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The neighbourly thing.

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By *reagle OP   Man
over a year ago


I was dreading the moment, my previous neighbours had been lovely, quiet, friendly just what you would want. They had both retired recently and were moving to downsize. My heart sank when the van arrived with a car closely followed that 3 young children decamped from. A bloke that was moaning and shouting from the moment he got out of the car. I was lifted by the woman that got out of the car. I felt like a peeping Tom at the upstairs window as I watched her. Sandy hair tied back, obviously done for practical purposes with moving, a tight black tshirt but it was the black leggings that caught my eye. I’m a big fan of gym wear and she ticked all the boxes. She looked quite tall and as she turned to shut the door I caught a glimpse of the Lycra stretched over her arse, delicious. I could hear her husband moaning and shouting and my new sexy neighbour looked exasperated with him. The family disappeared into the house and I could hear them through the walls. The kids sounded excited and that didn’t bother me much, they were obviously excited but his voice was grating on me, constantly nagging and moaning. I work from home so I hope that he will vanish on a daily basis. About half an hour later I was amazed to see the husband sitting in the garden on a deck chair drinking a beer, I went back to the front bedroom and there she was going backwards and forwards with boxes. I admit the view was great watching her bend over or stretch to get a box but I did feel sorry for her having to do it herself. I saw this as an opportunity to go introduce myself, I opened my front door and stepped out to the front drive, the gardens were separated by a waist high fence so I stood at the fence and she appeared from the house looking overworked and frazzled. “Hi, I know you are busy, thought I’d say hello, I’m Gareth” she smiled and walked over and held out her hand, hi Gareth, Laura. “I know how horrible these days are so I won’t keep you Laura” “it really is a nightmare” she said. A shout from the house came “Laura” I watched her eyes roll “Laura” the guy appeared at the front door beer in hand, he saw me and nodded “alright mate, Laura I was calling you” “ I know” she said “I was just introducing us to Gareth out nee neighbour” he gave me a quick glance but that was it “the kids want their iPads where are they?” Laura looked totally exhausted with him “ in the van with everything else we own” she said “ oh that’s fucking helpful Laura” he said. I felt a bit awkward standing here “you know you could....” he had vanished back into the house she looked at me and rolled her eyes. “Help” she finished. “I’ll let you get on, welcome” I said. “nice to meet you Gareth, sorry about the noise” she said as she turned to return to the removal van. I couldn’t help eye up her arse. She obviously looked after herself and her bum looked like a peach, those long legs looked great too. I would put her at maybe early forties similar to myself...a yummy mummy you could say. About half hour later I could still hear him moaning at the kids combined with the odd ‘Laura’ shout. I was making a tea so I thought I would do the neighbourly thing and make her a cup, I went out outside and she was on all fours in the van with her head in a box. My eyes widened at the site, that sexy arse on display, her T-shirt and ridden up and revealed the skin on her lower back. If I was her husband I wouldn’t be sat in the garden letting her do all the work, I’d be behind her going to work!!! “You look like you needed a cuppa” I said. “Huh” she said frustratedly “you look like you need a cuppa” I repeated. She looked over her shoulder “ oh sorry, I thought you were someone else” she shuffled backwards out of the van and I watched as her arse swayed side to side, her long leg extended out of the van onto the floor and she stood up. “Top tip” she said bending forward to brush her knees of dust. “Don’t wear new leggings when moving” my mouth engaged before my brain and I said “ not the best way to get your knees dirty is it” I immediately regretted what I’d said, I’d only just met her, she didn’t laugh but she did say “nope” and continued to brush the dust from her legs. I think I got away with that one and she didn’t connect the dots. She walked towards me and I held out the cup “oh you life saver, the kettles in there somewhere, you haven’t got anything stronger though have you? And she let out a little giggle. “ you look like you need it” “oh cheers” she said “let’s see how good you look after moving shall we!!! She teased “no, I didn’t mean it like that, I meant you look stressed” I laughed “ let’s try again shall we “ hi I’m Gareth, here’s tea” she smiled “ hi Gareth I’m Laura, oooh tea” I held out the mug and she took it off me. “I haven’t stopped all day, and we have all new flat pack arriving tomorrow, whoever said this was the most stress you have was absolutely correct” “I’d offer to help” I started I felt her hand on my forearm “ oh no I wasn’t suggesting that you help, that’s not what I was trying to say” her hand on my arm sent electricity through my body. “ Laura” came from the house again “for fucks sake” she said despairingly “ I better go see what he wants, thanks for the tea, it’s much appreciated” I smiled “anything you need just ask” “ah thank you” she said walking away to the house. God that arse I thought. The van was replaced by another van that 3 blokes were unloading furniture, sofas and chairs etc, I needed to go to the shops so was out by the car and I heard the husband talking to the removers with his over the top lad banter “I would do it ourselves but her indoors wouldn’t be much help” I heard him say as I got in the car a bit flabbergasted. I thought I’d be nice and picked up a bottle of Prosecco at the shops for a welcome gift. When home the removal van had gone and the door was shut. It was about 8ish when I picked up two glasses and knocked on the door. The husband opened the door, “yeah” “hi mate, I thought you might like this you know first night and all I’ve got a couple of glasses for you both just in case they are in a box somewhere” a call from inside the house “who’s at the door?” “It’s the neighbour” the husband said. Laura appeared from the kitchen, her hair was wet and she was wearing a sports bra and what look like pyjama shorts. My knees almost buckled there and then fuck she looked good, her hair was untied and long that fell over her shoulder. She came to the door “oh hi Gareth” “Ben invite him in then” she said. My eyes tracked to her chest her wet hair had brushed over her white sports bra and it had almost become see through, I could make out the top of her breast. My cock twitched. Ben looked at her “ I’m not sure you are dressed for guests” “no no” I said it’s your first night, a long day. Enjoy it together “ah thank you Gareth that’s so nice of you” she smiled “yeah cheers mate” Ben said “we will bring the glasses back” and he began to close the door. I heard through the door “you are so rude” “well he can’t come in with your tits on show can he” I returned to my house with a stirring in my cock, it was a very nice view that’s for sure, it’s a shame I didn’t get to see more.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Looking forward to more..

