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By *r cassie4 OP   Couple
over a year ago


does enybody think people on this site are getting younger i think people of a certin age should go out and have a bit of a life before they come on sites like this i no people will say live and let live but come on thats my thoughts this site might be renamed teenswingers lol.

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By *l coupleCouple
over a year ago


Or on the flipside there is now a better mix of ages to suit all needs

Seriously though if you have your age limits then there should be no problems

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By *oxy_minxWoman
over a year ago

Scotland - Aberdeen

"does enybody think people on this site are getting younger i think people of a certin age should go out and have a bit of a life before they come on sites like this i no people will say live and let live but come on thats my thoughts this site might be renamed teenswingers lol."

Yeap,I'm with you there, just had a message from a 19 year old, advised him to try another site lol as far to young!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i'm 33 and wont meet below 24 purely because i like a bit of a laugh and craic on - rare to get someone under 24 who can do that!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i dont have an issue with the age range on fab,,yes i have noticed younger people joining (noticeably male)...my opinion on why this is happening ? Fabswingers is more well known in he public domain/on search engines and the like and its free.


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By *r cassie4 OP   Couple
over a year ago


we had up looking for meet today got 6 under 21year old asking does mrs do this or that not a hello or hi just shows how imature these guys are just pisses me of

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Am a touch cynical at a lot of the single 19yr old fem profiles on here. Yes I'm sure a few are genuine but the cynic in me makes me think they're really 50 yr old fat blokes who type naked and get their thrills from the messages they receive to the profile! Lol

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman
over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

yeah i have to agree with you mr cassie site seems to be floded these days with younger folk and think it possibly has to do with the fact its free i think anyone under say 23/25 really should be out there having fun in the real world rather than using swing sites but i think its all to do with the fact they can also get a meet with someone without the need to spend money in bars chatting ppl up.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Am a touch cynical at a lot of the single 19yr old fem profiles on here. Yes I'm sure a few are genuine but the cynic in me makes me think they're really 50 yr old fat blokes who type naked and get their thrills from the messages they receive to the profile! Lol"

eeeewwwww - what an image! lol

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By *r cassie4 OP   Couple
over a year ago


well said so true

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Am a touch cynical at a lot of the single 19yr old fem profiles on here. Yes I'm sure a few are genuine but the cynic in me makes me think they're really 50 yr old fat blokes who type naked and get their thrills from the messages they receive to the profile! Lol

eeeewwwww - what an image! lol "

Hehe! there is a famous pic of a guy with a beard doing that. Was going to google it bit have just eaten..... Lol

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By *r cassie4 OP   Couple
over a year ago


think if you were to charge all the under 25s £. 99% would be off here and mybe the timewasters to

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"think if you were to charge all the under 25s £. 99% would be off here and mybe the timewasters to"

There are lots of timewasters not just in that age bracket.

And on pay sites there are just as many timewasters as there are on here. Having been on a few there are possibly more on pay sites as there is a level of expectation.

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By *r cassie4 OP   Couple
over a year ago


sorry to be a moan tonight but why do people 600 miles away mail you to say hi not like you going to jump in car and meet them when in there profile it says cant travel far grrrrr

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

it really shouldnt matter to anyone else what the ages of the people on fab are .... if u dont want to play with ppl under/over a certain age group then dont simple as!!

its not just younger ppl that are rude/disrespectful etc, these ppl come in all ages and its unfair to say they should be charged to be members of fab to eliminate timewasters ......

everyone is here for their own reasons, young or old and should be left to their own devices,.

t x

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By *r cassie4 OP   Couple
over a year ago


well said but what does a teenager no about swinging is there relation ship ready for it mentally

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"it really shouldnt matter to anyone else what the ages of the people on fab are .... if u dont want to play with ppl under/over a certain age group then dont simple as!!

its not just younger ppl that are rude/disrespectful etc, these ppl come in all ages and its unfair to say they should be charged to be members of fab to eliminate timewasters ......

everyone is here for their own reasons, young or old and should be left to their own devices,.

t x"


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"well said but what does a teenager no about swinging is there relation ship ready for it mentally "
I didnt know a thing about it when i joined but boy ive learned loads

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"well said but what does a teenager no about swinging is there relation ship ready for it mentally "

they probably know very little but then again folks in their 30s can join and know just as much .... it terms of is their relationship ready for it tbh that shouldnt concern anyone else other than the individuals, so long as your own relationship is good thats all that really matters ....

oh and T i still need more lessons, not sure im totally up to scratch yet

t xxx

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By *r cassie4 OP   Couple
over a year ago


but you r not a teenager i just think some of them not all might not be grown up to handel it thats all have heard some horror storys of them tacking it a bit to far its ment to be fun not a dating site

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By *eatherWoman
over a year ago


hey dont put an age on being on the site or am oot the windae

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

oh and T i still need more lessons, not sure im totally up to scratch yet

t xxx

me to wanna teach each other something new

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

dont you beleive that P...tracey taught me everything i know lol

as for age limits,,,well we have had messages from under 21s and messages from over 50s,,,both out our age groups so,,,cant really tar all ,,,just keep who you wanna meet and ignore the rest lol

auds xx

ps,,a man at 81 looked at us the other week lol so not just the young uns lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think that the younger ones should be out in a club etc meeting folk but only cos they are missing out on life experiences.

