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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I met Jane a year after my separation, although she was 9 years younger than me, we hit it off straight away. We both had very similar tastes in most things, music, films, literature, etc. Plus, she was sexy as hell. Five feet six, long brown hair, pale green eyes, size 12/14, great bum and 36DD boobs. Sex with her was amazing and the fact that she was bisexual was a bonus. Although that did have it's down side, as she wouldn't let me join in, only watch. I wasn't allowed to be involved with the other woman, not even the slightest touch! I'd always tease her about not sharing and tell her it wasn't fair. She would laugh it off and just say "Maybe one day you'll get lucky". I wondered if she meant it or was just teasing me. Well 8 years later I was going to find out...........

Fast forward to September 2016, Jane and I had booked a holiday to Rhodes. We were looking forward to a nice break in the sun, something we hadn't been able to do for a couple of years. We arrived at our hotel about 7pm, a few miles outside Rhodes old town. A pleasant place in a little village on the sea front, . Comfortable and quiet, just what we wanted. We checked in, went to our room and decided to get something to eat. We found a nice little restaurant and sampled the local fare and a nice bottle of wine. After a pleasant meal we decided to return to the hotel and sample the atmosphere of the hotel bar.

It was your usual hotel bar, average size, but nicely decorated, with tables and chairs, an outside smoking area and some comfortable soft furnishings inside.

There were 3 or 4 coupes in there, so very quiet. In fact, it was coming to the end of the season, and the hotel would be closing in 3 weeks for the winter break.

We ordered our drinks and sat outside enjoying the warm night air.

We sat chatting and enjoying the night, and played our usual little game of "I would ". It was just a daft thing, where we would look at the women and see if we liked the look of them enough to want to have sex with them! Of course, the chances of me enjoying the actual act were highly unlikely! But it was just a bit of silly fun and banter.

We had been sat there about half an hour, when a lady tottered outside and sat at a table a few feet from us. She was probably a couple of years older than me (we discovered later she was 58), slim build with ash blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, about 5 feet 8 tall. She was wearing a red summer dress, which brought out the paleness in her skin. Jane looked at me, smiled and mouthed "I would". I replied, " I'm not surprised! In fact, so would I"

Jane laughed saying "You should be so lucky".

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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


A good start

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

We carried on drinking and chatting with Jane occasionally glancing over at the lady. It was definitely a sign that she liked the look of her and may explore things later! The lady moved her chair a little closer to our table, asking if she could join us. I looked at Jane and she said, "Of course, feel free". We introduced ourselves and she told us her name was Lina. We continued chatting, explaining that we had only arrived that evening and it was our first break for a couple of years. Lina said that she was from Finland and that she always came over at this time of year as it was a bit cooler and to visit some friends, she had made during her travels back and forth. She seemed a little tipsy, occasionally slurring her speech, but otherwise she was very chatty and friendly. We exchanged part of our life stories and found out that she was widowed and had no other family apart from a sister back in Finland. She was grateful to get away and meet up with friends and enjoy the weather and company. Lina was quite touch feely, or was it the drink? She would occasionally touch Jane on the arm during our conversation, as if to make a point or was it something else! Jane didn't mind anyway, as she was very tactile herself.

I excused myself as I needed a toilet break and left Jane and Lina chatting. When I returned there was a fresh round of drinks on the table and Lina had moved seats and was now sat on the little 2-seater sofa next to Jane. They seemed to be getting on well, and were laughing and joking and there certainly appeared to be a connection between them. Lina was definitely becoming more and more friendly with Jane. Definitely more tactile and leaving her hand resting on Jane's knee longer than you would consider to be a casual touch from time to time.

It appeared to be having an effect on Jane whatever it was. I could see her nipples had become hard and were creating a lovely view for me through the thin material of her blouse. Jane would always go braless when we were on holiday or if it was a warm day. I always loved seeing her nipples like that. A teasing and tantalising view.

