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My Life “Working overseas”

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


I never finished this story and it got some positive feedback so I’ll have another go and really make N effort to finish it, if there is still a positive response.

It was Bank Holiday weekend, 2011, I remember it like it was yesterday, even now, some 9 years later, just writing this here it still hurts.

We was breaking up, we had met when I was 20 and at the time, whilst I know I’d not been the best Boyfriend, I was broken, in absolute pieces, I couldn’t concentrate on anything.

Work was a nightmare, up until that point I loved my job as a social worker, but the break up was killing me, I couldn’t stop crying, I needed to do something and had no idea what.

During one of my many evenings, that I spent alone and upset, I stumbled across a TV programme called Club Reps. That’s it I thought, I’ve always wanted to work overseas, I no longer had any ties, so that’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to work overseas!

I knew it was going to be fun, but fuck me sideways, I had no idea, just how fun this was going to be.....

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


The following morning, I went and seen my manager, I explained my getaway plan, my manager wasn’t stupid and knew I had been about as useful as a chocolate fire guard over the last few weeks.

She couldn’t of been more supportive, my case loads were passed to my trainee social worker with the words “ Your excellent at what you do here, the kids you work with love you, go and do whatever it is you need to do, but the moment you land, you call me and your job is waiting”

I’d planned on being away for 3 months, just to clear my head have some fun and return back to work.

Anyone who has worked abroad will tell you, once you leave the UK and embark on the repping lifestyle, you won’t leave.

“ Expect a call in 3 months, I just really need to do this”

“ I know you do, hun, We’ve all been through break ups before, it’s horrible, do what you need to do”

I was out that door before lunchtime, my final words to my manager echoed in my head as I left.

“ I’ll call you in 3 months”

I never made that call.....

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


That afternoon I walked into a travel agents and told the woman, I need a flight to a Greek island, somewhere lively, as cheap as possible as I won’t be getting the return flight back.

Within 10 minutes and through jealousy and admiration the lady had booked me an £89 3 day holiday to Zante leaving in 2 days.

I tied up my very few loose ends at home and before I knew it I was sat on a plane on a Sunday evening at the start of June.

I looked around the plane, it was already like a party, it was clear that 80% of the flight was seasonaire workers heading off for months of sun, sand and lots of sex.

Then it dawned on me, I’m twenty fucking 7, the plane is filled with kids, there was 19 and 20 year olds everywhere, I may of looked 21(genuinely) but I was not as footloose and carefree as everyone around me.

I’ve made the wrong decision, this is going to be too mental, I won’t be able to cope.

Doubt was creeping in everywhere, I’d not even noticed the hot young girl next to me, until she spoke.

“ You a worker?”

I panicked, “ No I’m just going on a short break, might stay and work out there, but I’m not sure”

“ It’s my 2nd season, last summer was the best summer of my life, you should defo stay out, what are you unsure about? “

I couldn’t say I was scared, could I? I’m not sure how I’d get a job or anything, so it will probably just be a short break.

“Don’t worry, I’ll look after you”

That she most certainly did ....

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


Now at this point, I’d not been on a plane for years and certainly never been on a start of season flight.

But, what I saw on that flight was definitely not the norm.

I think the first clue was this 19 year old sat next me, I promise you we had not even taxied for the runway when this happened.

And bear in mind, I wasn’t even sure I was gonna last the 3 days as I felt over the hill, I just wanted reassuring that Zante wasn’t going to be as mental as I was thinking.

I turned to the 19 year old, “ I’m Ben by the way”

“ I’m Lisa, please to meet you Ben”

She definitely suited her name, it was the first time I’d really took her in, I’d say size 8, 34C and just a proper typical girl next door type.

Brunette, with Brown eyes and a killer smiler.

“ What’s it like then? Is it really mental? “ I tried to sound excited at the possibility of how mental it would be”

“ This was me on my Birthday Last summer”

She pressed play on the video she passed me on her phone, I couldn’t make it out at first, it was dark, then

Bang, I she Lisa’s face, she’s on her knees, but it still hasn’t dawned on me what was happening, then I seen the first shower of cum, some guy was wanking allover this sweet innocent girl next doors face, then more and another splurt.

Whilst the scenario of me sat on a plane watching this video was one of the most surreal moments of my life, I still remember thinking to myself, fucking hell he is a heavy cummer.

Then on the video Lisa turned her head to the left and grabbed, still one of the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen and was wanking it off.

