Ian and Dora sat in the bar - a gay bar, apparently, but Ian honestly would never have guessed this from a cursory glance around the place. All he saw was happy people having a good time.
And that’s what he and Dora were here for: a happy, good time.
Dora had told him during one of their many wonderful sex sessions that she had often explored her bi-sexual side as a teen and that she thought this might be something she could reignite now they had a taste for adventure.
Ian had happily agreed to this. The thought of his wife playing with anyone - male or female - made him giddy beyond belief.
She had described sexy trysts in toilet cubicles and long girlie snogging sessions on nightclub dance-floors. Ian had approved. More than that - he can gone crazy with frustration that he could never bear witness to these delightful deeds of the past.
The future was now though, and Ian was happy to share this future with Dora.
Ian sipped his Pepsi - always better to have a clear mind on these nights out; a sharper memory - as he watched Dora drink her vodka and fresh orange. He loved the way the straw sat in her mouth and that she had no idea how sexy she was. Sometimes he thought he was a bit obsessed with his wife’s mouth; other times, he realised that this was a good thing and a perfectly healthy fixation to have.
They had chosen a booth to drink in - figuring it would give them a bit of privacy away from the buzz of activity around the bar area.
Ian sat opposite his wife and enjoyed taking her in. He loved to luxuriate in her presence, and after all these years together he was so happy that this feeling had never dulled. If anything, it had only gotten stronger over time.
Dora interrupted Ian’s thoughts when she told him she needed a pee. She bent over to kiss him tenderly and he happily watched her from behind as she made her way to the back of the bar.
Five minutes or so later, Dora returned; but she was not alone. She had an attractive young lady with her - about ages with Dora; long, straight black hair - as they both sat opposite Ian in the booth. Ian noticed, rather thrillingly, that Dora’s previously perfect lipliner was now subtly smeared.
“Ian, this is Missy: my new pal.”
Ian nodded a bit awkwardly.
“I was just telling Missy about why we are here. You know - what we like to do. I told her you like to watch me play and she said she’d happily be my playmate for a wee while . . .”
“ . . . If you’re ok with it,” Missy interjected.
“Sure I am. Of course,” Ian said hurriedly before either changed their minds.
The two ladies giggled at each other as Dora began to play with Missy’s hair. She ran her fingers through it, tugging it gently each time she reached the ends. Missy looked excited as she leant over towards Dora and began kissing her gently, nibbling her lips and gently teasing the corner of Dora’s mouth with her tongue.
Ian sat up straight. He thought an obvious erection would be a bit rude in front of Dora’s new friend, after all.
It didn’t take long for the kisses to grow in intensity. Dora’s wet tongue traced the shape of Missy’s lips and Missy wasn’t shy in reciprocating. Their lips - now shiny with smeared lip liner - opened and closed in perfect time and hungry tongues eagerly explored and clashed.
Ian noticed that Missy’s hand had slipped under the table where it seemed to have slowly made its way up and under his wife’s skirt. He gasped as her arm slid back and forward and Dora moaned pleasurably into the mouth she was currently fastened to.
Dora’s breathing started to quicken as Missy worked away under the table. Missy began to lick and suck on Dora’s neck and Ian was excited to see his wife look giddily at him. She had her sex eyes on - distant, far away, ravenous - and he saw that she was already doing that thing she often did with her mouth: it hung open as if she was in shock. Ian loved to see that look. It meant that she was properly turned on.
As the snogging began apace again, Dora whispered wetly into Missy’s mouth: “I think we might need to go the loo again. What do you think? We could always take my phone and film it. Ian says he’s curious about what goes on in the ladies room. Well . . . we could show him.”
Missy took Dora by the hand and dragged her away.
Ian looked at his empty Pepsi and thought about the wonderful sights he would have in store later. This was better than some dirty clip online. This was real. Real love; real lust. Reality was now Ian’s best friend.