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By *un Bi couple yorkshireCouple
over a year ago


Excellent start xxx

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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *hor66Man
over a year ago


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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I glanced at Jane; she was obviously enjoying Lina's company. It was almost like I wasn't there. They were engrossed in conversation, totally oblivious to me. Not that I was particularly bothered by it though. I was just enjoying the company of two attractive women, and wondering what was going through Jane's mind. I was imagining them both together, enjoying each other, while I looked on. I knew from past experience that Jane didn't share, and therefore there was little hope of me getting any "action", apart from watching and amusing myself. That was of course if anything did develop. I wasn't sure though. There was obvious flirting between the two, but certainly no mention or indication that anything was going to happen. Jane was usually quite open about being bisexual if she felt there was that kind of connection with a woman, and she hadn't been talking that way with Lina.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jane calling my name. "Hey, where were you"? she asked. I replied I was just thinking.

"I bet you were", she sniggered.

"Do you want another drink"?

I checked my watch, it was getting late and the bar would be closing shortly.

"Just a quick night cap", I replied.

"Ok, we are just nipping to the ladies and get it on the way back".

Why do ladies go to the loo in pairs I thought to myself? And what do they talk about when they do!

They had been gone a couple of minutes, when my phone pinged. It was a message from Jane. What does she want I wondered, not as if she's a million miles away. Maybe she wants me to get the drinks while they do whatever they do in the loo.

I opened the message and in my mind my jaw hit the floor. It was a picture of Jane and Lina, with a caption underneath, "I hope you like"!

They were both locked in what looked like a passionate kiss. Typical Jane I thought, taking advantage of the situation and I am going to miss out again!

A few minutes later they returned, drinks in hand, both grinning like Cheshire cats. I thought, someone's had a good time.

Jane kissed me on the lips, "Having a good time"? she enquired.

"It looks like you were", I replied.

"Oh, just a friendly kiss, nothing more than that".

I started to look at Lina in a different light, but knowing nothing would happen with me. Had Jane found herself another friend to play with, or was it just slightly d*unken tom foolery!

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *Bigal.Man
over a year ago


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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *erri AnneTV/TS
over a year ago

Shannon and Costa Blanca

Looking forward to hearing more

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By *weetcouple30Couple
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


Loving this

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

great story....

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Thanks for all the likes so far

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

We finished our drinks and decided it was time to head off to our room for some much-needed sleep, it had been a long day.

As Lina stood up, she staggered and looked like she was going to fall. Jane managed to grab hold of her just in time. They both laughed as Jane said "It looks like someone has a had a little too much to drink". Lina wrapped her arms around Jane and thanked her for keeping her from fallen and then pecked Jane on the cheek.

"Come on, I think it's time to get you into bed" Jane told Lina.

Lina smirked saying "Oh that would be nice".

Jane looked at me, shaking her head and mouthed "I think she's pissed"

I replied "Really"!

After several stumbles and steps backward and forward, managed to get Lina to her room. Thankfully it was on the same floor as ours, 4 doors down. Lina started fumbling in her bag for her door pass, while trying to keep her balance. Jane took her bag, found the pass and opened the door.

"Right Dave, you go and get the air con in our room and I'll sort Lina out".

I replied "I bet you will".

Jane ignored my retort and got Lina into her room. I went to ours, got the air con going and jumped into a cool shower. A few minutes later I was lying onder the cool crisp sheets. My mind then started wandering to what Jane and Lina may be up to.

About half an hour later, I heard the apartment door open and close. Jane walked into the bedroom smiling.

"What's got you smiling"? I asked.

"Oh, just Lina, she's totally out of it poor thing. She is now sleeping it off after being sick. I don't think she will be up early tomorrow".

She then disappeared and I heard the shower running. A few minutes later she climbed into bed beside me.

"How have you enjoyed your first evening away for a long time"? she asked

"It's been interesting, and bet you've enjoyed more than me though. I hope you didn't take advantage of Lina", I replied

"Oh no, I wouldn't do that, not in her state, but who knows, when she's sober it may be a different thing".

With that she wrapped her arm over my body and ran her fingers over my chest. She slowly glided her hand down my body toward my groin. Her fingers wrapped around my cock and began to slowly tease me. I felt myself getting harder. she always knew just how to get me going.

Jane threw the bed sheets back and knelt between my legs. She lowered her head and begin to lick the tip of my cock.

"Someone's horny" I said.

"Mmmmmm" was all she said.

She began to slowly lick up and down the length of my hardening cock, then took me in her mouth. I never failed to respond to that. She knew exactly what to do and how to get me going.

"Fuck me" she said in a whispered tone.

