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Naughty Showoffs


By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Kate, can I ask you a big favour?"

It was Friday, they were sitting in Lexie's kitchen after doing the morning chores and Kate had already noticed her friend's quiet mood. Maybe her request would explain why. "Yes, of course."

"It's a bit personal, so if you want to say no, I'll understand." Lexie paused. "But if you do say no, will you promise me that you'll never tell anybody what I asked?"

"Of course."

"In fact, please don't tell anyone anyway."

"Okay, I promise." Kate was getting more than a little intrigued.

"Will you take some photographs for me, of me and Chris making love?"

The shock on must have shown on Kate's face, because Lexie had to suppress a giggle before she continued and tried to explain.

"We've taken photos of each other before and we've tried to take some of ourselves together, but it just doesn't work. It needs someone else to do it, to get the right angle and so on."

"You mean nude photos, showing everything?" Kate looked how she felt, totally amazed that her long time friend could do such a thing.

Lexie stifled another giggle. "Yes everything, you know, legs wide open, that sort of thing."

"So we're talking porn here, are we?"

"Yes, I suppose we are." Lexie nodded her agreement. "But we find it a turn on, so what does it matter?"

"Well, it doesn't, I suppose. But doesn't it worry you that someone else might get to see them?"

"No." Lexie smiled. "That doesn't worry us at all."

Kate looked at her curiously and she went on hurriedly.

"Who is going to see them that we don't actually show them to?"

"Hmm, ok, but I'd still be worried myself." Kate wondered why Lexie might want to show them to anybody at all, but she didn't comment.

"We're careful." Lexie assured her. "Now, going back to what I asked. Will you do it for us? There's only you that we'd trust."

Kate nodded, agreeing a little reluctantly, still feeling wrong about intruding into her friend's private life even by invitation. But Lexie was a good friend and she didn't want to let her down, even about something as bizarre as this.

In a way she envied Lexie her exciting sex life, even if it was a little out of the ordinary. Kate hadn't had any kind of sex life since her former partner, Carl, had walked out on her some two years before. She was, he told her in angry spite, too ugly to fancy. Even though she suspected they were said to cover his own shortcomings, because of those hurtful words she had never had the courage to start again with someone else, and she missed it badly.

She put on a pseudo-professional attitude to cover her awkwardness.

"Okay, so where and when would you prefer?"

"How about tomorrow evening?" Lexie giggled suddenly. "I was going to say 'if you've got nothing on', but that's going to be us, isn't it?"

"Mind you." She went on after a thoughtful pause. "It would probably be less awkward all round if you undressed as well?"

It was a question posed as a statement, and one that Kate was not expecting at all. Things seemed to be getting a little out of hand here.

"If I do this, I'm only going to be taking pictures you know, not taking part. So why would I need to strip off?"

"I don't know, I wasn't thinking of you joining in. I just thought we'd all feel more comfortable with each other if we all stripped."

"Yes, ok." Kate said slowly, hearing the indignant note in Lexie's answer. "You're probably right. Okay, but if you don't mind I'd prefer to keep my panties on."

"That's no problem. I can understand how you'd feel." Lexie smiled, a quick, tiny, almost embarrassed smile. "It would set the boundaries in any case, and that's probably for the best. Chris fancies you like mad, you know."

Kate had to stifle a surprised gasp at Lexie's remark, because something she'd never told her was that she had secretly hankered after Chris for a long time. Not that she would ever do anything about it with a friend's husband, but it was nice to know her interest was reciprocated regardless of what Carl had said.

No sooner had Lexie gone than Kate began to worry about what she'd agreed to do. Not from the photography angle because she enjoyed taking pictures anyway, and although she'd never taken that kind she was sure she could cope. She was more worried about getting turned on, although, she had to admit, it would be nice to see Chris's cock, before she forgot what one looked like. Perhaps she could persuade Lexie to let her have a copy of a picture that showed it in all its unbridled glory.

She shook her head. This was no way to be thinking about a best friend's husband. She'd been without for too long, she told herself, that was the trouble. That night she knew her rampant rabbit would work overtime.

For most of Saturday Kate kept herself to herself, feeling embarrassed and ashamed because of the images that had flooded her mind's eye as she had rammed her vibrator into her own pussy before finally curling over for sleep. All day she managed to avoid seeing her neighbours, sure that they would have heard her cry out his name in orgasm and convinced that in any case they would cut her dead when she knocked on their door that evening. For a while she persuaded herself that she could stay away and then tell them later that she had changed her mind, but she knew that wouldn't do, and -- a little later than planned -- she knocked nervously on their door.

Lexie answered the door wearing her usual sloppy jogging suit instead of the tarty outfit that Kate had somehow been expecting and asked her in just as she would have at any other time. The only differences were that, instead of the usual coffee, she was offered a glass of white wine, and instead of plonking themselves down in the kitchen, Lexie ushered her through to the lounge.

"Are you still all right about tonight?" Lexie asked her as they walked through.

"Yes, no worries." Kate lied. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Good." Lexie told her as she opened the door into the lounge. "We are grateful, and the last thing we want to do is make you feel uncomfortable, do we Chris?"

