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do you ever feel ugly?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Maybe this isn’t the best site to ask this question but if you feel ugly (in terms of how you look), how do you get yourself feeling better?

Asking here because I’ve dealt with a lot of rejection, presumably based on my appearance, with women in real life. Also on tinder I iterally get zero matches and other social medias so now that I think about it I eventually joined this site to compensate for all of that. But even here I get the same, messages usually deleted after a requested face pic.

That’s life though and you just have to deal with it and accept it. Just wondering if anyone has any tips to make yourself feel better about that tho lol

Thank you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 16/12/18 03:01:16]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Always. It's a self confidence thing.

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By *ablo minibar123Woman
over a year ago


Omg here is so not the place for a guy if he's feeling ugly, it's only bound to make you feel 100 x worse.

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By *ablo minibar123Woman
over a year ago


Tips on feeling better about it , hmmm ok well take looks away, personally what have you got to offer a lady ? If we all looked the same what is it about you that might put you ahead of others?? Figure that out then highlight that special thing.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *arroness NikkiWoman
over a year ago


Yes I do

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have done before.

Just need to try and be proud of yourself, matey

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By *awty MaxWoman
over a year ago



Asking here because I’ve dealt with a lot of rejection, presumably based on my appearance, with women in real life.

Thank you "

Am gonna be honest here, and sorry if it sounds Mama like but...

You are only 22 years old... what is 'a lot of rejection' ?!

And in your above sentence the keyword is 'presumably' ... which means you are not even sure!!

You could be rejected for many reasons because your chat line was rubbish, you approached the girls at the wrong time, when d*unk and so on...

'You' decided the issue is your look not anyone else. So, you could be wrong... and girls do look at the package too you know!!

Also sounds like you put a lot of pressure on yourself! Get out with your friends, have fun, relax and take it from there, let things happen naturally.

Just chill OP and good luck

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *onkeymagic50Man
over a year ago

Near the harbour

Fuck no dude I'm no oil painting but I make the most of what God gave me ,I've punched so high above my weight and succeeded and failed its life ,The old motto is if you think your ugly the world will think your ugly ,Me I dont I always think I'm worth anyone's attention and no one is better and I'm no better than anyone else ,you could be an Adonis and still be the ugliest fucker on the planet it all about finding balance dude

Good luck op

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By *1654Man
over a year ago


"Maybe this isn’t the best site to ask this question but if you feel ugly (in terms of how you look), how do you get yourself feeling better?

Asking here because I’ve dealt with a lot of rejection, presumably based on my appearance, with women in real life. Also on tinder I iterally get zero matches and other social medias so now that I think about it I eventually joined this site to compensate for all of that. But even here I get the same, messages usually deleted after a requested face pic.

That’s life though and you just have to deal with it and accept it. Just wondering if anyone has any tips to make yourself feel better about that tho lol

Thank you "

Being about the same age as you i 100% understand what you mean here... same reason i came on here. Ive got plenty of friends that are girls and constantly say "how cant you find a girl?" Gave up on every form of dating site and decided to come here in the hope of finding some hope

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By *ade and VanessaCouple
over a year ago

Central Scotland


Asking here because I’ve dealt with a lot of rejection, presumably based on my appearance, with women in real life.

Thank you

Am gonna be honest here, and sorry if it sounds Mama like but...

You are only 22 years old... what is 'a lot of rejection' ?!

And in your above sentence the keyword is 'presumably' ... which means you are not even sure!!

You could be rejected for many reasons because your chat line was rubbish, you approached the girls at the wrong time, when d*unk and so on...

'You' decided the issue is your look not anyone else. So, you could be wrong... and girls do look at the package too you know!!

Also sounds like you put a lot of pressure on yourself! Get out with your friends, have fun, relax and take it from there, let things happen naturally.

Just chill OP and good luck "

All of this!!! What a lot of girls might be picking up on is a lack of confidence. Fake it til you make it you might not look amazing, I don't know, but you might have oral skills to die for and be a perfect gentleman with a good sense of humour who's happy to share his chips. Focus on your positives and work on yourself so looks shouldn't matter. Looks fade. You can still be hot and an amazing person

V x

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By *exy gentMan
over a year ago


Wish I was 22 again sometimes

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes always feel ugly.

The point of my pics on here is to make people aware of that before they talk to me.

Like a few have said fake it til you make it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Wish I was 22 again sometimes "

me too ..defo as another poster says fake it til you make it...confidence is sexy...love your self.. others will too x

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By *esssDanMan
over a year ago


Everyone has good and bad days, and everyone gets down on themselves from time to time. You never know, tomorrow might be your day - just stay positive and ready to accept the opportunity.

As an aside, I had absolutely zero luck with Tinder also. Always wondered how so many people loved it...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Tinder was awful and plenty of fish wow.

