By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Now Cindy was kissing her, sucking all the sexy mess off of her tongue. Tod cracked the door open, checked that it was clear, and then he slipped out. Kyle followed him a second later, leaving the three girls in the dressing room. Layla and Cindy pulled Toni to her feet, where she swayed unsteadily for a moment before catching her balance. Her eyes took another moment to focus on Layla's smiling face, and she grinned like an idiot. Cindy, her top askew, hugged her.
"Did you get to cum good?" Layla asked.
"Uh huh," Toni managed.
"Good. Now that you got that out of you, we still have shopping to do,"
"Okay," Toni griped, "Just another second..."
Her breathing was slowing, her heart getting back to a normal rhythm. Now that she was coming off her sexual high, she was starting to feel the guilt wash over her. She resolved not to cry, and ch*ked on a sob.
"Oh, Toni," Cindy said, "Don't cry! I know your first real cock in your ass hurts, but it'll go back to normal size soon!"
The utterly ludicrous way in which Cindy interpreted her feelings made her laugh, which felt good. She was still ashamed at the way she'd acted, getting fucked by a stranger in a dressing room. In her ass, no less. Still, it was hard to feel down when Cindy's utterly slutty innocence made everything so funny.
Tori took a breath and got herself up. She could feel Kyle's cum dribbling from her asshole. She straightened her clothes, helped Cindy tuck her tits back into her top, and then she noticed the clothes on the floor. She remembered that there had been a reason they'd come in the dressing room, and it wasn't to get fucked. It was to try on clothes.
Both tops were crumpled and stained with pussy juice and drops of semen. The skirts had made it through unscathed, but there was no way they were going to be able to put the tops back on the rack. Toni picked up the clothes, showed them to Layla, who laughed.
"I guess we're buying them," she said, shrugging, then her face lit up, "Oh, I almost forgot. I found something for you, Cindy."
"Oh, did you? That's so great! See, there's the proof that you need to keep me in line," she pointed to the shirts, "I'm such a stupid slut, that I'll just open up my pussy for anyone if you don't keep an eye on me!" She giggled.
Layla pulled a collar and leash from the white bag. The toy collar was pink, like the rest of Cindy's outfit, with little sparking studs around it. She put it around the redhead's neck and fixed the strap.
"Too tight?" She asked.
Cindy shook her head. She looked genuinely pleased and proud. Next, Layla clipped a pink leather leash to the collar, and gave it a little tug. Cindy followed the tug like a well-trained bitch.
"That's gonna be so much better," she said, "Thanks, Layla!"
"Yeah, sure," Layla said.
She and Toni shared a look that said, 'are we going to be able to do this without getting arrested'? Layla opened the door, slipped the leash's loops around her wrist, and Cindy followed along happily. Toni was the last one out, holding the messy bundle of clothes. The two guys were waiting for them outside.
"Oh, wow!" Tod exclaimed, "Cindy you look so hot!"
"Really?" Cindy said, "You're so sweet!"
"I'm surprised you didn't cum and run," Layla said slyly.
"Hey, we're your stalwart protectors, right? Defending the honor of those with friendly vaginas, remember?"
"And friendly asses," Kyle added, more softly.
Toni blushed and wanted to die. As they made their way up to the counter, Toni passed a mirror and gasped. Her makeup was destroyed. She looked like she'd been facefucked, then had a slimy dick and gooey cunt rubbed all over her, which is exactly why she looked the way she did. Without thinking, she used one of the stained tops to wipe her face off, and looked halfway human again.
She met Layla at the counter. The sales boy looked like he might pass out, or cum his pants, or both. His eyes kept bouncing between his current wet dream girl, Layla, to the collared and leashed redhead beside her, and then back to Layla. When Toni came to the counter with the clothes, he visibly drooled. The sight of the girls together was obviously more than his mind could handle. Like a robot, he rang up their purchase and stuffed everything in a sack. Amazingly, he did it all without ever looking at any of it.
"Uh, come back and see us again," he said.
"Thank you!" Cindy called, as Layla tugged her leash gently.
Flanked by Tod and Kyle, Layla marched them out of the store, and on to the next. Layla paraded them through shop after shop, buying jewelry, lingerie, clothes, accessories. All the while, people parted for them like the Red Sea. Toni figured that most people were just a little put off by Cindy being lead around on a leash, her ass practically hanging out, tits bulging in her top. Cindy certainly wasn't put off. She actually seemed to enjoy it. Every time she got catcalled, whistled at, or propositioned (which was frequently) Layla would give the leash a little tug and she'd fall back in line happily.
By the time they were walking back toward the car, Toni's curiosity got the better of her.
"How in the world are you affording all this stuff?" She asked.
"Did you see the ad in the first store?" Layla replied.
"The modeling thing," Toni concluded, "how long has that been going on?"
"Oh, almost two weeks," Layla said.
"Layla, I'm so proud of you!" Toni cried, hugging her friend tightly.
Layla was taken aback. She couldn't remember the last time Toni had said anything of the kind. She awkwardly hugged her back, mentally stamping out the tiny twinge of guilt that had started to creep into the back of her thoughts.
"Uh, thanks," she said sweetly, her mask firmly in place.
Tod, walking beside the collared Cindy, asked her, "Hey, do you think I could, maybe, get your number or something? I had a really good time today,"
"Oh, that's really nice!" Cindy replied, "I did too! I really liked the part where you fucked me and came in me! But, I don't have a phone,"
"You can have mine," Layla said, "We live together."
"Okay, great," Tod said.
Kyle looked at Toni expectantly.
"Hey, Kyle," she said as they approach the car, "I, well, you seem like a nice guy, but I kinda have a boyfriend," Toni said, instantly feeling ashamed. She hadn't even called Tom since she'd been out, and had ignored his messages.
"I get it," Kyle replied easily, "I'm not looking to mess up whatever you got going on. Hey, if it was a one-time thing, I can be cool with that, but man, you're something special, Toni. Why don't I give you my number, and if you want to, you can call me some time. Sound fair?"
"Okay," Toni agreed, and he let her punch the number into her phone.