With that she straddled my legs, and taking my cock in her hand, guided me into her pussy. Christ, she was absolutely soaking. She rode up and down on me slowly, gripping me with her pussy muscles. I reached up and caressed her gorgeous 36DD breasts. Pulling and pinching her nipples, something she always enjoyed. Her moans grew louder and deeper as we fucked.

"You have no idea how good that feels, you fit so nicely", she moaned

It wasn't long before her orgasm hit her. In fact it was quicker than she had ever cum with me before. Her body shook and she pushed down hard on me as it hit her. Her fingers digging into my chest.

"Oh fuuuuuuuuck", she screamed as another orgasm hit her.

Jane slowed and eventually stopped moving, droplets of sweat on her forehead and nose glistened in the night light.

She climbed off me and then went back to sucking my cock, her mouth wrapped round me.

"I love how I taste on you, even sweeter this time for some reason", she said winking at me.

Her head bobbed up and down while she sucked and wanked me slowly.

It wasn't long before my orgasm hit me. She continued sucking as my cock twitched and swelled inside her mouth.

"Mmmmmmm, yes cum for me Dave, please cum for me"

How could I resist such a request? My hips jerked as I came in her mouth, that amazing feeling rippling through my body. She sucked and squeezed until she had got what she wanted.

Letting my cock slip from my mouth she moved up the bed and kissed me on the lips. I could taste the slight saltiness of my cum on her lips.

"Thank you sexy" Jane said smiling. "Now time to sleep and be up early for the sun. I wonder if we will see Lina tomorrow?

"You want her, don't you"? I asked

"Yes, if I can, but who knows if she wants the same. She was somewhat tiddly and she could be totally different when sober".

With that we kissed said our good nights and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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By *imale38Man
over a year ago


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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *d4ugirlsMan
over a year ago

Green Cove Springs

Great start, looking forward to tomorrow

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By *ugardadcleanerMan
over a year ago


Great story guys. Can’t wait

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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I woke to the buzzing of the alarm and the sun shining through a gap in the curtains. A nice-looking day I thought, as I sat up. I turned to see if Jane was still asleep, only to find she wasn't in bed.

I climbed out of bed, threw on a bath robe and walked into the living area. She wasn't there either. I saw the balcony doors open and walked towards them. Jane was sat outside, feet up, drinking coffee. I walked up behind her, bent and kissed her on the neck.

"Morning sleepy head, you're up late".

"Late"? I said, "it's only 8".

"I've been up since half six" she replied. "Wanted to enjoy the sun coming up".

I kissed her again on the neck then slipped my hands inside her bath robe, moving down and gently cupping her breasts. She let out a soft moan as my hands brushed over her nipples. Her nipples were instantly erect.

"Someone's pleased to see me" I chuckled.

"Coffee"? she asked.

"I'm just off for a shower, to freshen up. Be nice to have one after thanks"

I sauntered off to the shower. Stepping in under the luke warm water, I begin to wash myself. I had been in there a couple of minutes when I felt hands on my waist. I looked over my shoulder to see Jane smiling. She took the shower gel and rubbed it over my back, then handing it to me, she turned around so I could reciprocate the favour. I slowly soaped her back and shoulders, then down the small of her back to her buttocks. Her legs parted slightly and I moved my hand between them and gently teased the outline of her pussy lips. I felt her push toward me and I began to tease her clit. Jane moaned slowly and reached behind her, grabbing my hardening cock. We touched and teased each other, her soapy hand gliding up and down my cock as I slipped a finger into her wet pussy.

"You're rampant" I laughed.

"Not complaining are you"? she replied.

I didn't need to reply, she knew I enjoyed every inch of her body and what she did with it, especially to me.

I kissed and nibbled her neck as we toyed with each other, enjoying the moment. She became more urgent, I knew kissing the back of her neck was one of her erogenous zones, and would send her into spasms. It wasn't long before her thighs clamped around my hand and her body trembled with her orgasm. She continued wanking me, the shower gel acting as a lubricant. My orgasm followed soon after hers, and my cum shot over the cheeks of her bum.

"Mmmm lovely way to start the day" she said smiling.

We cleaned up and finished showering. As we dressed Jane slipped on a thin white blouse, no bra as usual, and a thigh length light blue summer skirt.

"With or without panties"? she enquired

"Whatever you feel comfortable in, or out of for the matter" I replied.

"Without it is then" she laughed.

Dressed or partially dressed in Jane's case, we headed off to the dining area for breakfast.

