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The Promotion (**contains MM activity) REPOST

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


This thread filled up pretty quickly after the latest instalment! So here is the whole story so far... Enjoy and let me know how you respond.

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


I really wanted the promotion. Maybe I wasn’t the obvious first choice, but the extra responsibilities were ones I could manage easily. More pay and more flexible working. But I knew there was a problem. Ajay started six months after me and we’re good mates. We go out together with our girlfriends often after work and I’ve got nothing against him. To be honest, he could do the new job just as well as me. But I reckon that extra six months should count in my favour. The problem is our boss.

I’m fine having a gay boss. It’s the Twenty-first Century - I’m not stuck in the kind of thinking my dad has. And we have very little to do with Mr Clifton - he’s in the offices on the top floor. But I know he’ll be the one deciding on the promotion. And we’ve joked about it. Teasing Ajay that Clifton takes special interest in him when he comes to meet with our section. Saying he’s obviously the kind of guy Clifton goes for. He’s got a good body, Ajay, and I know a lot of girls think he’s handsome. Ajay used to get really riled when we first started on about that stuff, but he pretty much ignores it now, so it’s become less of a joke. Until last night.

Ajay was supposed to be coming for a drink with us all but he said he had something else to do. Didn’t say what. And he was still hanging around at work after we were all packed up and ready for the pub. I didn’t think anything of it until we were up the road, and then I wondered… I told the others I’d forgot something back at the warehouse and to get one in for me. I hurried back to work, passing the last few other staff heading out as I returned. There was no sign of Ajay – and I knew I hadn’t seen him pass me leaving. So he was still here somewhere.

It was maybe pretty stupid to go up to the top floor. I hadn’t really thought what I’d say if anyone asked me why I was there. But apart from a cleaner heading out by the lifts, the place was deserted. The lights were off. No-one around. Or was there?

At the end of the executive corridor there was a bit of light spilling out. Mr Clifton’s office. Feeling a bit uneasy now, I went a bit closer, careful not to make any noise. The offices have windows out to the corridor to let light through, so I started to creep down, keeping myself hidden, even though all the rest of the offices on this floor were dark and empty.

By getting at the right angle, I reckoned I could get a view into the boss’s office without being seen. Carefully, I inched closer. The first thing I saw was one of the hi-vis jackets we all wear on our team, dropped on a chair by Clifton’s door. Ajay’s.

So maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised by what I saw when I crept a bit closer and could see exactly what was going on inside the boss’s office last night. After all, I knew Ajay wanted that promotion just as badly as I did…

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


I looked into the boss’s office as far as I could without being spotted. The first thing I saw was Ajay’s feet – still in his work boots and the company overalls. But he wasn’t standing up. Or sitting. He was kneeling. Kneeling on the oatmeal carpet of Mr Clifton’s office, his hands held behind his back.

The sensible thing would have been to quietly slip away right then. I’d seen more than I needed to, and I realised my heart was pounding. I worried they’d hear me as I tried to keep my breathing low as I hid there in the corridor watching. But as I crept closer to see more, I realised their minds were on other things…

Mr Clifton is around fifty. He’s got quite a commanding presence – one of those older guys with a kind of natural authority. He doesn’t throw his weight around, but he also doesn’t pretend he’s just one of the guys – that always feels phony to us when the management try and play that game. He dresses well – always in suit and tie at work. Drives a nice car, always calm and professional.

And here he was, in his office, leaning back against the edge of his big glass desk. He had his hands behind his head, his legs spread – and Ajay was on his knees in his work gear in front of him. In order to see exactly what was going on I needed to get closer, but there wasn’t any doubt – particularly as I could now hear the boss talking softly but firmly to my mate as he looked down at him.

‘That’s good. You’re doing well. You know you can do it. Open wide. Wider. Oh yes. Yes, that’s it…’ It was weirdly both encouraging and commanding at the same time, like he was coaxing Ajay on, helping him but also telling him exactly what to do. ‘Bit more. Good, good…’

My mate’s head was at the boss’s crotch. Standing over him in his suit and tie, Mr Clifton had his flies undone. And Ajay was focused on trying to get his mouth around the older man’s massive cock. With every encouragement he was given, he tried to take more of the stiff dick between his lips. I was transfixed.

