By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
The warm water cascaded down her body, small rivulets forming and making their path down to the shower base. Chastity up ended the tube and formed a pool of baby oil in her left hand. Carefully she rubbed it between her fingers and palms then began to spread the glistening liquid all over her body. Her hands travelled all over her body applying the thin silky layer of oil. Her hands moved along her inner thighs, down her long soft legs across her tight stomach and up ward across her chest. She felt a strange tingle of excitement as she cupped her breasts. She took paid special attention to he breasts , caressing the oil all over and around her firming nipples.
As the last trickle of water dripped from the showerhead and ran down her wet body, Chastity felt the sudden chill from out side the shower cubical. She reached for the crisp white towel and wrapped it around her head. She then shipped on the white terry-towelling bathrobe. She shuddered for an instant. Was it the coolness of the bathroom tiles beneath her feet? Or the knowledge that this was to be her first night, the beginning of a new adventure or some terrible mistake?
She slipped into her bathroom slippers and padded to her bedroom. Letting her hair slide forward as she loosened the towel on her head. Her fingers running through with the towel to dry her hair watery drop falling to the carpet. With a scrunchie she pulled back her locks, and loosened her dressing gown. She could feel her skin drying but still silky, thanks to the application of baby oil in the shower. She looked in her dressing table mirror, she could still see the apprehension in her own eyes, was this a good idea?
Now fully dried she walked across the bedroom to her chest of drawers, Chastity smiled as she pulled open the bottom draw. This one draw was reserved for special occasions, weekday sock tights and knickers were in the top two drawers. This draw was for those items of lingerie that usually only saw the light of day at anniversaries birthdays or special nights out. She selected a lacy matching black set, a tight fitting bra, soft as velvet with black lace over the cups, and a tight scanty thong. She slipped the thong slowly up and on, feeling it hug softly between her thighs. The bra she fitted perfectly, her cleavage pushed up and out as the advert suggested. Then her fingers delved in to the recesses of the open drawer, “where is it she?” murmured to herself, “Ah, there you are”
She slipped of the cellophane wrapping and discarded the packaging thoughtfully as this was her secret and she must keep it that way. Her fingers found their way to the bottom of the stockings, and then she glided the first one on over her leg. The baby oil had left her legs silky smooth. She caressed her own leg as she pulled the black nylon stocking up her leg. A tingle of excitement ran the length of her body. As she smooth and straightened the stocking top, her fingers running over the lacy tops she felt empowered. She would be in command; she would decide what happened and what would not happen. She would be in charge. Chastity slipped on the other stocking again the tinge of excitement as the black nylon touched her leg. Without thought her fingers ran between her legs, stroking the lacy material of the close fitting thong, her body heaved with pleasure.
Chastity was now eager of the evening to begin. Dressing slowly and confidently in a tight fitting black pencil skirt and tailored ladies shirt. She dressed to impress, but in a way that gave the upper hand, she was in control. Make up finished hair styled and in place the finishing touch was those 5 inch patient black leather heals will accentuate her firm long legs. “ They will be a bugger to drive in she thought,” so shipped some sensible shoes in to a carrier bag so she could drive.
Her black Peugeot was parked in the driveway of her home, her partner was away for the evening, so it was now or never. Heels off and comfies on she sat behind the wheel, she hesitated, she caught her refection in the driver’s mirror. Her eyes a deep brown, her hair black and silky and those ruby red lips, the thrill of excitement caused again through her body also another feeling, her fingers ran down across her stomach. It wasn’t butterflies or nerves but a deep warm feeling of desire. Chastity turned the ignition key.
She pulled the car over to the side of the road and headed along the small track to the picnic area. It was still light, but only just. She stopped the car and swapped her shoes. Chastity got out of the car it was still a warm evening, though were those goosebumps or the tingle of electric excitement causing through her veins. A voice behind her made her jump a little
“ Er Hi are err you Chastity?
She turned around to see a man standing there, he was about 5 10 short blonde hair, medium build.
“Hi it’s me Bryn,” he looked at his feet she could see he was blushing.
