By *AYEN OP Couple
over a year ago
Lincolnshire |
“How did it go?” I asked with a big smile on my face “from what I could hear it was a resounding success!”
“Of course it was” replied Niki triumphantly
She stood at the side of our bed and let her gown slip off and pulled her knickers down a little, “look at that” she exclaimed, proudly showing me the very sticky gusset.
A lot of it may have been mine from our earlier session but I suspected there was plenty of new 'cream' recently added by Niki from her fifteen minutes or so with Rob.
“oh wow” I said “seems like you really enjoyed that”
“it was quick, but really good fun” replied Niki
“it sounded like he enjoyed it too, I didn't hear much, just a few oooh's and aaahs, but it was SO horny, it was nearly too much to bear” I added
Niki giggled as she climbed back naked into bed with me, she noticed my hard-on “I see what you mean” she giggled, grabbing my cock.
She cuddled into me, trapping my hard cock between our two stomachs.
“wow, you smell very spunky” I said smiling
”I should think so” replied Niki “I've been a very busy girl, I've taken one load in me and had one load shot over me”
“want to take a third” I asked
“oh yes” she said “that's what I was hoping for” she sat up and climbed on top of me. She grabbed my cock and guided me in. Her pussy was so wet and warm, it felt delicious. Niki was riding my cock cowgirl style and all her juice was squelching and flowing out on to me. She reached down and found her clitty and rubbed it round and round.
She lent forward so I could grab her butt cheeks, pulling them apart
“shame Rob's not here to lick your bum hole” I said
“oh yes” moaned Niki
I slipped my finger down the underside of my cock into her soaking pussy, then found her butt hole and circled it using her juice to lubricate. Niki was now moaning as I pumped her hard,
“fill me up” she whispered before biting into my shoulder.
As I pushed my finger into her butt hole she tried to stifle her cry without much success, she trembled uncontrollably to orgasm. With this I filled her up with my hot cum.
Niki collapsed on top of me, I could feel her tears wetting my shoulder. I held her tightly as we both regained our breath and consciousness.
We laid motionless for several minutes savouring the closeness of both mind and body.
After a few more minutes I said “I don't think you're going anywhere because we're actually stuck together”
“okay, shall I just piss on you then?” she asked smiling
“Ah okay, lets try and separate then, have you got a knife handy?”
As we pulled apart the amount of warm juice that had puddled between us was immense, but as the cool air hit it, it turned from a warm bond to a cold sticky mess. We both ran to the shower...
The next morning Niki and I were up making breakfast when Rob emerged from his room. I was expecting him to look well rested and cheery, but he didn't look too lively.
“whatsup” I said cheerily, hoping to have misread his mood
“hey mate” he replied “hey Niki”
“morning Rob” replied Niki
“can we have a chat?” he asked me
I knew he meant just me, but there was no way I was going to exclude Niki
“sure” I said “just waiting for toast, and then we can all sit down and have a chat”
Rob blinked a bit, wondering whether to try again
“if you two want to go for a chat, it's no problem, I can keep the scrambled eggs and we can soon make fresh toast” offered Niki.
She often amazes me how laid back she is, he had already rankled me a little, but Niki was as always, as cool as cucumber, in fact she was already giving me 'the look' she saves for when I'm warming up for a kick-off!
And then Rob proved why he's been a good friend for so many years,
“oh I'm really sorry” he said, “I'll be honest with you, I feel a little awkward about last night and just need to clear my head a little”
“great” I said “it involved you two more than me, so perhaps I had better look after the scrambled eggs and you two go for a walk” I was laughing now and the atmosphere lifted a little, but made Niki glower a little at me, I knew that was probably the last thing she'd want to do.
“just relax mate” I said “it's no biggy – or at least that's what Niki told me”
“excuse me” exclaimed Niki “I didn't tell him anything Rob” she turned to me “you fucking liar”
“shut up” I said “just get on with your cooking, I'm trying to have a conversation with my mate”
“you fucker, you're going to be wearing the scrambled eggs soon and have balls more pained than Rob's were - sorry Rob” she added
I blew her some kisses
“you two are fucking crazy” said Rob laughing “I don't know why I got myself all worked up about, it's just nothing like that's ever happened before”
Niki had by then buttered the toast and piled on the scrambled eggs, or at least she had on two servings
“come on Rob, let's sit down on the balcony, yours is in the pan” she said to me, sticking her tongue out at me as she walked past with two scrambled eggs on toast
“can't get a decent wife these days” I mumbled
“I beg your pardon” demanded Niki
“nothing sweetness, was just saying what a fantastic wank, er wife you are” I said fake smiling.
