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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Question to those who voted No all those years ago :

Based on what has happened since, if there was a referendum on independence tomorrow, would u still vote for Scotland to stay in the UK ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well, depends on what deal we get with Brexit....if Brexit happens at all.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Question to those who voted No all those years ago :

Based on what has happened since, if there was a referendum on independence tomorrow, would u still vote for Scotland to stay in the UK ? "

What did you vote for in the last referendum & what would you vote for if there was another?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I can see this thread becoming rather heated

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I can see this thread becoming rather heated "

Agree thats why i think OP should show his own hand first

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *eADevilCouple
over a year ago


The people of Scotland voted , that's it . Imo there's no point in dragging it all back up , what if this or what if that . The support for the snp is actually answering your question OP. How many seats did they lose at the last elections. The more the snp go on about it the more seats they will lose .

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *luebell888Woman
over a year ago


"The people of Scotland voted , that's it . Imo there's no point in dragging it all back up , what if this or what if that . The support for the snp is actually answering your question OP. How many seats did they lose at the last elections. The more the snp go on about it the more seats they will lose . "

Well said.x

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The people of Scotland voted , that's it . Imo there's no point in dragging it all back up , what if this or what if that . The support for the snp is actually answering your question OP. How many seats did they lose at the last elections. The more the snp go on about it the more seats they will lose . "

You never seen the latest poll from DR last week saying the SNP are set to regain the few lost seats ?

Labour are 3rd behind tories.

The people of Scotland were lied to. Remember the “vow” ?

The people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of the EU.

The BBC licence you pay is a subscription to the Tory party.

Scotland will be independent of that I have no doubt.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

and here.... we.... go.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"and here.... we.... go. "

Anything constructive to say ?

Have an opinion ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I didn't vote in the last referendum. I was always traditionally a labour voter.

I monitor politics closely.

Since the last vote, the SNP have rarely mentioned another vote on independence however Ruth Davidson, the Conservative party and the Labour party mention it on a weekly basis. The trick there is to make the general public fed up of hearing the word "independence" and blame the SNP for harping on about it. This trick is working to a certain extent but Brexit is too prevalent in the public conscious.

I would certainly make an effort to vote Yes this time around. I'd like a more radical view of what an independent Scotland would look like

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By *outhsider69Man
over a year ago


"I didn't vote in the last referendum. I was always traditionally a labour voter.

I monitor politics closely.

Since the last vote, the SNP have rarely mentioned another vote on independence however Ruth Davidson, the Conservative party and the Labour party mention it on a weekly basis. The trick there is to make the general public fed up of hearing the word "independence" and blame the SNP for harping on about it. This trick is working to a certain extent but Brexit is too prevalent in the public conscious.

I would certainly make an effort to vote Yes this time around. I'd like a more radical view of what an independent Scotland would look like "

I think I’ve come from a similar place to you.

I grew up in a labour voting household, and had voted labour most of my life, except one or two libdem votes when the candidate impressed me more. I’d never voted SNP in my life.

I approached the independence referendum as an undecided, with an open mind to hear what both sides had to say. When I did decide which way to vote it was very late in the day, only a couple of days before the vote.

I voted YES, but not because the YES campaign convinced me to, but that the NO campaign convinced me not to vote for them (and yes, I remember ‘the pledge’ which to my knowledge has never been honoured) Both campaigns had a lot of negativity and I found it hard to sift through a lot of that to get to the real issues.

With hindsight I think that’s a near classic example of a protest vote, and I know I’m not alone in that.

The backlash of how the NO campaign had handled it before and after the vote created a surge of nationalistic feeling which was responsible for the huge SNP gains at the election the following year. A lot of those seats were lost the next time round, and many other parties have used this to claim the SNP are on the slide, but consider this, the seats they have now are still significantly more than they had prior to the 2015 election, so it’s not at all clear that the parties support is in free fall.

I voted SNP in the last two elections (first time in my life) but that doesn’t mean I will vote for them again at the next election. I’ll keep an open mind until polling day, whether that’s a general election or Indyref 2, but I must say that Nicola Sturgeon’s voiced fear of Scotland being dragged out of the EU, despite a large majority of Scots voting remain appears to be coming to pass, and Boris Johnson’s latest knife in the back of Teresa May points to a change of Prime Minister sooner rather than later.

We could have Johnson, Michael Gove, or God forbid Jacob Rhys Mogg as PM before Xmas

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It was a no then, it’s ano now

I’m looking on st the madness of Brexit and can’t fathom why I would want to put Scotland through the same debacle (because it would be, there is a huge overlap in issues).

There is still no decision on currency

We still wouldn’t get into the EU under current rules (I don’t believe for a second any special dispensation would be made)

The world is trying to rid itself of fossil fuels ... a major income source for the country

Our aging demographic and employment profile (heavily public sector / civil service - nothing that produces goods or helps tax revenue)

The only powers of currently devolved to Scotland are welfare, I can’t see sense in up turning the country at this point. It would only cause more chaos

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By *obertELeeMan
over a year ago


If anyone thinks the independence referendum result was not tampered with ,then your kidding yourself.

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By *itznBobz2018Couple
over a year ago


"If anyone thinks the independence referendum result was not tampered with ,then your kidding yourself. "

Or here is a radical thought..... maybe more folk voted no because they wanted to?


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

All that’s required is to convince the soft “no” voters. The govt is doing a very good job of that at the moment with the brexit no deal bus hanging over the cliff edge.

The staunch unionists/loyalist/sevconions/britnats/hootmans reading pensioners are a lost cause and will never be for turning.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *itznBobz2018Couple
over a year ago


"All that’s required is to convince the soft “no” voters. The govt is doing a very good job of that at the moment with the brexit no deal bus hanging over the cliff edge.

The staunch unionists/loyalist/sevconions/britnats/hootmans reading pensioners are a lost cause and will never be for turning. "

And this is what pisses me off, the derogatory way that people who voted no are referred to ..... oh and for your information I’m none of the above


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"All that’s required is to convince the soft “no” voters. The govt is doing a very good job of that at the moment with the brexit no deal bus hanging over the cliff edge.

The staunch unionists/loyalist/sevconions/britnats/hootmans reading pensioners are a lost cause and will never be for turning.

And this is what pisses me off, the derogatory way that people who voted no are referred to ..... oh and for your information I’m none of the above


I think a lot of derogatory terms were used regardless of which way people voted. One of the reasons why another group of people shudder at the thought of Indyref2, even if they did want independence before.

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By *itznBobz2018Couple
over a year ago


"All that’s required is to convince the soft “no” voters. The govt is doing a very good job of that at the moment with the brexit no deal bus hanging over the cliff edge.

The staunch unionists/loyalist/sevconions/britnats/hootmans reading pensioners are a lost cause and will never be for turning.

And this is what pisses me off, the derogatory way that people who voted no are referred to ..... oh and for your information I’m none of the above


I think a lot of derogatory terms were used regardless of which way people voted. One of the reasons why another group of people shudder at the thought of Indyref2, even if they did want independence before. "


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"All that’s required is to convince the soft “no” voters. The govt is doing a very good job of that at the moment with the brexit no deal bus hanging over the cliff edge.

The staunch unionists/loyalist/sevconions/britnats/hootmans reading pensioners are a lost cause and will never be for turning.

And this is what pisses me off, the derogatory way that people who voted no are referred to ..... oh and for your information I’m none of the above


So you voted yes then ?

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By *lixerMan
over a year ago


Scotland will be a normal independent nation. It's the natural state to be in.

Westminster doesn't work and Scotland leaving the union would be the move that would have to lead to total reform of RUK.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Question to those who voted No all those years ago :

Based on what has happened since, if there was a referendum on independence tomorrow, would u still vote for Scotland to stay in the UK ?

What did you vote for in the last referendum & what would you vote for if there was another?"

I voted Yes to independence and I’d do the same in an instant

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By *itznBobz2018Couple
over a year ago



And this is what pisses me off, the derogatory way that people who voted no are referred to ..... oh and for your information I’m none of the above


So you voted yes then ? "

No surprises that that’s as good a reply as you can manage


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By *obertELeeMan
over a year ago


"If anyone thinks the independence referendum result was not tampered with ,then your kidding yourself.

Or here is a radical thought..... maybe more folk voted no because they wanted to?

Bitz "

So please tell me why Ruth Davidson knew the postal vote result before they had been counted? There were other irregularities during the count like the fire alarm going off at the Dundee count 3 times.The building was ecacuated each time

Oh but wait a min,the cctv showed people at the counting tables when everyone else were at the muster points outside.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


And this is what pisses me off, the derogatory way that people who voted no are referred to ..... oh and for your information I’m none of the above


So you voted yes then ?

No surprises that that’s as good a reply as you can manage

Bitz "

Simple question. Aye or naw ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *itznBobz2018Couple
over a year ago


"If anyone thinks the independence referendum result was not tampered with ,then your kidding yourself.

Or here is a radical thought..... maybe more folk voted no because they wanted to?


So please tell me why Ruth Davidson knew the postal vote result before they had been counted? There were other irregularities during the count like the fire alarm going off at the Dundee count 3 times.The building was ecacuated each time

Oh but wait a min,the cctv showed people at the counting tables when everyone else were at the muster points outside. "

Do you honestly think the snp wouldn’t have made a big deal of it if they thought there was tampering going on


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By *itznBobz2018Couple
over a year ago



And this is what pisses me off, the derogatory way that people who voted no are referred to ..... oh and for your information I’m none of the above


So you voted yes then ?

No surprises that that’s as good a reply as you can manage


Simple question. Aye or naw ? "

As you can clearly see I voted no ...... so which one of the types am I then ?


