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Thread 2: Looking After the Recruits

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Part 4

Thread 2: Looking after the recruits

At long last she was out of Colonel Smythe's office and about to see the living quarters of the recruits at the Commando Training Centre.

As the new counsellor it was important for Ms Jennifer Blaze to get a feel for the recruits' day-to-day living quarters, lifestyle, freedom and restrictions.

"The canteen!" said the Colonel as they entered a room with rows of long tables and benches, a little bit like the dining quarters she'd seen in prison documentaries. A smell of deep fried fat permeated the air.

"Our recruits require a calorie intake of 4000 a day, that's nearly double what's required for your average Joe Bloggs. They need it because our military training is the toughest in the world. Their level of physical training will give them the fitness level of an Olympic athlete by the time we finish with them."

"Show me where they sleep," said Jennifer.

They walked down a long corridor and turned right. They entered a room that contained lockers and two rows of perfectly made-up single beds. The beds were about a meter apart. Steven Smythe suddenly pulled a blanket off one of them and threw it on the floor. "Not tucked in properly," he explained. "Slovenly. We don't accept sloppy standards here.Whoever made that bed up will be getting a beasting later."

"And what about toilets, showers, bathrooms?"

Colonel Steven Smythe did an about turn.

"Come along then. We"ll pop in before they come back from drill."

But as they approached the block then entered the shower area they saw four neat little rows of recruits sat on the floor with crossed legs appearing to be watching some kind of lesson, or demonstration.

"Let's hold back, keep quiet, we don't want to interrupt what's going on," whispered Steven.

So they sneaked in behind the recruits and crept to one side, trying to blend in with a stacked pile of green towels. They looked over and saw a staff member in front of the nods, barking at the lads about the importance of personal hygeine.

"Corporal Chauffeur, or Froggy as he prefers to be called," whispered the Colonel. Jennifer saw a dark haired average sized men with a green beret, in full camo. His face was rather gormless looking. He was barking at, rather than speaking to the recruits.

"So if anyone of you," Froggy shouted, "ends up at the medical bay with either thrush or balanitis from not cleaning your knob properly you'll be fucking out of here."

Jennifer looked at the faces of the boys who looked confused and bewildered.

"If you're out in the field, a sniper, and you've been lying on your stomach for 3 hours with your rifle not moving cos you're waiting on your target leaving his compound, what happens if you get an itchy dick? What happens is you'll miss! Because you'll be distracted by the balanitis you've developed on your bell end from poor personal hygeine. So today's lesson is HOW TO CLEAN YOUR FUCKING KNOB AND I'M NOT FUCKING JOKING YOU BUNCH OF FUCKWITS."

Jennifer saw a couple of recruits give each other sidewade glances and smirk. Froggy didn't miss it.

"Thwaite, Edwards on your fucking feet NOW!" he barked. "You won't be fucking laughing when you're crippled over with pain and cramps every time you take a piss. You dumbfucks. ON THE FLOOR. 30 press-ups each."

As the two lads walked to the front of the group and began their press-ups Jennifer watched Froggy begin to take off all his items of clothing and fold them neatly and place them on the back of a chair.

In a couple of minutes he was naked. Shocked, Jennifer arched backwards seeking the cover of the pile of towels.

Froggy's hairy paunch and thick armpit hair were apparent as he continued to gesticulate in front of the boys. His penis was a droopy looking thing semi-obscured by his plentiful bush of pubic hair.

"The last time you were taught how to wash your knob you were probably about five. Well listen up, for most of you your cocks will have got a bit bigger since then and will require careful cleaning."

Just then Jennifer noticed a lad in the back row with his head bowed. His face was scarlet. For some reason he was pained at what was being said.

"Who's that?" she whispered to Steven.

"That's James Muir. One of the lads you'll be seeing tomorrow. Not the Billy Liar, the other one, Scotch."

Jennifer nodded. Luckily Corporal Chauffeur and the troop of lads still hadn't noticed her and the Steven in the sidelines. And the action was about to get more interesting.

Froggy took two steps backwards and entered the shower area. He stood under one of the hoses and switched it on full blast. The recruits looked at each other in amazement but kept quiet.

Froggy opened the packet of soap he'd taken in with him.

"What brand is this soap lads?"


"We use this here because it's unfragranced. Can anyone tell me why that would be important?"

One boy shyly put his hand up.

"In case one of the troop has a fragrance allergy Corporal?"

Froggy spat out the mouthful of shower water he'd just taken in and swilled his mouth with.

"Someone with a fucking fragrance allergy wouldn't even get passed the application stage you idiot. THINK. If you use your nancy boy bar of Imperial Leather, lather it on thick, come out smelling of sandalwood and thyme, what's going to happen when you're in the fucking jungle 60cm away from the enemy hiding behind a tree trunk?"

Thwaite put his hand up! "You're going to itch Corporal, because of the soap. It might have given you excema. You could scratch and drop your rifle."

