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A Walk In The Park

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Leanne sat in the old transport café at the edge of the park waiting for her boyfriend, Ricky. Yet again he was late for a date and Leanne was beginning to get just a little fed up with it all. Either he wanted to be with her or he didn't. If he did, then surely he should have the courtesy to be on time at least once in a while, and if he didn't, then why the hell didn't he just say so? Another ten minutes, she decided, and if he was still a no-show, then he was also going to be history.

She glanced up as a petite girl with short spiky blonde hair put her tray down on the table diagonally opposite, facing Leanne across the aisle. She smiled in vague recognition, aware that she had seen this girl on the university campus a few times, though she did not know her. The girl smiled back as she picked up her burger.

'Hi.' She managed to get out before biting into her food.

'Hi.' Leanne replied with a grin, nodding towards the large and double fries that went with the burger, wondering how such a small frame could find room for such a hefty portion. 'Hungry?'

The girl grinned back, licking a piece of onion into her mouth. 'Famished. Just couldn't wait until I got home.' She paused. 'You not eating?'

'No, waiting for someone.'

'A guy?'

'Yes. And he's late - as usual.'

'Some of them are like that.' A handful of fries replaced the words in her mouth.

Leanne smiled to herself. There was nothing elegant about this girl. She was much more street urchin than lady, but she was very attractive in a tomboyish kind of way, especially in her loose blue tee-shirt and short green skirt over white trainers. It was a strange combination that somehow worked simply because the wearer clearly didn't mind if it did or not. She waved her burger in Leanne's direction.

'They just don't care who they're late for sometimes, do they?'

'Well.' Leanne reached her decision. 'He's late for his ex now, because I've had enough.'

'Good for you.' The girl applauded her. 'Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.'

The two girls lapsed into silence, glancing across at each other occasionally. Leanne sipping thoughtfully at her coffee, confirming her decision to herself, unsure if she was feeling relief or sadness. Across the aisle her companion worked her way steadily through the meal before her.

'Are you heading back to the campus?' The girl asked suddenly.

'Yes,' Leanne answered rather morosely. 'I've nothing else to do so I might as well get some study done.'

'Are you thinking of cutting through the park?'

'I expect so.'

It was not the recreation ground kind of park with kid's playground, tennis courts and so on, but just an open space of rough grass and stubby trees where people had picnics by the little river and wandered along unmade paths. At the weekend it could be quite busy with families, but on a midweek evening like this one it was very often nearly empty, lonely almost. But it didn't have any reputation for danger and it did take nearly a mile from the walk back, so even when deserted it was still an excellent shortcut.

'Would you mind if I walked with you?' She asked. 'I get a bit nervous when it begins to get dark.'

Leanne glanced in surprise out of the cafe window and saw that the late summer sun had almost dipped behind the tops of the trees.

'No, of course not.' Truth to be told, she would be glad of some company. It just might lift her spirits.

'I won't keep you long.' The girl pointed down at her rapidly disappearing food.

'No hurry, take your time. I'm in no rush now. I don't mind the dark.'

When she was not alone Leanne had a kind of affinity for the night, as if it hid the cares of the world from her.

'Oh, I do.' The girl picked up her tray and slid across to face Leanne at her table. 'I'd be scared on my own.'

She sucked on her and then announced unexpectedly. 'I'm Carly.'

'Hello Carly, I'm Leanne.' She appraised the girl before her, taking in the slim boyish figure, the large green eyes and the open friendly smile.

'Hello Leanne.' Carly tore of a piece of burger with sharp white teeth.

Once again the two girls lapsed into silence, but this time it was something more than just simple silence. Leanne looked up to find Carly staring at her almost wistfully. She wasn't sure what to make of it and so she smiled shyly and looked away again, her eyes darting back quickly to check if she were still the subject of Carly's scrutiny and feeling almost disappointed when she wasn't. It was as if they were weighing each other up, aware of something between them but unsure what it was.

'What are you studying?' She asked, wanting more to break the silence than to anything.

'Archaeology. You?'

'Media studies.'

The silence threatened to close in again.

'Do you...' Leanne cleared her throat and tried again. 'Do you have a boyfriend?'

She had no idea why she'd asked that.

'I don't have anyone at the moment.' Carly replied after a moment's reflection.

'Apparently.' Leanne shrugged, remembering having been stood up. 'Neither do I.'

Again there was a slightly charged stillness as both girls finished their drinks and gazed at each other over the table. Carly popped the last few fries into her mouth without looking down and dusted her hands together.