She raised her voice at the end, the last words aimed at her husband who lounged comfortably on the sofa. Kate thought, not for the first time, how alike the couple were. Both of them at the back end of their twenties, four or five years older than Kate, and both fair-haired and blue eyed, and very, very attractive with figures that film stars would have envied. At least, she thought, it wouldn't be difficult to make these two look good, whatever they got up to.

"No, no way. And thanks for helping us out." Chris climbed to his feet and came forward to meet her, pecking good-naturedly at each cheek.

For a little while they made stilted conversation as they sipped at their wine, all of them unsure how to bring up 'the' subject, until finally Lexie could wait no longer.

"Look, I know we all feel a bit self-conscious, but to put it bluntly I feel as hot as hell, and I want to get things going."

"Whenever your ready, sweetheart." Chris glanced meaningfully at an obvious bulge in his trousers. "How do you want to start?"

"What if you and I go upstairs undress, and then Kate gets ready down here and follows in about five minutes? That way we won't feel so self-conscious getting undressed in front of each other."

"Sounds good to me. Is that okay with you Kate?" Chris stood up without waiting for an answer, taking a compact digital camera from a drawer and passing it to Kate. "You know how to use it don't you? It's charged up and there's new memory card in, so take as many shots as you like."

"Yes, just photograph anything and everything, there are no limits." Lexie told her. "One thing I would say, though. Please don't ask us to pose or anything, just take what you see and let us get on with things. And the ruder and more depraved the better."

"I think she means the more explicit the better." Chris chuckled at his wife's choice of words. "Anything you like, just take the pictures."

Kate smiled and nodded. "I understand, shut up and shoot, yes?"

"Exactly." Lexie beamed, leading Chris towards the stairs. "It's the first door on the right at the top."

Kate sat waiting after Lexie and Chris had disappeared, thinking about what she was about to see, and wondering about the effect it might have on her. She just hoped that, if -- or was it when - she did get aroused, it wouldn't show enough for them to notice. But then, she thought, if she got really turned on, it won't matter anyway.

She glanced at the clock. Her five minutes had raced away, and she jumped up, quickly stripped down to the flimsy little briefs that she had deliberately selected as being sexy without revealing anything important. She made her way as quietly as possible up the stairs, looking the controls of the camera over as she went and shivering slightly from anticipation as well as the feel of cool air on her breasts.

The door immediately to the right at the top of the stairs stood just slightly ajar. She pushed at it gently, letting it swing slowly open until she could see into the room, and then walking softly in to find herself at the foot of the double bed looking at her friends lying naked and in each others arms.

Lexie turned her head slightly towards her, smiled and winked, and then went back to kissing Chris. It was to be their only acknowledgment of her presence until they had finished.

For a few moments Kate just stood and stared, trying to come to terms with what she was witnessing. Lexie had one leg thrown over Chris's, his hand stroking her thigh, with both her arms round him and holding him close. They were kissing passionately with their eyes closed and their mouths open, apparently oblivious to everything around them. She'd known what to expect, of course, but the reality of seeing the two people she knew so well lying together in bed threw her for a little while, and she had to collect her thoughts before she could accept it and set about doing the job she was there for.

Her first few shots were simply general photos of the two of them together, taken really more to ease Kate into her task and to make the lovers at ease with her presence than to be worthwhile erotic pictures. But then she settled to her task and began composing her shots properly.

Kate was a natural photographer and soon dropped into her role, finding, to her surprise, that she was enjoying framing her shots, avoiding perspective pitfalls with their attendant flipper feet, and taking advantage of the ambient light to create a romantic rather than pornographic mood.

Only once was she taken aback by what she saw, and that was early on in the session when she knelt to take a shot of Lexie's leg as it lay over Chris's, intending to include her bottom in the picture. This was the first shot that would include part of Lexie's pussy, and Kate was amazed to find that Lexie was shaved. They had lived next door to each other for nearly five years, and it was something that had never come up and which Kate had never even thought about. For some reason the sight sent a thrill of unexpected excitement through her, perhaps because it confirmed just how personal the photographs were.

She was happy with her work, getting a kick from those shots that she found most pleasing. Pictures that she was sure would be a turn on, such as the one in which Chris's slick and shining finger was playing in Lexie's pussy, or when she captured the sight of his balls tightening and his cock swelling as he flooded Lexie with his cum. But best of all she loved the picture that caught the far-away look in Lexie's eyes and the involuntary opening of her mouth as her orgasm swept through her. She tried, and hoped she succeeded, in capturing eroticism rather than lewdness, lovemaking instead of screwing, because these were, after all, two of her closest friends and she wanted to do her best for them.

So engrossed had Kate become with her photography that any effect it might be having on her went totally unnoticed until the end. But then, when the pair finally rolled apart, shiny and breathless, she realised that her nipples were standing out like little buttons and her pussy was feeling distinctly moist beneath her briefs. She gazed down at Lexie, seeing her shaven pussy leaking Chris's cum, and wished she could change places. For a moment the unspoken wish made her feel distinctly and embarrassingly out of place, and increasingly horny. She really would have to get back in the sexual saddle she told herself, if she could find anyone prepared to fuck her.

Lexie and Chris made a frozen and very sexy tableau on the bed as they struggled to regain their equilibrium, with only the sounds of their heavy breathing and the movement of their chests revealing their effort. But then Chris rolled off of the bed and climbed shakily to his feet.

