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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

How many mins and how many cals should you aim to do at the gym to loose weight????also how often should you go for fast results??? Any tips would be wonderful xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

High intensity for no more than 30 - 45 mins, loads of cardio and looking to burn about 300-400 carbs.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Every ones body is different and no two persons burn energy in the same way and time, so you need to find a program to suite which activity you tend to do.

If you are uncertain, when you join a gym you will get plenty advice then and also continued advice

The main thing to get results is simple hard work, do not think that if you train for 30 - 40 minutes you have done your work,

you get results when you go beyond your limits and beyond your pain barrier


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If you are just starting out you need to build up the length of time/intensity you train for. Too hard too fast and you'll be spent and no one likes that lol give yourself small goals of 5 more mins or 10 more reps and you'll get more satisfaction. Good luck

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

30 mins 2/3 times a week, hiit is good and also weights is good

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Don't forget that fat burning doesn't kick in until blood sugars are burnt off. So dont go preloading with sugar and carbs. You may also find that over time you get dense heavier muscle (not bigger) and this will affect your net wright loss. Good luck

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

In the 3 months I lost 20 kg. Once I tried the gym but you know how it looks. At the beginning it is about a little worse later. You lose motivation. You take one set later chat with someone, the next set. An hour passes and you have not done anything. I decided to change something. I started P90X3. This is a special training program. 30 minutes a day. 16 x 30 minute films. You work every part of the body. I changed my diet. I stopped to eat greasy food and sweets. the first three months of zero sugar, fats, bread. After 3 months of continued training 5 times a week. My diet is richer. Do not want to lose weight more just to keep my wage. Want to know more let me know

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I tend to

Do about an hr and 15 mins at gym. Last night I done an hour and a half and by going what machines said that added up to 967 cals being burned off. Just wondered if this was rubbish or ok lol coz I am really unfit lol xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No that is more that acceptable and nearly half your calorie intake ! Change doesn't happen over night the long term is when you will deep the rewards ... Although your ass does look good

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I tend to

Do about an hr and 15 mins at gym. Last night I done an hour and a half and by going what machines said that added up to 967 cals being burned off. Just wondered if this was rubbish or ok lol coz I am really unfit lol xx"

Better for weight loss just to do low intensity but for a long time push yourself. If you do high intensity you will Change yor body shape not loose weight could actually gain it. Try raising your heart rate to a comfortable but taxing level about 50% increase and maintain

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Something missing form this thread is diet. Your diet accounts for a huge portion of any potential weight loss as well.

I lost around 2.5 stone since the start of this year and the majority of that was changing my diet as I only went to the gym three times a week and only did weights as I wanted to change my body shape as well as loose weight.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Now hell that's a good looking women part of your couple. Your right shouldn't take gym and diet separately and dorm worry about sweating.

Common myth if you sweat loads yes you loose more weight but only for very short time as your body is dehydrated so you drink more water

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I am an ex semi pro boxer and martial artist

I do not use what you call a conventional gym ie spend £30+ a month to use various machines etc and put on more weight and build muscle and therefore loss sight if why I joined in the first place

I used to train 6 days a week sometimes twice a day, now it's an hour a night 3 nights a week.

I watch what I'm eating, greasy spoons, fish suppers etc are not in the diet sheet, neither is crisps or sweets

99.9% of my routine is cardiovascular and I aim to burn more than I put in.

Like I said 3 days a week, I will do a 5k run or if my knees are playing up I go for a swim, usually half a mile that is 32 lengths of a normal size pool

I then have a routine of floor exercises to tone my abs, upper body, arms

I will close down with 15 mins skipping

Most important thing is eat breakfast. Too many people skip breakfast.

Until you break your fast your body's metabolism is not going to kick in and all the work in the gym is wasted

For close to 20 years by weight stayed at 10st between fights I could reach 10st 7lbs but the 7lbs I would lose easily pre fight

Once you get into a routine and have set yourself a goal to achieve it no longer becomes a chore and you start to enjoy and believe in yourself

Too many folks I know waste good money at gyms and the physical exercise they so is gassing to their new found poser mates

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Yeah diet obv plays a big part too, less intake of calories and exercise and ideal you should take off 400-500 cals intake to loose weight I know that just didn't know about physical side of things. It's always harder to get motivated this time of year. Thanks guys xx

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"No that is more that acceptable and nearly half your calorie intake ! Change doesn't happen over night the long term is when you will deep the rewards ... Although your ass does look good "

Ahaha thanks

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Depends what your goals are . Lots of good advice here tho .

I lost 4 stone . High protein low carb diet . Boxing training is superb for weight loss as its mostly cardio . But building some muscle with weights is a great addition . Muscle burns more calories so its getting a balance between what you enjoy and what works for you . Also suggest you change things about regular as you will hit a plateau and the same things arent as effective . Spin classes . Trx . Boxing training . Weights . Walking (i cant run ) hill walking is good . Cycling . Kettlebells .

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Depends what your goals are . Lots of good advice here tho .