Froggy came out of the shower zone. He stood dripping in front of the boys.

"You thick fucking NUMBSKULLS. You wear unfragranced products so the fucking enemy can't SMELL YOU. You will be in very close quarters to the enemy at times. You don't want them to see you, hear you or FUCKING SMELL YOU. No Lynx Africa. No Calvin Kein. No nothing. Right lads I'm going to get back in the shower and I'm going to show you how to wash your knob. Watch closely."

Jennifer saw the troop shuffle forward a little, they obviously were going to take this lesson very seriously indeed.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago


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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Mmmmmm interesting

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


Good to see this one continuing.

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By *ussD1Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Part 5 Thread 2:

Froggy, Corporal Chauffeur stood back under the shower hose and let the water saturate his scalp. He picked up a plastic bottle and held it in front of his audience, the nods.

"See lads, Superdrug UNPERFUMED. Lather it right in. I want none of you nods with dandruff. For one thing, it will look like a fucking snow shower when you take your green lids off, (FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WILL ACTUALLY WIN A GREEN BERET) And another thing. Dandruff is fucking YEAST innit? And the main point of your personal hygeine during deployment will be to avoid getting yeast and fungal infections."

Jennifer watched the recruits listening carefully. As soon as Froggy had mentioned 'deployment' they had paid extra attention.

"Right lads, let's get the knob done."

Jennifer aught to have felt uncomfortable, embarrassed when this part of the demo began but Froggy was demonstrating how to shower in such a clinical way, she didn't. She watched as Froggy lifted his dick out of its nest of pubic hair. He lathered soap  in between his hands and started wringing his penis gently.

But then she couldn't help but be aroused. It was the wringing motion. She imagined a hell of a lot of wanking off went on in CTC RM and it turned her on.  For the first time she admired Froggy's muscular shoulders and arms. He was hairy, but she liked that in a man. Brushing naked breasts against a hairy chest was more sensual than a smooth one. Froggy came across as obtuse but he was physically her type. She felt a warm moistening in her knickers and her breasts swell with arousal. She felt they could pop out from her silk blouse, bursting the buttons. As she looked down she saw that her nipples had stalked and that their shape was apparent beneath her blouse.

Froggy continued with his demo. "AND THE MOST IMPORTANT BIT is you pull your foreskin back and wash any crud hiding beneath your bell end. You don't want any smeg build-up. It causes thrush and infections. GET RIGHT IN THERE!"

As Froggy continued to lather up his cock, Jennifer thought of a little game she could play. She whispered to the Colonel that she was just popping out and he nodded assuming she was finding the shower demo unsavoury.

Instead she crept to the very back of the room though she could still see Froggy and the nods in front. She undid the front buttons of her blouse, and unhooked her bra at the back. Just as Froggy looked up after rinsing his dick she opened her blouse and exposed her bare breasts to Froggy.

Froggy stopped in his tracks and his mouth fell open. There was a fit blonde bird at the back of the room with her tits out. She had her hands on her hips and was smiling at him. A lad picked up on him being distracted and started to turn his head to the back of the room.

Froggy shouted, "ALL YOU LADS KEEP LOOKING THIS WAY. This lesson isn't finished yet."

Jennifer discreetly buttoned up and loudly walked to the front of the class.

"Hello Corporal Chauffeur, I hope you don't mind me watching you teach. I'm the new resident counseller. Jennifer Blaze, nice to meet you."

Froggy had developed a huge erection and only his arm holding the bar of soap was hiding it. He looked panicked. He stretched an arm out to turn the shower off and as he did so he slipped and skidded, he dropped the bar of soap and used that hand to grab the towel rail which incidentally had no towel on it.

His penis still erect and now stanfing upright like a soldier, the lads started giggling and stifling laughter. Jennifer didn't take her eyes off Froggy's. She licked her lips provocatively and watched Froggy's flushed cheeks turn an even deeper shade of crimson.


The whole troop of recruits were now shaking with laughter, but one boy spotted a washcloth hanging on a peg over a sink and grabbed it and threw it to Froggy.

Except Froggy didn't catch it. By some miracle the washcloth landed and wrapped itself around Froggy's stiff erection. It was swinging slightly like a towel on a washing line on a breezy day. Froggy's cock had literally become a towel rail.

The sight of this made the boys howl. Jennifer's  introduction to the infamous Froggy was done. She waved at the Colonel and then tottered out in her heels. The raucous laughter of the troop was enough to overcome Froggy's attempt to calm them.

"YOU FUCKERS, SHOW'S OVER, I'll have every single one of you scrubbing the barracks with a fucking toothbrush. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Jennifer looked at her watch. Time to visit her host, the Chaplain. She walked across the carpark and took her case out of the car.

