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Find My Limits


By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Helen stood looking at the phone, her knuckles pressed against her teeth, willing herself to pick it up and dial! Eventually she did, but only to slam it down again before it chance to ring at the other end!

'One deep breath' she told herself, 'then ring him!'

She squared her mental shoulders, breathed deeply and dialled.




"It's Helen." A pause, - a long pause! "Let's do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, do it like we talked about! Hurt me! Let's see what I can take!

"Ok, come round Tuesday then!" The 'phone went dead.

Helen slowly replaced the receiver, unable to believe that she had actually done it, actually committed herself to meet with Graham the sadist, and invited him to hurt her! But she had! Her heart pounded and her hands felt clammy, but she also felt strangely elated, and so strong!

Graham had contacted her through an online dating service, and the two had met a few weeks before. Then he had tied her, spanked her, fucked her, and generally abused and humiliated her, and she had loved it. Her only reservation was that certain elements of their session had, in her mind, detracted from the pleasure of others. She had liked being bound and helpless, but for use as a sexual plaything, not in the sadistic sense. The same went for the humiliation of the session. It would be fine - very fine - if she were someone's sex slave, but not whilst she was under discipline. The apparent contradiction did not occur to her, she just knew that she had very much enjoyed the pain he had inflicted and wanted to try taking more, a lot more, but only if she was forcing herself to stay still and accept it, rather than being unable to avoid it. Somehow taking discipline while under bondage or domination didn't work for her, she wanted to be a willing victim taken freely to the limit of her endurance.

So Helen had contacted him again, telling him of her thoughts and preferences, that she wished for discipline mixed with sex instead of discipline mixed with bondage. It was also, she told him, very important to her that she take the pain and sexual misuse willingly. She wanted him to mix abusive sexual acts with sadistic ones while she gloried in her own control over her body.

In the end he had agreed, warning her that he would not hold back just because she was not tied down. Do as you wish, take me to the limit, she had told him. A safe word, no electric shocks (she had a fear of electricity) and no permanent damage were the only restrictions. She shuddered as she thought about it, but whether from fear or anticipation she was unsure!


On the appointed day Helen knocked softly, almost timidly, on Graham's door. He answered wearing casual clothes, not somehow what Helen had expected. One way or another she half expected that he would be dressed in an executioner's mask and a black leotard! Her mind was obviously running riot!

"Come in" He turned and led the way down the hall.

She went through into his lounge, admiring works of modern art on the walls and softly minimalist furnishing. Nothing gothic about this place at all! "Helen, your safe word for today will be 'black'. Say it back to me!"

Her mouth was dry and she had to lick her lips before answering him. "The safe word is 'black'."

"Good, as long as you realise that I will only stop when that word is used. We will continue until YOU call a halt, and not until. We will start comparatively gently and build up. That way you can reach levels of pain that would normally send you into shock, but there are chemicals in your brain that allow you to withstand and enjoy much more intense pain if they are allowed time to form!"

"Yes, endorphins, I know of them." Helen nodded, trembling with trepidation and expectation.

"Ok, then I will ask you for a last time, are you sure about this?"

"Yes!" Helen answered quickly, knowing that she could back out if she gave herself time to think about it.

"Then let's do it! You will enjoy it, I know you will! Come, we'll go to my dungeon,"

Graham rose and went out of the room, followed meekly by Helen. The last time she had been here she had been in his bedroom for her much milder introduction to sexual discipline and she had not been made aware of a specific playroom. His 'dungeon' turned out also to be upstairs rather than in a cellar, much to Helen's surprise, but as she entered she could see that it was fully equipped, right down to a spanking bench, a St Andrews cross and a small steel cage. The colour scheme was black and red and the furnishings mainly steel or leather. Around the walls hung implements from whips, riding crops and paddles, to shackles, chains and gags. The gothic effect was heightened when Graham drew the blinds and lit twin candelabras, their flickering light the only illumination. It was a room intended to impose dread in a potential victim.

"Leave your clothes in that basket." Graham was very tactfully telling her to strip, as he was doing himself, revealing a large and prominent erection. Soon she was totally naked and he donned only a leather mask through which his eyes glittered menacingly.

"I will not restrain you as you have expressed the wish to remain unbound, a wish I respect and admire, but I would recommend using the hanging straps to support yourself, in case your legs will not!" He was indicating a pair of subway style leather loops hanging from the ceiling about a metre or so apart. Helen raised her arms, threaded her wrists through the straps and gripped the leather, and then she spread her legs about the same distance apart as her hands, standing starfish like to await her fate.

Graham walked around her several times, looking her over as if making up his mind where to begin, then without warning he reached forward to seize a nipple in each hand and twist them savagely. Helen gasped with hurt surprise, but Graham maintained his grip until her head was thrown back and her teeth gritted against the pain.