"I'm going to get a quick shower. I need the loo in any case." He told Lexie, his words punctuated by the effort of breathing.

"That's too much information." Lexie told him. "We'll have a look at the pics while you're gone."

"Okay, you and Kate pick the ones you want."

"You and Kate pick the ones we want for what?" Kate asked Lexie as Chris headed through the door.

Lexie slipped neatly from the bed and opened a laptop, collecting the camera as the computer opened up. "We going to post the best half dozen or so online, didn't I say?" She knew full well that she hadn't, not sure that Kate would have agreed to take them if she had. "We always do that."

There was about a half a minute of shocked silence.

"What?" Kate gasped eventually, her eyes wide with surprise.

"We post some of them on an amateur porn site. We love the idea that anybody can drool over our pics, but not know who we are. It could even be people we know, but they wouldn't know it was us."

Lexie was talking as her fingers moved across the keyboard, acting as naturally as if everybody did the same thing, and that shocked Kate even more. But for all her genuine bewilderment, at the back of her mind was the stray thought that said 'I wish I had the nerve to do that'. She watched with a strange kind of envy as thumbnails of the downloading photographs began to fill the screen.

"You know?" Lexie turned to face her, completely unfazed by her own nudity. "You're one hell of a photographer. Come and have a look at what you did. They're bloody brilliant."

Kate moved her gaze from Lexie's breasts to the laptop screen.

"I mean, just look at this." Lexie opened a shot showing Chris's cock withdrawing from her pussy. "How did you manage to make his shaft glisten like that?"

"I don't know...."

"And this." Lexie opened another, this time one of her pussy gaping as Chris's fingers rubbed at her clit. "You can see right up inside me, all wide open and wet, and sexy."

Lexie expanded more thumbnails, extolling the virtues of each picture as she came to it, until finally Kate became embarrassed from the accolades.

"Okay, I'm glad your happy with them, what will Chris think?"

"He'll think you're a wonder." Lexie changed the subject. "Now, I want you to pick out the half dozen that you think are the sexiest, and they're the ones I'm going to put on the internet."

Kate made her selection and Lexie copied them into a separate folder.

"Why do you want to put them where anybody can see them?" She didn't understand, even though she could feel the power of the attraction.

"Because it's a turn on, it's as simple as that." Lexie smiled. "In a way we're showing off, sort of saying to people that we're hotter than they are."

"How many have you posted?" Kate asked, her curiosity roused.

"Loads." Lexie answered. "Hang on, I'll show you them. But promise not to tell anyone, will you?"

"No, I won't say a word." Kate had to smile at someone who would happily let the world see her most intimate bits, but didn't want anyone to know they were hers.

Lexie typed her password in and there before them both were dozens of photo's of Lexie and Chris in very explicit but anonymous poses. She selected one at random, one that showed Lexie's pussy with a very large vibrator inserted as far as it would go. Under the picture was a score of 4.75, apparently out of five, and several comments posted by viewers, all of which were extremely graphic if vulgarly approving. One even suggesting that his even larger cock would be better than the vibe. Lexie pointed to a number above the top corner of the picture.

"That's how many people have looked at this picture."

"Seven thousand? Over seven thousand people have looked at a photo of you with a vibe stuck up you?" This time it was mixture of horror, amazement, and a big dose of jealousy.

"Some have had a lot more than that." Lexie opened another pic, this time a legs wide shot where she was holding her smoothly shaved labia apart with her fingers. "Look at this, nearly sixteen thousand views."

She was clearly proud of her popularity, and Kate was more than a little envious.

"Wait a minute, I'll just submit these new ones."

A few clicks later and Lexie relaxed back in her chair.

"There, now we just have to wait a couple of days to get them approved, and then they'll be up there too, and I bet they get a brilliant score." She giggled sexily. "It's good to know that people think your pussy's nice to look at, isn't it?"

"I don't know. I've never shown mine off." Kate replied, adding without thinking. "But I can see that it would be."

"Then post some of you. You can put them with mine."

Kate felt a thrill surge through her at the thought of it.

"I haven't got any to post."

"No problem, I'll take some of you, and then we'll put them up with mine."

Kate was tempted, so bloody tempted, and Lexie could see her wavering.

"Go on, slip your panties off. Chris won't be back for a while yet."

They could hear the shower still running, but still Kate hesitated, wanting to but worried about getting caught. But Lexie, it seemed, knew her better than she realised and she took the initiative, disconnecting the camera from the laptop and pointing meaningfully towards the bed. Kate was in a kind of daze as she took off her briefs and obeyed the instruction to lie on the bed with her legs apart.

The first click of the shutter sent a tingle all the way down Kate's body. She'd actually been photographed naked. Not only that, but when the pictures got posted online she had potentially, shown her private parts to the world. The shutter clicked again and she shuddered from the pure thrill of it.

"Spread a bit wider." Lexie's voice cut through the haze of her pleasure.

She looked at the camera and opened her legs as wide as she could, wanting the camera's unseeing eye to capture everything. She could feel that she was getting wetter by the second and her breathing was beginning to deepen from her arousal.

"It's getting to you isn't it." Lexie giggled as she spoke. "It does to me too."

