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The long game

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


Being married wasn't easy for John. The constant desire to provide for his family and play the shop window husband and father, constantly battled with his innermost desires to seek cock... All sorts of naughty, kinky, fun filled cock.

Having stumbled across fab in his early 20's, John had decided to re-register. Now in his mid 30's he had hoped to meet a "friend" who would be willing to play the long game.

Frequent, casual meets where lust and fantasy could be lived out in secret. Each returning afterwards to loving households, as if nothing had ever happened.

It took a while for John to find exactly what he was looking for. A few cocks here and there passed by, but noone had yet matched his requirements and situation.

It was on a cold winter's morning when John was siaking in the bath, door locked. He logged into fab to find three new messages and a wink.

John first checked the wink to find a local guy, mid 50's with 'Top' listed as his preference. Reading the interest section, John could see his list matched the desires he had. Dominant, willing to explore, married, looking for a regular-but-casual meet and the best bit of all... Sexually adventurous.

No pictures though, so John held onto his initial reservation - this was too good to be true...

Then a check of his messages. One from a random... A one liner, no pic profile, set up yesterday - with "suck me bitch" as the content. Instant delete. As John called it... A dreamer profile.

But the next two messages were off his 'wink'. The first a polite introduction, telling John a little about himself and what he was looking for. John liked this. It seemed much more genuine than the hundreds of dreamer profile messages he usually received. John felt a twitch below and an air of excitement.

Then he read the second message that followed. His heart raced until a sudden realisation hit him... This person recognised him.

The message read ... "Now you know a little about me, let me tell you a little about you... John".

John's mind went into overdrive. Thoughts of quickly delete his profile and pretend it never happened, followed by panic and fear. Was he about to be outed without even doing anything.

He decided to reply... "I'm sorry...who is this?"

Then... The wait... The anticipation and fear building. John's heart raced. He could feel every beat and although he was having a warm bath, he had started to sweat. A build up of anxiety and wonder setting in.

Then, after refreshing the screen for what felt like the millionth time, the message icon displayed that familiar "1" new message.

John opened it. It was his wink replying.

"I know you. You know me. Our little secret. Reply yes to opt in. No to opt out. Either way, I promise complete discretion but if you opt in... You are mine"

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


A flood of emotions spiralled around John's mind... The what is... The pros and cons. What would happen if he played along? Or worse, what would happen if he didn't?

John had been playing with his semi-hard cock most of the time he had been in the bath. He was surprised to notice it had sprung to full attention at the prospect of this unknown friend owning him... Telling him what to do...

Part of it was such a huge thrill to John but the anxious and cautious emotions of the unknown were holding him back. What would this guy do to him? Force him? Threaten him? Worse still threaten to 'out' him?

John clicked his winks profile once more... Reading more selectively to try and deduce who this could be.

5ft 9, average build, average cock, top, married and within 5 miles of John's location. It could be any number of people. No additional clues here to deduce the identity of his wink. Not even a cock pic.

The water in John's bath had started to cool as he pondered over his options... His head saying no... His cock saying... GO.

John typed "opt in" then deleted it... Then re-typed it... And quickly deleted it once more.

The uncertainty playing havoc with his mind.

Once more he typed "opt in" and lay watching the screen holding his phone in one hand and playing with the other.

A sudden knock at the bathroom door from John's wife, urging him to hurry to leave for their Saturday morning shopping run startled John. His phone slipped and as he caught it with both hands, he turned and looked... Oops...

He had accidently pressed send.

John was sure as hell... Opted in

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John's day dragged... One shop to the next and fulfilling his window shop lifestyle for yet another day. He longed to return home. To escape to a private space and check fab. What had he done. God knows where this would lead. His mind remained on one thing and one thing only... All day.

On the journey home his wife commented how distracted he had been throughout the day. If only you knew... John thought.

As soon as he arrived home, John slipped into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Thirty seconds later he was logged in and once more, his inbox showed three new messages.

The first, another pathetic attempt at fab seduction... Another dreamer. Delete.

The second, an old contact whom John had previously met in a layby for an oral session - just checking in.

The third, his wink.

The message read, "Good boy. I wondered if you'd have the balls to opt in. Since you have - you are now mine. You are to provide me a list of days and times where you will be alone. I will select three of these times throughout the next seven days, you will proceed as instructed at all times".

Fuck... What have I done? John thought. His mind once again in overdrive considering the what ifs.

There was no turning back now.

John checked his work diary... His Monday was relatively free as well as Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. His wife was due to visit her parents Friday evening and wouldn't be home until late and John had plans to go out all day Saturday on a motorbike tour. He conceded this trip to his winks diary options...

And pressed send...

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John found himself once more, locked in his bathroom, frantically refreshing his screen. Just as before, a new message came through.

It was his wink.

"Monday morning. You shall wait for the schools traffic to die down. You shall wear casual trousers and a t shirt. Underwear is not permitted. You shall be freshly showered and soap clean. You shall sit in the car with engine running at exactly 9:20 and await further instruction. Until then you are permitted to message or meet others as normal. You are not however, permitted to reply any message to me until Monday, other than a message by reply accepting these conditions with a simple message of... 'opt in' ".

John's heart fluttered. He had read many erotic stories of men being instructed or dared to complete sexual tasks and challenges, but never had he heard of it being with a complete stranger. A stranger who knew him. A stranger who probably knew his wife and family.

Was it too late to opt out? In truth, John didn't want to opt out. This was exciting... Dangerous yes... But so exciting.

He could feel the tension and anticipation burning... All he had to do was get through the rest of. Saturday and Sunday and he would be fully committed. He even knew what clothes he would wear. His Chino trousers that emphasised his muscular ass and bulging thighs and his training under armour t shirt - tight enough to emphasise his broad shoulders and muscular arms, but lose enough to disguise the undertone of the dad-bod he had built over recent years.

A few other guys tried their luck over the weekend. John had opportunities to arrange meets with fello-fabbers but thought better of wasting his energy replying to pic collectors and time wasters. Instead he focused his mind on the potential situation he faced. How he thought he would react. What he thought his limits would be.

Monday could not come quick enough.

John typed... "OPT IN" and pressed send

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


Saturday evening dragged... Sunday more so. John kept himself as busy as he could to quicken the passing of time. He also resisted the urge to message his wink... To question him... To ask for a pic to identify him. He played out the willing sub beautifully... Or at least, played the stage leading to him becoming the willing sub in this crazy scenario he found himself in.

7am - Monday morning... John's phone alarm rang its usual chime and John shot out of bed and straight into the shower.

John looked after himself and although in recent years he had been carrying a few pounds extra than he would have liked, he kept his body hair neatly trimmed, his pubic region trimmed and shaped and his balls clean shaven. What few opportunities he had to have fun with his wife always demanded he was clean and neat down there.

The school run done, the wife on her commute to work and the second alarm of the day ringing in John's ear, meant one thing... And one thing only.

9:20am had arrived.

John was sat in his car. His chinos felt good. Softly resting on his semi hard cock. A noticeable bulge to any eye looking in.

He was already logged into fab and once more found himself frantically refreshing the page. Nerves, excitement, danger, anxiety... John wasn't sure which true emotions he was feeling. One thing for sure... He had sweaty palms, a raised heartbeat and an eager mindframe.

Then it happened... "New message".

"I have driven past and seen you are obeying me. Good lad. Now you will be given instructions to follow over stages, which will lead you to me. However... Today you will not find out who I am. You will however experience a definite sexual pleasure. An exhilarating day of fun and an even bigger lust for more. I will give you one final chance to make sure you are fully committed.

Reply "OPT IN" or walk away"

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John was fully committed at this stage. He had no doubt in his mind whatsoever that the least of the two evils, was to find out who his wink was.

He replied... "Opt in" and waited.

It didn't take long for the next message to come through.

"Drive your car to the forest lane behind your housing estate. Approx one mile in there is a red ribbon tied to a gate post. Park up close (but as discretely as possible) and walk into the woods beyond the gate - follow the ribbons".

