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By *apiophile1 OP   Man
over a year ago


Some of the stories you will read are true others are just fantasy. It's your job to work out which ones are fact or fiction. Please leave a thumbs up if you liked it. If you wish to know if this is true or fiction, mail me directly, but please don't post the answer. It's more fun to keep people guessing.

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall in someones home and see what goes on behind closed doors? Well, grab yourself a cuppa or Pimms. Sit back and brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride.

Imran and Lorriane moved into their house opposite me about two years ago. From the outside, they are a pleasant middle-class couple. I'm sure you know the type. Well dressed, polite, often found at the WI or on the board of some local charity. The kind that when they have a dinner party, you picture sherry and port passed around and classical music in the background.

Yet, me being me, I've often thought that behind closed doors, they are very different people. I don't mean virgin slaying Satan worshippers dress in black robes. More crossdressing or BDSM type. I could see Imran, dressed as a naughty schoolboy, with Lorriane as the school teacher wielding a cane or saucy Liberian.

One night I arrived home to see a group of women standing outside Imran and Lorraine's house. As I got out of the car, Lorriane opened the door and invited the ladies inside. Shortly afterwards, I could hear laughter and music coming from their home. The curtains are closed, but I could make out figures moving about by their shadows cast on the curtains. I was intrigued as they didn't have this kind of party.

Later that night, I could hear more giggling outside, still intrigued, I looked out to see the ladies leaving, some with bags. Then I saw Becky, a well known Ann Summers sales rep. Now all the questions that had been flooding my mind were answered.

A few months pass, a friend and I were up in the city going to a new gallery where we happen upon a small shop selling all manner of gadgets. Think grown-up boys toys like drones, remote control cars, planes and surprisingly spy gear. There were pens with cameras or microphones, cameras in cuddly toys, clocks, even glasses. Some of you could watch remotely, which you would hide. Now, of course, we both joked about what we'd do with such gear and who we'd spy on but left it there.

I'm sure you can imagine who I thought of, and yes, I did buy one of the remote cameras.

I can some of you now saying that this is wrong on so many levels. True, I can not justify my actions and the amount of trouble I would be in if caught. But none of that even entered my head at the time.

It took me a while to get the camera working, but once I did, I had to wait for an opportunity to place the camera in their home.

A few months go by when I see Lorraine one morning struggling to fold a large cardboard box. I walk over and offer to help, which she gladly excepts. It turns out they have had a dining table delivered. Imran is gone for a couple of days. Lorraine wants it to be put together for when he got home, but it was proving too heavy for her to move. Plus, she had stripped the tools they had sent with the table. I said I would give her a hand and went to get some of my tools, grabbing the camera just in case I got the chance to hide it.

The table was up in no time, ready for Imran's return. I had looked about the whole time trying to figure out where I could hide the camera. But nothing stood out where to hide it discretely. The camera was black, the room was all light colours, so it would be obvious wherever it was. Then I realised that the old fireplace wasn't in use, as they had radiators in the room. The back of the fireplace was black cast iron which would conceal the camera. Once Lorraine had left the room to fetch some polish, I quickly placed the camera where I thought it would give the best view of the room.

Once home, I switched on my laptop then click on the camera. The view I got wasn't great as it was set back too far in the fireplace. All I got was a view of half of the room, but it did include most of the lounge area.

Now the problem was with it being battery powered it's not going to last long with constant use. The manufacture suggested a battery would last a month, tops with continuous use, or six months if only switched on when needed. There was no point having it on when I was at work, so I hoped to get at least a few months of use out of it.

For the first week, I did nothing but watch them both every night. But they did nothing remotely exciting other than watch tv. The following week I perhaps switched it on a couple of times, still nothing exciting. The third week was the same thing. It would seem Imran and Lorraine were as ordinary as everyone else.

On week four, I was working from home. I happen to put the camera on as a distraction. Lorraine did some dusting, then had a cuppa spent some time on the phone and did a crossword. I was about to switch it off when Lorraine sudden laid down on the sofa. She pulled up off the shorts she had on and spread her legs. She then began to play with herself. Instantly I was engrossed in what was happening.