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


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over a year ago


" we headed off to the dining area for breakfast."

Now would that be complex's cafeteria or LIna's bedroom..?

I'm quite enjoying this...

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By *icenick1966Man
over a year ago


Great so far

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By *aughtyfucker66Man
over a year ago


Fantastic story

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By *ussD1Man
over a year ago


Loving this. Reminders of holidays abroad and great sexy writing.

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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *lorious xWoman
over a year ago

the back of beyond

Thank you so much for sharing x

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By *r imp miss minxCouple
over a year ago


Lovely read. Makes you want to book a holiday!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Good start

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

The dining area was very quiet, just 3 couples and two guys sat enjoying their breakfast.

"Lina's not here", Jane remarked, "Must be sleeping off last night".

We grabbed some food and a table by an open window for the morning cool air.

"No one here you fancy then" I laughed.

"No, but then I'm not looking for anyone else" she winked.

"By that, I guess you have your eye on Lina" I replied.

"Maybe, but I'd like more than an eye one her"!

About 10 minutes later, Lina sauntered in. She looked amazing, definitely not showing any signs from the night before. She was dressed in a bright orange sari, a matching-coloured short blouse, tied at the bottom, exposing her tanned midriff, and sandles. She looked in our direction, smiled and waved. She went to the breakfast bar and walked over to us with a plateful of fruit and yoghurt.

"May I join you"? she politely asked.

"Of course," replied Jane.

Lina sat down and we chatted briefly about the hotel and facilities etc. Lina telling us the best places to go for food in the village and trips out that may interest us.

She then apologised for the night before, saying she hadn't meant to have that much to drink, but fortunately she never suffered from hangovers. Jane remarked that she was the same, she could drink like a fish if she wanted and never suffer the after effects.

"As a thank you for looking after me, I'd like to take you both out for dinner this evening, if you'll let me"

Jane said there was no need, we would have done it for anyone, but thanked her for the offer.

"I insist" Lina replied. "I would feel bad if you declined"

Well, we didn't want to upset her so we graciously accepted, and arranged to meet in the hotel foyer at 7 that evening.

We finished our breakfasts and said our goodbyes til later with Lina and Jane giving each other a peck on the cheek, and I believe Jane gave Lina a quick squeeze on her bum.

Jane and I spent the rest of the day by the pool, taking in the sun and having a dip in the pool every now and then to cool off.

About 6pm we headed back to our room to get ready for the evening meal with Lina. Jane was smiling and singing and appeared in an extremely good mood.

"Someone sounds happy".

"Oh, you know, I love getting away from it all, the sun, the warmth, and I'm looking forward to this evening too" Jane replied. I swear she had a little twinkle in her eye as she said the latter part.

I walked up behind her, kissed her on the neck and patted her bum. "Not know Dave, save it for later. We will be late otherwise".

Hmmm was I on a promise for this evening then. The holiday seems to be having a good effect on her I thought.

I got showered and dressed, slipping on light collared shirt and tan trousers, casual smart stuff.

I went out onto the balcony and poured myself a glass of wine.

Half an hour later Jane joined me. "Wow, you look amazing". Jane was dressed in a dark green halter neck dress, very low cut, which pushed her breasts up, barely containing them. This was finished off with a pair of black heels. I could have taken her there and then. She looked stunning. I kissed her and poured her a glass of wine.

About five minutes to 7 we walked down to the foyer. Lina was sat on a small sofa with a glass of wine in her hand. She smiled as we approached. As she stood and kissed Jane on each cheek, I took in another amazing view. Lina had hair up and pulled back. She was wearing a yellow dress, quite short and it barely covered her, and a matching pair of yellow heels. She looked ten years younger than her true age.

"I've booked a taxi" she said. "It should be here soon".

We sat and chatted and the taxi arrived a few minutes later. We all got up and walked over to it. Lina instantly put her arm around Jane's waist, escorting her to the cab. She opened a door and ushered Jane inside, climbing in next to her. Ah, I'm riding shot gun then, I thought.

Lina gave the driver the location of where we were going and off we set.

I engaged in polite chit chat with the driver, all the time wondering what the ladies were talking about, as there appeared lots of giggles and laughter coming from the back of the cab.