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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


Wonders when folk will accept the will of the people instead of tehashing old news

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By *ire and ice100Couple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 19/07/18 11:54:40]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


And this is what pisses me off, the derogatory way that people who voted no are referred to ..... oh and for your information I’m none of the above


So you voted yes then ?

No surprises that that’s as good a reply as you can manage


Simple question. Aye or naw ?

As you can clearly see I voted no ...... so which one of the types am I then ?

Bitz "

Unionist obviously

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Question to those who voted No all those years ago :

Based on what has happened since, if there was a referendum on independence tomorrow, would u still vote for Scotland to stay in the UK ? "

Lol it wasn't that long ago you voted on independence. (All those years ago.) Your having a laugh

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Trumps an arse. Brexit is fucked up. Boris may be prime minister soon. Indi2 a long way off. All very depressing. Any ladies want a shag to take their mind off all that? (sometimes need to remind myself what this site is meant to be about!)

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The scots say we are mad to dump our biggest trading partners (Europe) so with independence isn't Scotland dumping it's own biggest trading partner (the uk). Have they decided which currency they will use as the pound and Euro can't be used. Just a thought that's all guys in this light hearted discussions on Scottish independence. Ps, you will get to the world cup one day. Yes when pigs start flying lol. See a light hearted Joke to end with.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I voted yes and would do again I firmly believe the independence vote was lost as it became a religious vote became us and them where it should have been a Scottish vote full stop.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The scots say we are mad to dump our biggest trading partners (Europe) so with independence isn't Scotland dumping it's own biggest trading partner (the uk). Have they decided which currency they will use as the pound and Euro can't be used. Just a thought that's all guys in this light hearted discussions on Scottish independence. Ps, you will get to the world cup one day. Yes when pigs start flying lol. See a light hearted Joke to end with. "
so might England.see we can take a joke.can You?better luck next time tho you may even get to the finals 1 day

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The scots say we are mad to dump our biggest trading partners (Europe) so with independence isn't Scotland dumping it's own biggest trading partner (the uk). Have they decided which currency they will use as the pound and Euro can't be used. Just a thought that's all guys in this light hearted discussions on Scottish independence. Ps, you will get to the world cup one day. Yes when pigs start flying lol. See a light hearted Joke to end with. "

Let’s see if your laughing when Scotland turns off the oil water and gas tap to englandshire

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Ps, you will get to the world cup one day. Yes when pigs start flying lol. See a light hearted Joke to end with. 

Scots may not see this as a joke.

Back to the yes no maybe vote stuff. If it had not been for the older generation of Labour voters wanting the status quo.

Scotland would already be independent. Just saying.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *eADevilCouple
over a year ago


"The people of Scotland voted , that's it . Imo there's no point in dragging it all back up , what if this or what if that . The support for the snp is actually answering your question OP. How many seats did they lose at the last elections. The more the snp go on about it the more seats they will lose .

You never seen the latest poll from DR last week saying the SNP are set to regain the few lost seats ?

Labour are 3rd behind tories.

The people of Scotland were lied to. Remember the “vow” ?

The people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of the EU.

The BBC licence you pay is a subscription to the Tory party.

Scotland will be independent of that I have no doubt. "

Overall, 1,661,191 voters backed Remain in Scotland, with 1,018,322 voting for Leave.

What our Nicola s did before the brexit vote was very clever. She gave the independence supporters a carrot , by saying if we have a huge difference in what WE want and the rest of the UK over leaving Europe, then it would give her the ammunition for a second referendum. Knowing most of UK wanted OUT Europe she convinced scots to vote to remain in Europe. Sadly the ploy never worked and now she's losing seats through continued focus on Indy 2. Most of the people I know actually want out Europe.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The people of Scotland voted , that's it . Imo there's no point in dragging it all back up , what if this or what if that . The support for the snp is actually answering your question OP. How many seats did they lose at the last elections. The more the snp go on about it the more seats they will lose .

You never seen the latest poll from DR last week saying the SNP are set to regain the few lost seats ?

Labour are 3rd behind tories.

The people of Scotland were lied to. Remember the “vow” ?

The people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of the EU.

The BBC licence you pay is a subscription to the Tory party.

Scotland will be independent of that I have no doubt.

Overall, 1,661,191 voters backed Remain in Scotland, with 1,018,322 voting for Leave.

What our Nicola s did before the brexit vote was very clever. She gave the independence supporters a carrot , by saying if we have a huge difference in what WE want and the rest of the UK over leaving Europe, then it would give her the ammunition for a second referendum. Knowing most of UK wanted OUT Europe she convinced scots to vote to remain in Europe. Sadly the ploy never worked and now she's losing seats through continued focus on Indy 2. Most of the people I know actually want out Europe. "

Latest poll would suggest otherwise.

As has been said it’s the tories who keep banging the Indy drum.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *eADevilCouple
over a year ago


"The people of Scotland voted , that's it . Imo there's no point in dragging it all back up , what if this or what if that . The support for the snp is actually answering your question OP. How many seats did they lose at the last elections. The more the snp go on about it the more seats they will lose .

You never seen the latest poll from DR last week saying the SNP are set to regain the few lost seats ?

Labour are 3rd behind tories.

The people of Scotland were lied to. Remember the “vow” ?

The people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of the EU.

The BBC licence you pay is a subscription to the Tory party.

Scotland will be independent of that I have no doubt.

Overall, 1,661,191 voters backed Remain in Scotland, with 1,018,322 voting for Leave.

What our Nicola s did before the brexit vote was very clever. She gave the independence supporters a carrot , by saying if we have a huge difference in what WE want and the rest of the UK over leaving Europe, then it would give her the ammunition for a second referendum. Knowing most of UK wanted OUT Europe she convinced scots to vote to remain in Europe. Sadly the ploy never worked and now she's losing seats through continued focus on Indy 2. Most of the people I know actually want out Europe.

Latest poll would suggest otherwise.

As has been said it’s the tories who keep banging the Indy drum.


Yes I will agree since the last election Nicola has calmed it down a good bit. I like Nicola but the reason I never voted at all on Indy was because I wanted it but felt there was no feasible plan to implement it.

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By *uietbloke67Man
over a year ago

outside your bedroom window ;-)

Anyone looking for rational debate its that way -------- third door on your left after the dungeon room

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By *ighland gentlemanMan
over a year ago


The FM is caught between a rock and a hard place with regards to IndyRef2.

There are many within her party who wish it soon, however the polls would suggest that it will be the same result again.

They need to shift the polls in their favour before calling IndyRef2.

They have the once in a generation theme to get over.

However given the current turmoil in Westminster I don't see the PM allowing it through.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *elaxedcplCouple
over a year ago


"Wonders when folk will accept the will of the people instead of tehashing old news"

It was 4 years ago and if another referendum on Scottish independence does get the go ahead it would take 1 year+ to organise. 5 years of voters passing away and younger people who would be old enough to vote.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *outhsider69Man
over a year ago


"The people of Scotland voted , that's it . Imo there's no point in dragging it all back up , what if this or what if that . The support for the snp is actually answering your question OP. How many seats did they lose at the last elections. The more the snp go on about it the more seats they will lose .

You never seen the latest poll from DR last week saying the SNP are set to regain the few lost seats ?

Labour are 3rd behind tories.

The people of Scotland were lied to. Remember the “vow” ?

The people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of the EU.

The BBC licence you pay is a subscription to the Tory party.

Scotland will be independent of that I have no doubt.

Overall, 1,661,191 voters backed Remain in Scotland, with 1,018,322 voting for Leave.

What our Nicola s did before the brexit vote was very clever. She gave the independence supporters a carrot , by saying if we have a huge difference in what WE want and the rest of the UK over leaving Europe, then it would give her the ammunition for a second referendum. Knowing most of UK wanted OUT Europe she convinced scots to vote to remain in Europe. Sadly the ploy never worked and now she's losing seats through continued focus on Indy 2. Most of the people I know actually want out Europe.

Latest poll would suggest otherwise.

As has been said it’s the tories who keep banging the Indy drum.

Yes I will agree since the last election Nicola has calmed it down a good bit. I like Nicola but the reason I never voted at all on Indy was because I wanted it but felt there was no feasible plan to implement it. "

That’s a sensible position to take, pretty close to where I am. I like the idea of it but only with a feasible plan in place.

As for Ruth Davidson’s continued mentioning of indyref 2, there’s an analogy came to me during the general election, Scottish leaders debate.

It’s like having a neighbour who’s ginger (not offence to gingers lol) and every time you see them, shouting at them “hey, carrot top, hey Duracell battery... you’re ginger aren’t you?!?” To which the ginger person politely says yes.

Then you spend the rest of the day telling all your pals “I’m sick fed up of that ginger person reminding me that they’re ginger!!”

You fuckin asked them though!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The scots say we are mad to dump our biggest trading partners (Europe) so with independence isn't Scotland dumping it's own biggest trading partner (the uk). Have they decided which currency they will use as the pound and Euro can't be used. Just a thought that's all guys in this light hearted discussions on Scottish independence. Ps, you will get to the world cup one day. Yes when pigs start flying lol. See a light hearted Joke to end with. so might England.see we can take a joke.can You?better luck next time tho you may even get to the finals 1 day "

Yes green is the colour lol. Don't forget we have won it before.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The scots say we are mad to dump our biggest trading partners (Europe) so with independence isn't Scotland dumping it's own biggest trading partner (the uk). Have they decided which currency they will use as the pound and Euro can't be used. Just a thought that's all guys in this light hearted discussions on Scottish independence. Ps, you will get to the world cup one day. Yes when pigs start flying lol. See a light hearted Joke to end with.