Graham resumed his patrol, circling her fully twice more before stepping up close behind her and reaching around to grasp her breasts, moulding them under powerful fingers. Squeezing, tugging, pressing and twisting them, Graham mauled Helen's boobs harshly, holding her tightly against him with his forearms so that she could not 'ride' the abuse. With her back pressed against his chest, his erection was nudging the cleft of her bottom and Helen found that although his use of her breasts was violent and painful, the combination was highly erotic and the warming glow of sexual excitement began to spread through her.

Releasing her he continued to prowl around her, looking her up and down, examining her body, still pale and unmarked but for two somewhat reddened breasts. Again without warning he reached between her legs, inserting two fingers directly into her vagina. Her eyes widened with surprise at the intrusion, but she made no attempt to avoid it.

"Good." He said, "You're already wet!"

Graham began to finger fuck her, ramming his index and forefingers deep into her, pulling them out wet and slippery, as Helen's eyes closed in pleasure. After a little while he changed tactic and began playing with her clit between the same fingers, teasing it, squeezing it, and rubbing it, combining the clit play with two fingers of his left hand repeating the actions on her nipple. Her eyes still closed, Helen breathing was becoming ever more ragged as her arousal climbed higher and higher.

But before she could reach her point of no return his play subtly changed again as his use of her nipple became less gentle and more forceful, pulling at it, nipping it with his fingers and rolling it hard between them. Pain now became the strongest feeling in her breast, but soft pleasure still dominated her clit, and the combination that was taking Helen into uncharted and very erotic seas. She was finding it strangely difficult to distinguish between the pain and the pleasure, and she needed both to continue.

It was not to be though, no sooner had that thought passed through her mind than his hands were removed from her body, the right trailing fingers wet with her own juices across her stomach as it went. Then there was nothing. She stood waiting for his touch to return, but nothing. She opened her eyes and he was gone from her vision, though she sensed he was behind her. So she remained, still starfish like, gripping her straps and waiting for whatever was next, suddenly conscious of her own wetness at the top of her thighs, her pussy overflowing down her legs.

She was so wet because she was already so highly aroused. Now that they had begun the fear had gone to be replaced by excitement and anticipation. Even though they had barely started she knew in her own mind that if he could dish it out, she was strong enough to take it, and come back for more. All she hoped was that before they had finished he would fuck her, and do it brutally! God, she needed it, a full on relentless fucking, filling her without pause and without mercy. More than anything she wanted her cunt stretched and pounded, and even the thought of that was turning her on further.

She was brought out of her reverie by the unexpected sting of a blow across her buttocks, and she jerked forward, suddenly glad of the straps she was holding on to. Looking round in surprise Helen saw that Graham was holding a short but flexible leather crop, the cause of her sudden discomfort.

"Now that I have your attention...?" Graham cocked his head and gazed at her in an almost parental manner. The question was rhetorical, for without waiting for her reply he started to work on her buttocks with short rapid fire strokes, beating a continuous tattoo against her flesh. The strokes were not hard. On their own they would have been no more than just a slight sting, but the unremitting barrage soon built a pain that had Helen squirming and wriggling against it.

Not content with Helen's rapidly reddening backside, Graham began working his way down her legs, sharp little strokes of the crop against the back of her thighs making them tingle, before making his way around the front to begin the journey northwards once more. Soon the whole of her legs were burning from the kiss of the crop and Graham had progressed to her front, striking her belly and breasts more lightly but still with just enough force for those parts of her body to sting like the rest.

Working his way around to the back Graham beat a rapid tattoo against her underarms, her armpits, shoulders and sides down until he had once more reached her buttocks. There he unexpectedly stopped and instead thrust the end of the crop between Helen's legs, pushing it against her pussy so that the bringer of such pain suddenly became an implement of pleasure.

"Did you enjoy that, little one?" He asked.

Helen's breath was coming in short ragged gasps, but she deliberately firmed it up before replying. "Yes."

"Would you like a little more?" He knew she would hardly say 'no'.

"Yes please."


"Wherever you wish!"

Graham lowered the crop from against Helen's pussy, noticing as he did so that the end was damp from her juices. Keeping the crop between Helen's thighs Graham now began to flick it rapidly from side to side, beginning again on her inner thighs the rapid little strokes that had been so affective elsewhere on her body. For the first time Helen emitted a sound of discomfort, a little cry as the first strokes hit home. Automatically she tried to move away from the source of her pain, spreading her legs as wide as she could in an involuntary attempt to avoid the crop. But all this did was allow Graham more room to work in and give him the opportunity to strike higher up the tender flesh between her thighs. Helen twisted and turned in her instinctive efforts to escape her torment, raising first one leg and then the other, trying all the time to keep them away from the sting of the crop, Soon Graham had worked the crop right up the inside of her thighs until he reached the join and began to rain his sharp little raps of the crop against her pussy lips themselves.

