By *ampire69 OP Man
over a year ago
Birmingham West Midlands |
I have always had permanent regular jobs however I have also had a number of part time evening and weekend jobs as well, I am not one to sit around doing nothing so this has suited my life style being single, this is a true story about the time I worked for a couple of years as a chauffeur - driver for a West Midlands based chauffeur company. I was early 30’s at the time fit healthy a good male specimen, I looked good in the uniform dark suit white shirt more CIA than old fashioned home James with a hat.
I had been working for them on a casual basis for about 4 months when they took on a very important corporate customer, and as I had received some excellent reviews from customers, I was asked to pick up a member of staff from this new corporate client from their home address and to take them to a venue, nothing new or exciting you may think! The company I worked for had a very nice mixed fleet of vehicles, I turned up and collected the car for the evening a Bentley very nice I though only to be told your only getting that because the jag is still in garage.
I arrived at the client’s home location in Warwick a very nice country house up a long driveway, we were always told to arrive 10 minutes before the designated departure time and advise the client that you had arrived and were ready for their departure.
As I pulled up in front of the house, I was acknowledged by the Gardner who said I will let Mr XXXXXX know you’re here I thanked him and waited standing outside the vehicle, some ten minutes after our allotted departure time the female came out of the property, dressed in a very formal looking evening dress a perfect size 12 about 5ft 8 in stature a perfectly polished female, I greeted her and opened the rear car door on the passenger’s side. Being a formerly trained professional chauffeur, I was always told to avert one’s eyes as a lady enters your vehicle as to avoid any embarrassing moments, of course this I did to a point but I did get a beautiful glimpse of a stocking top and suspender a dark Prussian blue and black stockings, she wore a beautiful dark green velvet halter neck evening dress with contracting cream shawl outstanding and a very expensive looking pair of new heels, this lady has class and money. As she sat into the back of the Bentley, she looked at me and smiled and said thank you, she asked what’s your name I responded Connor Ma’am she stared at me for what seemed like ages and smiled again and said it’s an Irish name again I responded yes, it is ma’am.
The moments pleasure was destroyed by the arrival of the male I greeted him by saying good evening, sir, I was thinking “Twat” I took an instant dislike to the guy dressed like James bond in his formal dinner suit balling down his mobile phone at some poor individual on the other end, I opened the door and he got in. I had just got in the car and started the engine when he barked out his orders that we were late as if it was my fault, I was due to take them to a corporate dinner music event in Oxford some 55 minutes’ drive away but because we were late, we were going to have to fly like hell to meet the arrival time. There was clearly at serious atmosphere between my two passengers all he did was moan and snipe at the female passenger, interrupted by continuous calls on his mobile phone I am thinking this guy is a total arse hole.
I could see that the female was embarrassed by his behaviour and actions, after about 20 minutes he barked out driver have got any drink on board, yes sir I responded there is a bottle of champagne in the cooler sir, I asked would you like me to stop and open it for you sir! I was really starting to dislike this bastard. No just drive on were late hurry hurry, I saw him in the rear-view mirror open the bottle and help himself to its contents the female never said a word and continued to just stare out the window observing the Oxford countryside, we made excellent time and we arrived at the venue with about 6 minutes to spare, by this time he had consumed almost all of the bottle of champagne and was in a more obnoxious state than when he first got in the car. We stopped at the front entrance to this truly stunning country house hotel it looked like a Hollywood film set a long curving gravel drive off the main road how the other half live I was thinking. As soon as we stopped, he flung the rear door open and jumped out saying to his female friend see you inside and growled something about God knows what and stomped off inside. All I am thinking this is going to be a fucking great night driving back to Warwick with this knob in the back.
I walked around the rear of the vehicle and proceeded to open the passenger door for the lady on opening the door I could see she was a little tearful, I just said to her I hope you have a pleasant evening Ma’am I extended my hand to her to assist her out of the rear of the car which she accepted saying thank you Connor, as she took my hand and leaned forward her dress slipped open and I got a pretty good eyeful of stockings suspenders and panties very nice I am thinking stunning blue very nice. I said that I would wait at the rear of the venue and gave her our company card with our number on it saying when they were ready to leave to ring the number and I would be waiting at the front when they were ready, again she thanked me took the card and placed it in her evening bag, she looked quite majestic and regal as she walked up the steps to the hotel.