I lost 4 stone . High protein low carb diet . Boxing training is superb for weight loss as its mostly cardio . But building some muscle with weights is a great addition . Muscle burns more calories so its getting a balance between what you enjoy and what works for you . Also suggest you change things about regular as you will hit a plateau and the same things arent as effective . Spin classes . Trx . Boxing training . Weights . Walking (i cant run ) hill walking is good . Cycling . Kettlebells . "

I need to do more with the weights I think I hate going into that bit coz all muscle toned guys are there and no ladies so but off putting but really I should just go and admire the view. Can't do classes either with my working times but would enjoy boxing

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm finding it difficult to motivate myself atm. Work nights and sometimes just so tired and can't be arsed.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I just recently joined a gym after years of never going back. Slowly starting to get back into it and enjoying break from work. Need to set targets soon though.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I was really loving the gym can't wait to get back to it. I saw a personal trainer who advised interval training and to use the weights rather than avoid them. 2 litres plus of water a day and as much protein in your diet as possible . Also try a carb curfew which made a big difference

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I lost 2 stone last year by cutting carbs. Some of it has crept back on though cos i do love carbs!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It might not feel like it now but every little bit helps

Diet exercise and rest

Slow and steady wins the race

I talk to a lot of people who try the latest crash diet lose a bit of weight then fall off the wagon and pile all back on and more

For me the hardest part of the gym is actually going so your doing well in my book

Keep it up

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Go to the gym , walk and swim all fab most of all enjoy it nothing worse than feeling you're forced into it takes time to change the body most people think it's a quick fix it ain't slow progress is good and the way I see it we can all eat in moderation what we like it's how much we consume at the end of the day xxx good luck xx

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Thanks guys. I can swim tho so I will have to make up for that by having more sex haha. Xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Aaaah my favorite type of cardio

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Depends what your goals are . Lots of good advice here tho .

I lost 4 stone . High protein low carb diet . Boxing training is superb for weight loss as its mostly cardio . But building some muscle with weights is a great addition . Muscle burns more calories so its getting a balance between what you enjoy and what works for you . Also suggest you change things about regular as you will hit a plateau and the same things arent as effective . Spin classes . Trx . Boxing training . Weights . Walking (i cant run ) hill walking is good . Cycling . Kettlebells .

I need to do more with the weights I think I hate going into that bit coz all muscle toned guys are there and no ladies so but off putting but really I should just go and admire the view. Can't do classes either with my working times but would enjoy boxing "

As someone how uses the weights quite a lot but certainly doesn't look like it, don't worry about going in there. These guys are generally far more concerned with what they're doing and what they look like than passing judgement on anyone else and the fact that you're in there and doing it shows

you're committed to changing so go for it!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Depends what your goals are . Lots of good advice here tho .

I lost 4 stone . High protein low carb diet . Boxing training is superb for weight loss as its mostly cardio . But building some muscle with weights is a great addition . Muscle burns more calories so its getting a balance between what you enjoy and what works for you . Also suggest you change things about regular as you will hit a plateau and the same things arent as effective . Spin classes . Trx . Boxing training . Weights . Walking (i cant run ) hill walking is good . Cycling . Kettlebells .

I need to do more with the weights I think I hate going into that bit coz all muscle toned guys are there and no ladies so but off putting but really I should just go and admire the view. Can't do classes either with my working times but would enjoy boxing

As someone how uses the weights quite a lot but certainly doesn't look like it, don't worry about going in there. These guys are generally far more concerned with what they're doing and what they look like than passing judgement on anyone else and the fact that you're in there and doing it shows

you're committed to changing so go for it! "

this absolutely this

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

almost 6 months ago i decided i wanted to bulk and change my body so i hired a pt and trust me 80% of it all is what you eat never miss breakfast i never used to eat it all had my self convinced that i was gonna be sick eating first thing now i cant go without something try to eat 5 meals a day whether it be a few cooked chicken pieces some lean ham or a bit of fruit banana or what not as a small meal you will add weight for about 4 weeks then it will start to burn off as your body realises that it doesnt need to store incase your gonna skip something its getting constant fuel so it will burn off faster hope this helps

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Healthy foods.

Eat things like fish, chicken, your greens.

Cut out fizzy juice, chocolate/sweets. All refined sugars.

If you watch what you eat then the weight will drop off as it's more to do with what you eat.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Lol we just got a macdonalds breakfast and parked up right in front of bannantines and all the peeps working out

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Awww you can't beat a mcds for breakfast it's the best breakfast ever

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Lol we just got a macdonalds breakfast and parked up right in front of bannantines and all the peeps working out "

Sounds more fun

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Are these new £10 a month gyms any good.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Are these new £10 a month gyms any good."

Most of the time only if you a fan of prepping your own work out and having average equipment mate

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hi op. I am a extreme gym goer and to brake it down for you very easy, women need 2000 kcal to maintain, you need to cut 700kcal from it and eat 1300kcal aday. Then you defo will lose weight and plus do cardio 30min everyday. Focus on chicken and low carbs add fruit to your diet. For motivation for both men and women here, watch great dane's 3d ab workout:


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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


Your body tells you what you need the whole avg thing dosnt work as no one is avg myself I burn cals about 50% more than what is the norm whole reason eat what I like only a pot belly appears others only need to look at a chip and gain 3ilbs

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