Now her writhing took on a different aspect. No longer was she desperately squirming to get out of the way, but instead she was moving herself backwards and forwards with her legs spread, almost as if welcoming the abuse of her most tender parts. Her eyes were closed, she licked her drying lips and her knuckles shone white as she gripped the leather loops. The pain being inflicted upon her was transforming itself into utmost pleasure; her pussy throbbed with it, her being ached for it, her mind exalted with it, and crying out in joy Helen came, her orgasm rolling through her body and carrying her ecstatic suffering to her furthest extremity. Never before had she climaxed from pure pain. She had wondered if she could, if she would, but hadn't expected it to be so soon, so easy, so good. Now she had proved to herself what she had always suspected, that pain and pleasure were but two sides of the same coin.

As her orgasm subsided she found she needed to cling to her hanging straps for support. Her body sagged, her trembling legs lost all strength and her head fell forward, tears of pain, joy, and self discovery streaming down her cheeks. Even so, never had she felt so strong, so powerful, and she smiled gratefully at Graham for giving her the experience.

Graham had ceased beating her pussy as soon as she orgasmed, and now he came around to her front and wrapped his arms around her in support, both physical and mental. He nuzzled her neck, murmured encouragement in her ear and stroked her reddened, sweat-shiny skin.

"Good girl, I knew you could do it, I knew you could take it. Now you know of the pleasures to come."

She could feel his erection against her again, hard and proud, this time pressing into her belly. She wished, she hoped, that maybe soon it would press against her belly from the inside, and the temptation to bend and worship it with her mouth flitted through her mind.

For some moments more Graham held her, then he moved to a shelf and took two small objects from a little black painted box. She tried, but couldn't make out what they were in the flickering candlelight until Graham held them up for her to view. They were nipple clamps, the type held in place with tiny thumbscrews that could be tightened to the desired degree, the nipple held trapped between two tiny crocodile toothed jaws.

Graham attached them fairly loosely at first, but then he moved from one to the other and back again, tightening each a small amount each time, until Helen's tightened mouth and a little groan in the back of her throat satisfied him.

With the clamps in place Graham gently disengaged Helen's hands from the loops and led her to bend over a spanking bench standing bolted to the floor. It stood facing the wall and about four feet away from it, with rings for wrist and ankle shackles and a hand grips low down the legs of the far side. Graham was not using shackles on Helen of course, so he simply used the rings as markers and set her hands and feet alongside them. He then added small but quite heavy weights to the clamps, increasing the way their teeth dug into her. The weights were suspended on short lengths of chain so that any movement caused them to swing freely below her breasts and tug at her already tender boobs. Helen's breath hissed between her teeth at the drag on her nipples as he tested their effectiveness with a flick of his fingers on each weight.

Now that she was fully bent over, gripping the low set hand rail, Helen's bottom was above the height of her head and well presented for Graham's expected attentions. But it was not to her bottom that Graham went first. Instead he took a third little clamp and applied it, to her clitoris, letting the full weight swing between her legs and pull painfully on her tiny button.

With all preparations now complete Graham stationed himself behind her and probed for the entrance to her cunt with his cock. It was not difficult to find, she was still sopping wet with need, and he entered her with one hard thrust, driving himself bollock deep inside her, slamming himself against her behind and setting all three clamp weights swinging. Helen's cry was both of pain and of delight. This is what she had been waiting for, to be fucked roughly, the lack of concern for her pleasure giving her even more of that same pleasure.

Graham's cock was soon pistoning in and out of her cunt, his balls slapping against her arse, her clamps torturing her tender bits and her cries of pain adding to his satisfaction. He was ramming himself at her, thrusting as hard as he could, burying his cock in her body as hard and as forcefully as he could. She was now, just as she had asked, being sexually abused, fucked without mercy, without consideration, and without any sign of compassion. She was Graham's fuck toy and he was using her as he wished.

Then he erupted, gripping her hips so hard as to leave bruises as he slammed into her, spewing out his cum deep into her body. Now she knew why the bench needed to be bolted to the floor. Such was the force of his thrusts that he was actually pushing her further over the bench, lifting her feet from the floor as she fought to stay in position. And then it was over, his thrusts became weaker and less organised, until they were but small spasmodic jerks of his hips and then nothing at all.

After such an immense orgasm Helen would have needed to lie still at least until her breath returned, but Graham simply withdrew his cock and walked around to her front. He was panting and looked a little unsteady on his feet, but otherwise she was in admiration of his stamina as he presented his softening penis to her mouth.

