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Conspiracy theories regarding Coronavirus

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Whats everyone thoughts on whats behind the Coronavirus. I heard an interesting theory about the plan to rid (or reduce) the world of so many old people due to the fact that are non productive and hold a high share of the wealth due to living older that expected.

Lets hear them.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Lets just get through it without unintelligent rumours.

People can't agree on anything so chucking conspiracy theories about isn't going to help.

I've been ill recently and it's NOT fun.

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By *esparate danMan
over a year ago


I'm not closed to the idea. Would you trust Trump over China? Its virulent enough that its possible it could have been backward engineered

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By *andy_FraserTV/TS
over a year ago


I've got a couple of conspiracy nuts friends on Facebook, but even they've been quiet.

I think the situation is enough to make everyone concerned.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My kids love a good conspiracy theory.man mad by China to rid of the old to bring down the population.

Oh and not forgetting to stop 9 in a row

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By *eep.Man
over a year ago

Just a background character

Aye maybe swingers started it to reduce the number of pesky single males?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Most new viruses are in some way man made, because we can't help but tamper with nature and genetically engineering viruses to try make cures for this and that and testing stuff to see what happens. The more we mess with nature the more it fights back, the biggest reason it's hitting us harder now than China etc is we rely too much on the pharmaceutical industry to keep us working fit, they rely on traditional herbal remedies and letting the body create its own natural defences

Well that's my opinion nayhow

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Oh I love a good single male

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No conspiracy.

Nature does a far better job of these things than we ever could.

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"Most new viruses are in some way man made, because we can't help but tamper with nature and genetically engineering viruses to try make cures for this and that and testing stuff to see what happens. The more we mess with nature the more it fights back, the biggest reason it's hitting us harder now than China etc is we rely too much on the pharmaceutical industry to keep us working fit, they rely on traditional herbal remedies and letting the body create its own natural defences

Well that's my opinion nayhow "

Perfectly said.

Ive never been vaccinated, never had flu jab, never even had flu or a cold. Natural all the way so let's see if I'm still fighting fit after this.

These virus don't come from nowhere, they are always experimenting and these viruses always come out the same time as the flu vaccines are administered to those most vulnerable and children. I keep my kids off school when they are doing it in schools. We are being forced to vaccinate our kids from flu but really it take a year to make a vaccines, trail and tested before administered by that strain of flu virus its a year past so vaccines are a year out of date and does not protect. So putting shit into people and kids bodies to protect which is all lies.

Plus they also need to control the population so they take out the weakest links, the elderly and the sick both costing the government money. Just my opinion

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


I plan to live till I'm a 100, see my grandkids kids get married.

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


It was a plan by the toilet roll manufacturers to make more money

Oh, you meant real ones...

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"It was a plan by the toilet roll manufacturers to make more money

Oh, you meant real ones... "


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My concern is the way it is being treated by governments around the world including ours.

On one hand we are being told that it is basically like flu and most people will get a mild form and hardly notice. They play it down saying more people die from flu.

On the other hand the say "Isolate yourself", down't do this or that, mass meetings are banned and we will give billions towards it.

They never do this over flu or indeed anything else.

I don't think we are being told the truth, probably to prevent a panic but there is no clear message.

The word "Mushrooms" comes to mind.

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By *onkeymagic50Man
over a year ago

Near the harbour

I'm not a conspirast type of guy but the corona virus....we have wars, we immune ,we have millions dieing from famine ,we have hell type of news reports everyday and yet we still carry on ,so how does the *elite* get us to conform......they give us something that impacts on every working class person in the world ,this Corona virus will not impact on your 500grand or your 1million or your billionare earner a year, but us on 40 and below will suffer ...open your eyes folks it either armageddon and they hiding it or we being sent back to the Victorian era ......can you afford to self isolate .......the high earners can

I be offering free hugs to my management team and directors at work

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"My concern is the way it is being treated by governments around the world including ours.

On one hand we are being told that it is basically like flu and most people will get a mild form and hardly notice. They play it down saying more people die from flu.

On the other hand the say "Isolate yourself", down't do this or that, mass meetings are banned and we will give billions towards it.

They never do this over flu or indeed anything else.

I don't think we are being told the truth, probably to prevent a panic but there is no clear message.