But it was over all too quickly with Lorraine dressing herself again then laying back to have a nap.

Excited with what had happened, I wanted to see more, but how and when would this kind of thing happening, is anyone's guess.

A few days pass, and the events of Lorraine playing with herself keep on playing over in my head. An idea then came to me, so I hunted for the box of toys I had collected over the years for those naughty nights if I was to have company over.

I selected a toy and placed new batteries in it. I then wrapped it up and waited for Imran to leave for work in the morning. Once he had left, I slipped across the road placed the parcel by the front door. Knowing the postman doesn't come round until just before midday, I knew there was a good chance no one would approach the front door. I sat watching the camera until Lorraine sat down on the sofa in her dressing gown to eat her breakfast and have her morning coffee. Once she had finished, I rang their landline.

I watched as Lorrine disappeared from view, then I hear the phone click and her voice on the phone saying, "Hello?".

"Good morning", I replied, "If you would care to check outside your front door, you will find a small gift", I then said, trying not to sound overly excited.

"Who is this?" Lorraine then asked.

"It's not important right now. Do you have the gift?" I asked as I looked out of my window to see if she came to the door.

There was a moment of silence except for the sound of her feet shuffling on the carpet. Lorriane then appeared at the door and looked about before bending to pick up the box.

"Is this a joke?" Lorraine then asked as she closed the front door.

"No. It's a surprise", I replied.

Lorraine returned to the sofa with the box, "Is this you, Imran?" she then asked.

I chuckled slightly, "Open the box", I then said.

I watched as Lorraine opened the box. Shocked by what she saw inside, she throws it to the floor.

"Who the Fuck is this!" she then screamed down the phone.

"Someone who wants you to have some fun", I replied.

Lorraine then hung the phone up and kicked to box across the floor.

It was then I realised that she could redial my number using the phone. But she didn't think of it after being shocked by my gift. Lorraine then disappeared and returned with a big glass of wine. She sat there for some time drinking before she picked up the box and placed it on the coffee table next to her.

It must have watched Lorraine for an hour, bitting her nails nervously, I figured, trying to work out who might have left the gift for her. Lorraine leaves and returns with another glass of wine. Now I can't say if it was the wine or curiosity that got the better of her, but she picked up the box and began to examine the contents.

Lorraine picked up the booklet and flicked through its pages. Then she reached in and pulled out the dildo I have placed in the box. Lorraine then switched it on, which I could see visibly make her hand shake. She then put the glass of wine down on the coffee table and began to run her hands over the dildo. For a moment, Lorraine pressed the dildo against her nose to test its strength, I assumed.

She then laid back and opened her dressing gown. I watched as she ran the dildo up and down her thighs a few times slowly. Her legs then winded as her hands moved the dildo up towards her pussy.

Lorraine's back arched as her hands move between her thighs. It didn't take long before Lorraine's dressing gown was fully open. She used one hand to pleasure herself, the other running over her body.

I watched closely as her hand pinched, pulled and twisted her nipples. Then it moved up and slowly caressed her cheek before she placed a finger in her mouth. Her body then convulsed and shook as I imagined she orgasmed.

Lorraine lay motionless for a moment. One hand hung down by her side and the other on her chest.

I then noticed a small microphone icon in the corner of the screen with a line through it. I clicked on it, the sound of Lorraine panting sudden filled the room. I chuckled to myself think I'd been such an idiot and watching without sound. At the same time, happy in the knowledge that Lorraine enjoyed the toy I had given her.

She then grabbed the toy and the box. She looked at it for a moment, then walked to a small cabinet at the opposite end of the sofa. She pulled a small door open, slung the box with the toy inside, then slammed the door before sitting back down.

I was busy over the next few days at work, plus with it being the weekend, Imran would be home, so there was no point switching the camera on. Come Monday morning, Lorraine's next gift is wrapped and ready for delivery. Once again, I waited for Imran to leave for work before sneaking over with a gift. I hurried back to switch on the camera and wait for Lorraine to make an appearance.

