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Pet Peeve's

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By *ensualPleasurer OP   Man
6 weeks ago


As a listener of the Open Goal podcast. They've started doing Pet Peeve's of the week and it's made me wonder what everyone's Pet Peeve's are.

I'll start.

One of probably many Pet Peeve's for me is people in public places chatting to someone on their mobile phone on loud speaker. Why not just use the mobile like everyone else?

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By *assy LassieWoman
6 weeks ago


When the housework fairies go on strike.

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By *ookie69Man
6 weeks ago

Whistle Dixie


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By *corpioboyMan
6 weeks ago


People chatting all the way through gigs. Particularly during the quieter numbers.


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By *ussymufferMan
6 weeks ago


People driving in the middle lane off the motorway when they road's empty

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By (user no longer on site)
6 weeks ago

OMG why why fuckedy WHY do people stand gossiping in the middle of a path, supermarket, stairway... MOVE TO THE SIDE, selfish pricks in my way while they talk bolloks with Mary from number 25 that they probably see in the street 3 times a day already. Move to the side!!!

Now I got rage, at 5:30am. Nice one OP

Mrs xx

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By *ensualPleasurer OP   Man
6 weeks ago


"OMG why why fuckedy WHY do people stand gossiping in the middle of a path, supermarket, stairway... MOVE TO THE SIDE, selfish pricks in my way while they talk bolloks with Mary from number 25 that they probably see in the street 3 times a day already. Move to the side!!!

Now I got rage, at 5:30am. Nice one OP

Mrs xx"

Oops! Sorry. I totally understand this one. Especially when you're trying to get by and you can't.

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By *melia DominaTV/TS
6 weeks ago

Edinburgh (She/Her)

"OMG why why fuckedy WHY do people stand gossiping in the middle of a path, supermarket, stairway... MOVE TO THE SIDE, selfish pricks in my way while they talk bolloks with Mary from number 25 that they probably see in the street 3 times a day already. Move to the side!!!

Now I got rage, at 5:30am. Nice one OP

Mrs xx

Oops! Sorry. I totally understand this one. Especially when you're trying to get by and you can't.


Throw a tin of beans at their heeds!!! They'll soon fecking move...

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By *melia DominaTV/TS
6 weeks ago

Edinburgh (She/Her)

"People driving in the middle lane off the motorway when they road's empty "

I tend to ram raid the feckers into the central barriers.... or which to guns... either way they're not in the road anymore

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By *melia DominaTV/TS
6 weeks ago

Edinburgh (She/Her)

Pet peeves I have lots.

One is when people don't do the job they are supposed to.

Half arsed or lazy, I dinnaey care.

Fecking do your job asshole!

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By (user no longer on site)
6 weeks ago

Also...... (look what you started )....... been the passenger in the car at McDonald's drive thru, get everything launched at ya by the driver. Here woman, catch ya big mac, 20 nuggets, 3 double cheeseburgers, 15 portions of fries, Ohhh and a milkshake

*unpopular opinion, yes I love McDonald's


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By *erfHerder74Man
6 weeks ago


People blocking the self serve queue when there’s 3 or 4 empty but won’t let others past or move unless there’s a cash one.

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By *izzmasterzeroMan
6 weeks ago


People in general

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By *igGus81Man
6 weeks ago


People who read your message and do not reply. Manners cost nothing.

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By *opgoes400Man
6 weeks ago


People who wink,you say hi they request face pic but won't send theirs,don't ask if you're not willing to share ,like I'm gonna just spread my face all over a swinging site, ASHLEY MADISON ring a bell

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By *rP_TickleMan
6 weeks ago


Mine is the over use of the word "wee"

Do you have your wee reference number . . . I have a reference of 9 numbers and letters, should there be a shorter one?

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By *ekked JackMan
6 weeks ago

South Lanarkshire

"Pet peeves I have lots.

One is when people don't do the job they are supposed to.

Half arsed or lazy, I dinnaey care.

Fecking do your job asshole! "

I'm with you on that one.. fucking rips my knitting.

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By *ccpaul285Man
6 weeks ago


Biggest one for me is dog walkers with the 40metre lead, they see you are out running on the path and the don’t bother moving to the side their dog is at, instead they expect you to go off the path to get around them, or they will see if you’ll hurdle their lead. Or the ones who know their dogs don’t like runners and want to attack them, and instead of pulling the dog in, they let the fucker run after you and just smile to themselves!!!!!

Again like most one of many!

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By *agnar73Man
6 weeks ago


"Biggest one for me is dog walkers with the 40metre lead, they see you are out running on the path and the don’t bother moving to the side their dog is at, instead they expect you to go off the path to get around them, or they will see if you’ll hurdle their lead. Or the ones who know their dogs don’t like runners and want to attack them, and instead of pulling the dog in, they let the fucker run after you and just smile to themselves!!!!!

Again like most one of many!"

I walk dog on a regular lead and we stay to left.

It’d be appreciated if all cyclist had bells - however uncool that would make their £800 bike they use on paths.

