By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
So far it has been one hell of a night! The band was amazing, the sounds, the crowd, and feeling him standing next to me all night, so close and protective. I have already drank more than my share tonight, such a rare occurrence, it has left me feeling very adventurous. All night I have rubbed up against him, 'accidently' I told myself.
Don't get me wrong, we have been out together before. He has always been my protector, my knight in shining armor. He is the one who gets me home, safe and sound. I have never done anything more than be a tease. I wasn't sure that I even wanted anything more. Between the screaming guitars and one too many drinks, I decided I want to know. I want to know why he has never tried anything, why he has been content to just sit and watch me.
Was it because he isn't interested in me? I realize I am not beauty queen material, at 5' 8", weighting more than I should at 200lbs., making me quite curvy in the right places. I am okay with all of that, very conscious of it, but I know I have a lot to offer.
We wait until the room has almost emptied out as it's always easier just to wait and let everyone fight to get out first so we can leave in peace.
"Come on my lady, your chariot awaits." he said with an accent. "Where good sir, is my chariot taking me too?" I like where this is going I'm thinking, I may be able to work in a bit of hinting around see if I can't find out his thoughts, if he ever wants more.
He smiles that wonderfully rakish handsome boy smile "Wherever you would like me to take you. As your protector for the evening, I will take you wherever you want me to." I slowly look up at him and the words are out before I could stop "What if I said I want you to take me to your bed?"
He never bats an eyelash as he follows up with "You, my dear are not yet ready for me."
Feeling rather gutsy with a few drinks on board, "What do you mean, I am not ready for you?" I reply with a bit more sass than I intend.
"You my dear, are making my case for me" he gave me a devilish grin, grabbed my hand, and pulled me to my feet. "Shall we go now?"
Go, I thought, I want to go alright. You make me insane in two seconds worth of conversation. I can't decide if I want to smack you or kiss you. How you stir me up so quickly I will never know. I think though, that you know, and you do it on purpose.
It was then, while we are walking toward the exit doors, you place your hand in the small of my back, always so careful always the perfect gentleman, so in control. Why didn't I ever notice that before? What changed today that opened my eyes, to what I might just want more than I have ever wanted anything else?
I let you walk me all the way to the car thinking about how I should ask, what I should ask, what is it that I want? Did I even know?
Dazed in my own world of thinking, I didn't realize that we have already made it to the vehicle. I put my hands on the roof of the car and lean on them. "I had another amazingly great night. Thank you."
I hear him chuckling as I sense him walk up behind me, then he says "I think maybe someone has had a few too many."
"I did not have that much to drink and you know it!" I growled out as I attempted to turn around, only to realize that I cannot. I can't because he has pinned me to the car, his arms on either side of me. I feel him pressing against me. My body knows, it knows exactly what it wants, as I feel myself relax against him. Instantly on fire, I want to feel him everywhere. I need his hands touching me everywhere at once. Something tells me though, I won't have much choice in what he does or when he does it.
I feel his hot breath against my neck and ear, my body quivers with anticipation. In a low, deep perilous voice "I knew when you had worked up enough courage, and thought you were ready, you would ask me for it."
I couldn't move, not that I would ever want to. I started to speak "I, uhm, I"
"What is the matter baby, cat got your tongue?" he murmured quietly. His warm breath slid against my neck.
I shuddered again, struggling to put all the thoughts I had earlier into words, "No, I just, I can't think."
"Mhmm, I like knowing that you can't think in my presence. I wonder what you might agree to when you can't think?" he said right before I felt his teeth graze my neck, my body giving in as I shudder against him.
"You have no idea how much I enjoy the effect that I am having on you. I have waited patiently for you to come to me. Why don't you climb into your chariot so I can take you home." He backed away, I missed his form against me, his breath, and his teeth at my neck. I got into the car dazed and confused. I am not sure if we even had a conversation on the way back home.
"Well, this is your destination." He states as he pulls into my driveway.
I was startled, as the trip home seemed so short. I climb slowly out of the car and head towards the front entrance. When I reach the front door I feel his presence close, strong, all in my personal space. I hear him whisper, again in that deeper tone. "Were you not going to invite me in for a drink tonight, maybe, coffee or dessert?"
I stand there stunned, hand on the knob, keys in the lock, and I can't say a word. He didn't move and I couldn't, I don't want to, I need him. I feel him step closer, my heart is racing with anticipation that he might want me as much as I want him. His breath on my neck again he whispers, "Or maybe we should continue our conversation from earlier, by the car."
