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Wife watching - on cam…

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I was really worried about it. My wife and I had never been apart for more than a few days and, each time that happened, it had been really difficult. Not just the lack of sex -- something about being apart made my sex drive go up exponentially -- but also the lack of warmth, affection and companionship.

Thank God for SKYPE is all I can say and, by SKYPE, I mean video calling.

When I arrived in New York my wife was at home in London, four hours ahead. I stumbled up to my room -- my business class upgrade didn't go through so I was shattered -- and before doing anything else, I opened my computer and accessed the hotel's internet. While waiting for the connection to take hold I rushed off to the bathroom to empty my long full bladder and, by the time I came back, the familiar SKYPE ringtone was already sounding off. I clicked to answer.

"Hey!" I said even before the camera came to life.

"Hey back!" my wife said, obviously excited to hear my voice. "Where is your vid.... oh, there you are," she smiled that smile that could melt the polar caps all by itself.

"Just checked in and wish you were here," I said, very truthfully.

"Me too," she said, a bit sad, "Next time."

I told her about my flight, the nice Uber driver I met at the airport and then I suddenly realized that it must be ridiculously early for her.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I dunno," she said, "I woke up and realized that you had just landed so I thought I would check SKYPE for you."

"I am really glad you did."

"Has it started yet?" she asked, with a naughty smile.

"No, thankfully."

She was asking about something we call AFHHS; Away From Home Horniness Syndrome. For some reason, my sex drive would go into overdrive whenever I was away from home. It was as if the absence of sex kicked my testosterone production into high gear. She used to worry about it because she thought it might push me into an affair. Perhaps, I have to admit, if I drank, that might happen. But, since I don't, it won't.

We caught up, said our I-love-you's and signed off SKYPE. I had to prepare for my first meeting and she really needed to get back to sleep. I was just about to close up my laptop when I heard that SKYPE sound; a new text message. It was my wife; she had just sent me that little icon with the smiley face, tongue sticking out. We both knew what she meant by that and I felt a little tingle in my balls.

And then another message popped up, for good measure:

"I can't wait to make you explode in my mouth within minutes of you getting home next week."

The tingle in my balls became a powerful shock and, suddenly, I was as hard as a rock. I sent back the blushing smiley and told her to go to sleep.

* * *

It was a long day. Why, on earth, they always schedule so many meetings on my first day I will never understand. But, I was glad they were over and we did get some excellent work done.

In the morning I had the foresight to book myself a massage at the hotel spa and, now, I was grateful. In fact, that was the only thing that got me through the last meeting with Mr. Davies Hamilton. What a prick. The key, with a guy like that, is to stroke his ego and give him exactly what he is asking for because, frankly, he is an idiot. Had he been nicer, and kept his mouth shut, I would have given him a much better deal. Oh well, more bonus for me.

I arrived at the spa with that odd slightly d*unk feeling that jet-lag and a long day of meetings can create. I walked in and immediately felt better; the smell of the place alone, along with the soothing background _usic, was just what the doctor ordered.

The receptionist showed me to my little room and told me to undress and prepare for my treatment. Now, however, I was faced with that awkward question: How 'undressed' should I get. Some places give you those little paper panties; a clear message that naked is not an option.

Not this place. I prefer to be full nude; a massage is hardly a good massage if the therapist has to keep moving your underwear out of the way. And so I stripped down and climbed under the blanket on the table and, promptly, feel asleep.

I had fallen asleep during the massage before but never before it event started; even as I was drifting off I found myself wondering if I would simply wake up at the end.

And then the dreams started. Vivid jet-lag fueled dreams about my wife and what it would be like when I got home. My dreams were a strange mash-up of a few different home-cumming (that's what she calls them) experiences she had given me.

My bags came straight off the belt -- thank you priority tags! -- and I rushed out through customs to meet my wife. Massive hug. Tits pressed up against my chest. Gorgeous kiss. Her perfume filling my senses. Her hips pushed forward into my hard cock. She led me out of the airport by the hand (somehow my bags were now gone from the dream) and out to the car. She had brought the Pathfinder. With the remote she popped the back hatch and pushed me in; she crawled in behind me and took off her coat. My heart jumped in my chest; she was naked under her coat and had come into the airport like that. I love my wife. Without saying a word, she pulled my belt out, unzipped me and furiously sucked my cock; I was about to explode when the door opened and closed. The door to the therapy room. I woke up.

I was immediately thankful that I was on my front because I had a very hard cock and it was trapped beneath me. My face was flushed but also hidden.

"Hello Mr. Keyes, are you ready for your treatment?"

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I tried to speak, but it took a second for the sound to come out, "Yes, thanks." If only I could get rid of this hard-on, I thought.

"You sound tired, did you travel far to get here today?"

"Arrived from New York this morning and had meetings all day," I said.

"Ah. Well, let's take care of you and get you ready for a good night's sleep. My name is Nancy, and I will be taking care of you."

