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predictors of Doom

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

It's not uncommon to hear the avowed intention of the predictors of Doom to up sticks and depart Scotland on freedom day . any body know what country would welcome such an influx of such a negatively minded mass migration of folkies

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What are you going to do if we don't get independence?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


They are always inviting immigrants from all over.

Seriously though if I did choose to emigrate it would be to to family in Australia

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Try again

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"What are you going to do if we don't get independence? "
probably run off to shetland and spout racist nonsense onshetswingers

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Australia? Nice, freedom has worked out rather well for them.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Life will go on as normal...and for those saying we have immigrants because of England. Have you ever actually worked with any?? I did for three hellish weeks in a shit temp job industrial cleaning. Mainly females and all of them worked like Trojans in a job that the local doleys are not prepared to do.

I was out with a stunning Polish girl recently. She can claim "friends with benefits" from me anytime....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


They are always inviting immigrants from all over.

Seriously though if I did choose to emigrate it would be to to family in Australia"

Australia has it's own woes and worries believe me. Still better than Scotland though!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What are you going to do if we don't get independence? probably run off to shetland and spout racist nonsense onshetswingers "
yip...could invent yer own currency there no bother....1 goat for 2 sheep etc.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 20/08/14 10:02:55]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Life will go on as normal...and for those saying we have immigrants because of England. Have you ever actually worked with any?? I did for three hellish weeks in a shit temp job industrial cleaning. Mainly females and all of them worked like Trojans in a job that the local doleys are not prepared to do.

I was out with a stunning Polish girl recently. She can claim "friends with benefits" from me anytime...."

If you read my post properly you would have seen I would emigrate to England as they let immigrants in not we are worse off because of them

I have employed Poles, Georgians, Hungarians, Senegalese, Nigerians to name but a few.

Yes they have a harder work ethos than we Buckie swirling modern Scots do.

Read before you post

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Everyone has to have faith, hope and belief in the people of Scotland and that come the day, the people of Scotland will vote yes and have the independent country of Scotland run in Scotland whether it be by Labour, snp or another voted in party by the majority of Scotland come the election in 2015 so that when Scotland hopefully becomes independent on the 26th March 2016 the whole of Scotland will have the party in power that the majority voted for.

One thing we all have to be aware of should a no vote win, not only will we have lost our chance of independence and our chance to stand strong in this world, but we will also have lost our National Anthem, no longer will we be proud scots and no longer will we be able to hold our heads up high whilst our national anthem is played like is was for our medal wins during commonwealth games 2014.

think about it.

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"Everyone has to have faith, hope and belief in the people of Scotland and that come the day, the people of Scotland will vote yes and have the independent country of Scotland run in Scotland whether it be by Labour, snp or another voted in party by the majority of Scotland come the election in 2015 so that when Scotland hopefully becomes independent on the 26th March 2016 the whole of Scotland will have the party in power that the majority voted for.

One thing we all have to be aware of should a no vote win, not only will we have lost our change of independence and our chance to stand strong in this world, but we will also have lost our National Anthem, no longer will we be proud scots and no longer will we be able to hold our heads up high whilst our national anthem is played like is was for our medal wins during commonwealth games 2014.

think about it. "

your correct we do have to have faith but the faith to vote for what is right for us in our own view!.

last chance at independence you got crystal balls ? if not how do you know this

strength is being able to make hard decisions not blindly following what others tell you to do yes im voting no but i aint trying to change anyones mind saying im a font of knowledge and know everything i have researched and come to my own decision.

lose our national anthem how so we have sung it up to now as full members of the uk that includes the games your pinning your yes vote against you have made your choice leave others to do the same or are you so afraid that they may vote no lol transparent

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 20/08/14 10:11:56]

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Everyone has to have faith, hope and belief in the people of Scotland and that come the day, the people of Scotland will vote yes and have the independent country of Scotland run in Scotland whether it be by Labour, snp or another voted in party by the majority of Scotland come the election in 2015 so that when Scotland hopefully becomes independent on the 26th March 2016 the whole of Scotland will have the party in power that the majority voted for.