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By *otonfoxMan
over a year ago


Chapters 4 and 5 were definitely worth the wait Miss. Perhaps the Army needs to circumcise all its new recruits though.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Chapters 4 and 5 were definitely worth the wait Miss. Perhaps the Army needs to circumcise all its new recruits though."

Thankyou very much. I'm not sure how many jews are drawn to a career in the military. But it must be nice for them to be on the other side of the wire if they do.

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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Good to see this one continuing. "
Thanks Keef

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


"Good to see this one continuing. Thanks Keef"

Happy to compliment good writing and the thought and effort that you’ve put in.

It’s building up nicely!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Good to see this one continuing. Thanks Keef

Happy to compliment good writing and the thought and effort that you’ve put in.

It’s building up nicely!"

Do you think people get frustrated waiting for proper sex acts though?

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


"Good to see this one continuing. Thanks Keef

Happy to compliment good writing and the thought and effort that you’ve put in.

It’s building up nicely!

Do you think people get frustrated waiting for proper sex acts though?"

Not if the story is well written no. I think good writing helps build anticipation and makes the overall read much more enjoyable.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Good to see this one continuing. Thanks Keef

Happy to compliment good writing and the thought and effort that you’ve put in.

It’s building up nicely!

Do you think people get frustrated waiting for proper sex acts though?

Not if the story is well written no. I think good writing helps build anticipation and makes the overall read much more enjoyable."

Cheers for that. There is some good stuff coming up. A bit of teaching to be done and there's someone who needs to be punished.

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


"Good to see this one continuing. Thanks Keef

Happy to compliment good writing and the thought and effort that you’ve put in.

It’s building up nicely!

Do you think people get frustrated waiting for proper sex acts though?

Not if the story is well written no. I think good writing helps build anticipation and makes the overall read much more enjoyable.

Cheers for that. There is some good stuff coming up. A bit of teaching to be done and there's someone who needs to be punished."

I’m sure looking forward to reading more of your work!

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago


Fantastic, cant wait on next part

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Fantastic, cant wait on next part"

Thankyou. Starts getting dirty and pervy in next chapter. Will be worth the wait. Can't wait to write it up tomorrow. X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ason7754Man
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Next bit on tonight hopefully

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By *aptop9Man
over a year ago


Some great writing here, thinking this is more fact than fiction, great work Jennifer, xxx

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By *ndyandMandyCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Some great writing here, thinking this is more fact than fiction, great work Jennifer, xxx"

I fell in love with a royal marine impersonator on here. I had to do A LOT of research to catch him out, hence my knowledge of CTC RM. Watched a ton of documentaries and read autobiographies and even bought a green beret. It was lovely military people I met on here who pointed out his inconsistencies and lies. Good old Fabswingers.

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By *aptop9Man
over a year ago


"Some great writing here, thinking this is more fact than fiction, great work Jennifer, xxx

I fell in love with a royal marine impersonator on here. I had to do A LOT of research to catch him out, hence my knowledge of CTC RM. Watched a ton of documentaries and read autobiographies and even bought a green beret. It was lovely military people I met on here who pointed out his inconsistencies and lies. Good old Fabswingers."

Love it, yes lots of detail that only people that know their stuff would know, excluding the cheesey knob bit. and froggy?, fact or fiction!. ps love the camo in profile pic!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Some great writing here, thinking this is more fact than fiction, great work Jennifer, xxx

I fell in love with a royal marine impersonator on here. I had to do A LOT of research to catch him out, hence my knowledge of CTC RM. Watched a ton of documentaries and read autobiographies and even bought a green beret. It was lovely military people I met on here who pointed out his inconsistencies and lies. Good old Fabswingers.

Love it, yes lots of detail that only people that know their stuff would know, excluding the cheesey knob bit. and froggy?, fact or fiction!. ps love the camo in profile pic!


Froggy is a real person who has since left. Channel 4 did a brill series cslled Royal Marine Commando School following recruits as they trained -still available on youtube.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Part 6  Thread 2 Looking after the Recruits

Jennifer looked in the floor length mirror stood to the right of her dressing table. She'd been up at 6.30am. Her first day at work, she wanted to make a good impression. She would be seeing recruits James Muir and Gary Wilson today, and was looking forward to putting her training into practice.

Her blonde bobbed hair was blow dried and a cute kiss curl clung to the left side of her face. She had tucked her hair behind her right ear and clipped it in place with a pearl hair grip.

She hadn't gone for a blouse this time. She hoped her moss-green cashmere twinset would show her collegiate relationship with the rest of the green beret commando centre staff. Same colours, same authority -well she hoped she would be recognised as such and command respect from the nods.

Because her conservative twin-set  (short sleeved roundneck sweater with a cardigan over the top) was rather prim and proper, she thought she could afford to show a bit of leg. A close fitting black skirt finished an inch above the knee. Her black hold-ups were 15 dernier -transparent enough to draw the eye to the shape of her legs beneath them.