I was too tired to lift my head but felt it was wrong not to look up and meet her greeting; I did. I looked up and before I could say hello, I was struck dumb. Nancy was gorgeous. I don't mean typically gorgeous, I mean that wars could be fought over this woman. She could easily be ancient royalty; she was regal, stunning, refined and, well, fucking hot. Even through her very professional lab-coat-uniform, I could see that, as well as a stunning face and long cascading shiny black hair, she also had a phenomenal body. And then I realized that I was staring.

"Hi, Nancy, it's nice to meet you," I said, trying to sound composed and hoping that any lack of composure would be credited to my jetlag and long day.

In the meantime, I started praying: Please hard cock, please go down.

He touch was incredible; intuitive and amazing. She knew when to press in and when to soften her touch. I was in heaven, but I kept getting snapped back to reality: in a while, she would ask me to turn over onto my back and then the large cock that I am normally quite proud of would be my downfall.

She worked her way down to my feet and performed actual magic. I am not sure what she was doing down there, but it felt amazing; I was getting younger by the moment and I could feel the stress easing all over my body. And then it happened, my cock softened and I could finally relax into the massage.

I drifted in and out of consciousness as the massage continued and was in total bliss; suddenly wishing I had booked 90 minutes instead of an hour. Nancy then asked me to turn over and, thankfully, I could. We played the turn-over-under-the-towel game and soon I was lying on my back.

Nancy turned her attention to my neck, scalp and face. He expertly sought out various spots of tension and worked them out. My eyes fell open for a moment and I looked up at her; a backlit angel looked down at me and smiled. I closed my eyes again.

I drifted off and found myself arriving at the airport again; being greeted by my wife. No jacket this time and fully clothed. Warm hug. Soft kiss. And then she held out her hand and asked me to hold something for her; her panties. She winked, and we headed out to the car.

The car was parked in a dark distant corner of the parking area and, when we got there, my wife walked up to the car, and assumed the 'arrested' position with her feet wide apart and her hands on the sides of the car. She lifted her ass, slightly, and said, "Fuck me now." She reached back with one hand, lifted her skirt and showed me her bare ass; I could see the wetness between her legs.

I woke up, with a start.

"Someone was sleeping," Nancy said.

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"No problem; you are here to relax."

I kept my eyes pressed close wanting to deny what I already knew; I was diamond hard and pushing my blanket up like a tent. I was so embarrassed.

"And, it seems, someone may have been dreaming," She said. I could tell by her voice that she was grinning. The elephant was out of the bag.

"I am so sorry about that," I said, mortified.

"No need. It's perfectly natural," she said, rubbing my chest. "What were you dreaming about?"

"My wife," I said, simultaneously grateful and annoyed at my answer.

"Oh, that is so cute," she said, "Then I guess I can't help you out with that."


"Nothing, I am just being naughty," she said, her hands moving down my left arm and massaging my hand. "For the last year, I have been doing this job I have been asked for so many 'happy endings' that it blows me away. I have never given one, but I was tempted this time. But I guess it is probably not a good idea."

"No, I guess not," I said, hating myself and the world.

Twenty minutes later she finished the massage and left the room for me to compose myself. I put on my robe, fixed my hair as best I could and walked out the door. And there she was, even more gorgeous in the full light.

"Thank you," I said, holding out my hand for a handshake.

She smiled, "I am a hugger," and leaned in for a squeeze. I was again dismayed, my cock was still hard like granite and I know she could feel it pressed between us. The embrace over, we separated and smiled at each other; her smile had so much behind it. It was in her eyes, mischievous and playful.

"Come again," she said.

I laughed, and said, "In about 10 minutes," as I walked out to the reception area to sign my bill before heading up to my room.

* * *

Back in my hotel room, cock still hard, I logged into SKYPE to see if I could get ahold of my wife. No answer. I would have to take care of this by myself.

I lay back on the bed, checked to confirm that there was a box of tissue on the bedside table and took myself in hand, gently. My cock was hot to the touch; I stroked it slowly knowing that this would not take long. In my mind, I drifted back to the massage room and watched Nancy disrobe before me. SLOW DOWN, I had to scream in my head, I was almost there already. At least, I thought, I should get my cock into her imaginary pussy before I cum. I slowed down the pace and the Nancy-in-my-mind climbed up onto the table with me. He breasts hung down above me, swinging gently with her movements, she reached down to my cock, raised it up and started to lower herself down....

SKYPE. Fucking SKYPE starting ringing. I sat up, swung my legs off the bed and went to my computer. Okay, it least it was my wife. Before I answered I did a silent prayer; my wife had two SKYPE modes; all talk about normal stuff or SKYPE sex. I knew which one I needed right now. I answered. Camera off.

"Hi there!"

"Hey! So glad I caught you," her gorgeous voice came through just as her picture appeared on the screen. She was looking amazing, as always. No, even more than usual. "Turn on your cam."

I quickly grabbed my robe, pulled it on and around me and turned on the vid.

"There you are," she said, warmly, "You gotta love those hotel robes. Did you have a good massage?"

"Yeah, it was really nice."

"I am glad," she smiled. She really does love and care about me. "So, I wanted to chat with you about something that came up with my friends at lunch today."

