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Donna gets adventurous pt4

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

She enjoyed it very much. The feel of him moving inside her, his weight on her belly, his arms holding her. It was an entirely different sort of pleasure than the frantic, growing need to come that she'd experienced. The intimacy of it, and the knowledge that he was taking such pleasure in her body was a turn on all on its own—as was the look in his eyes.

His eyes were dark but they gleamed in the dark like his smile. He'd watched her lose control, watched the pleasure turn her into a mindless animal, unable to think, intent only on the sensations he provoked in her.

Donna smiled back, unembarrassed. No, not unembarrassed—proud. Proud to be able to lose herself like that in front of him, proud of herself for pursuing this night of sex instead of chickening out. She watched him intently, wanting to experience his loss of control as he came, eager to see what effect she could have on him.

It was everything she could have hoped. His eyes glazed, open but no longer seeing her, for an instant before he closed them. He groaned loudly, his rhythm lost as he hammered her into the mattress with frantic, irregular thrust of his hip before going rigid, body arched above her. She could feel him coming inside her, his cock pulsing repeatedly.

Donna rocked her hips to add to the stimulation. Dara whimpered, gulped for air, his quivering body drawn tight as a bow. Then it was over. He sagged, collapsing on top of her, breathing hard. It would become uncomfortable shortly but for the moment she reveled in the weight of his body on hers, in knowing that she'd reduced him to this.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

She stroked him all over, admiring the width of his shoulders and the curve of his lower back. She kissed his neck and the corner of his jaw. "That was a nice encore," she whispered. "I enjoyed it."

He chuckled, sounding exhausted. "Me too."

Sleep beckoned again. Dara made another trip to the bathroom. When he returned, Donna took her turn. She didn't turn on the light. Washing her hands in the dark after flushing the toilet, she watched her dark reflection in the mirror. She seemed familiar, but also a stranger. Tonight she'd done something she'd never done before.

Not the sex. She'd had sex before. Choosing sex—consciously, deliberately, setting out to have sex with a young man simply because she wanted to. Not the fumbling, lackluster effort—as much from a sense of obligation as from any real desire—that she'd shared with Mark back home.

She'd had sex with—she'd fucked—Dara because she wanted to, and because she wanted to experience the kind of pleasure she'd seen Zara experience. She grinned at her reflection. No doubt Zara would still be at it. But Donna didn't have her experience, and she already knew she'd be a little sore tomorrow. But god—it was worth it!

She dried her hands and returned to the bed to find Dara asleep already. She nudged him. "Shove over, you," she said. He obediently rolled over, away from her, though she doubted he'd actually awakened. She lay down beside him, dragged the bedclothes up to cover them, and snuggled up behind him, already drifting off.

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By *ubble1959Couple
over a year ago


More please, very well written and horny

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By *yes_erectMan
over a year ago


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By *ongbowmanMan
over a year ago


increadible writing!!

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


One of the best stories on here in ages! Thank you OP, I hope that there’s much more to come.

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago



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By *cotty99Man
over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By *7inchMan
over a year ago


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By *ocktoplaywithMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


Loving it

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I said, 'You planning to sleep all day?'"

Donna lifted her head to squint at Zara. She was no more than a silhouette against the blinding light from the window behind her. Donna drew a noisy breath and sighed, exhausted. She wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. She was lying sprawled on her belly, her pillow clutched in her arms. "What time is it?"

"It's after noon," Zara said.

Her words sent a jolt of alarm through Donna. She stared at Zara through a curtain of hair for a moment, then brushed it aside. "What! After noon?"

Sleeping in until after noon? What would her mother say? She'd say that that kind of laziness was not to be tolerated, not in her household. The threat of her lingering disapproval drove Donna to struggle into a sitting position. She flung her bedclothes aside—and then it all came back to her.

She was in her dorm room at college, not at home. It was Sunday. She hadn't missed any classes. You missed church, though—again, her inner voice reminded her. She'd attended services at a local church exactly once since she'd started college. Not that she was going to tell her parents that.

And she really wasn't going to tell them about last night. Oh god. She felt her face grow hot just thinking about what she'd done. She'd slept with Dara. She'd fucked Dara. Several times. They'd awakened several times last night and had sex again each time. It wasn't just Dara's doing, either. She remembered very clearly now waking up and wanting him.

She'd had him, too. It was the first time she had sex on top, and damned if it wasn't a thrill to ride him, setting the pace, and enjoying being in charge.

"I guess your date with Dara was a success," Zarq said.


Zara grinned. "Yeah. You're grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Plus, you either don't know or don't care that you're completely naked."

Donna glance down, confirming Zara's observation, then yanked the bedclothes up to cover herself. Her cheeks burned.

"So tell me. Was your date all that you hoped it would be?"

Donna looked everywhere but at Zara, feeling as if her insides had seized up. She wanted to tell Zara all about it—and she couldn't imagine speaking of it. She tried to imagine what she would say, tried to imagine opening her mouth and saying the words. But they jammed up in her throat and she remained silent.

Zara's sigh was almost silent. "That's okay," she said. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I just thought you might want to." She scooted to the edge of her bed, clearly preparing to leave.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Keep going

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I do," Donna said. Zara paused, looking at her. "Want to," Donna added. "Talk about it."

Zara remained still, watching her with a neutral expression, as if she were watching a deer, aware that the slightest movement would spook it. Was that how she looked to Zara, Donna wondered. Did she seem that skittish? That fragile?

Probably. "It's...not easy for me," she said. Massive understatement.

Zara nodded carefully. "I know. You're a very private person. We've discussed that before. If I'd grown up the way you did, trapped in a tiny town with people still living in the past, I'd probably have turned out just like you."

Donna failed to smother a huge grin.

"What's funny?"

Donna shook her head. Then realized she was shutting down again. "It's just—I can't imagine you growing up in my home town. You wouldn't fit in."

"Exactly. I'd have been forced to conform, the way you were, or I'd have been shunned. Either way I would have been miserable." She caught Donna's eye. "The way you were."

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ilson84500Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Mmmmm lovely

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By *eterpervisMan
over a year ago

back where i came from

Fantastic thanks for continuing your story.

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I wasn't miserable!"

"Weren't you?"

"No!" Dinna felt scorned by Zara's implication. "I had a happy childhood."

"Are you sure about that?" Zara tilted her head. "I mean, I'm not saying your family was awful, or that they mistreated you—"

"They didn't! I had a great family. We didn't argue or fight—or nothing more than childish arguments with my siblings. We never got into any trouble with the law.."

Donna paused to consider what she'd said. Zara's next words might have been snatched from her thoughts. "That's a pretty low bar, though," she said. "Isn't it? But were you happy—really? Did you feel like your family understood you? Or understood the things you were interested in?"

Donna opened her mouth, then closed it. She thought about what Zara had asked. Opened her mouth and closed it again. Zara waited, silent and sympathetic. "No," Dana said at last. "They didn't—don't—really get me. Or my interests."

She didn't have to elaborate. She'd talked to Zara about her interest in science fiction and fantasy, and in science, and in all things strange. She'd haunted the tiny town library all through high school, reading what little they had on those topics. Even books on UFOs and Fortean pseudo-science, the supernatural and the like. Anything that suggested a bigger, more interesting world than the one she lived in.

"That must have been hard," Zara said.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Donna nodded, uncomfortable with the conversation. But that was pretty typical. Talking about herself, about anything that really mattered to her was always uncomfortable. Which, when she thought it, was a pretty damning statement. If talking about things that really mattered, sharing your feelings and your thoughts, was scary—what did that say about the people to whom you were closest?

"Well, enough about that," Zara said brightly. She sat up and clasped her hands in her lap, looking attentive. "Tell me about your date with Dara."

Donna could have kissed her, she was so grateful for the change of topic. "It was...great," she said. "Really great. We went to the party first, but you know that. You and Bob were there too. It was too crowded and noisy and dark for me, though. So we went to get sandwiches. We talked for a while, then we came back here."

Zara waited. When Donna didn't continue she said, "And?"

Donna looked down at her feet, wanting to say more but feeling herself close down at the thought of revealing more. Her throat felt tight. "You know."

"I have a general idea, yeah," Zara said. "But what about the specifics? Did you have fun?" Zara prompted her. "Did you come?"