"Oh, Fuck" I whisper, not to him or anyone in particular just in that realm of thoughts that need to be spoken out loud.
His chuckle seems deeper too, this evening, or maybe I am just noticing what a profound effect he is having on me. "If you behave yourself, I just might."
"I, uhm, wow. How did you uhm?" I stumble over my words unable to get them out. I have never had this problem. I feel like he has stolen my ability to put my thoughts to words.
I feel him lean in closer "Shhh, Let me get the door for you."
As he reaches around me I feel him press against me, his cock straining against his jeans making me realize that he was not joking about wanting me. Behave? My head spins...what does he mean, behave? I have never behaved the whole time we have ever hung out together. Yet I never say a word, I just let it go. I feel his hands on me as he turns the key and pushes the door open.
We go inside and I feel like I am still in a fog. This has to be a dream, I must have fallen asleep in the car. I don't know what to do. I think he senses my dilemma, probably from the blank look I am sure I have on my face. "What would you like first? A drink, or a spanking to snap you out of your haze?" His hand slides down my back to my ass cheek and suddenly I feel a burning in the pit of my stomach. An ache really, bordering on must have or need. I feel my muscles twitch under his hand.
The only word that leaves my mouth is a very breathless "Please..."
He hasn't moved or touched me in any other way. "Are you sure? I won't be asking you again the rest of the night. You will do as I say, when I say, how I say, or I will leave you in the state you are in and we will go back to being 'just' friends."
"Please, I..."
"Yes, you have always been able to say anything you want. Don't stop now on my account." he chuckled out.
"I have always, always wondered, there are so many things I want to ask, want to know. Please, I will do as you ask." The words were out before I had even thought about what they might mean.
"No more thinking tonight, don't wonder, don't doubt, no questions, I know how you love your questions. This is not about trying to understand, this is about discovering yourself. If this is truly what you want, then going forward, you are MINE!" He growled out the last part right next to my ear, driving his point home with a quick smack on my ass. It drove me absolutely crazy. All I can do is stand there and shake.
"You seem to be a bit shaken, would you like something to lean against?" he asked.
"Yes, Please." I said.
He grabbed a handful of my hair and bent me over the end of the couch my face is buried against the cushion. "Do you feel more comfortable like this?"
"I, I think so" I mumble, unable to focus at all.
I feel his hand on that same spot, I shuddered again, this time all of me not just my ass cheek. When he drove his hand home, it hurts but it feels so good at the same time. A low moan escaped my lips.
"Mmm, it would appear that you like this. Would you like me to continue?" He asked as if he were offering me something.
"Yes" I manage to whisper between my clenched teeth.
The sudden loudness of his voice rocks me to my core. "Excuse you?"
I don't know what to say, I tried to look at him but his hand was deliciously wrapped in my hair holding me, so tight I begin to stammer. "I, I, you, uhm. Please. Yes, Sir."
I could hear the grin spread across his face when he spoke. "Ah-ha, you learn quickly. Good girl."
I feel him drag his nails along that sweet spot where the ass meets the thigh. I can't help it, I feel myself raise my ass. "My, My, My, someone does seem to like this. Get up." I feel him jerk on my hair and grab my arm to steady me. Always careful, always in control, that thought runs through my head again. He is guiding me to the bedroom. I feel like I am floating, not a single thought in the world entering my brain except, I hope I please him.
"Going forward, Sir or Master should follow or begin each time you speak. Right now you need to strip, everything goes." He said the last as he stepped away to give me room to undress.
I am petrified, I haven't been naked in front of someone in a very long time. As usual he knows when I start to think about something. "In 3, 2, 1, start striping..." I see him look at the door. No way in hell I am going to let him walk out of it. Immediately I begin ripping off clothing, I watch him turn with a grin on his face recomposing himself from my frenzied act.
'Naked as jaybird' the saying goes, I stand there unsure of what to do. I clear my throat to speak the exact moment he turns to face me. "Master, I..."
"Shhh, you are doing so well. Why you worry about how you look, is beyond me. You have a strong frame, all the better for me to pound into because I know you can take it. Large, beautiful shaped breasts, tight little nipples with the perfect piercings. Long, sturdy legs, and an ass, oh an ass that is begging for me to smack it." I hear the words but am so stunned by his description and what I think when I look in the mirror I almost, almost asked a question.
