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Lockdown exhibitionism (mild)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Finding out I’m not the only exhibitionist or voyeur, in my local area has been fun during lockdown. This isn’t a tale of mad rampant sex so if you’re looking for a hardcore porn story to wank over this ones probably not for you. This all happened during the height of social distancing and lockdown and no rules were broken, as much as it might have been fun too.

Last year when the world ground to a halt we were so lucky with the weather. Well, lucky if you're one of those fortunate to live in a rural location with access to the great outdoors right on your doorstep. Thankfully I’m one of those people. My notional 5 mile radius for exercise meant I could still enjoy the beach. I could still enjoy walks in the countryside and woods near home and I took full advantage of that. I know how lucky I am to have all that on my doorstep and for the past 18 months I’ve never been so grateful for it.

I’m also one of those people who loves being naked outdoors so lockdown was even better for me as the usual hoard of tourist in the area have been severely lacking which meant many of my walks could be enjoyed naked in areas I wouldn’t usually dream of stripping off. Yes, i’m an exhibitionist but i’m not one who looks to shock innocent passers by. I like to be seen naked but only by those who won’t be offended by it.

My local beach is long covered in golden sand and usually its a good 45 minute walk north before I dare strip off. It’s not an official naturist beach but it’s common knowledge in the area that if you stray too far north your likely to find naked sun worshipers so once I’m away from the crowds I love to be naked. The great thing about lockdown has been the usual crowd of dog walkers and families enjoying the beach were vastly reduced. Most days I barely had to walk 10 minutes up the beach before I was utterly alone paddling ankle deep in refreshing sea water so it became common for me to strip naked carrying my shorts and t-shirt enjoying the sun on my nude body for a 4 mile walk. The beach being long, wide and flat when the tide is out means it’s usually very easy to see other people as small specks in the distance giving me plenty time to slip on my shorts and cover up if I thought it necessary.

Yes, those first weeks of lockdown were heaven for a naked beach lover like me. For the first 3 weeks I barely saw anyone. My tan deepened as I cavorted freely up and down the beach getting and all over tan as I took my daily allotted exercise.

Not wanting to spend my entire time on the beach I’d alternate the beach with numerous walks in the countryside and local woods around me. Admittedly being naked there was slightly more of a risk. Unlike the beach these trails snake through heavily wooded countryside meaning you can’t see vast distances ahead to know someone may be approaching, but after doing the same walk 3 or 4 times while dressed without encountering anyone else i gained the confidence to strip off.

The added excitement of not knowing what, or who, might be around the next bend did raise my heart rate though. All my senses became more acute and if I’m honest the walks in the woods became arousing. On the beach my cock would hang limply swinging with each step. I knew I was safe, I could see people approach in the distance and there was no sense of excitement just a sense of freedom that was relaxing and enjoyable. However once i got naked in the woods my cock would stiffen and throb with each step that I took. Precum leaked from the tip and would glisten when the sunlight penetrating the canopy shone across my body. With each sound I would stop and carefully listen. Was it just the wind? An animal in the woods? Or was there a person approaching?

A few times I convinced myself it was a person. Panicking I slipped on my shorts and continued walking as my heart pounded in my chest. After 5 minutes I’d realise I was still alone. Maybe it had been an animal, maybe the wind in the trees or bushes. I’d laugh to myself and slip off my shorts and resume my fully erect naked amble. Yes, the first 3 or 4 weeks of lockdown were bliss and fun.

Then one day at the beach my usual relaxing walk was a little different. The tide was right in so I didn’t have a wide expanse of sand to walk along. Between the dunes to one side and the gently lapping waves on the other there was maybe 12 to 15 feet of sand. Being so close to the dunes meant my view ahead and behind was restricted as I ambled along the gentle sweeping curves of the dunes. I waited a little longer that day before I slipped my t-shirt over my head then unbuttoned my shorts letting them fall to the sand. Picking them up I ambled up the beach aware that I could only see 100 yards in front of me at most so as would happen every day in the forest my cock began to swell due to knowing that today there was a chance I’d be seen before I could slip on my shorts.