Let’s see if your laughing when Scotland turns off the oil water and gas tap to englandshire "

You can't leave. We drink to much scotch so say no

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"Wonders when folk will accept the will of the people instead of tehashing old news

It was 4 years ago and if another referendum on Scottish independence does get the go ahead it would take 1 year+ to organise. 5 years of voters passing away and younger people who would be old enough to vote."

so just keep rehashing it till you get your way is the answer very childish in my opinion

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The scots say we are mad to dump our biggest trading partners (Europe) so with independence isn't Scotland dumping it's own biggest trading partner (the uk). Have they decided which currency they will use as the pound and Euro can't be used. Just a thought that's all guys in this light hearted discussions on Scottish independence. Ps, you will get to the world cup one day. Yes when pigs start flying lol. See a light hearted Joke to end with. so might England.see we can take a joke.can You?better luck next time tho you may even get to the finals 1 day

Yes green is the colour lol. Don't forget we have won it before. "

did You? Can't ever recall that being mentioned...many moons ago..yawn

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

O.P smacks of nationalist desperation

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I voted no and would vote no again. There's still too much uncertainty surrounding major issues for me to vote yes

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By *lara_JamieCouple
over a year ago


"Scotland will be a normal independent nation. It's the natural state to be in.

Westminster doesn't work and Scotland leaving the union would be the move that would have to lead to total reform of RUK. "

That's pretty much it. It's only a matter of time. There's about 6 million people in London alone which is around our population up here. Who is best placed to look after us?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"O.P smacks of nationalist desperation "

Would that be scottish nationalist or British nationalist ? Seems one is fine the other evil lol

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By *elaxedcplCouple
over a year ago


"Wonders when folk will accept the will of the people instead of tehashing old news

It was 4 years ago and if another referendum on Scottish independence does get the go ahead it would take 1 year+ to organise. 5 years of voters passing away and younger people who would be old enough to vote.so just keep rehashing it till you get your way is the answer very childish in my opinion "

Come on, the Scottish electorate were manipulated and lied to, that wasn't a fair vote. Do you remember some of the lies?

We won't get to join the EU

Mobile phone costs would increase

Pensioners would lose their pensions

The NHS would suffer

Economically incapable

Hard border...

Then there was "The Vow" which we all knew was nonsense.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *pinCouple
over a year ago


"Wonders when folk will accept the will of the people instead of tehashing old news

It was 4 years ago and if another referendum on Scottish independence does get the go ahead it would take 1 year+ to organise. 5 years of voters passing away and younger people who would be old enough to vote.so just keep rehashing it till you get your way is the answer very childish in my opinion

Come on, the Scottish electorate were manipulated and lied to, that wasn't a fair vote. Do you remember some of the lies?

We won't get to join the EU

Mobile phone costs would increase

Pensioners would lose their pensions

The NHS would suffer

Economically incapable

Hard border...

Then there was "The Vow" which we all knew was nonsense."

They wouldn’t let you vote if you could make a difference.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Why has Britain become home to so many bad losers and cry babies. Whether your and English football fan complaining we were robbed or the remoaners crying about Brexit

And the Scots saying how the vote was rigged. Democracy only works when people abide by the result of a vote. Votes on independence should only be allowed every 30 years then you can stop calling each other nasty names and learn to live together and as an Englishman i do have a right to speak on this subject as we are all brothers and sistors in our great UK

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Why has Britain become home to so many bad losers and cry babies. Whether your and English football fan complaining we were robbed or the remoaners crying about Brexit

And the Scots saying how the vote was rigged. Democracy only works when people abide by the result of a vote. Votes on independence should only be allowed every 30 years then you can stop calling each other nasty names and learn to live together and as an Englishman i do have a right to speak on this subject as we are all brothers and sistors in our great UK


30 years ? it’s called democracy which works both ways. Well Be Indy within 2 yrs

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"Wonders when folk will accept the will of the people instead of tehashing old news

It was 4 years ago and if another referendum on Scottish independence does get the go ahead it would take 1 year+ to organise. 5 years of voters passing away and younger people who would be old enough to vote.so just keep rehashing it till you get your way is the answer very childish in my opinion

Come on, the Scottish electorate were manipulated and lied to, that wasn't a fair vote. Do you remember some of the lies?

We won't get to join the EU

Mobile phone costs would increase

Pensioners would lose their pensions

The NHS would suffer

Economically incapable

Hard border...

Then there was "The Vow" which we all knew was nonsense."

all that is your view the fact is the people spoke and voted remain..

which certain folk wont accept so keep banging on about a repeat.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Wonders when folk will accept the will of the people instead of tehashing old news

It was 4 years ago and if another referendum on Scottish independence does get the go ahead it would take 1 year+ to organise. 5 years of voters passing away and younger people who would be old enough to vote.so just keep rehashing it till you get your way is the answer very childish in my opinion

Come on, the Scottish electorate were manipulated and lied to, that wasn't a fair vote. Do you remember some of the lies?

We won't get to join the EU

Mobile phone costs would increase

Pensioners would lose their pensions

The NHS would suffer

Economically incapable

Hard border...

Then there was "The Vow" which we all knew was nonsense.all that is your view the fact is the people spoke and voted remain..

which certain folk wont accept so keep banging on about a repeat."

The people voted based upon deliberate misinformation, that’s not an opinion hard evidence substantiates that fact, so did the people vote based upon the most accurate/truthful information available? No which is why perhaps people are rightly aggrieved at the outcome. It is a deliberate and often practiced tactic by the Westminster foreign parliament, one only needs to look at the misinformation out and out lies surrounding Brexit!

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


We may not get to join the EU

Mobile phone costs may increase

Pensioners may lose their pensions

The NHS might suffer

Economically incapable

Hard border is a possibility

Then there was "The Vow" which alot make noise about so please tell us what this vow was hint...... there wasnt one.

the simple fact is alot of folk believe all the things you detailed little realising both sides claimed things with words like possibly maybe. No one was duped as much as you want to feel hard done by. I know none of this will make a bit of diffrence and this will keep on getting banged on about until the children get there way.

at least snp is not as jaded as there followers and see the sense in leaving it alone perhaps putting together a plan for the future instead of crying and demanding another referendum.

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By *assy LassieWoman
over a year ago


"The people of Scotland voted , that's it . Imo there's no point in dragging it all back up , what if this or what if that . The support for the snp is actually answering your question OP. How many seats did they lose at the last elections. The more the snp go on about it the more seats they will lose .

You never seen the latest poll from DR last week saying the SNP are set to regain the few lost seats ?

Labour are 3rd behind tories.

The people of Scotland were lied to. Remember the “vow” ?

The people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of the EU.

The BBC licence you pay is a subscription to the Tory party.

Scotland will be independent of that I have no doubt. "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 19/07/18 17:41:03]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Quite why you feel the need to be so disparaging about people who do not share your point of view is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps when the “sheep” who bought the pro-Union bullshit and bluster will stop telling me not to voice concerns about the validity of a dubious result based upon lies, deceit and gullibility I might stop crying.

The only children I concern myself with are my own whom I want to have a far more prosperous future in an independent Scotland than they ever would under a foreign government seated in Westminster.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"O.P smacks of nationalist desperation

Would that be scottish nationalist or British nationalist ? Seems one is fine the other evil lol "

Two cheeks of the same arse

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Suddenly I find myself wishing this thread would be locked down, doused in something flammable and cremated.

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"Quite why you feel the need to be so disparaging about people who do not share your point of view is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps when the “sheep” who bought the pro-Union bullshit and bluster will stop telling me not to voice concerns about the validity of a dubious result based upon lies, deceit and gullibility I might stop crying.

The only children I concern myself with are my own whom I want to have a far more prosperous future in an independent Scotland than they ever would under a foreign government seated in Westminster."

theirin lies you problem it was a fair vote all parties concerned agreed it was a fair vote. The snp took the result on the chin and accepted the will of the people.

its only individuals who dont agree with the result who want to claim lies and deception all the crying and banging on just creates division which actually hinders any possibility of things moving forward because your so focused on the past

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By *eADevilCouple
over a year ago


"Wonders when folk will accept the will of the people instead of tehashing old news

It was 4 years ago and if another referendum on Scottish independence does get the go ahead it would take 1 year+ to organise. 5 years of voters passing away and younger people who would be old enough to vote.so just keep rehashing it till you get your way is the answer very childish in my opinion

Come on, the Scottish electorate were manipulated and lied to, that wasn't a fair vote. Do you remember some of the lies?

We won't get to join the EU

Mobile phone costs would increase

Pensioners would lose their pensions

The NHS would suffer

Economically incapable

Hard border...

Then there was "The Vow" which we all knew was nonsense."

As said I was an obstainer but did the SNP ever say what would happen if we got our independence.


All they said when posed a difficult sensible question was don't worry it will be ok. Lol.

I bet the captain of the titanic said that when he said "increase speed" entering an ice field.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Quite why you feel the need to be so disparaging about people who do not share your point of view is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps when the “sheep” who bought the pro-Union bullshit and bluster will stop telling me not to voice concerns about the validity of a dubious result based upon lies, deceit and gullibility I might stop crying.

