By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
It was too much. I yanked off the sweater, no longer caring. A series of whistles and catcalls followed me as I clacked across the parking lot, but most of the other students were more concerned with getting away from school than ogling my tits. I met Tiff by our cars.
"Freedooooooom!" Tiff cried, raising her hands toward the sun.
I laughed. It was hard to feel dreary with Tiff.
"Glad you ditched the sweater. I'm sure your puppies were suffocating," Tiff remarked.
"So hot..." I agreed.
"You wanna come to the office with me? The boss said I could bring you by to talk."
"Sure. Do I have to, like, fill out an application or anything?"
"At some point there's paperwork, but Big Dick is pretty informal."
"Big Dick?"
Tiff laughed, "His name, if you can believe this, is Richard Weiner. He has a son, also named Richard. So, you've got Little Dick and Big Dick. The universe moves in mysterious ways."
"You're serious?"
I shook my head, "let's go."
"I'll drive. We'll come back for your car."
Driving to the Jiggly's office, Tiff fished in her purse, and handed me a personal check.
"Our sales cleared, and commissions got issued overnight, so there's your cut homegirl," she said proudly.
I stared at the check. I had money that was mine, for the first time in my life. I felt hopeful. This was the first step in my freedom! During the drive, I related to Tiff my awful experience of coming home and sending up in the professors, the slutty clothes. I did leave out the part about him mom frigging my twat this morning, though.
"It's kind of hot, in a way," Tiff said.
We pulled up to a big building with blue glass windows in an office park, where Tiff parked in a lot marked "Employee Parking". The sign on the building read DomCo.
"DomCo?" I asked.
"Jiggly's is just a subsidiary of a larger company. And even they're a subsidiary of some foreign company based in the UK, or somewhere."
We exited the car and made our way into the lobby, which was well-furnished, and seemed normal enough. Tiff approached a reception desk, staffed by two blonde women, both very attractive, and showing a lot of cleavage.
"Hey, Tiff," said one of the women as they approached.
"Hi, Honey. We're here for Dick."
The two women and Tiff laughed together at the joke, and I smiled nervously.
"Well, if it's Big Dick you need, then you know where to go," Honey said.
She waved us by, and Tiff led me to an elevator, which we took up a few floors. We exited into a bullpen. Individual desks with computers stood in rows, all of them manned by attractive women in clothing that went from revealing to scandalous. The outer walls of the room were frosted glass offices with closed doors and nameplates. Managers, I assumed. The women working glanced up at us as we passed, some giving us approving nods. I noted that some of them wore headphones. At least one had one hand on her computer mouse, and another under her short skirt as she stared at her screen. It seemed normal enough, I guessed. Given the kind of products they sold, i supposed it wasn't abnormal to get a little aroused now and again.
Tiff stopped in front of one of the managerial offices, with a nameplate that read "R. Weiner". Another girl sat at a desk just outside the office.
"Hey Tif," the girl said, "Let me buzz him."
She tapped a call button on the phone in front of her, and a moment later someone must have said something into her headset. She waved Tiff on, and she opened the door.
Entering the office, they were met by a giant of a man. Richard Weiner stood over six feet, heavily muscled with a military cut to his salt and pepper hair. A performance polo stretched across his rippling frame, and his tight trousers revealed that the moniker Big Dick was not just a reference to his name. I blushed as the big man approached us with an inviting smile.
He put his arm around Tiff, his meaty hand sliding down to cup her ass.
"There's my rockstar," he said, "you killed it this weekend!"
Tiff seemed oblivious to the hand feeling her up. Or maybe she didn't care.
"Oh, I had some help from a friend," Tiff admitted, "This is Layla, the one I told you about."
I held out my hand, and Dick shook it firmly, professionally. His eyes, though, scanned my body and liked what they saw.
"Pleasure to meet you, Layla. Please, have a seat."
He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk, and sat behind it.
"So, Layla is looking to start working on her career," Tiff began, "and I was hoping you might have an idea of what kind of positions are available, if any?"
Tiff sat with her legs spread, her naked cunt on display as though it were nothing strange. I kept my legs clamped tightly together.
"Of course." Dick agreed, "Why don't I tell u a bit about our company."
"Please," I said, wanting to sound enthusiastic.
"DomCo is a multinational company. We have a strong name, because we're looking to dominate every sector we work in. We're an aggressive company, and we're always looking for the right talent for any department. Tiff is great with sales in the Jiggly's line, but that's just one thing we do. We're active in marketing, video games and other entertainment, social media, political activism, technology, and a host of other sectors.
We also offer some of the best compensation packages around. What Tiff does is primarily a commission based business, but she also gets bonuses each quarter based on performance. She also gets full coverage medical benefits, reimbursement of expenses, college funding, etcetera.
Now, one of our programs we have is called Scout. It's a kind of talent-finding program. You're young, and you haven't worked before, is that right?"
"No, Sir," I said.
Dick smiled at that. He liked being called, Sir.
"So it's safe to say that you probably aren't sure where exactly your talents lie. That's what Scout is for. We'll provide training in multiple departments, and help to determine your aptitude. It's great for you, as you'll come out of it having learned a whole host of new skills. It's great for us, because we can determine what part of the company you'll thrive in, and can train you appropriately."
"That sounds really good," Tiff said.
I nodded. It did sound great!
"Now, I know you kids all want to buy iPhones and Teslas, so let's talk about compensation. The Scout program lasts for a year. During that time, you'll have an annual salary of $50,000. You'll also receive the same benefits package as Tiff. If you need a place to stay, we offer employee housing that can be subsidized from your pay. If you need a vehicle, the same."
He pulled a thick, bound stack of paper from a drawer on his desk, and handed it across to me.
"This is our standard Scout contract. Go ahead and take it home and review it. It's a lot of legal mumbo jumbo about how we, as the company, agree to pay you so much for a year, how you're entitled to benefits, and about how we can't sue you if you decide you don't want to work here after the year is over. Blah, blah, blah."
I took the heavy document. He also handed me a brochure, slick and blue like the glass of the building. It read, "DomCo: Building a better future for mankind."
"Any questions?" He asked.