Oh no, I thought, she just wants to chat. When she has sex on the brain, there is no stopping her. But when she doesn't, there is no starting her.

"Yeah, what's up, I said," doing my best to sound interested and not disappointed.

"Kidding!" she said, with a grin. She pulled back the camera and now I could see that she was topless and her nipples were hard. "Show me your cock!"

I laughed out loud and eased my robe off my shoulders. I moved the laptop so she could see all of me, standing at full attention.

"Fuck!" She said, "you are so hard already!"

"Yeah, I had a rather interesting massage."

Eyebrow raised, "Really?" she asked, "It couldn't have been THAT interesting if you are still hard now."

"Good point."

"What happened?" she asked.

It is important to note, at this point, that my wife and I are very open with each other. Rather than having to guess at each other's desires and fantasies, we talk openly about them and don't hide our feelings from each other. And so I told her. Everything. To be fair, I may have held back a bit on Nancy's description. My wife, let's be clear, is a stunner. That said, Nancy is probably ten years younger and has not given birth to, and raised, two boys. I didn't see the point in laboring the issue.

"It sounds like she was willing to help?" she said, playfully.

"Yeah," I said, ruefully, "Until she found out I was married."

"Well, next time, you tell her it is fine with me."

"Ha ha," I said.

"You don't want her help?"

"Is this a trick question?"

"Point the camera at your cock, I will ask him, instead."

I lowered the camera and my red, hard cock filled the screen.

"Hello Mr. Cock," she said, playfully, "Do you think massage-girl-Nancy should be allowed to help you out?"

I squeezed my muscles below, Mr. Cock nodded eagerly.

"Should she stroke you softly at first?"

Again, he nodded.

"And should she take her top off and let her apparently great tits out to play?"

More squeezing, more nodding.

"And should we let Mr. Hands squeeze those glorious boobs?"

Emphatic squeezing and intense nodding.

"And then, Mr. Cock," she lowered her tone and leaned in closer to the camera, "I think Ms. Nancy should lower her head down over you, drag her hair around and then breathe some hot breath on your head."

Epileptic twitching.

"And then I would like her to open her mouth wide, and slowly take you inside her warmth. I would like her to swirl her tongue around you and suck you deep down her throat."

My balls started to tingle and I reached down to grab my cock.

"Stop!" she said, "Don't touch it."

The tingling continued; I was right on the edge.

She lowered her voice again, "My question, right now, is would you rather cum in her mouth, her pussy or all over her tits?"

And I came. The first spurt almost went into orbit. The second one was just as strong; my balls unloaded and made a mess all over me.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Please keep going, I'm getting so wet

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By *ormladMan
over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *kpiercedCouple
over a year ago



Loving this and where it’s going

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving where this is going more please

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By *exbot 1Man
over a year ago

Chester le street

Very nice mmmm

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

My wife giggled softly from the other side of the Atlantic ocean. Thank you, SKYPE. Thank you, Nancy. And thank you, Wife.

"Did you enjoy that, my love?" she asked me, with a mischievous smirk.

My satisfied and relaxed smile told her everything she needed to know.

"You really can get her help, if you want," she said, after a rather long pause.

"Right honey. I will get right on that," I said, with a touch of light and playful sarcasm.

"I am serious," she said. "I have been thinking about what it is like for you. And I trust you completely."

"Wait. What?" I was starting to think she was actually serious about this. "Are you suggesting..."


"I don't think I could."

"Why not?"

"Well," I started, unsure of what I would say next, "I think it would be weird."

"But she offered, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," I said, thinking back and wondering if I was exaggerating the experience in my memory.

"Then let her."

"This sounds less like permission and more like instructions," I said, curious as to what was going on.

"Exactly," She said, matter of fact.

"Okay," I said, absolutely sure I would not.

* * *

For the next two days, I could barely think about anything else. What had gotten into my wife? I even wondered if, perhaps, she had had an affair and this was how she was dealing with the guilt. No, that wasn't it.

Not believing anything would happen, I booked Nancy for another massage and stopped in my room before heading down to the Spa. I logged into SKYPE and dialed my wife.

"Hey babe," she said, "So nice to see you."

"You too. Long day and only three sleeps to go."

"Yeah. And I can't wait to...," she left a dramatic pause, "See you."

"Me too, honey."

"So, are you ging for going for a massage then?"

"I am."

"With Nancy?"

"Yes, with Nancy."


"And what?" I asked.

"And are you going to let her help?"

"Are you really serious about this?"

"Absolutely," she said. "I have a confession for you."

Uh-oh, here it comes, "Oh? What is that?"

"I have made myself cum no less than 10 times in the last two days since our last episode. And each time it has been about you fucking Nancy."

"Really?" I was shocked.

"And sometimes both of us fucking her."

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, "What?"

"I know," she said, "I am a bit embarrassed, but I am really turned on about the idea of you fucking her or, even, getting a hand job or blow job from her, as long as you tell me all the details."

"You want me to tell you?"

"Yes," she said, "That is the deal. You have a free pass with Nancy as long as you tell me everything."