As I’m watching this sweet butter wouldn’t melt angel suck the biggest, thickest cock, more spunk flies across the screen.

Then it dawned on me, the first guy wasn’t a heavy cummer, Lisa was a slut and was getting covered by strangers cum on a beautiful Mediterranean beach.

Then more spunk, this shit was being shot from all angles, it was like the opening scene of saving Private Ryan.

IT WAS 4 Minutes long, what the fuck is going on I thought.

I watched about 2 minutes and my viewing was interrupted by the flight attendant telling me to put my tray up.

Another 2 minutes and I could of put the tray up with no hands.

In one swift movement I popped my tray up and handed the phone back to Lisa.

“You not watching the rest”

“ I will once we take off, I’m not the best flyer”

Did you like it? Before I could speak she took a blatant look at my crotch and said, “ it looks like you liked it”

She stuck her head phones in and give me, up until that point in my life a smile I had only ever seen before on Eurotrash.

I was in shock, if I could of, I’d of got off the Plane there and then, Zante is going to eat me alive I thought.

I’ve not even took off and my new “neighbour has just shown me a video of her getting drenched in hot spunk by what I was guessing was a bloody Rugby team...

PING, I looked up FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS sign was illuminated in my face, I chuckled to myself, too fucking right...

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


Now, although I’d been in a relationship for 5 years I guess I can say my eyes wasn’t exactly open to the world of sex.

Don’t get me wrong, we was at it like rabbits, but I think, looking back on what I knew then and what I know now, we was just young, abit naive and not as adventurous as we thought.

Zante opened my eyes..

“ So did you have a good Birthday then” I turned and asked Lisa

“ It was the best, we had been out in Cherry Bay nightclub until 6am and a few days previous I’d mentioned to Ryan, Ryan is the guy in the baseball cap and white tracksuit” she pointed 4 or 5 aisles in front of us “ Hes my Zante fuck buddy by the way, can you see him? “

“See him, I can’t miss him, he’s a unit”

“A unit with a massive cock”

My head was spinning, I can’t believe what’s coming out of this girls mouth, she doesn’t even know me

“ Anyway, I’d told him one night that I’d love to get covered in cum by a load of guys and he sorted it”

“Like an Xrated Cilla Black” I joked

She didn’t laugh, why would she? She is 19 and has no idea who the 90s prime time Ginger Ninja is.

I explained who Cilla was and she finally chuckled, I hate having to explain my jokes.

“So how many guys was there then?”

I Think it was 9, she starts reciting their names,

“ You remember their names, that’s some memory” I tried another joke.

“ Of course, they were all workers, well all apart from 3 lads from Stoke, the rest were seasonaires. 4 are coming back this year again, 2 are on this plane infact”

“Do you want to come to my Birthday party this year”

There was that come and fuck me to pieces smile again,

“Yeah, I’d like that very much”

I tried to act confident, Truth be told I was shitting a brick”

Just then her Zante fuck Buddy plonked himself down on our row.

I was by the window, Lisa in the middle and now, this descendent of Big foot in the aisle seat.

Lisa introduced us, we made small talk, Ryan is actually sound as fuck and became a great mate over the coming months.

After some small talk, I put my headphones into watch a film, that wasn’t the last time I’d be looking over at Ryan with a young hot bird in between us.

2 months later I’d be looking over at Ryan again only this time I’d be throat fucking Sarah from Birkenhead, whilst he’s pounding fuck out of her arse.

Yep, in just 7 and a half weeks, the absolute mammoth of a man less than a metre away from me would be joining me for my first threesome!

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


About 2 hours into the flight, the stewardess announces the cabin lights would be lowered and if anyone wanted to carry on reading then to use their own personal reading light.

I looked around the plane, this didn’t look like a plane full of readers to be honest.

The plane was about half full and apart from the staff I’d say they were maybe 15-20 people older than me on the entire flight.

Ryan gets up and heads off to the toilet, I was about to remove my headphones and probe Lisa a little further, she was intriguing, I wanted to find out more about the little Brunette bombshell.

But then she got up, she disappeared off to the toilet as well.

I didn’t follow her with my eyes, and I’m no detective, but unless they was both taking a massive shit at 38,000 feet, someone was getting smashed in a tin cupboard in the sky.

About 10 minutes later I hear a few cheers from the back of the plane, followed by the return of Popeye and Olive to the 2 empty seats.