A broad grin forced its way through her embarrassment. She looked up, meeting Zara's gaze, shocked by her sudden eagerness to boast about it. "Yeah. I did." She paused to emphasize her next words. "Lots of times."

Zara grinned back at her. "Good for you! You used protection, right?"

"Of course!" Donna didn't even want to think what her parents would say if she ever got pregnant. Oh god, just the thought of it made her anxious.

"I figured," Zara said. "But sometime in the heat of the moment it can be easy to forget."

"Yeah, but we didn't."

"Good. We should talk about other kinds of birth control sometime, though."


"Well, first of all, it makes it even less likely that you'll get pregnant. And second...."

"And second, what?" Donna asked, as Zara clearly wanted her to do.

"It's better without a condom."

"It is?"

Zara nodded enthusiastically. "Better for you, better for him. Just all around better."

Donna was dubious. "Why?" Using a condom hadn't seemed so bad to her.

"It just feels better skin to skin," Zara said. "You don't have to stop the action to find a condom and put it on him, or wait for him to do it—or take it off him if you want to switch from fucking to sucking him. Or put another one on him when he's ready to fuck again."

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Placed in that context, Donna understood. She'd watched Zara having sex with fucking two different lovers. Donna realized that she'd never used a condom, though she'd had plenty in her bedside drawer for Donna to use on her date.

"Why do you have some if you don't use them?"

"Oh, I do sometimes. It depends on the guy." She gave Donna a sly smile. "So, tell me about your date."

She did. The story didn't come smoothly, or all at once. Despite feeling ridiculously proud of herself for daring to have this adventure, despite the urge to boast of it, she still found it hard to open up even to Zara. She revealed the story slowly, with frequent pauses, occasionally prompted by a question from Zara. But she told the whole story, from making out before she turned out the lamp to the last kiss Dara gave her before he left her room well after dawn.

"How do you feel about it?" Zara asked.

Donna considered the question for a long while, aware that Zara sat silently waiting, giving her all the time she needed. "I feel...like a different person. Like this was such a momentous event that the world should be able to see it. Like when I walk across campus, people will look and point and whisper about how I've changed."

She shook her head at her own foolishness. "Which is stupid. I didn't do anything hundreds of other students didn't do last night. That millions of people don't do every day. It wasn't even the first time for me!"

"In some ways it was, though," Zarq said. "You said it yourself it was the first time you had sex simply because you wanted to. Don't sell yourself short. That's a big deal." She smiled. "I'm glad it was everything you wanted it to be. So I guess you'll be seeing Dara again?"

Donna nodded. "I hope so."

The conversation wound down after that. Zara packed some textbooks into her backpack and left for the library to study with a friend, leaving Donna alone in the room. She considered going back to sleep but her conscience wouldn't let her. Too many years of her mother's rules had done their work. She climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom. A long shower helped her to wake up. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her she hadn't eaten in over twelve hours—not since a sandwich with Dara the night before.

She stole one of Zara's bagels and a drink from the mini-fridge. It wasn't her first choice, but it quieted her stomach. Sunday afternoon loomed ahead of her with nothing planned. She could study—but her heart wasn't in it. Not today. None of her other usual options were any more appealing. In the end, she decided to go for a walk.

She wandered the campus for hours, marveling at the sights. The whole world seemed different. It wasn't the world, though. As she'd told Zara, she felt as if everyone she met should be able to see her secret, to know that she'd had sex last night. Nobody did. If they'd known, they wouldn't have cared. They had their own lives—and many of them, their own lovers.

Donna watched the other students as she walked. Individuals, couples, groups, mostly walking somewhere. It was too cold to sit outside reading or talking, or sunbathing. She wondered about the couples she saw. How many were lovers? Many of them, certainly. She smiled to herself, still a little shocked but very pleased to know that she was one of their number now.

The sun sank toward the horizon. It grew colder outside, and a single bagel wasn't enough. Donna walked to the nearest restaurant and had dinner before returning to the room. She found Zara at her desk studying. It was a good idea, and Donna found that her walk had helped her settle down. She no longer felt like she'd just joined a secret society. That she'd had sex last night didn't change the fact that she had classes tomorrow. She sat down at her own desk and reached for her text book.

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Monday afternoon Donna found a note taped to the whiteboard on the door of her room. It had her name on it. She unfolded it.

Guess you're not in. I had a great time with you this weekend. How about another date Friday night? I'd have called, but I don't have your number. Here's mine. Dara.

He'd written his phone number beneath his name. Donna studied the note, a huge grin on her face. She felt unreasonably thrilled by the note, and it warmed her all over.

She pulled her phone out of her jeans pocket and added Dara to her contacts. She sent a text: And now you have mine. I'd love to see you Friday.

Friday was painfully slow to arrive. Donna found herself obsessed with thoughts of sex. Memories of sex with Dara, fantasies about more sex with him. Curiosity about who else around her was having sex. It interfered with her schoolwork, distracting her in class and making it difficult to study. She masturbated almost daily, which was not like her at all!

Of course not, she told herself. She'd always rubbed one out as quickly and efficiently as possible when her sex drive became a distraction, a mechanical release to clear her mind. It was witnessing Zara's sex life that revealed what she'd been missing. She was embarrassingly eager to have sex again with Dara.

Dara arrived at her door at six. Dana wore jeans as usual, but with a green silk blouse Zars had helped her buy. It was tighter than any of her other tops, drawing attention to her figure in a way that embarrassed and aroused her simultaneously. Based on the way Dara looked at her when he saw it, it was producing the desired effect.

He gave her a kiss. "Hey, Donna. You look nice."

Donna smiled. "Thanks. You too." They stood looking at one another for a moment. "So," Danna said to break the silence. "What's the plan for tonight?"

"Dinner and a movie," Dara said. "Italian?"

"Great," Donna said. Not that she knew anything about Italian food aside from spaghetti. She grabbed a jacket from the foot of her bed. "I'm out of here," she called to Zara, who was primping in the bathroom for her own date.

Zara popped her head out, grinning broadly. "You kids have fun! I've got the room tonight, right?"

"Right," Donna said, glancing at Dara. He nodded. "Later!" Donna said.

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


Loving the story x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *teelyBloomMan
over a year ago


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By *ongbowmanMan
over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


Terrific story

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By *oyntzMan
over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By *onny135Man
over a year ago


Excellent story, loved reading through these

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *oss25Man
over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

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By *uliette500Woman
over a year ago


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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Fantastic story

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Every time I read this it keeps getting better and better, more more more please OP

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By *cotty99Man
over a year ago


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By *alldarkhandsomedaveMan
over a year ago


Great read!

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By *ountryfansCouple
over a year ago


Please let there be alot more of this story. So sexy and really well written

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Afterwards she couldn't have said much about the meal and even less about the movie. It was some kind of spy thriller, but she was too absorbed in anticipating sex later that evening to pay attention to it. She leaned into Dara when he put his arm around her, and rested her hand on his thigh. She caressed him through the denim of his own jeans. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head. She raised her head to look at him, inviting another kiss, which he gave her.

Very shortly they were seriously making out, the movie forgotten. They kissed intently, breathing through their noses, desperate for one another. She caressed him more firmly, stroking his thigh higher until she discovered his erection. Darren stroked the side of her face, then dropped a hand to cup her breast. Dana was excited to know that he could feel her erect nipple through her bra and blouse. In another minute, he was fondling her bare breast through the open front of her blouse and Donna shocked herself by fumbling with the zipper of his jean.

Dara broke the kiss . "Let's go back to my room," he whispered.

"God, yes," Donna said.

Donna felt certain everyone in the lobby and corridors of Dara's dorm knew why she was there, that they were all aware of how she'd hastily fumbled her clothes back on for the walk from the theater. She kept her head up, though, resisting the urge to hunch her shoulders guiltily. She had nothing to feel guilty about. That was just her upbringing talking.

A knot of residents were standing in the hallway conversing loudly. They greeted Dara equally loudly. He nodded and replied. Dara greeted them as he stopped in front of a door and fished in his pocket. "So, who's your friend?" one of them asked, eyeing Donna. She avoided his gaze.

"Donna, this is the nut gallery. Nut gallery, this is Donna," Dara said.