I found that each time I neared an area my view ahead was restricted by the dune jutting further out toward the sea my heart rate would go up, my arousal would become more pronounced and precum would hang from my swollen cock. I was having fun, the beach today was equally as exciting as my forest walks. The raised heart rate made me feel alive. The thrill was exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

Then it happened. I neared the point at which I rounded the next dune and suddenly no more than 20 feet in front of me there was a couple walking towards me. I froze and time seemed to stand still as my heart pounded frantically.

It seemed like 5 minutes but in reality it was little more than a couple of seconds before my brain registered that one half of the couple was also naked. The man. Like me his cock was solidly erect in front of him. My heart rate remained high but the panic I’d felt at suddenly being face to face with other people in such an aroused state began to pass.

Like me the couple had also stopped dead in their tracks when I’d appeared round the dune. They seemed as unsure what to do as I had been. Then all 3 of us began to laugh. It must have taken us all the same length of time to process what was happening, what we were seeing and calm down from that initial panic where we thought ‘shit.....’

I was stood there with my cock fully erect, the guy opposite me was stood there fully erect and his fully clothed partner was looking at us both. We all began to move again getting closer to each other still smiling, laughing and probably feeling an equal sense of relief that we hadn’t just bumped into someone who would call the police.

Once we were no more than 15 feet apart I said “Hi...errr. sorry about this. I thought I had the place to myself.” I didn’t really know what to say so that’s what came out.

The woman responded first “Us too.” Then she laughed again. “So, I take it you're as much of a show off as him.” She added using her thumb to point to the naked guy beside her.

“Sorry” he said his face blushing.

I laughed now “No worries. It’s me that should apologise really. Interrupting your private fun.”

It was his turn now. Laughing he said “Don’t. I think you’ve just made her day.”

She then blushed and looked directly at him saying “John.....”

“Bit of a voyeur is she, your wife?” I asked smiling.

He burst out laughing and eventually said “That’s an understatement. But she’s not my wife. I’m John, as you might have guessed, and this is Sally.”

“Dick. Nice to meet you.” I replied.

Now that the ice was broken, we all realised that none of us were about to get into lot of trouble and with the first tentative introductions out the way we all relaxed. Well, relaxed maybe isn’t the right word. 2 naked men were stood there fully erect with our Cocks throbbing while a fully clothed woman made no attempt to hide the fact she was enjoying looking at us both, our cocks especially. Her eyes barely came above crotch height as she looked from one to the other.

We all lived in the same village but didn’t really know each other before lockdown. His wife and her husband were both terrified to go out of the house due to covid and the two of them had soon got into the habit of walking along the beach keeping each other company from a safe distance.

Like me John was an exhibitionist and had confessed to Sally one evening when they were out walking that he sometimes swam naked at the beach and she'd persuaded him to strip off and prove it. She hadn’t joined in.

One thing led to another and Sally confessed to John that she was a voyeur and if John enjoyed being naked on the beach then she’d enjoy watching him so their regular walks had then become a chance for him to show off his naked body and erect cock and for her to indulge her desire to watch. Covid distancing made it safe somehow. Obeying the rules they knew things could never go too far between them so it became their safe play.

I confessed to them both that I’d been walking along the beach naked since lockdown started and had even started going for walks in the woods naked. They were both very interested in where and seemed keen to try it themselves. I offered to show them some of my favourite walks and we’d soon arranged for all 3 of us to meet at the start of one of them the following day.

John and I remained fully erect during the entire exchange probably as Sally kept making it very obvious she was enjoying being with 2 naked, hard men. She commented on our “stiff" and “throbbing cocks" and told us how much she was enjoying watching them and both John and myself visibly throbbed each time she said the word “cock".