This time Ryan sat next to me, as he sat down I looked at Lisa, let’s just say she didn’t look as pretty and innocent as I’d first thought.

Ryan has definitely done a job on her.

I still had my headphones in watching a film, but I could tell he wanted to start up a conversation with me and well, this old fart needed some friends so the headphones went back in my pocket.

“ Did you have a nice bathroom break mate?”

He laughed, Finally a joke hit home I thought.

“Smell my fingers,” he did the typical lad thing and pushed his two fingers towards my nose.

“ Ya dick,” I retorted as I moved my head away

WAAAY, more cheers from the back of the plane.

Ryan and Lisa had started a craze.

I think all in all there was 4 cheers over the next next hour.

Now the maths would suggest that 8 people joined the mile high club.

I later found out that it was only 7 that joined, not because someone went for a wank, but because, well let’s just say Natalie was very popular with the other male workers.

Time flew by, quite literally and before we knew it the pilot put the seatbelt signs on and we was coming into land.

Lisa had moved seats by now and it was just me and Ryan.

Lisa had only moved one row further down and across from us on the left hand aisle seat.

She was on the right of Micky, Micky was quite loud and to be honest a bit of a gobshite, was an average looking guy, to be fair, he did come out with the odd hilarious one liner, but overall, just abit if a nob.

His big mouth and utter bravado had got him in a good place for the descent into Zakinthos airport though.

He had Lisa on his right and Natalie on his left.

Ryan taps me on my chest and points, I look over to see that Lisa was sucking mouthy Mick off as we was coming into land.

I had to stretch right across Ryan to see what was going on, I looked for a few seconds and was then like “ Unbelievable int she”

“Mate, she is by far the filthiest bitch I’ve ever banged”

Ryan then pressed play on his phone and started showing me the same video I had watch 4 hours earlier on Lisa’s phone.

You couldn’t make this shit up.

“She has a thing for making videos mate, she is filth”

“I bet she is”

I needn’t of bet, it wasn’t long before I found out first hand just how filthy she was....

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


Once I landed, the journey was uneventful.

I jumped in a taxi alone and headed off to my hotel.

I say the word hotel very, very loosely.

Anyway, I get to my accommodation at around 9am.

Get myself checked in, dump my stuff in an apartment and head off out the door.

The place was awful, but to be honest I weren't that bothered as I knew this was temporary accommodation.

I had managed to do a tiny bit of research before I landed and I knew this place was just temporary.

I decided to start from the top of the strip and wander down towards the beach.

On my way I see a very nice hotel, I think it was Aphrodite, anyway, just to give me an idea the cost of accommodation I decided to go and seek out the hotel manager.

I won’t bore you with the details, but after abit of a chat, my persuasive charm and wit.

I had been offered not only a job, but a job that comes with accommodation.

As I made my way back to my accommodation or to the place that inspired the shining, I was on cloud 9.

I’d only gone in for a price and left with a job and somewhere to stay.

Fast forward, 42 minutes later and my knew mate, Yanni, was showing me to my room.

In my naivety, I was expecting to be shown to a proper swish hotel room. As it transpires, the hotel has staff quarters which are nowhere near as nice as the main hotel, but still a hell of a lot better than where I’ve just left, in fact I’d probably say my previous place was on a par with Shawshank.

I unpack properly this time and head out the door.

As I’m leaving the hotel, A decent level celebrity at that time was just checking in, I later found out they was Involved in an event within the resort.

I’ve not named them, for reasons that will be very clear, very soon.

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


I went off for a walk around the resort, hoping to bump into any of my travelling buddies.

To be honest, I just wanted to bump into Lisa, I was horny as fuck and had really started to develop a fuck it you only live once attitude.

The resort was dead and I was starting to regret that I didn’t hang around at the airport and just jumped in a taxi.

After a few hours getting my bearings of the resort I decided to return back to the hotel, with the intention of a cheeky wank and then a good sleep before going for a few drinks later that evening when the resort would come to life.

As I walked into reception the hotel manager was sat having a drink with the celebrity and his friends.

“ Hey Mr Ben, come and have an Ouzo”

“ A what?”

“ Come here, Drink my friend, your in Greece, we drink”

I walked over and Yanni, my only friend introduced me to his new buddies!

Alright guys, I spoke to the group “How’s things”

Mr Celeb X and his mates were really sound, turns out he was with 4 other lads and I didn’t know it at the time but 2 were footballers for a Championship team.