"Hi, Donna!" they chorused. Donna gave a little wave to them all, feeling her cheeks flush. Dara pushed the door open.

"So is she your girlfriend?" another guy asked.

"See you later, guys," Dara said, steering Donna into the room. A desk lamp provided the only light, leaving the room cloaked in shadows. He closed the door on a barrage of questions. It rose, then faded quickly. Donna drew a deep breath and let it out, wriggling her shoulders to dispel the tension which had settled there.

"Don't pay any attention to those guys," Dara said from behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple.

Donna leaned into his embrace. "I won't."

His kisses wandered down to her ear. He nipped at her earlobe and she shivered. Dara turned her to face him. She reached up with both hands to pull him down into a hungry open-mouthed kiss. He returned it eagerly, grabbing her ass with both hands and pulling her hard up against him. There was no missing his hard cock

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes please

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Mmmmmm lovely

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By *un_Cheshire_GentMan
over a year ago


Great continuing story.

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


I’m enjoying this one so much!

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By *xnewtothis2017xxCouple
over a year ago


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By *ooking4othersMan
over a year ago

Here ...

Not sure how I missed this story but eagerly looking forward to the next installment.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Donna leaned back, breaking the kiss, and began hastily unbuttoning her blouse. Dara took the hint, released her and began undressing. In less than a minute they were naked. Mingled arousal and nervousness tightened Donns's skin and quickened her breathing as she studied her lover in the dim light. He was just as she remembered him. He stood motionless except for his eyes, which studied her avidly.

She wasn't sure which of them moved first. They were wrapped up in one another all at once, mouths moving over lips, cheeks, necks, desperate to taste one another; his hands found her breasts and teased her nipples into rigid peaks. Her own hands kneaded his buttocks, studied the shape of his hipbones—and oh god but they were sexy under her fingertips—and found their way to his cock and balls, taking the measure of him and drawing out breathy sounds of pleasure.

He steered her toward a bed. His bed. She stumbled once, over a pile of discarded clothing. The room was more cluttered than the one she shared with Zara. Dara directed her to sit on the edge of the bed. He knelt at her feet and leaned to take a breast into his mouth.

"Ohhh," Donna moaned. He kissed and licked and suckled at her nipple, fondling the other with one hand. The pleasurable sensations sparked a response between her legs. She wanted his touch there as well.

As if he'd sensed her desire, his other hand touched her knees. She sat with her knees demurely together from sheer habit, her nudity and wanton behavior notwithstanding. He slid his hand between her knees, nudging them apart, urging her to spread her legs wider. Wider still.

She felt his mouth move away from her breast. "Lie back," he instructed her.

Donna's breath caught for an instant. She knew what he intended, knew what pleasure it offered, and she wanted it. Wanted it desperately. She leaned back on her elbows until the back of her head touched the wall. It was a narrow bed. She turned to sprawl at an angle across it, lying flat. She spread her legs wider still, one along the edge of the bed, the other foot on the floor, offering herself up, eager for the touch of his tongue.

Dara kissed her inner thighs, the touch of his lips sending sparks along her nerves. He lifted her leg to rest on his shoulder as he leaned in close. She felt his breath on her vulva, stirring the hairs gently. He kissed her there, then again on her inner thighs. She heard him inhale, taking in her scent. It turned her on, knowing that he liked it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Mmmmmmm so sexy

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *ountryfansCouple
over a year ago


Loving it

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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


Amazing story

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By *ardnreddyMan
over a year ago



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By *alldarkhandsomedaveMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

This wasn't like last time. She wasn't anxious about whether he could smell her arousal, or whether he liked it. She knew he did. She felt more relaxed, despite lying in a stranger's bed in a strange room. She was excited and eager and, yes, a little anxious still. But she knew what to expect now and she wanted it. She was eager and aroused and wet and wanting.

Dara's mouth gave her great pleasure. His lips and tongue caressed and teased and licked and stroked her with greater skill than he had shown before. He too had learned from their first night together. He knew better how to arouse her, when to press his attack and when to back off a little. She tried watching him at first, but it involved holding her head up, which was tiring and distracting. She chose instead to relax and close her eyes, the better to focus on the feel of his mouth on her sex.

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


Fabulous story

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The delicious tension spread upwards to her belly and down into her thighs. Donna's breathing quickened and deepened as the pleasure grew. She felt herself ascending steadily but inexorably toward a peak, like riding a roller coaster up that first long incline. The tension grew, knotting deep in her belly, drawing her thighs bowstring tight.

She reached the crest—and tumbled over it into orgasm. Donna cried out, her whole body curling around the unbearable pleasure Dara gave her. It went on, waves of pleasure racing through her body until she didn't think she could endure it any longer. She sagged back to lie on the bed, body limp, thinking it was over.

Dara had other ideas. His hands curled over her thighs, holding her in place as he used his lips and tongue to start her climbing toward another peak. It was too much. Too soon. Donna wriggled, trying to pull away. Dara's hands pressed more firmly into her thighs. Donna gasped and slapped ineffectually at the blanket beneath her—but she stopped struggling as the sensations changed from too much to more.

She was rapidly approaching another peak. She was going to come again, and just that suddenly she wanted it badly. There was nothing subtle about Dara's actions now, nothing gentle, and that was exactly what she wanted. What she needed.

Donna came again, an explosive orgasm that blotted out everything else. When it was over, she lay slack and panting on Dara's bed, breathing heavily, the muscles of her thighs quivering. She felt Dara carefully lower the leg on his shoulder before he joined her on the bed. His cheeks and chin glistened in the light from the desk lamp. He dripped with her juices. And he grinned at her.

"Wow," he said. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you enjoyed that."

Donna grinned lazily back at him. That was the only way she could do anything at the moment. She could barely muster the energy to reply. "I'm pretty sure I did."

Dara cocked an eyebrow. "Only pretty sure?"

"Okay," she agreed. "I'm very sure I did."

"Yeah," he said. "You got kinda loud."

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

She shrugged. The thought should have alarmed her. It didn't. She was too tired, too satisfied to care. Maybe later she'd worry about it. Maybe not, too.

He kissed her. She kissed him back, opening her mouth to him, eager to taste him, to taste herself on his lips and tongue. It turned her on, as it had before, to smell and taste herself on her lover's skin. The tangible evidence of her arousal, and of his intimate acquaintance with her, rekindled her desire.

She was still limp, still feeling the minute tremors in muscles still recovering from the tension and pleasure she'd experienced, but she wanted more. She wanted to feel his skin against hers, wanted him inside her. She spoke the words aloud before she thought to censor herself, mumbling through the kiss. "I want you."

She felt Dara's smile before his lips retreated. "Good. I want you too."

He looked around, frowned, and climbed off the bed to rummage through his desk drawer. He raised a strip of condom packets victoriously. "Aha!"

Donna wriggled into the center of his bed, feeling like a wanton woman. Here she was, lying naked in a man's bed, spreading her legs in anticipation of getting fucked. Again. The thought added to her arousal—as did watching Darren. He stood by the bed now, struggling to open the packet, his cock standing at attention.

That was her doing. She reached up to wrap her hand around it, feeling possessive. Dara got the package open. She let him go so he could roll the condom into place. He climbed onto the bed and moved into position. He put his weight on his knees and elbows, his body but not his weight resting against hers.

He kissed her again, then nuzzled his way to her ear. His breath was hot and tickled a little, the shiver it produced turned into a whole body quiver of anticipation. "Ready?" he asked.

"Oh yes," she replied.

She felt his cock brush against her skin once, twice—and then settle between her labia. He hesitated for an instant, then drove himself inside her. Donna groaned aloud, thrilled by the sensation of penetration. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and pulled him closer with one hand on the small of his back. The other clasped the back of Dara's head, holding him in place. "Don't move," she whispered. "Not yet."

Dara remained obediently still and silent. Donna sighed, trying to fix this moment in her memory. It was so exciting, so novel still. She lay naked with a lover, their bodies pressed together, his cock inside her. It felt so good already and it was only going to get better! She loved this feeling, this moment, loved the anticipation. In that moment she understood Zara better than she ever had before. This—this was what Zara lived for, this pursuit of pleasure. Donna felt giddy with delight.

"You okay?" Dara whispered.