The word "Mushrooms" comes to mind.


I agree we are being treated like mushrooms....

But I think it’s only important to isolate if you may come in contact with someone who has an underlying illness. If you only have contact with fit healthy people I don’t think there’s a need to lock yourself in a dungeon

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

so you are happy to pass the virus on to others ??????????????

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My concern is the way it is being treated by governments around the world including ours.

On one hand we are being told that it is basically like flu and most people will get a mild form and hardly notice. They play it down saying more people die from flu.

On the other hand the say "Isolate yourself", down't do this or that, mass meetings are banned and we will give billions towards it.

They never do this over flu or indeed anything else.

I don't think we are being told the truth, probably to prevent a panic but there is no clear message.

The word "Mushrooms" comes to mind.

I agree we are being treated like mushrooms....

But I think it’s only important to isolate if you may come in contact with someone who has an underlying illness. If you only have contact with fit healthy people I don’t think there’s a need to lock yourself in a dungeon "

Can you tell who is fit and healthy simply by looking at them?

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By *ine of BootyCouple
over a year ago

Glasgow/ Manchester

Twitter had a fairly reasonable one, mostly focusing on the Vaccination apparently can’t be ready for a year, yet China say they’ll have it for distribution in April. I will cut and paste :

Imagine a time where China’s economy wasn’t as healthy as expected, no-one would know as they are so secretive. Then imagine if they created a virus, spread it worldwide and were then able to create a vaccine 12 months earlier than anyone else......then sold it globally...

Best one I’ve seen so far.

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By *weheavycummerMan
over a year ago

Near you

Problem reaction solution

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"so you are happy to pass the virus on to others ??????????????"

As I am not showing any symptoms then I’m happy to go about my life as I see fit.

But I’m not intending on going near anyone I know who has underlying health problems, nor am I planning on visiting elderly relatives either.

It’s called common sense.

Do you really think we should all lock ourselves away for 3 months??????

Stop spreading panic like the media and actually read the current updates medical advice.

Even the isolation period has been halved and they have said that unless your symptoms become severe DO NOT contact NHS 24.

So is it really necessary to panic?????

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"so you are happy to pass the virus on to others ??????????????

As I am not showing any symptoms then I’m happy to go about my life as I see fit.

But I’m not intending on going near anyone I know who has underlying health problems, nor am I planning on visiting elderly relatives either.

It’s called common sense.

Do you really think we should all lock ourselves away for 3 months??????

Stop spreading panic like the media and actually read the current updates medical advice.

Even the isolation period has been halved and they have said that unless your symptoms become severe DO NOT contact NHS 24.

So is it really necessary to panic?????"

Actually you can have the virus for up to 5 days without symptoms so even you wouldn't know you had it. And a passer byer going to shop for a jug of milk for her husbands tea who has just recovered or suffering from cancer could then get it from you.

The government doesn't look out for us so we all should take it upon ourselves to be thoughtful and love thy neighbour. Some can't just stop going to work or popping to shop to stock up but a scarf round your mouth and pair of gloves to not only protect you from getting it and carrying it but from others around you too who might have family members who are vulnerable. No need for a hazmat yet as they are all out of stock. Just simple consideration for others is all it takes to reduce risks.

That's simple common sense. Don't just think of yourself think of others, that's called community sticking together and fuck the government

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Try telling that to the thousands panic buying actual fights in my local boots the other day.

The works gone mad!

Common sense us all that is needed.

Wont stop me doing my day to day stuff unless I feel unwell then it will be the trying to justify myself to my work as to why I'm not coming in for a week which I know they will pester me to do!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Worlds gone mad*

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"so you are happy to pass the virus on to others ??????????????

As I am not showing any symptoms then I’m happy to go about my life as I see fit.

But I’m not intending on going near anyone I know who has underlying health problems, nor am I planning on visiting elderly relatives either.

It’s called common sense.

Do you really think we should all lock ourselves away for 3 months??????

Stop spreading panic like the media and actually read the current updates medical advice.

Even the isolation period has been halved and they have said that unless your symptoms become severe DO NOT contact NHS 24.

So is it really necessary to panic?????

Actually you can have the virus for up to 5 days without symptoms so even you wouldn't know you had it. And a passer byer going to shop for a jug of milk for her husbands tea who has just recovered or suffering from cancer could then get it from you.