'That's me done.' She told Leanne. 'Shall we go?'

Outside the air was still warm even though the sun was now just a red ball glimpsed low between the trees of the park. What had been a hot, humid day with very little breeze had turned into a pleasant evening.

Leanne and Carly turned in through the gate together and set off side by side to walk across the park. They kept up a half-hearted and meaningless chat, but there were more periods of amiable quiet when they walked alongside, just glancing and smiling at each other for no discernable reason. It seemed clear to Leanne that something was in the air, but she still wasn't quite sure where it was all leading. A couple of times she felt like asking Carly if anything was the matter, but she was enjoying the quiet company and the simple presence of an attractive girl, and she didn't want to spoil it. So at ease did she feel in Carly's company that, even though conversation was sparse, she hardly noticed when Carly's cool slender fingers entwined into hers and they started to walk along hand in hand - and even when she did notice it didn't seem to matter. Sure it felt a little strange, but she was pleased that they could be so relaxed together so soon after meeting. She was quite a tactile sort of girl anyway, and holding the hand of a friend seemed quite normal. She squeezed Carly's fingers gently and smiled when the pressure was returned.

They walked together quietly like this for perhaps a quarter mile, enjoying the warm twilight and the sounds of wildlife settling for the night, and then, without any warning, Carly stopped dead, gripping onto Leanne's hand so that she was swung around by her own momentum to face her companion. Then Carly released Leanne's hand and reached up to put her arms around her and pull her into a tight embrace, her mouth seeking Leanne's in a sudden kiss. Shocked by Carly's behaviour, Leanne's instinctive reaction was to pull away, but she was still off balance and stumbling towards Carly, and before she could regain her equilibrium she found to her absolute astonishment that she was responding.

Her arms went around Carly, partly to maintain her balance, but partly also because... well because they just did. It wasn't anything she was expecting, and it certainly wasn't what she was looking for, but she found herself standing in the twilight, in the middle of a public footpath, enjoying - yes, enjoying - a full on kiss with a girl. Her eyes went wide with alarm, but her mouth was opening too, and her hands were flattening themselves across Carly's back. She tried to say no, but it came out as a garbled sound of pleasure. Thoughts raced through her mind as she wondered what was going to happen next and why hadn't she seen it coming - and most shockingly, why didn't she want it to stop. Eventually, unable to understand or fight it, she gave in and returned the kiss.

Sensing Leanne's surrender, Carly's kisses became more passionate, her tongue found its way into Leanne's mouth and her hands roamed over her back, firm but affectionate through the thin material of her top. Leanne responded in kind, probing between Carly's lips, fencing with her tongue, exploring her mouth, and then her hands began to travel around Carly's back, feeling the smoothness of her skin through her cotton tee-shirt. Her arms had been around females before; hugs shared with departing friends, embraces of greeting, and cuddles of sympathy, but never anything like this. On those occasions the pleasure had come from the emotion of the moment, but this time it came simply from the physical contact, and it felt so much more intense.

Eventually their mouths parted to allow them to get some air, catching breath lost in the sensations of the unexpected kisses, and for a while they simply embraced cheek to cheek, looking over each others shoulders while their hands still wandered. Soon Carly found the hem of Leanne's top, deliberately going under it so that her hands were on the skin of her back, roaming around, up and over her bra straps to the nape of her neck, down her spine, drifting from side to side, almost going around the front, and feeling so good that Leanne could not prevent herself from sighing with contentment. Once again Carly took the response as an invitation to go further, and now her hands went up Leanne's back and under her bra strap, repeating the action twice as if to check on Leanne's reaction before suddenly her fingers found the catch and Leanne felt the release of tension as her bra came undone.

Carly pulled back a little and looked Leanne straight in the eye, trying to see in the increasing twilight if there was any disapproval of her action. Seeing none, she hooked the hem of Leanne's top in her thumbs and ran her hands up the sides of Leanne's body, pushing top and bra up with them. Leanne gasped as her breasts came free and exposed to the cooler evening air, but she made no move to stop it, passively accepting whatever the other girl wanted to do with ever mounting excitement. Still holding the top out of the way, Carly looked down at Leanne's breasts, causing the nipples to engorge with arousal and goose bumps of anticipation to break out over Leanne's flesh. Suddenly Carly bent down in front of her with a little mew of excitement and took a swollen nipple into her mouth.

'Oh my god,'

It was the first time Leanne had spoken since they had stopped along the path, but the whispered words were not of displeasure, but of delighted surprise tinged with a little alarm at how quickly things were moving. Leanne looked quickly up and down the path, troubled in case anyone should come along and find her in a very clearly sexual situation with another girl. She was enjoying what was happening, but that didn't mean she wanted the world to know. What if it went around the university that she was turning lesbian?