A pair of burgundy suede wedges were her chosen shoes for today. She liked a bit of extra height and wobble.

She peered closely into the mirror smudging her graphite coloured eyeshadow to give her extra sex appeal. A red lipgloss would contrast nicely with the green and she swiped a layer on before dropping it into her handbag.

She went downstairs and saw there was still no sign of the Chaplain. He'd left a note the afternoon before, pinned to the front door with a drawing pin. It said he had been called away unexpectedly and wouldn't be back until Friday. He had left her instructions for appliances and the heating and his phone number was there if she needed to call.

She'd been glad. Got to have a good sneak around the place and suss everything out.

The office she'd been given was in the Welfare block. A social worker was based there, the TRIM team and the lady who had to ring the mothers and wives of soldiers killed in combat.

She used her key to open the door and wondered how she could rearrange things to make the ambience more conducive for counselling. She took two soft back chairs and faced them 2 meters apart. She turned the client's chair off at an angle so he would feel less confrontation. She drew the blinds and threw a spotted red headscarf over the floorlamp. The light became pink, cosy. She threw a rug on the floor between their chairs. She was pleased at the intimate setting she had created.

Knock! Knock! She opened the door and a young man in camo saluted her and begain to rail off his name and ID number. She put a hand up to stop him.

"You must be James. Come in. None of that formaility necessary with me. Just call me Jennifer. "

She pointed out the chair he was to sit in and he slumped into it. Even with his head bowed she could see how attractive his face was. His hat was off and she saw the soft stubble of a haircut all the recruits had to suffer. His hair was a strange blend of grey and pale brown, the colour of a doormouse. His eyes were rather beautiful. A slate blue, hooded, giving him an aura of mystery. A strong slightly skewed nose and a mouth she really liked -his bottom lip was fuller in the middle making him look petulant but extremely kissable.

"James, I want you to know it is not compulsary for you to be here. I am the Centre's new counsellor. Colonel Smythe asked if I would have a word with you because you seem troubled and have been avoiding your troop members. The Colonel says you have achieved A* grades in every element of your training so far. He is desperate not to lose you. He says he s out about half of all the lads who walk through these doors but YOU are definitely not one he wishes to lose."

James sat back in his chair, not looking at Jennifer but focusing on a coat stand by the door.

"It's something very personal."

Jennifer's heart lurched a little at his soft Scottish accent. He had rolled the 'r' in 'personal'. So cute!

"James, are you having problems with any members of your troop? Are you bullied?"

He shook his head.

"Colonel Smythe says you are avoiding certain communal situations -the showers, getting dressed. James, I'm going to come straight out with it. Are you self-harming? Are you cutting yourself, scratching..?"

"No! It's not that!" James interrupted.

"Because James, it's something I have to deal with all the time. It's extremely common and would explain you wanting to avoid being undressed if front of your mates."

This time James looked up and caught Jennifer's eyes with his own. He had turned a deep crimson colour.  His eyes were welling up with tears and he folded his arms across his chest.


After that he put his palms to his face to catch rolling tears.

Jennifer crossed her legs and propped her chin on one hand. Thank God! she thought. This was going to be an easy one to deal with. Her mind was already flitting through various approaches and strategies for this situation. Some could be hands on. She needed to look at his file. Find out when he'd be turning 18. She'd need it to be legal.

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By *parky6Man
over a year ago


Looking forward to reading about Jennifer using her extensive experience in a close one to one building up the recruits confidence and skillset, so that he can feel uninhibited and in control of using his personal equipment, with Jennifer encouraging him in hitting the targets she reveals and facilitates for him within their teacher learner relationship

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By *ndyandMandyCouple
over a year ago


Great writing don’t leave us in the lurch for too long please

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By *imonb89Man
over a year ago


"Some great writing here, thinking this is more fact than fiction, great work Jennifer, xxx

I fell in love with a royal marine impersonator on here. I had to do A LOT of research to catch him out, hence my knowledge of CTC RM. Watched a ton of documentaries and read autobiographies and even bought a green beret. It was lovely military people I met on here who pointed out his inconsistencies and lies. Good old Fabswingers."

allways get one that pretended he is ex forces

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By *elly61TV/TS
over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Looking forward to reading about Jennifer using her extensive experience in a close one to one building up the recruits confidence and skillset, so that he can feel uninhibited and in control of using his personal equipment, with Jennifer encouraging him in hitting the targets she reveals and facilitates for him within their teacher learner relationship "

Thanks Sparky. Didcyou know I taught at Newbattle High School for 10 years? I have a series of Isobel Bloom stories on here about me shagging staff. I will find it for you.