The government doesn't look out for us so we all should take it upon ourselves to be thoughtful and love thy neighbour. Some can't just stop going to work or popping to shop to stock up but a scarf round your mouth and pair of gloves to not only protect you from getting it and carrying it but from others around you too who might have family members who are vulnerable. No need for a hazmat yet as they are all out of stock. Just simple consideration for others is all it takes to reduce risks.

That's simple common sense. Don't just think of yourself think of others, that's called community sticking together and fuck the government


That’s why I’m wearing gloves to handle everything at work...washing my hands after every activity no matter how short...using the alcohol hand gel we have at work as often as possible...avoiding being within 2 metres of my colleagues where possible (we all are so it’s not a problem)...they are sending people home at other depots with any symptoms - we are all symptom free at my depot for now....

As for the hazmat - that’s only for when I go to a sex club in case there’s a sun journo around

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Try telling that to the thousands panic buying actual fights in my local boots the other day.

The works gone mad!

Common sense us all that is needed.

Wont stop me doing my day to day stuff unless I feel unwell then it will be the trying to justify myself to my work as to why I'm not coming in for a week which I know they will pester me to do!"

I agree. Simple precautions

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


Oh, and you can’t catch it if you’re a squirrel with mad cow disease

Night all

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"so you are happy to pass the virus on to others ??????????????

As I am not showing any symptoms then I’m happy to go about my life as I see fit.

But I’m not intending on going near anyone I know who has underlying health problems, nor am I planning on visiting elderly relatives either.

It’s called common sense.

Do you really think we should all lock ourselves away for 3 months??????

Stop spreading panic like the media and actually read the current updates medical advice.

Even the isolation period has been halved and they have said that unless your symptoms become severe DO NOT contact NHS 24.

So is it really necessary to panic?????

Actually you can have the virus for up to 5 days without symptoms so even you wouldn't know you had it. And a passer byer going to shop for a jug of milk for her husbands tea who has just recovered or suffering from cancer could then get it from you.

The government doesn't look out for us so we all should take it upon ourselves to be thoughtful and love thy neighbour. Some can't just stop going to work or popping to shop to stock up but a scarf round your mouth and pair of gloves to not only protect you from getting it and carrying it but from others around you too who might have family members who are vulnerable. No need for a hazmat yet as they are all out of stock. Just simple consideration for others is all it takes to reduce risks.

That's simple common sense. Don't just think of yourself think of others, that's called community sticking together and fuck the government

That’s why I’m wearing gloves to handle everything at work...washing my hands after every activity no matter how short...using the alcohol hand gel we have at work as often as possible...avoiding being within 2 metres of my colleagues where possible (we all are so it’s not a problem)...they are sending people home at other depots with any symptoms - we are all symptom free at my depot for now....

As for the hazmat - that’s only for when I go to a sex club in case there’s a sun journo around "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Conspiracy theory - the biggest load of codswallop I have ever heard.

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By *uietbloke67Man
over a year ago

outside your bedroom window ;-)

Its natures way of building our immune system for humans next adventure into space travel.

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By *adbury girlWoman
over a year ago



These virus don't come from nowhere, they are always experimenting and these viruses always come out the same time as the flu vaccines are administered to those most vulnerable and children. I keep my kids off school when they are doing it in schools. We are being forced to vaccinate our kids from flu but really it take a year to make a vaccines, trail and tested before administered by that strain of flu virus its a year past so vaccines are a year out of date and does not protect. So putting shit into people and kids bodies to protect which is all lies.

Plus they also need to control the population so they take out the weakest links, the elderly and the sick both costing the government money. Just my opinion


You don’t need to keep the kids off school when they are getting vaccines just tell them you don’t want them vaccinated. My son Told them he didn’t want it last year aged 10, they respected his wishes and just sent a note home to me to let me know. There was absolutely no pressure.

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By *ayRosesWoman
over a year ago


It's a mutated virus, in the same way that the Black Death and Spanish Flu were. I really don't believe in global conspiracies, it's here and we just have to get through it.

Hopefully, once the zombie buying fights stop and we see what the impact actually is we can get back to being a society that is more community based and gives a shit.