That sudden thought stopped her in her mental tracks. Gone for the moment were any thoughts of being seen, instead she was enveloped by the alarming idea that she might actually be that way inclined. But then the feel of Carly's mouth suckling at her nipple was so good it didn't seem to matter, and anyway, it was just a mouth, why should she care about the gender of its owner? She could let herself be aroused like this and still not be a lesbian, so long as she didn't actually do anything herself. She was rationalising and she knew it, but her body was responding big time, even her pussy was beginning to react.

Carly's hands had released Leanne's clothes to begin exploring her body, but her top had now slipped back and she could feel it getting in the way, the edge drooping across her breasts and spoiling Carly's kisses. She took hold and pulled it up under her chin, bra and all as if offering Carly her breasts, then looked down to watch Carly sucking harder at her nipple. Carly's eyes flicked up to meet hers and she mumbled something unintelligible before she pressed her mouth even more eagerly into the soft flesh, her lips opening to take in more of her breast and her hands caressing Leanne's bare torso. Leanne groaned with pure pleasure, her eyes once again roving up and down the path to make sure nobody was coming.

One of Carly's hands was now in the centre of Leanne's bare back but the other started to explore further, urgently but briefly going down below her waistband to find and feel her bottom, gently squeezing the cheeks before retreating back up Leanne's spine. Just for a second Leanne went rigid at this encroachment, but the disappointment she felt as Carly moved away negated her unease and she let out a deliberate sigh of regret. Carly's hand immediately came back, urgently fondling her, running her hand all around the firm cheeks, squeezing as if to feel the flesh beneath Leanne's shorts, before moving her hand around and over Leanne's hips. Leanne guessed what was coming and without even thinking about it she parted her legs just enough for Carly to touch her pussy through the thin material of her shorts and panties. She felt Carly's fingers probing and fondling her through her clothes, her breath coming in staccato little gasps as she allowed herself to be touched there by a girl for the very first time. She couldn't hide how she felt, little whimpers of anxious delight were making their own way out of her mouth, and so she just stood there and let Carly have her way.

Suddenly Carly's fingers were fumbling with her belt, trying to undo her shorts and find their way inside. For a moment Leanne almost let her, but then she realised exactly where they were.


She pushed Carly away, feeling the sudden coolness of the air on the wetness of her nipple as the girl pulled away in disappointed surprise.

'What if someone should see?'

Carly shrugged, obviously too turned on to be worried by the prospect. 'What if they do?'

Leanne did worry; she looked about her, not really wanting to stop but not wanting to flaunt it either. She grabbed Carly by the hand and pulled her from the path, down a little slope and into a group of scrubby trees, not quite hidden from passers-by, but near enough in the rapidly descending darkness.

There was no resistance. Leanne knew now exactly what was happening and even wanted it, although she still didn't understand why. There was urgency within her now and straight away she turned to face Carly, pulling her own top and bra up and then over her head and off, dropping them carelessly onto the grass out of the way and standing naked to the waist to let Carly carry on where she left off. Carly smiled and moved forward, dipping her head to find Leanne's nipple again, one hand around Leanne's back and the other cupping the breast to be kissed.

Leanne murmured her pleasure as Carly's mouth closed on her once again, tongue flicking and lapping at her little bud then sucking it back into her mouth, leaving her hand free to wander down to Leanne's shorts once again. This time Leanne did not object, in fact she shivered with anticipation as her belt was undone and as she felt the buzz of her descending zipper. She felt Carly's hand working its way inside her clothes, pushing under the waistband of her panties, fingertips finding and stroking the first dark curls of her pubic hair. There Carly hesitated, as if unsure of Leanne's approval. But Leanne could wait no longer. She no longer cared about the gender of her partner, only that this girl was going to satisfy the hunger that was growing inside her.

'Do it.'

The fingers pushed further down, finding the top of Leanne's pussy, working their way between her opened legs to touch her clitoris. Leanne gasped at the sudden contact and tried, hindered by her clothes, to open her legs a little further. Unable to give Carly the room she wanted to, Leanne tucked her thumbs under her shorts and pushed them as far down as her opened knees would allow. Carly's fingers slid further between her legs and began to play with her more vigorously, stroking and rubbing her clitoris, sending little darts of delight through Leanne's body.

