By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
I heard Jen walking on the wooden floor of our second story, the old beams creaking a bit despite her light steps and sock covered feet. I’d been finishing up some emails I wanted to take care of, and been going over the two years worth of expenses I had found out about earlier in the evening. The money wasn’t the biggest issue; I had already received a return email about setting up a payment plan to take care of that rather quickly. The concern I had was more with Jen’s behavior and trying to hide it from me.
We discussed the issue only briefly at dinner, but the changes that were needed warranted a discussion held away from the ears of a toddler. Of course it wasn’t only a talk that she needed.
I finished up and went into the bedroom, where Jen was sitting on the end of the bed, her hands crossed on her lap. She was quiet, knowing what was coming soon. Of course, she had a knot in her stomach, anticipating the eventual conversation we were going to have about our new roles in our home. The conversation and what she thought might happen afterwards. I didn’t say anything, just took off my tie, sliding the fabric over itself and rolling it to place in my dresser. I untucked my dress shirt and began undoing each button as she sat in silence. I removed it and I walked by her to place it in the hamper by her side. Standing right in front of her, I undid the buckle of my belt, and pulled it off through the loops of my pants. It was thick, built for a man my size. I didn’t place it in it’s normal home in the second dresser drawer. Instead, I folded it over one onto itself and placed it on the bed, directly next to Jen.
“I’m taking my shower, you better be in your spot when I get out.”
I hear her take a small breath in at the words, her eyes glancing between the my leather belt next to her and the floor.
“Yes, Sir.” Came her reply.
I’d known what Jen was seeking for some time really. She read constantly and left most of her books around the house and bedroom. Nearly all of them were the same theme: A wife falling in love with a dominant man who was finally able to tame her the way she “secretly” desired. Most were just poorly written fluff, but I’d flipped through enough of them to see what they contained. Love and romance, sure, but the kind that involved spankings, discipline, and control.
I’d told Jen at dinner in one sentence how our night would be ending. She was told that when I finished my shower, that she was to be stripped nude, with her nose in the corner of our bedroom.
I closed the door to the bathroom and went about my normal routine. A quick, hot shower to wash the day off and let my muscles relax some. I use the large white towel hung by to the door to dry off, wrapping it around my waist. I brush my teeth, rub some lotion on my hands and face to try to prevent the inevitable aging that comes to them. All the time, I don’t hear a sound from behind the bedroom door, and I half expect to find Jen exactly where I left her, having not moved. I run my hand through my still damp hair, and turn to open the door.
In the spot where Jen had been sitting was a pair of her jeans, and her white t-shirt, both folded neatly placed. By their side was a pair of her socks, and on top of the shirt, a folded pair of panties.
Jen was where I had told her to be. Standing in the corner, nude.
I walked to my side of the room, picking up my phone to see if there was any more correspondence in my email, as she anxiously fidgeted. Side to side she swayed, and kept putting her hands up to her face, brushing her hair, and biting her fingernails.
“Hands at your side, stay still.”
She dropped her hands and stopped swaying. I continued scrolling, nothing in the inbox, but I also checked the local hockey scores, and what the weather was going to be like for tomorrow. I wanted her to feel the awkwardness of her situation. To know she was in the corner because I put her there.
Eventually, I walked her side of the room and sat down on the bed. I stared at her for a bit, making sure she wasn’t fidgeting still, but also admiring her body. Those early morning gym runs she’d been taking were having visible results. Her thighs looked toned and I could see the fine muscles in her back as she struggled to stay still. Her ass was high and tight, and flexed some as she shifted her weight slightly. My god, I’d have to remind myself later to look into giving her trainer a present.
“Come over here”
She turned and took a few steps towards me.
“Right here, right in front of me.”
She planted her feet between mine as I sat on the edge of the bed. She put her hands in front of her trying to have some sort of modesty.
“I said hands at your sides Jen. Keep them there.”
