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The Call

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I had met Darlene under less than ideal circumstances and to this day have nightmares about what my first impression on her must have been but fortunately for me it didn’t end there but one block stood in our way the fact that she knew her family wouldn’t approve for various reasons not least because she was older than me.

We quickly became something as we went on walks,me often listening to get grumble about difficulty dating and worried about the reaction of her family,She began to mention just wanting to show off a boyfriend so they would get off her case.

One night we met at a cinema and as she saw we were the only ones in she leaned over her red hair flowing,green eyes lit up by the screen “Can I ask a favour?” she said hesitantly.”Ok” I replied as I listened and agreed to her request.

The request was simple pretend and play a part,I did not like the implication that this meant the end was near very near but we had some good times and I had been promised that “we’ll go all in”.

We walked together to her house when we got there however there was no car as we got in no sign of anyone else,She motioned me through to her living room as she wandered into the kitchen.

I couldn’t shake the feeling though that someone else was in the house.

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By *ephistoCouple
over a year ago



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By *ardsoloMan
over a year ago


Please continue

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

This feeling only began to intensify as I sat down I was able to alleviate it slightly by telling myself "they're still to come" but that just made me apprehensive.

I could feel it weighing on Darlene much worse than myself however and told myself to be calm for her."Nervous?" she asked me."Of course" I said smiling back.

She left and returned sitting even closer to me at this point giving me a kiss but pulling away.I decided to return it however as I placed my hand upon her leg giving it a light stroke.

She smiled and we continued kissing as her hand grabbed my back as mine went towards the button on her trousers.They were too tightly pressed to slip my hand down so I went to loosen the button.

This caused her to jump and pull of me with a "not now!!" before lightening up with a seductive "later" and a wink.She went off again.

She came back a few minutes later with a look of clear anxiety "ready" she muttered out clearly preparing herself for something.

The shock didn't hit me until I counted the places at the table,3.I heard the shouting but not it's content,I heard the footsteps as everything came into focus

And I heard the clearly female sigh as I felt an arm brush against me,I realised it wasn't Darlene's as the stranger went in for a kiss on the cheek

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By *tcam24Man
over a year ago



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By *ilbert4450Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The shock of this motion thankfully faded quickly and I was able to catch her introducing herself as Marie.

She was slightly older than me with beautiful blonde hair. I quickly glanced over at Darlene only to notice the stress of the situation had gotten to her.

Somehow Marie had sensed that I was trying to make the connections so wandered over with a theatrical "mother" to Darlene.We sat down to eat dinner as I noticed Marie periodically looking back and forth at me.

"So how was today?" Darlene said breaking the silence."Pretty good,managed to get what you wanted" Marie replied giving me a quick look "Well barring one thing" she said smirking.I noticed Darlenes face darken at that comment but she continued talking.

"So whats the plan?" Marie asked abruptly."What?" replied Darlene a little confused. "Is he living here now?" Marie said motioning at me."No we're just seeing how things go" Darlene said giving me a warm smile. "Right I'm going off" Marie said as she got up. "I'll see more of you tomorrow I guess" she said as she walked off.

I helped Darlene clean up a bit and wondered about what would happen next. "Would we.." the thought in my head was interrupted by the kisses Darlene began to thrust on me that I began o return and before I knew it I was feeling her undoing my belt.

"She could barge in are you sure you want to? "She stopped but then her eyes lit up a bit "I made you a promise" she smiled as she led me to her bedroom and shut the door

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *ndy500Man
over a year ago


More please

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

We got into the bedroom and began to kiss again as I began to run my hands up her top as she did likewise for me.She pushed me away as she threw her top off as I the same with my own.

She came backs and we kissed again more forcefully as I pushed my hands down the back of her trousers. My right hand feeling her butt and stroking her pants as my left managed to find the button on hers.I began to pull them down getting a little bit there as I felt her free hands grab my bulge than like me she tried to stick her hand down the front but quickly settled for grabbing my bulge as she began to release my belt.

We broke off again as I loosened my belt and pulled of my trousers following her clear "get on the bed" look as she did likewise.

I watched as in her underwear she approached me as we lay side to side .The furious kissing restarted as I felt her hands clasp my back I broke free and kissed her cheek, then her neck then moved down managing to undo her bra.

I felt her gently grab my head and guide me again into her lips as she continued to pull me closer until every motion with her leg was touching my bulge coming into a full caress as we pulled ever closer.

A light in her eyes and a little pinch told me what I need to do next as she turned around on her side as I lowered my boxers and pulled off her pants.