The only children I concern myself with are my own whom I want to have a far more prosperous future in an independent Scotland than they ever would under a foreign government seated in Westminster.theirin lies you problem it was a fair vote all parties concerned agreed it was a fair vote. The snp took the result on the chin and accepted the will of the people.

its only individuals who dont agree with the result who want to claim lies and deception all the crying and banging on just creates division which actually hinders any possibility of things moving forward because your so focused on the past


Kola the only thing that creates division is when someone shits on my plate and tells me it’s fillet steak, when I know it’s definitely NOT fillet steak. You have a party in government who have been investigated for numerous instances of election fraud, one only had to witness the blatant bias of MSM institutions for me to draw a reasonable conclusion that the independence referendum was not manipulated by unionist propaganda which has subsequently proven to be a total crock of shit. Remember “If you want to keep EU membership you must remain part of the Union”? Fast forward 12-18 months “I say chaps we the upper class Eton chinless wonders, you know the ones who told you to stay with us to remain in the EU? Thing is we don’t particularly like Johnny Foreigner and we are somewhat pissing our little starched knickers and choking on our Pimms because we don’t want to be in Europe so we’re leaving. Oh that’s despite the fact that every local government authority in your country voted “Remain”. Now there’s a good little forelock tugging oik, off you pop and let us get back to fucking up the welfare state and giving our fat cat friends and their businesses a tax break. Thanks awfully”

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By *bi_scotlandTV/TS
over a year ago


I think people who are talking about lies on the Unionist side are forgetting the White Paper. There's a reason the SNP are now starting to disown it and even one of the authors involved in it admits it wasn't based on facts.

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


You seem to have alot of pent up hate and weird "facts" that only you seem to be able to fathom.

for me its simple we were asked a question we answered we remained.

Now its cry cry cry a bit more claim foul until we get our way its tragic

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By *eefyBangerMan
over a year ago


I voted YES but now I’d vote NO

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"You seem to have alot of pent up hate and weird "facts" that only you seem to be able to fathom.

for me its simple we were asked a question we answered we remained.

Now its cry cry cry a bit more claim foul until we get our way its tragic "

No pent up hate, but thanks for the unnecessary pseudo counselling session.

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By *outhsider69Man
over a year ago


"You seem to have alot of pent up hate and weird "facts" that only you seem to be able to fathom.

for me its simple we were asked a question we answered we remained.

Now its cry cry cry a bit more claim foul until we get our way its tragic

No pent up hate, but thanks for the unnecessary pseudo counselling session."

Same here, there’s seems to be a myth that everyone who voted or contemplated voting yes is some kind rabid fanatic who’s been lashing out at the other side since the vote

Sorry to disappoint... life goes on

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By *obertELeeMan
over a year ago


"I voted YES but now I’d vote NO"

What's changed your mind? I can't think of one thing they promised for voting no that has come to fruition.

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


Promises in the White Paper and statements from Salmond that turned to dust probably, things like continous and seamless EU membership which was false, oil bringing in 8bn a year and that it would remain constant at £110 per barrel.

Wee things like that maybe.

Nobody likes being sold a pig in a poke.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Indy ref 2 talk of a second brexit vote are we just becoming a nation where the democratic voice of the people is just ignored and we all just have to keep having votes till the desired result is obtained. No matter what happens so let no as there’s two or more party in an election someone is going to lose and obviously there going to be upset about that but dose that mean they can stamp there feet and demand a redo till they get there own way ?

And do people really believe that a politician is going to be any different be they sitting in Westminster or Hollyrood. They all push there own agenda before those of there constitutes.

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By *inkycarolineTV/TS
over a year ago


I'm English and live and work here in Scotland. I voted no and would still vote no. As far as I can see Scotland could never afford to be independant without huge cuts in spending and tax rises. We have seen middle earners hit with a tax rise and also a tax on alcohol( not sure if the SNP realise we can pop over the border and buy it cheap)

All I see from the SNP is a constant blaiming of Westminster for their own failings when they are actually in control.

Not a fan of either of the other 2 parties.

Thats my 2 pence worth

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By *obertELeeMan
over a year ago


"Promises in the White Paper and statements from Salmond that turned to dust probably, things like continous and seamless EU membership which was false, oil bringing in 8bn a year and that it would remain constant at £110 per barrel.

Wee things like that maybe.

Nobody likes being sold a pig in a poke. "

The vow was a bigger lie.The oil we were told prior to the indy ref was running out when in fact there is more to be produced than actually has been.Strange thing was how many big new fields were found post no vote.Salmon is the best man to believe as far as oil prices revenue etc as he is an oil economist.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm English and live and work here in Scotland. I voted no and would still vote no. As far as I can see Scotland could never afford to be independant without huge cuts in spending and tax rises. We have seen middle earners hit with a tax rise and also a tax on alcohol( not sure if the SNP realise we can pop over the border and buy it cheap)

All I see from the SNP is a constant blaiming of Westminster for their own failings when they are actually in control.

Not a fan of either of the other 2 parties.

Thats my 2 pence worth"

You might want you educate yourself with what is actually devolved and what isn’t.

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By *bi_scotlandTV/TS
over a year ago


"Promises in the White Paper and statements from Salmond that turned to dust probably, things like continous and seamless EU membership which was false, oil bringing in 8bn a year and that it would remain constant at £110 per barrel.

Wee things like that maybe.

Nobody likes being sold a pig in a poke.

The vow was a bigger lie.The oil we were told prior to the indy ref was running out when in fact there is more to be produced than actually has been.Strange thing was how many big new fields were found post no vote.Salmon is the best man to believe as far as oil prices revenue etc as he is an oil economist."

It would be an idea to look at the oil forecasts, they were adjusted slightle recently but oil production is falling and will continued to fall every single year.

Also, Salmonds oil projections have been shown to be wildly wrong. His forecasts were worse than any others forecast at the time

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By *bi_scotlandTV/TS
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 19/07/18 22:52:56]

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By *bi_scotlandTV/TS
over a year ago


I should probably add a link to the details. It's all in here


There was a small bounce in production but it's all downhill for gas and oil, the only discussion to be had is just how quick the decline will be.

With regards to Salmond, he said income from oil and gas would be between £6.8 and £7.9 billion in 2016/17. It was actually £84 million. So it was almost 1/100th what he predicted.

Those figures are from the Scottish Govt. Link is here:


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It'll happen that's for sure.The fact of the matter is nationalism is growing westminister treat Scotland with even more contempt than the did before 2014 and Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay part of europe.But the biggest thing is that the youth of today and tommorow are all politically engaged and are pro active in pushing for it.They're media social savvy and can get to the truth easier than the elder generation who rely on the establishment main stream news outlets who have an agenda to push (project fear) take the elder electrate out of the equation and an idepandant Scotland is a done deal.Westminster will have no one to blame but themselves for breaking up the union and the farce that's playing out over brexit in a so called democracy is a sight to behold.Looks like a socialist and reveloutionist government is going to get in even on the back of one of the biggest smear campaigns ever to face a party leader.Interesting times.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Once in a life time vote this is the past and in the past it should remain x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Politicians are so often in it for themselves or their mates. I think the tories in westminster will privately support indy2.

Think about it. Labour will at some point have a resurgence in scotland. When they do they will be in a position to form a westminster govt. Independence would ensure a tory govt in westminster for a generation. Its a numbers game.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I voted yes, and i would vote yes again. But, the question has been asked n answered. Maybe the SNP should get on with the job they were (partially) elected to do and govern the country, instead of trying to manipulate every situation into a reason to have ANOTHER referendum.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I voted yes, and i would vote yes again. But, the question has been asked n answered. Maybe the SNP should get on with the job they were (partially) elected to do and govern the country, instead of trying to manipulate every situation into a reason to have ANOTHER referendum. "

That being the case the party wouldn’t be called the SNP

After Indy they will cease to excist and perhaps labour and fringe elements can come to the fore.

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By *e DevilMan
over a year ago


"It'll happen that's for sure.The fact of the matter is nationalism is growing westminister treat Scotland with even more contempt than the did before 2014 and Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay part of europe.But the biggest thing is that the youth of today and tommorow are all politically engaged and are pro active in pushing for it.They're media social savvy and can get to the truth easier than the elder generation who rely on the establishment main stream news outlets who have an agenda to push (project fear) take the elder electrate out of the equation and an idepandant Scotland is a done deal.Westminster will have no one to blame but themselves for breaking up the union and the farce that's playing out over brexit in a so called democracy is a sight to behold.Looks like a socialist and reveloutionist government is going to get in even on the back of one of the biggest smear campaigns ever to face a party leader.Interesting times."

The youth of today may be more politically savvy but they also feel more entitled to a better life. People of our generation WORKED to get where we are . We never said I'm entitled to this or that so I'm voting labour or snp or Tory in to give me it. I can assure you , if the youth of today and tomorrow do get there independent Scotland they will be in for a very big reality check. The term snowflakes, perfectly describes today's youth. Harsh but true.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I voted no and would voted no again.

In a democratic society the vote was carried out be the people and despite the snp best efforts (changing voting rules to let 16/17 year olds to voted) the majority of people voted no to independence. The same process for brexit. Democracy is the mainstay of our nation.

My worry is that we have another vote and yes is the answer. Do we then have another In a best off three competition?? When Do we start playing rock, paper scissors to make decisions??

Referrendums are great, but they should be once In a generation solutions, not once every five year til you get the answer you want!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes last time, yes again this time amd yes the time after that if need be.

I never signed up to any "once in a generation" vote, which wastes the coming generation's opportunities.

Irrespective of political parties, I'll be voting yes for the sole principle of self governance.

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By *e DevilMan
over a year ago


"Yes last time, yes again this time amd yes the time after that if need be.

I never signed up to any "once in a generation" vote, which wastes the coming generation's opportunities.

Irrespective of political parties, I'll be voting yes for the sole principle of self governance."

Self governance would be great but where are we going to get all the money for public services and the NHS not to mention an army, navy or air force. Or are we going to cherry pick what we want to be a part of and dump the parts we don't like. Aberdeen is no longer the boom town the oil industry made it, what happens when those wells start to dry up . Let's fund our NHS off whisky sales. Or we could always raise our taxes until no one wants to live here any more , the first to leave will be the people who voted for independence. I would love independence but show the FACT based evidence it will work.