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago



These virus don't come from nowhere, they are always experimenting and these viruses always come out the same time as the flu vaccines are administered to those most vulnerable and children. I keep my kids off school when they are doing it in schools. We are being forced to vaccinate our kids from flu but really it take a year to make a vaccines, trail and tested before administered by that strain of flu virus its a year past so vaccines are a year out of date and does not protect. So putting shit into people and kids bodies to protect which is all lies.

Plus they also need to control the population so they take out the weakest links, the elderly and the sick both costing the government money. Just my opinion

You don’t need to keep the kids off school when they are getting vaccines just tell them you don’t want them vaccinated. My son Told them he didn’t want it last year aged 10, they respected his wishes and just sent a note home to me to let me know. There was absolutely no pressure. "

Yes its my choice to keep them of school as kids are contagious after a vaccine for up to 24 hours even after sprays, school know this and still do it. So safer to just keep them off

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By *cotsbicoupleCouple
over a year ago


"Most new viruses are in some way man made, because we can't help but tamper with nature and genetically engineering viruses to try make cures for this and that and testing stuff to see what happens. The more we mess with nature the more it fights back, the biggest reason it's hitting us harder now than China etc is we rely too much on the pharmaceutical industry to keep us working fit, they rely on traditional herbal remedies and letting the body create its own natural defences

Well that's my opinion nayhow

Perfectly said.

Ive never been vaccinated, never had flu jab, never even had flu or a cold. Natural all the way so let's see if I'm still fighting fit after this.

These virus don't come from nowhere, they are always experimenting and these viruses always come out the same time as the flu vaccines are administered to those most vulnerable and children. I keep my kids off school when they are doing it in schools. We are being forced to vaccinate our kids from flu but really it take a year to make a vaccines, trail and tested before administered by that strain of flu virus its a year past so vaccines are a year out of date and does not protect. So putting shit into people and kids bodies to protect which is all lies.

Plus they also need to control the population so they take out the weakest links, the elderly and the sick both costing the government money. Just my opinion


This really isn’t the way flu variants work, and it’s not the way vaccines are made either.

There’s only so many variants of flu doing the rounds, and the yearly race to get a vaccine out is the one to pick the right variant this year and ensure it’s not changed at all.

Vaccination is effective but it’s efficacy changes based on other variables so some years the vaccine is great other years it’s not so effective. But it never does any actual harm, just might not help as much if the current variant has changed or is the wrong structure for the vaccine distributed.

Doesn’t help that morons who think vaccinations are all just a conspiracy have managed to go from being widely regard as loonies who need locked up to now where people listen to their insane dribbling.

We almost had polio, measles and tb dead. Now all are making a comeback because idiots won’t vaccinate. Thankfully it’s gonna end up like Australia where if you want to use the schools or get social benefits, you have to vaccinate unless it’s medically not possible - cos some people are allergic or have health problems meaning they can’t get it.

SARS-Cov-2 (to give it its proper name) is pretty much just the common cold - other corona viruses are much the same, this one has a lower mortality rate than SARS did in 2003.

But unlike the common cold we don’t have immunity so anyone with underlying health problems is gonna get real sick and face much higher risks.

It is not however a conspiracy. Governments may be doing dark things because of it, like deliberately allowing certain areas or groups to be exposed etc, tho I don’t know of any that are. But the possibility exists. But it is NOT a man-made virus in an engineered/genetics sense. It’s a natural variant of existing viruses. If we engineered it, a) we don’t have the ability to do that really but b) if we did it would be far worse. Higher mortality, longer asymptomatic period etc.

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"Most new viruses are in some way man made, because we can't help but tamper with nature and genetically engineering viruses to try make cures for this and that and testing stuff to see what happens. The more we mess with nature the more it fights back, the biggest reason it's hitting us harder now than China etc is we rely too much on the pharmaceutical industry to keep us working fit, they rely on traditional herbal remedies and letting the body create its own natural defences

Well that's my opinion nayhow

Perfectly said.

Ive never been vaccinated, never had flu jab, never even had flu or a cold. Natural all the way so let's see if I'm still fighting fit after this.