"I see what you are doing. If one question comes out of that mouth I will gag you. Do you understand?"
Scared to death to be silenced, I nod. "Yes, Master"
"You look terrified, do I scare you?"
"Yes, I mean no, Master, I, you don't scare me I trust you. I am terrified of what I want, of losing control, of letting go, of feeling and..." My mind is in full hum, to say or not to say, what the hell, I am going for broke. I am already standing here naked, the worst he can do is walk out. "...And, I am afraid to lose you."
"Lose me, where do you think I would go? Do you think I have held your hand through your ups and downs all this time, just to walk out on you now? I know it has happened before, with others, it will not with me."
I don't know if my next move is within the realm of whatever, but at that moment I needed him more than anything and flew into his arms almost knocking him down. Kissing him square on the mouth, my hands all over him. I feel him move me, not realizing the error of my ways as he knee sweeps me onto the bed. He gives me that cocky grin that I can't resist. "I will let that one slide but in the future, please remember I am the one in charge."
"Yes, Master." I giggle a bit then stretch out feeling really relaxed and at peace. Something I haven't felt in a long time. Of course while I am laying there reveling in my peace and serenity he has pulled handcuffs out from somewhere. It isn't until he locks the first one around my wrist securing me to one part of the bed that I realize what he is doing. "Hey, wait a minute..." then I see the look in his eyes. Dark, pure sexual predator, I don't protest, I don't complain, I don't even know if I am breathing at this point. I stretch my other arm out silently pleading, "please lock it up too." His eyes catch mine as he clicks it into place. Melting me with his stare, I know he wants me to spread my legs, really, who am I to argue with him? I want it, I need it, at this point I would beg him for it.
Slowly I spread my legs wide but he doesn't seem to be in a real hurry to complete my lock up. He runs his fingers slowly down my arms, it tickles, it feels good, how can that possibly turn me on. Maybe it is him staring at me with an intense look in his eyes while he is stroking my arms. I start to close my eyes to enjoy it when he clears his throat and looks at me. He doesn't have to speak. I know he wants me to stay in eye contact with him. It is making me crazy to have him watch me like this, have him look at me like he would like to make a meal out of me.
His hands are moving to my neck he lifts my head and gently pulls my hair out so I am not laying on it. A small gesture, which means the world to me. I feel his nails on my shoulders running up my neck. I can't stop my body from quivering under his touch. Slowly his hands make it to the top of my breasts. I feel them drift down the sides causing me to giggle and yet make my nipples even harder as he runs his fingers closer. Slowly with his index finger he makes the smallest of movements, as he starts at the outside of my areola and works is way in a circular motion till his finger comes in contact with my barbells. Tink, Tink, Tink, as his nail clicks against them. Every click of his nail makes me arch up, silently begging for more. I gasp as I feel his tongue lick my hard nipple my eyes looking at what he is doing. Teasing it, like he has all the time in the world. I look up from his mouth to his eyes just as I feel his teeth sink into me. I try to move against him begging him with my body that I need more, so much more. I need him in me. "Please, Please Sir."
"Oh no, that was the point of restraining you. I am allowed to take my time. Tease you in the ways I have thought about for a long, long time. I plan on enjoying you for hours."
How can I object, I told him anything and everything. How can I stand hours of this? "Yours, all yours Master."
His teeth sink into my nipple again as his hands run down my body, exploring, teasing, making my skin come alive. All I can do is watch and enjoy every touch, lick, bite and suck that he does to my flesh. My orgasm builds the more he stimulates me. I need to feel him. I start to shake as the onslaught continues.
"Have you ever cum from nipple stimulation?" he inquires.
"No, No, I haven't, Master"
"We will have to try that another day," he states as his hands continue to explore my flesh. Rubbing, stroking, pinching, flicking, or raking his nails down my body depending on his mood, his desire.
I am shaking, as I begin pleading and begging. "Please, Master please, I need to cum...please..."
"Ahh, my sweet, I haven't even begun to tease you," he says, as he continues kissing down my stomach. All the while looking at me, I am unable to tear my eyes from his as I feel his hot breath caress my swollen, wet cunt lips. "Mmm, you smell delicious."
Unable to control myself, I strain against my bonds trying to reach him. "Please...please" begging with raw need. "Please I need to cum, please Master."