This wasn't what John was expecting. He thought he would be taken back to his winks house for assurance of discretion. This was taking the risk to another level. John knew this area well, having walked his old dog through it for years... It wasn't exactly... Quiet!

John pulled away from his house and soon found himself at the gate. He parked a hundred yards or so down from the location and locked his car up and walked back. The day was cool but for winter time it wasn't overly cold, so being commando in chinos and in a t-shirt was bareable - for now.

He got to the gate and scanned the tree line. No sign of anyone.

He climbed over the gate and wandered along the tree line. A second ribbon indicated where John should enter the tree line and 30 yards or so in, another ribbon with what appeared to be a sealed note, was hanging from it.

John nervously opened the note to read "At the next ribbon you will find a bag. In the bag you will find a blindfold and handcuffs. On the tree the bag is attached to, you are to put the blindfold on and handcuff your hands around the low hanging branch and wait. You can no longer opt out so proceed quickly and quietly and you will be handsomely rewarded".

John was conscious his cock was rising to attention. Maybe because of how naughty this was. Maybe because of the lack of control he had. Maybe because of the additional risk outdoors.

Either way, he knew he had something coming to him - and he wanted it.

He also knew... This was the first of three installments due to him this week... What had he got himself into?

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John could see the ribbon in the near distance. Roughly 50 yards through some brush and in a little opening. A natural ring of shrubs and trees surrounded a single tree with the ribbon hanging. John was released this was quite a private area, void of any natural footpaths. He hoped for at least some discretion. At the foot of the tree, an old duffle bag. Just as explained.

John looked around. There was still noone in sight, but he couldn't help but think - at least one set of eyes were on him. He had the eerie feeling of being watched by someone in close proximity.

The forest and undercover was thicker in front. John wondered should he undress first or simply follow the instructions to the letter. He decided the latter... The safer option.

John opened the bag. Sure enough he found the blindfold. It looked well used. Slight dirty and stained with a heavy, musky smell. John didn't care. Right now, this was the least of his concerns.

The handcuffs were heavy duty. John suspected military or police grade. He knew once he was locked in, that was it. Should he place the cuffs into position without fully locking them? What would happen if his wink found this out...? He had been told clearly to follow instructions or else.

As John fumbled in the bag to remove the cuffs, he noticed a bottle of lube and a packet of condoms. That set his mind racing and a sense of lust mixed with pure filth came over him.

Blindfold on... Cuffs locked... He was fully... Opted in

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John eagerly waited... Amazed how heightened his senses felt restrained as he was.

He could smell the early winter fragrance of wild garlic in the forest and the only sound was the wind gently blowing through the trees. His heart was pounding as he twisted and turned... Trying to grasp a clue if someone was near...

He didn't have to wait long.

After 5 minutes or so, he could hear footsteps rustling over the fallen leaf cover on the forest floor opening. Then he felt the presence of somebody in front of him. Then the smell... It was a fragrance he knew... But not too well. Not one of his usuals... What it his wink? Or a dog walker?

The person slowly moved around the tree John was cuffed to... Slowly, purposefully - almost teasingly. John's cock had spring to full attention and pushed hard, tenting in his chinos. His heart pounded as he strained to follow the direction of the stranger... Then he felt a hand run gently down his back. Carefully and seductively running gently down his spine.

It tickled, but in a very sexual, teasing way. John longed for more. The hand pulled away... Was this his wink? Was he playing a game to frustrate John? To tease him? Was he going to cum well before he had received what hev truely wanted...?

Then the hand returned. This time caressing John's ass cheek. A gentle movement running from the base of John's spine, down across his buttock and finally slipping over his chinos, between John's ass cheeks - towards his man pussy.

John twinged with pleasure. His back arched and he let out a whimper. His breathing sharpened as his emotions became flooded beyond his ability to retain control.

The blood pumping into his cock made him feel more swollen than ever before. He longed to be let out of his chinos. For his cock to spring free... To be completely used.

What happened next, John was not expecting... A second hand delicately feathered across his chest and up to his mouth... Fingers probed his lips open and forced there way towards his throat. But then, a third hand... And a fourth... Holly shit... Who the fuck was there...

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


In panic, John tried to wriggle his body away... The more he struggled, the firmer both sets of hands persisted. It was no use... He had clasped the cuffs tight to prevent them rubbing. He was stuck fast, completely submitted and exposed.

John's heart raced... This must be his wink... But who else...

As his mind raced, John had lost all mental connection with how rock hard his cock was... There was a pulling sensation at the back of his t shirt. Then John felt something cold brush the skin of his back and before he knew it, a pair of scissors had sliced right through his top, shredding it from his body... Shit... How was he going to get from his car into his house now?

Once more, both sets of hands wandered aggressively over John's torso. His nipples erect. Partly from the brisk morning wind, partly from the sexual lust he felt so deeply inside.

His chinos were then unbuttoned, but instead of being pulled to his ankles, the scissors once more slid effortlessly down the back, exposing John's bare ass. As the material loosened, John's cock sprung impressively from its restraint and at last pointed freely upwards.

A hand firmly slapped at his ass, gripped it hard and squeezed. Then another slap, slightly harder this time. It stung but as each slap came, a short and sharp pain ran through John's behind. His cock twinged and pulsed...

"You can't mark me" John pleaded, still completely unaware who his captors were.

A shuttle snigger could be heard but it wasn't long or loud enough to be distinguishable, as to who these people were. Then it happened... John felt a warm moist sensation of a mouth over his cock... He could have blown instantly, had it not been for the icey cold sensation of lube being freshly squirted into his ass crack distracting him.

The sucking pace quickened. After five or six head thrusts, his captor would force their tongue out onto John's balls, delicately tongue flicking, as the tip of John's cock reached their throat. No gag, no reflex... Just soaking wet, filthy sucking.

A shocking pain flooded John's loins... A cock, thick and solid had been slammed into him... No warning, no foreplay, no loosening of John's hole... And no hits from a little bottle to help John relax...

He screamed and writhed with pain. His body weight slumping, as his wrists took the brunt of his 14 stones, clinging and hanging to the tree branch.

"No" he screamed, "go gentle"...

Again, a slight snigger as the solid cock withdrew from John leaving him empty... No sooner had John's hole started to close and recover, the cock slammed in once more. John's cock sucker now cupped his balls, spat frequently, wanked up and down and sunk teeth teasingly into his cock, as he simultaneously tongue fucked John's slit and head...

The pain was too much, but the pleasure was so intense at the same time. His cock and ass were being destroyed by strangers.

As John started to think he couldn't take any more, a flood of cum exploded inside him... Harder and heavier than anything he had experienced before. This tipped John over the edge...

He didn't know why, but he cried out a warning to his sucker... "I'm going to cum" he cried.

His sucker pulled off and wanked John profusely, as he shot his heavy load. His sucker was careful to aim John's cock right back at his face. John was nearly doubled over, hanging by the branch... Stream after stream of hot cum hit John's face and chest... He was spent... hanging exhausted mentally and physically. In pain. Suffering but at the same time, so damn satisfied.

What would happen now?

John could hear movement and rustling behind him... He assumed his wink and accomplice were dressing and cleaning up... Then he heard a message being played from what he assumed was a phone. The voice disguised as a digital voicemail.

"We will leave now and you will wait five minutes before you remove your blindfold. We have trusted you by leaving a handcuff key in a bag with cleaning wipes. As long as you wait for 5 minutes before trying to leave, we will leave a ribbon with another bag, less than 50 yards from here which will have a change of clothes for you... You will then be ready in your car at 9:20 tomorrow morning... Dress similarly to today... Say 'opt in' to agree to our terms or stay here to be found".

John muttered "opt in"... The pain in his ass so very real, cum running down his cheeks and thighs... His eyes watering under the blindfold and his cock now limp... Suitably used.

And that was it... No sooner had they appeared, John was left alone, naked in the woods.

His mind turned to tomorrow... Who were these people? What madness would tomorrow bring?

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John waited. He made sure the five minutes had passed. Probably more like ten, before he removed the blindfold and his eyes adjusted to the surroundings.