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


As I say, Ajay is a handsome looking guy. His muscled arms were bare as he knelt there with just his work vest over his t-shirt, his knees on the boss’s carpet and his hands behind his back. Mr Clifton placed his hand on Ajay’s head. lifting it back and away from him, his fingers deep in Ajay’s thick black hair. Ajay has a bit of a thing about his hair always looking good – it’s one of the little vanities we all tease him about. I was almost more shocked to see him letting this older guy touch his hair, pushing aside where the sweat had stuck a few strands to Ajay’s glistening forehead, than anything else I was witnessing.

Ajay gasped for breath. He gulped in air, trying to get his composure again. From where I was, I couldn’t quite see the expression on my mate’s face. But I could see Mr Clifton clearly as he looked down at him. The boss loosened his tie a little. He was getting heated up too. But he had things completely under control. His cock stuck out from the gap in his flies, balls hanging inches away from Ajay’s face.

Mr Clifton reached down and put a finger under Ajay’s chin. He lifted the younger guy’s face so that he was looking straight up at him.

‘Did you like that sir? Was I OK? Did I make you feel good?’ asked Ajay as he knelt there at the boss’s desk. It was weird, hearing this guy who was so loud and confident in all other situations I’d ever seen him, sounding so concerned about Mr Clifton’s pleasure. And that what seemed to matter to him more than anything was that he was giving our boss great head!

Mr Clifton considered a moment, then nodded. He stroked Ajay’s hair. No-one ever touches Ajay’s hair, as I said. ‘Much better. You’re doing really well. Good work.’

I inched round so that I could get an angle on Ajay’s expression. Fuck – he was looking up at Clifton with a kind of dreamy eagerness. His dark eyes were gleaming, his face glistening with sweat. And his mouth hung open, just a fraction away from the older guy’s penis.

‘Put out your tongue. Go on’, said the boss to my mate on the floor in front of him. I should stop watching. I know I should stop watching. If Ajay knew anyone had seen what was going on… But of course I couldn’t tear myself away now…

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


Ajay opened his mouth wide. The dark skin of his face and the light skin of the boss’s stiff cock both showed pink at places – Ajay’s parted lips and the glistening head of Mr Clifton’s dick, almost touching. I crept closer, taking advantage of the light spilling from the desk lamp in the shadowy office, transfixed by the things I was seeing.

My girlfriend has tried to get me to watch bi-mmf porn with her a couple of times but I’ve always changed the subject. The thought of watching that stuff made me feel uncomfortable. And yet here I was, creeping along the deserted top corridor of our company’s offices, staring in at something I could hardly believe I was seeing. And I did feel uncomfortable, but not disgusted or turned off in the way I thought I would be. It was much more unsettling – watching my mate with the boss in this intense forbidden scene.

Mr Clifton and Ajay were completely focused on each other. I allowed myself to move even closer, straining to hear the soft deep and commanding voice of our boss, there in his suit, looking down on Ajay kneeling before him in tee-shirt and work trousers.

‘Touch the tip with your tongue. That’s right. Feel how hard I am. Run your tongue over the head. Mmm. Concentrate. Don’t think about anything else but my cock, Ajay. Lick the edge of my foreskin – that’s right. Run your tongue all the way around. Yes.’

The boss lent back against his desk a little as the younger man followed his instructions, lavishing careful attention on the exposed tip of his big stiff erection. ‘Do it how I like it. I know how you want to please me.’

From where I was viewing the scene, I caught a strange look in Ajay’s eyes, part eagerness, part pleasure.

‘See at the slit. That little drop of precum? Lick it, Ajay, take it on your tongue…’

Ajay moved in closer. His tongue out, straining to touch the shiny spot of precum at the slit of the older white man’s erect cock.