Then, abruptly, Carly backed away and it was Leanne's turn to feel frustrated disappointment as she stood bare-chested, legs apart, her shorts gaping open with a little tuft of her pubic curls darkly visible above her scrunched down panties. But, even as Leanne gasped at her in surprise, Carly smiled sexily and crouched down in front of her, reaching for her shorts. Leanne understood at once what was intended and stood straight, letting Carly pull her shorts and panties down as one, raising one foot after the other so that her clothes could be manoeuvred over her shoes.

Now she was nude in the middle of a public park, but she didn't care, the dark covered her nakedness and her arousal covered any inborn embarrassment. The fact that Carly was still wearing her ill assorted clothing didn't matter either; after all it was Leanne who was on the receiving end of the pleasure. She spread her legs and just stood there, breathing heavily, waiting impatiently for Carly to continue.

Still crouching, Carly moved forward, breathing audibly herself, one hand going around Leanne to gently squeeze her bottom, and the other running softly up the inside of her thigh until it found its target. Leanne rested her hands on Carly's shoulders to steady herself and opened her legs just a little more to let the other girl play with her. Carly found the wetness of her slit and followed it until she reached her entrance, so that Leanne gasped out loud as two fingers found their way through and pushed deep into her vagina.

Carly smiled happily, her teeth showing in the darkness, and began pumping her fingers in and out of Leanne's pussy, finger-fucking her hard and fast, her eyes going from where her fingers slid wetly in and out, to looking up at Leanne's indistinctly seen face to try and see what effect she was having. The truth was that she was having an amazing effect. Leanne stood there naked, legs apart, hands resting on Carly's shoulders, mouth open, gazing wildly about her and gasping from the sensations that ran through her. She was afraid that she would orgasm, not because she didn't want to come, but because she was almost never noiseless and in the quiet of the evening she could imagine her cries ringing through a silent park.

'You're going to make me come.' She gasped down at Carly, partly as a statement, but also as a warning.

'Good, that's the idea.'

Leanne could just about make out the smile on Carly's face in the gloom before she leaned forward and pushed her mouth up against Leanne's pussy, licking at her clit while her fingers still plunged up and down into her passage.

'Oh my god.'

Leanne could feel her climax building. Carly's tongue flicked at her clit, unable to reach far enough between her legs to lick it properly, but reaching just far enough to tease her into coming. There was nothing she could do about it, she could feel the pleasure building, that familiar warmth in her pussy that was increasing and spreading, becoming an explosion that was about to ignite. She could feel her hips starting to thrust automatically, jerking forward, pushing her pussy at Carly's face as her climax took over.

'I'm coming.'

It was a sharp little cry of delight and despair, followed almost immediately by a long animalistic wail as her orgasm hit. Wave after wave of absolute ecstasy from Carly's tongue and fingers were pulsing through her and she was simply unable to stop herself. Her cries were not exceptional, but in the still of the evening she was sure they rang right through the park even though she tried to quieten them, trying to keep her mouth shut to stifle her noise. To her own embarrassed ears she was certain that she would be heard all the way back to the campus, and she stared at the path they had been on previously, praying that nobody would come along and hear her, but knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop even if they did. She cried out again as Carly's fingers rammed themselves up her even harder and triggered another rush of sensations. All she could do was surrender to her climax.

She grabbed at Carly's head, pushing the girl into her as hard as her hips pushed back, squashing her face into her pubes and holding it there, needing the feel of her tongue to continue even though she knew she shouldn't. Her orgasm seemed as if it were going on forever, and all the time she jerked her hips into Carly's face, crying out and looking about, scared of the power of her climax, petrified of being caught by her vocalising and mortified by the way she was treating her new lover, but it was the strongest climax she had experienced for a long time, and she just couldn't do anything about it.

Finally it was over but for the little post orgasmic aftershocks that sporadically darted through her and made her gasp, and finally she was able to release Carly's hair and let her settle back, watching the girl gaze up with a triumphant smile on her face. Leanne's heart was hammering fit to bust, her breath was coming in quick deep gasps, and her body was trembling, but she felt wonderful, better than she could remember for ages. She knew why Carly looked so triumphant, she understood now that she had been deliberately seduced, but that didn't matter. She sank on her knees to gaze contentedly at her seducer, sitting back on her haunches and reminded of her nudity by grass that tickled, making her giggle with embarrassment.

'Oh my god.' She repeated eventually, not having the breath for anything more profound.

Carly moved forward, rising a little to straddle Leanne's legs and hold her close, cuddling her against her breasts while she recovered from her climax.