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By *knick45Man
over a year ago


great start

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By *att damonMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I had fun with my neighbour

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By *oss25Man
over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

great start

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By *ilbert4450Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *reagle OP   Man
over a year ago


The next day I was just relaxing it was a Sunday after all, there was a knock at the door, I opened it to find Ben standing there. “ hi mate, thanks for the Prosecco, couldn’t ask a favour could I, the flat pack has arrived and it’s just massive can hardly move it and she’s no help, couldn’t lift a thing let alone help me put it together” I was taken aback by how friendly he was being now he wanted something, and his comment about Laura not being a help when I watched her do everything the day before was a bit rich. “Yeah sure no problem I’m sure I can lend a hand. I grabbed my keys and followed Ben next door, he wasn’t wrong the size of the boxes were massive and a bit of a struggle to move for even two of us. Ben really wasn’t my kind of guy, football banter, he’s lad based char about ‘birds’ not knowing how to put furniture together was annoying to say the least. Laura popped her ahead around the door “how’s the workmen?” I was about to respond when Ben piped up “Laura can you not, we are really busy here, if you want to be useful why don’t you get the kettle on or even better a beer” I watched Laura’s face drop, this guy must be hung like a horse otherwise what’s she doing with this idiot I thought to myself. “Tea or beer Gareth” Laura said. “Either or Laura honestly if you are having a tea I’ll have a tea if not I’ll have a beer” Ben chimed up again “gaz if you want a tea she will make you a tea, Laura make him a tea.” I was beginning to really dislike this bloke, alpha male bullshit without care of what he was saying. A few mins later Laura came into the lounge, “teas up Gareth” “you got me a beer right” said Ben. “Yes it’s in the kitchen” she responded. “Not much good in there is it” I looked at Laura and she looked at me, and she shrugged her shoulders. I really felt sorry for her. “I’m almost finished this cabinet so I’ll come to the kitchen, thank you Laura” I said. Ben was still swearing and shouting at his cabinet but I had finished mine, so I said I was going to get my tea. I walked into the kitchen and Laura was leaning against the worktop scrolling through her phone while the kids played in the garden. She looked up “oh hey, thank you so much for helping, and thank you so much for the Prosecco so both very much appreciated, I collapsed last night in the sofa, so didn’t get to drink it yet, bugger went up to bed and left me there woke up this morning my back screaming at me!!!” She looked less frazzled today wearing a pair of shorts that showed off her long legs, tanned and toned. My mind immediately went to bending her over the counter while her arsehole of a husband shouted and swore at furniture. We made small talk while I drank my tea, where they lived previously what they do for work. Laura like me worked from home but had the week off for the move.Ben worked in the city. I finished my tea and said “right what next” Ben had now opened another box in the lounge and there was wood spread everywhere. Laura said, I’d really like my chest of drawers done for the bedroom would you mind?” “Not at all, but it would be easier to build up there so we don’t have to carry it up the stairs, is that ok” “fine with me” she said and she helped me carry the box upstairs, she went first up the stairs holding the box and I was very distracted as the way she carried it made her vest open at the top and I got a great view down it, she was however wearing a bra much to my disappointment. We shuffled it into the room that she said was theirs, a big master bedroom with a king size bed in it. There were piles of clothes all over the bed piled high. “Now you see why I need the drawers!” She exclaimed. “Sorry for the mess”. We placed the flat pack on the floor and I began opening it. She found a corner on the bed and we chatted while I laid everything out and looked at the instructions. “I thought you lot didn’t do that” she said. “What’s that?” I asked. “Read instructions” I laughed. “Not normally, but I’m trying to make a good impression” I said “ oh you’ve achieved that already, tea, Prosecco building flat pack...you aren’t looking for a wife are you?” She giggled. “Laura” a shout from downstairs came “Laura” even louder this time. I looked at her, she gave me a look “yes dead” she said sarcastically “can you stop disturbing the workman” she pointed at me and whispered “workman” “ok” she shouted and stood up “I will disturb you no longer, as his lordship requests, free workman huh result” she said “who said I’m free, I cost a fortune” she laughed and left the rim “shout if you need anything” I heard them sniping at each other downstairs “ he’s not a work man, he’s doing us a favour” “calm down love it’s just bants but he will be here all day if he has to sit and listen to your rubbish” I looked around the room, against the skirting board there were a load of shoes lined up, some pretty serious looking high heels, black one, cream coloured ones, some with straps this woman liked her shoes. I stood up to read the instructions and my eyes moved to the pile on the bed...t shirts, vests jumpers all piled and then I spotted an orange bikini top and then what looked like tights. My cock stirred, I took a closer look, listening to see if anyone was around. I used to screw driver and hooked it under some black fabric, I hooked up a black thong my cock stiffened in my trousers, I don’t know why, I’ve never been into panty sniffing or anything but my cock was reacting. I wanted to hold them to my face but I resisted, I put them back down and had a look around, this woman like her shoes loved her underwear, thongs, some black some with red trim, purple and I also spotted what looked like stockings. Part of me just wanted to slip a pair in my pocket and take them home, but again I resisted. I shook myself out of my pervy thoughts and returned to the chest of drawers. It took longer than expected but I finally had it built and the drawers all worked. “All done” I said down the stairs “ooh” I heard and she appeared at the bottom of the stairs and ran up them excitedly, I got a fantastic view of her breasts bouncing as she came up the stairs. “ oh wow, perfect” she said. “Where do you want it” I asked hoping that she would reply “in my mouth” but that was wishful thinking as she said “in that corner would be lovely” she helped me lift it to the corner “amazing” thank you. “Now to get rid of this pile” she said. She looked at the pile and I hoped to god that I had put the underwear back as she’d left it. “She picked up a T-shirt and one of her bras fell to the floor” she bent down quickly and picked it up “oh great and now I’ve shown you my old underwear” she said laughing. If only she knew I was seriously considering stealing some of it and wrapping it around my cock!!! “Nothing boring about underwear” I said she laughed “men” we both laughed “seriously though thank you so much you have been fantastic” no bother I said happy to help, you have somewhere to put your clothes and shoes now!!” She looked at her shoes around the skirting board...”oh they are my babies, she looked around and whispered “I don’t get to wear them anymore I end up taller than his lordship” and she put her finger to her lips and made a shoosh sound. “How tall are you in them?, you can’t be that tall? She smiled and kicked off her trainers, she bent over and picked up a pair of black ones with a pointy toe and turned them around. She had sexy red painted toe nails and she put her hand on my shoulder for balance and slipped into her heels, “ta da” she said as her height increased by at least 5 inches. “Wow, you are tall” she was stood in front of me, not as tall me still but a huge difference, we both kind of looked at each other for a few seconds quite close to each other. Oh god I thought, “I want her” we both snapped out of what was quite a charged situation and she turned around and said “a mean power walk in these” and she strutted the length of the bedroom and back. Her long legs looked amazing, they elongated her legs even further. My cock stiffened as she sat in the bed and crossed her legs to remove them “can’t bring myself to get rid of them” she slipped them off. “I can see why” she smiled. “Still not as tall as you in them either” she said. I laughed “no I’d be fine, you can wear them all you like” “right anyway I best be off” she stood up from the bed and kissed my cheek “thank you so much for your help” my cock was now starting to grow and I needed to get out of there. “Anytime” I said and hurried down the stairs “not bothering you is she” Ben said working on a table, “nah not all, chest of drawers all built, so I think I’m done mate” “great cheers, she can fill it with all her shit now I’m sure” this guy was a total arsehole. “I’ll be off” “cheers yeah” Ben said. I got back in doors and couldn’t take my mind off Laura, she was so sexy and there was definitely a connection, I couldn’t resist stroking my cock as I lay in my bed thinking about her, I should have stole her underwear after all I thought.