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By *976scottMan
over a year ago

North Lanarkshire

Maybe I’m thinking of this in too simple terms however I don’t get that the SNP want an independent Scotland however are dead set on remaining in the EU and being governed by the European governmental system where we can’t make our own laws, control our waters or borders.

Maybe I’m just looking at the issue too simplistically but it seems to be the SNP get out of jail card to blame Westminster for everything that is wrong in Scotland

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Yes last time, yes again this time amd yes the time after that if need be.

I never signed up to any "once in a generation" vote, which wastes the coming generation's opportunities.

Irrespective of political parties, I'll be voting yes for the sole principle of self governance.

Self governance would be great but where are we going to get all the money for public services and the NHS not to mention an army, navy or air force. Or are we going to cherry pick what we want to be a part of and dump the parts we don't like. Aberdeen is no longer the boom town the oil industry made it, what happens when those wells start to dry up . Let's fund our NHS off whisky sales. Or we could always raise our taxes until no one wants to live here any more , the first to leave will be the people who voted for independence. I would love independence but show the FACT based evidence it will work."

The to wee to poor mentality. Look at other countries similar in size to Scotland.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'd like to know what make Scotland so inherently different to every other small country in the world that makes us unable to govern ourselves.

The truth is, we live in a broken system that doesn't serve us and the best way to make positive changes is through independence.

The oil has been running out since they found it yet investment continues, not that we are all in favour of that.

Until you are able to seperate the concept of independence with a political party then you haven't understood the question. I know what the SNP want with regards to the EU, the same as most of Scotland though not myself. I'm fully aware that we may become independent and vote to go into the EU but at least the decision will be taken here by the people it directly affects.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Im well aware there would be a general election after a successful referendum. However, the case is that it was voted against.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If anyone thinks the independence referendum result was not tampered with ,then your kidding yourself.

Or here is a radical thought..... maybe more folk voted no because they wanted to?


So please tell me why Ruth Davidson knew the postal vote result before they had been counted? There were other irregularities during the count like the fire alarm going off at the Dundee count 3 times.The building was ecacuated each time

Oh but wait a min,the cctv showed people at the counting tables when everyone else were at the muster points outside. "

Fake news.... the alledged til was traced back to Sputnick the Russian propaganda media !!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yup depends on brexit. There is only one brexit they can offer and that's a hard brexit. No one will agree on the white paper. And if they do it has to go to Brussels. Very hard to see this white paper getting through . So only option is a hard brexit. Now that everyone knows the truth it should be up to the people of the UK to decide if that's what they want. If it's a go and we leave on hard think Scotland will go for another ref. Like last time I'll be voting for indie .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit....we vote for independence because we are out of the EU....but can't rejoin because the snp want to keep the pound for ten years.

If we did rejoin the new powers we are gaining go straight back to the EU.

So to me the arse that is brexit is just a redherring !!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit..."

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of. "

And still can't rejoin the EU because of the currency situation! !!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don't want "new powers" as determined by another government in London when they're planning to shaft me at the same time.

I want 100% control and then it's up to the people who live here to decide what to do with that.

Forget what the SNP want, they only get to do what they want if people put them in office. There's a bigger picture

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Not only is 70% of ppl in Scotland paying less tax than elsewhere in the UK. But with that, they get:

Free prescriptions

Free tuition

No hospital parking charges

Free personal care

Doubled free childcare of 30 hrs

£880 mill more spent on the NHS than the rUK

Less council tax

+ no road or bridge tolls

+ free bus travel for over 60s

+ mitigating bedroom tax, period poverty, etc, etc, etc!

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


All thanks to being in the union.

As for wanting independence because of Brexit, an independent Scotland would be out of the EU in the hardest possible sense with no prospect of rejoining.

Out of the EU and the UK in one go.

If you think Westminster is in a mess, how would Holyrood cope with that double whammy?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The way things are going Tommy Robinson will be prime minister of England once we all fuck off

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I don't want "new powers" as determined by another government in London when they're planning to shaft me at the same time.

I want 100% control and then it's up to the people who live here to decide what to do with that.

Forget what the SNP want, they only get to do what they want if people put them in office. There's a bigger picture "

The new powers that are being brought back from the EU and handed back to Brussels on rejoining.

I voted remain but don't understand voting to leave UK to join eu and I am supposed to be happy giving these powers to bureaucrats I did not elect. At least in Westminster someone represents me.

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By *anarkshirelassCouple
over a year ago


Voted No last time...I'll vote No next time.

You cant have your cake and eat it.

SNP don't have the moral ground to call for an Indy 2 vote, why not?, well simply because the majority of people in the country said no thanks... a democratic vote.

Cant use the same argument for staying in Europe because the majority of people of Scotland voted for it against the rest of the UK...again a democratic vote.

How far can you bleat about democratic rights if you just want to continue going against the democratic results just because it doesn't suit you?

Irrespective, its all about timing and consequence.

If Sturgeon calls and gets approval for Indy 2 vote and the vote doesn't go her way, not only will she be out on her ear but the SNP party itself will fold, exactly the same as UKIP.

The independence dream inside the fantasy bubble will 'pop for ever.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" The new powers that are being brought back from the EU and handed back to Brussels on rejoining.

I voted remain but don't understand voting to leave UK to join eu and I am supposed to be happy giving these powers to bureaucrats I did not elect. At least in Westminster someone represents me."

If you had read what I said you'd have understood that I'd be arguing against rejoining, however if we chose to then it would at least be us who decided it, so while I may not like it or get my way, id accept it.

Someome may "represent" you by title in Westminster (as someone does in the EU, your MEP) Westminster does not represent or serve many in society.

I'm for leaving the EU but not on the UKIP agenda so fuck being part of a parochial sinking ship.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" The new powers that are being brought back from the EU and handed back to Brussels on rejoining.

I voted remain but don't understand voting to leave UK to join eu and I am supposed to be happy giving these powers to bureaucrats I did not elect. At least in Westminster someone represents me.

If you had read what I said you'd have understood that I'd be arguing against rejoining, however if we chose to then it would at least be us who decided it, so while I may not like it or get my way, id accept it.

Someome may "represent" you by title in Westminster (as someone does in the EU, your MEP) Westminster does not represent or serve many in society.

I'm for leaving the EU but not on the UKIP agenda so fuck being part of a parochial sinking ship.


FIVE meps that represent Scotland in the EU. Not a great number to be honest. I understand about leaving the EU but I don't care under who's agenda we are leaving unfortunately

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

5 at present while we're in the UK. If we were to join afterwards, it may be more, or less but they still have a veto which is more than we have in the UK.

Again, I'm not advocating being in the EU but the point is, the people who live here should determine that.

Our 57 MPs in Westminster are due to be reduced and we've already got little punching power. Should I feel represented there?

Westminster is a cesspit of depravity, an antique of a decaying empire. Time to go

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Voted No last time...I'll vote No next time.

You cant have your cake and eat it.

SNP don't have the moral ground to call for an Indy 2 vote, why not?, well simply because the majority of people in the country said no thanks... a democratic vote.

Cant use the same argument for staying in Europe because the majority of people of Scotland voted for it against the rest of the UK...again a democratic vote.

How far can you bleat about democratic rights if you just want to continue going against the democratic results just because it doesn't suit you?

Irrespective, its all about timing and consequence.

If Sturgeon calls and gets approval for Indy 2 vote and the vote doesn't go her way, not only will she be out on her ear but the SNP party itself will fold, exactly the same as UKIP.

The independence dream inside the fantasy bubble will 'pop for ever.


Filed under unionist... next lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *iboy69Couple
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of. "

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"5 at present while we're in the UK. If we were to join afterwards, it may be more, or less but they still have a veto which is more than we have in the UK.

Again, I'm not advocating being in the EU but the point is, the people who live here should determine that.

Our 57 MPs in Westminster are due to be reduced and we've already got little punching power. Should I feel represented there?

Westminster is a cesspit of depravity, an antique of a decaying empire. Time to go "

The numbers are being reduced across the whole UK not just Scotland. I really don't see Scotland being GIVEN many more meps by the baurocrats of Brussels.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Voted No last time...I'll vote No next time.

You cant have your cake and eat it.

SNP don't have the moral ground to call for an Indy 2 vote, why not?, well simply because the majority of people in the country said no thanks... a democratic vote.

Cant use the same argument for staying in Europe because the majority of people of Scotland voted for it against the rest of the UK...again a democratic vote.

How far can you bleat about democratic rights if you just want to continue going against the democratic results just because it doesn't suit you?

Irrespective, its all about timing and consequence.

If Sturgeon calls and gets approval for Indy 2 vote and the vote doesn't go her way, not only will she be out on her ear but the SNP party itself will fold, exactly the same as UKIP.

The independence dream inside the fantasy bubble will 'pop for ever.

Filed under unionist... next lol "

The lady expressed an opinion and you labeled her and dismissed her !!!!

Not exactly balanced debating !!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now? "

The snp did campaign not to join the eu in the first place when the UK was up for membership! !!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Voted No last time...I'll vote No next time.

You cant have your cake and eat it.

SNP don't have the moral ground to call for an Indy 2 vote, why not?, well simply because the majority of people in the country said no thanks... a democratic vote.

Cant use the same argument for staying in Europe because the majority of people of Scotland voted for it against the rest of the UK...again a democratic vote.

How far can you bleat about democratic rights if you just want to continue going against the democratic results just because it doesn't suit you?

Irrespective, its all about timing and consequence.