'Thank you.' Leanne whispered self consciously, surprised at herself for what she had done but grateful for both the pleasure and the experience.

'I enjoyed it too.' Carly told her, taking Leanne's head between her hands and gazing at her affectionately in the near dark.

Leanne smiled, knowing that Carly had not had a quarter of the pleasure she had had, but appreciating the remark anyway. She tipped her head back enough to present her mouth to be kissed and then put her arms around Carly and pulled her close. Carly responded willingly, lowering herself over Leanne's thighs to bring their mouths more level.

This kiss was softer, more tender than the ones that had gone before, but just as pleasing. Carly's hands slipped from Leanne's cheeks to roam gently over her bare back, raising little goose bumps as they went. Leanne did the same, her hands roaming around the back of Carly's top, until she found the hem and ducked under it, feeling the softness of skin on her palms. She murmured quietly at the experience, her hands exploring, tracing Carly's spine and then coming out through the collar to stroke the nape of her neck.

'Let's be fair. Well - fairer anyway!'

She heard Carly's words but didn't understand the meaning for a moment. But Carly leaned back and then grabbed her top and swiftly hauled it over her head, before reaching back to unclip her bra and toss that down as well. Leanne looked down between them, just making out Carly's neat little breasts in the moonlight, high and pert, tipped with dark nipples that stood out like little erasers.

'You are beautiful.' She told her, meaning her breasts.

'That makes two of us then.' Carly grinned widely, her happiness obvious.

Leanne giggled and then pulled Carly closer, feeling the hardness of her nipples against the tops of her own breasts. They kissed again, using their tongues to make it even more intimate, more sexual than before, and even though she had so recently come Leanne felt a tiny flame of desire spark up inside her.

So far it had been Carly who had played the more active part with Leanne receiving all the benefit, and she was feeling very guilty about that. It would, she determined, have to change, and wasn't that why Carly had pulled her top off? Without breaking the kiss Leanne pulled her body away from Carly a little, letting one of her hands move around to the front. For a moment she rested it just on Carly's ribcage, but then, gathering her nerve, she slowly moved it up to cup her breast. Carly grunted quietly, kissing Leanne harder.

Leanne smiled into Carly's kiss, squeezing the soft breast gently, feeling the nipple hard against her palm and taking pleasure in the unfamiliar contact. Again Carly groaned her enjoyment, her own hand moving around to cup Leanne's opposite breast so that the two girls were now playing with each other. They played gently at first but in next to no time arousal took over and made the movements become quick and urgent. Soon they were gasping and moaning, fingers digging into yielding flesh, massaging, moulding, and kneading, each with their other hand holding them firmly around each other's backs.

But Leanne wanted to do more now, she wanted to be more active, and she definitely wanted to know what it was like to kiss and suck a girl's breast. Without saying anything she placed both hands on Carly's sides and lifted her. For a moment she could sense Carly frowning, but then realisation hit and she raised herself onto her knees, releasing Leanne's breast but presenting her own at just the right height. Leanne drew a deep breath and leaned forward, cupping Carly's breast in one hand to bring the nipple to her mouth.

Instantly Leanne knew why boys always liked to suck at her breasts, for the feeling of an engorged nipple in her mouth released all kinds of feelings. She felt at once, excited, comforted, aroused and, most of all, very daring. She suckled hard, sucking the tip of Carly's breast between her lips and licking and flicking the nipple with her tongue. Carly's hands went stiff on her back, the fingers digging into her flesh as she groaned loudly with pleasure, pushing her breast at Leanne's mouth to make it clear what she wanted. Leanne was only too pleased to oblige, sucking and nibbling at Carly's breast, guarding her teeth with her lips and then biting her nipple, gently at first and then harder until she heard Carly moan with arousal and pain.

'God, yes.' Carly muttered, hardly aware that she was speaking out loud.

Leanne licked harder, taking the little nubbin of the nipple right between lip guarded teeth, biting and nibbling before she pulled back, drawing the whole breast to a peak, then tugging at it until it slipped from between her lips and sprang back - only for her to do it again.

Carly jerked a little from Leanne's actions, bringing an inner thigh into brief contact with Leanne's and reminding her that her legs were still straddled by the blonde girl's. Her free hand was resting now on Carly's side, just above her hip, and so, without taking her mouth from Carly's nipple, Leanne ran her hand down over her skirt and onto her leg, stroking up and under the hem and along the length of her thigh. With Carly's legs apart as she sat astride Leanne, she was vulnerable to being explored, and Leanne had the urge to try.