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By *evandrewsTV/TS
over a year ago


Thank you. I'm really enjoying this story xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *ritishguyMan
over a year ago


Great story, tell us more.

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By *ralbiswMan
over a year ago


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By *imoney500Man
over a year ago


More ASAP please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story

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By *tcam24Man
over a year ago


Great so far keep going

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By *ice guys do it betterMan
over a year ago


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By *vbikerMan
over a year ago


Great start looking forward to hibby going to work to see where this leads

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Mmmmm lovely, more please

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By *ime for me21Man
over a year ago


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By *midsfabguyMan
over a year ago


Wow lucky man

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By *litlicker77Man
over a year ago

Dirty old town

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By *reagle OP   Man
over a year ago


Monday had arrived in a flash it was a corker of a day out there beautiful and sunny. Being self

Employed I can set my own hours and do what I liked. On my morning walk to the coffee shop I pass the school gate and it’s always a nice opportunity to check out the yummy mummies, one in particular caught my eye this morning, there was Laura giving her kids their pep talk before their first day at school. They ran in, Laura looked up a little teary, and waved. “God I hope they will be ok” she said. “They will be fine, probably made friends already.” She smiled “where’s Ben?” I asked. “ oh he couldn’t get out out quick enough this morning this is not his forte either that or he has a mistress!, is it too early to start drinking wine?” She giggled. “A little, I’m off to get a takeaway coffee if you fancy one” I said. “Yeah go on then, give me an opportunity to see what’s about” she responded. We walked down the road making small talk, she asked me about my work, how I find working from home, what the neighbourhood is like, good pubs etc before we knew it we were at our front doors coffee in hands. “What are you up to today then?” I asked “absolutely nothing, first day of a empty house

I’m not wasting it” and she laughed. Thanks for the coffee I said as she paid for them “pleasure, have a good day Gareth” and we both entered our houses. I wondered if I had been a bit obvious in my checking her out, every opportunity I got my eyes were drawn to her legging clad arse, the uniform of most mums in the morning, these were light blue and finished above her knee, her arse looked spectacular in them. I was up in my study which was at the back of the house, I like the light it offers, I spotted Laura in the garden picking up her kids toys that they had obviously left out but she was wearing that orange bikini I saw laid out on the bed yesterday. I was transfixed, my cock stiffened as she bent over to pick up a bike, the matching bikini bottoms tied each side were tight over her arse and didn’t leave much to the imagination, her sexy long legs that went on forever “fucking hell” I said out loud. She turned around after putting the bike in the shed and I got a glimpse of the front, her breasts tight in the top that looked just strong enough to hold them. I felt like a proper peeping Tom, well I suppose I was. My mouth went dry and for some reason I went really quiet and still I have no idea why as she would need hearing of a bat to hear me moving around. I stood up to get a better look making sure I couldn’t be seen, I felt so Pervy but just couldn’t resist. The previous owners had erected a kind of patio area with big wooden planks on top which had trailing flowers in it, from the left hand house Laura would be totally concealed but not from my side I could like straight down into the sun lounger she was reclining on. The perfect view down her cleavage, her long legs stretched out. I couldn’t resist the temptation anymore I lowered my trousers and my cock sprang out hard. I slowly stroked my hard cock while looking at her, she looked so fucking sexy, I wished she was here right now licking my cock teasing it before wrapping her sexy lips around it. It felt really dirty peeping in her like this and I felt like a right perv but my hand gliding over my cock was too much of an enjoyment to stop.she collapsed the back of the lounger and I stopped dead. Could she see me? There was absolutely no way but it didn’t stop me from being as still as a statue. She rolled over into her back, which was a little disappointing but did give me a fantastic view of her arse. I carried on stroking my cock, wondering what it would be like to taste her, bend her over and tease her with my tongue. Her hand reached back and she unclamped her bikini top “holy fuck, yeah show me your tits” I whispered, why I was whispering I have no idea!. The bare skin of her back, the sexy arch before her sexy peach like arse just spurred me on even more, I was wanking harder now stroking myself to a horny orgasm. I watched as she picked up her phone, and held it to her ear, she covered her breasts with her arm as she rolled over, and I watched as she looked left and up to see if she could be seen, I ducked away from the window in case she could make out that someone was there, I left it like 10 seconds before slowly peeking out of the window again “oh fuck me” I said and my hand gripped my cock, she was now sat back up talking on her phone and had obviously been confident she couldn’t be seen, my cock demanded attention and I wanked furiously as I took in her sexy pink nipples. I was at the no point of return as my orgasm built up, I let out a loud moan as come fired from my cock in spurts “ fuck yes” I grunted as the spurts finally subsided. I couldn’t care less if she heard me! I watched as she finished her call and put her bikini top back on and walk into the house.