I got worse messages on those than I ever did on here.

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By *atti JoWoman
over a year ago


"Everyone has good and bad days, and everyone gets down on themselves from time to time. You never know, tomorrow might be your day - just stay positive and ready to accept the opportunity.

As an aside, I had absolutely zero luck with Tinder also. Always wondered how so many people loved it..."

Cant say i ever get down on myself... acceptance is a wonderful thing! Accept you wont float everyones boat and if you are not happy within yourself, change it/work on it. Goodluck all the same. Patti x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think everyone does from time to time. But you have to pull yourself together and get on with it.

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By *ictiiWitchCouple
over a year ago


Yup, fat and ugly, but here's the thing, if someone won't be near you because they think you are ugly, then you don't need that person in your life. Work on

As Dita Von Teese said: “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”

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By *tsallthesame77Woman
over a year ago


Think we all have those days

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By *vcarolTV/TS
over a year ago


Feel ugly, yes and no.

Lack confidence sometimes, yes.

Sometimes I’ll go past a mirror and go omfg!!!

Usually being over critical on any part of my appearance !!

As me me, the guy lurking in here, ugly probably - well there’s better about- but with a bit of lippy, a foundation the right color and some boobs and hair.... omg a transformation happens, and it’s not just on the outside.

My point is, your not ugly, ts only you that thinks that. Btw, looks are one thing, but personality, and being a nice person go a long way...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Yup, fat and ugly, but here's the thing, if someone won't be near you because they think you are ugly, then you don't need that person in your life. Work on

As Dita Von Teese said: “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”"

This 100%

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By *gowbhoy4funMan
over a year ago


100% I Dont ever feel ugly

Might look it but don't feel it

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By *tew008Man
over a year ago


You need to lower your awareness/intelligence after all ignorance is bliss or just don’t give a fuck. They all use filters, inflated profiles for their dream shag have insecurities that stop conversations.

Play the percentages an just try remember they’re all the same inconsequential collection of cells on rock as you. No real difference and no real difference to you.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Out of curiosity then did you join Fab as you thought that people here would be less fussy than anywhere else?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe this isn’t the best site to ask this question but if you feel ugly (in terms of how you look), how do you get yourself feeling better?

Asking here because I’ve dealt with a lot of rejection, presumably based on my appearance, with women in real life. Also on tinder I iterally get zero matches and other social medias so now that I think about it I eventually joined this site to compensate for all of that. But even here I get the same, messages usually deleted after a requested face pic.

That’s life though and you just have to deal with it and accept it. Just wondering if anyone has any tips to make yourself feel better about that tho lol

Thank you "

Lacking in confidence but never ugly.lol

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By *iercedyvonneTV/TS
over a year ago


You might not be Brad Pitt but that doesn't matter. Someone out there will find you attractive.

I mean, look at me - I'm well aware a large percentage are put off by all my piercings and go as far as saying I look ugly but there are folk out there who are totally and utterly in love with how I look and that's good enough for me.

Stop being down on yourself - people will find that more unattractive than how you look.

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By *iercedyvonneTV/TS
over a year ago


p.s. Put some (non cock) pics up and write a decent profile and you'll do a whole load better.

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By *andsCouple
over a year ago


I have serious confidence issues but have mastered the art of blagging it !

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Weesht wummin your a fox!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have serious confidence issues but have mastered the art of blagging it ! "

Me too.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I feel ugly because I have recently lost a good Proportion of my eyesight very suddenly I feel a tad unattractive I,m the female half so trying hard to fix the parts of me tht still works I.e body image ) hello 2019) I,m your biggest fan xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No I don't feel ugly. I've always been body confident and more so now as I've halved my weight in the last couple of years. Acceptance of your body is a beautiful thing x

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By *ubiousOatcakeMan
over a year ago


"No I don't feel ugly. I've always been body confident and more so now as I've halved my weight in the last couple of years. Acceptance of your body is a beautiful thing x"

Obligatory ‘I like your body too’ comment goes here.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"No I don't feel ugly. I've always been body confident and more so now as I've halved my weight in the last couple of years. Acceptance of your body is a beautiful thing x

Obligatory ‘I like your body too’ comment goes here. "

You're too kind, thank you x

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By *mumaWoman
over a year ago


Every minute of every day!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Totally get this I am tubby not a bonny lad mrs is very attractive so suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say but hate looking at my self

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe this isn’t the best site to ask this question but if you feel ugly (in terms of how you look), how do you get yourself feeling better?

Asking here because I’ve dealt with a lot of rejection, presumably based on my appearance, with women in real life. Also on tinder I iterally get zero matches and other social medias so now that I think about it I eventually joined this site to compensate for all of that. But even here I get the same, messages usually deleted after a requested face pic.