It was peaceful and calm again. Strange considering the impaling John had just received at the hands of his wink and the assistant.

He saw the duffle bag lying on the floor and fumbled inside to find the key and wipes. The locks easily undid on the cuffs and John released his sore wrists from their clasp. He took the wipes and instead of the usual, careful and methodical approach he would have taken in normal circumstances, he pulled a wad of wipes out at once... Quickly wiping his chin and body erratically.

He quickly grabbed the bag, put the cuffs and wipes away and scanned the near distance to search for his ribbon. Sure enough, in the opposite direction to John's entrance point of the woods, there was a ribbon flying in the breeze.

John tried to quickly walk to it. His first few steps a fast reminder of what had just happened. His legs were still shaking and his ass sore from its brutal treatment. He meandered his way through the brush and set upon the ribbon and second duffle bag. This one newer... Less pungent.

Inside John found clothes the exact fit for him. Trousers, a t shirt and a hoodie. He quickly dressed then reversed his direction through the woods back to his car... All the time, thinking about what had just happened... Who were these people? How did something so wrong, so brutal, feel so good? What was next...?

John's mind stayed in overdrive all day. Later on the evening when his wife returned home, John's attention wavered somewhat as he day dreamed and reminisced of the day gone. This lead to arguements. Not unusual on meet days, when John found it hard to 'slip back into the normal' shop window lifestyle. His lust and desire for more cock. Rock hard, solid cock always took its toll.

Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough... He didn't have to wait long.

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


Tuesday morning arrived. John was awake early but lay in bed on his phone. His wife left like clockwork. 07:45 and her commute was underway. The house now still... Full of opportunity. John's cock was semi hard... He had logged into fab but no message from his wink. Shit... Had I disappointed him? Had he somehow lost interest. John remembered his instructions... "Do not message me".

He decided to hit the shower. He lathered himself in body lotion then soap - then lotion again... He wanted to be pristine today in the hope of a new scenario.

His cock had been hard all morning but John resisted the temptations to either rub it into his wife's arse as she slept next to him, as a sexual hint, as well as resisting to play with himself in the shower... He wanted to hold back the desire... Build his sexual needs.

09:20... Engine running, John sat in the car... He had decided to wear the clothes he had been given yesterday, so as not to raise suspicion at home as to why his clothes were going missing and where new ones had come from. He had taken care to discreetly wash and dry them the night before amongst the laundry... He was clever... But cautious.

"New message"...

Thank god... John's heart raced once more with anticipation. His cock springing alert.

"Yesterday was a good day... I hope you liked your surprise... We certainly enjoyed it... Today will see more adventure and fun... We like that you commited fully yesterday. I'll give you one more chance... Text 'Opt in' to play my game".

John hurriedly replied... "Opt in".

His balls even though spent the day before... Ached for more fun today. Where would it be? With who? What would happen to him?

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


The next message came through quickly... John guessed it was pre-typed and copy and pasted, as it was long.

"Today's adventure leads us a little further away. Today I want to push boundaries, test endurance and ensure you leave spent. You will drive to the hotel just off the motorway junction 8 and park up. You are to go to reception and pay for a days pass to the leisure facility. You will go to the changing rooms and message "here" once you are sat on a changing bench. You will follow every instruction to the detail once there. Failure to do so will result in unwanted circumstances on your part".

Shit... John's usual erotic mindset turned to panic. He wasn't dressed to book into a leisure facility, nor did he have a kit bag. He felt uneasy for the first time, in that he would be in a very public place full of real people - and still, very very close to home.

He had opted in though. And the pleasure of yesterday's meet was still raw... In the literal and mental sense.

John pulled away from his drive. His mind still switching back and forth from do it... Don't do it...

He joined the motorway one mile from his house and drove two junctions further to junction 8. Within 10 minutes of leaving his house, John was parking up. Still debating what to do next.

He had little option in truth. His wink held the power here and he had to go through with it. For his sanity, protection of his shop window lifestyle and marriage - and for the pure sexual delight and pleasure he would experience.

John walked abruptly to the counter. It was now 9:50 and the receptionist took her time in acknowledging John. This was one of John's pet hates and the last thing he wanted, was to be stood around in public for any longer than necessary.

He asked for a day pass to the leisure facility and paid the £15 fee. He briefly mentioned he had left his kit on the car, trying to think ahead of any unwanted and awkward questions that could come his way.

The receptionist was nonchalant to John's small talk. She really didn't care and wanted to simply get back to her routine.

John was handed a day card for the security doors and pointed in the direction of the lifts to take him to the downstairs changing rooms.

The lifts were out of site of reception, so John decided to head straight on down, rather than playing to his story and mess about going back to the car for nothing.

He swiped into the changing rooms and sat on a bench...

He logged quickly into fab. Another dreamer had messaged... Delete - not interested today.

Then he clicked on his winks message thread to reply... And typed... "Here"

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John waited a moment for the update...

"New message"

He opened it eagerly, awaiting his next instruction.

"You will find in locker 143, a kit bag. The locker is pushed shut and the key is inside. You are to strip off, shower and when you get back, towel dry and wear the clothes in the kit bag. You will leave your clothes in the locker with the kit bag and reply 'done' when you have followed every instruction exactly".

John rushed to the locker, the changing rooms had two separated rows of benches with lockers lining either side. He checked the numbers... 21, 67... Nope not this side. He quickly moved to the other row... 115, 143... Got it.

John opened the locker and found the kit bag inside. He quickly emptied the contents into the locker and found men's shower gel, a medium size towel - that looked well used, a pair of white training shorts and top, trainers, white tennis socks and a jock.

He was going to look like he was entering the first round of Wimbledon... But he didn't really care too much any more... His sexual desire had increased as the nerves began to control and lower.

John stripped off and wrapped the towel around his waist, grabbed the shower gel and headed straight to the showers. He lathered himself three times in shower gel, ensuring his already immaculate hygiene was pristine. He made sure to lather between his arse cheeks and slipped a cheeky soaped finger into his hole... Working his man pussy clean.

Then he returned to the locker, hurriedly dried off and dressed as instructed. Just prior to putting the trainer's on he replied to his wink... "Done".

John slipped the trainer's on and tied the laces. No sooner had he tied the second lace than a vibration of his phone next to him on the bench, adjusted his concentration.

"Good lad. In the side pocket of the bag, there is a mask and room key. You are to walk to the room, put on the mask in the corridor and then enter. You are not permitted to talk or remove the mask at any point. The room is booked all day and night so there is no rushing today. You will follow every and each instruction like the obedient dog you are... Message 'understood' and I will reply with the room number".

John's heart raced once more. A full day of locked up fun. He fumbled into the side pocket of the kit bag and sure enough, a plastic key card and a mask were inside. He pulled out the mask to see. It was a full leather hood with nose and mouth cut outs, but completely covering the eye section. Shit... John would once more have no idea who his wink was.

He considered cheating and not wearing the mask... Just playing along and bursting into the room to once and for all, find out who his wink was. His mind was set... That was exactly what he was going to do.

John replied... "Understood" and waited.

In less than a minute, his phone vibrated once more. The message "268" was the reply.

John grabbed the mask and key card and headed out of the changing room. Wall signs indicated he would have to go up to the second floor and he should find the room. Not wanting to go back towards reception now changed, John turned into the stairwell and quickly ascended the three floors from the basement changing rooms, to the second floor. He turned left out of the stairwell and could see rooms 232-280 were ahead.

He reached room 268 and without hesitation he slid the key card through the slot and burst into the room... The room was dark, black out blinds pulled and silent. The door slammed shut behind John on a self shutting mechanism. The noise startled John as his nerves jangled... What now... Where was his wink? Better still, where were the light switches... John pressed his phone to light the wall and found the switches... As the lights came on, John could scan the room. It was empty all but a tablet set on the dresser and plugged into the wall... The camera clearly visible and recording the room.

The large bed had restraints pre-set. Leather straps shackled to handcuffs at each of the four corners.

John's phone went off...