"So I could even fuck her?" I used the strong language to push her buttons and got a response that surprised me. A sexy sigh.

"Yes babe," she said, her voice suddenly rather husky, "You can fuck her. She can blow you. You can lick her pussy. You can fuck her in the ass if you want, you just have to tell me everything. Everything.

"I don't know...." she cut me off.

"What don't you know?" Your wife is giving you a hall pass to fuck a gorgeous younger woman.

"Good point," I said. "But I don't even know how it would go."

"Easy," she said. "You go back for your massage as usual and you tell her that you told me about what she said. And that I said it was okay.


"Yeah, that is the idea."

* * *

Back in the massage room, I was nervous like never before. I lay on my front, as before, hard as a rock, and waited. The door opened and Nancy walked in.

"Hi there," she said.

"Hey," I responded, trying to sound cool.

"Listen," she was hesitant. "I am really sorry if I got out of hand last time. I am not sure what got into me. I have been single, and celibate, for almost 7 months and I think the site of your... you, caused me to lose myself a bit. I really want to apologize. I could lose my job over something like that.

"Honestly, Nancy, it was no problem," I said, "I fact, it was the most fun I have had on this whole trip. Well, except..." I trailed off.

"Except what?"

"Except for when I told my wife about what you said."


"Yep. I told her."

"Oh god, she must hate me."

"No, on the contrary, she got totally turned on by the experience."


"Yep," I said, "She even said it would be okay..."

"Okay?" she asked, "What would be okay?"

"A happy ending."



"I would love to do that but if I do it here and get caught, I am finished."

"I understand," I said, "I told my wife it was unlikely."

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"No, it's fine. It just can't happen here." She said. "Look, you are my last client of the day. Let's get the massage going and then I will leave work and then meet you in your room if you are serious."

"Okay. I am in." I said, nervously and excitedly.

"Then let's get this massage out of the way."

Again her massage was incredible. Her touch intuitive and sensitive, but firm where needed. It was hard to relax, but her massage was so good that I managed to do so. When she got to my legs she let her hands run up the insides of my legs and brush against my balls and up my ass crack sending shocks up my spine. She kept doing it and I kept getting harder and harder.

When it was time for me to roll over we did the cute towel trick to cover me as a rolled, but as soon as I got on my front she lifted the town for a quick peak and said, "Just a sneak preview. Very nice."

The massage was just as good on the front; my scalp, face and shoulders. Again, as I lay on my back, I snuck my eyes open and found myself looking up into her beautiful face. She smiled warmly and then started running her hands down my chest, leaning forward as she went. As her hands went further down, across my belly, she leaned forward and her boobs hung just over my face. She leaned down a bit further, one hand either side of my tented towel and one breast just slightly touching each side of my face. Shen, just as smoothly, she brought her hands back up my body and then looked me straight in the eyes again; this time with heat instead of warmth.

She moved down to my side and massaged my stomach. My cock, of course, was in the way so she worked around it, carefully. Brushing it gently every so often but never really touching it. It was driving me fucking crazy.

Soon she was standing at my feet doing wonderful things to my feet, calves, shins and knees. Her hands worked their way up my thighs and, this time, they disappeared under the towel to make sure that she got my upper thighs. While there, her fingers stretched out and brushed my balls and cock every so very gently. Too fucking gently.

By the time the massage came to an end, I was a wreck; I could barely breathe, my cock hurt from strain and I was no longer thinking clearly. I struggled, even, to get my robe on; suddenly the belt was far more complicated than I ever remember a belt being.

When I stepped out of the room, Nancy handed me a glass of water and asked for my room number; I gave it to her. We shared another goodbye hug but this time, I pushed my cock hard against her and she moaned, lightly, in my ear. We broke the hug and I walked out to reception where I had had to concentrate fully just to sign the bill and make my way out into the hallway.

Back in my room, I was still hard; not just hard but painfully hard. I didn't know how long it would take Nancy to come to my room or if she would even really show up. I was so horny and frustrated. I decided to SKYPE my wife and give her an update.

"So nothing happened," she said.

"Not yet," I confirmed. "I mean, she was definitely flirting and she did touch me a few times."

"She did?" My wife said, clearly interested, "Tell me about it?"

"She just brushed my cock during the massage; almost like it was an accident."

"Very hot."

"Oh, and when she was massaging my chest, she was standing at my head and lowered herself down to massage my chest and belly," I remembered, "She lowered her chest just over my face."

"She put her tits in your face?" my wife said and I could see from the camera angle that one of her hands had disappeared between her legs.

"Yes, one on each side. Just gently, again like it was an accident."

"Jesus that is hot," she said. "Do you think she will come to your room?"

"I hope so," I said, "Are you really okay with this."

"Okay with it?!" She exclaimed, "I am dying for it. In fact, I have an idea."


"Leave SKYPE on."


"Leave it on. I want to watch."

I let that sink in for a while. My wife wanted me to fuck a very hot woman. And now my wife wants to watch me fuck her. Fuck.

"I am not sure how I feel about that?"