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *untooMan
over a year ago


Enjoying this story

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By *rouble 50Man
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *eo_72Man
over a year ago


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By *imale38Man
over a year ago


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By *ndy500Man
over a year ago


Great story

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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *r_FaustusMan
over a year ago


Very well written

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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *rs Little and Mr LargeCouple
over a year ago

burnham on sea

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


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By *ussD1Man
over a year ago


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By *bridge manMan
over a year ago


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By *onsi69Man
over a year ago


Nice feel to this!!

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By *leopatra 64Couple
over a year ago


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By *groot20Couple
over a year ago


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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By *arathon69manMan
over a year ago


Great tale

Had lots of fun with Finns when I worked there 20 years ago.

Most sexually open girls ever

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By *j47Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

About ten minutes later, the cab pulled up outside a small looking bistro. I reached for my wallet to pay the driver, Lina said not to worry about it, as she had an account with the firm. Blimey, I thought, she must be quite a regular then.

We alighted from the cab and I walked round to open Jane's door. Too slow, Lina was already out and gave a helping hand to Jane. They then linked arms and headed for the door. The view I had was great, two sexy ladies, arm in arm in front of me, while I watched their bums wiggle as they walked. They looked bloody sexy.

As we entered, a tall guy (who we later discovered was the owner), walked up to Lina and greeted her like she was an old friend. He kissed her on both cheeks. Lina introduced us and he then kissed Jane on both cheeks before eyeing her up and down with a smile. He then shook my hand and led us over to a table in a quiet corner.

The place was busy, but not crowded. Very plush and cosy with about 20 tables, so not that big. It was noticeable that there were no families with kids in there. Perfect, I thought, shouldn't be too noisy. Quiet chatter and laughter filled the air, and I was looking forward to a great meal.

Jane sat, and I before I could get chance, Lina manoeuvred herself into the space next to her. I ended up sitting opposite both of them. I couldn't complain, I had a nice view of two hot women.

We ordered a bottle of wine, and began to peruse the menu. Jane seemed quite relaxed sat next to Lina.

"You ok"? I mouthed to Jane

She smiled and nodded back.

We placed our orders and chatted about all and sundry while we waited for our meals. The ladies had certainly hit it off and were getting on well. Although there was no obvious flirting, there was an atmosphere that suggested they more than liked each other!

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Our meals arrived. They looked and smelt fabulous. We dug in, enjoying the fare and wine. The serving staff were very attentive, maybe a little too much at times. But you couldn't fault them otherwise.

Main meals and dessert finished, we ordered more wine. Lina regaled us with tales of her travels and places to visit in Rhodes and other countries.

I had noticed it had been getting steadily cooler throughout the evening. Maybe the air con had been turned on and was being slightly, but steadily increased, or maybe it was just me. I also noticed it was having an effect on Lina and Jane. I couldn't help but see that their nipples were much more prominent. Hard little points just pushing through the thin material of their dresses. Jane's were slightly larger than Lina's, but still a lovely site. So sexy and teasing.

My mind was wandering, but it was brought back to reality by a short but obvious squeal from Jane.

I looked across the table to her, only to notice Lina steadily withdrawing her arm from under Jane's side of the table. Then looking directly at me and with a very wicked smile, Lina raised a hand to her face and then, slowly and seductively placed two fingers in her mouth and sucked them!

Bloody hell, had Lina just done what I think she may have done, or was my mind working overtime! Surely not, not in a busy public place!

Lina excused herself and went off to the ladies.

When she had gone, I looked at Jane asking if she was OK.

She looked at me with a half glazed look in her eyes and smiled widely saying she was fine.

"Do I think what happened, just actually happen"?

"What do you think happened"? She asked back

Gesturing with two fingers, I quietly said " Did Lina just, you know, finger you"?

"Well I felt something down there, and it definitely wasn't my fingers", she said with a smirk.

Fucking hell, these ladies were horny. It set me to thinking about the night before and the half hour Jane was alone with Lina. Was Lina really ill, had something already happened, or had they hatched a plan for this evening? Either way, it was getting me aroused.

Lina returned a couple of minutes later, a little flushed, but otherwise as if nothing had happened. She touched Jane lightly on the shoulder. Jane looked up at her, and as she did, Lina just softly brushed her index finger across Jane's lips, and then sat down.

Jane pushed out the tip of her tongue, and looking at me, licked her lips. All I heard was "Mmmmmmm".