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By *outhEastPaulMan
over a year ago

Thames Ditton surrey

This is simply amazing writing

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Oh wow fantastic

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


Just fantastic

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By *ountryfansCouple
over a year ago


Please let there be much more to this story

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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I'm great," Donna said. "Fuck me, Dara. Fuck me hard."

He did as she asked. It was better than she'd hoped. The weight of his belly against hers, the slippery friction of his cock thrusting, thrusting, thrusting—Dana moaned aloud, riding the rising tide of pleasure. Dara kept up a steady rhythm at first, the bed rocking with each snap of his hips, his breathing deep and steady. The frame squeaked as he fucked her.

It felt so good, so fucking good—Donna loved what he was doing to her, loved how he made her feel. It was only a matter of time now before she came, the glorious feeling of Dara's cock moving inside her, the weight of his body, the trembling tension building toward an orgasm, it was good, so good—"So fucking good," she heard someone say, and realized with a shock that it was her!

She was speaking aloud, the running commentary in her thoughts spilling from her lips as her control slipped. "I'm gonna come, Dara, I'm gonna come. It feels so good, so so good. I love it, I love your cock, love it, don't stop—don't...it feels so good, I'm gonna—I'm gonna—" She was babbling, unable to stop, caught up in a rising wave of pleasure, vast and unstoppable. It rushed forward faster, bouying her up higher and higher until it crested and she screamed and laughed through the tumbling, disorienting loss of control the ecstacy brought.

When she could think again, she realized Dara was still fucking her vigorously. The bed rocked with every thrust of his hips, the metal bedframe protesting more loudly than ever, now banging the wall as well. He was breathing hard, sweating and flushed. She knew he had reached the end of his endurance.

One stroke more. Two, three—and he buried himself inside her, motionless save for the throbbing of his cock and the quivering tension that held his body rigid. The tension leached away and he would have moved off of her, but Donna wrapped her arms and legs around him and pulled him down to lie on top of her. "Not yet," she said.

"I'm not too heavy?" he asked.

"I can take it for a minute," Donna said. She kissed him. "Just relax. You worked hard. Enjoy it."

Dara's slow smile took her breath away. That smile, his tousled hair, and the sleepy eyes of a thoroughly sated man combined to make him incredibly sexy. It made her want to fuck him again right away. "Oh, I did," he said. "And so did you."

"I did," Donna said primly.

"I could tell. You were...talkative tonight," Dara said.

Donna glanced away, reminded of her running commentary, and wondering where it had come from. And—she looked back at Dara. "Did you like it?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it was hot. But kinda surprising."

"It surprised me too," Donna admitted. She squirmed a bit. His weight was beginning to be an issue.

Dara took his weight on one arm, reached down to hold the condom in place, then pulled out. He pushed up to a kneeling position between her legs, then climbed off the bed. "Back in a sec," he said, before vanishing into the bathroom.

Donna sat up, feeling a little sweaty and sticky herself, and all too aware of the wet spot they'd created on the sheet. She shuddered abruptly, seized by a brief echo of the pleasure she'd just experienced, like an aftershock following an earthquake. She'd never felt that before. Was it normal? Did it happen to Zara? Her thoughts threatened to fixate on the question.

She dragged her attention away from the subject by studying the room. Bob's bed was empty, of course. He was busy with Zara back in her room. The room was more cluttered by far than hers and Zara's, with clothing, books, and personal effects scattered around. Cluttered, she was pleased to see, but not dirty. No empty bottles, cups, or plates lying around.

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

She stood to walk over and examine the textbooks on Dara's desk. Typical texts, mostly, but also Calculus and Physics books. She opened the math book and flipped through it. The diagrams were inscrutable, the text worse. It might as well have been written in hieroglyphics. It was all far beyond her mediocre mathematical abilities.

"God, you're hot."

Donna's head snapped up. Dara was standing in the bathroom doorway watching her, a hungry gleam in his eyes. The desire she saw there made heat bloom deep in her belly. She ducked her head even as she smiled, deeply pleased by the compliment.

"You're always cute," Dara said, crossing the room to join her. "But watching you standing here naked, focused on something else, not thinking about the fact that you're naked—you're smoking hot."

Donna didn't know how to react to that. Her first reaction was to downplay it, to reject the compliment. It felt wrong to accept the compliment. Selfish, maybe, or vain. It didn't mesh with her self-image. How could he find a gawky, skinny, painfully shy girl hot?

You've got a nice body. It's time you let the world see it. Zara's words drifted up from memory. Maybe her self-image needed updating. She was already working on changing how she dressed, and how she behaved. Probably time to try to change her self-image too.

"Thanks," she said. She noticed the folded towel he carried. "What's that?"

"Ah," Dara said. He demonstrated, spreading the towel on the bed, covering the wet spot. He stretched out on it on his side and extended a hand for Donna to join him.

"Good thinking," Donna said.

She settled into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder. They weren't done yet, she knew. It wouldn't take Dara long to get his second wind. She looked forward to it. Until then, they could snuggle and talk quietly. He asked what she'd been looking at, and she told him, which led to comparing their educational backgrounds, and more discussion of the differences between growing up in the city as opposed to a one-horse town.

Despite the unsexy topic, Donna was keenly aware of the gathering storm. She idly caressed Dara all over as they talked, and didn't miss it when his cock eventually responded by growing larger and harder. He had been caressing her as well, and the heat gathering deep in her belly demanded attention, distracting her from the conversation. She interrupted him mid-sentence with a sudden kiss.

He returned it with interest, pulling her closer with the arm around her shoulders. She slid a hand along his belly, through his pubic hair, to wrap around his cock and stroke it. He groaned into her mouth, never breaking the kiss. He pressed his hips toward her, silently urging her to continue. She did, marveling at how quickly he became completely erect. Dara's free hand found her wet and open, and then it was her turn to turn her hips and spread her legs, eager to feel him penetrate her with his fingers.

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By *sletwoCouple
over a year ago

Yarmouth isle of Wight

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By *d4ugirlsMan
over a year ago

Green Cove Springs

Such an awesome story, seeing Donna growing in her sexuality and comfort.

Reading about Zara and his patience and skill to give her Such pleasure and open her eyes to what sex should be like.

Thanks for your time to write such an eloquent and erotic story for all of us to appreciate.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Donna was more than ready to have something more substantial inside her by the time they broke the kiss to give one another a look that said it was time to fuck again. "Let's try something different," Dara said. "Get on your hands and knees?"

It was a request, and Donna complied, eager to experience something new. She had a moment of doubt when she wondered if he wanted to try anal. That wasn't something she was interested in trying. Not now, maybe not ever. Fortunately that wasn't what he had in mind.

Five minutes later Dara knelt between her legs, gripping her hips with both hands, fucking her doggy-style. It wasn't an entirely comfortable position; it allowed him to drive deeper than missionary, occasionally too deep for her liking. After the first couple of times it happened, Dara backed off a little and Donna enjoyed it a lot more.

She clung to the footrail of his bed, bracing herself against his driving hips. The headboard slammed against the wall with every frantic thrust of his hips, announcing to the world—or at least to his neighbors—that he was having sex in this room. The thought that his neighbors could hear them both embarrassed her and aroused her. That guilty excitement added fuel to the fire, and propelled her to orgasm.

The ebbing pleasure when it was over stole away her strength. She dropped to her elbows, forehead resting on the mattress, vision obscured by her fallen hair. Dara's hands tightened on her hips and he groaned loudly, buried to his balls inside her, coming hard. Donna rocked against him and wiggled her hips, pleased to evoke a gasp from him before the tension ran out of his body and they both collapsed onto the bed.

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


One of the best stories I’ve ever read on here

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By *avem30Man
over a year ago


Great story

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago



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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By *alldarkhandsomedaveMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

They had sex again a couple of hours later. She lavished a blowjob on him and he licked her to orgasm before they fucked again. Missionary again, this time, and much more to Donna's liking. Doggy made for some interesting sensations, but nothing compared to having sex face to face, with a lover's weight on her belly and his mouth on her mouth, cheeks, neck and ears. When they'd both recovered from their exertions, it was late. Donna fell asleep with Dara curled around her, a warm, comforting presence at her back.