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By *otonfoxMan
over a year ago


Another exciting instalment and I avant- wait to read about Jennifer’s hands on technique

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Looking forward to reading about Jennifer using her extensive experience in a close one to one building up the recruits confidence and skillset, so that he can feel uninhibited and in control of using his personal equipment, with Jennifer encouraging him in hitting the targets she reveals and facilitates for him within their teacher learner relationship "

Yes, building his confidence will be her main goal. And confidence comes with experience. She will help James with this.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Some great writing here, thinking this is more fact than fiction, great work Jennifer, xxx

I fell in love with a royal marine impersonator on here. I had to do A LOT of research to catch him out, hence my knowledge of CTC RM. Watched a ton of documentaries and read autobiographies and even bought a green beret. It was lovely military people I met on here who pointed out his inconsistencies and lies. Good old Fabswingers. allways get one that pretended he is ex forces"

Yes, they're called Walts!

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By *imonb89Man
over a year ago


"Some great writing here, thinking this is more fact than fiction, great work Jennifer, xxx

I fell in love with a royal marine impersonator on here. I had to do A LOT of research to catch him out, hence my knowledge of CTC RM. Watched a ton of documentaries and read autobiographies and even bought a green beret. It was lovely military people I met on here who pointed out his inconsistencies and lies. Good old Fabswingers. allways get one that pretended he is ex forces

Yes, they're called Walts!"

Indeed i am not i am happy to say i am ex reserves xx your beautiful and loving this stor

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By *ob2Man
over a year ago



Hope it won't be to long until the next part

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Great writing don’t leave us in the lurch for too long please"

Thsnks. That means a lot. These stories do take a bit of time writing up and always happy to get feedback. Thanks x

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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago


I’m ex forces 91-94

Ex army chef.

Loving the story

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By *imonb89Man
over a year ago


"I’m ex forces 91-94

Ex army chef.

Loving the story "

Get off thats what i was 2008-2011 just on the reserves (t a) side xxxx feel free to contact

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Part 7 Thread 2: Looking After the Recruits

Jennifer passed a box of tissues to James.

"Don't worry, it's odd if I don't get through a first counselling session without tears being shed."

James sniffed, "Sorry Ma'am."

"Now James, call me Jennifer, not Ma'am."

She moved her chair a little bit more closer to his. "Can I ask James, what makes you think you have a small penis?"

"I just ken it. Ever since we got changed for swimming in Secondary School. Luckily there was a guy with just one ball, I mean  testicle Miss, in my P.E class. Otherwise they'd have picked on me instead."

Ms Blaze looked him straight in the eye and raised her eyebrows.

"So you don't have any actual evidence that anyone else apart from yourself thinks your penis is tiny?"

James shrugged. "I've been on the internet. The average size is 5.16 inches. I'm no way near that. That's why I'm avoiding showering with my troop. If I can't get the corner space I daren't go in. Can't risk them seeing it. I'm up half an hour before the rest so I can get dressed in private."

He looked relieved he had told someone. Jennifer remembered his beetroot face during Froggy's shower demo. Poor kid.

She got up from her chair and went to the door and locked it from the inside. She told James she wanted to ensure their privacy.

"Let's sort out fact from fiction," she said.

"James I think it would be a very therapeutic exercise if we took a look at your penis and measured it. Then we'll know where we are. How would you feel about that?"

As soon as she had said 'take a look at your penis' James had felt a stirring in his regulation underwear. His eyes were drawn to the floor first of all as he blushed. But then they caught sight of her suede shoes, her calves, the hem of her short skirt cutting across her upper legs. She was sitting with her legs slightly open. James' eyes followed her leg up to her thigh, enclosed in sheer black tights, but wait a minute, these weren't tights. They finished in a band near the top of the thigh and he saw a strip of bare flesh and then a flash of black knickers.

He felt his dick, uncurling, pushing against fabric and stiffening. Jennifer had got up and walked to her desk. She opened her desk drawer and took out a ruler. As she sat back down she deliberately hitched her skirt so it barely covered the top of her legs. Her pull ups were on full show now and James stood up briefly to allow his erect penis to find space in his underwear.

"Don't sit down," she said. "I think you're already in a good place to get measured. She popped open the button on his trousers, undid the zip and yanked them down efficiently. She peeled down his underwear and was eye to jap's eye with his semi-erect penis. It was rather short but had a good girth at the base. She brushed the back of her hand against it and James gasped. His knees trembled a little. She wondered if with coaxing she could initiate any more extension.

"James, your penis does not strike me as being unusually small. But before we measure it I'd like to ensure there's as much blood flow to the area as possible. Let's get you as hard as you can possibly be. If you were older I could probably be more hands on but you're not 18 yet is that right?"

"That's right miss. Not until the 11th in 2 weeks, then I'll be 18."

"Well that's not too far away. And the 11th of November! Isn't that a fitting birthday for a soldier -Armistice day!"

"I couldn't choose when I was born!" he said. Jennifer nodded, yes a pity they'd have to wait two weeks. Guy Fawkes Night would have been a better birthday.

She pulled her chair in so that her knees were almost touching his. "Sit down, " she ordered, "but don't pull up your clothes."