She dropped her hands again, trying to flatten her palms against the sides of her legs. She reddened slightly, surely from being told to stand there. She squirmed as I looked her over, even brushing my hand against the small patch of pubic hair her esthetician has left above her vagina. I eventually relented, sitting up and placing my hands on top of hers.
“Jen, I’m disappointed you tried to hide this from me instead of talking to me about it. I think you know full well that you can come to me with anything, especially something like this.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“However, I do appreciate that you asked at dinner tonight, for something you seem to have needed for some time now.”
Her breaths were short and shallow. “Yes, Sir.”
“Now we are going to do two things tonight, before you go to bed. The first, is that we are going to discuss some new rules in this house. Rules that I will be making sure are followed.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“And the second thing, Jen, is that you are going to be punished for lying to me about this.”
She gave a slight stomp with her foot. “Mike, I didn’t lie, I just didn’t want -”
“JEN.” I squeeze her hand, enough to get her attention and focus her.
“I don’t want to hear it. Every day that I came home for the last two years and asked you how everything was, every one of those days, you lied to me. When I ask how you are, and you say fine, you were lying to me. It’s about more than the menu Jen. It’s about you knowing you needed something from me and keeping it to yourself by saying you were fine. Understand?”
She had dropped her shoulders a bit and I could tell she was starting to accept the point I was making.
“I know Mike, I’m really sorry.”
“I’m glad. We have to work together as a team to make this work, and that starts with communicating to each other.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Now, one of the best things about our new rules in the house is that we have an easy way to take care of it when we have an issue, so that we can correct it, and move forward without bad feelings.”
“Sir?” She asked, not exactly sure of what I was getting at.
“Well, till now what happened when you were stressed and made a mistake, or got to the point where you took your anger and attitude out on me, or worse, our daughter?”
“I mean nothing, I guess. I feel bad afterwards, and I don’t know, I try to make up for it later.”
“Sure, but does that make you feel better?”
She looked down at the floor again. “No, Sir.”
“No, it doesn’t. That’s because you haven’t felt like you’ve made up for it and been forgiven. So, it’s hard to move on, understand?”
“Yes, I guess so.”
“Starting right now, any time I feel it’s going to help you, I’m going to punish you, Jen. This isn’t just a bedroom rule, but always, no matter where we are. The point is that once you’ve been punished for something, we are going to hug each other, and with a kiss, you will be forgiven for whatever it is you need to move past.”
She stood for a few seconds thinking, working out in her mind what this really meant for her.
“Thank you, I think that will help me.”
“Good, I’m glad, Jen.” I said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze in affirmation.
“Now I want you to know that with our changes, the point is still for us to work as a team. We are still equals in our marriage, in that we equally need to help the other, giving them what they need. You need less stress. To start with, I will handle the bills and credit cards.”
She let out a breath, knowing that this was one of the more major roles she had been doing in the house.
“This doesn’t mean you can’t buy what you need or plenty of things that you just want. All it means is that I’ll make sure everything is paid on time and help with our budget for when you go to the store to get things. Everything will be set up right on my office desk so that you can see where we are at if you’d like, but you don’t have to worry about it every day now.”
“Yes, Sir.” Her shoulders relaxed some, and I could almost see some of her tension was already leaving her body at the thought of being free of these worries. She stood up a bit straighter and her shoulders fell back, pushing her breath out and forward a bit.
“Second, Jen, you talked tonight about wanting to feel like you were mine. Wanting to be taken, I believe your words were?”
Her breath shortened, and I could feel her tensing back up, but this time, not from stress. I pulled my hands off hers and ran them down the sides of her naked thighs.
“Yes, Sir.” She replied.
“I see. Well, the idea of our rules now Jen, is that we need to be taking care of each other when we need it. Wouldn’t you agree?” I open my knees some as she stands between them, rubbing my one of my palms on the inside of her thigh.
“Yes, Sir, of course.”
“Good. And I also talked about communication. About us being open and honest about telling each other what we want.” I pushed the gently push on the inside of her right thigh, and her foot slides several inches to the side.