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By *imoney500Man
over a year ago



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By *leopatra 64Couple
over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Mmmmm lovely

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By *duk70Man
over a year ago


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By *heboyfromtgewoodMan
over a year ago


Can’t wait to hear more

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By *am2020Man
over a year ago



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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By *evandrewsTV/TS
over a year ago


Such a sexy story! X

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By *orkiebar51Man
over a year ago


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By *ezzaandJane1973Couple
over a year ago


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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *idethesausage2Man
over a year ago


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By *ilberryMan
over a year ago


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By *otonfoxMan
over a year ago


Please continue

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By *aughty Nas xxxMan
over a year ago


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By *he Senior ServiceMan
over a year ago


Hopefully more to come

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story , can’t wait for more

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By *reagle OP   Man
over a year ago


I resisted looking out of the study window for about 2 minutes before I had to take another look, but she was gone. I carried on with work and then heard the kids running around the garden I peeked out and she was back in her leggings watching them. I finished up that evening and decided to cook something up, all the time my mind returning to those breasts in that orange bikini and those sexy pink nipples.I pictured my head between those long legs, I had to snap out of it, a married woman has been next door for two days and I was becoming obsessed. The week passed without much drama, she’d wave to me at the school gate as she dropped the kids off, the weather turned a bit crap so I was upset at no gratuitous bikini wanks at the window. Friday arrived and as I passed the school Laura again clad in a sexy pair of leggings joined me at the coffee shop, she mentioned that her husband Ben was out for drinks with work that night and was looking forward to catching up with her tv shows and some wine that evening. “What are you up to tonight?” she asked, was I about to get an invite? What would I say....”off to the gym after work and that’s about it really” I said, but instead of the invite I just got “I envy your peace and quiet, enjoy” it was silly really she was a married woman and yes there had been a little bit of flirting and a bit of a connection but nothing more than that, I suppose ‘banter’ as her husband would say. As planned I went to the gym and cooked dinner and settled down to a film. I’m a bit of a night owl and at around midnight I heard a noise outside like a pot breaking or something, I opened the door to check and there next door was a very pissed up Ben. “Ben?” He looked at almost unable to stand “I can’t find my fucking keys and she’s not opening the fucking door” he went to kick the door but after stumbling back he was almost 3 foot away from the door. “Ben, mate you are going to wake the street” he looked at me, well I think he did his eyes were all over the place. “Got any booze, carry this party on like proper lads” I laughed “I think you’ve had enough mate” I can do coffee, before you not only wake up your kids but the whole street” he stumbled towards the fence dividing our drives and tried to climb over it, unsuccessfully I might add as he fell in his flower bed. He popped up and stumbled up his drive and down mine “stupid bitch won’t open the door” charming I thought. He slumped down on the sofa and I made him a coffee, when I returned he was out like a light, his phone in hand it was Laura’s contact on the screen so I typed the number into my phone. I threw a blanket over him and went upstairs, if he has any idea where he is in the morning I’d be amazed. I typed out the text message to Laura “your husband is slumped on my sofa!!!!” It was read instantly “who is this” I said shit aloud as of course Laura hasn’t got my number “just realised you don’t have my number so sorry that must have been a weird text, Gareth next door” it again was read instantly

Laura -“why is Ben on your sofa”

Me - he was smashed outside lost his keys I think he owes you a plant pot, he was making a racket.

Laura- oh god I’m so sorry, why didn’t he just knock on the door?

Me - no idea, I think he’s too smashed to realise he wasn’t knocking on the door, made him a coffee and he just collapsed!!!

Laura- well he’s yours now then!!!! I’ll come get him.

Me - I can hear him snoring from up here.

Laura - imagine being next to me.

Me - ha ha so not only have I got your husband on my sofa you are coming over too?

Laura - no no no!!!! I meant imagine that next to me! Fucking phone.

Me- who’s fucking a phone?

Laura - oh stop it!!!

Me - I mean it’s not an awful thought...

Laura - fucking a phone? Whatever floats your boat!!!

Me - no the other thing...

Laura - sleeping next to my knob of a husband while he snores his head off.

Me - no thank you! He’s not my type.

Laura - mine neither ha ha ha

Me- ha ha

Laura - bed to myself then wahoo

Me- that is a big fucking bed!

Laura - oh yeah you saw it when you were being handy Andy!

Me - well someone had to be!

Laura - behave, that’s the uk snoring champion you are taking about there.

Me - he will have no idea where he is in the morning!

Laura - I’ll text him and tell him where he is, I’m in for a shit day tomorrow!

Me- yeah he’s not going to be fit for anything, I’m not making him breakfast!!!!

Laura - I’ll have his!

Me - eat breakfast while he’s sitting there!! Harsh.

Laura - knob deserves it he can watch me eat your sausage....

Me - ha ha ha ha erm ok!?

