By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
1stly folks,bn readin the forum now n again n like wat some of u z have 2 say so will start ma ain threads just 2 see wat ur opinions r n how they differ fi mine.will start off with a brief history of what got me in2 this swingin caper then am gonnae voice ma opinion on as many things 2 do wi swingin that can think of,will try n keep it as short as poss cos ma fingers cannae keep up wi ma brain! 1st time had wat i wud class as swingin exp was me n 1 fm+ma m8 n 1fm in same bed(not even same room swappin jst plain old same room shaggin with a wee bit of audience participation thrown in lol) with an audience of 1fm n 1 guy,hd a few drinks but can mind of every detail still a few years l8r, fkn barry but ended up as wat am sure u folks will agree was acase of a dopey broad pretendin ther up 4 it wen they've clearly got hangups/issues or 2 put it diff way, bit deeper but here we go lol!fms that crave male affection but try 2 get wat they want by doin stuff they regret then fallin out wi u 4 some shit u done like darin 2 look at her pals tits at same time as shaggin her(her no the pal i mean,nae swappin that time,pity lol!)anyway the morale of this tale is if ur not honest bout wat u want n dont want/jst agreein 2 wat ur partner wants 2 keep him/her happy then at least one person isnae gonna b happy bout it. (aye,guys jst as succeptable as well lol!can imagine the amount of coupls that jst meet 1 guy then nowt or even worse splittin up cos the hubby realises 2 l8 it seemed like good idea in his head but never listened 2 his ain doubts.ffs am rabbitin on again,but at least its about somthin hopefully a few folk will have an opinion on n no the random crap a come oot wi in chat lol. will keep exp 2 v short cos wisnae in2 it now lookin back.go 2 house party,1 v sexy n quiet n sober fm,2 other not so quiet fms n bout 5-6 dudes,anyway will skip the gory details(ask at ur own risk folks lol!)2 end of night ,quiet n sober has taken 3 guys in her mouth(not at same time,sorry 2 dissapoint ma really depraved readers lol!)n is tryin 2 play all the dudes off of each other,anyway a case of same as 1st exp,but more people ther n 1 CRAZY fm. thats all 4 now folks,cheerz all who read this far(took me fkn ages 2 type!)need time 2 regroup cos get brain drain pretty fast wen writin anything longer than 1 or 2 sentances on comp.got more than i thought 2 say(ffs,can mind somethin a said erlier bout a "brief history" pml!)look out 4 part 2 wer u will hear about ma 3rd exp(1st on fs)untill then will b happy 2 have a free exchange of ideas n opinions about anything have written so far(thats wat a forum is for is it no,lol!)2 b continued........................ |