That’s life though and you just have to deal with it and accept it. Just wondering if anyone has any tips to make yourself feel better about that tho lol

Thank you "

Everybody has ugly days. Be kind to yourself as there are too many folk out there ready and willing to have a pop. And as I've said previously on here, some of the most physically beautiful people I've met have been the least attractive. Maybe they've had to work less at developing a sense of humour or personality than rest of us.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm funny as fook

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm funny as fook "

Ohhhh...you left yourself wide open there lady...Just as well I like you x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm funny as fook

Ohhhh...you left yourself wide open there lady...Just as well I like you x"

wouldn't have been the 1st time iv done that now doggy

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By *e DevilMan
over a year ago


"I'm funny as fook "

In that case im sooo feckin funny i should have my own stage show.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *hedevilwearspradaWoman
over a year ago

Somewhere nearby

Yep. Quite a lot recently. And then every now and again something happens that really reinforces that feeling. And it’s shit.

Fab can be absolutely amazing on one hand, there have been times that my confidence is sky high. And then there are times it’s absolutely shattered, those times that reinforce those feelings of not being enough - not kinky enough, thin enough, experienced enough, attractive enough. That’s the downside of Fab. For me anyway.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Yep. Quite a lot recently. And then every now and again something happens that really reinforces that feeling. And it’s shit.

Fab can be absolutely amazing on one hand, there have been times that my confidence is sky high. And then there are times it’s absolutely shattered, those times that reinforce those feelings of not being enough - not kinky enough, thin enough, experienced enough, attractive enough. That’s the downside of Fab. For me anyway. "

You'll never be everyone's cup of tea. None of us are. X

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By *e DevilMan
over a year ago



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By *entish79Man
over a year ago


I don’t know that I feel ugly too often, but like most people probably don’t like seeing unflattering photos of myself, and wish a few things about me were different or better.

But as has cropped up in similar threads on attractiveness, it’s important to remember that most people are viewed as being more attractive by others than we view ourselves. And as big a cliche as it is, I think it’s true that people’s attractiveness is down to a lot more than physical appearance.

Very few people are really that ugly - by design we’re pretty much all reasonably attractive, just not necessarily to everyone.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Comfortable in my pig ugliness , when I need to my charm occasionally overcomes it , thankfully the female of the species isn’t as shallow as the male and is receptive to more than just looks

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By *luebell888Woman
over a year ago


Not really. I just try and make the most of what i have and if someone does not like me then someone else will.

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over a year ago

south east

Tbh No I don't but in same way I don't feel I'm hot or handsome..I am me and happy with that ..some will like what they see and some won't that's just life

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

You can only be yourself but the odds are against you from the start on a site like this. The expectation in here is so far from reality. But as alot of women say it isn't just looks that woman go for. Make a woman laugh and feel good then you're onto a winner.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What 1 person thinks is ugly another may not?

As my old gran used to say someone for everyone it's just a matter of finding them.

Some folk like thin some don't some like athletic some don't

Blue eyes or red hair it's all in the eye of the beholder

I'd say anyone that says they don't have feeling low self confidence days is a lier.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes , usually after chatting and getting on fantastic, then send face pic and it is a no thanks or even blocked. I can't be that bad can I ???

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By *vanabeusedTV/TS
over a year ago


All the time . Half the reason I dress . I get more positive comments as Ivana than I do as real me xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

yes, ate the age i hate mirrors

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By *antra MassageMan
over a year ago

south side

I can understand your low opinion of yourself. I wonder would you feel the same if a gorgeous woman asked you out on a date? Your confidence would soar. From experience... And this is what I did.... Ask a female friend, sister, cousin to take you shopping for clothes, get them to dress you, they will have much better clothes sense than you, and and they will love to help you. Then get a few professional, artistic photos taken of the new you and post them here. It will cost a bit, but will pay off.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

If I’m being honest I do have a fair bit to offer, at least more than some people who do better than me in terms of relations. I’m a university, I work part time, I exercise regularly and have a nice diet. Objectively speaking I sound ok I think. Nothing majorly sticks out as negative, except the social anxiety I’ve developed as a result of my low self esteem lol. Idk.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Nah. The more sites I’m on the more chance of success I’m likely to have. That was my reasoning lol

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

relatable 100%

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Hahah I hope I can develop that kind of mentality. Kudos.

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By *umandgetus71Couple
over a year ago


"100% I Dont ever feel ugly

Might look it but don't feel it "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We all have days when we feel ugly, useless or just plain shit.. Some "days" last longer than others... Hopefully you have some one around you who will tell you the truth about all your good characteristics..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yeah a lot of the time.

I suffer with body dysmorphia and self confidence issues.

Good at wearing a happy mask and acting like life and soul but inside it’s utter termoil

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


More often than I like

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