"God, yes. Are you really going to post these?"

"Are you sure you want me to."

"Yes please."

"Then we will. Now pull your legs right back, let's make sure they can see everything you've got."

Kate knew that 'they' were the people online and she groaned with excitement at the thought that several thousand people would soon be able to look at both of her explicitly displayed holes. The camera kept clicking, the digital imitation of its film operated forerunner punctuating her ever growing arousal.

"Lovely. Now reach round the back of your legs and hold yourself open." Lexie instructed. "I want them to see right up your hole, just like you did with me."

Kate breathed in deeply, closing her eyes in pleasure as her mind took in Lexie's directions. She pulled her legs back and reached over her thighs, her fingertips eventually finding and spreading the lips of her pussy. She was showing herself to Lexie and her camera, but in her mind thousands of men gazed at her wide open vagina. It didn't matter how unattractive she was if her pussy was thought beautiful.

Suddenly an image of Carl came into her mind, hunched over a computer screen and unknowingly looking at his ex-wife displaying her wares. Wouldn't it be fitting, she thought, if he were to wank over the pussy he had rejected? She smiled maliciously at the thought.

In the background the noise of the shower abruptly stopped, and Kate instinctively dropped her legs to lie on the bed with her ankles demurely crossed in total denial of her former pose. "He wouldn't mind, you know." Lexie giggled in amusement and Kate blushed as she realised how she had automatically reacted to the possibility of one man's stare, while at the same time encouraging the view of literally thousands.

"No, I'm sure he wouldn't." She climbed off of the bed and went over to watch Lexie reconnecting the camera to her laptop. "But I might."

In her heart Kate knew she wouldn't really have minded Chris seeing her, she couldn't help fancying him. And she remembered how his cock had looked almost as good in real life as in her fantasy, especially fucking Lexie. She shuddered once more at the thought and then forced her attention back to what Lexie was doing.

"Shame we got stopped short, but we've got some good shots to be going on with, and we can always take some more another time, can't we?" Lexie glanced over at Kate for her agreement.

Kate nodded, not really thinking about the implications, engrossed in watching Lexie working at the keyboard.

As they downloaded the pictures they were displayed as thumbnails, which Lexie promptly enlarged in turn, showing Kate's pussy in very explicit detail. My god, she thought to herself, I've never seen my pussy that clearly before and I bloody well own the thing. She could see deep inside her own wet and wide open passage, the inner walls slick and shining, with a little dribble of her juices running from the opening. She felt herself thrill at the sight, a tremor of pure elation at her own daring.

"There's not many, so I'll post them all, if that's all right?"

Kate nodded in automatic response to Lexie's query, her eyes still fastened on her own image.

"They should be accepted and up in a day or so." Lexie told her, leaning back in her chair with her naked breasts still carrying a slight post-coital sheen.

"Why do they have to be checked?" Kate was curious and impatient about the delay.

"In case they contain anything they shouldn't, like kiddies for instance."

"My god, I'd not thought of that. But I still wish we didn't have to wait. I want to see them up there now."

Kate couldn't explain her sudden eagerness, but she was almost desperate to know that other people, strangers from any country in the world, could see her nakedness. The whole idea was keeping her as horny as hell.

"Patience, girl, patience." Lexie laughed. "They'll be there soon enough."

"Not soon enough." Kate complained. "Now, right this minute would be soon enough, not 'in a day or so'."

Lexie looked round at her, a thoughtful smile playing over her lips.

"All right." She said slowly. "I'll show you another site, where you can play on cam live for others to watch."

"Really?" Kate was genuinely surprised. "Isn't that illegal?"

Lexie giggled. "This is the internet Kate, very little is taboo on the web, but they do have moderators to make sure everything stays above-board."

Kate wanted to ask how it worked, but before she could Chris came back, his hair mussed and damp and a towel hung loosely around his waist. She looked up at him, seeing just how handsome he really was; his deep chest scribbled with blonde hair above a trim hard stomach, and felt real jealousy. She forced the image of his cock from her mind and smiled, forgetting completely that she was now as naked as Lexie.

"Mmm! Very nice." Chris was gazing openly at Kate's bush, and she felt herself go crimson even as her hands folded themselves over her pubes.

"I've just taken a few pictures of Kate to go online." Lexie told him before he could question her state of undress.

"Mmm." He repeated, grinning broadly. "I'll look forward to seeing those. If I'd known I'd have skipped the shower."

"Well seeing as how you needed the loo, that wouldn't have helped, would it?" Lexie teased him. "Anyway, now I'm going to show her that cam site. You know, the one you like me to go on."

"Oh, okay." Chris looked back at Kate. "I didn't think you'd be into all this."

"Neither did I." Kate confessed. "But I must admit it's getting me going."

"Right." Lexie told her as a new screen opened. "Mind out, or you'll find yourself on display to the world."

She adjusted the clip-on webcam until it showed just the lower half of the bed, and then climbed on, rolling onto her back and opening her legs.

Kate watched in aroused fascination, not sure if she wanted to look at Lexie or the screen. On the laptop small picture of what the cam was seeing occupied a corner of the screen, with the rest devoted to a panel to list those viewing and a window for them to post comments. It seemed that Lexie was a popular regular, for hardly had she logged in than messages began to appear, mostly of rather vulgar welcome, posted by a rapidly lengthening list of viewers.