As I buttered my toast I could hear them chatting and was pleased that any awkwardness had seemingly been diverted.
I thought I'd give them a few moments so stuck the kettle on and made some coffees.
“so you guys got it sorted then?” I asked as I sat down.
“I just told Rob he shouldn't read anything into it, something needed to be sorted and I took the bull by the horn, so to speak, and sorted it” she said smiling, very pleased with the pun “you can forget about it, or you can talk about”
“or you can book another one in” I chimed in cheekily
“you are really getting on my tits” she said to me “we're trying to have an adult conversation here”
“I don't think I'll ever forget it” said Rob “that will stay with me until my dying days”
“it won't if you get Alzheimers” I quipped
Niki looked at me in disbelief, shaking her head “you're going to get banished to do the washing up in a minute” she scolded, knowing that was the worst punishment for me.
“sorry madam” I said, hanging my head in mock disgrace
“to be honest that was one of the horniest things ever” Rob replied “then got myself worked up about it, but don't really know why. Silly really, I guess I should just relax and join the crazy gang”
“it was just a wank Rob” Niki added
“I guess so” said Rob “but how come you don't mind” asked Rob turning to me
“because you enjoyed it, Niki enjoyed it, and to be honest I enjoyed it too, especially the bit afterwards” I replied “so where's the downside?”
“so do you think I'm crazy for freaking out over Karen's affair” he asked
“not at all” I replied “that's a direct breach of trust, and without knowing the details, I would assume a lot of dishonesty was involved”
“yes, there was” said Rob sadly “so you two will always be open and honest with each other?” Rob asked
“absolutely” said Niki
“one hundred percent” I replied “but we don't have a restrictive relationship” I added
“so you have an open relationship?” asked Rob
“not really – yours is the only other cock she's played with in twelve years, but there was always the option if she chose to”
Niki was smiling and wiggling her fingers at Rob
“You'd better not do that because I may not be responsible for my actions” said Rob as we all laughed
“so if it isn't an open relationship how would you describe it?”
Niki and I looked at each other and shrugged “non-restictive I suppose” I answered “we're just open and honest about everything, who we fancy, our deepest, darkest fantasies and we're open to exploring them in reality if the opportunity arises”
“so you wouldn't mind if Kev fucked another woman” he asked Niki
“no, not at all, I would like it, especially if I could watch” said Niki with a cheeky smile
“so have you?” he asked me
“no, I came close once, one of my clients, she was lovely and very sexy in a subtle way. She had a very wealthy, dick-head of a husband who she used to refer to as 'The Twat' , we used to talk quite a lot and when I used to say I really must get on because you're paying me to work, she used to say don't worry about it, The Twat is paying”
We all laughed
“so how come you didn't?” he asked
“because she was a client, you can't respond to hints or signs because you might get it wrong, she would have had to literally jump on me for anything to have happened”
“shame she didn't jump on you, that would be quite something, you fucking her in The Twat's bed” we all laughed
“not sure how she would have felt about Niki being in the corner watching though” I added
“so you can basically both do as you wish, as long as your open an honest about it and both involved?” he asked
“involved to some extent” I replied “sometimes more, sometimes less”
“wow, that's quite an interesting concept which I didn't really know was a thing” he mused “I must admit to having mixed feelings about Karen, I was devastated but at the same time the thought was quite horny”
“so there you go, dishonesty equals devastation, if you take out the dishonesty all you're left with is the horny bit”
We all laughed and I felt we had finally got Rob's head clear.
“fancy teaming up?” asked Rob to me
Niki looked a bit alarmed and I looked at him quizzically
“for the washing up!” he exclaimed “you two, oh my god” he said laughing. . .
Once the washing up was done we all got ready for the beach and headed out.