These virus don't come from nowhere, they are always experimenting and these viruses always come out the same time as the flu vaccines are administered to those most vulnerable and children. I keep my kids off school when they are doing it in schools. We are being forced to vaccinate our kids from flu but really it take a year to make a vaccines, trail and tested before administered by that strain of flu virus its a year past so vaccines are a year out of date and does not protect. So putting shit into people and kids bodies to protect which is all lies.

Plus they also need to control the population so they take out the weakest links, the elderly and the sick both costing the government money. Just my opinion

This really isn’t the way flu variants work, and it’s not the way vaccines are made either.

There’s only so many variants of flu doing the rounds, and the yearly race to get a vaccine out is the one to pick the right variant this year and ensure it’s not changed at all.

Vaccination is effective but it’s efficacy changes based on other variables so some years the vaccine is great other years it’s not so effective. But it never does any actual harm, just might not help as much if the current variant has changed or is the wrong structure for the vaccine distributed.

Doesn’t help that morons who think vaccinations are all just a conspiracy have managed to go from being widely regard as loonies who need locked up to now where people listen to their insane dribbling.

We almost had polio, measles and tb dead. Now all are making a comeback because idiots won’t vaccinate. Thankfully it’s gonna end up like Australia where if you want to use the schools or get social benefits, you have to vaccinate unless it’s medically not possible - cos some people are allergic or have health problems meaning they can’t get it.

SARS-Cov-2 (to give it its proper name) is pretty much just the common cold - other corona viruses are much the same, this one has a lower mortality rate than SARS did in 2003.

But unlike the common cold we don’t have immunity so anyone with underlying health problems is gonna get real sick and face much higher risks.

It is not however a conspiracy. Governments may be doing dark things because of it, like deliberately allowing certain areas or groups to be exposed etc, tho I don’t know of any that are. But the possibility exists. But it is NOT a man-made virus in an engineered/genetics sense. It’s a natural variant of existing viruses. If we engineered it, a) we don’t have the ability to do that really but b) if we did it would be far worse. Higher mortality, longer asymptomatic period etc.


Back off the high horse we are talking about the corona virus, flu vaccine not all vaccines but it is everyone's right whether they choose to protect their kids with vaccines or the healthy living way and allow their immunity to build and strengthen itself.

Ifs, buts and maybes don't cut it for me, any doubt or half answers then I stick to my guns and knowledge. My family, kids and grandkids are fit and healthy doing all the natural way and non of us have been sick with colds and flus. We give our bodies the right amount of everything to keep us strong. That's all I'm saying on that matter .

As for conspiracy theory's people have a right to say what they think. And calling people idiots or morons for their life choices is not nice because some think differently from you. No one knows either way. We do what we think best for our babies simple

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Morons and idiots are not terms of endearment Mr I'm assuming it's you cause I know what you're like and rmemeber I'm also a smart ass with chemistry and biology under my belt and had an interest in medicine before i did the other thing and I defo believe man Interfering with genetics and viruses whilst trying to manufacture vaccines are playing with fire against nature, and I don't believe for a minute half of these old viruses were nearly wiped out but lay dormant, so shove that up yer cake hole xx ps when you making me a chocolate fudge cake I'm still owed dinner

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"Morons and idiots are not terms of endearment Mr I'm assuming it's you cause I know what you're like and rmemeber I'm also a smart ass with chemistry and biology under my belt and had an interest in medicine before i did the other thing and I defo believe man Interfering with genetics and viruses whilst trying to manufacture vaccines are playing with fire against nature, and I don't believe for a minute half of these old viruses were nearly wiped out but lay dormant, so shove that up yer cake hole xx ps when you making me a chocolate fudge cake I'm still owed dinner "

So there

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By *ering SeaMan
over a year ago


You can be sure of one thing. The figures reported by governments are no where near reality. Why ? To prevent panic and social unrest.

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By *ayRosesWoman
over a year ago


"Morons and idiots are not terms of endearment Mr I'm assuming it's you cause I know what you're like and rmemeber I'm also a smart ass with chemistry and biology under my belt and had an interest in medicine before i did the other thing and I defo believe man Interfering with genetics and viruses whilst trying to manufacture vaccines are playing with fire against nature, and I don't believe for a minute half of these old viruses were nearly wiped out but lay dormant, so shove that up yer cake hole xx ps when you making me a chocolate fudge cake I'm still owed dinner "

Mic drop

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm just waiting on my holiday from work hurry up and enforce the over 500 people ban rule

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By *ering SeaMan
over a year ago


I’m storing my covid allowance up for better weather.