"Why? Are you uncomfortable having your wife watch you fuck another woman?" she talks like this when she is getting close to coming.

"No, I love the idea," I said, "I just feel like it would be wrong to do it without telling her."

"So, tell her."


"Yes. Really."

A gentle knock at the door. A not so gentle pounding in my chest. Fuck, she was at the door. I got up, straightened my robe and went to do the door.

When the door opened I was disappointed to see that it was room service; room service that I didn't order. When I explained that to the man, he said that it was a gift from the Spa. Apparently they had told him that I had a bad customer service experience and they had sent up strawberries and cream and champagne in a bucket of ice. I thanked the man and he wheeled it into the room. I was so confused, both by his visit and the lack of blood in my brain, that I totally forgot to tip him.

When the door closed I went back to SKYPE and told my wife what happened.

"Do you think this is her way of backing out?" she asked.

"I hope not."

"What are you looking forward to the most, if she comes?"


My wife laughed, "Yes, I can imagine. But you know what I mean."

"Yes, I do," I said, "But tell me, if you get to watch, what are you looking forward to the most?"

"I want to see her tits," she said. "You said that they were big, right?"

"Yes, I think so." I confirmed. "They were under her uniform but they sure seemed big and they felt wonderful on my face earlier."

"Fuck that is hot."

"You're telling me! What else do you want to see?"

"I want to see her suck your cock," she said, causing a mini-explosion in my balls, "I want to see her lips wrapped around your cock, sliding up and down your shaft."

Another knock at the door and more pounding in my chest. It had to be her. I told my wife that I would call her back after I had spoken to Nancy about letting her watch.

I went to to the door, opened it and was stunned by what I saw. Nancy in regular clothes. Fuck me. She was even hotter than I knew. She was wearing gorgeous black boots that came half way up her calves. Form fitting jeans took over from there and showed her incredibly long and slender (but not too slender) legs all the way up to her crotch. Just over the belt-line. a strip of belly showed because the shirt she was wearing was just a little short and hanging off her protruding breasts; braless underneath with obviously hard nipples. And her face, as gorgeous as ever. He long black hair cascading down her shoulders and back.

"Are you going to let me in?" she smiled, "I don't want to be seen out here."

"Right, sorry. I was just... well, you know."

She giggled and came in. She gave me a warm hug.

"There is something I want you to know," she said, seriously. "I don't do this. I have never done this."


"No, I mean it. I am not sure what is different this time, but I want you to know that this is not something I do."

"I believe you."

"Good," she said, relieved. "Also, I want you to promise me that your wife really gave you permission to do this."

"She did, I promise," I said, "In fact, I have something rather strange to tell you."


"My wife wants to watch."


"On SKYPE. She wants me to call her on SKYPE, turn on the camera and let her watch; if you are okay with it."

Nancy paused. Thought. A smile slowly crept onto her face, "Okay, that sounds really hot."


"Yeah, let's do it."

I dialed my wife and was shocked, when her video came on, that she was naked -- or, at least, topless from our camera angle. She had put on some makeup, fixed up her hair and now she was looking back at us with her wonderful tits exposed to the camera.

"You must by Nancy," she said.

"I am."

"Well, Nancy, you are even more gorgeous than Rick told me."

"Thank you. You are, well, rather sexy yourself." Nancy was actually blushing.

"Well, I don't want to interfere. Just put the laptop somewhere where I can see the bed, okay?"

"We will," I said. I picked up the laptop and put it on a counter so that it could face the bed from the foot of the bed. I looked at the view it provided and my wife could see the whole bed. I enlarged the view of my wife's camera so that we could see her quite clearly too.

Nancy came and stood between the camera and the bed, looked at my topless wife and started to undress. Not a strip tease so much as just very sexy undressing. She started with her boots; easing one of each foot. She undid her belt and jeans and peeled them off her incredible legs; gorgeously smooth, tanned and toned.

Now she was left with only her thin, loosely hanging top, and her very cute and sexy g-string panties. Written, in bright red, along the triangle at the front was 'good girl'. She slowly eased her pants off and exposed her gorgeous, soft and fully shaven pussy. I thought I might actually die; not just because of her, but because my wife was clearly playing with her pussy and breathing raspy breaths. She was as turned on as I was.

Nancy then pulled her top off and her tits sprung free, swinging gently. They were amazing. Every bit as gorgeous as my wife's and, perhaps, twice the size.

My wife, you should know, has never been with another woman, but I know, from our bedroom talk, that she fantasizes about it from time to time and that she has a boob thing; she loves a nice set of boobs. I took her, once, to Mons Venus strip clup in Florida where she got to play with two different -- one real, one augmented -- pairs of tits and she loved it. That night she could not wait to get me back to the hotel room; she blew me in the car while I drove to the hotel. I still remember how hard I came, in her mouth, at a red light just before we got to the hotel and, of course, how hard she fucked me when we got back to the room. She was insatiable.

Now, to watch my wife playing with her pussy while looking at Nancy's tits was almost too much for me. I let my robe fall to the floor and my cock jutted out into the room, dying for some attention.