"Clean me up" This was all he said, but Helen didn't really need telling anyway. She was only too pleased to lick and suck the combination of her own juices and his cum from him, enjoying both tastes equally. Soon, his cock now flaccid and cleaned, he pulled away from her and returned to 'his' side of the bench.

"You're a bitch."

For a moment Helen was shocked at his words, wondering what she could have done, but as he continued the light dawned and she knew his apparent loathing to be false. What was he setting the scene for, she wondered?

"You're just like every other woman. You use your body to seduce men. Showing your cunt, letting men see the wetness of it. Inviting men to fuck you like the bitch on heat that you are. You deserve all the punishment that you are about to receive. Don't you?"

He waited silently for her reply.

"Yes. Please discipline me as I deserve." This was getting uncomfortably close to a 'Dom and sub' relationship that really wasn't her scene, but she was willing to go with it so far, but only so far.

"Then we both know where we stand, don't we?" He seemed to understand her lack of enthusiasm and brought the exchange to a close.

Helen rightly assumed the question to be rhetorical, and waited patiently and silently for his next action. Once again it came without warning, and once again it caught her unawares.

She had not seen him reach for one of the candelabras and had not notice him take a lighted candle in each hand, so when the first little stream of molten wax poured down her back, she cried out in alarm and agony. She had enjoyed wax before, but only as individual drops. This was a river that landed across her spine and ran in two rivulets down her flanks. God, how it hurt, burning it's way across her flesh, solidifying as it went, leaving her clutching the bench handles white knuckled and tight-lipped.

The first stream was followed by a second as Graham emptied the molten wax from the second candle over her. This time he didn't just pour it over her in one flood, but trickled it drop by drop into the top of the cleft of her behind, letting it run between her cheeks towards the tender spot of her anus. Again she hung onto the bench, determined not to succumb to the temptation she was feeling to shout 'Black' at the top of her lungs and end the ordeal. Now, with her eyes and mouth all squeezed into tight lines, her body held rigid by the pain, she took it. She allowed it to run over her skin and harden in her crack, the heat dissipating through her tormented flesh.

The solidified wax now dammed back the flow and prevented it from reaching the tender parts she feared would cause her to surrender and to end her experience. But as she realised her anus was to be spared she was both relieved and disappointed. Even though she was frightened that she would give in at that point, she also wanted to do it, to take it, to feel her tiniest entrance covered with fire. She wanted the agony of it to prove to herself that she could indeed handle anything that came her way. The fire on her back and between her cheeks was now turning to the warm glow of ecstasy that follows such painful pleasures, and she was again close to orgasm. If only, if only it had stayed melted long enough to reach her arse she felt sure she would have cum again.

Having emptied the reservoirs of wax Graham now dripped individual droplets from the two candles at random onto Helen's skin. After the fire that was the initial two streams, the droplets were easy to enjoy. Their pain was minor, simply an arousing sensation, enough to keep her pussy wet, but not sufficient to cause her difficulties. Even so, her breath was shallow with arousal, she was panting from desire, almost desperate for Graham to do more to her and make her climax again.

So far Helen was extremely proud of herself. She had proved to herself and to Graham that she was strong, in control of herself and highly pain tolerant. She had discovered what it was like to climax under discipline, probably the most powerful type of orgasm possible, and had taken genuine sexual pleasure from experiencing serious amounts of pain. As far as she was concerned, she was torture proof. Whatever Graham could do - within the rules - she wanted. She wanted more pain, more sexual misuse, more pleasure, more orgasms, more of everything. She could easily see how women became pain sluts, it was a drug and she wanted more. Bring it on!

Helen wasn't sure if Graham decided the wax was getting nowhere, or if he was once again changing tactic, but the droplets suddenly ceased - and she missed them. After such intense sensations as she had just experienced, the nothingness hurt her more than the pain. But she was not without for long, his hands were on her skin once more, flicking and picking at the little solidified drops of wax, peeling the dried rivulets from her crease and from her back, sweeping wax from her skin, letting it shower onto the floor around her. She was surprised to realise the wax was red, she had not noticed it before.

Her flesh cleaned of wax Helen waited, convinced within herself that Graham would now whip her. She was sure that she would feel the lash and she shivered in delicious anticipation. But once more he outfoxed her, once again she was surprised by the sensations he delivered. Instead of the acid bite of a whip she felt the gentle coolness of lubricating gel at the entrance to her arse. Was he lubricating her anus ready to fuck it?

