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Being Blocked

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I dont know if this has happened to anyone but you are engaged in a bit of fun flirting of the innuendo kind when suddenly you are blocked.

I have no problem someone getting bored with my witterings a polite sorry please go away would suffice, I feel as if mid sentence they have put the phone down.

How Rude.

Sorry for the mini rant but I am stuck at work and a bit of a flirt and chat helps the day pass.

Oh well rant over back to work

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I just ignore guys when they start all that innuendo crap....

But if she was giving as good as she got...well, yea thats just rude lol


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I agree but mine was definitely a tad Carry on Swinging in tone, and its fair enough to ignore or even to piss off.

Anyway I am off to write Carry on Swinging and I am sure I would get Babs Windsor to star but can people suggest who would replace Syd James, and Kenneth Williams and come up with character names I would have Bernard Breslaw (if still alive) play Ivor Biggun.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I took my first step into the chat room and was unsure about what to say. and I looked at the people who were chatting, and one lady blocked me & I had not said a word. I was only looking for about 2 mins. What did I do wrong?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Been blocked in chat many a time as trying to click on someones cam and clicked on anothers by accident..made a thread about this on other forum..not much you can do when the room is pushing all the names down the site and you click on the wrong cam..only to get instantly blocked

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

ppl who block you for looking at their cam arent worth knowing .... cams are on for the sole purpose of being looked at, it is a power trip for them and a lucky escape for you. xx

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I am glad others found this as irritating as I did, I just dont see the point we are all on this site to have fun. Yes maybe the person who contacts you might not be your cup of tea but a polite no or even if you cant be bothered with that a bit of ignoring the person will soon get the message.

But to go out and block that takes effort and I really cant see why someone could be that bothered, plus I dont know about the rest of you but for me I enjoy a good perv and if someone wants to perv me I would feel flattered.

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

Maybe they were guessing at what reaction you would have if they told you they didn't want to speak anymore..

Your reaction to being blocked isn't exactly a happy one so if they are reading this thread they might well be feeling glad they just blocked.

People have choices, the blocks are there for people to use how they see fit......it really isn't fair to start threads about people because they dared to use them.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Threads are points of discussion so people can voice there views either way, part of it is to help oneself see another persons point of view, to say things shouldnt be discussed is slightly daft. In fairness I am completely un bothered and slightly disappointed no one has come up with a cast for Carry on Swinging which is where I hoped this thread would go, as I do agree going on about something is flogging a dead horse.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Threads are points of discussion so people can voice there views either way. "

Well said.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Tommy Sheridan for the part of 'oops I didn't realy mean to go in there TWICE!'

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

even worse when people who have accepted your friends invite or have invited you to be theres, then block you. would understand if ever uncouth, cheeky or downright rude. however as i can honestly say im too long in the tooth for any of these i fail to understand there reasons for this. i take it im not the only 1 this has happened to. nowt so queer as folk i suppose.

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By *inesawineWoman
over a year ago


Also remember that in chat the Dock and Block buttons are easy to mix up. So maybe the Block was not meant..........

Just an idea

Mines xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Also remember that in chat the Dock and Block buttons are easy to mix up. So maybe the Block was not meant..........

Just an idea

Mines xxx"

very true Mines hun , have done it wyself ....even to Cudlytoy ( my wife ...lol) an she has done same to me ......lol

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By *b430Man
over a year ago


"even worse when people who have accepted your friends invite or have invited you to be theres, then block you. would understand if ever uncouth, cheeky or downright rude. however as i can honestly say im too long in the tooth for any of these i fail to understand there reasons for this. i take it im not the only 1 this has happened to. nowt so queer as folk i suppose."

Maybe they wanted to see your private pics to see your face, etc to see if you were one they wanted to meet and once they did, they decided you were not for them and to save getting messages asking for meets, etc they blocked you.

It does happen and it is all down to other people having the choice to block who they want to for whateer reason they choose to.

Nothing queer about it, well not in my eyes anyway.

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

"Threads are points of discussion so people can voice there views either way, part of it is to help oneself see another persons point of view, to say things shouldnt be discussed is slightly daft. In fairness I am completely un bothered and slightly disappointed no one has come up with a cast for Carry on Swinging which is where I hoped this thread would go, as I do agree going on about something is flogging a dead horse. "

So you wouldn't mind the person you are talking about to start a thread about you ?

I am sure lots of people would object to having that done to them and wouldn't shout for free speech then.

In fact, I know some people have done that.

Maybe just take the hint that the people who you were chatting to were not as interested as you thought they should be.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It's a bit rude to be blocked without warning by somebody who's not been able to say "Look, back off, I'm not interested." That's considerably less rude than cutting off all forms of contact without warning!

