"I see quiet a lot of young lads looking for older/mature couples to meet but rarely see it the other way round. Is it just a younger thing to want older people? I love the thought of fucking a older woman whilst her husband sits and watches "
Hello Op,
There are many couple seeking younger men to join them, and we are one of them. In fact we won't meet with someone over 30, and the men we have met ranged from age 18-27. We know of one other couple in our City that definetly meet younger men, but that's all. So yes, couples that meet with younger men are out there, but there are far more couples that won't.
In keeping with what has already been said by another poster, we have found that many young men don't think about us, only their own instant gratification. Fortunately not us, but many couples our age still have young children and don't necesarily get out much. They have to plan childcare, work, friends and family around limited opportunities to meet, and because they need to do a bit of planning the prospective meet gets almost instantly bored and looks elsewhere.
For our part we've been advertising a meet this weekend for the past four weeks. We can handle being turned down for whatever reason, no problem, yet we've been ghosted a few times and even had someone tell us he wasn't prepared to wait.... and that was today, just four days away!
Another thing that differs between the generations is that Fab is not set up for instant communication, and that can make the younger mans messages a little tedious. As an example, sitting on SC, FB or whatever you can send a person a message and get an instant reply, and keep going with short text based messages. But the majority of Fab users might be online doing other things, like replying to you in this forum, chatting in the chatroom, surfing through the pictures or wadin tthrough an already full inbox. When a message turns up saying 'hi how are you' they might not reply for a day or two. and then what are they going to say? 'Fine thanks, you' only to find the other person doesn't come online for another couple of days. He then replies 'yeah I'm great, what are you up to? and before you know it an almost instant conversation elsewhere has taken the best part of a week here and is completely boring.
Our advice to you would be to use the search facility, and tick the 'I must match their age requirements too' box. Send polite, interesting messages and face pics, and be patient. You will find what you are looking for but it might tae a while.
Good luck