I walked over to Nancy and into my wife's camera angle; she let out a small moan when she saw me. Nancy and I turned to face one another and just took in the sights. I ran my eyes over every square inch of her body and could not wait to touch and taste all of her.

She leaned forward and kissed me, passionately, on the mouth; tongue probing. She then kissed my neck, my chest and then my belly. She was leaned over and I could imagine my wife's view; Nancy's pendulous tits hanging down from her chest, swaying with her movement while she kissed my body just above my cock.

Nancy then lowered onto her knees and looked straight at my cock.

"It seems to me that we should get one out of the way now, don't you think."

"Fuck yes," my wife said surprisingly us both from SKYPE.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oh my god this is good

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By *ungdave1Man
over a year ago


This is the best story I have read on here.

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By *oxypair2008Couple
over a year ago

near chester

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By *hynot3Man
over a year ago


Wow this is good…I agree

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By *illbilly47Man
over a year ago


Super hot story. Well written and a sexy read.

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By *ndy79randyMan
over a year ago


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By *ormladMan
over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *nvin07Couple
over a year ago



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By *exbot 1Man
over a year ago

Chester le street

Very hot

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *parklesueTV/TS
over a year ago



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By *itom18Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Nancy looked at the camera, smiled and licked the end of my cock. My wife moaned. Slowly, Nancy tickled my balls while lowering her warm mouth onto the head of my cock and she started to suck me deeply. She worked her lips around my cock and gently raised and lowered her mouth along the shaft, pausing at the top to gently lick the underside of my cock-head.

My wife was breathing really hard now; not far from cumming, I could tell. But who was I to talk, I didn't think I would last much longer either.

"I want to see it?" my wife said from SKYPE. "When he cums."

Nancy stopped, lips just touching the head of my cock, turned her head slightly and said, "You want to see him shoot his cum?" She kept stroking me, up and down, as she spoke to my wife.

A not so soft moan from my wife, "Yes, please."

"Where do you want him to shoot his cum?" Stroking a bit faster now.

"Everywhere!" she said, breathing fanatically now.

"On my tits?"


"In my mouth?"

"Fuck, yes!"

"On my face?"

"Oh, yes, please!" My wife said, as approached the point of no return but, I beat her there. The slow stroking of my cock, combined with this once-in-a-lifetime conversation between Nancy and my wife pushed me over the edge, I let out a yell as my balls tightened and my body exploded in my mind.

The first spurt of cum came out so hard it almost hurt; it hit nancy right on the mouth and slashed over her face; she smiled and opened her red lips for the next spurt which went straight into her mouth. My wife started screaming with pleasure as Nancy lowered her mouth over my cock; I kept cumming spurt after spurt and Nancy swallowed what she could. Cum leaked out the sides of her mouth and dripped down onto her tits.

My wife's orgasm lasted much longer than mine; she was still shuddering with aftershocks as I used a facecloth to wipe my cum off Nancy's face and tits.

Nancy looked at my wife's flushed face and said, "Did you like that?"

"So much."

"What do you want next?" Nancy asked.

"I want to see your pussy. I want to see Rick lick your pussy. I want to see you cum; it is your turn."

Nancy smiled, sat on the bed facing the camera and opened her legs. Her pussy was so pink and already dripping wet. Her lips protruded slightly and opened like flower petals as she opened her legs even wider.

I kneeled down, my back to the camera, and breathed my hot breath onto her pussy; Nancy moaned and then, just after, so did my wife. I licked Nancy on the inside of her right leg, just where it joined her body. And then the left. Her pussy had a soft, fragrant smell; I wanted to lick it so badly, but I wanted to tease her first. I kept teasing the skin outside her pussy but then I let my tongue brush her outer lips and she moaned and pushed her pussy up into my face so I dove in. I sucked her pussy and licked her everywhere. I darted my tongue inside her and then, slowly, made my way to her clit. I circled it. And then circled it the other way. I licked and sucked everything around it; letting the pressure build. I then slid a finger into her pussy and gently pumped it in and out; her breath was unsteady now and coming in gasps. She was moaning loudly and I could hear her moans being echoed by my wife, thousands of miles away.

I slowed my finger and pressed up against the inner wall of her pussy and then slowly took her clit between my lips, gently sucking at it and then, really softly, flicking my tongue over it. That was it; she exploded forcefully. Her body bucked, her voice filled the room, her tits stood up straight and her pussy squirted cum all over me. She kept coming, I kept licking and sucking... it was one of the longest orgasms I have ever seen; she just wouldn't stop coming. She was so loud I could not hear anything from my wife. As her orgasm died down, I raised my head, turned around to see my wife; she took one look at my wet face and she too started to cum.

When her orgasm subsided, she excused herself for a minute leaving Nancy and me alone. Nancy looked amazing; her post orgasm glow was stunning and made me want to fuck her so badly. I turned her body so she was lying across the foot of the bed. I eased her over onto her front and started to massage her back; she loved it. And so did I.

