By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Everywhere you look now clothing is being removed as those that haven’t already take their shirts and jeans off until everyone is naked. No-one wants anything in the way or any restrictions on what’s to follow.
You are still breathing heavily and tingling from your orgasm, your first ever in front of an audience of admiring men, all wanting to give you the next one. I’m still stood between your legs, naked now and harder than I have ever been in my life. Your toy has been put to one side, now the only toys that will be used on you are the cocks of all these men and as has been agreed in advance I will go first. I want first go on your virgin gangbang pussy before it gets ruined by all these other cocks.
I stand over you and admire you in all your naked glory, still breathing hard but almost breathless at the same time. We look at each other and nothing else, almost oblivious in that moment to all the other naked men in the room and for the briefest moment time seems to stand still, just you and me, the only ones here that really matter and as we continue to stare into each other’s eyes I enter you, slowly and all the way in until I’m as deep as I can go, my balls pressing against your arse and you let out a moan of pleasure. You’re incredibly wet but also beautifully tight from the contractions of your orgasm and you feel every inch of me as I ease into you, never once breaking eye contact.
Just as slowly I pull all the way out until only the tip is still in you and I gradually gyrate my hips feeling all the way around your opening before slowly plunging into you and again you let out a moan of pleasure as I do so.....
Our moment is broken as one of the other guys slides you to the edge of the table, turns your head to the side and rams his cock into your mouth, balls deep and almost making you gag as I’m all the way inside you too. For the first time in your life you have 2 cocks in you at the same time and the explosion of sensations and emotions almost overpowers you as your whole body seems to spasm. Spurred on by this, both me and the guy in your mouth start to speed up our thrusts and you realise you are completely out of control and out of your comfort zone. Both of us are grunting with effort and now one of your hands is placed on a cock and you instinctively start to masturbate him.
Now two hands are on your legs and they are eased wider apart, allowing me to get just that bit deeper with each thrust into you and for us both we really feel the difference as I get harder and faster and deeper with each thrust and then as suddenly as I started I stop and take myself out of you.....
“Right, who’s next?”
One of the guys holding your legs steps into my place as I move to one side and I take hold of the leg he has released. It’s at this moment you are snapped back to reality as you realise that no-one has shown any sign of getting a condom out, no-one has even mentioned it or shown any indication this is expected. You try to say something but the cock remains stuffed in your mouth and a look of fear comes across your face as you desperately try to pull yourself away from the guy standing between your legs. You finally pull your head away from the cock in your mouth and call out “They’ve got to wear condoms surely!”
I stand over you as I look you in the eye and very calmly explain the situation to you “Look Emma I’ve already told you there are no safe words today and this is happening exactly as I’ve planned it whether you like it or not. But now you have a choice, no-one here wants to do anything against your will and let’s face it we’re recording every second of it so now you have to decide, do we continue exactly as I desire and every man in this room is gonna fuck you bareback in any way they and I choose, or does it stop now? Do you want all these men, all these delicious cocks that are here just for you to leave and never return or do you want to shut up, lay back down and become everything you said you wanted to be? You’re just gonna have to trust me that I love you and I know you better than you know yourself! I have this all organised, these guys haven’t just popped in on the off chance, this has taken months of planning and organisation for it to be everything it can be! I asked them all if they wanted to use condoms and they all said no. And anyway, you can’t be a proper cum slut without being filled and covered in cum now can you…..”
You have held eye contact with me throughout and the look of fear has gone, replaced by a look of uncertainty and confusion. For the first time since you walked through that front door you have been given a choice, no does mean no if you choose to say it, just like it always has with this man who has turned your world upside down, the power is with you as we have always discussed, the power to be whoever you want to be…… but this is something you always said you didn’t want, bareback is a step too far for you surely……..it should end……. it has to end…….. but you briefly look around the table at all these men who are here for you, smirks and leers on their faces like they know exactly what decision you are going to make, it’s like they knew this moment was coming and exactly how it would play out and you look at those 7 straining cocks all as hard as a cock can be, all leaking pre cum just how you like it and all there for one thing, to fuck this little cum slut! And in that moment the decision is made, the power of the pleasure giver is yours and you calmly lay yourself back down on the table without another word and even though your legs are still being held, you force them a little wider yourself to show just how eager you are!