But it was not his cock that sought entry. Graham was seeking to probe her with a long slim dildo. She could not see it, but she was (correctly) certain that he was inserting the type of vibrator that resembles a love egg on a stick. A vibrating ovoid shape on the end of a long slim wand that could be inserted far into her rectum, bringing beautiful vibrations right inside of her. He pushed it effortlessly into her slippery and waiting anus as far as it would go and then switched it on full. For a moment Helen thought she would orgasm on the spot. The sudden deep seated vibrations sent tingles of pleasure radiating out from her rectum and travelled right through her body. She cried out from the intensity of it, the pleasure somehow magnified by direct contrast to her previous pain.

Holding the wand tightly against the wriggling of Helen's behind, Graham began smoothly pulling it back until the swollen head of the vibrator came up against her sphincter from inside, the he plunged it in again, a smooth glide from the very edge of her bowels and back to the depths, taking the powerful vibrations from the surface of her body to deep within her again. Now the orgasm that had been denied her began its climb once more, reaching towards its zenith rapidly and inexorably, helped by the sharp stabbing hurt of the weights swinging on her clit and nipples. The pleasure deep within her spreading like a warm glow throughout her, growing in intensity before drawing back like a tidal wave only to crash forward once more and sweep all her emotions with it. This time when she came she squirted, her juices arcing backwards to puddle the floor, a confirmation to Graham of her genuine pleasure. This time too she screamed a long low animal scream of ecstasy, with no attempt made to quieten herself or hold anything back. She was in sensation overload and loving it!

Her orgasm over, Helen slumped against the bench, her legs and arms no longer supporting her body, her neck no longer supporting her head. She was reduced to a sweat covered wreck, her head reeling, her body trembling form top to bottom, but her heart in rapture. She was being taken to heights she had never dreamed of. All the way along Graham had outsmarted her, denying her the obvious disciplines with sensations and activities she had not foreseen,

Graham had turned off the vibrating wand unnoticed, but now she felt him gently withdraw it, the bulbous head momentarily stretching her sphincter as it passed through. Even though she was so completely, if temporally, spent, she wished it would remain inside her. She had enjoyed the strange feel of vibrations within her arse, the massive arousal they caused, and she badly wanted them to continue.

Then her heart lifted. Graham was applying more lubricant to her anal entrance. Perhaps now he would fuck her arse, she hoped so, she needed the perverse feel of a good anal fucking, the crude pleasure of an arse full of spunk.

She was nearly right. He was going to insert something else into her, but it wasn't his cock. It was a butt plug. She felt the cold plastic at her entrance and assumed it was another dildo, but as he began to insert it she realised what it was, and that it was no small one. As Graham pushed it into her the accompanying sensations gradually changed. At first she felt very little, her anus still slightly distended from the vibrator, but then as its girth increased she felt pleasurable fullness, then a pleasant stretching feeling as it opened her up. But as it went deeper and its diameter greater the pleasure turned to discomfort and then downright pain, her arse stretched wider than ever before to take this massive intruder. She gritted her teeth, scared that her arse would tear as she pushed back against it as best she could, the searing pain in her anus bringing a sheen of sweat to her face. And then it was in, it had passed its widest part and her sphincter was clasped around its neck, holding it tight within her. It still hurt, her anus was being stretched much more than she was used to, but now the pain was tolerable and even becoming enjoyable.

"Good girl. That's the largest I have, and you've handled it well." Graham was leaning towards her, his words of soft encouragement bringing a smile of gratitude to her face. "Now I'll take you a little further along your path."

For a moment Helen felt panic. After the pain she had already endured she wasn't sure how much more she could stand. But then she remembered that the whole idea was to find out just that. How much could she take? What would he do next? Would he whip her? For some reason her mind had fixed upon being whipped. It was, after all, the ultimate discipline, the severest form of chastisement, and she wanted, no. - needed, to try and take it. She badly wanted to experience that most extreme punishment and still be in control. Her sexual pleasure seemed to come as much from the mental stimulation of making herself stay still as in the physical abuse she was taking. If she could allow herself to be whipped that would be the biggest turn on of all.

Graham had moved around to the back, and she could feel him doing something to the clamp still sending waves of sensation through a throbbing clitoris. Whatever it was he seemed to have finished, because he stood back satisfied, and then came around to stand before her. Kneeling down he attached a short chain on two hooks between the clamps on her nipples, effectively chaining them together. She winced inwardly, wondering what was coming. Then, reaching under the bench he pulled through a length of white nylon cord, which she realised instinctively, was fastened to her clit clamp.

Her instincts were soon proved right. Graham threaded the cord through the new loop of chain and pulled it tight, bringing a cry from her lips as it tugged harshly on all three attachments. Her breast and nipples were now pulled down, stretched painfully into unnatural pointedness by the line passing under the bench to her very tender clitoris, itself being pulled cruelly out of shape. She tried to shape her body to bring relief, but as soon as she moved Graham tightened the cord, destroying the advantage she had gained and forcing her submit and accept her torment.

