By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
" Don't take it personally if you send a mail and its deleted, its a polite way to say no.
Actually its quite the opposite in my opinion. If ive taken the time to read your profile and then construct a message accordingly then, i at least, like to think you as a normal human being could reply to that message , even if its " sry your not my type". Yes yes its in the FAQ section confirming that its ok to ignore and delete but its bullshit. It takes 5 seconds to do a copy and paste knockback which is fine. Frankly theres no excuses, yes you can tell me you get loads of messages a day , so what, most will be repeat messages from guys your not interested in. So reply once then block , within a few weeks those hundreds of messages will fall to a managable trickle. Unless ots part of an ego trip where your gauging your popularity by the number of messages you get and ignore. So in my opinion not replying is anything but polite.
Actually no I don't get loads of messages and I have went out my way to reply to everyone but when you get called a fat bitch for saying thank you but no thanks then you get a bit fed up with it.
I have no ego when it comes to messages please do not assume that about me as you don't know me.
After getting shocking abuse from some people I'm sorry but I don't owe fuck all to anyone. Let alone an explanation. I'm polite until its not warranted.
For your first part, you wont get that abusive follow up message if you reply then block so that sorts the part where you get abuse, ps how much sbuse are you recieving ? Not being funny but MSD is on here as a single female and replys to most messages and in the year shes been on she has NEVER had an abusive message after turning guys down . Not saying for a minute that it does happen though.
2nd part about ego trips, Appologies i never meant it as a direct accusation, was more a general statement that women should block guys their not interested in and would save on repeat messages, or do they actually enjoy having a full message inbox. I wonder ?
And lastly, i totally agree if you get an opening message that is abusive or they havnt read your profile then yes under those circumstances then no need to reply , but again i wonder, do you ignore and delete then block , or sit back and wait till he messages again because you never blocked. Fill up that message inbox again .
Sorry but you have just contradicted yourself. You said there is no excuse not to even if it's a copy and paste, but you also said your wife has a single profile and answers 'most of her messages. So it's ok for her? I used to think the same until it was pointed out that if women reply it gives a foot in the door for more messages and why should they need to block someone who can't take a no thanks. I've had plenty of no thanks or just deleted. People need to accept it and move on. And if it becomes abusive it should be an issue for admin to deal with and not the recipient.
Not sure where the contradiction is , i said people should read profiles and message appropriately or not at all. If she gets a cock pic, the person gets no reply and instant block just like her profile bio states will happen. No contradiction there. "
Yeah I got that and agree with you there, if someone has taken the Time to write it then people should read it. It was more your point that your wife replys to most and you think everyone should. You gave the impression that it was okay for her but not everyone else. You didn't explain the reasons why she wouldn't reply, which is understandable. |