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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *immy_5belliesMan
over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS
over a year ago


Hot story

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By *orthampton jamesMan
over a year ago


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By *aughtyfucker66Man
over a year ago



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By *oss25Man
over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

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By *tan 7724Man
over a year ago


Wow fantastic

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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *orneyloverMan
over a year ago


This is really hotting up. Can't wait for more.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *oyntzMan
over a year ago

all over Ireland

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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *ussD1Man
over a year ago



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By *urabriteMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fantastic story so far.... Had me hard from the onset..

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By *leopatra 64Couple
over a year ago


Great story

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By *umalotagainMan
over a year ago

a town called malice

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By *1sexypairCouple
over a year ago


Good so far enjoying this story

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By *igkidexyMan
over a year ago


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By *roticfunmanMan
over a year ago

the North

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

great story so far

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

My mind was running wild, was all this for my benefit or for their own? I had a feeling it was the latter. As Jane would always say, "You can look, but don't touch".

I reckoned I was in for a frustrating night.

"Are you ready then"? Lina piped up, "There's a nice little bar I know that we can go to for a drink, and then maybe a coffee later when we het back to the hotel".

Jane was up for the bar, and me, well I wasn't going to let myself be left out. Although I was beginning to think I was well behind whatever these two had been hatching between them.

Lina kindly paid the bill, she wouldn't accept any contribution from us, despite our protestations. I felt a little guilty letting her pay for it all, but had little choice. We trotted off down the the road passing other restaurants and bars. Jane and Lina were arm in arm again, with me dutifully trotting behind. About five minutes later, we arrived at out destination. A quaint little taverna with half a dozen tables outside and music coming from inside. We walked in to a dimly lit room, but enough light to easily see the surroundings. Lina and Jane sat at a table, told me what they wanted to drink and I went off to the bar. When I returned, they were chatting like old friends, and I noticed they they both had a hand on each others legs.

They were very openly flirting now, and the conversation had turned to sex, and their bisexual encounters. Jane also told Lina, that I was only ever allowed to watch when she was playing with another woman.

Lina looked at me and with a pitiful expression on her face, saying, "Oh you poor boy, all that fun and you just have to watch".

I just nodded and smiled, "C'est la vie".

We continued chatting, well the ladies did more than me. I certainly got the impression that the night wasn't going to end yet and that Jane and Lina had plans for later.

"Time for coffee and dessert?" Lina asked

"Oh that sounds good" Jane replied "I'm ready for a nice dessert" she said with a wink.

Lina phoned for a taxi and then they both disappeared to the ladies.

They must have only been in there seconds when my phone pinged. I opened it and there they were, a picture of them both locked in a kiss.

A few seconds later it pinged again. Now Jane had her hand on Lina's breast over her dress. Ping for a third time. Jane had one of Lina's nipples in her mouth!

They were teasing me, and they bloody well knew it.

They returned to me a couple of minutes later, and we walked out into the night air just as the cab arrived. As they got in the back, Jane kissed me and said "I hope you enjoyed the little show darling".

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Nice, more please

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By *andk1000Couple
over a year ago


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By *umalotagainMan
over a year ago

a town called malice

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *eotheloinMan
over a year ago

Kerry / limerick border

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By *tan 7724Man
over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *ornynhappy23Man
over a year ago


the sun always make them horny

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *j47Man
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *oxycouple28Couple
over a year ago


This is the best story I have read for ages!

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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loving this... Xx

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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


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By *igkidexyMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

On the journey back, I was once again in the shotgun position, with Lina and Jane in the back. It was very quiet on the trip back, although the atmosphere seem charged and the silence a prelude to something more.

We arrived at the hotel. Once again the ladies linked arms as they walked side by side. I followed like a little lap dog.

We walked through the foyer and to the lift. Once inside, Lina pressed the button for our floor. As the door closed, she turned to Jane and began kissing her. Jane and Lina were soon locked together in an embrace, their hands all over each other through their dresses and lips locked together. Audible moans were coming from both of them. I just stood there like the proverbial spare one.

The lift pinged, and the doors opened. There was no sign of either of them stopping what they were doing.

I coughed "Um ladies, it's out floor".

They broke from their embrace, straightened themselves out and walked out of the lift as if nothing had happened. We reached Lina's apartment.

She opened her door and beckoned us in. "Coffee"? She asked.