I've been blocked without warning too. My "favourite" was by a woman who had added me as a friend and had been chatty up until the block! I was blocked mid-conversation! Single women, eh?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 06/10/10 08:44:08]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So you wouldn't mind the person you are talking about to start a thread about you ?

I am sure lots of people would object to having that done to them and wouldn't shout for free speech then.

In fact, I know some people have done that.

Maybe just take the hint that the people who you were chatting to were not as interested as you thought they should be."

But there's a valid discussion point here: Blocks are extremely heavyweight, and it seems like many people here feel like they're misused or abused.

I could understand your point if somebody had been named. Nobody has been named. This is a general thread on blocks and etiquette. Granted, the thread has been prompted by a single event, but to jonathan90's credit he's kept it polite, civil, and to the point.

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman
over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

Yes everyone has choices weather to block or not its totaly up to them i was blocked recenty by someone i considerd a fried and ive yet to find out the reason why which just isnt fair as your left wondering what the hell you've done wrong and belive me its quite a confidance knock when it happens but hey there loss .

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

Every discussion is valid.

Blocks cannot be misused, a person either wants to block someone or they don't.

Personally I wouldn't be so rude and just block someone if I am half way through a conversation , but not everyone is the same.

Personally I can't understand why people let it bother them though. If a person was blocking you half way through a chatty conversation, would you really want to be talking to them now anyway.

PS Admin don't like what they call "personal threads" wether you name a person or not as they have seen what mayhem it can cause.

( although this wasn't as bad as some that have been put up and why unless someone reports it will be staying )

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

My intention was just to raise the issue and see what people thought, I would be amazed if anyone knew who I was chatting to, and i am sure they had a perfectly valid reason to block me, its just not what I would have done, like I said I would either politley say go away or just ignore them.

I am surprised anyone would think by my tone that I was overtly bothered, just thought it might make an interesting discussion, which maybe it has as it has had its fair share of replies.

Oh well I apologies to anyone if this thread caused anyone any offence it was not the intention maybe I would have been better not raising the issue and just done another snog shag avoid type thread.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I actually do block males in chat, and it's usually when that person is on their own cam, having a wank while perving on my cam! Its my choice who I let watch my cam, and some fella having a ham shank over me, just aint what I want, lol..... ladies are fine though

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I personally only block someone if they have been rude or abuse to me and usually after a while of doing so , there are a lot of ignorant people around and if i choose to block such a person surely thats my choice and of course other peoples choice to do the same to me if they dont like what i am saying .

From personal experience i have only been blocked by three people and to be honest i was sooooooo glad of the respite from them.

Happy blocking folks , let peace reign.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

jonathan i wouldnt worry

about it..i got blocked for

no talking 2 ppl in chat an i

also got blocked from small minded

ppl cause they had a falling out

with ppl im friends with..an i couldnt

give a flying feck just move

on an enjoy the site xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 06/10/10 15:01:54]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"ppl who block you for looking at their cam arent worth knowing .... cams are on for the sole purpose of being looked at, it is a power trip for them and a lucky escape for you. xx"

I think you are right there Tands

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"jonathan i wouldnt worry

about it..i got blocked for

no talking 2 ppl in chat an i

also got blocked from small minded

ppl cause they had a falling out

with ppl im friends with..an i couldnt

give a flying feck just move

on an enjoy the site xxx "

Thank you it was just a bit annoying at the time, but I have definitely moved on and am enjoying having a perv.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

so i see jonathan lol xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just a suggestion, a simple theory.

Blocked usually cause you've had a reason to or they have? Can be that simple, to ponder the whys and reasons is vital time in yer life wasted,lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I agree, somethings in life you never find out so why bother. It was rude tho, to block you in mid flow. That's folk, though. I've blocked a few in my time, mainly because someone I'd had to block was managing to send obnoxious messages about my profile so I just blocked all their friends as either they or a second profile were getting the info from my profile, and although the person then resorted to sending abuse via short lived profiles, it stopped finally.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I agree, somethings in life you never find out so why bother. It was rude tho, to block you in mid flow. That's folk, though. I've blocked a few in my time, mainly because someone I'd had to block was managing to send obnoxious messages about my profile so I just blocked all their friends as either they or a second profile were getting the info from my profile, and although the person then resorted to sending abuse via short lived profiles, it stopped finally. "

I have heard about the crazy abuse some women have to endure on here, imho they don't get the protection they should from the powers that be!

In these situations, blocking is your only option and rightly so.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i just unblocked everyone on my list, will see how long it stays empty

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"i just unblocked everyone on my list, will see how long it stays empty"

u in a good mood?? lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Folk say im daft but i think this might work.

Dont message anyone and you wont get blocked? Hu? Eh? Good one?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I couldnt care less who blocks me or why lol xxx penny

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