"Naughty naughty... You will be punished... Put the mask on, lie on the bed face down, shackle your legs and arms and only then, will the fun begin... Do not think about leaving and do not try and catch me out... I can see every move you make".

John noticed this message was written in a very singular first person way... Was his wink alone... He shouldn't have tried to outsmart him. God knows what was instore for him now...

John put the mask on, fastened the clip around the neck to restrain it and fumbled for the shackles... First each leg, then his left wrist... He struggled to set the second cuff into the locked position with only one hand but eventually, with help from the headboard, he managed it...

John lay in wait...

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


Time seemed to pass incredibly slowly. Even for all the excitement and wonder, the risk element kept John's nerves on edge. He thought more of the sexual pleasure he would ensure and less of his shop window lifestyle being at risk. His cock started to rise to attention as John's mind continued to consider the next couple of hours.

John manoeuvred his hips on the bed to adjust and allow room for his now mostly hard cock to position under him. He started to grind into the bed, feeling a throb with each gentle thrust. The bedding had a weird sensation... The covers were normal (or at least appeared so when John first arrived). Had he not noticed anything specific about the bed when he arrived? Was he really that distracted.

The only thing John could think of was that the bed had some sort of undercover, that was firmer than the usual cotton bed liners he was used to.

Then it happened. The noise of the door latch very apparent in the deadly silent room. The door was held open for a short while. John could hear faint movement in the room, but had no chance of identifying the number of people who had entered.the carpeted, concrete slab floor made no noise like that of a houses floor boards and the visitors were very careful not to make a sound.

John lay there, nerves freezing him in his submitted position. He looked like some sort of failed sporting angel, spread on the bed and in complete and utter restraint.

The door closed just as loudly and abruptly as when John had entered the room. Then it happened. A cold hand slid along John's calf, gently up the back of his thighs and under the shorts. A tight grasp of his ass had John's cock once more throbbing into the bed covers. John could hear the sound of his captor tugging at his cock. It sounded already wet as if it were soaked with pre-cum and his foreskin was noisily slipping through his palm.

As John's wink moved closer, John could smell a mixture of the aftershave he had smelt the day before and his winks musky cock. It smelt a little dirty in fact. As if he had already cum recently and not bothered to clean it up after himself.

John was a stickler for hygiene and realised that he was going to be made to clean it - no matter what the condition.

As had happened the day before, John felt fingers run across his cheek over the mask and to the opening in his mouth. One finger probed his mouth and John welcomed it, sucking it greedily to demonstrate his willingness to comply. To be obedient.

The finger was joined by a second and forced further into John's throat. He gagged a little and John heard a little stifled giggle through his ear blocked mask. His wink was enjoying every second of this.

But so far only one pair of hands???

John wondered, was there someone else watching? Or even in the room?

His mouth being plunged with fingers made him drool and he had a lot of spit and saliva generating in his mouth... He was ready - and his wink knew it. His mouth was forced wide by two hands and John felt a forceful thrust of stinking cock, right to the back of his throat. His wink held it there, forcing John to breath through his nose and for his throat muscles to clench and release around his winks cock.

His wink then pulled his cock out and John's head was turned upwards, his mouth once again opened wide and before he knew it, a mouthful of spit had been dribbled into John's mouth...

This quickly followed with another forceful slam of his winks cock into John's mouth. He could still taste the cum having not had the chance to get fully to work on his winks cock around and clean it.

For the second time his wink pulled out. But this time, he moved away. A period of around 30 seconds passed with no touches... No contact at all. Then suddenly, John felt a hot stream of fluid hitting his arse and back. His wink was pissing on him and John had no say at all.

Normally, this wouldn't be a turn on for John, but as the warm fluid trickled between his arse cheeks and over his balls, with the odd thrusted stream, reaching his head mask and running around to his mouth, he found it to be a strange turn on.

But fuck... With all this happening in the first 15 minutes... What did the rest of the day have in store for John?

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John was astonished that he had found enjoyment in what was happening... A short delay passed. Probably around 30 seconds to a minute. The room was still and John wondered where his sub was? What was he doing?

Then John felt a sudden sharp pain that made his entire body tense and twinge... What the hell was that?... It wasn't a nice feeling. Then it happened again... A whack at the back of his leg and base of his arse cheeks... Then again... And again...

John wanted to cry out no... To stop this madness... He remembered just on time one of the cardinal rules... No talking.

He just lay there helpless and shot after shot was fired into his arse.

He didn't know exactly what it was, but he thought he was being electrocuted... Or tasered...

This went on for around 5 minutes... John's arse cheeks and twinged right, then relaxed over and over from the torture... To a point he had a dull ache in his hamstrings and arse cheeks.

Next... A slap... A hand firmly brought down on his wet arse... Over his shorts so for now, John could cope with this... Without whimpering or crying out in vein.

After each slap, fingers delicately dragged across his arse cheeks, increasing the sensitivity of the area and focusing John's mind on the treatment he was receiving...

As John was driven from sexual ecstacy to sheer pain, his cock probed hard into the bed. As he started to get carried away, he became aware of the door opening and someone else walking in.

John thought it was two extra people... But he wasn't and couldn't be sure.

As the arse beating continued, John's weight was shifted on the bed as another person clambered over the top of him. The new person was crouching above John on the bed and John could feel his restraints being loosened.

John was forceably rolled over... His arse now against the bed and his cock springing to attention in front of him

The restraints were re-fastened and fingers probed his mouth... The fingers tasted good... A mixture of piss and cock tasting clearly over other twangs.

John wanted to be fucked there and then... He longed for a cock to thrust inside and breed him eagerly whilst a second cock fucked his throat hard. He wanted to be covered head to toe on cum... And now... Even piss he enjoyed it that much...

John wouldn't have to wait long to get what he was hoping for...

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


The person over John's body climbed off and slightly stumbled... John heard a little giggle from one of the people in the room... It wasn't enough for him to recognise the person though... Was it his wink? or someone else?

Shortly after, hands tugged at his shorts, lifting the belt line up and again a scissors or blade sliced through the thin material easily... The cut, made right at Johns cock, made him twinge with nerves - hoping he wouldn't get caught by the blade...

John's cock was now at full attention... It was moist with pre-cum from the mornings excitement so far and he longed for more...

A mouth dropped suddenly over his cock... No hands involved and it forceably hammered down as far as his balls... John wasn't the longest of guys by any stretch but he was thick... And normally plenty long enough to get a gagging reaction from his accomplice...

But nothing... The mouth held at the base of his cock and John felt a sensation he hadn't experienced before... A tongue expertly proving at his balls whilst their mouth was engulfed with cock...

This experience started to drive John's mind wild... Suddenly his legs were lifted straight upwards and a cold hard object was pushed against John's man pussy.

Then it happened all at once... The mouth slammed once more onto John's cock while another cock was thrust between John's lips as a third cock (but John was sure this one was of the glass variety) was pushed deep into John's arse. His captors had timed it perfectly to get John 'air tight' all at the same time.

A wave of pleasure soared through John's body. Eclipsing anything he had ever felt before. John sucked and licked greedily at the cock in his mouth... Longing for this cock to explode before he did. Many times before, John had lost the urge to suck someone to completion once he had already cum... The moment had always been lost and John's heart would sink as he thought he wanted more, but his sexual desire would waver quickly and ebb away with his cumshot.

He longed to grab the arse of his receiver but couldn't, with the tightness of the restraints... He thrust his neck as far forward as possible and opened his mouth willingly, to invite it to be force fucked.

To his surprise, the cock pulled out of his mouth and the sound of gob being spat into his face, reaffirmed the submissive nature of the situation John found himself in.

The glass cock probing hard at his hole... Edging closer to his g spot and with John relaxing more as time passed, he started to thrust his hips upwards and forwards to promote the hard abuse he so desired.

Then the glass cock was withdrawn from John's arse and a number of gobs were spat into his gapping hole... No sooner had the glass cock been pulled out, than a rock hard, pulsing, warm cock was slid hard into him.