Laura - no no no stupid phone I meant sausages oh god! That would surely teach him a lesson though ha ha I’m not sure he’d be that bothered ha ha

Me - erm, I mean I probably wouldn’t say no!

Laura - probably?????!!!!!!!

Me- ha ha I’d have to think about it! You know seriously think about it.

Laura - oh that’s charming....I won’t bother now!!!

Me- hang on wait...yes!

Laura - nope offers gone now.

Me- let’s start again ha ha

Laura - nope

Me- ah man! What a fool huh.

Laura - yep!

Me- is that the booby prize downstairs?

Laura - oh god no! I wouldn’t wish that on anyone! He likes boobies though ha ha

Me- don’t we all.

Laura - men!

Me - What???! It’s not a secret.

Laura - right, I’m taking advantage of this big bed, I’m going to sleep, if he isn’t home when I wake up I’ll come get him.

Me- ok cool.

Laura - thanks for taking him in, as much as I’d enjoy it the kids finding their dad on the doorstep is not a good look.

Me- not a problem. Night

Laura - night night xxx

My mind was a bit of a muddle, was that just a laugh or have I just turned down a blowie! I laughed no way that was serious.

My phone beeped at it was a video. From Laura.

I opened it up and it was a gif of her in the bed titled bed angel. It was her on the bed opening her arms and legs like you would in the snow. She was wearing what looked like a silk dark blue nightdress with white trim. My cock hardened as the repeating image made her tits wobble and if the nightdress was any shorter I would have seen everything! Which was a huge pity.

I responded. Don’t worry I’ve snuggled up to Ben.

Laura - prepare to be disappointed and unfulfilled.

Me- I’m a giver!!!

Laura - good to know x be gentle with him ha ha xxx

I sat back, that was quite a risky convo, her husband is asleep on my sofa and she’s sending me videos of her hardly wearing anything and telling me she is sexually unsatisfied. I opened the video again and wanked my cock to the wife of the bloke collapsed in my sofa.

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By *heboyfromtgewoodMan
over a year ago


Can’t wait for more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Building up nicely..looking forward to reading more

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Wow lovely

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *oss25Man
over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

Loving this

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By *erlin76Man
over a year ago


Hot story

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By *eordie-mMan
over a year ago

Newcastle Upon Tyne

This is absolutely brilliant. Keep up.the top work

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago



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By *itom18Man
over a year ago


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By *imoney500Man
over a year ago


Just get round there

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By *ipplebarnyMan
over a year ago

milton keynes

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By *duk70Man
over a year ago


Keep going

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By *reagle OP   Man
over a year ago


I was awoken by my doorbell, I looked at the clock. 8am. I checked my phone.

Laura - wakey wakey sleepyhead. I’ll come

Get him.

That was 5 minutes ago and now the doorbell was going. I knew who it was so I thought maybe put this to the test. I got out of bed in my tight boxers, gave my cock a bit of a fluff and went downstairs. Ben was still asleep on the sofa. I went to the door and opened it.

Laura was standing there she had a pair of shorts and a vest on again, I saw her eyes scan down my chest and back up again, a little glint in her eye. “Good morning to you too” I laughed “sorry just woke up” she smiled. “As much as I want to look at a half naked man, if he sees you dressed like that and I’m in the house he will lose

His shit. “Yeah sorry, I didn’t want to leave you on the doorstep” she smiled “oh don’t worry about me I’ll look all day, it’s him you have to worry about” “he’s in there” I ran up the stairs and threw on a pair of jeans and a t shirt and came back down. Laura was saying to him “it’s a good thing Gareth found you out there” Ben was sat with his head in his hands “give it a rest will you Laura, bit of sympathy would be nice” she laughed “you need more than that you smell like a brewery and stink, poor Gareth’s sofa needs throwing out” I came in from the kitchen “coffee anyone” “no thank you Gareth you have done enough, come on Ben the kids are next door by themselves” Ben got up from the sofa and followed Laura out “are you not going to say anything” Laura said “oh for fucks sake Laura, cheers gaz owe you one” Ben shuffled out of the door and dragged himself up the path. Laura looked at me “thanks again Gareth, you didn’t have to do that” and she looked at me “oh and outfit 1 was better” she closed the door behind her. I smiled as she left, she was having quite the effect on me, I enjoyed the flirting that we had. I pottered about a bit that Saturday and as it was a lovely day I sat in the garden. I swapped the jeans for a pair of shorts and sat on the patio. I decided to enjoy a beer. I was reading a magazine when my phone went off. It was a picture message from Laura. It read please drink responsibly or.....and in the picture was me sitting in my garden topless in a pair of shorts and a picture of Ben asleep on the sofa, it was obviously taken from their upstairs window!

Me- ha ha are you spying on me????

Laura - no i thought it was funny, I was opening the windows and saw you down there.

Me- I would say if you are going to state why don’t you take a picture! But too late

Laura- ha ha taken and deleted! I can’t have half naked men on my phone I’m married!!!!

Me- how is he doing

Laura- he’s fucking useless been in bed all day, telling the kids he’s ill. I’ll be glad when he goes back to work on Monday!

Me- glad I could be a distraction.

Laura- ha ha steady on a mere glimpse!!!!

Me- oh I’ll remember to get my speedos out next time.

Laura- promises promises.

I sat there most of the day wondering if she was stealing little glimpses of me in my shorts. It got a bit chilly so I went inside and cooked dinner.

My phone went off.

Laura- see, what a let down, I stood at that window like rupanzel all day waiting for those speedos!!

Me- ha ha oh dear apologies, well you have Ben to get over it.

Laura- yeah he’s recovered so well he’s buggered off to his mates!!!

Me- oh shit...I’m not rescuing him tonight.

Laura- depends if you open the door in your pants again I’m all for it!

Me- ha ha I’m not a piece of meat you know! Anyway you can drink wine and watch tv.