"How many?" Lexie asked after a minute or so, indicating the screen.

"Nearly there, hun, hang on another minute." Chris was bent over the screen.

"She likes to wait until she'd got at least a hundred watching before she starts" He explained to Kate in a whisper.

"A hundred!" Kate was astonished that so many people could be watching.

Chris nodded before turning to Lexie. "That's it, full house. Time to start."

Lexie widened her legs and reached between them, spreading herself with forked fingers to let everyone see her slippery entrance.

"That's it sweetheart, give them a thrill." Chris told Lexie, turning to read the messages as they scrolled down the screen. "One guy wants to know if you've got a vibe to use. I'll tell him 'no' for tonight."

Kate was bewitched by what she saw, surprised at a type of website that she knew nothing about, shocked that Chris would let Lexie display herself like that, and astonished that she found it such a turn on. She could feel her pussy almost throbbing from arousal, especially when Lexie put her fingers over her clit and began to masturbate. She watched in silence as Chris told her what her audience wanted her to do, and as Lexie occasionally complied, even pushing her finger deep into her own anus in response to one such request.

It soon became clear that Lexie was getting close to orgasm, her hips were twitching and jerking as her climax approached and her mouth hung open, letting a quiet throaty growling noise escape. Her eyes were squeezed shut, but now and then they would pop open to let her glance at the laptop before flashing a little smile at Kate and Chris and then closing again.

By now Kate had stopped looking at the laptop screen, her attention fully on her masturbating friend. Lexie was past the point of taking instruction, her fingers were flying over her clit and her pelvis was bouncing around on the bed as she tried to make herself climax. For a while Kate thought it was going to be one of those times when an orgasm just wouldn't arrive no matter what happened, but then Lexie let out a long groan and snapped her thighs shut around her hand, trapping it on her pussy as she bucked vigorously for what seemed like ages and then collapsed back in a panting, sweating heap on the bed.

"Phew!" Lexie finally exclaimed when she'd regained enough breath. "That was a big one. Did they like it?"

Chris grinned and looked meaningfully at Kate. "Well if they didn't I know one person who did. She's breathing nearly as hard as you are."

Kate felt herself colouring up again, conscious once more of her both her nudity and her arousal.

"You have a go then." Lexie invited her, shocking Kate into a wild shake of the head and an instinctive retreat to one side.

"Someone wants to know 'is that it for tonight'?" Chris interrupted, reading the screen once more.

"No. Tell them to give me a minute and I'll have another go." Lexie replied, before turning back to Kate. "You can join in if you want. You'd get a hell of a buzz, I guarantee it."

Kate shook her head a second time, wishing that she had Lexie's nerve.

"You enjoyed having your picture taken." Lexie pointed out. "So I'm sure you'd enjoy this."

"I just can't."

Lexie smiled. "Don't say you wouldn't like to, 'cos I can see that the idea turns you on even more than the photos."

"No, really." Whether she wanted to or not didn't matter, she just didn't dare. "That was different, that was just photographs, not a sort of live sex show."

Lexie nodded her acquiescence and wriggled luxuriously on the bed before settling back and opening her legs. "Okay, let me know if you change your mind."

Kate watched, trying to commit the website's name to memory so that if she ever got up the courage, she could try it on her own. She convinced herself that it was only the presence of other people that stopped her, although she would be the first to admit that she was no longer inhibited about her own nakedness.

She glanced at Chris, wondering what he made of his wife's display. He stood gazing hungrily at Lexie with a large bulge in his towel, clearly more than happy for others to watch as her hand crept once more between her legs.

Lexie sighed and smiled broadly, her fingers seeking and finding the little nub of her clit, rubbing and massaging it for the benefit of her audience, both those online and in the room. Her shaven pussy showed everything, her lovely smooth labia opening a little from the movement of her fingers to disclose glistening red flesh, wet with the juices that had spread from her vagina.

As Lexie played with herself Chris divided his attention between his wife and the laptop, occasionally telling her of messages sent by her distant viewers, while Kate just stood by, leaning her bare bottom against the dressing table and trying to control her breathing so as not to give away how turned on she really was. Her pussy was literally throbbing with need and she could feel that she too was sopping wet, the telltale sensation of moisture at the top of her thighs. She wriggled slightly, squeezing her thighs, her hand going to automatically cup her pubes, pressing on them hard, trying to hide her arousal.

Lexie saw her and smiled knowingly. "It's a real turn on, isn't it?" She asked, her voice breathy and tight.

Kate nodded, not daring to speak for fear of gasping her words.

"Come on then." Lexie shuffled to one side and patted the bed beside her, a clear invitation that Kate very much wanted to take up. "You know you want to."

She did want to, but for a few seconds she hesitated still, until finally her urges overruled her reservations and she climbed onto the bed beside her friend.

The two women shuffled themselves into comfortable positions, Lexie threading an arm around Kate's shoulder and then hooking a leg over her thigh, pulling her closer and ensuring that the more nervous woman's legs were held open. Kate automatically put her hand down to cover her pussy, but then, realising how pointless it was, she used it instead to begin massaging her own clit, glancing shyly across at Lexie's happy face next to hers.