As before, she had her breakfast and coffee, so I waited until she had finished. I eagerly dialled their number and waited for Lorraine to answer.

"Hello", Lorraine said.

"I assume you finally got to enjoy the toy I left you?" I asked inquisitively.

"Just a friend. A friend that has left you another gift", I replied as I headed to the window to see if she'd pick it up.

Once again, I could hear the sound of feet shuffling on the carpet, the click of the door opening. I looked on as yet again she looked about before retrieving the item from the doorstep. I turned and headed back to my laptop and waited for her to return to the living room. I could hear the sound of paper ripping, the squeak of cardboard being pulled open. But, I could see Lorraine on the camera.

"You are sick!" came the response once she saw what I had placed inside the box.

"Now that's not nice. You enjoyed your last gifted did you not?" I asked.

There was silence for a moment before I asked, "Well?".

"I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not playing this sick game of yours!" she screamed back at me down the phone.

"If that is how you feel, I shall not call again", I replied, then hung up the phone.

I watched as Lorriane entered the living room with the box in her hand. She placed the box down on the coffee table. But then grabbed it, then throw it in the small cabinet with the other gift.

A short time later, Lorraine left and can back with a glass of wine. She picked up a magazine and flicked through the pages hurriedly. Then Lorraine discarded that one before picking up another. Again she just flicked through the pages. By now, the wine glass was almost empty save for a few drops at the bottom. Lorraine glanced over at the cabinet then left the room quickly.

It was over an hour before she would reappear in the living room with another glass of wine. Lorraine sat there calmly for some time with her head tilted back and eyes shut. The only time she opened them was to sip from the glass.

I once again dialled their number and waited for the click.

I watched as Lorriane leaned over to pick up the phone.

"Hello", she said, sounding slightly d*unk.

"I will make you a deal. If you do this one last thing, I will never call again", I said softly.

"You are a sick person. Why would you think I would do anything?" she replied sternly.

"Can you honestly say you didn't enjoy my last gift?" I asked.

There was silence as I watched Lorraine take a big gulp of wine.

"I thought as much", I said before she could reply.

"If you do this one little thing, I will never call again, I promise", I said, trying to sound sincere.

There was a deep sigh, "What do you want me to do?" came the reply.

"Get both of the gifts and place them in front of you", I asked softly.

I watched as Lorraine grabbed both boxes from the cabinet, placing them on the coffee table. She took out both gifts and laid them down beside each other. She grabbed the new toy and examined it before dropping it.

"I'm not shoving that thing inside me", she then exclaimed.

"Ok. Pick up the first toy I gave you and turn it on", I asked.

I watched as she did as I asked, "Now what?" she asked sternly.

"Put the phone on speaker and place it beside you. I'll talk you through what I want you to do next", I said and waited to see if you would comply.

She sat motionless for a moment. I then heard the click as she switched the phone to the speaker. She placed it down beside her and slumped back on the sofa.

"Now what?" she asked.

"Switch it on and run it slowly around your neck", I asked.

There was a buzzing noise then Lorraine began to do as I asked.

I leant back in my chair and watched as she ran it up and down the sides of her neck and over her cheeks.

"Now, you must do as I tell you when I tell you. Slowly move it down your front until you reach a nipple. Slowly circle each one three times. Then hold it on the nipple for three seconds", I again said softly.

I looked on as Lorraine did, exactly as asked. She opened her dressing gown and moved the dildo down over the silk nightie she had on. She found the first nipple and circled it slowly. I could hear her now breathing heavily over the speaker. She gasped as she rested the dildo on her nipple. Then she moved over to the next nipple and repeated the process. Her nipples were now starting to stiffen and poke up through the silk nightie.

I now asked Lorraine, "Slowly move down to your thighs. Slowly run it up and down each thigh until I say stop".

I could hear the hum from the motor in the dildo clearly as it came closer to the phone. It almost drowned out the moans coming from Lorraine.