Donna jerked awake, disoriented and alarmed. It took a moment to identity what had disturbed her. D*unken revelers in the hallway outside Dara's room. The voices moved down the hall away from his door. A door slammed, then another. Silence reigned once more.

She settled back onto her side. Dara was stretched out behind her, one arm draped over her waist. The noises hadn't awakened him. He must be used to them. She tried to relax into sleep again, but she was thirsty and her bladder was full.

She slipped out of bed without waking Dara and stood dithering for a moment. The room was dark, but the LEDs in clocks and other electronic devices provided enough illumination to navigate. She knew Dara's roommate was out, but the bathroom was a shared one with the guys in the next room. Should she get dressed just to use the bathroom? Could she even find her clothes without turning on the light?

Screw it. She crept to the door of the bathroom. The room was dark when she opened the door, though light showed in a strip beneath the opposite door. She closed the door behind her as silently as possible, then turned on the light. An enclosed toilet stall at this end of the room and a curtained shower cubicle at the other bracketed two sinks on the wall between them. She felt her lip curl as she took in the state of the room and wished she had slippers on. It wasn't awful but their standards of cleanliness were nothing like hers and Zara's.

Well, she'd just be quick. She was grateful for the enclosed toilet. She latched the door and made use of the toilet. She'd just flushed and was reaching for the door when she heard a door open. She froze. A moment later, someone tried the toilet door. Should she say something?

"Dara, that you, buddy? You dog!"

Donna closed her eyes, wishing she were anywhere but here. But he wasn't done.

"Dude, seriously—where did you find that girl? Every time I thought you were done, your bed started banging the wall again! She must be one hot fuck!"

He wasn't going to stop. Not unless she stopped him.

"I guess I must be," she said.

Silence. Then, "Well, this is awkward."


"I'll just give you the room." Footsteps retreated and the door closed. Donna waited for a moment, then opened the cubicle door. She washed her hands acutely aware the whole time that she was naked, with a stranger just on the other side of the door. She glanced at the mirror just once. Her hair was in serious disarray, what Zara called that just-fucked look.

Donna dried her hands on the cleanest towel she could find, then fled the bathroom.

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


Wow how fantastic

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ountryfansCouple
over a year ago


Such an excellant story

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Absolutely brilliant

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 01/07/22 18:34:43]

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

She snuggled up to Dara. He caressed her thigh before wrapping an arm around her waist again. When he spoke, he sounded half-asleep. "Did I hear you talking to someone?"

"Nobody important."

He made a noncommital sound. His hand moved up to cup her breast. He kissed the point of her shoulder, then nuzzled her neck. His caresses became more focused—and more effective. Donna turned to lie on her back, making it easier for him to fondle her, and easier for her to stroke his cock. She felt him responding. She met his gaze. "Again?"

"Yeah. If you're up for it."

"Sure," she said. "Apparently I'm a hot fuck."


Donna shook her head. "Never mind," she said, before kissing him.

Donna returned to her own room about eight a.m. Zara was asleep on her bed, alone. She stirred briefly when Donna entered the room, but didn't wake. Donna's eyes burned with the need for more sleep but she took time for a very brief shower and brushed her teeth before she fell into bed with damp hair.

She woke again to the scent of a toasted bagel. Zara sat at her desk spreading a shmear on the bagel. She noticed Donna. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

Donna pushed herself up onto her elbows. Her alarm clock read 11:12. "No, it's okay. I need to get up. Sleeping til noon on the weekends just fucks up my schedule." The curse word caught her by surprise. She'd have to watch that. Her mother would have a fit if she spoke like that at home. That was another habit she didn't want to cultivate.

"So," Zara said, "how was your date?"

Donna smiled broadly. "It was great. How was yours?"

"Also great." Zara ate a bite of her bagel. "What did you do?"

Donna sat up. "We had dinner and then went to a movie. Then we went back to his room and had sex."

"Was it as much fun as last time?"

"Yeah. Mostly." At Zara's questioning look, Donna sighed. "We tried a new position. Doggy. I'm not sure I like it." She sat up in bed, legs crossed tailor fashion. She told Zara about the experience, marveling inwardly at how easily she shared her thoughts and feelings with Zara. She'd never been this open with anyone in her life. She liked it, liked being able to confide in Zara but it was still a new experience.

"Well, everyone has preferences," Zara said. "You're not obligated to do it again if you don't want to."

"I know. I just...." Donna caught herself trailing off. Recently she'd realized she did that a lot. Leaving things unsaid, things she didn't want to speak aloud, or didn't want to face.

"You just?" Zara prompted.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


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By *avem30Man
over a year ago


Best story on here

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Donna shook her head. "I don't know. I'm not sorry we did it. But I'm not sure I'll want to do it again."

"Even if you don't, it's not like he's gonna stop sleeping with you over it," Zara said.

"You think?" Donna hated the eagerness for validation she heard in her voice.

"I do," Zara said. "But even if he does, it's not like there aren't plenty of fish in the sea."

Donna studied the pattern on her comforter. "Maybe. But I wouldn't know how to find them. I didn't exactly burn up the dating scene back home. Or here, for that matter." She looked up at Zara. "I mean, I didn't pick Dara

and he didn't pick me. You set us up."

"And I was glad to do it. I'm happy to help you get your feet wet." Her teeth appeared in a brief, broad smile. "So to speak," she added. "But you're gonna have to learn to find your own playmates eventually."

The thought alarmed Donna. She'd had very few dates in high school. Two or three one-off dates before she'd started dating Mark—and she'd dated Mark mostly because he was the only one who asked her out more than once. She'd tried once or twice to drop hints to guys she liked, and those occasions were memorable only as failures. Opening herself up enough to admit that she had feelings for someone was all but impossible. The thought that someone might know how she felt, that they could use that against her, terrified her.

Which, really, suggested some serious trust issues. Maybe Zara was right about her family relationships being less wholesome than she'd always believed.

"Hey," Zara said, breaking into Donna's thoughts. "Don't discorporate on me."


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Zara shook her head, smiling to herself. "Fannish joke. Never mind." She put down her bagel and came to sit beside Donna, taking her hand as she did. The casual touch startled Donna.

"Wow," Zara said. She gestured at their clasped hands. "Is this okay?"

"Yeah," Donna said. "Sure. I just...." Dammit, I'm doing it again. "I'm not used to this, is all," she said.

"I can tell." Zara pursed her lips for a moment, but whatever she was thinking she kept to herself. She drew and let out a breath. "Look, you can't change the past. If you were a wallflower in school, that's never going to change. But you can do things differently now."

"You already have," Zara continued. "In case it has escaped your attention, you have a lover now."

Donna's cheeks warmed at Zara's blunt words. But she grinned too. She did have a lover. The warmth in her face was joined by a warm sensation in her belly, a sense memory of the feel of Dara's body against hers and the abrupt desire to feel it again. "Yeah," she said. "I do."

"And you can have more," Zara said. "If you want them. Or you can continue to see Dara alone. It's up to you."

Donna wondered if her eyes looked as big and round to Zara as they felt. The way Zara's smile morphed into a laugh told her that they did. "Oh my, you should see your face," Zara told her. "You looked shocked and embarrassed and greedy all at once. No," she added sharply, catching Donna's attention as firmly as if she'd reached out and grabbed her face.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"No," she repeated, "don't pretend. Don't hide from yourself. Shocked? Yeah, I get it. This is a big change for you. Embarrassed? I get that too. Talking about—or even thinking about—such intimate things is hard for you. But greedy?"

She leaned forward. "That's understandable too. I understand exactly what you're feeling."

Do you? Donna wondered. A heartbeat, then, "Do you?" The words were barely audible, but she spoke them aloud.

"Of course I do," Donna assured her. "More to the point, I think you understand me a lot better than you did after the first time you caught me in bed with a guy. Don't you?"

She did. She recalled clearly just how shocked she'd been when she walked in on Zara in bed with...some guy. She realized she'd never heard his name. Not that it mattered, she hadn't seen him again. That didn't mean Zara hadn't slept with him again, but not when Dana was around. It had been a deeply embarrassing event for Dinna, walking in on them like that. And the conversation afterward, when Zara explained her approach to sex. Quite aside from whatever moral qualms—admittedly slight—Donna had about it, or the practicalities of finding guys to sleep with, she hadn't understood why Zara pursued sex with such determination. Because it felt good, yes, of course. Donna understood the theory.