The youngest guy, the one who is now officially at the back of the queue, has been filming every second of this little interlude and now moves as close to you as he can as the rest of us take our place. The guy between your legs is so hard at the sight of your passive capitulation I’m worried he won’t even get inside you before he cums which will spoil what is planned. He positions himself between your legs as we all watch on and then he enters you, no condom, totally unprotected and now inside you.
This new man has been fucking away now for 5 minutes, so hard and deep, almost frenzied in his excitement and all the while hands and cocks of the other men are everywhere, constantly swapping who is where but always without fail you have a cock in your mouth and one in both hands, while two men stand either side of you with one hand holding your leg wide while the other hand plays with your exposed clit.
“Right that’ll do you for now, I don’t trust you aren’t gonna cum!”
The others laugh as he reluctantly pulls out and the next one takes his place and this guy wastes no time in fucking you as hard as he can, pounding away at your dripping wet pussy and as he does I move alongside and lean down and whisper in your ear.
“This is what we always talked about Emma, this is it. I couldn’t leave it to you or it never would have happened but now it is happening and it’s still only just beginning. Look at the faces of these guys, you are everything they could ever have wanted and you are giving them all more pleasure than any woman ever has before. You are truly mine now and I am yours and I’m sharing you with them because I can and because I know that on this one occasion it’s everything you said you wanted but everyone in this room, including you, knows now without any doubt that you belong to me and I belong to you, nothing can change that now. When you watch this back you’re going to thank me for making you go through with it and you will never again have to doubt what you are capable of doing, or having done to you!”
With that I stand up and ease my still hard cock into your mouth and you willing take me in. Tasting your own juices on my cock and conscious that you are willingly pleasuring me as this other stranger continues to fuck you harder and harder because he has paid me to and because I’m letting him. Jolting your whole body as he does and forcing my cock further down your throat. Regardless of everything I have done to you and everything I am letting happen, you love me and you just want to please me. Deep down you know this is what you have always wanted but you don’t know how you can deal with the reality, the consequences of what may come and again the fear hits you. As I’m in your mouth and another man fucks you, how can “trust me” be enough to make it ok. But it is, you do, you always have and always will because you know this is who you are!
“Ok that’s enough for you, remember the plan. Rob I think it’s your turn, she’s looking a bit comfortable all of a sudden.”
You have no idea who Rob is but it doesn’t take any time to work it out as the guy with the biggest cock moves into position between your legs and without any hesitation stuffs his fat cock into you and you let out a part scream part groan in pain and pleasure as he does. It’s lucky you’re so wet and so well prepared or there’s no way you could have taken him but even so the pain is detracting from any pleasure as you ignore my cock hanging by your face and grip on to the guys next to you for support
“You probably won’t enjoy this baby but I’m sure going to!” He calls out to you as he pulls all the way out and slams back in to you with a nasty smile on his face that says the more you scream the more he’ll enjoy it.
You don’t disappoint him as you let out another scream as he thrusts into you and start whimpering with each further thrust. As painful as it is you are slowly adapting to his size and are almost able to enjoy the experience as you finally open your eyes and look at the almost animalistic look on his face as he pounds you. He almost looks angry that you’re able to take it and so grabs your thighs so he can get more purchase on each thrust.
The pain is still there for you but also now pleasure as your body learns to accommodate his extra size and you start to enjoy what is happening to you. You are what you always said you wanted to be, a filthy little whore, there to be fucked by whoever wants a turn. Things can’t possibly get worse now so now you can let loose, do what you have always wanted to do, give men pleasure, make them happy, make them all want you and need you.
“There you go boys, she is officially broken in for now!”