Once the dildo had reached her thighs, she was visibly shaking. I allowed her to move it back and further over her thighs. With every passing minute, her moans got louder.

Not wanting to prolong this much longer, I asked, "Now spread your thighs and your pussy. I want to hear you moan as you rub the dildo on your clit".

Lorraine spread her legs and her pussy. As the dildo touched her pussy her back arched, "Fuck!" she exclaimed loudly. I watched and listened as Lorraine gasped and thrashed about until there was silence. Her body contorted for a moment, then she slumped down hard. She gasped and groaned for some time.

When she could finally move, she reached for the phone and placed it close to her ear. I could hear her breathing heavily down the phone.

"Satisfied now?" she asked breathlessly. She then switched off the dildo.

"Not just yet. I suspect you aren't either. It's time to test the new toy", I replied with a big grin.

"I'm not shoving a butt plug in my arse", she exclaimed loudly.

"You promised to do as I asked if I didn't call again", I said, knowing she never promised to follow everything I said.

"Besides, It's a small one. You won't even feel it. You will only feel it vibrate", I explained.

"Now get on your knees and take the lube and spread it over the butt plug", I said, trying not to sound too demanding.

Lorraine sat there for a while. You could almost hear the cogs turning in her head. But she slowly slipped down to the floor and grabbed the butt plug and lube. She turned the butt plug on and ran her hands over it.

Switching it off again, she poured some lube over it and slowly rubbed it in. Lorraine then turned to face the sofa and got to her knees.

"Ok. I'll do it just this once", she exclaimed.

I could hear her deep breathing as she slowly pushed the butt plug inside of her.

Then a sigh once it was in as she said, "ok, it's in".

"Good girl. Now get the dildo and push it inside yourself as well", I said, eagerly watching to see how this will turn out.

Lorraine picked up the dildo and slowly pushed that inside, making her groan. Her head slumped into the sofa as she slowly began to work the dildo in and out of herself.

I had the perfect view of everything that was going on. Plus the sound from the phone and the camera. Her moans and groans were like music.

In a short time, she was panting and groaning loudly, which I quickly learnt meant she was about to orgasm.

"Stop", I cried out.

"Why she?" Lorraine gasped.

"I want you to switch them both no now!" I exclaimed

Lorraine sighed and reached back to the butt plug and switched it on with one hand. Then switched the dildo on with her other. She groaned loudly as the vibrations from each reacted together. She remained motionless, just panting and moaning. Only the occasional "Fuck" through gritted teeth filled the air.

Lorraine's legs began to quiver, then the odd whimper. Soon her whole body was shaking, and she was making low groaning noises. Lorraine had let go of the dildo and was trying to prop herself up with her arms. But this was to prove fruitless as her legs gave way.

"Oh, Fuck!. Fuck!" I heard her cry out as she collapsed to the floor.

The way she had slumped down meant the dildo remained inside her. Her whole body now shook and quivered. I looked on as she tried in vain to pull at the dildo. With each tug, an orgasm would rush through her.

Finally, she fell onto her back, where she could pull the dildo out. Lorraine laid there gasping and shaking, repeating, "Oh, Fuck" over and over. She laid there for a good ten minutes before she found the strength to remove the butt plug as well. As Lorraine pulled on the butt plug, I heard her groan loudly as yet another orgasm surged over her. Now exhausted, she curled up into a ball and tried to breathe. It was at this point I hung up the phone but continued to watch over her.

An hour passed before she could move, and that was to get up onto the sofa. She then slept for a few hours. Once she was awake, she got some wet wipes and wiped each toy down before putting them back in the cupboard.

I didn't call as promised, not until Wednesday morning. I thought I'd give her a couple of days to recover before seeing if she'd play again.

As before, I switched the camera on and waited until Lorraine had finished breakfast and her coffee. I left calling a little longer as I didn't want her to think that I'd ring at the same time. So I watched until she had gone through the paper and the magazine. She was now just looking out of the window, so I picked up the phone.

"Good morning", I said as she answered.

"You said you'd never ring again if I did as you asked, I did", she exclaimed.