Forced into an unnaturally bent position to give her body some relief, with three points of tender fire and one of dreadful stretching, Helen was using all her self control to handle her torture. Her safe word rose unbidden to her lips several times as she waited or Graham's next move, and she fought it back, determined to carry on.

Then she felt Graham's fingers close around the end of her butt plug and she tensed, waiting for the added pain of its withdrawal. There was nothing gentle about his method, he simply grasped the end and pulled, stretching and distorting her anus, sending darts of pain through her until, almost with an audible 'plop', it came free. Automatically Helen jerked forward a little as it passed her sphincter, and immediately realised her mistake as pain seared through her from the three connected clamps.

Graham must have been waiting for this moment, biding his time while his balls refilled from their earlier discharge and his cock regained its accustomed hardness. No sooner had the plug gone than the head of his cock was being introduced to Helen's anus. She instinctively knew that she was gaping open for him, and his entry was easy, painless and pleasurable. Slowly he began to piston in and out of her, pushing his cock all the way into her rectum with long powerful strokes. Apart from needing to be careful to stay still, she could enjoy her anal fucking, an activity she had learned to appreciate more and more. The feel of his cock moving deep inside her passage was extremely erotic and she felt she could relax a little and just enjoy it.

She was, of course, wrong. Graham had more tricks up his sleeve yet. He was fucking her in the usual manner from behind, his hands on her hips to steady them both and his body thrusting back and forth. Then Helen became aware that only one hand, the left, was still gripping her hip, and she wondered vaguely what the other was doing. She would soon discover the answer, as once again Graham caught her unawares.

Graham had reached out and once more taken a candle from the candelabra and without warning dribbled molten wax onto Helen's back. The effect was instantaneous. She yelled out in shock and pain, involuntarily arching her back only to cry out again as her nipples and clit were yanked by the connecting cord. Tears started in her eyes from the severity of the twin pains, but by a massive effort of control she held herself still, ready for the next drop that she knew would come. Graham was still thrusting into her, fucking her arse with a steady rhythm, and he now began dropping wax onto her in time with his thrusts. Each time his cock reached the deepest part of her, he allowed another droplet to fall on her skin.

To Helen this was a mixture of hell and heaven. The feel of his movements was bringing her near to climax, and the repeated hot droplets of the wax were adding to her pleasure, but it was so hard to stay still. She wanted to slam herself back against him, to swallow up more of his cock within her. She wanted to wriggle in pleasure at the fall of the wax, but she had to remain still. Her clit was throbbing dreadfully and her nipples were now numb from pain, but if she remained still she could cope with it, take pleasure from it, even cum from it.

Soon it became clear that Graham was nearly there, nearly at the point of cumming into her arse, shooting his hot spunk high into her. Helen groaned. Not from pain this time, but from the knowledge that when he came the fucking would stop, and she was so close to her own climax. So close yet too far away to reach it when he did. But in the end it was a close run thing. As he groaned deep in his throat and thrust himself fully into her arse, spurting his cream deep into her as he did, she was nearly there, so close, so very close, but not quite close enough. Desperate to reach her climax Helen deliberately arched her back, hoping that the sudden surge of pain to her breasts would trigger her own orgasm, but it wasn't to be, and as Graham's softening cock was pulled from her body Helen lay bent over her bench, trembling with frustration and arousal.

"You tried to cum then, didn't you?" Graham's voice came through a fog of want.

Silently and despondently she nodded. "Yes."

"Don't worry, you will." His remark gave her hope, but there was a darkness in his voice that made her shiver. Was it from fright or need? She wasn't sure. She held onto the bench and waited.

"This will be your next friend." Graham was holding a three fingered black tawse, made of supple shiny leather with each finger approximately twelve inches long. To Helen that simple object looked excitingly efficient, more than capable of delivering real discipline. She shivered again, and this time it was in excited anticipation.

Graham's use of the tawse was as brutally efficient as the object itself. He brought it down hard across her buttocks, one stroke to the left and then one stroke to the right, with a suspense filled couple of seconds wait between each pair of blows. Nor did he use it gently, each blow sent searing pain through Helen, each one making her gasp through gritted teeth. Every time the leather landed she instinctively jolted, and each time her clit and nipples reminded her to stay still. She was soon swimming in a sea of pain, her eyes filling with tears, her body screaming out for the mercy she would not allow it, and which Graham would not volunteer. On and on went the metronomic thud of the leather against her flesh, she was sobbing from pain, blind with tears, gripping white knuckled to the bench. On and on, so that she lost track of time, still he beat at her bottom. She was being hurt like never before. But even as her agony continued she could feel, deep within her, the stirrings of her long denied orgasm. She rejoiced. Even this intensity of pain was not too much for her. She would soon cum again under discipline.