Remember though the 21 year olds have been around computers and the Internet and is the done thing to socialise through cyberspace.

Plus, it's bloody expensive to go to a pub/club these days!!


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

yup we agree as we get messages from people our sons age. and beside's we got booted off a site for being too old lol everyone over 35 got the chop.

Mr Me

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By *he MilfhunterMan
over a year ago


As i once said to a Boss at my old job in a hotel bar, "Age is only a number"

Iv been lurking around the site since i was (i still am) a pup... I admit at 1st when i joined i was scared to speak to anyone and i just perved...loads!

But after sitting back (perving) and taking time to work out who was who and what this was wall about i spoke to a few people, who were suprisingly friendly, spoke to a few more people and attended a social (man was i scared) but i had an ace time, and met lotsa fantastic people.

I think theres a lot of pressure on young people, mainly young guys but i expect that as id say more than not young males in an enviroment like this are complete tits with no regard for nothing other than having an empty set of knackers lol

I think if a young person is sensible enough, polite and discreet then they could have lots of fun on here

If not then its their loss i guess

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I would have to agree.

If you consider that this is a swingers site and what swinging really means, then very, very few under 21's have any real idea about the intricacies of relationships let alone the emotional maturity required to really handle what equates to sex with people without deep emotional ties.

I dont dispute that anyone over 18 cant have random sex with random people, but to truly enjoy the swinging lifestyle you must first have at least a few years of adult life experience..imho



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By *omma46Man
over a year ago


Vol, u have hit the nail right on the head hun,

on a personal note, i was recommended to this site 2 yrs ago, a few months after the end of a very toxic relationship, and although I would like to meet someone for a long-term relationship, its not on my agenda just now I am happy to meet and have fun, whoever takes a liking to me, on a personal level- just for the chat and fun, and possible sex without any need for the I LOVE YOU'S although I still think respect has too be given to the person or persons your with, and I can detach myself emotionally, am not a 18 yr old wet behind the ears boy now, and on the age issue, if your age limit is specified then that should be enough,

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Don't see why age should be an issue on a swingers site. If you like variety then so be it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Does it really matter what age you are ,if your 19 or 86

its a swinging site..


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well looking at this forum I had a little laugh to myself (as you do).

I thought the legal limit for sex was 16 so whats the problem... young people are more into trying new things and exploring there sexuality than I ve found most older people (this site is the exception).

This site is just good at its job and thats why younger people are using it... to be honest if fabswingers brought out a teen or young adults fabswingers site I would use that but they havent so...

"we all have to share the toys"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"we had up looking for meet today got 6 under 21year old asking does mrs do this or that not a hello or hi just shows how imature these guys are just pisses me of "

Surley any guys of any age asking that would be just as bad, had many 30+ sending some of the same.

What people choose to do whatever age is no one else's business.

Live and let live,

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"well said but what does a teenager no about swinging is there relation ship ready for it mentally "

now me and my other half are both young but have been together 8 years now and you will find that is longer than alot of the old couples on here, so we are more than mentally ready and know what we are comfy with, you'll find alot of older couples can also be very unsecure in there relationships not jst younger poeple.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I agree that age is only a number, for me it’s about an experance, and I’ve had good and bad with young and old, it wasn’t till I became more experienced that I knew what I was looking for, in that respect older was better . As they where more experienced, than me and I learned from them.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

this made for interesting reading in the morning! Have to agree that this site apppeals becuase it is free to join and easy to find your way about - for all ages. And I like that there has been a lot of support for the younger ones joining, as age doesnt define maturity or your level of experience. And yeah this is maybe a more cheap and convienient way of getting some fun without spending all your money on pubs/clubs. as one famous person once said somewhere "cant we all just get along" - im sure someone said it lol

starting to wonder how bored i really am this morning.

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


Got to disagree with those who say that younger people aren't emotionally ready for it. It's just sex and a bit of fun and young people are doing that all the time anyway (at least we were )

The only people we've ever heard of who have had problems swinging funnily enough tend to be one who see swinging as a way of life (and that's not the young ones).

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