"I did say that. And I did promise not to call. But I wanted to see how you are and if you have recovered?" I said, trying to sound concerned.

"I'm fine now, don't call again", she said sternly.

There was a brief pause, "You haven't thrown the toys away, have you?" I asked as she didn't hang up as I had expected.

"No", Lorraine replied sheepishly.

"That's a relief. Do you have it close?" I asked with a smile.

I watched as Lorraine leant over to the cupboard and pulled them out, then I heard her say, "No".

"That is such a shame. It sounded like you had such a wonderful time the other day. There was something else I would love you to try. But if you don't have both close by, then you can't give it a go", I said, waiting to hear what she'd say next.

There was another short pause before Lorraine said, "Try what?"

"There is no point explaining without you doing it. Where's the fun in that?" I said, almost chuckling.

I could see she was pondering on whether to say she had them. She kept on touching the boxes and fiddling with the toys.

"I wouldn't have to shove the butt plug up my arse again, would I?" she asked.

"No. Not this time", I chuckled.

There was another pause before Lorraine said, "Give me a moment".

Lorraine then held the phone close to her chest, like she had gone off to look for them. After a few moments, she said, "Ok. I've got them. What is it you want me to do?".

I leant back in my chair, knowing I have her hooked. I began to explain how I wanted her to place the phone on speaker once more, then rest it close by. Lorraine placed the phone on the arm of the sofa and confirmed she had done as asked. I then told her to stand and slowly remove all her clothing.

I looked on as she complied with my demands. First, she removed her dressing gown. Then she slowly took off her nightie. Once she was naked, she confirmed she was ready for the next set of instructions.

I then told her to switch both toys on and lay down. She was to use the dildo on her clit and pussy. The butt plug was for her breasts and nipple. She did as commanded, making her orgasmed in quickly.

Over the next few months, two, three and sometimes four times a week, I'd have Lorraine doing all manner of things. With every passing week, Lorraine complained less about using the butt plug. I knew the camera couldn't last much longer, so I wanted to see how far Lorraine is now willing to go. One night, while training the younger lads at the Rugby Club, an idea began to form. It would take some planning, but nothing too hard.

A few weeks pass, I have Lorraine playing with herself as I talk to her. She is getting close to having an orgasm when suddenly the doorbell rings, which startles Lorraine. I explain that she is to put on her dressing-gown, go to the door with the phone in hand. I have the shuffle of her feet, the click of the door, then a gasp.

"There are four young men here", she says nervously.

"Invite them in", I tell her.

Slowly Lorraine opens the door, and one by one, the lads walk in. They line up in front of the sofa, with Lorraine standing in front of them. I tell Lorraine to place the phone on the table and to remove the dressing-gown. She does as commanded but tries to cover herself with her hands. The four young lads gasp to see Lorraine naked in front of them. I then inform the lads that they can touch Lorraine. But, they must be gentle. They must also move their hands slowly over every inch of her body.

One by one, they huddle around Lorraine. Two begin at her feet, while the other two at her shoulders. I watch as they slowly move their hands over Lorraine's body. Slowly she gives in as I hear her moan softly. She looks the pair of young lads in the eyes as they run their hands over her breasts. Her firm nipples brush against their palms, making her gasp slightly. One of the young lads lower done touches Lorraine's clit, which makes her legs buckle. He does it again to see if he gets the same response. Again Lorraine's legs give way, which encourages him to do it more. He soon has her moaning loudly, and she leans on the other two to hold herself up. But she soon gives in, and her body shakes as an orgasm rush through her body. Her legs buckle, and she falls to the floor in a heap.

Lorraine quickly catches her breath and looks up at the young lads. They are now all naked, their young hard cock standing rampant before them. One young lad approaches Lorraine and pushes his cock into her mouth. Lorraine gags as it's pushed in briefly. Then one by one, they each gather around Lorraine. She now has both hands grasping tightly on two cocks. Her mouth switches from one hard young cock to another.

"I'm cuming", one young lad says as he explodes over Lorraine's breasts.