‘Good, good. Now look up at me. Look me in the eyes while you put your tongue back in your mouth. I want you to savour the taste of me. Look at me. Look straight at me while you taste that drop of me. Rub it round your mouth. Take every bit of it from your lips. Show me how you take the taste of me, Ajay.’

My mate stared up at the boss, his tongue moving round his lips, eager to show how he was following instructions. Savouring the taste of this older man. Fucking hell. I couldn’t believe it, but my mate seemed to be really into this. I gasped at the sight.

Which was a bit of an error. Because the noise made them both turn towards the door. And before I had the sense to turn and run, and hope they hadn’t recognised me, there I stood, caught watching. My boss and my mate looked across the empty office towards me…

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


Ajay leapt back, scrambling to his feet. He looked as shocked to have been seen by me as I was to see him there, kneeling servicing the boss’s cock.

But Mr Clifton didn’t move. He remained exactly where he stood in the office. From the relaxed way he leant against his desk in his suit, his leather shoes shining, the situation seemed completely ordinary to him. Even though his massive dick was sticking out from the fly in his suit trousers.

‘You shouldn’t really be creeping around the offices after work, Robbie,’ said the boss. That threw me a bit – was I the one doing something wrong here? ‘But don’t worry, I’ve always seen you as a sensible, practical member of the team. You know how we like to recognise employees who do that little bit extra…’ He smiled at me, and gave a slight tilt of his head towards Ajay, who was trying to take in this new development. ‘Why don’t you come in and shut the door?’

My mate was looking at me, and I knew the one thing he was dreading was that I would walk out and tell anyone else what I’d seen. But to be honest, as I did what Mr Clifton said, and entered the boss’s office, closing the door with a firm click of the lock behind me, my main concern was with the promotion. I wasn’t going to let Ajay get anything more than I deserved, just because he was prepared to do what I would have imagined he found unthinkable. If he could do that, maybe I could.

And thinking back, that was the really weird thing. I wasn’t feeling disgusted in the way I would have imagined if anyone else had described the set up to me. In theory, I would have said watching my mate giving an elaborate blow job to our boss would have been something beyond the pale. But now I’d seen it – I hadn’t had that reaction at all. I was simply determined not to let that be the reason he got that promotion over me. And maybe I was also a bit curious about what it would be like if I was in Ajay’s place?

‘We want to keep this between ourselves, don’t we?’ said Mr Clifton, in that way people ask questions that are more like instructions. And from the eager way Ajay nodded, I knew that was exactly what my mate wanted – no-one must know what I had seen this evening. ‘But I do think we should give Robert a chance to demonstrate his commitment to the firm as well, don’t you, Ajay?’

Ajay looked less sure about that. He thought he’d had the promotion sewn up, I bet. Was this the only time this had happened? What had been going on that I had no idea about? Whatever happened now, I was going to make sure I got something out of it.

‘Take your clothes off, Robbie.’ Mr Clifton’s instruction jolted me. What? I could see from Ajay’s face that he was surprised too. Where was this going? I opened my mouth to protest, but I wasn’t sure what to say. This whole encounter was making my head spin.

‘I’ll be clear. I’m looking for a sign that you’re prepared to do what it takes to move up in the company. It’s your choice, of course. But it would be a shame not to give you the opportunity. And given what you’ve already seen, it would be a way to reassure Ajay that you’re not going to use that against him in any way. Go on - I can’t imagine your body is anything to be ashamed of.’

Mr Clifton seemed to know exactly which buttons to press. I certainly wasn’t ashamed of the way I looked after my body – football, time at the gym… In fact, although I wouldn’t say it out loud, I knew I had a better physique than Ajay. He’s handsome, certainly, in a way the girls like, but I’ve got the better body. Something competitive in me made me take the challenge - I’d show Clifton that I was the guy with more to offer physically.

To Ajay’s clear surprise, I kicked off my work boots and started to strip. I could feel the adrenalin pumping through me, but I was determined not to show any unease. I tossed my hi-vis jacket across to where Ajay had dropped his, and pulled off my tee-shirt. I secretly looked over to see if Mr Clifton reacted to the sight of my chest and abs. I know I look good with my top off.