This cock real and a lot longer, all be it narrower - than the glass version he had been enjoying.

The thrusts were hard and fast, leaving no time for John to catch his breath... He was being expertly pounded and he knew it.

John could hear breathing getting heavier, then the sound of camera shutters going off in the background. John remembered the tablet on the TV stand... Fuck... He realised he was being filmed and pictures were being taken...

He didn't care though. His sexual needs taking precedence over his inhibitions. All he wanted at this point was to be fucked every way possible for as long as possible.

With each thrust, John's heartbeat increased... His hole became more and more accepting of the foreign invasion, until one solid thrust later, John felt an eruption of cum exploding inside him... His g spot feeling the warmth of slippery cum as the cock stroked against it with its final thrusts. John couldn't hold back any longer and felt his own orgasm grip his body. His arse clenching tight as his balls pumped load after load of hot sticky cum into the air and up and over John's stomach and chest.

It was the deepest and longest orgasm John had experienced. He estimated around 15 spurts of cum, one after another and his arse clenching tight with each one.

The cock pulled out of John with a slop against his balls. John knew he had also been filled with a massive load and this cock was still semi hard and oozing the last remnants of an orgasm.

John was conscious of the person moving from the foot of the bed towards John's head, then the stinking cock that had just been fucking John, the cock that was covered in a mixture of cum and ass juices - was rubbed across John's lips and pushed into his mouth.

John had long lost control of his body and since lost control of his mind through pure lust... He accepted the filthy offering and licked and sucked it clean - hoping deep down he could get it hard again for round 2...

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John continued to sloppily suck and clean his captors cock... Was this his wink? Or his winks partner? No 1 or no 2?? Either way, it didn't matter. He was thoroughly in the moment and eager for more.

The cock in his mouth fell flaccid. The cum draining from his slit and the soft cock now slipping easily between John's lips. The more and more John sucked hard on the floppy foreskin, the more John could sense the cock he was sucking starting to pulse again in his mouth... Over the next 5 minutes, John worked the cock expertly and continued to try and further arouse his captor... He could feel the life coming back into it and John pushed harder into his throat, swallowing around the top of the cock to enclose his throat muscles around it.

To John's dismay, the cock wasn't going to be fucking him again, as suddenly - an eruption of cum shot into John's open throat. Nowhere near as heavy as the first load in his arse, but enough to make John's mouth overflow and some dribble down onto his chin.

He could sense his captor was spent after approximately an hour of sucking, fucking and sucking again. The extra hands had expertly handled John's cock and brought him to complete satisfaction.

The room fell quiet again, all for the fumbling of people and what seemed to be them getting dressed. Then the door opened and quickly shut behind. John was left. Alone, naked and in complete submission restrained to the bed.

Where had they gone? Was anyone left in the room? Was he still being recorded? How long had he actually been there?

John's mind again in overdrive, turned back to thoughts of who his captor was. Who he was being shared with. John still had no idea. He wondered what was to happen with the photos and videos that had been taken and suddenly became aware of the additional risk to his shop window lifestyle. The risk his wink and partner had enhanced and manipulated him into.

John felt very used. In a sense that his arse and cock had loved every second, but his mind was being played with.

He longed to find out the identities of the two people (or at least two people), who had so purposefully abused him.

How long would he have to wait? What was coming next? Could he take any more?

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John remained restrained and cuffed to the bed for an age. In all probability it was probably only thirty minutes or so, but his body started to ache from being held in the same position.

His t shirt and socks were still drenched through from his piss soaking and a chill had spread - a further catalyst to his muscular aches deteriorating.

The door to the hotel room opened once more. Again people entered the room as quietly as they could. Shuffling from one side to another. John heard the twist of a bottle being opened and a hand behind his head, lifted and tilted him forward, with a bottle of water brought to his lips. John willingly accepted and drank as his thirst became quenched. The salty cum he had greedily cleaned up and swallowed, had left a thirst and John was grateful to his winks generosity.

After a few gulps of water, John's wink let go of his head and John lay back into the bead. His head swirling. Something strange was happening. John felt light headed and somewhat faint. His drowsiness grew and he realised in the split second before falling unconscious, that he had been dopped... Fuck...

When John eventually came around he sensed an empty room. Now cold, dark and stinking of sex and piss. His eyes slowly adjusted to the lack of light. Far slower than normal in fact. His memory switched back to the water. What had happened? How long had he been out for.

John tried to move on the bed and realised his restraints had been removed. He fumbled at the side of the headboard and found the lamp switch on the wall. The room lit up, momentarily startling John's eyesight.

He scanned the room. There was noone else there. Damn it, he was hoping his wink and accomplice would still be there and there would be more fun to be had.

John was naked. His wet sports clothes had been removed. Cut off he assumed. He noticed at the TV stand where the tablet had been recording the room, a slip of paper folded neatly and placed very purposefully, stood against the TV, certain to get John's attention.

He opened the paper to reveal a note...

"Thank you for your utter obedience... Eventually - I have left clothes and a clean towel in the bathroom so that you can return to the changing room discreetly. Wait for my next set of instructions where you may possibly find out my identity. I've had fun so far... Don't spoil it".

John's heart raced. He was certain his wink had both video and picture footage of him in his state of slutty compulsion.

John showered, dressed and quickly headed home. The clothes that were left were identical to the sports clothes he had been dressed in earlier. A good idea, John thought as his mind turned to that of discretion.

He still had plenty of time before his wife returned home from work and he would once more, resume his shop window lifestyle. He moved to the changing rooms, grabbed his keys and belongings and headed home. Wondering to himself about his split lifestyle and where it was leading.

But which lifestyle was that of pretence?

His marriage full of secrets and cheating, or his sexual desires and tendencies... Full of surreal experiences and lustful pleasures.

John waited for his wink to message once more.

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


The last two days had been intense... John had been suitably used but his mind was constantly on who his wink and accomplice were.

He even felt anxiety and panic at times through the evening. His eager anticipation of the next message and instructions, confined by his thoughts around the risk, who could or would find out, how each task became more public... More daring. It wasn't that John minded if his marriage was due to be finished so much, more that it was not in his control. That he had gotten himself into a situation that could only cause catastrophic hurt and pain to people he loved

He purposefully tried to conduct himself normally through the evening. Only checking back to fab during toilet breaks or after his wife had retired to bed.


John followed his wife to bed approximately an hour later having received no further contact.

Getting into bed, he noticed his wife had dressed in her silk slip - underwear less and was lying on her side with one leg cocked up towards her waist. Under normal circumstances, John would chance his hand and casually slip his hand under the slip to his wife's breasts whilst prodding his normally rock hard penis at her arse.

Not today. John was spent. Exhausted from days of intense pleasure. He put his head to the pillow, set his alarm for the morning and turned to sleep.

No sooner had he closed his eyes than his wife rolled towards him and ran her hand down his chest and further on, towards his groin.

John felt a twinge but knew he was in no place to perform tonight. His wife only made 'the first move' when she was incredibly horny - and that only usually happened about twice a year.

John pulled away slightly. His wife not really paying attention, wrapped her fist around John's length and squeezed as she pivoted her wrist back and forth. By this point John's cock had started to pay attention even though his mind was exhausted.

He rolled to his back and his wife kissed him.

John pulled her in then said... "I want to be naughty with you".

"Go ahead" was the reply that John simply did not expect.

John gripped his wife, turned her away from him and lowered his mouth to her arse. He licked and rimmed her arsehole forcefully. Making sure his wife stayed firmly in her place. Initially, she squirmed, as if to deny John the opportunity to clean her chocolate starfish. Her reluctance was futile. John was nose deep and eager to make sure he didn't have to penetrate her with his cock. He was going to make her cum and be satisfied with his mouth. A mouth that earlier that day, had been soaked with piss and cum.

John's wife's started to thrust backwards, encouraging John's tongue to deepen in her arse. John wrapped his hand under her leg and started to finger her. At first one, then two, then three fingers thrusting deeply into his wife. The harder he thrust, the wetter it got. John thought 'fuck it... All in' and with that, pushed his little finger and thumb into a screwed up fist and pushed hard.