One thing we all have to be aware of should a no vote win, not only will we have lost our chance of independence and our chance to stand strong in this world, but we will also have lost our National Anthem, no longer will we be proud scots and no longer will we be able to hold our heads up high whilst our national anthem is played like is was for our medal wins during commonwealth games 2014.

think about it."

So if it's a NO vote and Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom and British Commonwealth, you won't be able to cheer Scottish athletes on at the 2018 commonwealth games on the Gold Coast or have the Scottish national anthem played as they proudly stand atop the winners podium collecting their gold medals?

Oh hang on, isn't that what's just happened? And isn't Scotland STILL part of the United Kingdom??

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Everyone has to have faith, hope and belief in the people of Scotland and that come the day, the people of Scotland will vote yes and have the independent country of Scotland run in Scotland whether it be by Labour, snp or another voted in party by the majority of Scotland come the election in 2015 so that when Scotland hopefully becomes independent on the 26th March 2016 the whole of Scotland will have the party in power that the majority voted for.

One thing we all have to be aware of should a no vote win, not only will we have lost our change of independence and our chance to stand strong in this world, but we will also have lost our National Anthem, no longer will we be proud scots and no longer will we be able to hold our heads up high whilst our national anthem is played like is was for our medal wins during commonwealth games 2014.

think about it. your correct we do have to have faith but the faith to vote for what is right for us in our own view!.

last chance at independence you got crystal balls ? if not how do you know this

strength is being able to make hard decisions not blindly following what others tell you to do yes im voting no but i aint trying to change anyones mind saying im a font of knowledge and know everything i have researched and come to my own decision.

lose our national anthem how so we have sung it up to now as full members of the uk that includes the games your pinning your yes vote against you have made your choice leave others to do the same or are you so afraid that they may vote no lol transparent"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"lose our national anthem how so we have sung it up to now as full members of the uk that includes the games your pinning your yes vote against you have made your choice leave others to do the same or are you so afraid that they may vote no lol transparent "

yes Andy lose our national anthem; or have the whole world laugh at us when singing our wishes to be a proud nation again and don't have the simple courage to tick a box for it, other countries have fought wars for independence and some here cant tick a box without fear of not being able to stand proud alone without Westminster wiping our bottoms and taking our cash

truth is, some people make me sick

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"lose our national anthem how so we have sung it up to now as full members of the uk that includes the games your pinning your yes vote against you have made your choice leave others to do the same or are you so afraid that they may vote no lol transparent

yes Andy lose our national anthem; or have the whole world laugh at us when singing our wishes to be a proud nation again and don't have the simple courage to tick a box for it, other countries have fought wars for independence and some here cant tick a box without fear of not being able to stand proud alone without Westminster wiping our bottoms and taking our cash

truth is, some people make me sick"

playing a small violin...... as said before takes same amount of courage to tick NO as it does to tick yes get over it not everyone agrees with you on independence vote simple what will be will be but we will still be scotland no matter what the outcome

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

yeh well I hope your decision stays with you till your death bed, hope you reap what you sow

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"lose our national anthem how so we have sung it up to now as full members of the uk that includes the games your pinning your yes vote against you have made your choice leave others to do the same or are you so afraid that they may vote no lol transparent

yes Andy lose our national anthem; or have the whole world laugh at us when singing our wishes to be a proud nation again and don't have the simple courage to tick a box for it, other countries have fought wars for independence and some here cant tick a box without fear of not being able to stand proud alone without Westminster wiping our bottoms and taking our cash

truth is, some people make me sick"

Some people make me sick too..... The ones who try and force me to make a decision by saying I'm a coward or unpatriotic ..... I will make my mind up on what I want to do not what others try to bully me into