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

But the gulf in experience between Donna at the start of the term and Donna today was almost impossible to describe. She knew now what Zara had known then, and she knew she wanted to experience all that pleasure as often as she possibly could. The idea that she could have lovers plural made her giddy. It was frightening and arousing all at once. She hadn't considered the possibility before; she'd been too consumed with anxiety about getting together with Dara and then with the desire to repeat the experience with him.

Now that Zara had directed her attention to the idea, she knew she would pursue it. She wanted more sex. She wanted to have sex with Dara again. And she wanted to try it with other guys. Different guys.

"Yeah, I do," Donna said. "I get it now. I didn't before."

Zara nodded. "I know. I was really afraid at first that you were going to be a real prude about it."

Donna's mouth dropped open for a moment. "You were?" She'd had no idea.

Zara looked sheepish. "Yeah. You were so shocked when you caught me with Gary. I was expecting you to read me the riot act afterward, or call me a slut or tell me I was going to hell. But you didn't."

"Of course not." Even if she had felt that way, it wasn't something she'd have said.

Zara took Donma's hand in hers. "I know that—now. I didn't know you then. After I learned you'd watched me with Bob and you'd liked it, then I knew you were a girl after my own heart

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Do we see a same room session in Donna's future

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By *alldarkhandsomedaveMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


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By *ongbowmanMan
over a year ago


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By *ardnreddyMan
over a year ago



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By *teelyBloomMan
over a year ago


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By *d4ugirlsMan
over a year ago

Green Cove Springs

Interesting last part to the latest chapter.

Is there a new twist here, where Zara is going to show Donna the pleasures of a woman.

We are all left in suspense in your magical tale.

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By *avem30Man
over a year ago


Loving this

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Donna felt her face heat but fought the urge to look away from Zara. "Yeah." She wanted to say more but felt the words jam up in her throat. Zara remained silent, patiently waiting. Donna knew what she wanted to say, but the words stubbornly refused to come to her.

Zara continued to wait. Donna looked at her. Looked away. Opened her mouth, then closed it again, defeated. She knew Zara must be getting impatient with her continued silence. She had to be. But her expression remained unchanged, a faint smile of understanding and endless patience.

Donna licked her lips. "Yeah," she said again. "I am. A girl after your own heart."

Zara acknowledged her words with a nod, but said nothing.

"I'm very glad you're my roommate," Donna added. "I tried to get a new roommate, did you know that?" Zara shook her head. "I did. But there were none to be had, so I had to stay here. I'm glad I did. I had no idea what I was missing."

"But now you do?"

Donna grinned. "Now I do. And I want more. Lots more."

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Donna got a lot more sex over the next three weeks. She didn't get laid every time she wanted it, though she managed two or three times a week. Practicalities like finding a room vacant or arranging for Zara or Dara's roommate, Bob, to give them some privacy had to be dealt with. Zara was good about vacating the room, at least when she wasn't planning on entertaining her own lover there.

Bob was also accommodating. More than once Donna stood by, blushing, as Bob gathered his things and departed for the library or elsewhere for a few hours. He never seemed put out by it, though once or twice he politely but firmly refused. It embarrassed Donna to know that Bob knew he was leaving so that Dara could have sex with Donna, but it also excited her. And sometimes Bob and Zara took advantage of Donna's absence to make their own fun.

She was pretty sure most of Darra's neighbors knew as well. None of them said said anything to her about it, but the knowing looks she got a few times, and some overheard comments made it plain: they knew. And to be honest, that excited her as well. Zara wasn't the only one with an exhibitionist kink.

Now she stood knocking at Dara's door again with no response. It was about five on Friday afternoon and the dorm hallways were mostly deserted. She concluded that he wasn't home when the door to her right opened and a guy stuck his head out. "Dara's not here," he said. He was short, about Donna's height, with curly blond hair and blue eyes."He went home for the weekend."

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By *d4ugirlsMan
over a year ago

Green Cove Springs

Now that is leaving us all speculating.

Definitely have us hooked again on your story to see what evolves.

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Right," Donna said, feeling a hollow disappointment. Now that he'd mentioned it she remembered Dara telling her he was going to be away this weekend. Some kind of family event. "I remember now."

The guy stepped out of his room. He was definitely no taller than Donna, maybe even a fraction shorter. But sturdy. A solid torso and heavy arms and legs. Something about him made her think of a wrestler. He held an open paperback book in one hand, his index finger marking his place.

He presented his free hand. "I'm Ron," he said. His grip, when she took his hand, was strong.

"I'm Donna."

"Dara's girlfriend?"

Donna wasn't sure how to answer that. She hesitated, then said, "Sort of, I guess."

Was it her imagination or did Ron's attention become more focused? She got the impression he was really seeing her for the first time as a person, not just an interruption. He let the paperback fall closed.

"Sorry. That wasn't a trick question," Ron said. "Friend of his, anyhow?"

"Yeah," Donna said. "Yeah, I am." She chewed her lip for a moment, then added, "I guess I'll be going." She'd been hoping to make love with Dara. Now she had nothing to look forward to all weekend.

"You sure about that?" Ron asked. He glanced into his room. "It's about to come down in buckets out there." He gestured for her to come look.

Donna closed the distance until she could see thru the doorway of his room. Through the window she could see dark clouds piling up, and tree limbs waving in the rising wind as the light faded. It had looked like rain on the walk over here, but Ron was right. It was about to pour.

"Come on in and sit down," Ron suggested. "I've got beer. You can wait out the storm in comfort or get soaked running back to your dorm."

"Well," Donna said, "when you put it like that...."

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By *lamorousBeautyLondonWoman
over a year ago


Well, well... Convenient rain!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Great," Ron said. He entered the room ahead of her. He put the book down on a desk, grabbed a couple of discarded pieces of clothing and tossed them into a hamper, then pulled the chairs away from the desks on opposite walls of the room and placed them together. "Have a seat."

Dinna sat. She unslung her backpack and placed it on the floor by her feet. The room was fairly tidy, now that the dirty clothes were put away. It had a distinct scent she didn't recognize but liked. There was an incense burner on one of the desks, presumably the source of the scent.

Ron knelt in front of a tiny fridge.

"I don't drink beer," Donna said abruptly.

Ron shrugged and opened the fridge. "How about a Coke?"

"Yes, please," Donna said.

Ron rose with a Coke in each hand, pushed the fridge door closed with his foot and offered Donna one of the cans. He sat down beside her, popping his own drink open.

"No beer?" Donna asked, teasing just a little.

Ron shook his head. "I don't drink alone." He raised his can. "Cheers!"

Donna tapped her can against his. "Cheers."

"So," Ron said after a sip. "How do you know Dara?"

"My roommate introduced us. How do you—never mind," Dinna said, shaking her head at her own slowwittedness.

Ron smiled. "Luck of the draw. He's pretty good bathroom mate, fortunately. All of the guys are, really."

"Bathroom mate?" Donna asked. She glanced at the door to the bathroom, realizing that this room shared the bathroom with Dara's room. She looked at Ron again, sharply, wondering. Was it he she'd spoken to in the bathroom, the neighbor who had been so impressed by the noises from Dara's room?

His face gave nothing away. Noting her scrutiny, he said, "What is it?"

Donna wanted to ask him. Did you call me a hot fuck? But what if it wasn't him? It would be embarrassing to bring it up if he wasn't the guy. It would be embarrassing if he was the guy, for that matter. She shook her head. "Nothing."

Ron shrugged and took a drink. "So what classes are you taking, Donna?"

She grabbed that conversational life jacket with both hands, happy to talk about something innocuous. She described her schedule, and asked about his. They compared their choices, and their experiences as students.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The light in the window faded until it almost as dark as night. Thunder muttered in the distance, followed by the first patter of rain on the window. It abruptly turned into a heavy downpour and the thunder got loud enough to rattle the window.

Donna turned her head to watch the storm occasionally. "I love thunderstorms," she said.


When she looked back at Ron, he was little more than a silhouette. She hadn't realized how dark it was in his room with the storm at its peak. "Yeah," she said. "I was scared of them when I was little, but my dad took me out on the porch one night and held me while we watched the rain and the lightning. It was scary still, but I liked it. I love them now."

