By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Part 7 Thread 2: Looking After the Recruits
Jennifer passed a box of tissues to James.
"Don't worry, it's odd if I don't get through a first counselling session without tears being shed."
James sniffed, "Sorry Ma'am."
"Now James, call me Jennifer, not Ma'am."
She moved her chair a little bit more closer to his. "Can I ask James, what makes you think you have a small penis?"
"I just ken it. Ever since we got changed for swimming in Secondary School. Luckily there was a guy with just one ball, I mean testicle Miss, in my P.E class. Otherwise they'd have picked on me instead."
Ms Blaze looked him straight in the eye and raised her eyebrows.
"So you don't have any actual evidence that anyone else apart from yourself thinks your penis is tiny?"
James shrugged. "I've been on the internet. The average size is 5.16 inches. I'm no way near that. That's why I'm avoiding showering with my troop. If I can't get the corner space I daren't go in. Can't risk them seeing it. I'm up half an hour before the rest so I can get dressed in private."
He looked relieved he had told someone. Jennifer remembered his beetroot face during Froggy's shower demo. Poor kid.
She got up from her chair and went to the door and locked it from the inside. She told James she wanted to ensure their privacy.
"Let's sort out fact from fiction," she said.
"James I think it would be a very therapeutic exercise if we took a look at your penis and measured it. Then we'll know where we are. How would you feel about that?"
As soon as she had said 'take a look at your penis' James had felt a stirring in his regulation underwear. His eyes were drawn to the floor first of all as he blushed. But then they caught sight of her suede shoes, her calves, the hem of her short skirt cutting across her upper legs. She was sitting with her legs slightly open. James' eyes followed her leg up to her thigh, enclosed in sheer black tights, but wait a minute, these weren't tights. They finished in a band near the top of the thigh and he saw a strip of bare flesh and then a flash of black knickers.
He felt his dick, uncurling, pushing against fabric and stiffening. Jennifer had got up and walked to her desk. She opened her desk drawer and took out a ruler. As she sat back down she deliberately hitched her skirt so it barely covered the top of her legs. Her pull ups were on full show now and James stood up briefly to allow his erect penis to find space in his underwear.
"Don't sit down," she said. "I think you're already in a good place to get measured. She popped open the button on his trousers, undid the zip and yanked them down efficiently. She peeled down his underwear and was eye to jap's eye with his semi-erect penis. It was rather short but had a good girth at the base. She brushed the back of her hand against it and James gasped. His knees trembled a little. She wondered if with coaxing she could initiate any more extension.
"James, your penis does not strike me as being unusually small. But before we measure it I'd like to ensure there's as much blood flow to the area as possible. Let's get you as hard as you can possibly be. If you were older I could probably be more hands on but you're not 18 yet is that right?"
"That's right miss. Not until the 11th in 2 weeks, then I'll be 18."
"Well that's not too far away. And the 11th of November! Isn't that a fitting birthday for a soldier -Armistice day!"
"I couldn't choose when I was born!" he said. Jennifer nodded, yes a pity they'd have to wait two weeks. Guy Fawkes Night would have been a better birthday.
She pulled her chair in so that her knees were almost touching his. "Sit down, " she ordered, "but don't pull up your clothes."
James sat with his shirt on but was naked waist down with his underpants and trousers around his ankles. He was shielding his erection with folded hands and Jennifer saw it was beginning to lose strength.
"James let's get your cock standing sentry so we can measure you. Now I can't help you get harder by touching you. You'll need to be 18 for that. What I think we should do is I want you to watch me touch myself and then I want you to touch yourself in return. Get as hard as you can. Then let me know so we can measure your erection. Don't let yourself go over the edge, no ejaculation , not until you've been measured."
The boy nodded and sat back in his chair. He wondered if he could trust this lady. There'd only been one other girl who'd had a look at it back home in Edinburgh. Kayleigh had come round to help him with his homework. They'd done a deal. She'd do his algebra and he'd take her to the amusements in Portobello. But then his Da phoned to say he'd be doing an extra shift down the mine and his Mum phoned to say she was going down the bingo after work. He'd have to stay in and mind the dog. She'd left him some mince and tatties in a pan on the stove. James had gone downstairs and taken a look, see if there was enough for Kayleigh. When he lifted the lid there was some sorry looking mince in congealed lard. An onion, a whole onion with its skin off, sat on top.