If Sturgeon calls and gets approval for Indy 2 vote and the vote doesn't go her way, not only will she be out on her ear but the SNP party itself will fold, exactly the same as UKIP.

The independence dream inside the fantasy bubble will 'pop for ever.

Filed under unionist... next lol

The lady expressed an opinion and you labeled her and dismissed her !!!!

Not exactly balanced debating !!!


Actually if you look up on the thread you will see my filing system.

Unionist is one of them which is hunky dory but that falls under the not for changing so no point engaging. Your welcome

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Voted No last time...I'll vote No next time.

You cant have your cake and eat it.

SNP don't have the moral ground to call for an Indy 2 vote, why not?, well simply because the majority of people in the country said no thanks... a democratic vote.

Cant use the same argument for staying in Europe because the majority of people of Scotland voted for it against the rest of the UK...again a democratic vote.

How far can you bleat about democratic rights if you just want to continue going against the democratic results just because it doesn't suit you?

Irrespective, its all about timing and consequence.

If Sturgeon calls and gets approval for Indy 2 vote and the vote doesn't go her way, not only will she be out on her ear but the SNP party itself will fold, exactly the same as UKIP.

The independence dream inside the fantasy bubble will 'pop for ever.

Filed under unionist... next lol

The lady expressed an opinion and you labeled her and dismissed her !!!!

Not exactly balanced debating !!!

Actually if you look up on the thread you will see my filing system.

Unionist is one of them which is hunky dory but that falls under the not for changing so no point engaging. Your welcome "

And you have proof the lady won't change her mind !!!!

I know she seemed pretty adamant which way she would vote but you dismissiness is not very nice.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now? "

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Voted No last time...I'll vote No next time.

You cant have your cake and eat it.

SNP don't have the moral ground to call for an Indy 2 vote, why not?, well simply because the majority of people in the country said no thanks... a democratic vote.

Cant use the same argument for staying in Europe because the majority of people of Scotland voted for it against the rest of the UK...again a democratic vote.

How far can you bleat about democratic rights if you just want to continue going against the democratic results just because it doesn't suit you?

Irrespective, its all about timing and consequence.

If Sturgeon calls and gets approval for Indy 2 vote and the vote doesn't go her way, not only will she be out on her ear but the SNP party itself will fold, exactly the same as UKIP.

The independence dream inside the fantasy bubble will 'pop for ever.

Filed under unionist... next lol

The lady expressed an opinion and you labeled her and dismissed her !!!!

Not exactly balanced debating !!!

Actually if you look up on the thread you will see my filing system.

Unionist is one of them which is hunky dory but that falls under the not for changing so no point engaging. Your welcome

And you have proof the lady won't change her mind !!!!

I know she seemed pretty adamant which way she would vote but you dismissiness is not very nice."

That’s politics...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Suddenly I find myself wishing this thread would be locked down, doused in something flammable and cremated.


Just wait till the first old firm game of the season then. The rats come crawling out from all sides. Its a wonderful read

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obertELeeMan
over a year ago


"Promises in the White Paper and statements from Salmond that turned to dust probably, things like continous and seamless EU membership which was false, oil bringing in 8bn a year and that it would remain constant at £110 per barrel.

Wee things like that maybe.

Nobody likes being sold a pig in a poke.

The vow was a bigger lie.The oil we were told prior to the indy ref was running out when in fact there is more to be produced than actually has been.Strange thing was how many big new fields were found post no vote.Salmon is the best man to believe as far as oil prices revenue etc as he is an oil economist.

It would be an idea to look at the oil forecasts, they were adjusted slightle recently but oil production is falling and will continued to fall every single year.

Also, Salmonds oil projections have been shown to be wildly wrong. His forecasts were worse than any others forecast at the time"

Lol with just a few new fields that have just been found they alone will last into the late 2030s.we were told by head Quilting Ian Wood just before the indy ref that the oil was running out.Just days after the no vote they announced the finding of 2 new large oil finds.We were lied to and cheated.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved. "

There is no such a thing as a fast track to entry, all candidate countries must comply with the acquis communautaire.

Any alteration to this would require Treaty change, I doubt that there would be unanimous support from all 27 members for such a treaty change.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

There is no such a thing as a fast track to entry, all candidate countries must comply with the acquis communautaire.

Any alteration to this would require Treaty change, I doubt that there would be unanimous support from all 27 members for such a treaty change.


Which is what I just said

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


Not really, you introduced the "fast track" red herring.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Voted No last time...I'll vote No next time.

You cant have your cake and eat it.

SNP don't have the moral ground to call for an Indy 2 vote, why not?, well simply because the majority of people in the country said no thanks... a democratic vote.

Cant use the same argument for staying in Europe because the majority of people of Scotland voted for it against the rest of the UK...again a democratic vote.

How far can you bleat about democratic rights if you just want to continue going against the democratic results just because it doesn't suit you?

Irrespective, its all about timing and consequence.

If Sturgeon calls and gets approval for Indy 2 vote and the vote doesn't go her way, not only will she be out on her ear but the SNP party itself will fold, exactly the same as UKIP.

The independence dream inside the fantasy bubble will 'pop for ever.

Filed under unionist... next lol

The lady expressed an opinion and you labeled her and dismissed her !!!!

Not exactly balanced debating !!!

Actually if you look up on the thread you will see my filing system.

Unionist is one of them which is hunky dory but that falls under the not for changing so no point engaging. Your welcome

And you have proof the lady won't change her mind !!!!

I know she seemed pretty adamant which way she would vote but you dismissiness is not very nice.

That’s politics... "

No it is not politics it is plain name calling and dismissiness which is a big problem for both sides of the arguement. Do you really expect to impress or change another person's view with such a lack of a cohesive view !!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *anarkshirelassCouple
over a year ago


"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved. "

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *itznBobz2018Couple
over a year ago


"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)"

He called me one too, even though he has absolutely no idea about why I voted no and my reasons for doing so..... but hey it makes him feel like a big man

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *itznBobz2018Couple
over a year ago


Oh and that was bitz...... don’t want bobz to take the blame as he’s a yes

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *anarkshirelassCouple
over a year ago


As of this minute...126 replies to this thread....same individual has the given 20 inputs.

But ain't we are so lucky to someone like him to keep us all correct in our ways and thoughts. So dominant and forceful lol lol

I 'sense' the dummy will be coming out soon for number 21

Enough said...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *outhsider69Man
over a year ago


"As of this minute...126 replies to this thread....same individual has the given 20 inputs.

But ain't we are so lucky to someone like him to keep us all correct in our ways and thoughts. So dominant and forceful lol lol

I 'sense' the dummy will be coming out soon for number 21

Enough said... "

Hold on, I’ve only posted 3 times?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *outhsider69Man
over a year ago


"As of this minute...126 replies to this thread....same individual has the given 20 inputs.

But ain't we are so lucky to someone like him to keep us all correct in our ways and thoughts. So dominant and forceful lol lol

I 'sense' the dummy will be coming out soon for number 21

Enough said...

Hold on, I’ve only posted 3 times? "

Bugger, I meant 4.... oh no I mean 5 including this one!!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *alcon43Woman
over a year ago


I voted against independence and against Brexit. No one actually thought through the outcomes.

They knew we’re having these referendums but no one thought how they would be implemented. Nicola Sturgeon wanted another referendum, does she not think we can make up our own minds. The Scottish Government has more power so let’s see how they handle it. So far education and the NHS are struggling.

As for leaving the EU it was always going to be a messy split. The referendum was promised to win votes for David Cameron. Then he stepped down and let everyone else sort it out.

If we’d said no to Brexit the politicians could have concentrated on what’s important at home.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Not really, you introduced the "fast track" red herring. "

Not really maybe look at 2018

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Voted No last time...I'll vote No next time.

You cant have your cake and eat it.

SNP don't have the moral ground to call for an Indy 2 vote, why not?, well simply because the majority of people in the country said no thanks... a democratic vote.

Cant use the same argument for staying in Europe because the majority of people of Scotland voted for it against the rest of the UK...again a democratic vote.

How far can you bleat about democratic rights if you just want to continue going against the democratic results just because it doesn't suit you?

Irrespective, its all about timing and consequence.

If Sturgeon calls and gets approval for Indy 2 vote and the vote doesn't go her way, not only will she be out on her ear but the SNP party itself will fold, exactly the same as UKIP.

The independence dream inside the fantasy bubble will 'pop for ever.

Filed under unionist... next lol

The lady expressed an opinion and you labeled her and dismissed her !!!!

Not exactly balanced debating !!!

Actually if you look up on the thread you will see my filing system.

Unionist is one of them which is hunky dory but that falls under the not for changing so no point engaging. Your welcome

And you have proof the lady won't change her mind !!!!

I know she seemed pretty adamant which way she would vote but you dismissiness is not very nice.

That’s politics...

No it is not politics it is plain name calling and dismissiness which is a big problem for both sides of the arguement. Do you really expect to impress or change another person's view with such a lack of a cohesive view !!"

Not really that’s why their filed under lost cause.

Gimme soft no’s and we”ll talk

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)"

You support sevco

Move along now

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkycarolineTV/TS
over a year ago


"I'm English and live and work here in Scotland. I voted no and would still vote no. As far as I can see Scotland could never afford to be independant without huge cuts in spending and tax rises. We have seen middle earners hit with a tax rise and also a tax on alcohol( not sure if the SNP realise we can pop over the border and buy it cheap)

All I see from the SNP is a constant blaiming of Westminster for their own failings when they are actually in control.

Not a fan of either of the other 2 parties.

Thats my 2 pence worth

You might want you educate yourself with what is actually devolved and what isn’t. "

Ooo how about we start with the NHS.......

Anyway a once in a lifetime vote but Sturgeon wasn't happy with the result so wants another.....