I rubbed her shoulders, upper back, and neck. She moaned with pleasure and melted under my touch. I moved down her mid-back and really paid attention to her lower back; she loved it. She raised her ass as I worked each of her ass cheeks and, as I started with her legs, I allowed my hands to brush her asshole gently, sending shocks up her body. I massaged her legs -- so smooth and long and then I rubbed my body up her legs, her ass, and her back... stopping just short of letting my cock into her pussy.

I looked over at the screen and saw that my wife was back and, judging from the movement of her arm and the giggling of her tits, she was working her pussy really hard.

"Fuck her, Rick. Stick your cock in her pussy right now."

And I did. With one movement; I slid into her wetness and slowly and smoothly buried my cock into her pussy. It was heavenly; the pleasure was amazing and Nancy's moans made it even more thrilling to me. I slid in and out of her pussy and then leaned forward and said, "Hard or soft?"

"Soft, for now," she said.

And I kept sliding in and out of her very tight pussy. Afer a while, I felt myself getting close and eased myself out. I rolled her over onto her back and went back to licking her pussy again; this time, my wife could see more of the action. I licked and sucked her through two more orgasms before saying to my wife, "Do you want to see her squirt?"

My wife just nodded, unable to vocalize her reply.

I pressed my finger up against Nancy's asshole, slick with her pussy juices, and started licking and sucking her pussy, hard. I pushed my finger a little harder against her hole and then I looked at her, with a question on my face, she nodded, yes.

I eased my finger into her asshole and, with my other hand, rubbed her pussy faster and harder; her breathing stopped as her hips raised. The tension built; I pushed my finger in deeper and rubbed harder and faster. I looked at my wife; eyes wide and mouth open. And then it started, Nancy screamed so loudly that my ears hurt; she sprayed all over me and the bed; squirt after squirt.

And, once again, my wife came from across the sea.

Nancy, now dizzy and barely coherent, said, "That was incredible. I have never had that before, what did you do?"

I just smiled.

Nancy turned to my wife and said, "What do you want next?"

My wife looked at her and said, "If you are okay with it, I would love to see you take Rick up your ass."

I was shocked. My wife could get pretty racy, but this was another level entirely. I had never even fucked her in the ass.

Nancy said, "Okay, let's try it."

"Really?" I said, "Have you ever done it before?"

"I tried once, years ago."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I really want to. Your finger felt so nice up there."

I got up and went to the bathroom where I had some coconut oil. I looked at myself in the mirror and could hardly believe any of this was happening. I kept wondering when I would wake up, but I knew damn well that this was not a dream. I could hear Nancy and my wife speaking in the other room and could hardly believe reality.

I brought the oil out to the bed and found Nancy on her belly, with a pillow under her hips, raising her ass in the air.

"Are you ready?"

"As I will ever be."

I poured some oil on my cock and rubbed it around. I then poured some of the oil into my hand and wiped it around her asshole, causing her to moan and push up against me. I swirled my finger just around the tip and a little inside, making sure that oil was everywhere. I then reached down with my other hand to play with her pussy only to find that he hand was already there, busily rubbing her clit.

I kneeled down, bent over and pushed my cockhead against her anus; she moaned and pushed back again. I rubbed it around, spreading the oil and trying to relax her muscles.

"Are you ready?"

"Gently," My wife said from SKYPE.

I eased the head of my cock into her ass and her hand sped up; rubbing her pussy fast and hard. She came; hard. She screamed into her pillow and pushed her ass up against my cock, taking in another inch. She kept cumming and I kept pushing deeper; by the time her orgasm faded, I had my entire cock buried into her asshole. It was so tight, so warm. So fucking amazing. I slowly slid in and out while she kept working her pussy; she came again squeezing tightly around my cock.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Damn I’m hard myself!

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By *unnyNLoverboy79Couple
over a year ago



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By *umpstyleMan
over a year ago


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By *llieandyCouple
over a year ago


This is a fabulous story. Please let there be more.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Christ Almighty……

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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By *ormladMan
over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *hynot3Man
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Turn me over, " she said.

She turned over, onto her back. Grabbed my cock and guided it back into her ass. Now she had even better access to her pussy; as I slid back into her ass rubbed her pussy furiously. I slid in slowly and just as I got all the way in she started to cum but, this time, it was more explosive than ever. She arched her back, screamed so loudly the windows shook and then cum exploded from her, soaking my belly and chest, and splashing all over both of us. I lowered down onto her, my chest against her chest, feeling the sexy moisture between us. Distantly, I heard my wife say, "Oh fuck" and then scream out her own orgasm.

I raised back up and stepped up my pace; I fucked Nancy, hard, in the ass. I pounded harder and harder.

"Fuck me! Fuck my ass. Fuck me harder!" she screamed.

"Fuck her ass, Rick! Shake those tits!" My wife screamed from London.

I pounded harder and harder and sent her over the edge for another powerful orgasm and then, as she came down the other side, that sensation started in my balls. Warm tingles. In my balls but, somehow, in my whole body.

"I am gonna cum!" I said.

"Cum all over her honey! Cum on her tits and face!"