Recon I’ll cash my first batch in end of April.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Some great opinions out there. Thanks for sharing.

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 14/03/20 15:16:33]

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By *earded blossomCouple
over a year ago


"I'm just waiting on my holiday from work hurry up and enforce the over 500 people ban rule"

I got my unwanted holiday forced on me yesterday, no work means no pay


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm just waiting on my holiday from work hurry up and enforce the over 500 people ban rule

I got my unwanted holiday forced on me yesterday, no work means no pay


Sorry to hear that.

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By *earded blossomCouple
over a year ago


"I'm just waiting on my holiday from work hurry up and enforce the over 500 people ban rule

I got my unwanted holiday forced on me yesterday, no work means no pay


Sorry to hear that."

Thanks... think a lot of us gonna be in the same boat next week


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Thats when it becomes pretty serious for some people. The govt really need to be stepping in here.

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By *ayRosesWoman
over a year ago


"I'm just waiting on my holiday from work hurry up and enforce the over 500 people ban rule

I got my unwanted holiday forced on me yesterday, no work means no pay


Sorry to hear that.

Thanks... think a lot of us gonna be in the same boat next week


That sucks, K, hope things get back to normal soon xx

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Thats when it becomes pretty serious for some people. The govt really need to be stepping in here."

They won’t as they don’t really care. All they’ll say is apply for benefits. Which will take 6-8 weeks to come through assuming that 5 million people do at all apply at the same time

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By *ering SeaMan
over a year ago


Morrison’s and tesco closed in bellshill due to fighting. Anyone confirm ?

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Morrison’s and tesco closed in bellshill due to fighting. Anyone confirm ? "


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By *ering SeaMan
over a year ago


"Morrison’s and tesco closed in bellshill due to fighting. Anyone confirm ?


Alibi ? Shaggy

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Morrison’s and tesco closed in bellshill due to fighting. Anyone confirm ?


Alibi ? Shaggy "

Just sayin...it wasn’t me

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"Morrison’s and tesco closed in bellshill due to fighting. Anyone confirm ? "

We pretty local to both and not heard anything on Facebook thats normally where you here first hand all the gossip lol

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By *ering SeaMan
over a year ago


"Morrison’s and tesco closed in bellshill due to fighting. Anyone confirm ?

We pretty local to both and not heard anything on Facebook thats normally where you here first hand all the gossip lol"

Was on my twitter feed. Probably just someone causing panic

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The whole of fb has went tits up!

Folk posting pish from Walmart in america

Who cares latisha ripped sparkles weave off!! For some toilet roll

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"Morrison’s and tesco closed in bellshill due to fighting. Anyone confirm ?

We pretty local to both and not heard anything on Facebook thats normally where you here first hand all the gossip lol

Was on my twitter feed. Probably just someone causing panic "

My hubby just passed tesco bellshill coming home from work and it's still open. So think someone telling porkies

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Apperently all UK cites was deserted according to the fake news paper the sun

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


Hubby's a truckie driving from Scotland to England and back and said the road were pretty quiet for a Saturday.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Was in Tesco bellshill earlier today was busy a few shelves completely empty but that was about it

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By *ubbly2012Woman
over a year ago

inver somewhere

"Morons and idiots are not terms of endearment Mr I'm assuming it's you cause I know what you're like and rmemeber I'm also a smart ass with chemistry and biology under my belt and had an interest in medicine before i did the other thing and I defo believe man Interfering with genetics and viruses whilst trying to manufacture vaccines are playing with fire against nature, and I don't believe for a minute half of these old viruses were nearly wiped out but lay dormant, so shove that up yer cake hole xx ps when you making me a chocolate fudge cake I'm still owed dinner "

As am I... feed me now!! Lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The whole of fb has went tits up!

Folk posting pish from Walmart in america

Who cares latisha ripped sparkles weave off!! For some toilet roll "

Latisha... ....I've got the fannies telling folk to gargle with fucking turmeric or essential oils to ward off the virus. If only the World Health Organisation had thought of that, eh?

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By *bridge manMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 14/03/20 20:44:32]

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


"The whole of fb has went tits up!