James sat with his shirt on but was naked waist down with his underpants and trousers around his ankles. He was shielding his erection with folded hands and Jennifer saw it was beginning to lose strength.

"James let's get your cock standing sentry so we can measure you. Now I can't help you get harder by touching you. You'll need to be 18 for that. What I think we should do is I want you to watch me touch myself and then I want you to touch yourself in return. Get as hard as you can. Then let me know so we can measure your erection. Don't let yourself go over the edge, no ejaculation , not until you've been measured."

The boy nodded and sat back in his chair. He wondered if he could trust this lady. There'd only been one other girl who'd had a look at it back home in Edinburgh. Kayleigh had come round to help him with his homework. They'd done a deal. She'd do his algebra and he'd take her to the amusements in Portobello. But then his Da phoned to say he'd be doing an extra shift down the mine and his Mum phoned to say she was going down the bingo after work. He'd have to stay in and mind the dog. She'd left him some mince and tatties in a pan on the stove. James had gone downstairs and taken a look, see if there was enough for Kayleigh. When he lifted the lid there was some sorry looking mince in congealed lard. An onion, a whole onion with its skin off, sat on top.

Kayleigh peered over his shoulder. "Is that your dinner?" she asked. "Can yer maw no be bothered chopping the onion?" He'd shrugged and Kayleigh had suddenly took pity on him. She grabbed him by the back of the neck and started kissing him. She placed his hands on her breasts or 'boobies' as she called them. He had grown erect pretty quickly, not realising how much better the real deal could be compared to flicking the stiff pages of shared porno mags .  He put his hands down her knickers and felt hair. That was strange. How come the girls at Leith Academy had hair between their legs but the ones he'd seen in the porno mags hadn't?

Kayleigh shoved her arm down his trousers in return. "Wank me off," pleaded James, astounded at how amazing it felt to have someone else's hand on your cock.

Kayleigh grabbed James by the collar of his denim jacket. She clamped her mouth to his and stuck her tongue down his throat. With her other hand she grabbed his dick as though it was the handlebar on a bike. James screamed out in pain.

Kayleigh was humiliated. "Well it's hard for me to do it properly when there's nae much of it!" she said, to cover her embarrassment.

After that it went round the school that James had a minute penis. Minimuir became his nickname and James decided he would move to the other side of the country to train to be a commando in Exeter. Away from anyone who knew him as Minimuir. He joined at 17.

And here he was, at 17 a recruit with a shaved head in camo, sitting with an adult female, a grown woman, not a greasy schoolgirl with no finesse or manners. He loosely grabbed his cock with his right hand but felt too embarrassed to make any movement. His eyes watched Ms Blaze. She was taking off the green wool cardigan which covered her womanly top half. Her cashmere short-sleeved sweater clung to her magnificent breasts which looked firm, rounded and pert. She tickled an area on the centre of each, scratching her nails into the wool and plucking.

" Look James!" She whispered. Two thick rounded buds were pushing out and making shapes under the wool. He realised they were her nipples and was astounded to know they could become erect and stiff when excited, just like his dick. His dick was growing in his hand. He had an overwhelming desire to move his hand and wring his cock back and forth. The feeling was irresistable but then he was frozen in shock at what his counsellor started doing next.

Jennifer lifted her sweater and rolled it so it sat over the top of her breasts. She was wearing a black lacy bra and she pulled each breast out of the bra so they sat pushed together, two marble white orbs with russet nipples on stalks.

"You can touch them on your birthday!" she said.

James had begun shuffling his cock in his hand without realising. He began to recognise that familiar feeling of the gentle swell of an orgasm, getting stronger with every stroke and he knew he had to stop moving and allow it to subside.

But Ms Blaze was continuing to tease. She spread her legs out wide. Her skirt was so high up it had almost disappeared. James saw a long pair of legs in black hold ups, spread wide as she perched on the edge of her chair. Her black silk knickers contrasted greatly with the creamy white skin of her upper thighs and midriff. He saw her slip in a couple of fingers of her right hand beneath the side edge of the panties. Her fingers bent as they followed the groove in her pussy. She gasped a little as her fingers delved deeper.

"GOD I'm wet!" she whispered. "We're not even touching and you've made me saturated down there."

James blushed and then realised to his horror that he'd began masturbating again without realising.

Jennifer jumped down as she saw him doing this. There wasn't time for her to put her tits back in her bra. She knelt before him with her ruler.

"Quick. Let's measure!" she said. He held the ruler at the base of his cock and she held his penis against the edge of the ruler. She put her face right up to the head of his cock to see how it calibrated with the ruler.

She took a measurement.

But the sight of Jennifer's face millimeters from his cock was making James feel he was about to explode. He watched her mouth and how she licked her top lip in concentration. Her eyelashes were heavily coated with mascara and gave her the Bardot look, especially as her hair had come loose from the hairgrip and loose blonde strands were prettily framing her face. And if he looked down he saw those tits, squeezed together and forming the sexiest cleavage he'd ever seen.