Kayleigh peered over his shoulder. "Is that your dinner?" she asked. "Can yer maw no be bothered chopping the onion?" He'd shrugged and Kayleigh had suddenly took pity on him. She grabbed him by the back of the neck and started kissing him. She placed his hands on her breasts or 'boobies' as she called them. He had grown erect pretty quickly, not realising how much better the real deal could be compared to flicking the stiff pages of shared porno mags . He put his hands down her knickers and felt hair. That was strange. How come the girls at Leith Academy had hair between their legs but the ones he'd seen in the porno mags hadn't?
Kayleigh shoved her arm down his trousers in return. "Wank me off," pleaded James, astounded at how amazing it felt to have someone else's hand on your cock.
Kayleigh grabbed James by the collar of his denim jacket. She clamped her mouth to his and stuck her tongue down his throat. With her other hand she grabbed his dick as though it was the handlebar on a bike. James screamed out in pain.
Kayleigh was humiliated. "Well it's hard for me to do it properly when there's nae much of it!" she said, to cover her embarrassment.
After that it went round the school that James had a minute penis. Minimuir became his nickname and James decided he would move to the other side of the country to train to be a commando in Exeter. Away from anyone who knew him as Minimuir. He joined at 17.
And here he was, at 17 a recruit with a shaved head in camo, sitting with an adult female, a grown woman, not a greasy schoolgirl with no finesse or manners. He loosely grabbed his cock with his right hand but felt too embarrassed to make any movement. His eyes watched Ms Blaze. She was taking off the green wool cardigan which covered her womanly top half. Her cashmere short-sleeved sweater clung to her magnificent breasts which looked firm, rounded and pert. She tickled an area on the centre of each, scratching her nails into the wool and plucking.
" Look James!" She whispered. Two thick rounded buds were pushing out and making shapes under the wool. He realised they were her nipples and was astounded to know they could become erect and stiff when excited, just like his dick. His dick was growing in his hand. He had an overwhelming desire to move his hand and wring his cock back and forth. The feeling was irresistable but then he was frozen in shock at what his counsellor started doing next.
Jennifer lifted her sweater and rolled it so it sat over the top of her breasts. She was wearing a black lacy bra and she pulled each breast out of the bra so they sat pushed together, two marble white orbs with russet nipples on stalks.
"You can touch them on your birthday!" she said.
James had begun shuffling his cock in his hand without realising. He began to recognise that familiar feeling of the gentle swell of an orgasm, getting stronger with every stroke and he knew he had to stop moving and allow it to subside.
But Ms Blaze was continuing to tease. She spread her legs out wide. Her skirt was so high up it had almost disappeared. James saw a long pair of legs in black hold ups, spread wide as she perched on the edge of her chair. Her black silk knickers contrasted greatly with the creamy white skin of her upper thighs and midriff. He saw her slip in a couple of fingers of her right hand beneath the side edge of the panties. Her fingers bent as they followed the groove in her pussy. She gasped a little as her fingers delved deeper.
"GOD I'm wet!" she whispered. "We're not even touching and you've made me saturated down there."
James blushed and then realised to his horror that he'd began masturbating again without realising.
Jennifer jumped down as she saw him doing this. There wasn't time for her to put her tits back in her bra. She knelt before him with her ruler.
"Quick. Let's measure!" she said. He held the ruler at the base of his cock and she held his penis against the edge of the ruler. She put her face right up to the head of his cock to see how it calibrated with the ruler.
She took a measurement.
But the sight of Jennifer's face millimeters from his cock was making James feel he was about to explode. He watched her mouth and how she licked her top lip in concentration. Her eyelashes were heavily coated with mascara and gave her the Bardot look, especially as her hair had come loose from the hairgrip and loose blonde strands were prettily framing her face. And if he looked down he saw those tits, squeezed together and forming the sexiest cleavage he'd ever seen.
"Well I make that just under 4 inches!" she said. She looked up at him and smiled.
"Now put it away."
James was crestfallen as he sat looking at his erect member, desperate to unload it, desperate for the pistons to start chugging and for his hand to take it on a journey to destination Rocks Off. But he did what he was told and pulled up his trousers.
There was a knock at the door and Jennifer unlocked it. A canteen staff member had arrived with a pot of tea and some biscuits just as Jennifer had instructed.
"Right then James. We have all the facts we need. Let's have a cuppa and discuss where we go from here." |