They had met on an Internet chat site. They lived quite close together; they had hit it off well sending messages regularly. Asking questions about each other, they were both in relationships and both quite happy, but they had felt connected over one thing. Their conversations slowly turned to confessions of their desires.
“ Hello Bryn don’t I know you?” “ No not just from the site, I have seen you in town” this made them both smile. They had both had a glimmer of recognition the ice was broken.
Bryn moved closer to her, offering her a cigarette, she took one from the packet and slipped it between those full red ruby lips. She waited until he had lit it for her; she sucked in the heady mix of tobacco and air, and then exhaled in a long thing white cloud of smoke.
“ And am I all you expected?” she asked Bryn, she could see his eyes running all over her body looking at her shape her legs her breasts bursting to escape from beneath the tight white blouse.
“More he spluttered, you’re gorgeous, then again I did have a mental picture of you and you were quite hot in that”, they both laughed. He moved closer, their fingertips touched, he lent forward.
“ Come on girl play this cool” she thought to herself, but with all the pent up excitement she could not help herself. Their lips met, first softly, then harder a full deep kiss. His arms around her body hers around him. Tongues surged forward, to explore each other’s mouth. She felt him hard against her hips grinding into his. it was deliciously sexy.
Chastity pulled from his embrace, moving backward, she now knew that she would go through with this, any apprehension had left her mind. “ No more for now, you bad boy” she told him “ I’m in charge she” added. She knew this would have the desired effect and it did, he wanted her more now. She opened the car door and sat back down on the seat. Her body facing him legs out of the car. Her hands began to softly caress her legs , first the top of her thighs palms running across the pencil skirt. She had his full attention. Slowly and purposely she opened her legs, as she did the skirt rode up her legs. She let him glimpse the top of her stockings her hands now running over the black silky nylon that covered her legs. She stroked her inner thighs, giving him a better view of those dark lacy stocking tops. Bryn’s hand was nursing a bulge in the front of his jeans. His eyes following the movement of her hands as she toyed with him, yes she was in control. As her fingers reached the place where her inner thigh peeped through and the lacy Pretty Polly hold ups ended, she became aware of a noise. It was an engine, another car. The headlamps cut through the failing light, Chastity quickly pulled down her skirt covering her legs, Bryn moved closer to her car to screen her from the new arrivals. “Christ she thought, not a family on a trip or campers, or the tingle rippled in her body, the police”
The car pulled to a halt just 20 yards from them, and faced them, lights dimmed to side lamps. They both felt an air of nervousness, the doors of the other car opened. A voice called out, “Hello are you all right?” “ We’re fine” replied Bryn, “just out for the evening”
“So are we “answered the voice, “just me and my friend Sara” The man moved closer, Chastity and Bryn could see them in the light from the car. He was about in his 30’s tall slim in jeans and a te-shirt, behind him came Sara, she was medium height, short blonde hair she wore a small denim skirt and brown cowboy boots, she had on a short white shirt with a grey tight t-shirt underneath. The man walked up to Bryn” I’m Jim, this is Sara, were ermm out for the evening and looking to enjoy the night”
“ Hi bud, sorry Jim I’m Bryn” He glanced down at chastity” This is my partner Chastity”. The two men shook hands Sara leaned down to wards Chastity, “ Hi “ and to Chastity’s total surprise kissed her on the cheek, then brushed her lips against Chastity’s. The feeling was like 1 million volts cascading through her body, the merest of kisses had given Chastity such a thrill. “ So were we stopping you “ said Jim looking at Chastity, “ Please don’t let us spoil your fun” Chastity was nervous now, with just Bryn there it had been fun but now she had 3 people watching. “Come on girl” she thought “you can do this you have always wanted this its your deepest darkest desire”
She continued to run her fingers over her stocking clad legs, the skirt was soon raised again, her warm tanned skin peeking past the lacy stocking top. She was in control they watched and she turned on and off the pleasure. Soon her skirt was around her waist. Her fingers flitting over her panties, touching, caressing, feeling her own body heat. Two fingers slipped inside her panties , it was hot , and wet. Her back arched as she felt pleasure, not only of her own fingers causing a hot wet sensation in her pussy, but that others watched on, her fantasy was coming true. Chastity groaned as her fingers teased her pussy lips, pinching the bud of her clit., she was rubbing harder, one hand began cupping her left breast as her fingers moved inside her panties.