But the boss was playing it cool, leaning against his desk, cock out, waiting for me to finish. Forcing myself to seem nonchalant, as if stripping in the boss’s office was totally in my comfort zone, I pulled down my jeans and threw them aside as well. I stood there in my pants, deciding that I’d need him to offer something more if I was going to go any further. Plus I was aware that my cock had been stirring since I first heard the sounds from the office, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to find myself getting somehow aroused in front of my boss and my mate. This far and no further.

Except then, Mr Clifton beckoned over to Ajay. ‘Undo your trousers, Ajay. And Robbie, onto your knees…’

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


I stood there almost naked in the boss’s office, the door closed behind me. My clothes were in a pile on the floor. I saw the way Mr Clifton looked up and down my body, assessing what he saw. I knew he’d be impressed. Maybe I’m a bit vain, but I reckon I’ve a better body than Ajay. If this was a competition for the promotion, I was going to play the boss’s game to win.

Ajay had looked pretty uncomfortable ever since he saw me. I felt I had the upper hand – I knew what was going on now. Ajay fiddled a bit sheepishly with the zip of his jeans, following the boss’s instructions to take out his cock.

‘Robbie.’ Mr Clifton’s voice was low, but dominant. ‘I said, kneel.’

I wasn’t so sure about that. Standing up in the office, even in just my pants, I felt I had some control of the situation. I’d seen Ajay kneeling and it was clear that he had been following instructions – were they instructions I’d have to follow too?

I stood there, trying to decide what to do next. The boss’s face hardened a little. He stood up, away from his desk, and came closer to me. I tried not to look at the way his big cock swung from the fly of his suit trousers as he approached.

The boss was within touching distance of me. I stood in front him, stubborn, wanting him to see and admire the muscles on my chest and abs that I work on daily at the gym. I was going to play this my way, I thought to myself.

‘Maybe this isn’t going to work’, said Mr Clifton. ‘I need to see you can follow instructions Robbie. Maybe you need to leave.’

Fuck. I felt trapped. Leave, and I left Ajay here to do whatever the boss wanted and there was no way I would get that promotion. Plus the discomfort of what I’d seen would make things weird between us, even if I’d done nothing. But I wasn’t sure what would be required of me if I stayed…

‘Robbie?’ said the boss. ‘You know what I asked you to do.’

There was something about the way he spoke. It wasn’t aggressive, but it was firm, controlling. I suddenly felt that it was easier simply to submit, to allow the will of the older man to direct my actions. Slowly, I bent my knees and lowered myself to the carpeted floor of the boss’s office.

‘Good boy’, said Mr Clifton, his voice now coming from above me. He reached across and gently touched the top of my head, patting it approvingly. ‘That’s better.’

Ajay, come here.’ I felt my mate approach. I didn’t look directly at him, but I could feel this meeting wasn’t going the way he expected either. He must have thought he had the whole thing sewn up, the sneaky fucker. Giving the boss a blowjob to do me out of my promotion. I had never imagined him capable of that. And as he came to stand with Mr Clifton, I wasn’t sure how that made me see Ajay now. He was a different person than the one I thought I knew.

‘Take your cock out, Ajay’, said the boss. Ajay was still fiddling around with his trousers. The dark tip of his dick was poking through the fly of his jeans, but he was clearly still embarrassed that he’d been found in this set-up. In a weird way, his discomfort made me feel better – as if I was the one on top. Even if I was now kneeling in front of my mate in just my underwear.

‘Here, let me’, said Clifton. He reached down and slipped his hand underneath Ajay’s cock and into my mate’s jeans. This was now all going on inches from my face. The boss gently lifted and pulled Ajay’s nuts out through his open jeans, until the whole of his cock and bollocks were swinging free there.

Soft, Ajay’s cock was plump and a deep brown, with the skin around his balls a lighter colour. They hung a bit heavier than mine do, and the whole of his junk swayed gently as the boss released his hands and left my mate standing in front of me. I caught a very faint mix of sweat and deodorant – just enough to make me conscious of my mate’s body inches from my face.