Laura - no wine! I’m devastated.

I had an idea, it was either going to work or go horribly wrong. I went upstairs and got changed, I hadn’t worn them in years but they still fit and didn’t leave much to the imagination.

Me- I have a spare bottle come to the fence I’ll pass it over the fence.

Laura- you don’t need to do that

Me- it’s fine, don’t worry.

Laura- life saver!!! See you at the fence.

Laura burst out laughing when she saw me.

“ you twat” she said

I stood there in a pair of speedos, a tea towel over my arm like a waiter holding the wine.

“Let me guess, the wine pairs beautifully with sausage!” She said laughing.

I did see her eyes drift to my cock and stay there a bit longer than they should. I held out the bottle and she took it off me. “Thank you, that’s really kind” I smiled “can’t have you sitting there without wine all by yourself can we”

I chanced my arm “do you need a cockscrew” she laughed “that dodgy accent will get you in trouble one day!!!! Thank you! And her head disappeared from the fence and I heard the door shut.

My phone beeped - two eyes emoji and an aubergine thanks again!! X

I typed out a response “anytime x”

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *imoney500Man
over a year ago



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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By *ob2Man
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Awesome so far

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Excellent story,beautifully crafted and written!!more soon please!

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By *ralbiswMan
over a year ago


‘Tis good!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I love the cliff hanger

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By *otonfoxMan
over a year ago


Mmm please continue

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By *ax_VeridiusMan
over a year ago

New Brighton

I agree. Great build up and well written.

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By *tag_vixen_glaCouple
over a year ago


Great story

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By *exy studMan
over a year ago


Fantastic so far more please

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By *itom18Man
over a year ago


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By *onsi69Man
over a year ago


Loving this

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By *un Bi couple yorkshireCouple
over a year ago

york thorganby

Great build up xxx

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By *ornycouplepzCouple
over a year ago

here and there

Great story ,look forward to hearing the rest

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By *reagle OP   Man
over a year ago


The weekend sped by and thankfully there was no midnight stumbling outside from Ben and it was now Monday, I took my daily walk passed the school, Laura waved off her kids, and sidled up next to me. “Morning you” she said brightly. “Morning, how you doing” I asked. “Good, back to work today but working from home so I can sneak off into the garden etc might work out there actually” we chatted on the way to the coffee shop. “How was the wine?” I asked. “Oh it was lovely, just what the dr ordered. I will replace it when I go to the shops I promise. I’m not delivering them in Speedo’s though!” I laughed “erm that’s the rules now! You can twin them with your heels so you can see over the fence” she nudged me with her elbow “pervert” she said.

I sat at my desk and peeked out of the window, she must of decided against working in the garden, which was a shame as it was a sweltering day. I carried in for a bit and took another look and my luck was in. There was a computer on the table and I got excited, but no Laura. I was just about to slump back into my chair and she appeared. “Fuck” I proclaimed. The orange bikini had been replaced with something even sexier, a black bikini, the bottoms were cut really high up her thigh and I swear that bikini top was just covering her nipples. She lay on the lounger and I released my hard cock. I slowly stroked up and down my hard shaft as she applied suncream to her legs. The angle of the lounger was perfect for my perving delights. I’m pretty sure she felt that she couldn’t be seen as she unclasped the front of her top and dropped it to the floor. I watched as she squirted cream into her hands. I was feeling brave so I grabbed my phone and zoomed in and press record, I watched as she rubbed cream over her breasts. My hard cock pulsing in my hand, I felt like a real perv but also couldn’t stop, I watched intently, my breathing heavy as she caressed her nipples a little longer than required to apply cream. Once applied she lay back on the lounger. I stopped the video and took a picture, her nipples hard and erect. Thoughts filled my mind of rolling them around my fingers and flicking my tongue over them. I watched as she picked up her phone, I stroked my cock not breaking eye contact with her sexy body and was shocked when my phone buzzed.

Laura - how do you work from home in this heat?

Fuck, did she know I thought to myself. Has she caught me.

Me- I’m just used to it, you not working? I typed hoping that she didn’t know and she was just making conversation.

Laura - nah gave up on that it’s too nice out there. You should get your speedos back on and get out in the garden.

I watched a smile appear on Julie’s face, she didn’t know I was watching her in real time I was pretty sure.

Me- what and give you a free perv?

I watched Laura’s left hand brush over her chest and flick over her nipple. Fuck she was teasing herself while talking to me.

Laura- oh I didn’t know I had to pay ha ha.

Me - ha ha free sausage?

Laura - I know a wine that is good with it!

Laura was now teasing herself in a more obvious way and was literally twisting her nipple between her left finger and thumb while holding her phone with her right hand. I didn’t want it to end and I had to slow right down, my cock glistening with pre come.

Me - ha ha glad it put a smile on your face!

Laura - ha ha it sure did.

I watched as Laura’s hand skimmed down from her breast over her stomach.

Me - so what you up to then?

Laura - just pottering about. You?

Me - just working really.

Laura was fidgeting in her lounger, her nipples hard and she was beginning to snake her left finger over her body. I saw her look around, probably out of habit and then almost came there and then as her hand slipped into the waistband of her bikini bottoms.

Laura- shame, it’s such a nice day.

My cock was fit to burst as I stroked it as I watch her secretly play with herself.

Me- ha ha could be speedo time! Yeah fuck it. I need a break ha ha

Laura - oi oi and an aubergine emoji.

I watched her grab her bikini top and leap off the lounger and pad inside.

Was she going upstairs to check? I couldn’t go outside like this, if she can see me so can the house next to me and I didn’t fancy being arrested.

What do I do? I needed to come but part of me wanted to see if she would be watching.

I left myself alone and went into my room hoping that the hard on what subside. I had to bend my cock into them and to be honest it looked obscene. I grabbed a pair of shorts that covered it a little better and headed out with a beer.