Comfortable in each others distanced company the three of us walked back down the beach towards home. John and I remaining naked as long as possible with Sally enjoying the distanced company of two very aroused men.

When the time finally came to dress before risking some innocent dog walker calling the police John and I began to slip on our shorts as Sally watched. “Is it just watching you enjoy then Sally?” i asked cheekily as she watched me take hold of my cock and arrange it within my shorts.

“During lockdown you won’t be finding out.” She said grinning before walking off. John and I watched her bum sway as she walked ahead before she turned and said “See you both tomorrow. 5 o'clock?” and gave us one last smile before climbing the bank off the beach.

My cock gave one last jerk and I saw John’s do the same. “See you tomorrow then I guess.” I said to John as we parted company to head home.

So three ‘neighbours’ who didn't really know each other before lockdown now know a secret about each other that we all wish to keep from the rest of the village. 2 of us get to indulge our exhibitionism with a woman who loves being a voyeur. Lockdown wasn’t all bad. Some good things did come out of it as you'll find it later.

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By *j62Man
over a year ago

Central Scotland

I really like this tale, I also enjoy walking a beach naked and on occasion become aroused , I’m comfortable being naked with other men and do find the clothed female/ naked male aspect exciting

Looking forward to reading what happens next.

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By *udistnorthantsMan
over a year ago


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By *iny123Man
over a year ago


Good story and a favourite pastime of mine

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Enjoying this

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By *erkswankerMan
over a year ago


Love this, can't wait to hear more!

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By *orthampton jamesMan
over a year ago


More please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

More please

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

We’d arranged to meet at 5 30 the following day and I have to admit that even as I walked the 15 minutes distance to our arranged meeting place I was already turned on. Just knowing that I was going to be naked soon in front of two other people in a public place was enough to get me hard.

“Punctual. I like that in man.” Sally said smiling as I approached her.

“Hi Sally. Is John not here yet I asked?” seeing she was alone.

“He’s here.” She said while also grinning.

“What’s so amusing?” i asked.

“I sent him on ahead.” She said still grinning.

“What am missing?” i asked curious about the broad grin.

Sally began to laugh and reaching into the bag over her shoulder she pulled out a mens t-shirt and shorts. “Nothing, yet. But John is missing these and it’s time you joined him.”

Looking around I saw no sign of John. Had Sally really sent him off naked into the woods alone without his clothes? Was she lying about John and trying to set me up? These thoughts flashed through my mind but frankly by now I was too turned on to care really.

“Seriously? You want me to give you my clothes too?” I asked her. If I’m honest I was secretly hoping that’s exactly what she meant.

“Come on. Hand them over Dick.” Sally said stuffing John’s clothes back into her bag then holding out her open hand towards me.

I didn’t even look around this time. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and threw it over to Sally who caught it and slipped it into her bag before holding out her hand again and just looking at me.

I unzipped my shorts and let them fall to the floor before stepping out of them leaving me completely naked in front of her. Bending over I picked them up and tossed them over to Sally who snatched them out of the air and slid them into her bag then zipped it closed.

“Come on then. Let’s see if we can find John.” She said and started to walk off leaving me naked, aroused and with no way to cover my exposed body.

As Sally moved away I stood still and only now did it dawn on me to look around and check there was no one around. The place we’d agreed to meet was just off a main fire track. It was exposed but after a frantic look in all directions I was sure we were alone, for now anyway. My cock was harder than its been in years as I finally moved my feet and followed Sally down the small winding path leading deeper In to the woods.

Sally kept turning around to look at me. To make sure I was following? To check I hadn’t got lost? No, her eyes went straight to my hard cock every time. I just grinned at her when her eyes finally lifted to meet mine.

“Enjoying your walk?” she asked.

“God yes. You?

“Mmm. Even more so knowing I’ve got all of your clothes in my bag.” Sally said before biting her bottom lip then turning round and continuing down the path.

“What if we meet someone?” I asked her.