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm English and live and work here in Scotland. I voted no and would still vote no. As far as I can see Scotland could never afford to be independant without huge cuts in spending and tax rises. We have seen middle earners hit with a tax rise and also a tax on alcohol( not sure if the SNP realise we can pop over the border and buy it cheap)

All I see from the SNP is a constant blaiming of Westminster for their own failings when they are actually in control.

Not a fan of either of the other 2 parties.

Thats my 2 pence worth

You might want you educate yourself with what is actually devolved and what isn’t.

Ooo how about we start with the NHS.......

Anyway a once in a lifetime vote but Sturgeon wasn't happy with the result so wants another....."

The NHS that labour sold to PFI for hospital builds etc ?

Goooood saaaaan come back with something I can to retort properly

You are filed under Tory not for changing...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *bi_scotlandTV/TS
over a year ago


"Promises in the White Paper and statements from Salmond that turned to dust probably, things like continous and seamless EU membership which was false, oil bringing in 8bn a year and that it would remain constant at £110 per barrel.

Wee things like that maybe.

Nobody likes being sold a pig in a poke.

The vow was a bigger lie.The oil we were told prior to the indy ref was running out when in fact there is more to be produced than actually has been.Strange thing was how many big new fields were found post no vote.Salmon is the best man to believe as far as oil prices revenue etc as he is an oil economist.

It would be an idea to look at the oil forecasts, they were adjusted slightle recently but oil production is falling and will continued to fall every single year.

Also, Salmonds oil projections have been shown to be wildly wrong. His forecasts were worse than any others forecast at the time

Lol with just a few new fields that have just been found they alone will last into the late 2030s.we were told by head Quilting Ian Wood just before the indy ref that the oil was running out.Just days after the no vote they announced the finding of 2 new large oil finds.We were lied to and cheated."

I posted links to the oil and gas forecasts, other than a small bounce lately it has declined massively from wat it was and it will continue to decline massively. If you have a link to any expert forecasting anything other than that then you're welcome to post it here (but there isn't one). There's a reason the Growth Commission report never included any income from oil in the figures.

As for new fields being found, you might want to have a look at those that are coming, or have come, to the end of their life.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *anarkshirelassCouple
over a year ago


"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now "

And you support?...true colours coming out now....What has this thread got anything to do with football...absolutely nothing.

What if does show is you as a individual who cant accept a decision accept any others views or reasoning that's different to your own.

Your are just another keyboard bully and an obvious bigot. In one fail swoop you change the tone as well as the gist of thread and bring it down to the level where you've more than likely been brought up...the gutter...

Sad, sad, but still a pitiful individual.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Question to those who voted No all those years ago :

Based on what has happened since, if there was a referendum on independence tomorrow, would u still vote for Scotland to stay in the UK ? "

Dangerous question for on this sort of site but as a no voter , we got to do something democratically, something many nations didnt get and the answer stood , i worry about peoples idea of democracy when we arent respecting the majority and the once in a generation pledge, above all else , and im swallowing the brexit vote but as part of britain we took part in that vote but in much the same way as the indyref people seem to want vote after vote after vote till a specific section of society gets what they want. Thats not democratic in any way.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

democracy is a fallacy

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *anarkshirelassCouple
over a year ago


"Question to those who voted No all those years ago :

Based on what has happened since, if there was a referendum on independence tomorrow, would u still vote for Scotland to stay in the UK ?

Dangerous question for on this sort of site but as a no voter , we got to do something democratically, something many nations didnt get and the answer stood , i worry about peoples idea of democracy when we arent respecting the majority and the once in a generation pledge, above all else , and im swallowing the brexit vote but as part of britain we took part in that vote but in much the same way as the indyref people seem to want vote after vote after vote till a specific section of society gets what they want. Thats not democratic in any way."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We have used the fpp system ( majority rule ) pretty much since post ww1 when everyone was able to vote , no matter what those votes count and there isnt a better system, hell even in hollyrood they wouldnt go full proportional representation they kept fpp

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We have used the fpp system ( majority rule ) pretty much since post ww1 when everyone was able to vote , no matter what those votes count and there isnt a better system, hell even in hollyrood they wouldnt go full proportional representation they kept fpp "

Holyrood. Just saying.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Admittedly thats due to me constantly comparing it to christmas as the anti english sentiment and grievance politics requires as much a sense of wonder and imagination as santa claus .

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkycarolineTV/TS
over a year ago


"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now

And you support?...true colours coming out now....What has this thread got anything to do with football...absolutely nothing.

What if does show is you as a individual who cant accept a decision accept any others views or reasoning that's different to your own.

Your are just another keyboard bully and an obvious bigot. In one fail swoop you change the tone as well as the gist of thread and bring it down to the level where you've more than likely been brought up...the gutter...

Sad, sad, but still a pitiful individual.


My thoughts exactly....he seems to belittle anyones opinion and is a bigot and hides well behind his keyboard. Maybe take some of his own advice and jog on.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now "

You know , scotland is a strange one , the only country in europe that after a terrorist attack we had our muslim community en mass protesting against terrorism and yet there are some people so backwards they think that decisions regarding important stuff like , i dont know the future of our country seem to think football tribalisim is what matters

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now

And you support?...true colours coming out now....What has this thread got anything to do with football...absolutely nothing.

What if does show is you as a individual who cant accept a decision accept any others views or reasoning that's different to your own.

Your are just another keyboard bully and an obvious bigot. In one fail swoop you change the tone as well as the gist of thread and bring it down to the level where you've more than likely been brought up...the gutter...

Sad, sad, but still a pitiful individual.


Typical burning pallet yoon with effigies who’s only contribution is too offend anyone in Scotland who dosnt agree with the union.

If you hate Scotland so much you know where the door is like the alt right racists.

Your now upgraded to unionist/Britnats/sevco/Tory nearly a full house

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now

You know , scotland is a strange one , the only country in europe that after a terrorist attack we had our muslim community en mass protesting against terrorism and yet there are some people so backwards they think that decisions regarding important stuff like , i dont know the future of our country seem to think football tribalisim is what matters"

The orange order peeked at 150,000 now currently 50,000 slowly but surely the good people of Scotland are eradicating Scotland’s shame. Average age 54

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *e DevilMan
over a year ago


"Question to those who voted No all those years ago :

Based on what has happened since, if there was a referendum on independence tomorrow, would u still vote for Scotland to stay in the UK ? "

I obstained on the last vote but would be a no independence now.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well you certainly know how to win over us No voters with your small minded bigotry......I do like to see some of the St Nicola brigade still howling at the moon though....

The argument is lost oil is still floundering , the Scottish economy is lagging...Your game is up...the next election will deliver the final blow to St Nicola...Anyway she will be okay pensioned up to the eyeballs...another snout in the trough political pygmy

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Well you certainly know how to win over us No voters with your small minded bigotry......I do like to see some of the St Nicola brigade still howling at the moon though....

The argument is lost oil is still floundering , the Scottish economy is lagging...Your game is up...the next election will deliver the final blow to St Nicola...Anyway she will be okay pensioned up to the eyeballs...another snout in the trough political pygmy "

Thats been part of the problem , for her and her predecessor its been about self aggrandisement or xenophobic views its the wrong reason to make such a seismic change , personally i blame mel gibson for it all.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *anarkshirelassCouple
over a year ago


"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now

You know , scotland is a strange one , the only country in europe that after a terrorist attack we had our muslim community en mass protesting against terrorism and yet there are some people so backwards they think that decisions regarding important stuff like , i dont know the future of our country seem to think football tribalisim is what matters

The orange order peeked at 150,000 now currently 50,000 slowly but surely the good people of Scotland are eradicating Scotland’s shame. Average age 54 "

Key board warrior sitting in a Friday night in your tartan skirt spouting your bile and hatred. You obviously feel oppressed, downtrodden , not got where you want to in life because of the establishment lol lol So sotty to tell you... but that's your life for ever more so embrace it ..

We've now went from a good discussion of Independence to full bigotry and your the catalyst for taking it into that level.

I'd put up some music on to chill you but you'd probably say it offended your ears because it has lots of drums and flutes in the background.

Jiggy, Jiggy BOOM Boom...Jiggy Jiggy, BOOM BOOM

I love when you see people who spillout their bile on the site then block you from seeing their profile

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now

You know , scotland is a strange one , the only country in europe that after a terrorist attack we had our muslim community en mass protesting against terrorism and yet there are some people so backwards they think that decisions regarding important stuff like , i dont know the future of our country seem to think football tribalisim is what matters

The orange order peeked at 150,000 now currently 50,000 slowly but surely the good people of Scotland are eradicating Scotland’s shame. Average age 54 Key board warrior sitting in a Friday night in your tartan skirt spouting your bile and hatred. You obviously feel oppressed, downtrodden , not got where you want to in life because of the establishment lol lol So sotty to tell you... but that's your life for ever more so embrace it ..

We've now went from a good discussion of Independence to full bigotry and your the catalyst for taking it into that level.

I'd put up some music on to chill you but you'd probably say it offended your ears because it has lots of drums and flutes in the background.