‘Let’s see what you can do, Robbie’, said the boss, stepping back to take in the view of us two younger men. ‘Use your mouth to make Ajay hard. Go on.’

I could sense Ajay resisting as well. This was going to be really weird. Was I really going to take my mate’s dick in my mouth? If that was what it took to get this promotion, fuck it. And nowhere, except maybe somewhere deep in a secret corner of my mind, did I admit that the challenge was somehow turning me on…

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


So I know what a blowjob is from the other end of course. It’s not something my girlfriend is that into, and if I’m honest our sex together has got into a bit of a rut. I thought maybe I would feel like a girl, kneeling there with another guy’s dick – if I’d really thought about it all… But now it was about to happen it felt strangely familiar – I know what this bit of a body is like, having played with my dick plenty. And the fact that Ajay was clearly a bit freaked out by this turn of events only made me more up for proving I was the better man for the job! I looked up at my mate, but he was trying to avert his eyes. I don’t know how Ajay had justified his little after-hours session with the boss to himself, but having sex with his own mate was something he was resisting. Was he not into this at all? Or a bit scared that he actually would be…?

‘Look at him, Ajay,’ instructed Mr Clifton. I smiled - now I was the one doing what the boss wants! My mate looked down at me and I stared up at him straight in the eye, daring him to look away as I ran my tongue round my lips. I’m going to get your fucking dick hard, Ajay. You won’t be able to stop yourself. And I loved the shock in his face as my tongue hit the tip of his cock, hanging plump out of his jeans.

I was able to do the things I’d fantasised about a girl doing for me but always been too embarrassed to actually ask for. I pulled in my tongue and put my lips to the tip of Ajay’s cock, gently lifting it with the suction from my mouth until the round ball of the circumcised head was resting on my lips. Slowly but firmly I pulled Ajay’s cock further in, until I could get my lips all the way round the head. It was warm, smooth, with that slightly salty taste of another person’s skin. I closed my mouth over my mate’s cock head and applied a bit more pressure. To my satisfaction, I heard Ajay give a gasp of surprised pleasure, despite himself. He couldn’t stop himself getting turned on by me – which was exactly what I wanted…

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


On my knees in the boss’s office with my mate’s cock in my mouth, giving another guy a blowjob for the first time - it should have felt really weird. And to be honest it did, but a kind of good weird – I was doing stuff I could never have imagined doing before now but with every step further I found myself more intrigued. It was like I was finding out stuff about myself I’d never allowed my brain to think about. My mate Ajay’s cock was getting bigger in my mouth as I moved my lips up and down the shaft. It took a while to work out the right rhythm to get the best effect on him – I was sure he was trying to stop himself getting hard and I wasn’t going to let him resist. It wasn’t exactly that I enjoyed blowing him – it was the sense of control - that he was being made to respond by the work I was doing on his cock. He couldn’t help himself but be turned on.

I pulled back until my lips were just around the head of my mate’s cock. The deep brown skin was stretched taut over the shaft now – it was a decent length and quite a chunky dick now it was erect. When I looked up I could see Ajay had his eyes shut. He couldn’t stop himself from getting a hard-on with his cock in my mouth, but he was trying to avoid catching my eye while it happened. But I could see Mr Clifton’s face, looking down at me. He was smiling. Of course he was, the dirty fucker – this whole scene was probably turning him on even more. It wasn’t just a sneaky blowjob from a guy wanting a promotion now – he had two of his young employees giving him a private show.

The strange thing was, as I looked up at the boss, my mouth wide open around Ajay’s hot fat cock, I realised I was doing it to please him. I wanted to fulfil what Mr Clifton wanted. Was that just about the promotion? Or was there some other thing going on for me now?

‘Ajay, open your eyes’, instructed Mr Clifton, softly but without any sense that he could be disobeyed. ‘See what a good boy Robbie is being. Look.’