Her hand caressed Carly's leg, stroking round and round on the inside of the thigh, each circuit tentatively taking it closer and closer to its target. Carly moaned in expectation, stroking the back of Leanne's head, pushing her mouth onto her breast until Leanne's fingers finally grazed the edge of her panties and then she went rigid, waiting for the next touch. But it wasn't the next time, or the one after. Both times Leanne's fingers passed tantalisingly close, unintentionally and unknowingly teasing Carly as she mustered the courage to touch, until finally she let her fingertips trail lightly over the Carly's crotch, separated from that tender flesh only by a thin cotton layer.

Leanne had never touched a girl before, and it was so alien to her that she still wasn't sure she could continue even though she desperately wanted to - if only to pay Carly back for the pleasure she had received. She did it once more, her fingertips skating over Carly's cotton covered pussy, but she did it just a little more firmly this time so that she could actually feel the flesh beneath. Carly groaned and her fingers gripped Leanne's hair all the more tightly. Leanne touched her again, running her fingers gently up and down Carly's crotch, finally giving in to her feelings and enjoying the sensation of stroking her.

It was as if a dam had been breached. Once she had done it Leanne found no more problems in playing with Carly. At first she stayed outside Carly's panties, stroking and rubbing her pussy, trying the action that she enjoyed doing to herself when she was alone, scratching tight stretched panties with manicured nails so that the buzz of the material vibrated the skin below. Carly's groan told her how well it worked, and anyway she could feel moisture gathering on the cotton. She basked in the knowledge that she had caused it. Then, with Carly gasping and groaning with arousal, Leanne found the courage to go further. Her finger found its way under the side of Carly's panties, lifting them and moving them to the side, baring Carly's pussy to her hand. For a moment she hesitated again, but then she made actual contact and began to fondle the puffy labial flesh with her fingertips. She was immediately conscious that Carly felt different, but it took a few minutes for her to understand why.

'Are you shaved?' She asked in surprise, even though the answer was self evident.

'Yes, you don't mind, do you?'

'No, I just wasn't expecting it, that's all.'

'I think it feels nicer.'

'So do I.'

'And it's better than flossing every time.'

For a minute or so Leanne didn't understand, but then the penny dropped and a surge of excitement burst through her at the thought it provoked.

'Oh my god.'

She trailed her fingers along the smooth skin, trying to imagine doing it with her tongue. Carly had done it for her a little and just the idea of being that adventurous in return made her pulse race and her breathing quicken, even though she knew she wasn't quite up for it, not yet anyway. She would make do with her hand, because even touching Carly with just her fingers was still a thrill.

Carly spread her legs a little wider to give Leanne more room to reach between them, bringing herself back down nearly to Leanne's level by doing so. They looked directly into each other's eyes, seeing the pure lust that glittered there in the moonlight.

'Just a moment.'

Carly scrambled to her feet, leaving Leanne kneeling in a confusion that lasted only until Carly pushed her skirt and panties down, kicking them free, not caring where they landed. Then she put her arms out to welcome a now naked Carly back to kneel again straddling her legs. Her hand reached down, her fingers investigating between Carly's labia, exploring her wet slit, finding the hard little button of her clitoris, rubbing at it for a moment or two so that Carly gasped at the feeling. Then she pushed further down until her fingers found the entrance, wide open and slippery, and two of them slid inside almost of their own accord. Leanne pressed them further in, experiencing and savouring the sensation of fingering another girl, her heart hammering with nervous excitement. It was not like fingering herself, when she felt it from both sides. This time she only felt it as the intruder, feeling more clearly the soft walls of Carly's tunnel, the warm wetness of it, and the gentle pulsing as it contracted onto her.

She felt Carly's hands go around her neck and her blonde head rest against her shoulders as she let her fingers go even deeper inside, both girls gasping quietly with the pleasure of it. She began to move, slowly and gently thrusting in and out, enjoying the strangely wonderful sensations, pushing as deep as she could, with her palm flat against Carly's pussy and her fingers hooked into her vagina.

Carly groaned, her grip on Leanne's neck tightened and she started to move against the hand, sliding backwards and forwards in counterpoint to Leanne's thrusts. Soon she was taking the lead, rubbing herself on Leanne's hand, pushing her clitoris hard onto her palm, her vagina throbbing around the invading fingers. Leanne just held her hand there, letting the wet pussy slide over it, feeling the thrill of doing something naughty, something so exciting that she shouldn't even be contemplating it. God, what an evening this was becoming, her first time with a girl and she was loving it. She felt Carly's fingers begin to dig into her back and her head press against her neck, and she knew suddenly that Carly was about to come.

