By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
My first gay sex experience happened after some lucky breaks (very lucky) and I promise you, every word is true. It happened when I was 16 years old, and involves my best friends twin brother (the stuff of fantasy).
So my best friend Dan was the same age as me, and yeah you guessed it, hot as fuck, he’s the main reason that I knew I was gay (although at this point I was more than happy to pretend that I wasn’t). Dan invited me to sleepover at his one Friday night, nothing unusual we did this lots (I got to sleep in Sam’s room while he was away), I think he was missing his brother Sam who was away at basic training for the army, Sam had been gone about 8 or 9 weeks and that’s by far the longest that they’ve been apart.
We spent an evening drinking (Lambrini), smoking and playing cards, a nice normal Friday night with limited cash funds. At around 2300, there was a knock on the door followed by Sam’s cheeky weary looking grin poking through the door, he’d managed to arrange a pass to come home for the weekend. Everyone went wild and was pleased to see him, when the commotion died down Sam joined the card game and not long after the (uncomfortable) subject of sleeping arrangements came up. I lived a good 15 minutes away by car and it was quite late by now, so there was no question of me going home, to Sam’s credit he wouldn’t hear of it, he insisted that I share the double bed in his room rather than sleep on the floor in his brothers room. Once that was decided Sam took himself off to bed as he was tired after a long day and all of a sudden the reality of the situation hit me like a train..... I would be sharing a bed with my best friends hot twin brother, it goes without saying that my cock was instantly hard. A short time later I told the table that I would also go to bed, so that I didn’t disturb Sam too much as he was kindly letting me share his bed.
I was so excited walking up the stairs that I practically ran up them 2 at a time. After freshening up in the bathroom and creeping into Sam’s room, I finally found myself sliding into bed with a stupidly sexy guy (the object of multiple wanks). Now my assumption was that while away at army training, privacy wouldn’t have been that forthcoming and that like any 16 year old guy sam would want to wank himself into oblivion at the first opportunity, so I was a little disappointed to find that he appeared to be asleep. My next trick was getting into bed forcefully enough to disturb him but not so forcefully that it was too obvious (secrecy was a huge issue for me at thus point). Success! He moved, he’s awake, he half turned to me, and said ‘hey, you ok?’ ‘yeah great, sorry to wake you’ he said it was fine, as he slowly started drifting back off to sleep i suddenly became completely emboldened and for reasons I don’t understand I started ever so gently tracing shapes on his back with the tips of my fingers (Dan and I enjoy doing this to each other). After a few minutes Sam started to get a little restless so I froze, after a few seconds he whispered, ‘please don’t stop’ so I gingerly carried on, making this into a full backup session which left Sam moaning and gasping almost imperceptibly. A few minutes later I became bolder still, and started to brush his cute bum as I was rubbing the rest of his back, shortly after that came another bold move, but this time it was Sam’s move, he turned over so that he was now lying on his back, and that my hand had landed on his chest, just below his nipples. I eagerly accepted this stroke of luck and started to gently caress his chest. As my confidence grew, so did my daring, lower and lower my hand went, until finally I ran my hand quickly over the crotch of his boxers. I was amazed and delighted to find that he had a hard on which twitched at my touch and that he had a big cock. After catching my breath, I did it again, only this time I allowed my hand to linger much longer, to the point that I started running my fingers up and down this large cock, the first one other than mine that I’d touched. It was phenomenal, and better yet, Sam was obviously enjoying it too, judging by the slow hip thrusts and wet patch on his boxers, all whilst he pretended to be asleep (absolutely fine with me, I was getting exactly what I wanted). Now it was time to move it up a level and I tentatively slid my hand under the wasteland of his boxers, as my hand grasped his throbbing cock, I couldn’t help but start to wank him slowly. Sam never made any effort to stop me, so I carried on, in fact it was this point that i started to ease his boxers down, he was still happily pretending to be asleep (I knew he was awake, because he lifted his bum so I could take off his boxers). I spent a few mesmerising moments with my head by his waste, hand rubbing his beautiful cock, i just couldn’t help it, an entire puberties worth of curiosity spilled out of me and I lent forward and slid his cock head into my mouth, I could quite happily have died and gone to heaven in that moment. I started to slowly move my mouth up and down, struggling to take all of his beautiful length, a few position changes later and I finally managed to swallow it all, and in that moment I knew I had found my special talent. I am a natural born cocksucker and I’m proud of it. It didn’t take very long after that, before Sam's cock erupted with powerful spurts of enchanting cum, I was immediately under its spell, a spell that has not yet broken. Breathless and for the first time, I consider what I’ve done, and wait for the inevitable, Sam will wake up and start shouting, exposing me for what I am. When that didn’t happen, I eventually fell asleep. In the morning there was no awkwardness which proves that Sam knew exactly what had happened as he never questioned why he was naked.
Sam and I had similar encounters over the next few years and I will be forever grateful for this first experience... my sexual awakening if you will. No need to keep anonymous x |