I slipped a condom on and moved closer to her feeling her first as my hands wandered as my cock began to touch her arse I felt her hand grab me and give it some encouragement as I got into position.

I sliding gently as I thrust myself forward as I got one hand around just above my cock and another on her breasts

I began to thrust harder and harder squeezing and rubbing as I went.

I continued pushing as I felt it coming managing to kiss her neck occasionally as the vigour of my action increased as her breaths became more audible.

A sudden yelp from her awakened it inside me as I felt myself cum and then relax as I pulled out of her.

I moved onto my back as she cuddled into me and we fell asleep.

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By *oyntzMan
over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *aughtywifeyWoman
over a year ago


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By *iscoman7771000Man
over a year ago


More please

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By *andy IanMan
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

So that morning I woke up to find Darlene had already left the bed.I wandered through the unfamiliar house into the living room and there was given a pleasant sight Marie in very short cut jean shorts bent over the table.A loud "hi" thankfully stopped me staring for too long as I noticed Darlene in a dressing gown as I entered the room fully.

She wandered up and gave me a kiss to a loud theatrical "eww" from Marie.Darlene broke it by announcing she had things to do today but told me that I should come back later.

I left and for the rest of the day things also came up for me that I had to deal with so I ended up rushing back to her house,barely arriving on time.

I rung the doorbell and was greeted with the sight of Marie in little more than the jean shorts and an incredibly tight top.She invited me in saying Darlene would be there in a while.

Not wanting to have to undergo a lot of effort to sustain a lie, especially to someone like Marie I decided to excuse myself telling her that I would cook for them tonight.

Secretly hoping that this was enough time for Darlene to get back I slowly went over to the house as my phone buzzed.

I then got into a lengthy text exchange outside the house with Darlene as she apologised for being unable to tell me that she would be late.We quickly discussed our plans and she thanked and promised to reward me if I would make dinner for them with Marie in the house.Then came through another very,very enticing offer if I could keep this up she said she had a very special surprise for me.

I got back in the door in a deep state of wonder about this special surprise and wanting to do anything to receive it.

Marie greeted me again with kisses on the cheek then she looked down and smiled at me.

It would take me too long to realise I'd been thinking about that surprise very intensely.

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By *athy and JohnCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I went through to the kitchen and began to work with Marie frequently coming in for a quick chat every time she came in although she was showing a little more. First her top being tied at the bottom which I could swear was then getting higher, Then it was the jean shorts that kept looking looser.

Then she began to lean over the counter giving me a beautiful view as she smiled.The time for Darlene's return passed so me and Marie had dinner together.I became surprised when she chose to sit next to me as we ate and chatted as she continued smiling at me.

That would have been it all but I am still unsure if it was an accident or not but as she leaned for the salt giving me a clear look up her top her foot brushed mine.

I returned with an accident of my own before we both seemed to grow bolder and ended up accidentally touching our hands as she jokingly squeezed mine. This state continued until she went through to the living room with a wink.I did some cleaning up and went to join her.

Still having the thought in my head that she was just trying to call out my BS.looking to prompt it I placed my hand on her leg and leaned forward towards her giving her leg a stroke. Able to feel each others breath I said what I assumed would conclude the act "You know I'm with your mother?" an exhaled "yes" came her reply as she gave me a kiss which I returned as I began to move my hand up towards her shorts.

She did not stay stationary trying to move her hands down my trousers as Darlene had. I loosened my belt to assist her and slipped one of my hands in and out of her shorts giving them a light tug each time and cupped one of her breasts through her top with my other free hand.

She climbed on top of me and I stuck both hands up her top as pleasurable as it was the tied knot got on the way so I loosened it.Realising the mess it could create with what we were heading towards I was about to try to get us upstairs.A loud text from Darlene stopped the moment.She got off with a little "Sorry".

"Don't be I'm not" I said as I gave her a kiss. Darlene stepped in shortly after and I quickly did up my belt as Marie went to greet her.

Perhaps not thinking as Darlene apologised I walked behind Marie as Darlene went into the kitchen feeling like a fool as I said "Don't worry your daughter certainly entertained" as I gave a light arse squeeze. I regretted that action immediately thinking that this would be the end of all this."Yeah we had a great time" Marie said as I felt her hand grip what I now realised had been hard all along

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *iscoman7771000Man
over a year ago



More please

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Her soft grip and a few light squeezes did much for me as she talked to Darlene is if nothing had happened between us.The squeezes became more and more frequent until she pulled away sticking my mood halfway between relief and disappointment especially when Darlene began to talk to me.

