By *ampire69 OP Man
over a year ago
Birmingham West Midlands |
The days were flying bye and things were just going from strength to strength I was gaining confidence and a priceless education and I kept pinching myself was I dreaming is this really happening am I going to wake up and find my self wanking to a dream. Well, the first week had flown bye and we were sitting down tea time in the garden, Eileen was in a very skimpy swim suit gathering a sun tan and we were discussing what we wanted for tea-dinner as it was so hot, we were both not that hungry, so Eileen decided I could do a chicken salad which I was most capable of producing. Eileen said she had invited an old but very close friend to come and stay the weekend and she would be arriving lunchtime tomorrow Saturday and would be staying till maybe Monday or Tuesday depending on her schedule. Great I said I will leave you girls have the weekend to gether, no no that won’t be necessary Eileen responded I want you here, oh ok I said.
Tea-Dinner was done and dusted and Eileen started to tell me about her friend Victoria they were old school friends and had worked together, it turns out Eileen and Victoria had both done some cat walk modelling for some very well-known clothes brands.
Saturday morning arrived and I again asked shall I just disappear give you girls catch up time, Eileen said look ok stay till Victoria arrives meet her and maybe lose your self for the afternoon and come back for dinner about 8pm. I helped Eileen make up the other bed room ready for Victoria’s arrival, about 1130am the door bell rang out and Eileen went and answered the door, Victoria had arrived instant full on erection my god what a vision about a size 12 in dress, a 36DD I later saw her bra size and about 5ft-9” in height and a strawberry blonde almost red head and features and face to sink the ark royal just stunning. She had a slight west country accent very English an almost soft Cornish accent.
I was introduced to Victoria shook her hand and gave her a peck on both cheeks she had the most sensuous perfume strong heady aroma almost dirty take me to bed a fuck me now, vapours. I could see her looking me up and down and for just a nano second, she paused and looked at my bulge, well it really was that obvious. Eileen said come into the garden and I asked could I get them a drink as I had got an errand to do, Eileen said yes, some tea would be nice so the ladies went to the garden and I made some tea, I took Victoria’s suit case to her bed room and placed it on the bed, quickly like a James bond character I opened her case and took a quick peek inside.
A small selection of clothes a leather mini skirt a couple of sheer almost see through white and black expensive looking tops, some very nice coordinated undies some stockings suspenders, a very nice black bra and pantie set and fuck me a sex toy vibrator, well nice to see she has all the equipment she needs for a few days away.
Quickly I bounced down stairs made the tea and while making the tea I could not help but over hear some of the conversation between the girls from the garden, I managed to hear Victoria say he has a nice cock bulge I would be happy to ride his knob, hope he likes eating my pussy, I am almost blushing I take a tray of tea out to the garden make my excuses and just before I leave, I gave Victoria a quick eye contact smiled and said my farewell.
As I made my way down the garden, I heard Victoria say I’ll fuck him and Eileen say shhhh keep your voice down to late I am thinking ears fully working I took it all in. I got a phone call from Eileen saying dinner at 8pm don’t be late and wear a white shirt, ok then white shirt it is. I wanted to retort ok and you two ladies will be wearing Basques and stockings and heels, but I was not that brave. I did rush out to the local florist and have two small rose bouquet made they made two really nice peach colour bouquet’s well even as a teenage I was not stupid I had a clue how to endear my self to the ladies and I had been well paid for my weeks work, I had put some serious hard graft in to place not all bed I had grafted.
I arrived at five to eight and was greeted by the ladies I presented them with my small token of appreciation for the anticipated evening to come, firstly I noticed Victoria, fuck me she looked a billion dollars she had on the short black leather mini skirt bear legs silky smooth a mint green bra under a white sheer almost fully see though silky top, all I am thinking is god she could do some damage with those puppies, she took the bouquet and over and kissed me not on the cheek but on the mouth, instantly I picked up a familiar scent of Chanel No5, I responded and simply said No5 to which she said well Eileen you have got him trained well I am impressed.
I gave Eileen her bouquet and like wise she leaned in and planted a soft but positive kiss on my lips and then whisper in my ear she likes you this will be a good night, Eileen said food is ready will you just set the table in the garden and light the garden lanterns and the fire pit.
Just before dinner was served Victoria brought out a couple of bottles of wine and we stood talking while I opened the wine, she said Eileen likes you your good for her, she says your hot in bed, fuck me how do I respond to that I think I just said something like well I do my best, what a twat of an answer, she leaned in to me whispered in my ear I think your fucking hot and proceeded to bite my ear lobe.
Dinner was served and two bottles of wine consumed then Eileen said could I get a bottle of “Veuve Clicquot” yeah the fizzy wine, I collected said bottle opened it and made my way back to the garden what greeted my eyes was a sight I have never again seen the two girls had retreated from the table and were entwined together on a large blanket on the ground, I nearly dropped the bottle, its about 1015pm a warm summers evening the garden is lit by some candle lanterns we could almost be in the south of France or the Italian riviera, but No we are in a suburb of Birmingham and I have before me two stunning female engaged with each other on a blanket in front of my eyes.
I stood there transfixed for several minutes I never made a noise never said a word I stood there super glued to the floor, I watched as Victoria lay on her back and Eileen lowered her head and face into Victoria’s crotch and began eating her pussy, within seconds Victoria was moaning and writhing on the floor clearly in pleasure, Eileen crawled up Victoria’s body and opened up her top releasing her breast’s and began sucking her nipples while I watched her right hand going to work between Victoria’s legs. I must have been there over 20 minutes watching what was unfurling before my eyes, it would be impossible for me to recall everything I saw as they were all over each other swopping positions every few minutes, suddenly I heard Eileens voice call me over, by the laws of biology I should have been in cardiac arrest my heart was beating like the flying Scotsman at full speed from memory my legs were like jelly how I walked those last few feet I have no recollection but I did.
Eileen extended her hand to me and said come join us, Victoria smiles and takes my other hand and then I am enveloped by the two females, I have no recollection of who removed what but within seconds I am naked all three of us on the floor, I become aware that Victoria has mounted my face and she lowers her shaven vagina on to my moth takes hold of my head and begins to gyrate her body on my mouth as I insert my tongue between her warm wet lips, all I am thinking is god if I die now it’s been a great life, I am clearly doing something right as I feel her motions on my face intensifying and gathering speed, I can hear her voice saying fuck eat me , I then become aware that Eileen has mounted me and I am inside her cunt and she too beings to pleasure her self by riding my shaft, I think had a blood pressure reading been taken I would have blown the device to shit.