“I think it’s important that I do the same. It’s not fair for only you to be required to tell me when there is something you want.”
“Yes, Sir. I want to know what you want as well.” She breaths out. Her hands are a still at her sides, but grasping her thighs now, more than resting on them. I continue rubbing the inside of her thigh, going higher and higher, until the top of my hand brushes across her pussy lips.
Her quick breath in tells me what I already expected. I take my middle finger and reach deep between her legs and run it firmly from just in front of her asshole, through her lips, and up just before getting to her clit. She grunts, digging her nails into her legs, and pulling my finger away brings a long string of her juices with it.
I held my shiny finger up.
“Jen, is this turning you on?
She went beet red.
“Jen I asked if you were turned on. I expect you to answer me honestly when I ask you something.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Yes, what Jen?”
“Yes, I’m turned on Sir.”
I reached back down and wiped my finger off on her thigh.
“I see. I think we were talking though, about you helping with things I want Jen, not your own desires.”
“Yes, Sir. I want very badly to make you happy.”
“Good, I’m glad. And my promise to you is that when I want something from you, I’m going to tell you, from here on. And since you’re going to be such a good girl for me, I expect that you will do as you’re told.”
She gives an audible moan and pushes her hips forward. I can see a drip running down the side of her inner thigh now.
“Yes, Sir. I’ll do whatever you ask, happily Sir.”
I smile at the thought.
“Mmhmm. We will see. That’s all your rules for now Jen, but I continue examining our routine and tell you when I want something changed. For now, I expect you to communicate with me, and to do what you’re told.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl. Now that we have that settled, there was a second thing we needed to take care of, isn’t there?”
She tensed her body again, clenching her hands into little fists, but still holding her position.
“Yes, Sir. There is.”
“And what was it we need to take care of?” Surely, she didn’t think that she would be let off that easily. Her hands clenched and released twice before she could say it.
“I need you to punish me for lying to you, Sir.”
“Ah yes, of course.”
I went to stand, and after sitting long enough the bath towel I had on had released itself. Rising up, I purposely let my very hard cock slide up her leg, against that drip I had seen earlier. She moaned again and started to move her hand to reach for it as I stood, my cock bent down, pressing hard up against her clit.
“DO NOT MOVE, I told you.” Her hands shooting back to her thighs. I moved towards her slightly, the top of my cock sliding along her wet pussy. She moaned again, my cock playing her like an obscene cello. Moving to the side, I stepped around her, again wiping her juices on the side of her leg.
“No fun before we take care of this Jen.”
“Yes, Sir.”
I walked over and picked up the belt I had laid on the comforter earlier. Moving back around to her, I took the towel from my shower, folded it in half longways, and rolled it up. Placing it on the edge of the bed, I took my hand and reached behind her head. Grasping a handful of hair, I guided her forward towards the bed. She moaned again, and waddled forward, not wanting to move her hands until I gave her permission.
“Over.” I said, guiding her hips to the towel roll, and pushing her head and the handful of hair I had down to the bed until her face was against it.
“You’re going to get 24. One for each month you’ve lied to me. I’ll give them in sets of six. You don’t need to count, and you can tuck your hands underneath you. You will not reach back or move out of position until I’m done, understood Jen?”
“Yes, Sir.”
She knew what was coming and braced herself. I sat the belt in the middle of her ass, taking aim. She already clenched at the feel, and I considered telling her that would only make it hurt more kept quiet. She would learn.
Reaching high and behind me, I swung the belt down in a smooth swift stroke.
I saw her ass clench, but she didn’t move or make a sound. Giving about two seconds between swats, I reached back and swung down again.
One of her feet came off the ground for a moment in protest, but still no sound or other movement from her.
The sixth swat got a grunt out of her, and she shifted forward in the towel some. I could already see the outline of my belt on her fair skin, as it nicely reddened from the strikes.