I had been told to drive to the parking area at the rear of the hotel, to my surprise there was a refreshments area laid on with tea coffee and sandwiches for the drivers that makes a change, I was standing talking to a couple of other drivers the event had been going for about an hour and a half and was getting dark when the mobile phone rang I answered it and a female voice said its Mrs XXXXXX here , pick me up at the front in two minutes, fuck me there going home already it was only about 8-45pm they were not supposed to leave till about 1am, I quickly dashed back to the car and brought it around to the front steps just in time to see Mrs XXXXX making her way out of the hotel, I had just stopped the car when the front passenger door opened and Mrs XXXXXX got in saying go go go quickly, training dictated you never ask a customer questions but as the booking was technically in her husband’s name I asked is every think alright ma’am within a nano second she blurted back at me he’s a total cunt nothing but a cunt! take me home now. She said nothing for a solid ten minutes the suddenly said sorry my name is Siobhan and started to apologise for her husband’s behaviour, I stopped her and said please don’t apologise its not necessary. I said what about your husband how will he get home? she said it’s a hotel he can book himself a room how he gets home is his problem!
Siobhan asked I don’t suppose there is any champagne remaining I said yes ma’am I had replaced the used bottle with a fresh one, I stopped the car and opened the bottle, I poured a large full glass for her and started to take her home suddenly she said I don’t want to go home take me for a drive, anywhere in particular ma’am I asked her no any where you like she responded, as we drove through the back lanes of oxford she sipped her drink and the conversation changed she asked was I married did I have family what were my ambitions did I have a girlfriend was I gay ha ha, I laughed at that question I just said I had not found the right lady, as we were driving she asked me to stop the car she wanted to look at the moon light across the fields ok if that’s what the customer wants then ok, she wound down the window staring across the fields we must have been there 20 minutes or more parked in a small farmers drive way into a field when without warning she said I need a pee, stunned at her statement I just sat there glued to the seat when she said come on help me out, errr yes of course ok what the fuck did she want me to do to help her ?????
I got out of my side of the car walked around and opened her door I extended my hand to help her out of the car, I am slightly shell shocked at her request even thinking am I d*unk is it me that’s been drinking, once she was out of the car, I went to withdraw my hand at which point she said no help me! She moved a few feet away from the car closer to the hedge line and stood with her legs apart she opened her dress and asked me to hold it away from her legs, at this point she was on full display, she said kneel before me I took my jacket off and threw it on the roof of the car I knelt down before her almost between her legs, I went to hold her dress and she said no I will hold the dress pull my panties down I must pee now, as I peeled her panties to the side a hot gush of pee squirted from inside her there was a strong perfume of pee in the air.
She splashed her pee on my hands and splashes on my face she gushed for what seemed like ages , she never said a word just continued peeing, on completion my fingers were wet I had splashes of pee on my face and on my shirt, I am kneeling between her legs holding her panties to one side looking eye level at her vagina and he fanny lips, I have to be dreaming this is never happening for real, I did something for which I could never have planned I leaned forward and kissed her fanny licking her moist lips clean tasting her juice, she said take them off take my panties off , I removed her panties with haste and placed them in my trousers pocket she raised her right leg and placed it over my shoulder and drew me in deep against her fanny lips I kissed and tasted her suck on her lips sticking my tongue as deep in her as I could get .
I had my neck bent back to the point of breaking she was sitting on my face and I was eating her pussy for everything I was worth, I must have been doing something right when she began to convulse and writhe on my face and I hear fuck fuck fuck I am coming she grabbed the back of my head a pulled me in hard against her I felt her jerk three four five times I tasted her juices I was covered my shirt and tie sopping wet, and for a good five minutes she stood there with my head between her legs down a dark oxford country lane.
She removed her piss-stained stockings and I asked for them she willingly gave them to me I gave her panties back she wiped herself and said keep them I am sure you will have fun with them, we proceeded back to Warwick where I delivered her home at 1am, she thanked me and said goodbye and I thought that was the very last I would see of them and her.
Two days later I arrived at work to do a new chauffeuring job when I was told the boss wants you, I though oh fuck the shit has hit the fan I am in trouble from the night before Mr XXXXXX has made a complaint, I have lost my job. I walked in to the boss’s office he asked how did the previous night with the new corporate client go? I was just about to open my mouth and offer some sort of explanation when her threw me an envelope and said that for you from Mr XXXXX thanking you for your work it’s a tip, I presume he was very impressed and pleased you did well there Connor, thank you sir I replied. I left the office I went to the toilet and opened the envelope there was a thank you note saying I will need you to do a job in a couple of weeks’ time make sure your free and £200 cash tip.
Many weeks later my mobile phone rings it’s the Boss from the chauffeur company saying Mr XXXXX has booked me to do a job for him can I be free for 3 days, him and his wife are going to Scotland on business and he wants the Bentley and my services for 3 days.
That’s another story for another time if you want to hear it and its true and yes, I still have her pee-stained panties and stocking and now much more.