“ Can I help” it was a woman’s voice it was Sara.
Before Chastity could answer, she felt a soft and move up her inner thigh, Sara’s touch made Chastity shudder, with pleasure. Sara’s finger moved quickly slipping aside Chastity’s panties and exposing her pussy. “ May I play?” asked Sara, Chastity pulled her closer pulling her up to eye level, Chastity desired another kiss. Their lips met, softly at first then harder, tongues exploring each other’s hot wet mouths, as long passionate kiss. “ I hope the boys are enjoying this, “ thought Chastity she wrapped her arms around Sara’s young body feeling how warm her skin was to the touch. Sara slipped from the embrace and moved her lips down Chastity’s neck, ripples of excitement teamed through her body. Sara was opening Chastity’s blouse, kissing down across her chest., nimble fingers released all the buttons . Chastity sat forward the blouse open, Sara began to lick Chastity’s breasts. Kissing them softly, then her attention moved to the lacy push up bra, sucking at the material, licking the lace, until it was wet with Sara’s kisses. Chastity could feel her nipples hardening at the attention, and the soft warm wetness of the material that held them in place. Chastity moaned in pleasure, Her fingers rubbing her soaking wet pussy, pinching her throbbing bud of a clit. Making it swell as she gave it her full attention. , Then she felt Sara’s tongue join her own fingers once more, pushing aside the panties. Sara’s tongue was running the full length of Chastity’s pussy lips. Making her tingle with pleasure. “ Stop! Sara” Chastity moaned, “ Lets get rid of these” She slipped down her panties her legs spread wide she lay back in the car seat
“ Maybe your would be more comfortable in the back?” a mans voice suggested, it was Bryn.
Chastity stood up she pulled Bryn close they kissed, long hard and passionate. Chastity glimpsed over Bryn’s shoulder, Jim and Sara were doing the same. Jim had pushed Sara against the side of the car his fingers where between her legs Sara was writhing in pleasure. Chastity felt Bryn’s hands travelling all over her body, exploring her, she was sensitive to his touch, it felt so naught so bad so wrong but oh so good. She led Bryn by the hand to wards Jim and Sara, Chastity moved to them Kissing Jim, her fingers moved between Sara’s legs, for the first time she felt the hot wet heat of another woman’s pussy on her finger tips. Bryn was kissing Sara’s neck. His hands beneath her t-shirt. Chastity could feel the raw energy of what was about to happen.
Chastity, opened the rear door of her car, and slid back onto the seats. She pulled up her tight pencil skirt, and began to rub her pussy, as she watched the two men touch and play with Sara. “ Ahmm ! A little attention here please” she called, the three watched on through the door as she stroked her full pussy. Her eyes closed as she pinched the bud of her clit, her fingers slipping inside her. Her back arched as she felt pure pleasure from her own touch. She felt a hand on her legs stroking its way up, the other door opened, and another hand slid in over her chest, and underneath her bra. Fingers rubbed and pinched her hardening nipples. Some one else was fingering her damp pussy. She was in ecstasy. She looked up to see Sara playing with her nipples, Bryn’s tongue was lapping at her pussy, his fingers opening her wide to dip his warm tongue in her hot sticky pussy. She noticed Sara’s legs were open wide and Jim was sucking on her pussy. Then Bryn sucked Chastity’s clit into his mouth his fingers deep in her. She felt like her cunt was on fire , her wet cum over Bryn’s greedy lips. Jim was now spreading Sara’s legs wider, his cock in hand. It was thick and full he skilfully pushed it in Sara, she moaned long and deep, her body sagged onto Chastity. Chastity sucked at a nipple that was now before her full wet mouth. It felt good in her mouth , she felt it harden on her lips.