Ajay forced himself to look down at me. I felt a little surge of triumph as he obeyed the boss’s command to accept that I’d got his cock stiff with my first ever blowjob. From the look on my mate’s face I could tell this whole thing was not going the way he wanted. He had thought he’d tied up the promotion with his sneaky visit to the boss’s office and no-one would ever know. Things were different now.

As I looked up at my mate, feeling the fat head of his dick in my mouth, I became aware of movement behind me. Mr Clifton must have taken my arms as I felt my hands being pulled together behind my back. And then there was a tug. A leather strap – maybe a belt? – was pulled tight around the bottom of my arms. pulling them tight against each other. I wriggled a bit, but by the time I realised what was happening the strap was in place. I couldn’t shift my hands and my arms were now pinned behind my back as I knelt there on the office carpet.

Mr Clifton was towering back above me now. He was talking to Ajay. He took my friend’s hands and placed them on either side of my head. I felt the warm pressure of Ajay’s fingers and palms against me.

‘He can’t resist now, Ajay. Take what you want from him. He’s yours.’

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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over a year ago


Great story!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This gets even better

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By *irliefunsussexWoman
over a year ago


So hot

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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago


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By *ave179Man
over a year ago



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By *torm in a G cupWoman
over a year ago

Land of the Long White Cloud

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ilfloversCouple (MM)
over a year ago

north west

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By *ignbeardyMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *andyse22Man
over a year ago

East Dulwich,, London

very hot!

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By *eterpervisMan
over a year ago

back where i came from

Fantastic story looking forward to the next update.. x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *mbeMan
over a year ago


So hot! I can’t wait to read the next instalment

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Why not just crack on with the story lol

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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By *andybigboiMan
over a year ago

Mount Pleasant


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By *iM4kinkMan
over a year ago

San Antonio

Awesome story, i want to be Robbie.

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By *ason7754Man
over a year ago


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By *ave179Man
over a year ago


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By *rcadian110Couple
over a year ago


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By *ILLxxxMan
over a year ago


and then ...

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By *ark_sentinelCouple
over a year ago


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By *r45678Man
over a year ago


Need some more of this horny story pls

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By *ersuasionreqdMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *anchoPanzaMan
over a year ago


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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


As soon as I felt the strap tighten around my arms, pinning them behind me, I tried to get up. But Ajay had my head between his hands and as he felt me try to move, my mate tightened his grip. Meanwhile I felt the boss behind me, pushing down my legs, forcing them down, the scratchy office carpet rubbing at my bare skin.

Something seemed to switch in Ajay. Up until this point he’d been very reluctant to even acknowledge what was going on between us – which was pretty weird given that he had his cock in my mouth and I’d done a damn good job of making him hard despite his reluctance. But now he seemed to be happy to do whatever Mr Clifton told him to do – or was it more that the older guy had given him permission to let out what he was trying to deny to himself? Whatever it was, I now felt my mate’s energy change.

Without warning, Ajay shoved his hard cock deeper into my throat, making me gasp with shock. I tried to pull my head back, fighting the strength with which he held me against his crotch. I felt the material of his jeans against my cheeks as I pulled back. We struggled, me putting all my effort into resisting my mate’s grip on my head until I forced myself free. I gulped for air as soon as my mouth was free of his dick. Kneeling on the boss’s floor, I gasped and spluttered.

Mr Clifton’s voice came from behind me. Not loud, but firm and commanding. ‘You have to show Robbie who’s in control, Ajay. You or him?’

Ajay gripped my head on both sides and forced me to look up at him. I was still gasping for air after the way he’d shoved his cock down my throat. His cock had been hard before, but something about forcing me to swallow it down seemed to have turned him on even more. His hard brown meat was rock solid, inches from my face.

‘Who’s in charge, Robbie?’ Ajay asked, looking down at me, my arms tethered behind me as he forced me to look up at him. I wasn’t interested in playing this game now.

‘Fuck off’, I gasped. I’d seen what Ajay was prepared to do to get the promotion, sucking the boss’s cock in his office. But if he was going to try and play games with me now, I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.