"What about dessert"? Jane chuckled.

"Soon", was the reply

Lina's apartment was identical to ours apart from the bedroom being on the opposite side.

"Coffee or something stronger"? Lina asked.

I said coffee was fine for me , while Jane said she would have a small glass of wine, if there was one available.

Jane and I sat in silence while Lina sorted the drinks. I sat in a single chair, while Jane was on a sofa looking out onto the balcony.

Lina handed us our drinks, she had a wine too, and went and sat next to Jane.

They both took a sip of their wine, then placing their drinks on a table, they returned to the kissing and fondling that had been interrupted in the lift.

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By *tan 7724Man
over a year ago



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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *ooking4othersMan
over a year ago

Here ...

Getting interesting now

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By *ornynhappy23Man
over a year ago


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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


i love this scenario !

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By *rprotonMan
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *ord PrefectMan
over a year ago

Hinckley area

Eager to hear more

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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


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By *ussD1Man
over a year ago



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By *aughtyfucker66Man
over a year ago


Mmm can’t wait to hear more

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By *immy_5belliesMan
over a year ago


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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


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By *umalotagainMan
over a year ago

a town called malice

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By *cfc1965Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I watched intently as these two ladies kissed and touched each other again. Lina reached up and released the clasp on the back of Jane's halter neck dress. It flopped down to her waist revealing her large breasts and very aroused nipples. Lina slowly caressed them, running her fingers deftly over Jane's erect nipples, then gave each one a gentle pinch, which brought a moan from Jane.

She then took each one in her mouth in turn, slowly sucking and nibbling. Jane was moaning louder, clasping Lina's head to her breasts. She was definitely turned on. That tell tale colouring just above her breasts and round her throat always indicated when Jane was aroused.

I was bloody aroused too, just in case you were wondering!

I was dying to join in, be part of it. I suppose I was part of it in a sense, but just a voyeur part. I knew Jane's rule and had always respected it. It was great seeing her play with another woman, but also frustrating. Although the sex we had after was always amazing!

Jane looked like she was in sexual heaven. I knew she loved having here breasts and nipples played with, it was what turned her on most. I had, on occasions, made her cum just by playing with her breasts.

Lina pulled away from Jane and stood up. She pulled Jane up by her hand, and as she did, Jane's dress just slid down her body to the floor. She stepped out of it and was now stood there totally naked except for her heels. The moonlight coming through the balcony doors, cast a soft pale light across her body.

Seeing Jane naked, Lina followed suit. She slipped her dress off and threw it on to the sofa they had just been sitting on. Jane smiled, eyeing Lina's body up and down.

Of course I was doing the same from my chair.

Lina was very slim, about size 10. She was slightly taller than Jane, and her body was a contrast to Jane's slightly tanned one, as they stood next to each other. Lina's breasts were smaller, probably a 34C I reckoned. Not that I was an expert on size just by looking!

She had a thin strip of hair above her pussy, and quite a pert bum for her age.

They both did a twirl. I wasn't sure if that was for my benefit or theirs. Which ever it was, I enjoyed what I saw.

Without saying a word, Lina took Jane by the hand and started leading her to the bedroom. I watched, my eyes fixed on these two gorgeous women.

I didn't know whether I should follow, or stay where I was.

That was soon answered by Jane grabbing my hand as they walked by, and led me to the bedroom with them.

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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *rprotonMan
over a year ago


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By *tan 7724Man
over a year ago


More please

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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *ndyandMandyCouple
over a year ago



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By *oth0712Man
over a year ago


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By *ucksguy2000Man
over a year ago


Absolutely brilliant story, eager for the next part

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

excellent so far

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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man
over a year ago

Near Bedford

Great build up, loving this story

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *riskynriskyCouple
over a year ago


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By *enninemarkMan
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *umalotagainMan
over a year ago

a town called malice

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By *leopatra 64Couple
over a year ago


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By *ensual EroticismCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

We entered the bedroom, the bedside lamps were on giving a warm glow to the room but not too bright.

Jane pointed to a chair in the corner, and looking at me, said " Sit there and make yourself comfortable".

I decided to join them in the same naked state they were in. I slipped out of my clothes as they both watched. I was, of course, quite aroused. Lina scanned my body up and down, and I swear she gave her lips a little lick.

How I wish I were between those lips. I turned and sat in the chair, waiting for what may follow.