Lexie smiled encouragement and hugged her closer still so that Kate could feel her erect nipple pushing into the soft flesh of her own biceps, the unanticipated female contact sending a shudder of equally unexpected exhilaration through her. She could feel Lexie's slight rhythmic movements against her arm lying, and taking heart from the sensations she started to play more confidently herself, looking sexily up at the cam, knowing that her face wasn't showing but still staring into it as if everyone online could see her lick her lips.

"They like two together." Chris told them after a minute or so. "Lexie, they want to know who your friend is?"

"Tell them I'm called Kinky Kate." Kate grinned gleefully, becoming conscious of a budding orgasm deep inside her.

Lexie giggled, and the two women turned to look at each other as they played.

"Good, yes?" Lexie asked.

"My god yes." Kate replied with a smile. "It's going to make me come soon."

"They're saying 'welcome KK, will we see more of you'?" Chris interrupted, reading the screen.

"Very possibly." Kate looked enquiringly at Lexie, who nodded in agreement.

The two women were taking pleasure in each others presence, and they both enjoying the thought of their invisible audience. Kate could feel her orgasm rapidly getting closer. She had been feeling horny ever since she'd arrived to begin taking photo's what seemed like hours ago, and she was getting desperate for release. The fact that she was doing something so personal in company and in front of an unseen audience only added to the stimulation. It wouldn't be long before...

Her climax caught her almost unawares, bursting through her, flooding her with intense waves of sensation that rolled over her body and down her limbs, making her toes curl and her free hand scrabble at Lexie's hip and upper thigh. Lexie held her close, smiling into Kate's wild eyes, helping her through the storm of pleasure until she lay trembling beside her, shocked at the intensity of her pleasure.

"Jesus, that was good." She whispered as her breath slowly returned, her head now lying on Lexie's shoulder and rocking slightly to Lexie's own movements.

"Can you go again?" Lexie asked. "Because I don't want to stop."

"Nor do I if it make's me come like that." Kate slipped her hand back between her legs, the contact with her still over-sensitive clit sensing a jolt of raw ecstasy up her spine. "I want to come again, and again... Wow!"

Her sudden exclamation was due to Chris. His towel had slipped and he dispensed with it, allowing his very erect cock to spring free just as Kate glanced across at him.

"Sorry." He apologised self consciously and instinctively reached for the towel.

"No!" Kate held up an imperative hand, stopping him in his tracks and producing an immediate laugh from Lexie.

"No, don't." Lexie agreed, speaking to her husband urgently as her hand played furiously between her legs. "I'm going to come and I want to look at it as well."

Chris went back to his screen with a grin, deliberately angling himself to present his cock to the women in profile.

Lexie's climax was short and explosive. She cried out, pushing upwards with her pelvis until only her toes and shoulders were in contact with the bed, her fingers ramming themselves frantically into her passage. Several times she thrust her pussy at her hand, her pelvis remaining above the mattress, until finally, as the orgasm passed, she crashed down, lifeless and spent, her hand slipping limply from her pussy and her chest heaving even more than last time.

"God, it's good having you next to me." She panted finally, rolling her head to look at Kate. "It made it even better."

Kate smiled back a little uncomfortably, wondering how she came to be doing what she was doing. The knowledge that she was now on her own making her just feel a little bit shy, even though her need wouldn't let her stop playing. She tried to put her companions out of her mind and think only of the people beyond the camera. She settled back, running her fingertips lightly back and forth over the end of her clit, trailing them up and down her labia and dipping them briefly into her vagina. She was still self-conscious being the centre of so much lascivious attention, but for some reason she knew that attention was going to make her next orgasm even stronger.

Even so, she could also tell that this was not going to be a 'quick wank', her mind wouldn't allow her to relax fully, and it was going to be a long haul before she came again, no matter how much she wanted to. Her audience would just have to be patient.

A thought suddenly came to her. "Is it only men who are watching?" She asked abruptly.

"Mostly." Chris turned back to the screen to check. "You've got ninety four men and seven women watching right now. Is that what you wanted to know?"

She nodded, not quite sure what to make of being seen by other women and surprised that the knowledge hadn't put her off. She deliberately held her labia apart and imagined being stared at by anonymous lesbians.

"And I'm being asked if you two are going to play with each other." Chris added, interrupting her thoughts.

"Tell them, sorry, we're both straight." Lexie told her husband before turning to Kate "You are straight, aren't you?"

"Yes, as far as I know." Kate confirmed, her fingertips gently running round and around the tip of her clit.

"Aren't you sure?" Lexie teased her, sitting up and looking down at her with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I didn't think I was an exhibitionist until today, so now I'm not absolutely certain of anything." She intentionally pulled her labia open with finger and thumb as she stroked her clit, as if to validate her words.

"Would you ever let a woman touch you?"

"I'm not sure." In truth she was feeling so bloody horny that she would probably let almost anyone touch her.

"Let's find out." Lexie propped herself on one arm facing Kate and reached out towards her. "Take your hand away."

Kate was so surprised that she automatically did as she was told, only to find Lexie's hand sliding down her stomach and onto her pussy. For a moment she went rigid with shock, but then, as two gentle fingertips probed between her inner lips she just allowed herself to be borne along by the unfamiliar and very erotic sensations.