His wife's pussy reluctantly accepting all of John's hand with a squelch.

This didn't take long for John's wife to deliver a shuddering orgasm. More fluid ran down John's arm as the orgasm exploded through her. John pulled out all at once and a gush of fluid hit his face. His wife had never squirted or gushed before. John had never rimmed or fisted her before. His sexual desires just took over leaving John soaking and wondering, if his marriage could actually satisfy his kinky desires after all?

His wife turned and kissed him passionately. "Wow", she said. "That was insane".

John kissed her back, held her in his arms and they drifted asleep together.

John's next moment of consciousness was his early morning alarm ringing. 7am on the dot today. John kept up, grabbed his phone and headed to shower. After locking the door, he quickly logged onto fab... Nothing. No message, no wink... nothing.

John's heart sank even though his wife still lay practically naked in bed and John could still smell sex all over him. He had no inclination to return and try it on. Instead, a quick shower and change and John was left waiting... But how long for.

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


Wednesday passed with no contact, much to John's disappointment. He found himself addicted to slipping away, logging into fab, pulling down the screen to refresh it and eagerly waiting for the 'new message' sign. But nothing.

Then Thursday. Another day full of distraction and anticipation. John's lust now turning to worry and confusion. Had he done something wrong? Was that it, from his wink? Thousands of what if's and how's flew through John's mind. All relatively nonsensical but absolutely plausible in John's mind, right at this time.

Thursday afternoon came and John decided to go for a walk and try to clear his mind of fab thoughts.

He shouted up to his wife, who had no interest in joining him (not that he'd even offered for her to) and left. The sun was shining but it was still a cold wintery day. Nippier than the fresh feel earlier in the week. John was glad to be wrapped up in denims, thick jacket and scarf. His mind wandering to his nakedness outdoors only days before.

No... He was supposed to not be thinking about this. He consciously walked on, focusing his attention onto cars he was passing, house numbers through the street, the rustle of the dry, wintery leaves underfoot with the light sound of the wind swirling around.

John started to relax... His stride quickened and he soon found himself a few miles from home. He knew of a pub just up and around the corner and decided to pop in for a half. He grew up with the landlady so thought a conversation would help further distract his mind.

His half a lager was soon in front of him. Not the most manly of drinks but enough to quench a thirst and initially hit a spot. To John's dismay, his childhood friend landlady was out, so he sat in a booth in the corner of the bar area. Slightly secluded in an already quiet pub.

John drank sip by sip and his intention of a further distraction was far from the truth. No sooner had he sat down and taken his coat off, than his phone came out and he was prospecting again.

Fab... Login...

'new message' ... John's heart skipped a beat. He was sure the few people in the bar had noticed the beaming smile and rush of excitement, evident on his face. It was his wink.

"I've enjoyed this week so far. You have one visit left from me. Opt in to continue our game... Opt out to go back to your pathetic pretence lifestyle".

Wow... That felt brutal. John didn't think of his lifestyle as pathetic, but now thinking further about the blend of his shop window lifestyle and his lustful side-life of fab, he realised how much dispair he felt - having to live along a double edged sword.

John started to reply... "I need to know who you are. I can't continue without knowing. Will I find out at the next meet?"


John waited. Through the cold afternoon and having drank most of his drink, he needed the toilet. He waited as long as he could. No response yet. He couldn't wait any longer, so leaving his drink and coat behind, John moved across the room to the toilets.

Stood at the urinal, mid-flow, another fella came in and stood uncomfortably close to John. There were six urinals to chose from, John was furthest left, the guy was standing immediately beside John.

His belt and buttons unfastened and a decent cock, visible from the corner of John's eye, flopped out.

The guy spoke... "Nice cock mate", directly at John.

John had never been accosted like this and managed a, "thanks mate" in reply. His head turned and noticed a hard stream of piss coming from this guy. Then a moment of shock for John. The guy reached his hand out and grabbed at Johns cock, shacking and squeezing it as John's piss came to an abrupt Holt.

"Don't worry, he said... My secret..."

John's cock had twinged to attention. He couldn't hide his obvious excitement as he hardened, in his piss mates hand.

The next words out of the guys mouth left John both elated and distracted... "I'll sort that... No problem" as he knelt down and engulfed his mouth and throat with John's pussy cock.

It was all John could do to not blow there and then. He was in a public place, not for the first time this week, somewhere people who knew him could easily catch him out... And he was doing nothing to deny the moment.

The guy sucked harder and faster. No gag reflex as he slammed all the way to John's balls deep throating him like a pro. "I'm gonna cum" John's reply. The guy just sucked harder. John blew what felt like an almighty load straight down his throat. Some spilled out onto his chin and has he got up and turned to the mirror, he teasingly fingered it into his mouth.

With an adjustment of his clothes, a wry smile and a wink, the guy up and left the toilets... The wink... Was that it? Was that the sign to say... "It's me!!!".

John quickly put his cock away and fastened his trousers and belt, apearingly running out after the guy. He was nowhere to be seen. John trapped his coat, downed what was left of his drink and headed home...

Fuck that was hot... It must have been him... It was to much of a coincidence.

Refresh, refresh, refresh... Nothing on fab. John got home and went to the bathroom. Still no message.

Fuck... How long would he have to wait?

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


To John's disappointment, no message came through that night. He had sat opposite his wife all night, sneekingly checking away on fab.

The next morning came and John was up fresh and ready for a day at the laptop. He knew his wife would be out most of the day and figured he would have the chance at least, to keep fab open on his phone to stay in touch with any developments.

His wife left and shouted goodbye and immediately, John logged in. As per the last few days, the sign of "new message" got John extremely excited.

He pressed into his message inbox but to his dismay, the message wasn't from his wink. Instead a 20-something year old asking John to be his daddy and chancing his arm had messaged looking for a meet that morning. John decided to close the message but not delete it... Who knows, he thought, it might be an option later.

John sat working for an hour. Reading through emails and replying to the one in ten that actually needed his attention. He made a fresh cuppa and got back to his desk and his phone pinged. John opened it half expecting another chancer, but this time, it was his wink.

"It's good that you've been regularly checking in on fab, I assume waiting for me. You will make yourself available tomorrow morning from 9. You will shave your cock and balls, smell nice and be freshly showered and you shall wear anything you desire. You will be contacted at 9 with a list of very specific instructions. Follow them wisely".


John not only had the excitement of his final meet and finding out who his wink was, but also knew his day was now free to play. To wind himself up. To cum hard at the prospect of what tomorrow had in store for him.

He decided to reply to the 20-something year old and find out a bit more...

"Are you local? What exactly are you looking for?".

John didn't really expect an answer. He suspected this profile was another dreamer wasting his time - but there was nothing to lose.

John left his office and lay on his bed, his cock twinging so he unzipped his trousers and took out his veiny cock and stocked it hard... All the time using his left hand to refresh his phone screen... Hoping for the next reply...

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


As John played away, there was no reply... He clicked on the 20 something year olds profile to find... To no suprise... 'you cannot view this profile...'.

Typical John thought... His mind was well beyond the point of return by now as his horn coarsed through his body. He knew tomorrow would be a huge climax to the last week... And he hoped, in more ways than one.

His cock felt solid in his hand. He could feel his pulse bursting down his shaft as he took a firm grip and slowly banged away from tip to balls, making sure his foreskin edged over his head each time, smothering his pre-cum all over his cock.

He refreshed once more... "New message".

John inexpectantly opened his inbox... "You naughty boy... Are you wanking?"

John shot up of the bed, his phone falling from his hand and then one bounce onto the floor... He rushed to look outside the bedroom window to get a glimpse of who maybe able to see him... Noone... There was noone there.

John stayed peering out of the window for a short while, hoping to catch movement in a neighbour's window or from a vehicle in the street... Still nothing.

John eventually lay back on his bed... His cock now flaccid but still a raging horn flooding his body... Now even more heightened at the feeling of being watched.

John picked up his phone off the floor and lay back on the bed.