"Me too", cries another as he squirts his load over Lorraine's face.

She quickly sucks on a third cock which instantly explodes in her mouth. The last young man, not wanting to be left out, presents his cock to Lorraine. She smiles at him as she takes it slowly into her mouth. His legs shake as he explodes, and Lorraine swallows every drop.

Lorraine looks down at the cum now trickling down her body. She is about to wipe some of it away when she feels a pair of hands on her shoulders. She turns to see a young man staring down at her, his cock, once again rampant. He gently pushes her forwards onto her knees. She looks behind her to see the young lad kneel. Lorraine feels something pressing against her pussy. She gasps loudly as he suddenly thrusts his cock into her.

Another young lad now sits down in front of Lorraine. His cock is ready for action once more. He takes hold of Lorraine's head and pushes it down onto his cock, which she eagerly excepts. The two remaining lads cheer on their friends. The first young lad, who is fucking Lorraine, begins to shake.

Lorraine quickly stops sucking and exclaims, "Don't cum in me".

It was too late. The young lad quivers, and with two short hard thrusts, he falls to the floor after filling her pussy with cum. Lorraine couldn't get a word out before the young lad she had been sucking just moments ago pulled her up against his body. He then thrust his cock into Lorraine, making her gasp once more.

His two other friends now join in. One kneels beside Lorraine and pushes his cock into her mouth. The other makes his way around the back.

Lorraine tries to scream as she feels a hard cock slowly entering her arse.

"Fuck, her arse is tight", the young man exclaims.

All three young lads now thrust their cocks into Lorraine. She closes her eyes as her body begins to shake. Her moans and groans get muffled by the cock she is sucking on. Her body gives out, and she slumps onto the young man below.

The young lad Lorraine had been sucking on cums over her face. The young guy below her follows soon after and fills her pussy even more. Then the young lad, who is now thrusting himself into Lorraine's arse, explodes as well. Lorraine rolls off the young lad and lays on the floor, gasping for air.

She slowly runs her hands over her cum covered body. Then she licks her fingers clean of cum. She places a hand between her thigh where cum is now oozing out of her pussy. She slowly rubs it over her pussy and again licks the remains from her fingers. Lorraine lifts her head for a moment to see the four young lads naked on her floor before she can no longer hold her head up.

A quietness soon falls over the room, and bodies begin to move. Lorraine looks up as she feels a pair of hands touch her legs. A young lad has lifted her legs and is pushing them back towards her. He has a hard cock, which is now pressing against her pussy. She gasps as he thrusts his cock deep into her.

"Oh, Fuck! Oh, Fuck" she cries out as he thrusts his cock into her frantically.

Then as one young lad cums, he is replaced by another. Lorraine is fucked in every position you can imagine. She orgasms again and again. Every orifice is fit to burst with cum. Even her body is covered. After three hours of constant fucking the young lads are now spent. Lorraine is exhausted and can barely manage to grab her dressing-gown to pull over herself. The young lads now start to dress. One by one, as they head out, they give Lorraine a tender kiss and say "Thank you".

She hears the door close, and she pulls herself to the sofa and grabs the phone. Putting it to her ear, she says, "I want more", then hangs up.

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By *apiophile1 OP   Man
over a year ago


Please leave a thumbs up if you liked this or think it's true.

Leave a thumbs down if you didn't like it and think it's fantasy.

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By *ottsguy74Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *apiophile1 OP   Man
over a year ago


Is this too long?

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By *outhEastPaulMan
over a year ago

Thames Ditton surrey

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By *anexjxWoman
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *rgar27Man
7 weeks ago

Bognor Regis

but think it is fantasy

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By *arythatsmeWoman
7 weeks ago


Great story, not too long at all - in fact more would be appreciated OP

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By *kpiercedCouple
7 weeks ago


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By *ockhopper1701Man
7 weeks ago


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By *rianmanMan
7 weeks ago

nr tirrington

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By *heonlycunnilinguyMan
7 weeks ago


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By *ockhopper1701Man
7 weeks ago


Carry on

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