By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
This all started a few years ago when my marriage was in it's last dying stages.
Things had been pretty rough for quite a while but we'd been putting up the 'everything ok' front for so long to our friends and family that no one had a clue what it was like behind closed doors.
We'd been invited to house party by one of my my wives work mates. All of the office were going and taking their partners. I knew most of them from previous functions and none of them really set the world alight so I tried to get out of it.
Eventually I lost out and duly accepted the inevitable.
The day of the party arrived and still I tried to get out of it but no - she was adamant. We were going. I showered, shaved and put on the the usual jeans and shirt, not really bothering to look good or that I'd made an effort. I ordered a taxi as there was no way I was doing this sober!
We arrive and its the usual suspects standing about in the kitchen, some music playing, a few nibbles and things out on the counters to munch. We were greeted by the hosts husband, just through there mate, help yourself to beer its in the fridge.
Walking through the room I looked at our fellow party guests. The girls who all worked together were locked in a circle chatting about work and laughing at in jokes, the guys in a loose group making small talk. We had the ex city banker, the sales manager, the fork lift driver, the IT guy - in short a very vanilla group of guys who would never normally ever be meeting socially.
I grabbed a beer and walked of to them. Raising the bottle in a greeting to my fellow chaps joined their loose circle.
The conversation was currently on the premier league and how its ruining the national game. This was going to be a long night.
A bit about our hosts. Mandy and Steve (the fork lift driver) had moved from the East End of London to the 'country' as they put it. Got a shed load of money for their place and bought a newbuild with loads in the bank spare. They'd 'made it good'. Trying a little too hard to impress they were a bit showy, a bit louder than the rest of the group and Steve had a tendency to get quite d*unk very quickly.
Mandy his wife was much the same.
It always made me laugh when looking round the room - the stories of the office bitching and backstabbing I'd heard from my wife, you'd never know any of it were true looking at how the girls were all huddled together!
So, move forward a few more beers and and hours, Steve is getting predictably d*unk. 'Yessssss Maayyyyte' was the catch phrase of the night so far.
I needed a pee. Too many bottles of weak lager was now getting to me. The downstairs loo was occupied but I really needed to go. Mind if I use your loo upstairs Steve? Yessssss Maaayyte.
I popped up to find the loo empty but smelling nicely of perfume - obviously not that long vacated by one of the ladies. On my way out of the loo I thought I'd be a bit nosey - I'd always been interested in what these places were like ever since I'd watched them being built. So I sneaked a peek around the bedrooms. Most of the doors were open anyways and I knew that it was only Mandy and Steve who lived there, no kids but a big 4 bed property.
Just as I was poked my head into the master bedroom, mandy opens the door to the en suite! rumbled!
Oh sorry Mandy, I was just being nosey!
ah never thats ok she replied, Glad I cleared up!
I looked at her and noticed her eyes were red. You ok? I asked.
Yeah all good - just a bit of heyfever she sniffed. It very obviously wasn't just heyfever but I wasn't going to press it.
I looked at her for the first time properly tonight. She was in a tight shortish dark skirt, white blouse which in this light was slightly see though. A white lacy bra held a nice sized pair of breasts, and the skirt very much showed off a pert bottom and nice legs. Blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail. Wow, she looked good - how have i not noticed before!
She definitely noticed I'd lingered a bit longer than I should have. I gave her a smile and blurted out that people would talk if we were noticed being away so long, to which she replied, I don't give a shit if they did, and walked past me so I followed her down the stairs... not even bothering to worry about the fact I was checking out her bottom whilst doing so.... |