Carly was quieter than Leanne had been, but she was by no means silent. She grunted and gasped as she rubbed herself onto Leanne's palm, thrusting back and forth so that all Leanne could do was to hold her hand still with her fingers deep inside Carly's vagina and let it happen. Then suddenly Carly went rigid, her pussy pressed firmly onto Leanne's hand, her fingers biting into the flesh of Leanne's back and her noises suddenly turning into one long, deep, satisfied groan.

And then it was over and Carly slumped back onto her haunches, gasping and panting, letting Leanne's hand slip from her soaking pussy. Leanne looked at her new lover and smiled happily, pleased to see the white of Carly's teeth in the moonlight as she returned it.

'God, that was so good.' Carly's voice was a contented whisper in the near dark.

Leanne nodded silently, then realised the movement might not be seen. 'I never thought it would be that nice.' She answered honestly.

'Would you do it again?'

'Yes.' It came as no surprise to realise she spoke truthfully.

'Would you sixty-nine with me?'

It had only been a short time before when she had believed she wasn't ready for that kind of intimacy, but Leanne detected the need in Carly's voice and it overcame any residual reluctance she might have felt, so she answered once again with the single word. 'Yes.'

Carly scrambled clear of Leanne's legs and laid herself down flat on the grass, her pale form looking beautiful and tempting in the darkness. 'Come on then.'

Leanne hadn't really meant right that moment, but she wasn't being given time to think and that was all to the good. Reacting automatically she moved to where Carly lay, kneeling over her, facing towards her feet and straddling her stomach. She inched backwards until her pussy was over Carly's face and then crouched, flattening her body, feeling the blonde girl's breasts against her belly and her own pressed into Carly's. She hesitated, wondering fleetingly if she could do it but at the same time knowing that she wanted and needed to. She gazed hungrily down between Carly's wide open legs, trying to make out the details of her pussy in the dark, wanting to know what pleasure awaited her but amazed with herself that she was even thinking along those lines.

Carly's hands were on her bottom, pulling her closer, and then suddenly, she felt the touch of Carly's tongue in her slit, just a tiny touch on her labia. She jerked forward in shock, not really expecting it even though that's was what was proposed. Embarrassed by her own reaction, she moved back, feeling the searching tongue touch her again, more firmly this time, tasting and teasing her. Now it was her turn.

She lowered her face, taking in the musky scent of aroused woman and following it to its source. Very, very gingerly she put out her tongue, still cautious but needing to do it.

Her own first touch had the same effect as Carly's. The moment she felt flesh on the tip of her tongue she immediately pulled back, stopping an inch or so away and then slowly, so very slowly, moving forward again until once more her tongue found skin. Pulled one way by her make-up and the other by her needs, she faltered there, her tongue just resting on Carly's flesh and without her even being sure exactly where it was touching. She forced herself to move, pressing her tongue more firmly onto Carly's skin, licking slowly left and right and then up and down, investigating until she found her way to Carly's slit. Becoming more secure now and even more turned on, she let her tongue find its way between Carly's labia, gliding up and down, identifying the firm little nub that was her clitoris and the soft wet opening of her vagina. She moaned softly with sudden eager pleasure at that first taste of another woman and delved into her with her tongue, lapping at her entrance and pushing in as deeply as she could, encouraged by the feel of Carly's tongue working at her own pussy.

Her confidence growing with her arousal, Leanne nuzzled into Carly's pussy, even her nose pressing on soft feminine flesh as her tongue wriggled as far as she could reach into her vagina. She reached over Carly's legs with her hands, pulling them right back, holding them back under her arms to gain better access to her pussy, licking, kissing, drinking in the wet juices that ran along her tongue.

Carly was doing the same to Leanne, her mouth fully over her pussy, her tongue diving into her passage and then licking along to her clit where it lapped at her engorged button. Leanne found herself shuddering from the intensity of the combined thrill, writhing on top of her partner, pressing herself down, skin on skin, body against body, totally immersing herself in the unaccustomed thrill of making love to a girl. She was going to come, she hadn't expected to but there was no doubt about it, it was just a case of how soon and how hard.