But just as her arousal climbed towards climax Graham once more denied her. The blows suddenly ceased, leaving her confused and empty, her lust filled mind abruptly having to cope with nothingness once more. She looked around, her vision blurry from tears, but he was nowhere to be seen. Not sure what to do, Helen simply waited, she couldn't move, even the glance round had brought agony back to her throbbing nipples.

The wait was not along one, she heard him entering the room. She giggled, a nervous giggle caused by the stray thought that perhaps he had been for a pee! And if so, why had he not done it over her? She was startled by this sudden thought. Never before had the idea of being peed upon crossed her mind. She was shocked. It said a lot for the intensity of the day.

What Graham had actually gone to do was to fetch a bowl, which he set down beside Helen. She could not see what it contained, and in any case to move would send shafts of pain through from her nipples to her pussy. She remained still and waited.

But before revealing the contents of the bowl Graham began disconnecting the offending clamps from her clitoris and nipples. As he unwound the little screw fastenings of her clamps the blood rushed back sending individual bursts of intense pain through her, bringing a groan from her lips. She had to admit, she was relieved to be free of the clamps and the restrictions they placed on her movements, but concerned that Graham might be bringing the session to a halt before she had enjoyed full sexual release. She was so highly aroused that the idea of not climaxing again was torment in itself.

The bowl turned out to contain ice in ice water and with it Graham began to sooth Helen's very tender buttocks. He applied the ice in gentle strokes, allowing ice water to trickle down her crack onto her pussy where the contrast between body heat and cold water kept her hopes of orgasm alive a little longer. The ice was doing its job, reducing the burning of her cheeks, the fire in her buttocks. But as her discomfort melted away she began to cry again, heavy racking sobs that shook her body. Tears dripped onto the floor from her downcast face and her arms trembled with her emotions.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

She replied between sobs. "Because I haven't cum, because you won't let me cum. And because you won't take me all the way. I haven't used my safe word but you are stopping." The words tumbled from her lips.

"Silly girl! I haven't finished yet. I've saved the best for last!"

He dried her behind, dabbing it gently with a towel that he then threw into the corner of the room. Then taking her by the shoulder he tried to lift her from the spanking bench, but she refused to straighten.

"I haven't finished." She wailed, tears once more streaming down her face.

"Nor have I!" His voice showed his annoyance and he bent further to prise her fingers from their hold on the bench.

Eventually she relented and allowed him to lead her, still sobbing quietly, back across to where she had stood as they began.

"Can you grip the straps again." He asked.

She could, but only just. Her trembling legs would hardly support her, her sweat shiny hands would hardly grip the leather, but she would not give in. Breathing in deeply, Helen conquered her wilting body and stood cross-like as before, her head held high and her tear stained face looking defiantly straight ahead.

"Remember." Graham was telling her. "Only you can bring this session to a halt, only you can say that you've had enough. I will only stop at your safe word, or if I feel it unsafe to continue."

"Make me cum. Make me cum and then I'll let you stop." It was clear who was really in charge. Helen was calling the shots now.

Graham went out of sight behind her and she steeled herself for more pain and more pleasure. It came. This time she got her wish. This time he was using a whip, a cat of nine tails brought full force across her back. She grunted from the impact and the searing pain it brought with it. Again, but this time higher. Then again across her shoulders. Another across her back, the tails curling around to bring stabs of fire to the sides of her breast. She was already breathing heavily and rapidly. Deliberately Helen took one deep breath and then controlled her breathing, she did not wish to hyperventilate and pass out. Another stroke of the cat, across her upper back yet again. The pain was incredible; she gritted her teeth and hung on. Once more he laid the cat so that it wrapped around her body. Sweat began to bead on her forehead, her hand gripped the leather loops so tightly that her nails began to penetrate the skin of her palms. Yet, unbelievably, Helen was in rapture. Her body was one sea of pain, but she was enjoying every moment. Her pussy, she felt sure, was dripping wet. She could feel the fires of lust burning through her, feeding the need in her pussy, fuelling the orgasm that was once more boiling deep within her.

More strokes of the cat. More spears of pain across her back and around her sides. Why would he not whip her lower? Why were her buttocks and legs exempt, she wondered? But as these thoughts passed through her mind one stroke, harder than before, caught her so far across her back that the tails of the cat wrapped around her body, effectively whipping her already tortured breasts. This time she cried out, unable to keep silent. This time the pain was so strong, so powerful that her body responded with her long awaited orgasm. She came, her hips jerking and thrusting at the air, her mouth open, her eyes closed, her legs scissoring open and closed as waves of ecstasy swept through her. Graham continued to hit her, continued to lay on the cat, each stroke met with a cry, an animal sound from Helen's throat, as each new stroke triggered a new wave of orgasm to race through her.