She shivered. The storm had cooled things down.

"Cold?" Ron asked. He didn't wait for an answer. He moved his chair closer and draped an arm around her shoulders.

It wasn't a particularly subtle move. Donna felt a stirring of anxiety. Did she want him to hit on her? He seemed nice enough, but was that enough? She'd come here hoping to have sex with Dara. He wasn't around, but Ron was and he was clearly interested. Was she?

She didn't know yet, but he was warm and it did help. Donna leaned into him a little, enjoying the warmth of his body. "Thanks," she said.

"No problem," Ron said. "That was cool, how your dad handled that."

Donna nodded. "It was."

The conversation slowed down. They kept to safe topics, exchanging sentences at longer and longer intervals. The storm reached its peak and began to lose strength as they talked. They snuggled closer, becoming more intimate. Donna watched the storm outside while she wrestled with her feelings.

She was horny. She had no doubt that she could have sex with Ron if she wanted. But what about Dara? They hadn't said anything about being exclusive. But they hadn't said anything about not being exclusive. She wondered how that excuse would fly with Dara.

"What are you thinking about?" Ron asked.

Donna felt her throat close up, all the words she could say piling up in a logjam, choking her into silence. It was a familiar sensation, but one that she had recently grown to hate. She licked her lips, chewed her lip for a moment. Cleared her throat. Stalling tactics, all, drawing out the hated silence. Say it, she told herself. Just say it!

"Sex," she said. "I'm thinking about sex."

"Yeah?" Ron asked. He studied her face closely. His teeth flashed in a grin. "Pro or con?"

Donna laughed. "Pro. Definitely pro."

"That's good to know," Ron said. He leaned in to kiss her. His lips brushed hers, retreated slightly, then met hers again more firmly. Donna leaned into the kiss, wanting it, wanting more. She let her tongue tip caress his lips, then move deeper. He returned the kiss with enthusiasm.

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 08/07/22 15:24:17]

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By *un_Cheshire_GentMan
over a year ago


Yay, here we go.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Yay, here we go."

Lol, yup

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Dana found herself pulled into his arms and kissed very thoroughly. Her heart raced and butterflies danced in her belly, a familiar mingling of anxiety and arousal. The thought that she might very soon be having sex again and with a stranger at that was exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure. Her desire for pleasure wrestled with the conventions she'd been raised to observe, summoning up the disapproving looks and whispered words she'd witnessed many times. Slut. The word ricocheted through her thoughts, dimming her pleasure in the moment.

For an instant she saw herself the way she knew her home town would have. She'd already fallen, sinning with Dara, succumbing to lust. Now she was about to tumble into bed with another stranger! An acquaintance if not a friend of Dara's, no less. Shameless.

Ron trailed kisses along her cheek to nuzzle her neck and nip at her earlobe. The sensation of his breath against her skin, the brush of his lips and tongue, the way his teeth skirted the boundary between pleasure and pain touched something deep inside her. She shuddered with renewed arousal.

He cupped her breast in his hand, caressing her, his thumb stroking her nipple through her clothing. She responded, her nipples hardening. His touch was confident, certain that she would enjoy it not the tentative, furtive touches she'd experienced with Mark. Ron knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to show it; more, he knew what she wanted.

That turned her on more than she could express. Her desire roared back to life, drowning her doubts along with the voices counseling caution and restraint. She'd come here to get laid and she was going to get laid. Darren wasn't here, but Randy was. He was attractive, he was definitely interested, and she was confident he could give her the fucking she wanted.

She used her mouth on his earlobe and neck and grinned when she heard him catch his breath. She captured his mouth and resumed the long, deep kisses she enjoyed. She grabbed at the fabric of his t-shirt, pulling it free of his jeans. His belly was warm, hard muscled. Her fingers slid upwards beneath his shirt to find and toy with a nipple.

Ron drew another audible breath. "Oh yeah?" he whispered.

A moment later his hand was beneath her t-shirt, pushing her bra up out of the way as he fondled her breasts, brushing her erect nipples with the palm of his hand. He pulled away from her kisses long enough to brush his cheek against hers before nibbling on her earlobe. Donna shivered, her questing hand going still.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Mmmmmm so horny

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By *luttyguy132Man
over a year ago


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By *x cplCouple
over a year ago

North of Oxford

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Ron leaned down to take Donna's nipple into his mouth. The suction of his lips and the flickering touch of his tongue sent thrills through her body. "Oh god," Donna muttered. She arched her back, offering herself to him, wanting him to continue. He gave her what she wanted for another few moments, then straightened up again.

Donna opened her eyes to see him watching her, a pleased smile on his face. He enjoyed the effect he was having on her. Well, she was enjoying it too. But she wanted more.

She rose from her chair to pivot on one foot and straddle Ron's lap, holding his gaze. She wanted him to see just how aroused she was now. She peeled her t-shirt off, then her bra. She groped for his hands without breaking their gaze, found them, and pressed them against her breasts.

"Nice," Ron said, caressing her breasts.

"Glad you like them," Donna replied.

"I do," Ron said, "but that's not what I meant. I like a girl who knows what she wants."

Donna smiled. "I know exactly what I want."

She tugged at his shirt, pulling it free of his jeans, then up over his head and off. When his hands were free again, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a fierce embrace and an equally fierce kiss. He explored her lips and mouth aggressively.

Donna rocked against him, enjoying the kiss, and excited by the feel of her bare breasts against his chest. The hard lump in his jeans rubbed against her Mons through her own jeans, adding to her excitement. She wanted to feel him against her with no barriers between them, wanted to feel him inside her.

She pulled away from the kiss. She fumbled with his belt for a moment, then got it unbuckled. By that time Ron was doing the same for her. They got as far as partially unzipping one another's jeans and it was obvious that they couldn't get any farther while she remained on his lap.

Donna stood up, never breaking eye contact with Ron. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her jeans and underwear and pushed them down to her ankles. She kicked off her shoes and stepped out of her jeans. Ron's gaze dropped to take in her nudity before he met her eyes again. His lips moved silently, but Donna could make out the one word. Wow.

He kicked off his own shoes, then hastily removed his own jeans and underwear. Donna gave him the same once-over he'd given her. He was stocky, with thick arms and legs, strong but not with the exaggerated muscles of a bodybuilder. Her first impression of him—that he looked like a wrestler—was only reinforced by his appearance and by the memory of powerful abdominals under her fingertips even if they weren't visible.

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 08/07/22 20:43:01]

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By *ardnreddyMan
over a year ago



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By *un_Cheshire_GentMan
over a year ago



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By *reg5503Man
over a year ago

Central Belt

[Removed by poster at 09/07/22 06:13:16]

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


mmmmmmm lovely

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

He was shaved, his cock and balls completely bare. His cock was hard. It wasn't particularly long, definitely not as long as Dara's, but quite thick, and it looked like none she'd ever seen before, the bulbous head covered by skin. She wondered what it felt like.

"Your first uncut cock?"

Donna glanced up, realized she'd been staring, and felt her cheeks grow hot. "Uncut?" she asked.

"Uncircumcised," Ron clarified.

"Uh, yeah," Donne mumbled, cheeks flaming with embarrassment at her reaction. Now that he'd explained, it seemed obvious. She'd just never really thought about it, and certainly hadn't run into an...uncut cock before. In her extensive experience.

"It's not a problem, is it?"

Ron's question startled her. "Why would it be a problem?"

Ron shrugged, but she suspected the question meant more to him than she knew. "No," Donna said, meaning it. She wanted to fuck him. He should know that. But maybe she should show him.

She resumed her seat again. His cocknestled into her pubic hair as she settled onto his lap. She pressed her body against his, grinding her Mons against his erection. "It's not a problem. I want you to fuck me."

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By *teelyBloomMan
over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Her heart was thudding in her breast. Her hands would be trembling with mingled nervousness and excitement if they weren't pressed against Ron's face as she kissed him. His hands roamed her body as they kissed, his touch inflaming her senses. She felt incredibly bold and sexy, and desperately eager to have sex with him.

Ron twisted his mouth away from hers. "Arms around my neck," he whispered.