As I started my response however I felt Maries hand again and felt the air rush in bit as she undid my fly and managed to wriggle a few fingers in,giving a light stroke and winking at me.

Darlene invited us to sit down and I did so awkwardly trying to hopefully not draw her suspicions.Just as I was relaxing I felt an hand quickly grab me and stroke.A loud "Hmm" from Darlene made me a little tense but she continued to touch even as Marie began her own attack on my leg.

"I'm exhausted" said Darlene suddenly with a quick look at me not being too subtle in her tried state.I got up with her and we started heading to her bedroom.

"Alright if I have the leftovers?" came the call from Marie with a clear pause to make me think."Yeah sure" said Darlene now leading me by the hand into her room

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *ove2pleaseseukMan
over a year ago


What sort of left overs

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

She quickly let go off me as we got to her room and with a flurry of motion pressed right into me as we began to kiss.The knowing off what was about to happen caused me to immediately take off my belt and lower my trousers as we continued.

I gave her arse a light spank as her hands continued to wander occasionally giving my trousers little tugs down as I got hers loose and did the same.

A few playful tugs on my boxers started the removal of our shirts as I went all in for a fondle of her tits then kissing down to them staying for a good while as I felt her hands hold my head.

My signal to rise quickly followed as I undid her bra and tossed it at the bed as I stepped back so we could remove our shoes and trousers, a gentle squeeze of her tits followed as we grew closer a light kiss on them also as we began to move towards the bed, hands firmly in each others underwear.

I gave her a more forceful kiss as she lowered my boxers a bit allowing my cock to be free as I pressed it into her skin with each movement as we got to the end.

She got on first climbing on to it on her front giving me a clear idea as I parted her legs and got her underwear off.I slipped one finger in and began gently pushing in and out,when two went in she started to gasp and got herself up a bit making my time a bit easier but also allowing for better access.

I seized the opportunity with a light lick then a rub making sure my action was strong before using my free hand to slide fingers in starting with two but quickly escalating to three at the entry as her breaths became more pronounced.

The periodic licking gave me a better indication of how she was and her reaction as becoming increasingly positive.I moved up and pressed against her my boxers still sort of on so she felt the fabric then switched to fingering.

Second push I gave a lick and moved a bit up allowing my freed cocks tip to gently brush against her gateway but still feel the fabric

Third push I gave a rub before gently pressing the shaft between her cheeks in between every single one I could feel her anticipation and wonder.

The fourth push was difficult having to angle myself to get the condom on and boxers off without her realisation I had something different planned, I went in and out as quickly as I could with three fingers switching speed as I began to climb on top of her.

She couldn't feel my cock but certainly felt my fingers according to her breaths as I put the most difficult part into effect.

I gently gripped her breasts with both hands before grabbing my boxers from around my arm another quick rub as I judged the angle and attacked.

It didn't go as cleanly as I had imagined but it didn't go poorly either the initial thrust catching her surprise as she moaned loudly.

I readjusted slightly and began to pound away at her as the moans grew louder and louder continuing until they grew even more lively as she began to pant a bit.

I had to change quickly to standing at the foot of the bed as my plan hadn't gone flawlessly but that didn't change the action or its outcome.

I got out got on top of her and squeezed her tits and began the final panting as I heard a sharp moan."Daarrleeene" was my indication to her that I had also finished as I got off her and gave her a kiss.

We quickly went under the covers and went to sleep

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *iscoman7771000Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I woke up before Darlene on that day and not paying any attention to time decided to go downstairs. There I fell asleep and woke up to the sound of a shower running.

Making some assumptions I approached the shower and was just about to start sliding off my boxers when Marie exited the shower giving me quite a shock. She hurriedly put on a towel.

"Sorry I thought you were your mother" I said to her she gave me a look. "Why you a little disappointed" she said smirking. "no no its just not what I was hoping for" I replied. "And what were you hoping for?" she asked as she gave me a smile. "Do you really want to know?" I replied a little hesitantly.

"Maybe I do maybe I don't" she said with a smirk adding with a wink "does it concern me?". "A few maybe" I said as I noticed her drawing closer before she launched into a kiss as she dropped her towel giving me a good view, A few more kisses as I groped her tits as I felt her hand slide down my body. We broke away her hand still moving down "Some with only me?" she said timing the words with her slide as it touched my boxers and gave a tug.