Folk posting pish from Walmart in america

Who cares latisha ripped sparkles weave off!! For some toilet roll

Latisha... ....I've got the fannies telling folk to gargle with fucking turmeric or essential oils to ward off the virus. If only the World Health Organisation had thought of that, eh?"

Ffs tumerac would probably kill the virus and burn the throat off you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My kids love a good conspiracy theory.man mad by China to rid of the old to bring down the population.

Oh and not forgetting to stop 9 in a row "

It's definitely a man made in China wh hann District where did this all start wh hann its smoke and mirrors a distraction tactic to provoke panic

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By *eefyBangerMan
over a year ago


Now is not the time for unsubstantiated rumours and conspiracy theories.

We have one hell of a tough time ahead of us. There’ll be plenty of time for spouting all forms of nonsense once things settle down.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Look up agenda 21 it's a printed paper from 1992 I think

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By *ngelicDeviant72Woman
over a year ago


We've had pandemics before, SARS in 2002 was worse, but we didn't have social media. That's what's caused the mass hysteria. And eating bats is the initial source. But personally I think it's the aliens wanting to abort their Boris and Donald experiment and have to remove them from society! Haha

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By *edLionScotMan
over a year ago


There's a Bio-lab in Wuhan.

Accidental, or deliberate safety breach?


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By *edLionScotMan
over a year ago



Back off the high horse we are talking about the corona virus, flu vaccine not all vaccines but it is everyone's right whether they choose to protect their kids with vaccines or the healthy living way and allow their immunity to build and strengthen itself.

My family, kids and grandkids are fit and healthy doing all the natural way and non of us have been sick with colds and flus. We give our bodies the right amount of everything to keep us strong. That's all I'm saying on that matter .

We do what we think best for our babies simple


I've shortened the above for readability.

I'm curious to know if you're comfortable with being potential carriers for other diseases, and if/when a Covid-19 vaccine becomes readily available, will you look to be vaccinated or not?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Bud light were worried about the sales volumes of corona beer in usa so they used the prez to spread the word and thus reduce corona beer sales world wide

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago



Back off the high horse we are talking about the corona virus, flu vaccine not all vaccines but it is everyone's right whether they choose to protect their kids with vaccines or the healthy living way and allow their immunity to build and strengthen itself.

My family, kids and grandkids are fit and healthy doing all the natural way and non of us have been sick with colds and flus. We give our bodies the right amount of everything to keep us strong. That's all I'm saying on that matter .

We do what we think best for our babies simple

I've shortened the above for readability.

I'm curious to know if you're comfortable with being potential carriers for other diseases, and if/when a Covid-19 vaccine becomes readily available, will you look to be vaccinated or not?


Well the vaccines will not be ready for at least 12 months so by that time there will be a new strain of the virus as each year they mutate, the vaccine for this strain will be out of date, so no vaccine for us.

If we are healthy and our own immunity is strong enough to fight off viruses and illness why would we then put a foreign virus into our body to weaken it. I'd rather our own immunity worked for us to protect. Healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, lots of exercise and vitamins have done us all just fine and we never get sick.

People who are vaccinated still pass of viruses and illness, it doesn't make them immune to passing things on.

So that question if I'm comfortable being a carrier. Fact is vaccinated or not we are all carriers. Its how our bodies deal with any viruses and deseases thats what its about.

Vaccines are in place to fight viruses and deseases especially when your own body can't do so. But should need your own body to fight when there's no vaccine in place ie like now . Your body will struggle more than those who have a natural built up immunity.

Anymore question.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Back off the high horse we are talking about the corona virus, flu vaccine not all vaccines but it is everyone's right whether they choose to protect their kids with vaccines or the healthy living way and allow their immunity to build and strengthen itself.

My family, kids and grandkids are fit and healthy doing all the natural way and non of us have been sick with colds and flus. We give our bodies the right amount of everything to keep us strong. That's all I'm saying on that matter .

We do what we think best for our babies simple

I've shortened the above for readability.

I'm curious to know if you're comfortable with being potential carriers for other diseases, and if/when a Covid-19 vaccine becomes readily available, will you look to be vaccinated or not?

Well the vaccines will not be ready for at least 12 months so by that time there will be a new strain of the virus as each year they mutate, the vaccine for this strain will be out of date, so no vaccine for us.