I wondered if she was watching and sat there pretending to just do normal things which was a lot harder than you’d imagine....be natural.

My phone pinged.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hot story..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *imoney500Man
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 31/05/21 21:50:05]

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By *imoney500Man
over a year ago



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By *rego69Man
over a year ago


Sounds brilliant

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *bridge manMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *obboxxMan
over a year ago


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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Mmmmm lovely

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By *duk70Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Very nice story.

Very well written. ??

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *im69000Man
over a year ago


Carry on please

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By *appyhereMan
over a year ago

East Mids

Keep going!!

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By *nlyme40Man
over a year ago


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By *ralbiswMan
over a year ago


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By *aisbudMan
over a year ago


Great story keep it up

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By *hoenixcouplexxCouple
over a year ago


Loving it. Great writing.

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By *parklesueTV/TS
over a year ago


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By *ussD1Man
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Looking forward to more of this one soon.

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By *orkiebar51Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Excellent work!

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By *illupMan
over a year ago


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By *reagle OP   Man
over a year ago


Laura- ah spoil sport! No Speedo’s!

Me - now who’s a pervert?

Laura- I just wanted to confirm, as you said you were going to!

Me- well you’ve confirmed now, stop perving at me!

Laura - ha ha in your dreams! I left when there was no speedo ha ha.

Me- so you are saying you would have stayed for the speedos.

Laura- no

Laura- yes

Laura - maybe????!

Me- ha ha all a muddle huh I bet you are watching me now.

Laura - ha ha I can guarantee I’m not.

I decided to put this to the test, it was a risky move but I couldn’t help myself any longer. I lowered the waistband of my shorts and although softened slightly my cock was still ‘proud’ it sprang out of the band and I held it at the base and gave it a little shake. I hoped that she was upstairs doing what I was doing while watching her, fingers teasing herself...or as she said she wasn’t watching at all. I slipped my cock away and sat there and relaxed for the next half hour well tried to, my mind wandering back to what she might have been doing. There was nothing from her at all, maybe she wasn’t.

The next daytime like clockwork I walked past the school on my way to the coffee shop, I spotted her but there were no leggings today, she had the ultimate power dressing vibe going on black skirt to her knees, white shirt hair tied up in a sexy bun and those black heeled shoes she wore in her bedroom that time! “Morning!” I said as she shuffled the kids into school, “hey you” she replied, I suddenly remembered that she may have or may not have seen my cock...maybe I took it too far yesterday. She seemed the same as usual so maybe I got away with it. “Not working from home today” I asked. She explained that she had a meeting for work, I wasn’t sure what to say without being creepy “at least you get to wear your heels” I said, she touched my arm and said “I know!!! Every cloud right, how do I look?” And she stood back and put her hand on her hip and bent her leg and pouted. I was transfixed I didn’t know what to say “well” she said. I snapped out of it “powerful and sophisticated” she laughed “I suppose that will do” we walked together and she branched off to the train station, I watched her strut off sexily up the road pretty confident now that she wasn’t watching.

I was sat at my desk working away when my phone went off. ‘So bored’ it said. I wondered if Ben got these types of texts and came to the conclusion that he definitely didn’t, I was paying attention to her I suppose, but still I couldn’t resist responding.

Me- bored?

Laura - yeah it’s like watching paint dry!

Me- how did the outfit go down?

Laura- ha ha pure power & sophistication?

Me- you put me on the spot

Laura- ha ha sorry!!!

Me - well at least you are the tallest in the room right?

Laura - by a country mile!

Me- excellent stuff, don’t forget to power strut out!

Laura- in a sophisticated way too?

Me- ha ha not letting that go are you.

Laura - all you had to say was you look good Laura.

Me- that’s Bens job!

Laura - Ben wouldn’t notice if I left the house naked.

Me- well try that tomorrow, let’s see if I notice. School might have something to say. Oh and I remember Ben losing his shit because you had your pjs on the first night so he might!

Laura- fair point!!!

Me- you looked good though.

Laura - in my pjs?

Me- no this morning!

Laura - what’s wrong with my pjs?

Me- Jesus, you are bored!

Laura - yep!

Laura- I’m finishing up soon, want to meet for a drink? Kids don’t need picking up until 3?

Me - I’d love to waiting for a delivery, but welcome to pop in for a drink if you like?

Laura - yeah go on then!

I got showered, had a bit of a tidy up and put some wine in the fridge. I was nervous, this felt different to a neighbour coming round for a drink, there was chemistry between us an electricity. I had no idea what to expect.

And then she rang the doorbell.

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By *rinceCorwinMan
over a year ago


A quality tale told extremely well.

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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Brilliant build up and well written. Liking this.

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By *ason7754Man
over a year ago


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By *titch69Man
over a year ago


Loving this

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Excellent. Well written .

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By *ike2186Man
over a year ago



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By *ere4u50Man
over a year ago

Latrobe Valley

Great story. Loving the buildup

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By *he Ring WraithMan
over a year ago


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By *duk70Man
over a year ago


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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


Loving this

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By *imoney500Man
over a year ago


Filthy Laura

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By *anabecdTV/TS
over a year ago

Limerick/ tipp


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By *eordieM35Man
over a year ago


Best story i have ever read on here

Cannot wait for the next bit

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Very good story

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By *aughtywifeyWoman
over a year ago


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By *antasticmrfucsMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Need more soon

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over a year ago

Bourne End

I’m really enjoying this one. Thanks for sharing!

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By *nglianmanMan
over a year ago


Cracking story

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story and so well written! More please!

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By *d funMan
over a year ago



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By *litlicker77Man
over a year ago

Dirty old town

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By *terobs6869Man
over a year ago


Loving the build up. Context makes everything much hotter than the wham bam stories.

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By *hil153Man
over a year ago



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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By *iceguyRichie70Man
over a year ago


Excellent story so far!!