"A few with only you" I said as I nodded to the shower using the turn to take her hand off my boxers and also give her tits a little squeeze from behind as I kissed her neck."Hmm" she said as she turned around and kissed again this time more strongly grabbing my boxers and giving them a tug.

She then gave me a smile as she lowered herself to her knees looking up at me "something like this?" she asked on her knees seductively. I grabbed a bit at my boxers suggestively. "something including that, get in the shower" I said. A few moments passed in silence as she pondered my offer but I sensed the conclusion as she got forward and again began to pull down my boxers

"There is something else I would really like to do with you in here, if you're open to it" I said.

"I'm listening" she said her interest restored as she continued her pulling.

"Up against that wall now" I said motioning at the wall opposite the shower. "You don't wan.." she started. "I do but that'll come later" I said winking at her. She followed my instruction and leaned against the wall as I came up behind her.

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By *xxx73Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

She pressed up against the wall with her hands bent over slightly still dripping from the shower. I walked behind her and saw as she pressed her hands in slightly further for what she believed was coming.

I had my own ideas in mind however and gave her a light spank as I heard her exhale, I gave her another and moved in further behind her to grab one of her tits.I pressed into her as I did this so she felt me on her body as I gave a squeeze before backing off into another spank as I heard her inviting breath.

I grabbed her arse before moving my hands forward and pulling myself against her yet again. "I want you" I whispered in her ear having to steady her with my hands as well. "Take me then" came the simple reply enough to make me want to drop immediately and slide right in.I squeezed one of her tits again as I got ready for the tricky part. "You know what I want?" I said with a smile, "Yes" came the response as I felt her back up into me."She can't ever know" I said as I managed to give her a kiss."Yes" came the whispered reply."Good" I said as I pulled my hands back to her arse giving it a squeeze and her leg a light kick so she spread a bit further.

The rubbing of her pussy that I began with drew more relaxed breaths from her at first but more sharp as I rubbed harder and harder. The soft light moans began to start as I slipped my first finger in it going better than expected. After a bit I slipped two in and began a more aggressive motion the moans heightening a little but still reserved.

I pulled my fingers out and gave her another spank before going for an even more aggressive and deeper action with both fingers as I saw her legs begin to shake slightly without my support.

"The window now" came my whispered order that she obeyed pushing herself against it presenting her back to me again. "Sit on the ledge" I said,"I'm sorry but I ca.." she started I knew the end so cut her off, "I thought you would give me what I wanted" I said."I can just.."."I want you to sit on that ledge" I got out .The reply came quicker than I expected in the form of a simple "okay" as she dutifully obeyed spreading her legs without my asking. I walked towards her seeing the look as she realised I hadn't lowered my boxers. Not saying anything I again slipped two fingers in going again at the same force that caused her legs to shake and again the light moans spread to my ears like music.As the pattern shifted I went in for the strongest action I could do the speed beginning to wear on my arm as the pitch of her moans shifted. I locked eyes with her briefly."Can I get what I want?" I whispered."Take it!!" came the reply I was hoping for.I gave her a kiss as my fingers slipped out went down her body to her tits.I looked at her one last time "Please don't be too loud if you.." I started,"I won't" came her reply cutting me off.

I smiled at her and winked then looked down at her pussy and then I buried my face in it licking it as intensely as possible as I felt the shock,pleasure and confusion reign over here "" she said nothing as I stopped the initial ferocity and began a more focused attack as I listened out for the hopeful phrase.

The moans only continued as I explored kissing and licking as I felt her hands lightly grab my head as again the pitch indicating a finale began their song.I sensed the sudden change as I attacked a particular spot and began to go all in at it."Wait you've not" came as the signal to me I went all in as I heard moans building on moans until the time was right. I pulled myself out and began the most intense fingering yet as she placed her hands over her mouth and I hoped the walls were thick.

The elevated squeal was a treasure to behold as I felt her relax as I pulled my fingers out and gave her a kiss. "you" she said looking at my boxers still panting. "Thank you" I said smiling at her."But you didn't.." she started "You did,and that's what I wanted" I replied. "Not a word to your mother" I continued as I gave her a kiss.

"That it?" she said with a disappointed look as I walked away. "Is that what?" I turned around back to her. "The end?" she said simply with her pleading eyes. I walked back to her "the end of what?" I asked staring into her eyes. "The end of..." she started but stopped for a bit. "Do you want it to be?" I gave her another kiss."Think it over for me" I said as I left the room and went back to bed. Thankfully Darlene hadn't heard a thing and didn't notice as I climbed in and went back to sleep.

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