Finally her orgasm diminished and she sagged against her straps, supported only be the grip of her hands on the slippery leather. Graham, hearing the involuntary cries of orgasm and seeing her body jerking and twitching as she came, lowered the whip as her climax passed, and just stood looking in amazement and admiration at one very strong willed lady. For Helen this moment was tremendous, she was happy beyond belief. She had finally done it, finally taken a whipping and done it of her own free will. Not tied down and unable to avoid it, but freely enjoying the pain, freely absorbing everything Graham could do to her. She felt so incredibly strong, so immensely powerful.

But while her mind celebrated her mental strength, her body weakened, arms finally let go and she slumped into a heap on the dungeon floor. At once Graham was there, alarmed by her sudden collapse.

"Are you ok?" His voice penetrated her fuzzy brain, and she struggled onto her hands and knees.

"Yes, I'm fine." She paused. "Now fuck me!"

Graham looked at her in amazement.

"Go on, I haven't said the safe word yet, so don't stop. If you can't punish me, then fuck me. Put your cock up my cunt and fuck me hard, as hard as you can!"

Her gutter language was having an effect on Graham, his cock twitched back into life and a haze of lust descended on him.

"What are you waiting for? Come on, I want fucking not fucking about. Do it to me." She was on her hands and knees in front of him, pushing her arse at him wriggling it almost in his face.

He knelt behind her, grabbing hold of her hip with his left hand and guiding himself into her pussy with the other. She gasped and pushed herself back at him, grinding herself against his pubis as his cock was buried full length inside her. Graham pulled back, then thrust forward viciously, ramming his cock hard and deep into Helen.

"Yeessssss! Keep doing that. Shove it up me; I'm going to cum again."

Helen could feel her abused body gearing itself for its final satisfaction, a last orgasm building within her pelvis. She could feel it getting nearer, its pressure building inside her. Nearer and nearer, every thrust of Graham's cock taking her closer. Like a volcano about to erupt, small tremors of pleasure were beginning to pass through her, occasionally at first then more and more frequently, each bringing little involuntary sounds from her lips. She was teetering on the edge of an immense orgasm, all her muscles tightening ready for the explosion Then she blew, her volcano erupted, beginning in her pussy the waves of pleasure rolled outwards, spreading right throughout her body. Wave after wave of intense sensations chased themselves outwards to reach her finger tips, her toes, her head. She was in ecstasy. She shoved hard back against Graham, trying to keep his cock buried in the core of her pelvis, trying to make her orgasm last, to make it drain her. Jerky little movements of her hips, hard little pushes from her pelvis, she was no longer in control, she just had to ride with it.

Then, as quickly as it had come, it was over. She was spent, utterly spent, and as Graham thrust into her once more she sprawled headfirst onto the floor, unable even to support her own weight. Gasping, trying to get her breath, trying to calm trembling limbs, and trying to get over the emotional and sensational overload she had endured, Helen lay face down, the cold floor welcome against overheated skin. After some minutes she propped herself onto one elbow and looked up into Graham's anxious face.

"Black!" Behind her tearstains Helen was smiling from satisfaction and gratitude.


Some forty minutes later Helen and Graham, both relaxing after a warm shower, were side by side on Graham's bed. Helen was lying face down, her head turned to face Graham, who was sitting next to her and busy taking the top from a tube of cream. Squeezing a good blob onto his fingers he began to very gently apply it to Helen's bottom. Helen winced at his touch, but shook her head when he made to take it away.

"No, its okay. I expected to feel a bit sore."

As he massaged the cream into her skin Graham looked at her and spoke. "I am amazed at your courage, I've never had anyone absorb as much as you have today. I got very close to calling it off at one point, because I thought you'd get damaged."

"Is that when you went for the ice?"

"Yes. I had to stop spanking you with that tawse, I was worried that your skin would break and scar, it was already beginning to bleed and show deep bruising. That's why I had to whip your back."

"Well, thank you for that, but it did feel so good, I hated it when you stopped."

"I promised no permanent damage, and that's what I was making sure of."

"I won't try it again. I've found my limits, so no BDSM need frighten me again, and I've experienced the release that cumming under discipline can bring."

She rolled onto her side and looked at him. "It's very strange, you know, but to be whipped like that sort of empowers you, it makes you feel stronger than the person doing the whipping. And when you do cum from it - well, it's the strongest emotion you can possibly feel, so I thank you for letting me taste that - for just that one time."

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