Runners too actually when I think about it

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By *agnar73Man
6 weeks ago


"People blocking the self serve queue when there’s 3 or 4 empty but won’t let others past or move unless there’s a cash one."

Hate that cash ones in some stores are the ones built for taller humans and I wreck my back on the hobbit height ones as the ones I’d like to use are taken by the cash payers

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By *eeejMan
6 weeks ago


"People who read your message and do not reply. Manners cost nothing."

This!! Then proceed to block even though you've been nothing but courteous

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By *ensualPleasurer OP   Man
6 weeks ago


When people constantly put up statuses saying "My supporters pass is up soon. Should I stay or go?"

Nobody cares

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By *agnar73Man
6 weeks ago


"When people constantly put up statuses saying "My supporters pass is up soon. Should I stay or go?"

Nobody cares "

Yep. The pay it for me thing is a bit pathetic

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By *utdooryoneMan
6 weeks ago

Over there

A few. Call me grumpy.

That summer isn't longer.

That anyone uses a single use cup any more, particularly those in my office who get one every morning from the cafe.

The utter arseholes who park on disabled spots when they don't have a blue badge.

Most plastic food packaging - has the manufacturer never opened a single one and gone 'yeah, that's shit'...?

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By *ordflash heartMan
6 weeks ago


Guys with hair

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By *uctifanoWoman
6 weeks ago


Those extendable leads for dogs… well actually the way some owners use them. Dugs all over the street and nearly out in the road. Arses

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By *ensualPleasurer OP   Man
6 weeks ago


Grumpy bunch you lot are :P

Another one...

In the cinema. Watching a film you've been wanting to see for awhile. You've paid good money for it and the snacks only to have a bunch of idiots a couple of rows away chatting away during the film. Why be there if you're gonna chat through it?!

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By *opeyXWoman
6 weeks ago

Dun Dee

Dog owners that can't recall there dog and let there dog off lead rush other dogs and then use the excuse there dogs 'friendly'.

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By *cottishMrsWoman
6 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 17/05/24 01:21:51]

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By *cottishMrsWoman
6 weeks ago


"Those extendable leads for dogs… well actually the way some owners use them. Dugs all over the street and nearly out in the road. Arses "

Yes! The amount of times I've nearly run a dog over because the owners insist on using those damn leads but have no way of controlling them properly

That, and men thinking they're entitled to a reply just because they messaged. Women can get HUNDREDS of messages each day, it isn't possible to reply to every single one. I know I try but I always end up deleting some of them if there's too much xx

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By *ab365XMan
6 weeks ago


Dog owners who just let their mutts run riot all over the place without their leads.

Gym users who don’t wipe up after them.

Hocking & then Spitting.

School kids vaping on the bus.

& last, but not least. Fab fantasists who just waste your time.

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By *ordflash heartMan
6 weeks ago


Ffs sounds like dogs are the new no dick pics well I’m fighting dogs corner come on the dogs

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By *r Anon1Man
6 weeks ago


People who stand behind you in supermarkets hoping you telepathically know they are there instead of them just saying excuse me.

I've personally told about 6 adults in the last week to ' use their words '

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By *loodmoon101Man
6 weeks ago


Will agree with people just doing there damn job that there paid to do

Also drivers that just can't wait in properly makes lanes and cut across you just because there I a bit of hurry

People who listen to there music on public transport without earphones

I have become a grumpy old man at last

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By *ooking4othersMan
6 weeks ago

Here ...

"OMG why why fuckedy WHY do people stand gossiping in the middle of a path, supermarket, stairway... MOVE TO THE SIDE, selfish pricks in my way while they talk bolloks with Mary from number 25 that they probably see in the street 3 times a day already. Move to the side!!!

Now I got rage, at 5:30am. Nice one OP

Mrs xx"

I normally interupt them and tell them where the cafe is so that they can enjoy their chat and let others do what you're supposed to in the supermarket ... which is shop!

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By *opeyXWoman
6 weeks ago

Dun Dee

"Ffs sounds like dogs are the new no dick pics well I’m fighting dogs corner come on the dogs "

I love dogs, people not so much.

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By *lyingscotsman24Man
6 weeks ago

St Andrews

People that go to the gym in groups and huddle round the same machine all chatting….. drives me mental lol

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By *opeyXWoman
6 weeks ago

Dun Dee

"People that go to the gym in groups and huddle round the same machine all chatting….. drives me mental lol"

People who don’t put their weights/plates away when done using them. Why? If your strong enough to lift then put them back.

Also people who sweat all over the place and dont clean the equipment. Minging!

Right enough of the wrong type of moaning for one day, off to enjoy the sunshine.

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By *uctifanoWoman
6 weeks ago


"People that go to the gym in groups and huddle round the same machine all chatting….. drives me mental lol

People who don’t put their weights/plates away when done using them. Why? If your strong enough to lift then put them back.

Also people who sweat all over the place and dont clean the equipment. Minging!

Right enough of the wrong type of moaning for one day, off to enjoy the sunshine. "

Sunshine!!! Bah too hot, too bright!!! Cept for now… it’s warm with a cool breeze and dusk approaches … lovely

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