‘Open your mouth.’ I shook my head. I wasn’t following Ajay’s orders. ‘Open your fucking mouth, Robbie. Take my cock.’ I shook my head, smirking up at my mate. This was a battle of wills - and I was going to win.

And then the voice came from behind. ‘Do as you’re told, Robbie. Open your mouth. Wide.’ And somehow, despite everything I had been thinking up until that point, something in Mr Clifton’s voice made me accept his authority completely. I let my jaw fall and my mouth drop open – and waited for Ajay to fuck my mouth with his cock. As soon as I began to obey the man behind me, the whole thing started to make sense somehow…

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By *usicMan
over a year ago



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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago


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By *afftypeMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *appyChap91Man
over a year ago


I'm enjoying this

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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Good to see this story continuing.

Well worth the wait.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Brilliant story please keep going

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Covid will be over before this story ??

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By *mbeMan
over a year ago


Fuck yes, loving this story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ark_sentinelCouple
over a year ago


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By *ave179Man
over a year ago


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By *uck-Me-Hard-Scotland-M2MMan
over a year ago

Barnhill (outside Dundee)

Thanks for the repost and the continuation.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow so hot and very horny

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Will it ever get continued?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Longest wait in chat history

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By *ung_london OP   Man
over a year ago


Ajay fucked my open mouth furiously now. In the same rough way I’d watched Mr Clifton grab his hair, my mate gripped the back of my head and tugged me back and forth up and down his cock at whatever speed and depth suited him.

As he allowed himself to get more and more turned on, I could hear him muttering under his breath. ‘You think you’re better than me, Robbie? You think you deserve more than me, do you? You’re nothing but a fucking spy, crawling round wanking your dick and getting off on what other people have the guts to do. I saw what it took to get this promotion and you’re not going to take it away now.’

Ajay yanked my head back and forced me to look up at him, his cock dribbling with my saliva from where he’d reamed my throat. ‘Tell the boss I deserve the job, not you’, he said. But as soon as I had my breath back, I shook my head - as best I could given how Ajay had it in his grip.

‘Fuck you, Ajay’, I gasped. In response, he slammed his cock between my lips and forced it as far as he could down my throat. He could feel me gagging on the thick meat but he just thrust his groin against my face. Then he threw my head back, leaving me gasping, my mouth dripping with a mix of saliva and my mate’s pre-cum. I was dazed from the assault on my tonsils but I wasn’t going to give in. I couldn’t manage to speak yet, but I shook my head.

I knew what he was doing. He wanted to show Mr Clifton he could break me. This was a fight between the two of us and although I was in the weaker position, stripped naked, my hands strapped tight behind me, I wasn’t in the mood to give up.

‘Cunt’, whispered Ajay as he slapped my face with his sticky, dribbling cock. I felt totally fucking confused. I was sure I hated him at that moment – but part of me also felt insanely turned on by the smell and taste of his dick...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Pleased this one has continued.

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By *torm in a G cupWoman
over a year ago

Land of the Long White Cloud

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *mbeMan
over a year ago


???????????? Slow clap after a long wait

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By *ewtothis2219Couple
over a year ago


I need more

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *igbaz24Man
over a year ago


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By *imshardMan
over a year ago


More please

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By *ntcovMan
over a year ago

Church Gresley / Swadlincote

Can't wait!...

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By *r45678Man
over a year ago


More please

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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By *om1962Man
over a year ago


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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago


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By *r45678Man
over a year ago


Luv this

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By *imberlin111Man
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 18/07/21 00:34:20]

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By *imberlin111Man
over a year ago


Great story

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By *exforfun30Couple
over a year ago


Brilliant and horny. Please ram more down my throat Mr Clifton.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Pity it takes so long between instalments

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *upiterqueenWoman
over a year ago


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By *andybigboiMan
over a year ago

Mount Pleasant


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By (user no longer on site)
42 weeks ago

Is there an end?

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By *lderWiserNowMan
42 weeks ago


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By *ung_london OP   Man
9 weeks ago


Repost requested!

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