I looked at Nancy who was too breathless to speak, she just nodded with a smile. I pounded into her asshole one more time and then pulled out, grabbed my cock and pumped my cum all over her tits and belly.

* * *

We came back from our shower and lay on the bed. My wife, too, was back on the screen. I looked at my wife. I looked at Nancy. None of us had much to say.

Nancy broke the ice. "Guys, that was the best sex of my entire life."

My wife, "Oddly, it was for me too."

The girls looked at me, I nodded, Still a bit breathless.

"Have you guys ever done this before?" Nancy asked.

I shook my head and my wife said, "No."

"Wow," Nancy said, "It was hot."

"Nancy," my wife said, "I have a favor to ask."


"I want to come to New York this weekend."

My eyes shot wide open.

Nancy said, with a smile, "Yes?"

"And I want to eat my first pussy while Rick fucks me from behind."

"I am in," Nancy said. "Let's do it."

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By *umpstyleMan
over a year ago


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By *ormladMan
over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *ew aged adventurerMan
over a year ago


Wow ... unbelievable story this is ... a brilliant filthy , raunchy ,erotic read ...

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By *antyhoseMan
over a year ago


Superb story - well written and had me hard all the way through so far!

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By *sprey6Man
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford


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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


Fantastic story, glad it's carrying on

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By *ortheastcoupleukCouple
over a year ago

easington were the sun dont shine

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over a year ago


Hopefully we get to experience this event.

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By *lkNhungMan
over a year ago


What a story, this is very hot and well written

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Hopefully we get to experience this event. "

I bloody hope so!

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By *exbot 1Man
over a year ago

Chester le street

Great stuff

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

One of the better stories on here. Really well written and very hot

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By *rishman30Man
over a year ago



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By *ust MikeMan
over a year ago


So sexy!

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By *hynot3Man
over a year ago


Is she on the plane yet?…or is their a problem with the left felangie? Lol

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By *rnoldZiffelMan
over a year ago


I wonder if we'll all be invited on to a Group Skype Chat.... I mean, it'd be rude not to invite us, save the author typing it all up....

"Hopefully we get to experience this event.

I bloody hope so! "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *j47Man
over a year ago



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By *onsi69Man
over a year ago


Truly amazing and exceptional writing

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By *ambi n thumperCouple
over a year ago


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By *vbiker2TV/TS
over a year ago


Brilliant so far can hardly wait to see what happens once the wife arrives.

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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By *sri1973Man
over a year ago


One of the best stories I have read on here. Cannot wait for the next instalment.

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By *unnyNLoverboy79Couple
over a year ago


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By *obmarieCouple
over a year ago

Mid Wales& Border

Has she landed in the States yet?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *eachlife49Man
over a year ago


What a great wife

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By *iker197Man
over a year ago


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By *onle81Man
over a year ago


Bravo OP brilliant story

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By *imynameisntMan
over a year ago


Extremely hot

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By *tudog1Man
over a year ago


Great story hot as hell !!

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By *hef2475Couple
over a year ago


Wow... horny as fuck, well written. So looking forward to reading more.

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By *rdiscreet327Man
over a year ago


Very hot. Can’t wait for the next chapter!

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By *titch69Man
over a year ago



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By *ichaelangelaCouple
over a year ago


Must be a flight delay

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By *orthampton jamesMan
over a year ago


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By *ricky09Man
over a year ago


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By *ameulMan
over a year ago

Nr Norwich


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *ussieson susanTV/TS
over a year ago


Best erotic story I have read on fab Hope the thread continues Brilliant ??

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By *b1976Man
over a year ago

North East

That’s the hottest story I’ve read. Thanks

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By *usicMan
over a year ago


Fantastic story...cant wait for the happy ending

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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


I can't wait to find out what happens next

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By *ormladMan
over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


Wow that’s hot can’t wait for the next instalment

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *oodburnerswMan
over a year ago


Wow, what an amazing read. One of the best. More please

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By *amsiMan
over a year ago


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By *aidbackcpleCouple
over a year ago

nr stockton

wow great story xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *utdoor29Man
over a year ago


What sites can you watch people on cam?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fantastic story and believable

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By *rgasmdonorMan
over a year ago


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By *ilberryMan
over a year ago


So well written!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well written and oh so arousing. I am hard and need to cum.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Glad everyone seemed to enjoy this. She is going to have to get her COVID passport and Esta to get into the states!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can I just say WOW....

Looking foward to next installment

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By *aughtyNikki100TV/TS
over a year ago


My girly clit is so hard and leaking xx

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By *ewtothis2219Couple
over a year ago


Wow that's amazing

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By *ndrea54TV/TS
over a year ago


Wow that was so sexy

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By *cubasexMan
over a year ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


I was hoping for more of this brilliant story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *r ed300Man
over a year ago


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By *ightlife777Man
over a year ago


I think Nancy has changed her mind, or the wife has Covid and cant fly

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Amazing !

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 23/11/21 16:00:49]

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By *an4Fun121Man
over a year ago


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By *isiseCouple
over a year ago



(female half of couple)

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By *y AmoreMan
over a year ago


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