Without even turning this time Sally said “That’s up to you Dick. You’ve got two choices. Hide in the woods or don’t.”

Was she really going to leave me exposed and not give me my clothes? Maybe I should have asked more questions before agreeing to this, but maybe subconsciously I didn’t need to ask. I think I knew as soon as she told me to hand over my clothes what I was getting into and my solid hard erection gave me away. I was excited by it.

Sally suddenly stopped and turned to face me and I came to a halt 2 meters from her.

“Dick. Do you enjoy playing with yourself out in the woods too?” Sally asked.

I just grinned.

“Show me.” She said.

Without any hesitation I wrapped my hand around my cock and as Sally watched closely I began to stroke my hand up and down my hard shaft.

I am an exhibitionist. I love to have a woman watch me playing with my cock. If I’m honest I love to have anyone watch me playing my cock but doing it in such a public place is another level of exhilaration. Sally bit her lip and squeezed her thighs together as she watched my hand caressing my cock. Her breasts swelled with each deep breath she took as her eyes concentrated on following my hand movements.

“Fuck. That is so horny. Aren’t you afraid of being caught?” she asked looking up for the first time to see my reaction.

My hand continued its wanking motion as I looked right at her and said “At this moment. No. This is such a fucking turn on Sally.”

Sally appeared to be deep in thought for a moment then I watched a grin spread across her sweet face. Looking around her several times she stepped off the path and I watched her push her way through some bushes and place her bag down on the ground carefully to hide it from view before easing herself back onto the path.

“Dick. Remember this spot ok. Yours and John’s clothes are both in that bag. You wouldn’t want to loose it would you.”

Holly fuck. She was intending leaving her bag hidden in the bushes giving neither John or myself any option to cover up.

“Sally, is that a good idea?” I asked her my heart pounding heavily in my chest. She knew she didn’t really need to answer that. My fist was still pounding up an down my hard cockeven as I asked the question.

“Yes, and if you go along with it you and John might get a small treat later.” She said then just gave me a dirty grin before adding “Save that, come on let’s find John"

With that she spun around and set off along the path and I followed her as we left our only source of clothing hidden behind a Bush. I just hoped to god I’d remember where we’d left it as I followed her sexy arse swaying side to side.

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


Raving exhibitionist here too...

I can't get enough of stripping naked outdoors ..the feel of the sun and fresh air on my naked body,the risk of being seen is just so addictive...and to be watched as I masturbate is just the ultimate drug.. the buzz is so addictive...

Loving this story too..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *udepaulMan
over a year ago


Loving this story. More more more please. Sorry for being greedy but sooo good

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By *tag_vixen_glaCouple
over a year ago


Glad Dicks back writing

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Sally and I walked almost a quarter of a mile along the track and away from my clothes stashed in her bag hidden behind a bush before we heard John’s voice saying “Oh fuck. Thank god its you two.”

We stopped and looked around and initially didn’t see John until he stood upright and made his way from behind a Bush at the side of the track.

Sally began to laugh and it was so infectious I couldn’t help joining in. John had twigs and leaves in his hair, mud on his knees but other than that emerged from the bushes as naked and aroused as I was.

In one regard I was thankful we’d found John. My fears that Sally might have been setting me up melted away. In others ways though I was unhappy to see John as I was enjoying being alone with Sally in the woods. OK, lockdown meant any fun was strictly limited to exhibitionism / voyeur fun but its not always necessary to have close physical contact to find a situation such a turn on is it.

“How long have you been hiding in there? Sally asked John as her laugher died down.

“A few minutes. There’s someone else nearby. I nearly shit myself.” John said looking cautiously along the path as far as he could see in both directions. In truth we couldn’t see far. The path at this point was narrow and very winding and followed close beside a stream which explained the mud on John’s knees.

“A fucking Labrador came running right past me, then shot off back up that way” John said pointing further along the trail.