Sara was calling to Jim “ mm fuck me faster, I want that thick cock in me, harder oh god harder” Chastity decided she was the centre of attention so she should call the shots. “Come on boys, swap sides, Bryn I want your cock “ Dutifully they did as they were told. Bryn moved to the other open door, he looked down in to her deep brown eyes, he felt the bulge in jeans burst free as he un buttoned his jeans. He pulled down his jeans and then his tight grey boxers to reveal his cock. It was just less than 8 inches long and quite thick; Chastity looked up and smiles a greedy smile. As her hand reached up and she was just about to stroke its length, she felt a spasm of pleasure. Sara was tonguing her pussy, legs spear wide as Jim pumped his cock in her. Sara moaned as she licked Chastity, this gave each lick a throbbing quality. Sara’s pinched at the bud of Chastity’s clit, her hot wet tongue slipping inside her pussy. Chastity’s back arched in pleasure “ All these people and just for me “ she thought to herself.
She took Bryn’s cock in her trembling hands it was full and hard, the tip purple and tick. Bryn arched his body over her, she felt the tip brush against her deep ruby lips. Bryn groaned, her tongue darted out and licked the tip. “MMm oh god yes” Bryn called. Chastity was in ecstasy, Sara was nibbling her swollen clit, her fingers slipping in and out of Chastity’s ripe wet cunt, Chastity took bryns cock in her mouth sucking the tip as her body pulsed as Sara finger fucked her.. She could feel a wave over her, she was ready to cum he loosed Bryn’s cock and lifted her body up , both hands pushing Sara’s head and lips harder on the pussy , Bryn arms round her fingers sliding down to join Sara’s to bring Chastity to orgasm. Jim pumped his cock harder, faster , deeper in Sara. She screamed “ Mm Jim Fuck me , fuck me you bastard, I want you deep in my pussy!” Sara and Chastity both reached the moment of orgasm together, Their cries mingle as their pussies dripped with their cum . Sara Fell out of the car, Jim Pulled her up and she sank to her knees, his cock in her mouth, she licked its length , tasting her own cum then slipped the tip into heer mouth , rubbing his shaft , tickling his balls then with a grunt Jim pumped his cum into her mouth . .
Bryn was kissing chastity’s neck, she was still in the throw’s of her pulsing orgasm, “ Fuck me ! Fuck me now! She demanded.
She got out of the car, leaned her body over the bonnet, her skirt still up. Bryn eased the tip of his cock along the lips of Chastity’s pussy, he spooned her to tease , “ Fuck me please Bryn” she moaned. He slid the throbbing tip of his cock in opposition to the quivering lips of her pussy. She felt pleasure as the tip parted her lips, slowly sliding in her, he was thick, thick and hard, she moaned as it slid deeper in her, she moved her slender long legs wider, her breathing became deeper , as she felt herself being opened up my his shaft. She tightened her stomach muscles ( all that work in the gym had paid off) the effect was to contract her tight pussy walls enveloping his cock, so she felt him more intensely. Moving her head to the side she saw Jim and Sara, watching,. touching each other. Her pussy was wet and sticky and she sucked Bryn in deeper.
Chastity circled her hips, Bryn sighed in pleasure, Bryn moved in a slow lazy deep thrusts pumping her dripping cunt, Chastity released the grip on his cock, her cum ran down his shaft.” MM fuck me harder” he picked up a pace, thrusting long deep hard into her pussy. She felt a shudder as she again neared climax, she thrust back her ass, taking in al of his cock. Her gripped her waist tightly feeling her ready , then sped up, fast tick hard cock in her sopping wet pussy. , her legs buckled her snorted , they came together. She felt his hot spunk explode in her, meeting her orgasm, this made her wetter, and a in rush of blood she knew she was Cumming again .
“ you naught sexy man she purred,” as he slowly fuck her dripping pussy, his cock now reducing in thickness. As he slid out , she felt a pang of pleasure.
She tunred to him , they kisses long and slowly. Sara and Jim walked over , the couples exchanged kisses,
Sara looked at chastity “ When will we do this again and maybe swap?” she said
Chastity looked at Jim then Bryn, she smiled at Sara
“Only when we ladies want to “ she said silkily, “ We are in charge “