She looked up at the camera, both alarmed and thrilled that a hundred or so viewers could see her pussy being touched by a strange female hand, and wondering what they were thinking. She glanced questioningly at Chris, but he was ignoring the messages on the screen and staring in amazement as his wife played with another woman.

Kate lay on the bed, her arms stretched out across the pillows and her raised knees as wide as she could get them, in a position of total surrender, letting Lexie touch her as she wished, and enjoying every moment. She couldn't see the screen from there, and she didn't care, the feeling of someone of her own sex touching her clitoris was sublime. Lexie knew exactly what to do, and did it softly and gently, instead of attempting to rub her little nubbin clean away Carl used to do. She couldn't ever remember enjoying being touched so much, and all she needed know was a damn good fucking. She turned her face to Chris, looking longingly at his cock. God, what she wouldn't give to have him inside her right at that moment.

"Do you want him to join in?" Lexie asked her quietly, seeing where her attention was directed. "He's good with his fingers."

For a wonderful second Kate thought she was being invited to fuck her friend's husband, but then she realised that Lexie only wanted him to play with her as she was, and her heart sank. But then, it would be another new experience to let two people touch her at the same time.

"Mmm, yes please."

"Come on, big guy. You're needed here." Lexie called him across.

"What?" Chris was as surprised as Kate.

"Come and give me a hand, there's a pussy here needs playing with."

Chris left the laptop alone and swung himself onto the bed to mirror Lexie.

"Yes?" He asked, looking at Kate.

"Yes." She confirmed, wriggling slightly to give him more room and feeling the tip of his cock just touching the skin of her hip.

Initially he reached down between her legs, but he and Lexie only got into each other's way, and so, with a little downward shuffle, he got himself into a position to reach under her raised thigh and found the open and over lubricated entrance to her vagina. She gasped audibly as his two longest fingers slid straight into her, not tentatively probing or investigating, but pushed in with a simple deep thrust that had her instinctively rising to meet him.

Kate was now in an erotic heaven. Lexie's fingers sped up, strumming rhythmically at her clit at the same time as Chris thrust two fingers in and out of her passage. Her body responded almost immediately and she began to feel the fire of a new orgasm begin to burn inside her pelvis.

"Oh god, that's good." Her head went back and her back arched, pushing her breasts invitingly high.

"Oh, thank you. Don't mind if I do." He chuckled, leaning across and fastening his mouth over her nipple.

Surprised once again by an unexpected action, she dropped back, pulling the nipple from his mouth, the sudden sharp pain of it stirring her even more.

"Sorry, don't you like that?" Chris's bantering tone and teasing smile showed that he knew damn well that she did.

"Yes, you bastard, you know I do."

"Okay." He chuckled, looking across at Lexie. "Then Lexie can take one and I'll take the other."

He dipped his head once again to Kate's breast, sucking the nipple into his mouth and flicking at it with his tongue. Kate had her eyes firmly closed as she soaked up the sensation, and missed Lexie's enquiring look. All she felt was Lexie's lips close around her other nipple.

"God, I've never had a woman suck my tit before, but it's bloody nice." She announced thickly after a moment or two.

"And I've never sucked a woman's tit before, and yes, it is bloody nice." Lexie's agreement was mumbled from around the nipple, her fingers never pausing in their stimulation of Kate's clit.

With Chris's fingers ramming into her, Lexie's flying back and forth over the head of her clit and their tongues rolling around her nipples there was no way that Kate was going to stand much more of that sort of attention. She was soon gripping both Chris and Lexie's shoulders, digging her fingers in and hugging them both to her chest, her head rolling from side to side and tiny pleasure sounds escaping from between her lips.

"I'm going to come, right now!" She exclaimed suddenly as the sensations boiled over and her orgasm exploded through her.

It was, she thought later, as if a volcano inside her hand begun to erupt, throwing bolts of pure ecstasy along her nerves, while white hot pleasure rolled through her pelvis and down along her limbs, the most intense climax she had ever experienced. It seemed to last forever as wave after wave of pleasure passed through her, sweeping her along irresistibly as if on a tidal wave.

Both Chris and Lexie seemed to sense the moment her orgasm faded, for both stopped playing and sat up beside her, gazing at her shell-shocked face with smiles of amusement and pleasure on their faces.

"Good was it?" Lexie asked at last.

"And then some." Kate was still panting for breath. "Fucking wonderful ... is more like it. My god ... I could do with that ... all over again."

"I don't think you could stand it." Lexie laughed.

"Try me." Kate didn't actually think she could come again, at least not for a while, but the feeling of having two people playing with her at once were so unbelievable that she just might.

Lexie looked at Kate silently for a moment or two as if considering an idea, and then glanced at her husband, who was surreptitiously licking Kate's juices from his fingers.

"How would you like Chris to fuck you?" She asked eventually.

Kate lay dumbstruck by the question and even Chris looked up startled.

"You'd like to fuck Kate, wouldn't you?" She asked him.

"Well, yes." He agreed. "You know I would." He paused for a moment. "But what would you think?"

"I've often thought about watching you with another woman, and you know that. And who could be better?"

"I'd love to then, if she wants me to."