The ladies kicked off their heels and climbed onto the bed.

Oh those two naked bums looked so delicious as they crawled up the bed.

They lay down and wrapped their arms and legs around each other. There was nothing hurried about this, they kissed long and slow, taking their time.

Jane broke the embrace and straddled Lina's legs. She moved her hands slowly over Lina's breasts, gently teasing her nipples, which became hard and engorged.

Lina's eyes were closed and soft moans escaped from her as Jane touched and teased her.

Jane lowered her head, taking Lina's nipples between her lips. Licking and sucking them. Lina reached up to Jane and began caressing Jane's breasts. Jane threw her head back and smiled, her long hair falling down her back, as she enjoyed Lina's touch.

Jane resumed her toying with Lina. Slowly she kissed down her body, making sure she didn't miss anything. Lina's head was slowly rocking from side to side, her hands curled into Jane's hair.

Jane reached for a pillow and placed it under Lina's hips, slightly raising her pelvis closer to Jane's mouth. Jane's tongue and lips trailed down Lina's body, lower and lower. Lina parted her legs and bent her knees as Jane's head moved between them.

I wanted to get closer, to see more of these two ladies enjoying each other, but respected what Jane wanted, and stayed sitting in the chair. I watched on, slowly stroking my very hard cock.

Jane's head moved up and down slightly as she worked slowly on Lina's pussy and clit. I knew just how good Jane was with her mouth.

Lina moaned and writhed under Jane, her legs now over Jane's shoulders. I could hear the sounds of Jane sucking and kissing, and I longed to be doing the same to Lina.

Suddenly Lina screamed, her body bucked up and down, "Fuck, fuck fuck", her hands were pressing Jane's head down hard onto her pussy as she came.

Jane continued her administrations on Lina's pussy.

"Mmmmmmmmmm", I heard Jane mumble between Lina's thighs.

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *leopatra 64Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Pleased you are all enjoying it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Excellent story

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By *rprotonMan
over a year ago


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By *ocky 1Man
over a year ago


Nice please continue with your story Lina sounds like a SEX GODDESS

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *riftwood400Man
over a year ago


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By *onsi69Man
over a year ago



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By *ndrea54TV/TS
over a year ago


So dam horny and so dam well written please keep going

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Jane eventually came up for air. Lina must have cum 2 or 3 times on Jane's mouth.

Jane looked at me, smiling. She beckoned me over without saying anything. Pulling my head toward hers, she kissed me. A long slow kiss, our tongues and lips locked. I could taste Lina on her, oh fuck, such a sweet, sticky taste.

"I thought you may like the taste of her", said Jane. "That's all you get though".

I could feel pre cum trickling from my cock. This was such exquisite teasing, but teasing all the same.

Jane returned her attention to Lina, kissing her full on the lips, allowing Lina to taste herself on Jane's lips too.

I returned to the chair, in agony and ecstasy.

Lina pulled Jane beside her. They caressed and kissed again. Their fingers exploring each others pussies. Outer lips being teased and clits being rubbed and pinched lightly. Lina slipped two fingers into Jane, she gasped as they slid inside her. Jane began to move back and forth in time time with Lina's finger thrusts. Her wetness glistening on Lina's fingers in the dim light.

Without losing contact with her pussy, Lina kissed down Jane's body. Spreading her legs more, Jane allowed Lina's head to nestle between her legs. Her lips clamped onto Jane's clit, as she sucked and fingered her.

"Fucking hell yes, don't stop, please don't stop. Yes, yes, there, just there" Jane moaned.

She pushed her pelvis hard into Lina's face, grinding her pussy against her mouth and fingers as she had a second orgasm. Lina didn't look like she was going to stop pleasuring Jane either. This woman was driving on, almost insatiable for Jane. Then something happened, something that had never happened with me and Jane. As she screamed out loud, (I'm sure half the hotel must have heard!), Jane squirted. The clear fluid splashed into Lina's face and over her fingers. Lina lapped away, not stopping. Jane was out of control as another orgasm hit her then a fourth.

Fucking hell I thought, I need to find out what Lina did to make that happen.

"Oh god"! Jane exclaimed. "I have never cum like that before, it was amazing". Her body was still trembling as she spoke. Her inner thighs and pussy were soaked, as was Lina's face.

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By *rishman30Man
over a year ago



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