Reality suddenly hit all 3 of us and we each frantically looked in that general direction trying to peer through branches and around trees to see if we could catch any sight of other people.

Then we heard a dog bark. It was close by and John dashed back behind the Bush closely followed by me trying to be as quiet as we could as we crouched down and attempted to hide our two naked bodies behind a small Bush.

“Rover. Here boy.” We heard a male voice calling not too far away.

By now John and i were crouched low and couldn’t see anything. We were both praying the fucking dog wouldn’t come ferreting about sniffing in the bushes as we heard 4 paws and 2 heavy feet on the path.

“Morning Mrs Jackson.” We heard a man say.

John and I turned our heads to face each other and he mouthed silently “The vicar? Fuck"

The disadvantage, and one we should have expected, during the early lockdown was that IF we did bump into someone in the woods there would be a 99% chance we would know them. We lived in a small remote village so anyone walking in the woods was going to be from close by.

“Afternoon vicar. Lovely day.” We heard Sally answer.

None of us are church goers, strange that isn’t it, but as I’ve said it’s a small village. People know each other.

The dog sniffed around and from what we could make out from the sounds and conversation Sally was making a big fuss of the dog. She later told us that was exactly what she was doing to prevent the dog barging into the Bush where two naked men were hiding.

John and I kept still, we held our breath and didn’t make the slightest sound for the next few minutes as we listened to the local vicar chatting to Sally. If only he knew why she was really out here I’m sure he’d have hurried away instead of chatting about nothing.

Eventually he did leave. We heard them say goodbye and the footsteps receded down the path and the sounds of the dog barking grew more distant before John and i eventually found the courage to emerge from our hiding place.

Covered in mud and cautiously making our way back onto the path we found Sally biting her bottom lip trying to stop herself from laughing out loud.

“Shit. That was too close.” John said, quietly.

“This was a fucking stupid idea.” I agreed.

“Sally. Give me my shorts. This is too fucking risky.” John said.

Sally just looked at him and unable to stop herself laughing any longer she let it all out. I told you her laughter was infectious didn’t I? I couldn’t help but join in. We’d almost been caught and by the local vicar. I was stood naked in the woods with my two new friends and my clothes were half a mile away at least with a very real fear the vicars dog might find them but even still i burst out laughing and had to cover my mouth with my hand to stifle the sound.

Sally apologised to John when she admitted that we’d left her bag further back down the trail hidden behind a bush. He went ape shit, but did eventually see the funny side of it, just.

I might have been bricking it myself but I also learned something about myself. I was incredibly aroused despite also being terrified and I’d actually come very close to cumming without even touching myself during this episode. I am more of a risky exhibitionist than I thought.

We did all agree on one thing though as we made our way carefully back to where we’d hidden Sally's bag which thankfully was still exactly where we’d left it. We might all be a bit perverted but each of us had a lot to lose if we really had been caught by a neighbour and this got back to our families so we agreed not to take these kind of risk again. Not until after lockdown and we could do so further from home anyway.

What we’d just done was insane. Lockdown meant we’d only bump into locals and that was just too risky. From now on we all agreed to meet on the beach where we could be much more careful not to get caught by the local vicar, or anyone else for that matter.

John found this more terrifying than I did so after he retrieved his clothes he quickly dressed and left, dashing home to maybe find some Valium to calm his nerves?

Even though my heart was still beating fast my cock was also still fully erect and Sally was pleased to see i made no attempt to get dressed or rush away.

“How much did that turn you on Dick?” she asked me as we sauntered closer to the main fire track.

“A lot.” I replied and grinned.

“I got so wet, the dog must have smelled my pussy for sure.” Sally confessed.

“It’s a shame I can’t help you with that wet pussy of yours Sally.” I said winking at her.

Sally looked down at my hard cock and said “Ohh but you can. Wank for me Dick. I want to watch you cum.”

I took my cock into my hand and was just about to masturbate for her when Sally said. “Not here, somewhere more public.”