I didn’t recognise them and I didn’t make any fuss of Mr X either, I think they found that refreshing and we was laughing and joking like old mates in no time.

I think they liked my natural wit and I wasn’t scared to rip the piss out of them.

Along with everyone else, I was feeling pretty tipsy an hour into things, I felt like I was on holiday with my mates.

I’ts not something I’d normally do but I’d mentioned the recent break up and it then seemed to become everyone’s mission to get me laid.

Plans were made and that night, nobody was going out, the lads were having a “gathering” in their suite.

The lads didn’t seem overly keen on going out and partying which was abit disappointing.

As I was heading back to my room Mr X shouted

“ Make sure you come tonight Dick weasel”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll see, I might go and party and find someone whose not a boring cunt”

As the elevator doors closed, with the one direction wannabes inside, he calmly said

“We don’t go to the party, the party comes to us”

I was more than happy to have a drink with these guys, they were a great craic and besides I didn’t have many options, little did I know my first night in Zante would be one of my best nights in my entire overseas career....

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By *he Roleplay expert OP   Man
over a year ago


I had a few hours before I headed upstairs to the party.

I had to have a sleep, I was shattered after all the travelling and carrying around a heavy pair of bollocks all day.

I must of snoozed through the alarm as I was awoken by a knock on my door.

I trundled over to the door still half asleep, as I opened the door everything just seemed to go in slow motion.

In my half conscious state I become so confused why this beautiful Ginger woman was at my door.

“Is Ben there?”

“Yeah, I’m Ben, erm, what’s happening?”

“Sorry, Mr X sent me down to see if your coming upstairs”

“Upstairs? With you? Now there’s an offer I can’t refuse”

She chuckled, “ He said you was always cracking jokes, but if your coming, you better get some clothes on”

I was in my boxers and I just realised I had the biggest morning wood ever.

The Ginger goddess looked me up and down as she said it and gave me a filthy pornstar type smile as she eyes up my solid cock.

“Shit, sorry, I’ll be up in 10 mins”

“Don’t apologise” she fixed her gaze on my manhood again, “Infact, only apologise if you aren’t going to do something with that”

I gave out a nervous laugh, I’ll be 10 minutes and I am not saying sorry this time. I gave her a flirtatious smile back, although in my half asleep state it probably looked like I had a hot chip in my mouth.

“I’ve been told I have to come in and wait for you otherwise you won’t bother coming”

“I will, I promise” I protested, it made no odds she was already inside and nosying around my very Greek, very bare apartment.

“Right, I’ll get a shower, 5 mins”

“Wait, Mr X said you’ve just split with your girlfriend?”

“Well, about a month ago”

“A MONTH, A MONTH, without someone sucking on that?”

There she was again eyeing up my crotch.

She either had a really fetish for primark boxer shorts or she couldn’t stop thinking and talking about my cock.

Now, I don’t know why, because this woman was out of my league. She was about 5”3 size 8, wavey Ginger hair, Piercing Brown eyes and a smile that wouldn’t look out of place on a poster in a Dentists waiting room wall.

Before my brain could process the words I heard my mouth say “ Why are you offering”

“You need to come closer than that if you want an answer”

My body was just moving on it’s own, without listening to any filters coming from my brain, I walked over to her, where she was sat on the edge of my bed.


Without saying a word, she placed her hands on my waitband and PING, the next thing I know my still stiff cock was straight down her throat.

She set about my cock like a tramp on chips, he lips or tongue, didn’t touch my Bell, she instantly started deepthroating me.

Now I’m not hung, like a Donkey, but I was pretty impressed.

After 4 or 5 strokes of making my full cock disappear down the back of her throat.

She stopped and very firmly told me. “You better be quick, we’ve got to party”

As she continued she started to grab my arse and pull my cock harder into her little slutty mouth.

She wanted to be fucked in the mouth, but I was still trying to be polite, hell, I didn’t even know her name.

“I don’t even know your name”

She stopped again, eyes watering and saliva allover her mouth.


30 seconds? I only needed 12...

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By *j and c 2Couple
over a year ago


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By *ve58Woman
over a year ago


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By *iscoman7771000Man
over a year ago


More please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By *ark_sentinelCouple
over a year ago


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By *latharerMan
over a year ago

Glasgow CC

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By *eepfill999Man
over a year ago

South Cheshire

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By *hereswallyMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *ormladMan
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Looks like your not going to finish it this time either

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By *ogan WillowCouple
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

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