"No, not wanking" he replied. He decided to press send without adding any more details or questions, to try and deduce the messages meaning or origin.

John didn't have to wait long. As he refreshed once more the all exciting "new message" appeared.

"Are you sure... Your wife left over an hour ago... And there is no movement in your office".

Fuck... John's wink was close... His office window fronted the house, just off the bedroom, so any number of properties could be 'the one'.

John decided to play along...

"If your do sure... Why don't you come and check?"


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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John lay there.. playing gently with himself... Just enough to keep the blood pumping his cock hard, but nowhere near enough to edge a spurt of cum from his cock.

He frantically refreshed his phone for what seemed an age, but in reality, was probably no longer than a couple of minutes.

"New message"

"Now, now... Don't be impatient. You should however, save your load for tomorrow. It's your final show... Don't spoil it..."

John lay disappointed. His grip loosening on his cock with his erection fading like a sinking ship. Wait until tomorrow? Damn... His balls were bursting to cum... And... Final show??? What was all that about?

As per the previous few days, John's mind went into overdrive.

He decided to reply...

"No fair... I have a huge load waiting for you... What sort of show do you have in mind?"

John wasn't sure he'd get a straight answer to the final question, but decided to chance his arm anyway.

The reply came quickly...

"The load will be even better tomorrow. Be patient. It'll be worth it."

As suspected, John's wink was being as elusive as ever.

John decided a distraction was needed so he quickly dressed once more and set about making a cuppa and getting back to his emails. The day passed slowly. Dragging with the anticipation of what lay ahead the next day.

That evening also transcended into a blur. Conversations with his wife were unconsciously, kept to a minimum (without raising concern). The distraction was real. John couldn't get tomorrow out of his head.

John retired to bed early like a child on Christmas Eve... Hoping time would pass quicker but in reality, the excitement bearing too much for any real sleep.

When his morning alarm finally rang at 7:30, John shot out of bed and showered. Using two or three times the usual amount of soap and shower gell to make sure every inch of his body was pristine clean.

His wife had been up an hour already - with an early start travelling with work. She was also due to be away for the night attending a customer's function, so John had an unusual freedom for the day and evening.

John was out of the shower and dressed in jeans ands t shirt by 8. A comfy fit hoodie folded neatly on the stairs ready for the cold morning.

He grabbed some toast, had cuppa and logged into fab... No message yet... God, he was getting impatient...

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


John wolfed his toast down and repeatedly refreshed fab, as he sipped at his coffee... His mind running on overtime, wondering what was in store for him today.

Approximately 20 minutes passed. Then the message he had long been waiting for, came through.

"Today is your 4th and last visit. I have made plans and you will follow every instruction to the letter, or the day will stop straight away. I will not assume, so opt in to completely submit to my will for the day"

John quickly replied...

"I'm in... Where and when?"

Thankfully, the response was swift.

"You need to find some restraints, a blindfold (of some sort) and message back when you have them".

John knew his wife had a black out blindfold for sleeping during summer months, as the light badly affected her sleeping routine. He quickly searched her drawers and found it tucked amongst her nightwear. His mind then went to the restraints... His wife had dressed up as a sexy police woman for a hen doo a year or so ago... John thought the gear might be in the spare room closet with some of the dress up stuff they had for Halloween and Xmas friends parties. He rustled through the boxes and had soon found them. The keys were missing but they had a quick release mechanism on the outside, enabling John to use them as they were.

He replied

"Got them. A blindfold and pair of handcuffs"

A minute or so passed.

"You are to make sure your front door is unlocked, take your top off, put the blindfold on and handcuff your hands behind your back. Lay face down on your settee... Press reply with "now" just before you secure the handcuffs"

John suddenly felt the mixture of anxiety and excitement that he had felt during the days prior. The uncertainty mixed with the anticipation of pleasure meant he was going to comply no matter what. He couldn't wait for fun and had lost all concerns for the risk factor.

He took his top off, unlocked the door, typed "now" as his reply and pressed send. He quickly put the blindfold on and fumbled about with the handcuffs to secure his wrists behind his back.

The house was quiet... Only the sound of the TV that had been left on upstairs could be heard. John was sure anyone there, would be able to hear his heartbeat... It was racing and pounding out of his chest. The adrenaline coursing through his body. His cock starting to twinge.

He didn't have to wait long. The front door opened and John could hear footsteps. He was sure it was more than one person but he couldn't tell if it was two, three, four??? Maybe more.

The door closed after approximately 30 seconds and the key was turned in the lock.

John was lying submissively across his front on the settee. His body in the doggy position, topless and completely at the peril of his wink and anyone else in the room.

A very cold hand gently ran across his shoulder blades... Tickling to his spine and running down towards his handcuffed wrists. A gentle pull on each cuff checking John had securely fastened the restraints.

Another hand groped at Johns arse. It felt bigger than the hand running along his back. John was sure there was at least two people there.

The hand moved from his arse cheeks and cascaded down across his balls. John's cock twitched hard against his bottoms - longing to burst out and receive attention.

A hard slap came down across John's arse. It was hard enough to jolt John as he lay helpless, but not so hard it was unbearable. Then the hand came down on the other cheek. The sensation made John lust even more for his cock to bulge and harden outside of his bottoms.

He didn't have to wait long. John was forceably rotated on the settee... A strong set of hands had flipped him around like he was nothing. Quite an achievement given John's athletic physique.

His bottoms were pulled down and John was left lying naked and exposed.

Then another whack... This time across John's cock... The slap catching the tip of John's cock in just a way that it sent pain shooting throughout John's body. He was completely helpless other than his cries to stop. They were ignored. Another whack, then another, then a tight gripping of his balls and a tug at his ball sack pulling relentlessly downwards towards the floor, extending the skin by more than double it's original size.

The burning sensation of his genitals turned from an excruciating pain - to a more desirable and sexual burn... He felt his cock stiffening even though he was begging and pleading for it to stop.

After 3 or 4 more whacks to his cock tip, John could feel every pulse of blood pumping through his now rock hard cock. Then in contrast to the pain, a moment of complete exhilaration came as a mouth lowered over his cock. Engulfing his full length. It was warm and extremely wet. The person sucking John had clearly built up a mouthful of saliva to lubricate John's cock. He could feel the persons throat gripping at his cock head and a tongue whirling around the tip every time their head withdrew. John thrusted his hips forward... Trying to get every last millimeter of his length down his suckers

throat. He had never experienced anything quite like this. It was so wet... No gag reflex and a tightening throat grip. John almost felt like he was being wanked hard but the grip being someone's throat. He wasn't sure how long he could last like this so decided to stop thrusting as hard and let his sucker work away.

No sooner had he stopped thrusting than he felt a hard prod at his mouth... John knew what was coming. He could smell it close... His lips parted and a meaty lengthy cock was slammed to the back of John's throat. John had pride that over the past meets, he had refrained from gagging as his mouth was fucked, or at least, he hadn't chucked up. But this time was different. With his hands restrained behind his back, his neck stretched back as he lay being sucked and with all his senses heightened by the wearing of the blindfold, John instantly gagged as the cock reached his tonsils.

He spluttered and chocked as his assailant kept his length, firmly to the back of his throat. There was no care for the discomfort or lack of breathing that John was experiencing. John's throat gargled as spit and splutter came and flooded John's mouth and his assailants cock. Much like the mouth on John's cock, John himself was being face fucked with a soaking wet pussy of a mouth.

The cock withdrew, as his sucker simultaneously stopped deep throating him. John had been sure on all his meets this week that he had been targeted by his wink and at least one other guy... He was shocked at what happened next, as his sucker positioned over John's face and lowered towards his mouth.

John could smell pussy... Not only that... He could smell a pussy that had recently been filled with cum.

Then it happened... The pussy leaked a splash of cum onto John's mouth and chin. As it hit, the pussy lowered into John's mouth. Rubbing the salty residue all over his face and grinding from his chin to his nose...

John's legs were then powerfully lifted into the air and without any delay, the lengthy cock he had been sucking and got so deliciously wet, was probing at his arsehole...