"Well I make that just under 4 inches!" she said. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Now put it away."

James was crestfallen as he sat looking at his erect member, desperate to unload it, desperate for the pistons to start chugging and for his hand to take it on a journey to destination Rocks Off. But he did what he was told and pulled up his trousers.

There was a knock at the door and Jennifer unlocked it. A canteen staff member had arrived with a pot of tea and some biscuits just as Jennifer had instructed.

"Right then James. We have all the facts we need. Let's have a cuppa and discuss where we go from here."

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By *parky6Man
over a year ago


Lets hope those literary 2 weeks James has to wait are a lot less in real time here for the next instalment of your great story

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Easy done, I’m ex RN, it’s incredible the amount of people that pretend to be forces, very easily rumbled normally if your a forces guy, not so easy sometimes for the person being deceived, who knows no better.

Got to love a good Walter Mitty!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


Lets hope those literary 2 weeks James has to wait are a lot less in real time here for the next instalment of your great story "

Cheers! Hope you are enjoying the Edinburgh references. Will have to get some midlothian ones in too.

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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


What a fantastic story, I’m looking forward to reading more.

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By *elovetoplay246Couple
over a year ago


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By *AM2214Man
over a year ago

Manchester Area

Great writing... Think you'd get flanked for calling a canteen and not the Galley or Mess Room... Glad you rumbled the Man at Q&M...

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Great writing... Think you'd get flanked for calling a canteen and not the Galley or Mess Room... Glad you rumbled the Man at Q&M... "

What's Q & M and thanks for galley tip off xxx

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By *AM2214Man
over a year ago

Manchester Area

"Great writing... Think you'd get flanked for calling a canteen and not the Galley or Mess Room... Glad you rumbled the Man at Q&M...

What's Q & M and thanks for galley tip off xxx"

used to be common phrase.. QM Quartermaster where you get all your kit from a play on Man at C&A... Showing my age...

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By *AM2214Man
over a year ago

Manchester Area

[Removed by poster at 29/03/21 08:33:03]

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By *nlyme40Man
over a year ago


Loving the story it makes a change to read a build up normally the protagonist has cum 15 times in one session by now

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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Loving the story it makes a change to read a build up normally the protagonist has cum 15 times in one session by now "

That is so nice of you! I think I enjoy doing the long build-up cos writing this stuff is so self-stimulating you don't want it to be over so quick!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

" "

Thankyou AlwaysHorny. Any info on examples of recruits typical main meals appreciated. Also, are they ever allowed to bring alcohol on site?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ndyandMandyCouple
over a year ago


Wish your age limit was a wee bit older

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Wish your age limit was a wee bit older "

What, do you think 18 is too young an age to be seduced?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"What a fantastic story, I’m looking forward to reading more. "

Thanks Keef. You're such a good fan I'll have to write a personalised one for you one time. Choose your characters, setting, sex acts and conclusion.

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago



Thankyou AlwaysHorny. Any info on examples of recruits typical main meals appreciated. Also, are they ever allowed to bring alcohol on site?"

No, not during basic training we weren’t, we were allowed to drink in the naffi but only when the nco’s said we could go over there.

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By *parky6Man
over a year ago



Cheers! Hope you are enjoying the Edinburgh references. Will have to get some midlothian ones in too."

Penicuik barracks!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


Cheers! Hope you are enjoying the Edinburgh references. Will have to get some midlothian ones in too.

Penicuik barracks! "

Is that for the black watch?

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By *otonfoxMan
over a year ago


Things are hotting up nicely and this is so perfectly written

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By *ndyandMandyCouple
over a year ago


"Wish your age limit was a wee bit older

What, do you think 18 is too young an age to be seduced?"


Love to chat but can’t

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By *parky6Man
over a year ago



Cheers! Hope you are enjoying the Edinburgh references. Will have to get some midlothian ones in too.

Penicuik barracks!

Is that for the black watch?"

Looked up 'Delivering for Scotland', and it is the Royal Highland Fusiliers at Penicuik.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Part 8 Thread 2 Looking after the Recruits

They soon finished the refreshments and Jennifer was pleased to see her client looking happier and more relaxed. He even initiated conversation, making a joke:

"So Ma'am, is my wee member the smallest you've ever seen?"

"No it isn't. And I don't think you can define penises as big or small. They are long, short, wide, narrow, tidy, untidy, smooth, vascular, cut, uncut, handsome, ugly but you wouldn't usually classify them as big or small..."