"No, not yet you don't." I feel his finger trace along the outside of my lips. "That's it, feel it, you know you want me to do this and more" I twitch trying not to cum yet pushing against his finger in the hopes that he will put it in me to ease my need.
Slow, gentle strokes is all he gives me. All around the clit, dipping back down, inserting his finger just enough to get it moist. Then back up again rubbing around my clit. His two fingers slide on each side of it as he reaches out with his tongue and flicks it. I buck and arch against him unable to help myself. He pushes me down holding me in place as he begins to devour me. Licking, sucking, biting, and me, begging the whole time "please, please let me cum please! Master, Please, Please." I am so close my whole body feels tight and ready to snap. "Oh god...Please!"
He continues to bring me right to the edge time and time again. Bucking and shoving my hips at him in a silent plea, begging, needing, and him still denying me. He is watching me break, feeling it in my body, hearing it in my moans. Once again he brings me to that edge, stopping, long enough to look at me. He says one word, "Cum." Then leans down and sucks my clit hard, back into his mouth teeth barely nipping it, my body releases. A low guttural growl vibrates through my body and I explode. Feeling him suck harder on my clit, wrenching out the most intense orgasm I had ever had. Slowly he begins to lick me from the bottom of my cunt to the clit as I continue to spasm against him. The emotional release is almost as strong as the physical.
"We will have time for more teasing later...right now I need to be buried deep into what is MINE," he growls out. I feel him thrust deeply into me. My body is clamping down tightly on him, twitching, so close to cuming again. I open my mouth to ask, as his mouth descends on mine. I taste myself on his lips. Closing my eyes, I lose myself, feeling his breath on my neck asking me, "What are you?"
"Yours," I whisper.
"My what?" he growls with force.
My mind is racing word...word what word...ahhh, "Your slut, Master"
"Mmm...yes, that's my girl, my slut. You want to cum, don't you, slut?"
"Yes, God yes, Master please, please let me cum," I beg.
"Can you wait?" he asks, as he slams into me again pulling me closer. Feeling me clench tighter he knows how close I am. "You can't can you?"
"I... please... please, oh fuck, fuck, please...now please," I beg.
"I will count to 20 and you hold on as long as you can. You can cum between 0 and 20, but for every number short of twenty I will owe you a spanking. Cum at 15 you get five spankings. Do you understand?"
"Oh God, oh God....oh. "
"Whose?" he demands.
"Masters!" I respond.
"One," he groans as I scream trying to hold back.
"Two," he thrusts deep again.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck..oh."
"You want it harder slut? Three!" he says, as he slams it home.
"Fuck" I scream.
"Four, harder, just as you wished," he chuckled, knowing it won't be long because my whole body feels like it has risen 10 degrees and is shaking uncontrollably now.
"I....oh...fuck, fuck, fuck, I....YES!" I scream.
"Five! That's right cum for me, let go and cum for me, give in all the way."
As soon as he said 'cum for me' my whole body tensed, he can feel it, senses it, knows I am right there on the edge. I am growling through my clenched teeth trying so hard to hold on, I want to please you. Show you that I can hold on.
I hear him say "let go now...cum for me." coaxing it out of me. I can't stop it, I need this, my whole body feels it.
He growls out. "LOOK AT ME, NOW!" my eyes find his and once more "give it to me, cum for me," between staring in his eyes and his last 'cum for me', my whole body screams out its release. I clamp down so hard he can barely slide in and out with his thrust. I feel his hand slide up to my neck as he continues to fuck me through my orgasm, spurring me on to the next one.
"Don't you stop cuming," his hands tighten on my throat his thrusts harder, I feel him squeezing my throat tighter my body throbbing as another orgasm is ripping through me.
"That's right, let go again." I hear.
Utter surrender, my eyes close, spasm after spasm, orgasms rip through me like rapid fire. I feel him pulse, harden, and thicken inside me as he gets closer to his. He gives me one last squeeze on my throat, suddenly he lets go, the blood rushes through. "Holy fuck!" I mutter almost incoherently, as the strongest orgasm yet rips through me, just in time for him to explode inside me making it all that much more intense.
I let go...ride the wave of pleasure as it continues through me. I feel him shift and lay down on me still inside me, whispering "All Fucking Mine, don't you forget it, Mine!"
"Yours" I murmur as I finish drifting off, safe within his arms ...."All yours." |