19 …. So let me see … you’d have been 3 when I stopped. And yes, I did do nude, and yes I did enjoy it !” … she laughed as she answered the unasked question. Tonys voice shouted through from inside, and she stubbed her cigarette out.
“Come on” she said. “Let’s get you sorted”. Not knowing what she meant I hesitated, and she laughed again. “I mean we need to put a bit of make up on. Otherwise you’ll look like you’re ill.”.
Relieved I followed her in, and up the stairs. The studio had been rearranged, and the chaise longue was against a wall with a backdrop of decorated paper behind it. It was brightly lit by some of the lights on stands. Tony was kneeling down fiddling with a camera with wires on it.
“Alright mate ?” he said, genially. “You still OK with this ?”
I nodded dumbly, and sat down, as Jane indicated, on the chaise longue. She went to the desk, and picked a small bag up. She returned with a little brush, and tickled my face with a powder. Tony squinted through the camera, and pressed something which made a flash go off, and the umbrella flashes go off. He looked at my face, and held his hand up, signalling Jane to stop.
“Not too bad at all”. He said, approvingly. “Usually we have to cover the sweat up … you warm enough ?”. At this last question, I became aware that the studio was pleasantly warm. I was also aware of the lights … they were hot. I said I was plenty warm, and found myself wondering when I would see the money. I had a sudden pang of fear, that I had somehow been set up or tricked. I was trying to think what to say, when I felt Janes hand pressing into mine. She had taken what I now saw were three £5 notes out of her makeup bag, and they were now mine. I felt Tony staring at me, and sensed an almost imperceptible shift in the atmosphere. Pleasantries were over. This was business.
Tony stood up, and motioned to Jane. She gently moved my head, slightly away from the camera, and stepped back. There was a flurry of flashes, and I realised we’d started. We continued with Jane stepping in, in between shots, to move my arms, legs, head. Not having to actually work on posing made me feel very relaxed very quickly. So much so, that when she suggested I take my jacket off, it didn’t register that she had stopped helping.
“OK, you’re doing well.” Said Tony. “Maybe unbutton your shirt, undo the cuffs, start to take it off ...” as I did, I noticed he only shot me once, as the sleeves fell off. Suddenly I felt incredibly guilty, but didn’t know why.
“See, not so bad is it ?” said Tony. For some reason I found the situation surreal. Looking back, it was the total lack of seediness I think. Tony – and Jane – were the least likely pornographers I could have imagined.
“Right, undo your trousers, and start to pull them down.” came another instruction. Again, nothing remarkable, an everyday tone of voice. As I did, Tony moved a little closer, and there was another flurry of flashes. As anticipated, I had a hard on like a broom handle, and it was clearly visible against my boxers.
“Didn’t do much good, did it ?” said Tony, eye behind the camera. I was acutely aware he was taking a close up of my bulge.
“What do you mean ?” I said, naively.
“Having a wank before you got here. Didn’t do you much good. You’re still close to blowing.”
I had never heard the phrase before but instinctively knew what it meant. All of a sudden I felt terribly vulnerable. Here I was, with another GUY taking pictures of me with a fucking HARD ON. I felt a little shiver, and my erection subsided quite rapidly. This elicited a little laugh from Tony, as he asked me to pull my boxers down, just to let my cock rest on the elastic. I complied, and my semi-erect cock felt the glow of the lights. Another set of flashes, and I found myself pulling the boxers down. I wasn’t sure if Tony has asked, but found myself – as predicted – acting naturally. I know Tony was kneeling down, the camera about a foot from my cock, which stood there. Not hard enough to bob, but not soft enough to dangle. A little trail of clear sticky was slowly oozing out.
Remembering the series of pictures I had seen yesterday, I wanted to touch and squeeze my cock. But Tony stopped me:
“Not yet. I want a few more – can you lie back and …” I did, and some more flashes. “Jane …” Tony asked, and before I knew it, Jane was there. She wiped my brow, and I realised I had sweated a little. But a bigger surprise was that Jane had been there all along. The realisation made me feel incredibly aroused, and my cock became fully hard again. Tony was just encouraging now, and I wanted to touch myself badly. This time, Tony didn’t say anything, and I felt an incredible surge of control and power as I started to wank. Tony seemed completely at ease, but kept asking me to hold a position, as he snapped. By now the head of my cock was covered in precum, which had taken on the consistency of beaten egg.
“Ease up big fella” said Tony, calmly. “Don’t feel you have to copy what you saw. Why not treat us to how you like to do it ?”. The use of the word “us” almost pushed me over the edge. Knowing Jane was watching made me want to perform exclusively for her – I had completely forgotten the camera.
Totally at ease now, I played with my cock as I liked best. Holding the head in my thumb and forefinger, and rubbing the base with the skin pulled down. Squeezing the base with my hand. Gently slapping my cock between my palm and thumb. Teasing the most sensitive spot on the underside with a fingertip … I enjoyed it all.
Tony had gone quiet now. I was aware of the flashes, but had no idea what he was catching. Then he broke the silence.
“Let me know when you’re close to cumming.”. For some reason, that simple question did push me over the edge. I tried not to gasp, as the intense tingle in the tip of my cock seemed to flow down to meet the intense tingle in my legs. I knew when they met I would be powerless to stop myself.
“I think I’m already there.” I said. My enjoyment of the moment was spoiled, as I found myself worrying that I had somehow got things wrong. Tony took it all in his stride, and just asked me to stand up to cum. My slight worry had managed to hold me back, and I stood up, facing Tony directly. He shuffled to the side, saying as he did “just you do what you’ve got to do – leave this to me.”. I had been teasing the tip of my cock, trying to delay cumming. Finally, in a spasm of ecstasy, I gripped my cock tightly in my hand, and gave a series of hard strokes. With a power I had never, ever experienced before, I heard myself cry out, as a thick solid thread of spunk shot out of my cock. The squeeze I had applied had the effect of increasing the force, and the spunk hit the floor a good two feet in front of me. Tony whistled approval, and I heard a quiet “good …” from Jane. Completely overwhelmed, I realised my had had carried on, and I was shooting again. More flashes, and Tony just said “Nice … and again ?”. Amazingly I knew what he meant, and gave my cock another squeeze. Once again a jet of spunk came out. Nowhere near as much or far as the first but still a clear shot.
I felt a wave of relief flood over me. However, I wasn’t allowed to enjoy it.
“Right, stay there” said Tony … “Don’t move – just put your hands by your side.”. I did, and he shot a bit more. I was losing my erection, and found it slightly embarrassing now, with Tony snapping away. I also felt very uncomfortable with the sensation of spunk tricking out of my cock, and down my leg. And I felt especially embarrassed and uncomfortable with Tony clearly taking close up pictures of my cock and the spunk trail.
“We’ve not finished yet” he said, “Can you squeeze your cock to get the skin up, and a bit more spunk out ?”. I did as he said, feeling horribly self conscious. More flashes.
“OK, you can lie down now” he said, “You look knackered”. I lay down, and Tony asked me to close my eyes. I did, and heard the shutter a few more times.
“Right, that’s it.” Tony said. “You did really well – I think there’ll be a few requests for some more of you, if you’re up for it.”
The shock of what I had just done started to sink in – I had never really thought beyond a single shoot. The idea of doing another …..