If we are healthy and our own immunity is strong enough to fight off viruses and illness why would we then put a foreign virus into our body to weaken it. I'd rather our own immunity worked for us to protect. Healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, lots of exercise and vitamins have done us all just fine and we never get sick.

People who are vaccinated still pass of viruses and illness, it doesn't make them immune to passing things on.

So that question if I'm comfortable being a carrier. Fact is vaccinated or not we are all carriers. Its how our bodies deal with any viruses and deseases thats what its about.

Vaccines are in place to fight viruses and deseases especially when your own body can't do so. But should need your own body to fight when there's no vaccine in place ie like now . Your body will struggle more than those who have a natural built up immunity.

Anymore question..... "

well,,, yes

should I take antibiotics on a daily basis

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago



Back off the high horse we are talking about the corona virus, flu vaccine not all vaccines but it is everyone's right whether they choose to protect their kids with vaccines or the healthy living way and allow their immunity to build and strengthen itself.

My family, kids and grandkids are fit and healthy doing all the natural way and non of us have been sick with colds and flus. We give our bodies the right amount of everything to keep us strong. That's all I'm saying on that matter .

We do what we think best for our babies simple

I've shortened the above for readability.

I'm curious to know if you're comfortable with being potential carriers for other diseases, and if/when a Covid-19 vaccine becomes readily available, will you look to be vaccinated or not?

Well the vaccines will not be ready for at least 12 months so by that time there will be a new strain of the virus as each year they mutate, the vaccine for this strain will be out of date, so no vaccine for us.

If we are healthy and our own immunity is strong enough to fight off viruses and illness why would we then put a foreign virus into our body to weaken it. I'd rather our own immunity worked for us to protect. Healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, lots of exercise and vitamins have done us all just fine and we never get sick.

People who are vaccinated still pass of viruses and illness, it doesn't make them immune to passing things on.

So that question if I'm comfortable being a carrier. Fact is vaccinated or not we are all carriers. Its how our bodies deal with any viruses and deseases thats what its about.

Vaccines are in place to fight viruses and deseases especially when your own body can't do so. But should need your own body to fight when there's no vaccine in place ie like now . Your body will struggle more than those who have a natural built up immunity.

Anymore question.....

well,,, yes

should I take antibiotics on a daily basis"

Antibiotics cannot treat viral infections, such as cold, flu, and most coughs so don't think it's advisable if you have the virus

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By *enni WhiteTV/TS
over a year ago


I think seeing the public figures ( like the football players) getting confirmed cases of COVID19 and them coming out to say they have recovered and didnt realise they had it, should be what people are focusing on. We need to catch this, we NEED to have immunity. Yes, people with underlaying health problems are most at rick, but they are at risk of any sort of additional infection.

if people havent got the virus and we shut everything down and go into lockdown, then we just catch it at a later date, it isnt going anywhere.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Most new viruses are in some way man made, because we can't help but tamper with nature and genetically engineering viruses to try make cures for this and that and testing stuff to see what happens. The more we mess with nature the more it fights back, the biggest reason it's hitting us harder now than China etc is we rely too much on the pharmaceutical industry to keep us working fit, they rely on traditional herbal remedies and letting the body create its own natural defences

Well that's my opinion nayhow

Perfectly said.

Ive never been vaccinated, never had flu jab, never even had flu or a cold. Natural all the way so let's see if I'm still fighting fit after this.

These virus don't come from nowhere, they are always experimenting and these viruses always come out the same time as the flu vaccines are administered to those most vulnerable and children. I keep my kids off school when they are doing it in schools. We are being forced to vaccinate our kids from flu but really it take a year to make a vaccines, trail and tested before administered by that strain of flu virus its a year past so vaccines are a year out of date and does not protect. So putting shit into people and kids bodies to protect which is all lies.

Plus they also need to control the population so they take out the weakest links, the elderly and the sick both costing the government money. Just my opinion


Jesus fucking wept!

Perhaps they're targeting the wrong people.

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By *ock2shareMan
over a year ago


I think its just mother nature fighting back to try and kill off the cancer known as the human race thats killing off just about everything on the planet.

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


It's when people mess with Nature and what's natural that's when things go to shit.

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