“Jen, what is my expectation moving forward with you?”
“That I communicate my needs with you and do as you tell me for your needs, Sir.”
“Very good!” I praise her, rubbing my hand on her ass to take some sting out. “Next six.”
A solid grunt from the last one. She’s actually quiet stoic so far and I’m not sure if she’s just accepted her punishment, or if I should increase the intensity to make my point.
“Ow Mike, Ow!” She squeaks, again pushing her hips forward to try to get away from the swats. Now we are in business.
“Halfway there Jen. Hopefully, next time you’ll think twice before doing something like this.”
“Yes, Sir.” She replies, and I can hear the emotion rising in her. She sniffs before the next six come.
“Ehhhh, OWWW!”
“MIKE, OW, IT HURTS!” She pleads, now openly starting to have tears. She sniffs again, trying to catch her breath.
I stop for a second and move to the side or the bed she is facing.
“Jen, look at me.”
She opens her eyes, tears and mascara running down slowly.
“You know this is what you need.”
That’s all it took for the tears to flow fully and the sobs to come out. The emotion poured out of her, along with the tension, embarrassment, guilt, and stress that had built up in her world. She finally let go and it all came pouring out at once.
“I KNOW IT IS. I LOVE YOU, AND I’M SO SORRY THAT I LIED TO YOU! PLEASE PUNISH ME MIKE!” She sobbed, barely intelligible through her short breaths and heavy crying.
“I think you mean Sir. Last six Jen. These will be the hardest, don’t move.”
She just nodded into the comforter.
Reaching up high again, I brought the belt down hard. It wasn’t overly heavy, so I wasn’t worried about causing her damage, but swings like these are ones she would still feel in the morning.
“AHHH OWWWW, OWwwwwwWW!” she now screamed into the comforter. I was going to have to come up with a different plan if she was going to be this loud, the little one was across the house but still.
The last three I put my arm into.
Both her feet left the floor and she rolled to her side, but her hands stayed under her as she wailed into the bed. She sobbed and sobbed for several minutes, some from the pain, but mostly releasing the last of her old worries away. Setting the belt down on the bed, I reached for the lotion she kept on her nightstand and put some on my hand. I touched her ass, causing her to flinch hard at the touch, but she relaxed quickly as she felt the cool lotion being rubbed on.
I was gentle and mostly held my hand still as she rubbed her ass against it. Her breathing had slowed almost to normal, and her movement indicated a different goal than just cooling lotion. She knew I was still standing directly behind her, and with her legs straight, pushed her ass back further and further until she felt it touch my still rock-hard cock. We both groaned, my cock feeling the warmth of her now bright red ass, as she wiggled and tried to maneuver for what she was after.
I pushed her hips back to the bed.
“I told you not to move.”
And with that I pushed the full length of my cock deep inside her. She made a guttural moan, one of lust and thanks and pleasure and pain all at once. One hand on her hip the other in the center of her shoulders keeping her bent over, I moved in and out of her. She was unbelievably wet and grunted with each thrust into her, pushing her ass up to meet me.
After everything from the night, this was what I needed now. I ground her shoulders into the bed and fucked her hard and fast, pushing her body forward with each thrust. I quickly felt my orgasm build, and with one final push, I pressed as deep into her as I could, feeling the heat from her punished ass cheeks against my pelvis. I held her still as I came, contraction after contraction pumping deep into her.
Letting go of her hips and slowly taking the pressure of my hand from her back, I saw her taking deep breaths. Sighs and heaves. I pulled my cock out and she gasped, pushing her hips back, pleading for it to remain. I ran my hand up her spine, rubbing her back, seeing a red mark where my hand had been holding her. I laid my body on top of hers, feeling the sweat and warmth of her back. I held her hair and reached over, kissing her lips, pushing my tongue between them and lingering with my own.
“That’s my good girl. Go get cleaned up, it’s past your bedtime.”
I watched as she smiled with her eyes closed.
“Thank you, Sir.” |