Somewhere more public? Exactly how could we be more public I wondered. Probably sounding far more relaxed and confident than I actually felt I asked Sally “Where do you have in mind?

Sally bit her bottom lip again which I’ve now learned is a sure sign of Sally’s inner slut thinking devious thoughts. “The entrance to the car park right beside the road.”

I looked at Sally. My cock throbbed and she saw it. “Does that mean yes?” Sally asked.

“On one condition.”


“I want to see your tits.” I said confidently.

Sally smiled and started to unfasten the buttons on her blouse but I stopped her “Not here. Somewhere more public.” I said grinning and stealing her line.

“You’re wicked.” Sally said as she turned and hurried down the fire track leading to the main car park and I followed close behind my hard cock bobbing with each step.

Remember this was during the first few weeks of the initial lockdown. Travel for anyone buy essential workers was halted and deep down we knew the chances of being caught were actually very remote. The roads around our village had become practically deserted over the past couple of weeks but knowing that didn’t alter the thrill of rounding the bend on the fire track to suddenly find myself naked, erect and casually walking openly towards the empty car park. A car could have driven in and it would have been impossible to hide now. My heart rate increased as I crossed the middle of the car park which forced so much blood into my cock I thought it might explode. Sally and I both kept saying to each other how we couldn’t believe we were doing this. Half way across the car park I said “OK Sally now it’s time to take off your blouse.”

She took one last look around which too be honest was a waste of time. We were now in the centre of a large car park. If anyone drove in we’d be spotted.

Sally removed her blouse and reached behind her to unfasten her bra and pulled it free from her body allowing her large breasts to fall free.

Cheekily I just said “Nice tits Sally. Come on.” And led us both towards the exit of the car park and onto the main road.

My heart was beating so hard now and I felt like I might pass out at any moment as I walked up the short exit ramp and stood naked at the side of the road and waited for Sally to catch up. I turned and saw her breast swing side to side and instinctively reached my hand to my groin and clasped it tightly around my swollen cock pulling back the foreskin.

“Fuck me.” I uttered under my breath. “Shame I can’t cum all over those I said aiming my cock at her tits.”

Sally grinned “Sorry, against the rules.” She replied as she joined me on the road.

“Play with them.” I said to her as i began to masturbate properly.

Sally threw her bag, blouse and bra down at the side of the road and reached up cupping her bare breasts. She pressed her already hard nipples between her thumb and finger and pulled while twisting and causing herself to moan.

We both got lost in the moment. Our eyes were intently focused on each other and I think we forgot we were currently stood in the middle of the road. Sally’s eyes never left my hand stroking my cock. My eyes devoured her naked breasts wishing I could feel them myself. Lockdown was fun, but also a bitch.

It took me no more than few minutes to announce to Sally I was going to cum. She made no attempt to slow me down, prolong the moment or delay my orgasm. Outside of lockdown I’d be embarrassed to cum so quickly but my cock had been solidly erect for over and hour already so the situation demanded immediate release.

Sally stared as my cock began to explode and shot a stream of cum directly towards her. The two meter rule meant she didn’t have to go home and try to explain any stains on her clothing as it luckily fell short landing close by her feet as she squeezed her tits and pulled her erect nipples watching as the last of my cum ooze from the tip of my cock.

Suddenly relieved of the pent up lust I’d been feeling I became aware of where I was. I looked along the road in either direction then looked at Sally and laughed “err time to move?”

Sally bit her lip and squeezed her breasts and grinned “mmmm maybe.”

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By *antyhoseMan
over a year ago


Great story and very well written - keep going!

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By *r and Mrs300Couple
over a year ago

London sw3

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By *rouble 50Man
over a year ago


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By *issitCouple
over a year ago


Great story

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *j47Man
over a year ago


Hoping for more

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By *opman1111Man
over a year ago


Great story

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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *ussyeater692Man
over a year ago


Fantastic story so far, I can't wait for more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Brill story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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