The exchange between husband and wife had given Kate a moment to control her astonishment, and an idea was forming in her mind. Of course she fancied being fucked by Chris; after all she'd been eyeing him up all evening, but she also saw a way of paying what she considered a debt. So when Lexie asked her what she wanted, she had an answer pretty much mapped out.

"God, yes, of course I fancy Chris, but will you take photos of me and him together?

"What, like you did of us earlier?"

"Yes, if you don't mind. And will you include my face in some?"

"Yes, of course, if that's what you want." Lexie seemed pleased, but then she hesitated, trying to ask and awkward question. "Do you want him to wear a condom?"

"God, no!" She looked at Chris. "Fill me, Chris, shoot it right up me."

He nodded, still a little thrown by what was happening.

Lexie slipped from the bed and went to fetch the camera while Kate made herself comfortable in the middle, looking at Chris to make her wishes clear.

"You really don't mind?" She asked, aiming the question at either of them, although it was Lexie who answered.

"No way." She seemed surprised that Lexie was even asking. "I think I said that Chris's fancied you for ages, and I've always wanted to see him with someone else. And in any case..." She grinned as she fiddled with the camera's settings. "He says he wants to see me being fucked by another man, so I'll have a clear conscience now when I do it, won't I?"

"It's true." Chris agreed. "We wanted to try swinging, but never quite had the nerve."

"Then please do it." Kate opened her legs again and held her arms out to him in invitation. She had completely forgotten about the webcam that was still broadcasting her actions.

Chris climbed onto the bed to kneel between her feet, looking down at her pussy with his cock standing proudly before him, then presumably content with what he saw, he moved forward and lay over her, reaching back to guide himself into her pussy.

Kate felt the tip of Chris's cock touch her pussy and sighed in anticipation, hearing the camera click to capture their first contact. He moved forward and her pussy lips parted to accept him, her slippery tube engulfing the head of his cock as he laid himself onto her and shuffled further forward. Kate groaned with pleasure, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, her legs around his hips and pulling him into her until she could feel his pubic bone grinding against hers.

Chris's rhythm was different to what she remembered Carl's to have been. He thrust into her hard and long, his shaft moving inside her unhurriedly, in stark contrast to the frantic stabbing at her that her ex had employed. It felt wonderful, far more erotic and far more likely to get her to the climax that she thought she was past. She surrendered to him, grunting quietly into his ear as he fucked her, her hands massaging his back as she watched Lexie's movements around them and listened to the click of the camera.

All of a sudden Kate remembered the people watching online, wondering what sort of view they were getting, and hoped that it was a good one. The idea that strangers were seeing her pussy with a long hard cock embedded inside turned her on even more, and the orgasm that had so far been a possibility abruptly became a certainty.

"I wonder what they are saying on screen." She whispered disjointedly into Chris's ear.

"Don't know. Don't care." His reply reflected his need to come inside her.

"I won't be long." He warned her, his strokes becoming faster and more erratic.

"Good, neither will I." She gasped back, her heels beginning to beat a tattoo on his behind.

Kate's orgasm was short and sharp on its way to the peak, but long and hugely satisfying after that initial detonation, perhaps because of the ones that had gone before. Chris's was simply very long and very powerful. His cock jerked and twitched with each thrust as he pumped his seed deep into her, each movement sending a jolt of extra pleasure through Kate's already orgasming body. She was sure that she could feel his cum splashing against her cervix, each spurt seeming to coincide with the click of the camera and every thrust corresponding with another wave of pleasure washing through her.

Eventually Chris was used up and he simply slumped over her, only to apologise profusely and roll heavily away when he realised that he was so lifeless that he was effectively preventing her from breathing.

"Fucking hell, sorry Kate." He gasped, clambering from the bed to lean against a chest of drawers. "That was so fucking good, and I'm completely fucking knackered."

"It must have been good." Lexie giggled, still taking shots of the two spent lovers. "He doesn't usually swear that much."

Now alone on the bed Kate raised her legs, rolling them back against her chest to reach beneath and pull open her pussy lips. She could feel the slippery wetness on her fingertips as both Chris's juices and her own trickled from her vagina.

"Photograph me like this Lexie, please?" She requested. "Take two shots, one that includes my face and then zoom in for a close up to show that I've been well fucked."

"Are you sure?"

Kate felt the fluids running over her anus and onto the bed.

"Yes, I'm sure." She replied. "Do it now Lexie, please, before it all runs out of me."

The camera clicked again many times as Lexie took shots of Kate's slick and glistening pussy, until eventually she lowered her aching legs and smiled with satisfaction.

"Will you print me up a couple of the dirtiest of those, please? And those last ones that showed the most."

"Yeah sure, but why?"

"Because I'm going to send them to Carl, along with a note saying that it seems his ex-wife is worth fucking after all."

Both Lexie and Chris burst into laughter, remembering Kate's hurt when Carl left.

She stopped for a moment and then asked very seriously. "I'd love to do that again, and, if we do, the next time I'm going to send the website address to Carl so that he can watch online. What do you think?"

"That's a bloody good idea." Chris chuckled. "A punishment to fit the crime. Just so long as you keep my face out of it I don't mind. After all, he's no idea what the rest of me looks like, so you can tell him I'm anyone you like. Especially if it's someone that would make him jealous."

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