John begged for lube, or spit, or something. He anticipated he may be forecibly fucked and he hoped his wink would go easy on him... At least to begin with.

Again, no luck. Anything John was asking for, he was getting the complete opposite.

A sudden pressure could be felt at Johns rectum... the pressure turning to pain as the cock head split John open. His tight hole trying to refrain the cock from entering... But to no avail.

The fast burning sensation ripped through John's arse... Then he felt the whole length of his winks cock, balls deep in him. His wink held there for a moment before fully withdrawing as John's gaping hole quickly reflexed back to its tight, closed starfish. Then bang. The cock was hammered back into him. This action repeated time and time again. The burning sensation turned to a lusty pleasure as John's sphincter got used to the invading cock.

The pleasure John received as the cock tip hammered home against his prostate g-spot, became more and more intense... He was being forced to lick and suck cum out of his face sitters pussy.

John wouldn't want to admit this, but he was loving every second of it... He hadn't even had one consideration to the open windows that had no blinds drawn. Or the French doors leading from the garden to the living room that also allowed any passer by to see in... At this point he didn't care.

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By *elshoral OP   Man
over a year ago


The more John got into the taste of a man's cum being driped from a stranger's pussy, the more his mind shifted to who his wink and female friend could be... He hadn't quite yet established if it was just his wink and female friend in the room or if there were others.

John felt the heat building and sweat pouring from his face and neck areas, as he was straddled and being ridden so intensely.

Every now and again, he would gently twist his face away to catch a deep breath before burying his tongue back into his assailants pussy. John had never felt his cock so rock hard before. He was sure whoever was sucking it, had a mouthful of veiny lengthy meat slotting in and out of them.

John loved pleasuring a woman between her legs. It wasn't something he got to do all that often as although his wife enjoyed it, their vanilla routine was much more - wham bam thank you mam, than playful seduction and lengthy kinky sessions.

John paid particular attention to his assailants clit, taking turns to circle it one moment with heavy pressure, the next with a gentler approach. Her pussy was soaking wet with the mixture of cum and her own juices and John knew she was getting close to her own orgasm. He could feel her thighs tightening and fluids pouring more readily from her.

He built his momentum to the almighty climax that shuddered through her body... Soaking John's lower face, his blindfold and chest area. Wow... John enjoyed that.

He was still having his cock serviced expertly and although John longed to shoot a huge cum load, he also wanted to prolong the fuck, just in case it proved to be their last. His wink stopped and got off him. From John being so easily flipped onto his back, he was now lifted easily to his feet, one arm linking into his restrained arms and yanking him upright.

John stood there dripping in female cum, fully exposed and once more at the peril of the room.

A hand slapped down across his arse cheeks... It made John stumble forward slightly at the unexpected force and sharp, shooting pain. John focused his balance once more. Another slap, this time to the other cheek... He could hear some sort of shuffling commotion in the background and he tried to turn his attention to what it could be... What was coming next?

Then a pair of hands grabbed John's shoulder and waistline and pushed and pulled separately to entice John to bend over forwards. As he did, a smaller hand rested onto the small of John's back and a cold, watery sensation covered John's crack and dribbled down over his arse. This was quickly followed by a pair of fingers smothering the fluid across John's arsehole. Teasingly probing at his entry point... Lubing him ready for the pumleing that was coming his way.

His winks hands moved through John's hair, the other to his chin and once more, a forceable motion pulled John's mouth open and pulled his head, by his hair forward, so that John completely engulfed his cock.

John's mouth felt fuller than ever. He wasn't even sure this was his wink. His cock seemed harder and slightly thicker. He wondered if his wink was just that turned on? Much like John was to the point his cock was at its maximum level of swelling.

It didn't matter as whoever this cock belonged to, it was now halfway down John's throat... Pushing deep and holding in place... John was spluttering. Puddles of saliva flooded his mouth. His eyes watering like a sprinkler system with tears running steadily and uncontrollably down his face. He was in the moment though and longed for this filthy cock to face fuck him to oblivion.

From behind, the smaller hands gripped onto John's love handle area and have a firm pull and thrust and John felt a toy cock slam into him... Entering at full force. It was a moderately sized object and as toys go, it was damn hard, glass maybe...

From the moment of entry, the cock started to hammer fuck John's arse. His assailant gave no care in the world for the pain threshold of John and just fucked him senseless.

John's wink also picked up the pace fucking his face and John knew that at any moment, a warm sticky load was going to be shot to the back of his throat.

John's winks breathing had increased in pace... Small grunts from both assailants were becoming regular and aggressive. John felt his winks legs start to shudder in front of him and his balls lift as tension filled his private region... Then it happened... Spurt after spurt of thick cum shot into John's throat. At least 8 or 9 shots smashed into John's mouth, each as thick as the last and with a force that convinced John, could reach from one side of the room to the other.

John couldn't take the sheer volume of ejaculate that was being pumped into him, alongside the thick veiny cock that was still pushed as deep as John's tonsils.

John struggled and spluttered and tried to withdraw from his winks cock but his head was held firmly in place. One hand under his chin, the other gripping his hair.

John chocked and cum shot out of his mouth and rocketed through his throat to his nasal cavity and spurted out of his nose...

He couldn't stop coughing and the more he coughed, the more cum erupted from his mouth and nose...

Both his wink and assailant erupted laughing at the cum pig that they had turned John into. John's face was a mess. The mixture of cum and pussy juice covering his face and cum was dangling from his chin and nostrils.

His arse was still being pounded and one stroke hit hard against John's prostate causing him to convulse inwardly and push back, involuntarily, harder onto the strap on... John's cock followed suit of his wink and erupted. It splashed cum all over John's feet and ankles and made quite a mess on the floor...

No sooner had John cum than the hard glass cock pulled out of him. His hole reflexed and the gape reduced to a stretched starfish.

Once more all four hands were on John's upper body and simultaneously pushed John to the floor. One hand gripped his hair and pushed his face down hard into the puddle of cum... John was being made to clean up. His own cum tasting saltier and a little more musky than his winks sweeter load.

The laughing continued.

John was sat back onto the settee. His humiliation complete and he wondered if his wink and assailant had had enough... Was that their fourth and final meet over with? Was he going to find out who they were?

John's hands were still restrained behind his back. His blindfold although cum drenched, had remained largely in place. He could just about make out a thin line of light around the left edge of the blindfold but it was no good, he couldn't make any more out.

Someone sat next to John and rested their hand on his thigh... Their fingers curled inwardly and nails dug in hard then pulled back, scrambing at his legs.

He was then gently pushed from the side and this gave access to the cuffs restraining him...

They were gently undone after a short while fiddling with the release catch and then John's arms were pinned down beside him. Not with a great deal of force, but enough for him to know that he had to obey and he wasn't to do anything himself.

Then the moment came, another set of hands ran up John's arms, over his shoulder blades... Gently across his neck and cheeks and reached the blindfold...

John's heart was pounding... This was it... He was going to find out who his wink was (and whoever else was in the room).

The hands grabbed at the blindfold, releasing it from John's eyes ... It took a split second for John's eyes to adjust to the light after the hour or so of dark out that he had experienced.

Wow... As John looked around the room, he found himself staring at an incredibly athletic and beautiful female body... Somebody's body whom John had fantasised over for years... Someone very close to him and someone that knew him intimately enough to understand him. But to his utmost suprise, someone who he had no idea, knew he liked the kinkier side of life...

Stood next to her, a gleaming sweaty torso of a man John had known for years, who like his female companion, John had no idea he licked this shit himself let alone knew that John was into it...

Another noise distracted John's amazement... Time was passing and John couldn't mutter a word... His attention shifted to the seat slightly behind him and to his left... Sat in the seat, hot and sweaty, with one hand fumbling her nipple and the other rubbing her pussy was John's wife... And in front of him stood her best friend and husband whom John had spent holidays with, spent many d*unken nights with and had confided in when his vanilla lifestyle had become that "little bit boring'.

This was going to take some discussing...

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