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"lose our national anthem how so we have sung it up to now as full members of the uk that includes the games your pinning your yes vote against you have made your choice leave others to do the same or are you so afraid that they may vote no lol transparent

yes Andy lose our national anthem; or have the whole world laugh at us when singing our wishes to be a proud nation again and don't have the simple courage to tick a box for it, other countries have fought wars for independence and some here cant tick a box without fear of not being able to stand proud alone without Westminster wiping our bottoms and taking our cash

truth is, some people make me sick

Some people make me sick too..... The ones who try and force me to make a decision by saying I'm a coward or unpatriotic ..... I will make my mind up on what I want to do not what others try to bully me into "

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"yeh well I hope your decision stays with you till your death bed, hope you reap what you sow"
im sure i will

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm sick of all these people saying things such as couldn't sing your national anthem without being laughed at. Get a grip and stop all the bullshit . People will vote how they want without you trying to force them saying shite like that. I'm still undecided as of yet but when clowns are saying things like that makes you wonder why they are really voting yes. Is it cause they have watched braveheart one too many times or is it because they have actually researched the benefits of a yes vote and believe it is for the best for Scotland?

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"lose our national anthem how so we have sung it up to now as full members of the uk that includes the games your pinning your yes vote against you have made your choice leave others to do the same or are you so afraid that they may vote no lol transparent

yes Andy lose our national anthem; or have the whole world laugh at us when singing our wishes to be a proud nation again and don't have the simple courage to tick a box for it, other countries have fought wars for independence and some here cant tick a box without fear of not being able to stand proud alone without Westminster wiping our bottoms and taking our cash

truth is, some people make me sick"

Well, I've got news for you then Mike, as ALOT of people on here will know already,

I'M ENGLISH - and proud to be British as I enjoy the benefits of living in a beautiful country like Scotland with people who for the most part are not narrow minded, blinker wearing sheep, whilst at the same time enjoying the benefits of the union of 4 highly individual countries who all have fantastically rich cultures in their own right.

The people of Scotland are wonderful, intelligent, caring people who will make their OWN minds up despite what you may think

It's what makes the United Kingdom so good.

Yes there are negatives but try not to focus on them, you'll end up giving yourself a coronary

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


Some people just can't accept that others have different political views from them and we're seeing that with some of the inappropriate language used above. Got to worry what sort of Scotland they envisage in the future where only their own views are valid. History teaches us where that can lead.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

To be honest i couldn't give to fucks it still going to be a wee wanker sitting in an office making decisions that affect me without me having a say in it I think all politicians are power hungry wankers and they should be made to work for minimum wage and no expensive fuck wits the lot of them

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Pity he's gone. I was enjoying being lectured on courage by someone who is, by their own admission, too embarrassed to pop into boots for condoms.

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"Some people just can't accept that others have different political views from them and we're seeing that with some of the inappropriate language used above. Got to worry what sort of Scotland they envisage in the future where only their own views are valid. History teaches us where that can lead."

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


Oh bum

I must have made him so sick by being English I killed him

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"Pity he's gone. I was enjoying being lectured on courage by someone who is, by their own admission, too embarrassed to pop into boots for condoms. "

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


"Pity he's gone. I was enjoying being lectured on courage by someone who is, by their own admission, too embarrassed to pop into boots for condoms. "

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By *wiftieeMan
over a year ago

near Glasgow

"Everyone has to have faith, hope and belief in the people of Scotland and that come the day, the people of Scotland will vote yes and have the independent country of Scotland run in Scotland whether it be by Labour, snp or another voted in party by the majority of Scotland come the election in 2015 so that when Scotland hopefully becomes independent on the 26th March 2016 the whole of Scotland will have the party in power that the majority voted for.

One thing we all have to be aware of should a no vote win, not only will we have lost our chance of independence and our chance to stand strong in this world, but we will also have lost our National Anthem, no longer will we be proud scots and no longer will we be able to hold our heads up high whilst our national anthem is played like is was for our medal wins during commonwealth games 2014.

think about it."

What a load of rubbish, a typical 'Yes' ranter!

I'm sure AS is proud of you!!

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