Jiggy, Jiggy BOOM Boom...Jiggy Jiggy, BOOM BOOM

I love when you see people who spillout their bile on the site then block you from seeing their profile "

Keep burning pallets doll, you offer nothing

Your blocked with a note saying yoon ! From over a year ago. Scotland’s shame

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *argaidMan
over a year ago


" Don't forget we have won it before. "

Aye, the way you always do. Modern tech shows that the last 'goal' never crossed the line.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *argaidMan
over a year ago



Thats been part of the problem , for her and her predecessor its been about self aggrandisement or xenophobic views its the wrong reason to make such a seismic change , personally i blame mel gibson for it all. "

Give us one corroborated example of self-aggrandisement or xenophobic views from either of them. Not that you'll find one but for every one you do I'll give you five from the Unionists.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *anarkshirelassCouple
over a year ago


"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now

You know , scotland is a strange one , the only country in europe that after a terrorist attack we had our muslim community en mass protesting against terrorism and yet there are some people so backwards they think that decisions regarding important stuff like , i dont know the future of our country seem to think football tribalisim is what matters

The orange order peeked at 150,000 now currently 50,000 slowly but surely the good people of Scotland are eradicating Scotland’s shame. Average age 54 Key board warrior sitting in a Friday night in your tartan skirt spouting your bile and hatred. You obviously feel oppressed, downtrodden , not got where you want to in life because of the establishment lol lol So sotty to tell you... but that's your life for ever more so embrace it ..

We've now went from a good discussion of Independence to full bigotry and your the catalyst for taking it into that level.

I'd put up some music on to chill you but you'd probably say it offended your ears because it has lots of drums and flutes in the background.

Jiggy, Jiggy BOOM Boom...Jiggy Jiggy, BOOM BOOM

I love when you see people who spillout their bile on the site then block you from seeing their profile

Keep burning pallets doll, you offer nothing

Your blocked with a note saying yoon ! From over a year ago. Scotland’s shame "

AS long as when I keep burning my pallets I know the smoke is annoying you and stinging you eyes and sticking in your throat then it will be well worth it.

A yoon...ffs..what the fook is a yoon...lol lol that a wee word you made up all for yourself. You come off callng peeps a Yoon lol lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What I don't understand is we have indyref 2 because of brexit...

If you want to remain part of Europe you must vote NO was the lies in amongst others that were spouted during indyref

The NO vote was carried and now were heading over the brexit cliff edge that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of.

Here we are four years after that referendum and we are still members of the EU.

If yes won that referendum we would have been out of the EU in March 2016, according to correspondence between the EU Commissions VP and the Scottish government.

These yes voters were happy to leave the EU in 2014, so why the faux outrage now?

Scotland would have to reapply to join if Indy become reality. JCJ intimated that the member states could allow fast entry.

Of course Spain being a facist regeim would veto because of Gibraltar. Things then get messy but not impossible as it will be new ground for all involved.

You have a bit of an attitude individual aren't you, openly aggressive in tone and attitude about things and people who don't agree with your mind think don't you. I suppose its a born skill you have being right all the time as well as being blessed with the the skill of a 'seer'.. knowing what I am by a post.

Let me see if I have the reciprocal skill ...You were the youngest in the family or an only child...used to getting your own way, wee stamp of the feet if things didnt go your way. Grew up a wee school bully, no friends but a lonely person.

Don't worry about it though your amongst friends ( noooooooooottttttttttt)

You support sevco

Move along now

You know , scotland is a strange one , the only country in europe that after a terrorist attack we had our muslim community en mass protesting against terrorism and yet there are some people so backwards they think that decisions regarding important stuff like , i dont know the future of our country seem to think football tribalisim is what matters

The orange order peeked at 150,000 now currently 50,000 slowly but surely the good people of Scotland are eradicating Scotland’s shame. Average age 54 Key board warrior sitting in a Friday night in your tartan skirt spouting your bile and hatred. You obviously feel oppressed, downtrodden , not got where you want to in life because of the establishment lol lol So sotty to tell you... but that's your life for ever more so embrace it ..

We've now went from a good discussion of Independence to full bigotry and your the catalyst for taking it into that level.

I'd put up some music on to chill you but you'd probably say it offended your ears because it has lots of drums and flutes in the background.

Jiggy, Jiggy BOOM Boom...Jiggy Jiggy, BOOM BOOM

I love when you see people who spillout their bile on the site then block you from seeing their profile

Keep burning pallets doll, you offer nothing

Your blocked with a note saying yoon ! From over a year ago. Scotland’s shame AS long as when I keep burning my pallets I know the smoke is annoying you and stinging you eyes and sticking in your throat then it will be well worth it.

A yoon...ffs..what the fook is a yoon...lol lol that a wee word you made up all for yourself. You come off callng peeps a Yoon lol lol "

A yoon is unionist in zombie terms.

Move along now the marching season is in full swing. Mind not bash any priests en route

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The ability to be both ignorant and rather obnoxious at the same time.Wow I do admire the level of dedication to the art of xenophobia and bigotry you display....

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 20/07/18 23:56:34]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The ability to be both ignorant and rather obnoxious at the same time.Wow I do admire the level of dedication to the art of xenophobia and bigotry you display.... "

Exactly my thinking as well.

When the union is under fire defend at all costs. Your children’s future your sanity your treason...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Ahh the classic line of a Nationalist , call them names Traitors, quislings, oh whats the other ones you like to sway the votes of your fellow countrymen with ?... Oh yes Yoons...you display such charm and political insight . Are you single by chance ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ahh the classic line of a Nationalist , call them names Traitors, quislings, oh whats the other ones you like to sway the votes of your fellow countrymen with ?... Oh yes Yoons...you display such charm and political insight . Are you single by chance ? "

If only you knew hen

Feel free to add anything constructive

As I said filed unde....ignore lost cause

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If only i knew hen " Really ?....

You are certainly a Nat voter it is displayed in all its glorious ignorance over your posts......Time you went for a lie down your spleen must be well vented by now......

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

""If only i knew hen " Really ?....

You are certainly a Nat voter it is displayed in all its glorious ignorance over your posts......Time you went for a lie down your spleen must be well vented by now...... "

Your a britnat who’s bigoted days are numbered.

Tory, yoon, britnat yup tick all the boxes of Scotland shame.

Gone gesse peace now

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I’d vote yes again

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes i'll still be voting no, what about a option in the original post for people who voted Yes who are now thinking about voting No if a independence vote happened again, hopefully not in a while.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Well you certainly know how to win over us No voters with your small minded bigotry......I do like to see some of the St Nicola brigade still howling at the moon though....

The argument is lost oil is still floundering , the Scottish economy is lagging...Your game is up...the next election will deliver the final blow to St Nicola...Anyway she will be okay pensioned up to the eyeballs...another snout in the trough political pygmy "

C'mon the Nats will have us believe that whisky will keep Scotland running now that oil has went tits up

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It wont happen again the SNP are a busted flush...like the small minded bigots they are...all anti everything, But when asked to perform they are impotent like some others on here isnt that right ....noodle dick lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

As a Scotsman who lived in England for 25 years I would give the vote to the English and I guarantee they would almost unanimously vote to fuck Scotland off....

Free prescription

Free education

Free access to sport

Subsidised defence

OAP bentits


Scotland and its people get more from the union than any other part.

People up here need to stop watching Braveheart and understand the reality.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *elaxedcplCouple
over a year ago


"As a Scotsman who lived in England for 25 years I would give the vote to the English and I guarantee they would almost unanimously vote to fuck Scotland off....

Free prescription

Free education

Free access to sport

Subsidised defence

OAP bentits


Scotland and its people get more from the union than any other part.

People up here need to stop watching Braveheart and understand the reality."

Braveheart? Seriously?

We contribute more in tax, GDP and natural resources.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"As a Scotsman who lived in England for 25 years I would give the vote to the English and I guarantee they would almost unanimously vote to fuck Scotland off....

Free prescription

Free education

Free access to sport

Subsidised defence

OAP bentits


Scotland and its people get more from the union than any other part.

People up here need to stop watching Braveheart and understand the reality.

Braveheart? Seriously?

We contribute more in tax, GDP and natural resources."

Yes, but we get MUCH more back in return...

£ for £ Scotland costs,more,than it makes for Britain. That is a fact.

If Scotland was independent, as a business it would be bust in 20-30 years

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

And btw the additional tax a Holyrood tax

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By *oreblocksthanlegoMan
over a year ago


Reality check. SNP supporters will keep asking for an Indyref until they get the result that they want. The reality for the Wee Nippy Sweetie is that she has to play to the gallery to keep the faithful happy.

Deep down she knows that she would lose and have to quit her job as a statesman. What would she do from her late forties until pension age?

Presumably rely on her much rumoured reputation for giving the best blow jobs available at Strathclye University.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"As a Scotsman who lived in England for 25 years I would give the vote to the English and I guarantee they would almost unanimously vote to fuck Scotland off....

Free prescription

Free education

Free access to sport

Subsidised defence

OAP bentits


Scotland and its people get more from the union than any other part.

People up here need to stop watching Braveheart and understand the reality."

The abouve is devolved nothing to do with the union. Give me just one good reason to remain part of the union ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Reality check. SNP supporters will keep asking for an Indyref until they get the result that they want. The reality for the Wee Nippy Sweetie is that she has to play to the gallery to keep the faithful happy.

Deep down she knows that she would lose and have to quit her job as a statesman. What would she do from her late forties until pension age?

Presumably rely on her much rumoured reputation for giving the best blow jobs available at Strathclye University. "

Rumoured ? Got a source for that ?

Seriously talking pish

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"As a Scotsman who lived in England for 25 years I would give the vote to the English and I guarantee they would almost unanimously vote to fuck Scotland off....

Free prescription

Free education

Free access to sport

Subsidised defence

OAP bentits


Scotland and its people get more from the union than any other part.

People up here need to stop watching Braveheart and understand the reality.

The abouve is devolved nothing to do with the union. Give me just one good reason to remain part of the union ? "

Somebody (not sure if it was you) complained about us paying more tax...

1.If Holyrood went, we'd pay less,tax. Fact

2. Defence

3.education and healthcare would cost. A lot

There's 3

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