Of course she was lying. She knew a small cock when she saw one and if she ever had the misfortune to be greeted by one it was unlikely the person attached to it would be back in her bed anytime soon. She deplored small dicks and had no time for them. They usually belonged to short pesky men with chips on their shoulders. It was awful being fucked by a small dick. Half the time you couldn't tell if they'd made it in. Then they'd throw your legs over their shoulders in an attempt to penetrate you deeper. But there was one sure sign you'd brought home a guy with a tiny dick. They would make a big drama out of going down on you. It would be the first thing they did and they would treat it like an art form. As though they'd studied it. Here we go Jennifer would think as she looked at her watch and realised this bobbing head between her legs had been at it for 15 minutes. This is your apology for your small cock. You're going to blow me away with your cunnilingus skills.

She never saw the small ones a second time. Fucking wasn't fucking unless you were being filled with something at least 6 inches long and as wide as a medium cucumber. The ones too long can irritate your cervix and make you walk like John Wayne afterwards but in general there was nothing to fear from a whopping great dick.

James was relaxed enough to help himself to another Jaffa cake so Ms Blaze thought she should try and further open the discussion.

"James, there's a famous sex therapist called Tracey Cox who has a column in the Daily Mail. Do you know her?"

"My Ma and Da get the Daily Record, so I'm not acquainted with it."

"Well Tracey Cox says that so called small penises have many advantages. Can you guess what they are?"

James shrugged. "I dinnae ken. Er, you're more comfortable in tight jeans?"

Jennifer laughed. "I mean the advantages they have for women. Tracey Cox says a partner with an under average one is perfect for exploring the world of anal sex.."

James shook his head. "Naw I'm nae interested in benders. It's the ladies I like."

Jennifer bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. "I think we need to top-up your sex education because it's a common known fact that heterosexual couples can enjoy that too. "

The boy frowned and rubbed his brow and blushed a little.

"Another advantage the smaller member has for women is it makes oral sex more easy on the jaw."

James lit up. "Ah you mean blow jobs!"

"Yes James. You're much more likely to get them then men who are more largely endowed. Women can last longer without their jaw getting tired."

Another lie. Jennifer had never given a chipolata the opportunity to have a party in her mouth. Her tongue had swirled round nothing thinner than a Calippo.

She felt the lad was becoming tired, probably overwhelmed.

"You've been brave today, " she said. "We'll go through this in more detail, next session. Would Tuesday the 12th of November be ok for you?"

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Wish your age limit was a wee bit older

What, do you think 18 is too young an age to be seduced?


Love to chat but can’t "

Another time x

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By *parky6Man
over a year ago


Can honestly say i laughed so many times reading the latest instalment, and a bit of a kneejerk (no pun intended) during these woke times

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Can honestly say i laughed so many times reading the latest instalment, and a bit of a kneejerk (no pun intended) during these woke times "

Thankyou Sparky's Dream. Nice for you men to get an insight into how we ladies view you all.

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By *parky6Man
over a year ago


Hmm, so just what are seductress Jennifer's future plans for raw young James i wonder...

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By *ary1001xMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Hmm, so just what are seductress Jennifer's future plans for raw young James i wonder... "

Teach him how to use sex toys with a woman to make up for his inadequate private member.

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By *cotswitchMan
over a year ago


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By *AM2214Man
over a year ago

Manchester Area


Thankyou AlwaysHorny. Any info on examples of recruits typical main meals appreciated. Also, are they ever allowed to bring alcohol on site?

No, not during basic training we weren’t, we were allowed to drink in the naffi but only when the nco’s said we could go over there."

would that have Guilford?

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By *AM2214Man
over a year ago

Manchester Area

Great story telling...

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By *iss pleasuringWoman
over a year ago

Somewhere near


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By *dward_TeagueMan
over a year ago


"What a fantastic story, I’m looking forward to reading more.

Thanks Keef. You're such a good fan I'll have to write a personalised one for you one time. Choose your characters, setting, sex acts and conclusion."

Oh wow! Thank you! That would be fantastic.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


Thanks a lot. I read your profile recently and maybe this bit inspired my small dick comments:

"No small sized cocks. Anything less than 6 inch is an insult to my red hot pussy, a decent girth is advantageous."

I loved it! I love ladies with attitude!

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By *imale38Man
over a year ago


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By *lwaysHorny1000Woman
over a year ago



Thankyou AlwaysHorny. Any info on examples of recruits typical main meals appreciated. Also, are they ever allowed to bring alcohol on site?

No, not during basic training we weren’t, we were allowed to drink in the naffi but only when the nco’s said we could go over there.would that have Guilford? "

Yes it was the WRAC in Guildford

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Hmm, so just what are seductress Jennifer's future plans for raw young James i wonder... "

What would you have her do ?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Great story telling... "

Thanks. More to come.

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By *parky6Man
over a year ago


"Hmm, so just what are seductress Jennifer's future plans for raw young James i wonder...

What would you have her do ?


Just PM'd you. Hope its up to scratch

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is great

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"This is great "

Thanks. Just put new thread up, Thread 3

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Please go to THREAD 3. For next part

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