Without waiting for a reply, Ron's hands clasped her buttocks. He leaned forward, then stood. Donna gasped in surprise and alarm, flinging her arms around his neck. As an afterthought, she wrapped her legs around his hips as well.

She needn't have worried. He supported her weight with no apparent effort as he moved around the room. It was only when he approached the open door of his room that Donna realized she hadn't given a moment's thought to the open door of his room. She'd stripped naked and rubbed herself against Ron when anyone passing by could have seen her. It embarrassed her, but not nearly as much as it aroused her to imagine witnesses to her wantonness.

Ron supported her weight with one hand long enough to close and lock the door. Then he stopped at his desk long enough to start some music playing on his laptop. Finally he took the few steps to the side of his bed. He leaned over to lower her onto the center of the bed with the same casual strength.

She leaned back on her elbows, legs spread, watching him. She imagined him throwing himself on her, fucking her hard and fast. The thought sent her pulse racing even faster. He didn't.

He settled onto the edge of the bed and leaned over to kiss her thoroughly. Fingertips glided up the inside of her thigh to find her wet and open and wanting. She groaned and clamped her thighs to hold his hand in place.

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Ron chuckled. "Hold that thought, gorgeous." He pulled his hand free.

"Wh-what?" Donna stumbled over the word, consumed by frustration. She couldn't remember ever being this desperate before. What was he doing?

Ron opened his bedside drawer and placed a box of condoms on the tabletop. It seemed to take forever for him to fish a package from the box, open it, and roll it onto his cock. Donna reached for him making 'grabby hands' gestures. "Hurry up," she demanded.

Ron laughed and rolled into her arms with another kiss, propped on his elbows and knees, belly to belly. Donna could feel his hard cock pinned between them, poised to penetrate her with only a little movement. She held him against her body, half afraid he'd find another excuse to delay.

"Don't you know it's not polite to leave a lady waiting?" Donna said softly, looking into his eyes from only inches away.

"My apologies," Ron said. He moved against her, the blunt tip of his cock sliding over the slippery, open lips of her pussy once, twice before parting them. He pressed forward slowly, driving deeper.

His cock felt huge, thicker by far than any other she'd taken. For a terrible instant Donna feared it was too big, that she wouldn't enjoy this at all. But only for an instant. In fact, the slippery friction as he drove relentlessly deeper felt better with every passing moment.

Ron groaned as he bottomed out, balls deep in her pussy. "God, you're tight," he murmured.

She thought it was more that he had a fat cock, but really—who cared? They were both happy with the result. It was nice to feel such a big cock inside her, but she wanted more. "Less talking," she suggested. "More fucking."

Ron took her at her word. He pulled back, the delicious sensation of that huge cock moving inside her pussy reigniting her desire. He drove back inside her, a little faster than before. Dana moaned in pleasure, wrapping her arms more tightly around his torso, wanting him closer still. With every thrust, he fucked her a little faster, a little harder.

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Becoming such a slut

Love it

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *assionatepoetsCouple
over a year ago


Awesome writing

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


fantastic mmmmm

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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

can't wait for more

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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *usty kayCouple
over a year ago


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By *avem30Man
over a year ago


This is a great story

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago


Fantastic story

Can’t wait for the next instalment!!

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By *teelyBloomMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Her pleasure mounted rapidly. She felt stretched by his girth, but in a wonderful, pleasurable way. She clung to him, panting as the tension in her body wound higher. Her pants turned into whimpers as she neared her peak—and then she tumbled over the edge, lost in the bliss of her orgasm. It burned through her like fire and left her shaking afterward.

Ron paused in his efforts. Donna wrapped her legs around his hips, rocking against him. "Don't stop," she demanded. Or maybe begged. "Please don't stop." Her orgasm had only whetted her desire. She was still powerfully aroused and knew from experience that she could come again easily.

She felt Ron's breath on her neck, and a sharp nip on her earlobe. The jolt of pain added to her excitement. "We're just getting started, baby," Ron growled.

He picked up where he'd left off, thrusting hard and fast. Donnw clung to him with all her strength, matching his rhythm, desperate for more. She came again, just as powerfully as the first time. And then again. She soared from one body-shaking climax to the next, even the troughs between peaks achingly pleasurable.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Closer" filled the silence. Donna became aware of a bone-deep weariness. She lay sprawled in the dark with leaden arms and legs, breathing like she'd just run a race, overheated and sweating, too exhausted and too satisfied to move. Even the weight of Ron's body atop hers didn't bother her. He, too, was gasping for breath and sweating.

Ron groaned and stirred above her. A moment later she felt his weight lifted from her. She felt the brush of his hand through her pubic hair, then the disappointing sensation of his cock slipping out of her. He was little more than a shadow in the darkness. Donna realized the sun had set while they were busy.

Ron removed the condom he wore and disposed of it in a waste basket. Donna squeezed her eyes shut against the sudden bloom of light when he turned on a lamp. She felt his weight settle on the edge of the bed so she shifted over to make room for him. He stretched out on his side, his body pressed against hers.

He turned her head with a touch, then kissed her. She kissed him back, pulling him into her arms. She felt a wave of affection and gratitude toward Ron. The kiss ended but they lay in one another's arms, legs entwined, as they caught their breath and cooled off. Donna drew a noisy breath as a jolt pleasure made her quiver. It seemed to come from nowhere; all at once she experienced a faint echo of the pleasure she'd experienced earlier.

"Cold?" Ron asked. He ran his hand up and down her arm. She saw him glance around for something to pull over them.

Donna shook her head. "No.

He pushed himself up on one elbow. "You sure? I can get a blanket—"

She met his gaze, pleased by the concern she saw in them. "No, it's fine. I just...." She caught herself trailing off again, not finishing the thought. "I just had a—an aftershock."

"A what now?"

"An aftershock. Like after an earthquake?" She began to wonder if she'd have to draw him a map. "You have the big quake and then...aftershocks."

Concern turned to surprise. "Oh." Then, "Are those a thing?"

Donna shrugged. "Yeah. I get them sometimes."

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *igger9969Man
over a year ago


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By *lderWiserNowMan
over a year ago


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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Okay," Ron said agreeably. He stretched out alongside her again. They didn't speak for quite some time. The only sound in the room was the playlist from his laptop. Occasionally Donna heard movement, voices or the slamming of doors in the hallway outside. But that was outside, and had nothing to do with her. She was content to lie quietly in Ron's arms and enjoy the high from all the endorphins that had soaked her brain. Whatever he was thinking he also kept to himself and for once she didn't worry over it.

Ron's free hand, which been idly caressing her, began moving with purpose. His touch roamed freely, caressing and fondling, rekindling her desire. She pulled him into a lingering kiss that demonstrated better than words could that she was fully onboard with his intentions.

His next kiss was to the hollow of her throat, then a chain of kisses down between her breasts. He fondled her breasts with both hands, kissing and licking first one nipple and then the other. Donna sighed in pleasure. It felt like her nipples had a direct connection to her pussy; she felt herself swelling and getting wet again.

Ron moved on, kissing and licking his way down to her navel. It tickled once and she twitched and giggled. "Sorry," Ron mumbled, never slowing his progress toward his ultimate goal. She felt his lips in her bush a moment before he pressed a kiss on her pussy.

Donna moaned and spread her legs, letting him know—as if he had any doubt—that she liked what he was doing. He made a satisfied noise, pleased by her response. His lips and tongue danced along her labia, soft wet caresses that built her excitement with every touch. Minutes passed, delightful pleasure-filled minutes of increasingly focused attention.

His tongue stroked her, a silken lash that traveled the length of her labia with aching deliberation, only to rain quick, light caresses on her clit. His tongue delved between her lips too, lapping up her juices, though it couldn't be as long as it felt to her. Then, just as it became just shy of too much he backed off and resumed broad, flat strokes of his tongue to maintain her arousal without sending her over the edge.

It was maddening. At some point she had tried to grab his head and force his face deeper, desperate for release. He'd caught her hands in his and pulled them away without missing a stroke, lacing his fingers with hers to hold her helpless. Now he teased her cruelly, bringing her to the edge of orgasm over and over again without letting her come. She writhed beneath his assault, whimpering and begging him to give what she wanted, what she needed.

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