It was also a case of who would be first. Overwhelmed by her own pleasure, she had almost forgotten the stimulation she must be giving Carly - until she felt the girl's hips begin to twitch beneath her and her fingers begin to dig into the flesh of her bottom. Whether by accident or design, or under the influence of her looming climax, Carly was pulling her buttocks wide apart, spreading her almost to the point of pain. She was abruptly conscious that, if it wasn't for the darkness, she would be fully on show, open for the world to see her most personal bits, and that thought gave her an unexpected and weird thrill. But then she felt, rather than heard, Carly groan loudly into her pussy as her orgasm arrived and suddenly Leanne was too busy trying to keep her mouth in contact with the other girl's jerking, thrusting pussy to think about what she might be showing, especially as Carly's nails were now digging dagger like into her soft flesh.

As before, Carly's climax was short but intense and, like before, she suddenly went completely stiff beneath Leanne, gasping as the orgasm swept through her. And then it was over and she sprawled back onto the grass, unmoving except for her heaving chest and her trembling legs. Disappointed, and believing that they were finished, Leanne made to roll away but Carly grabbed at her, holding her firmly in place against her.

'No! Wait a minute.' She gasped. 'I want you to come too.'

For a minute or so Leanne stayed where she was, waiting for Carly to get her breath back enough to continue, and suddenly very aware once again that she was naked in the middle of a public park, and making love with another girl. But this time she didn't care. She was glad that Ricky had let her down, glad that Carly had been in that café, and glad that she was now crouching above her, skin on skin, nude body against nude body. Even the thought of what she was doing, exciting and decadent as it was, was making her quiver with delight.

And then Carly's tongue was back, licking at her pussy, sending those wonderful waves of pleasure running through her again. She widened her knees deliberately, wanting Carly to have as much of her as she could, and wriggled her body on Carly's, all the time gazing down in the darkness to pick out the little gleam of wetness that revealed the pussy she had just been eating. She leaned down again and planted a tiny kiss on Carly's pubic mound, just where her slit began, feeling a trace of shaven stubble against her lips.

'No, it's your turn.' Carly lifted her head and rebuked her, immediately returning her mouth to Leanne's pussy, although not, Leanne noticed, making any effort to close her legs and hide herself.

Carly had been licking Leanne with long weeps of her tongue, holding her wide open with her fingers and running it from the top of her slit to the bottom, but now she concentrated on her clit, first sucking it into her mouth and nibbling on it between lip covered teeth and then lapping at it with her tongue before returning to sucking and nibbling.

'Oh yes.' Leanne lowered her face, resting her cheek on Carly's shaven pubes and let Carly do as she wanted. She could feel the first returning signs of her delayed orgasm and she just wanted it to happen.

It was not long. With her cheeks still being held apart and her clit being bitten and pulled by Carly's mouth, Leanne felt her climax build rapidly, making her groan softly into Carly's thigh. Soon she was on the edge, trying to hold it back as long as she could, wanting it to be as big and strong as it could be, but still anxious about the noises she knew she would then make. But she couldn't hold off for long, and very soon she had to let go and her cries once again sounded into the park, seeming so very loud and clear to her in the stillness of night.

She buried her face in Carly's thigh to stifle her cries, feeling embarrassed and sure that half the nearby university campus was hearing her, but there was nothing she could do this time either. Her body shook and jolted, turning Carly's nibbles into harder bites and adding to her pleasure and making her cry out all the louder. But eventually her orgasm began to fade and her noises became lessened, until finally she was simply slumped over Carly, panting for breath and trembling from head to foot. Carly let her head fall back and loosened the grip of her fingers, relaxing even with Leanne's weight almost fully on top of her.

'Did you enjoy it from a girl?' Carly asked unnecessarily, asking simply because she wanted to hear Leanne say that she had.

'Oh my god, yes,' Leanne gasped, lifting her weight a little and looking about her anxiously. 'Do you think anyone heard?'

'No, I don't think so. You're not as loud as you think, you know. And anyway, they'd only be jealous if they did.'

Leanne rolled away, sitting up and feeling around for her clothing.

'I'd be mortified if anyone did.' She looked over at the pale figure that was Carly. 'Not because I'm with you, but just because I make so much noise it's embarrassing.'

'You don't and it isn't.' Carly reassured her. 'If it was I wouldn't be asking if we can meet again, and I am.'

It took Leanne a moment or two to comprehend, and then another few seconds to formulate her answer, and to Carly it seemed like forever. Then, just as Carly was bracing herself for disappointment, Leanne answered.

'If we do.' She said slowly. 'Can it be somewhere more private, and can we have the lights on?'

'Yes, of course, But why the lights?'

'Because I want to learn how to please a girl properly and I want you to teach me.'

'That's easy.' Carly giggled suddenly. 'You're a natural, so all you need is practice, and I don't mind helping with that.'

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By *rumkidTV/TS
over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Omg that's hot

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