“Right, next in line......”
The only one left that hasn’t already cum in your mouth, takes his place and starts fucking you as hard as he can having been spurred on by what he has seen but after Rob you barely feel him at this stage but you don’t care, you are all about the men’s pleasure right now! The 2 who have already cum in your mouth are now ready for you again, one is holding one of your legs wide and the other still has the camera and is capturing it with a massive erection showing he is desperate to have his turn on you.....
The guy in you finishes his turn and the other two finally get their go, the loser last of course.
By now you are absolutely loving it, putting on a show for your boys, moaning, gasping, begging, shouting at them to go harder and deeper, fuck you, make you cum, wanting them to get their monies worth. You have absolutely nothing to lose now, you have been completely defiled, you are what you always said you wanted to be, now is the time to live out the fantasy to the max! Bring it on boys!!!!
Everyone has taken their turn. 7 glorious hard cocks have been inside you and fucked you as hard and deep as they can. The plan is wonderfully on track and now the next stage....
I disappear for a moment and return with a blindfold and explain what is going to happen next.
“It’s time for you to live up to your title of cum slut now Emma. But now you don’t get to know who it is inside you and who has cum or where. How many of us will you recognise from our cocks, or from anything you may have picked up on, only time will tell I guess.”
And with that the blindfold goes on you and everything for you goes dark.....
“Please don’t let them cum inside me I’m begging you! Anywhere else but not that! I can’t risk getting pregnant, I can take anything else tonight but not that!”
I lean down and whisper into your ear again
“They’ll cum where I’ve told them they can cum Emma, nothing will change that now.”
And with that the first cock enters you and begins to thrust away, another enters your mouth, hands are all over your body touching you, stroking you, teasing you, playing with your clit in just the way you like it, it is an overwhelming cascade of sensations and you totally lose yourself.
A moment later and it’s all change, a different cock is in you and everyone changes position, maybe it’s me this time, it’s similar to me but a moment later it’s all change.
You are totally disorientated with everything, but from nowhere, all of a sudden you can feel a climax building inside you. We can all see it as you start to pant louder, getting closer and you even call out despite yourself, telling us all you’re going to cum.
And then it happens, maybe it’s even me who is there but whoever it is you don’t know but just at the very moment you tense up in orgasm so do they and you feel them fill you up, unleashing their cum inside you as you had begged me not to but at that exact moment you don’t care, you are almost euphoric with your own orgasm but you have no time to recover because immediately another cock is inside you, no care in the slightest that his cock is now inside you with another man’s cum, he just wants to fuck you regardless.
Again they all swap and this time it’s Rob, the largest by far, no hiding that. He thrusts away for a while and then they change again, and with that change you can feel the cum start to leak out of you but again you are filled straight away, one after the other, only for a moment or two before the next one. Cocks constantly thrust into your mouth and again you can taste yourself on them.
Suddenly the cock inside you pulls out and sprays his cum all over your stomach, 2 down 5 to go.....
Shortly afterwards another one cums this time on your face, was that one in your mouth or from your pussy you no longer know or care.....
And then the largest back inside you, thrusting so hard and deep but you can take it now and then it happens again, you feel yourself being filled and this time it seems endless, the amount of cum seemingly matching the size of the cock!
You have lost count now with how many there are, you are mentally and physically shattered but another one is in you pumping away and this time he pulls out to cum on you again, this time over your breasts and then another follows immediately afterwards, another over your face this time and in your mouth.
There is a cock inside you again so clearly it isn’t done, they can’t have recovered surely, it can’t be going round again. You can feel the mix of cum oozing out of you now and finally another one cums inside you, how many is that now you really don’t know......
And suddenly it’s done, there are hands still on you but the fucking is over, for now.....
The blindfold is taken off you and there you lay, covered in cum. Your face, your breasts, your stomach and your pussy all completely covered as you lay there panting like a dog.
“Right boys someone grab the lube, we need to get her ready for the next stage while we recover” |