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By *ouplefor funCouple
over a year ago

near kilmarnock

Great so far

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By *riftwood400Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This has me so hard right now

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By *ig daddy 1969Man
over a year ago


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By *arriedfun51Man
over a year ago

Northern Ireland

great story,hope more to cum

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By *ychwoodfuntimesMan
over a year ago


Brilliant loving the slow build up

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Great story, loving it so far !

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By *knick45Man
over a year ago


Amazing hope there is more soon

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By *ucmonkeyMan
over a year ago


More please

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By *ot Wife and HimCouple
over a year ago

bathgate / benidorm

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By *1sexypairCouple
over a year ago


Really enjoying this story well written and the build up fabulous

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *oss25Man
over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

Just gets better and better

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over a year ago


"Just gets better and better"
Can't wait for the next step.

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By *tuartieMan
over a year ago


More more please

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By *icurious69jockMan
over a year ago

north east lincs

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *cottish guy 555Man
over a year ago


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By *ibi22Man
over a year ago


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By *elshman1967 99Man
over a year ago

The Shire

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By * Inch thickMan
over a year ago


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By *ouiseHotwifeCouple
over a year ago


Great story!

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By *park777Man
over a year ago

high Wycombe

Loving fhis story

Can't wait for the next installment

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fantastic story incredibly well written

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By *eterpervisMan
over a year ago

back where i came from

Great story, love to hear more…

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By *cottishcuckcplCouple
over a year ago


Best story I’ve read in long time x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

great story, can't wait for the next instalment

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By *ediraMan
over a year ago


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By *reagle OP   Man
over a year ago


I opened the door and she said “power and sophistication coming through” and she strutted through my door down the hall into my kitchen, my eyes followed her as her sexy arse wriggled in her black skirt, I pushed the door shut and followed her into the kitchen “I wish I’d never said anything now” she laughed. “White ok for you?” I asked “oooh yes please, that would be wonderful” I got the wine out of the fridge and opened it up using the corkscrew “take a seat” I said. She pulled out the stool from the breakfast bar and lifted herself onto it crossing her leg. She looked stunning sitting there, the view meant I could appreciate the length of her legs and those sexy heels. I poured the wine and passed her the glass “ meeting didn’t go as planned then?” I asked “ well I knew it was going to be boring but not that boring, it was like watching paint dry!, but all done now, don’t have to go into town for a few weeks now so working from home, cheers!” She held out her glass and I chinked hers “cheers” “so what have you been up to today?” She asked. “Ah not much just working” I said. “Where’s all your stuff, my kitchen looks like an office, organised chaos!” I told her that I had converted the box room into a study. “Ah clever boy, do I get a tour?” She asked. “Yeah of course” I said “you’ve already seen the lounge, your husbands spare room!” She laughed “have you burnt the sofa yet?” “Not yet, just choosing a new one and then I’ll send you the bill” “good luck with that” she said “you took him in, that was your first mistake!” We walked back into the hall way “then there’s upstairs” “do I need to take my shoes off?” She asked “nah you are fine, I normally insist that women keep them on up there!” She laughed “pervert” she began climbing the stairs and the sight was delicious those ridiculously high heels stretching her calves, the sexy shape of her legs and that arse wriggling. She must have known I was having a perv over her surely. We got to the top of the landing, “bathroom” I said and she poked her head through the door “lovely tiles, ooh big bath” she said. “We only have a shower at the moment, I miss baths!” I smiled “feel free” she laughed “what an offer, will you bring wine on demand?” “In my speedos?” I asked. She let out a cackle but didn’t say anything further. “Spare room” and here’s my room “ let me guess” she said “where the magic happens?” I laughed “yeah something like that” “you are very tidy aren’t you” she said looking around “ and here’s the study” I opened the door “oooh nice” she said walking in “may I” she asked pointing to my leather high back chair. “Yeah of course “ she turned the chair around so it’s back was to me “oh nice” she sausage she span the chair around. Her legs were crossed sexily as she said “Gareth report to my office” my cock twitched she looked so fucking sexy “great chair” she said extending her legs and standing up. “Nice sunlight too” she looked out of the window “erm” she said “what’s up” “you can see my lounger” shit. I thought “your lounger?” “Yeah my sun lounger” I walked over to the window and stood next to her “oh yeah, what’s wrong with the lounger” “oh nothing” she said “I just supposed it was a private little sun trap” i didn’t know what to say, I’d stood at that window come spurting from my cock while watching her and recorded her teasing her sexy pink nipples “I hadn’t noticed” I said “ha ha you haven’t been sunbathing in the nude have you” “noooo!” She exclaimed “well next time you do, text me and I’ll let you know if I can see you or not” she playfully hit my arm “pervert” “just being a good neighbour” I said it’s not like I’m up here taking pictures of you like you do with me!!!” We were stood face to face again, just like we were in her bedroom that time. There was that crackle of electricity between us again. “That was a joke, doesn’t count as perving” she said. I desperately wanted to kiss her, “is that so” I asked she walked back out into the hallway, moment lost, I was seconds away from attempting it, maybe she saw it coming and removed herself from the situation. “I’ll have to watch my bikini choices now” and she started going down the stairs. We sat back in the kitchen and had more wine, chatting and laughing, it felt good and we were flirting like mad. Unfortunately it was approaching pick up time so she left and went back to hers. A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, I wished I had attempted that kiss, and the vision of her in that chair stiffened my cock again.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *ormladMan
over a year ago

ayr / glasgow

Brilliant read

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By *indaW50sWoman
over a year ago


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By *icurious69jockMan
over a year ago

north east lincs

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By *olvesfunguyMan
over a year ago


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By *ess guyMan
over a year ago


Loving this but the suspense between each chapter is killing me;(

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By *ohnnw1Man
over a year ago


Loving this

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By *ragsterMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is one of the best reads in a long long time!

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By *parklesueTV/TS
over a year ago


More please xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Woe this is super

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *inchoncamukMan
over a year ago


What a fantastic story

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