We found our usual spot and set out our towels. Niki was wearing her tiny white G-string bottoms again.
After a while Rob and I put on some beach tennis entertainment for Niki, which she thoroughly appreciated.
Tennis done with, it was time for our first swim of the day. We headed towards the sea and into the surf.
As usual Niki was mostly clinging on to me, the waves were particularly big and I would lift Niki up as they approached. Niki was in high spirits shrieking and giggling in equal amounts. Rob was in very good spirits too, clearly enjoying Niki's exposed breasts each time I lifted her clear of the waves.
As the waves calmed I gave Niki a big push towards Rob, he was far enough away for her to not reach, so she had two options, either take a few strokes to reach him or to turn around back to me. She took the first option and swam a bit closer towards Rob.
He didn't need much encouragement and held out his hand for Niki to grab.
Just as she was about to grab his hand a big wave broke over Niki dunking her under. She surfaced coughing but laughing, she flipped over on to her back and was clearing the salty water from her eyes.
Rob, being closet swam towards her and held her underneath her arms from behind, until she fully recovered. As another wave came close he lifted her up to clear the wave, exposing her breasts with their rock hard, dark brown nipples – it was certainly a sight to behold.
We spent another ten minutes pushing Niki between us as the waves lulled, then taking it in turns to lift her clear as they rolled in.
Pretty exhausted we trudged through the burning sand back to our towels. Rob and I threw ourselves down, Niki as usual stood to sort out her hair. Her little white G-string stuck to her like a second skin, tantalisingly transparent.
Rob and I were both laying back enjoying the view as she re-tied her dark curly hair up, her nipples still rock hard and body glistening with sea water. Once finished she took hold of her g-string and started pulling it down, stopping just as she was about to expose her pussy.
Niki loves to tease and is an absolute master of the art.
She left her g-string hanging there for a couple of seconds whilst she went back to her hair and sorted out a couple of stray strands – which probably didn't really need sorting!
I could see the physical tension in Rob as he sat there mesmerised, trying to calculate as to whether they were going to continue down or go back up.
Hair done and with a wiggle she pulled her g-string down and off.
I saw Rob immediately sit up, raise his knees and wrap his arms around his legs – this was the only way he could hide his hard-on whilst still enjoying the view.
Niki stood for a few seconds longer, totally naked and enjoying both our looks of wonder.
“bloody hell you two” said Niki “it's like you've never seen a pussy before, especially you” she said to me as she playfully kicked my foot.
“to be honest” said Rob “I've never seen one like yours Niki, at least not in the flesh”
“what do you mean?” asked Niki in a mock, indignant tone – she knew exactly what he meant.
“it's so, err so . . smooth” he said, not really knowing how to express his thoughts
Niki let out a belly laugh, “you've never seen a shaved pussy before” she asked, still laughing.
“oh, of course” replied Rob “just not one as err, exposed as yours, it really is a work of art”
“well” she mused “I suppose it's not for everyone, it can scare the life out of some, but those that appreciate her seem to love her, and it's what I've got and I love her”
“me too” I chimed in “I love her” I said smiling
“I think I'm in love too” said Rob
An hour or so later Niki asks for another dip.
“I might sit this one out” I said, “I've just got to a crucial point in my book”
“I'm up for it” replied Rob
“come on” said Niki to me “just a quick one”
“I'm really at an exciting part, why don't you two go” I suggested
“OK then, looks like me and you then Rob”
They both got up and started walking towards the sea.
Niki was jumping up and down shrieking due to the hot sand burning her feet, I laughed to myself. I wasn't particularly engrossed in my book, I just thought I'd give the two of them some one on one time, a time to bond.
I felt my heart race a little as I witnessed a sight I'd never seen before, Niki's naked little arse disappearing into the distance, I'd always been with her, never watching her from afar.
I could just about make them out at a distance and could see Rob lifting Niki up and over the waves.
After a while I could see them starting to make their way back in though the breaking surf. I saw Niki climb onto Robs back, seemingly he had offered her a piggy back. As they got to the break line a wave wiped them both out, I could see Rob go face down with Niki sprawled on top of him. They recovered and ran out of the surf back to me laughing. |