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IIndependant Scotland

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By *eather OP   Woman
over a year ago


Right folks want independance Just 2 wee things the shipyards well whats left of them on the clyde would not get any work from the bunch off w....rs down south .Jobs lost Trades lost .2 would we be able to go it alone. Im not for independance bit im allways prepare to give folk room for their views

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Bring it on, the sooner the better, they keep saying you won't be able to keep yourselves, why so desperate to keep us then if we're such a sad case.

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


Not sure I'm allowed to comment on his one, but I'm gonna anyway!

Full independence would be a mistake, but devomax seems like a good compromise to me. Make most of the decisions up here and let Westminster help pay for it!! Why not?? Do you really want Alex salmond as Scottish king??

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm as proud to be scottish than there is but...me myself do not think this country would prosper alone...

Too many work shy folk wanting a free n easy life .

Auds xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Not sure I'm allowed to comment on his one, but I'm gonna anyway!

Full independence would be a mistake, but devomax seems like a good compromise to me. Make most of the decisions up here and let Westminster help pay for it!! Why not?? Do you really want Alex salmond as Scottish king?? "

you can vote him out at the next election, it's not SNP forever

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm as proud to be scottish than there is but...me myself do not think this country would prosper alone...

Too many work shy folk wanting a free n easy life .

Auds xx"

Here was me thinking we were all looking for an easy ride

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

if it happens am out of here my company are from england and i would move there salmond hasnt got a clue he hasnt answered any questions would we be in the euro or keep the pound do we need a passport to go to england what about the army its the british army we would no defence if its not broke dont fix it

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


Would independence be like fabbing Alex salmond??

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By *issyForDommeTV/TS
over a year ago


All we ever get from salmond and co is trumped up rhetoric without the facts and numbers to back up what they're saying-for instance they keep banging on about north sea oil...do they really think westminster will give that up? Of course they wont ffs! Also it's a finite resource that only has 50 or so years left, what then!

That was just one of many examples of what they need to spell out so that we can make an informed decision rather one on patriotic motives...and as patriotic as i am i cant really see how a fully independant scotland can survive financially!

What with some uninformed people, 16 and 17 year olds able to vote and no doubt films like braveheart, rob roy, stone of destiny etc being shown in the run up to the referendum it may have a chance of independance being passed.

I'm no fan of westminster but i see it as the lesser of two evils so to speak by voting for devomax.

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


scotland has been crippled with years of centralisation no way could we stand on our own two feet never mind clear the massive deficit that would be handed to us our share of great britains bills in short the uk government is allowing this vote to happen as its a win win for them my view as always

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point."
what be proud scottish stand alone paupers is more apt ???

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"All we ever get from salmond and co is trumped up rhetoric without the facts and numbers to back up what they're saying-for instance they keep banging on about north sea oil...do they really think westminster will give that up? Of course they wont ffs! Also it's a finite resource that only has 50 or so years left, what then!

That was just one of many examples of what they need to spell out so that we can make an informed decision rather one on patriotic motives...and as patriotic as i am i cant really see how a fully independant scotland can survive financially!

What with some uninformed people, 16 and 17 year olds able to vote and no doubt films like braveheart, rob roy, stone of destiny etc being shown in the run up to the referendum it may have a chance of independance being passed.

I'm no fan of westminster but i see it as the lesser of two evils so to speak by voting for devomax."

Pretty much this ... But put better than I could

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Personally I think the theory of an independant scotland is great but the reality of it is a daunting prospect, all our major assets such as oil and water are all owened by english or foriegn companies and what reserves we have won't last long, and as for being a member of the EU we would suffer like all new small member states paying higher taxes to bail out other eurozone economies, and as for our armed forces they would be slashed dramaticly as we would no longer be nuclear as trident would go and the scottish defence force as it would be called would only be a fraction of what the reservist force is just now, I think devo max is the way to go more powers in scotland with the backing of westminster in my opinion lol.

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point."

So the point is??

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By *issyForDommeTV/TS
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point."

So you'll be one of the people i mention who'll make an uninformed patriotic vote and to hell with the reality of the situation and consequences of it then!

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By *cotsbicoupleCouple
over a year ago


International law covers the dividing up of jointly-held assets; north sea is a geographical asset, and as such, the part of the north-sea that is england's area (about 14% of the oil fields) would stay with London, the rest would stay with Scotland. Failure to adhere to this would be illegal under UK and EU law, as well as international treaty. Westminster, including the Tories, Labour and Lib-Dems, have all agreed the north-sea oil in Scotland's area would go to Scotland, no questions. Anyone saying otherwise is either ill-informed, or lying.

Independence is nothing to do with Alex Salmond, who is a party leader; if you don't like his policies, you don't vote for his party.

Devomax is pointless because the strings would still be held by London, and the ripoff would continue. Right now, Scotland pays 10.3% of the UK taxes, but only receives 9.3% of UK spend - this INCLUDES all monies spent on our behalf in the UK as a whole (ie defence, uk-govt stuff, foreign office etc.). We're being ripped off. If you don't believe me, read the GERS report, by the UK govt. which says this.

Large numbers of international companies have said they will not change their plans, based upon independence (ie. they won't leave etc.) - the people saying otherwise are trying to scaremonger. Why? Why if Scotland is so poor, so wee, so stupid, are London fighting to keep us? If we were a drain on their economy, if we "needed" them so much, the Tories would be trying to ditch Scotland. Fact is, London is dependent on the north-sea oil revenues, the whisky and tourism revenues etc. backing up Scotland. Last time they were banging their drum about how Scotland is too poor and stupid to survive on it's own, they were saying "if you go independent, you'll lose your AAA credit rating." Yeah. That went well for them (the UK as a whole lost it because of London's inability to stop pouring money down the drain).

Scotland is fiscally better off than the rest of the UK, and is paying, subsidising to keep London afloat. Without London, and without the right-wing parties that the south-east of England loves, but by and large Scotland hates, we will be better off.

Look at all the policies of the current UK Govt. Ask yourself if this is what you want; the bedroom tax, student fees, the pensions cap, the pensions raid, the rise in VAT, the rise in fuel duty, the 10p tax band being abolished, the tax cuts for millionaires, the savage and brutal cuts to disability benefits, literally taking the money from the poor and elderly...all of this from a government that Scotland DIDN'T ELECT! 1 Tory MP in Scotland, 1. Yet we suffer their policies.

Like the SNP or not, at least Scotland elected them. Giving Holyrood control over Scottish benefits, tax incomes, social policies and economic policy is NOT a bad thing. London just don't want to lose the money and power....

As with everyone in politics, follow the money. We're subsidising London, not the other way around. I can't link the report, but google "GERS" and also "The McCrone Report".

Sorry for the long post...

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By *cotsbicoupleCouple
over a year ago


"scotland has been crippled with years of centralisation no way could we stand on our own two feet never mind clear the massive deficit that would be handed to us our share of great britains bills in short the uk government is allowing this vote to happen as its a win win for them my view as always "

Actually, just to rebut this, our share of the UK deficit and UK debt is relatively small (based on fiscal spend vs. fiscal incomes) because Scotland is in net surplus most years; several credit agencies have stated off the record that Scotland would likely receive a AAA rating (that London just lost).

As for "allow" the referendum, they had no choice; they spent 4 years trying to stop it happening, and in the end legal opinion forced them to "allow" it because the Scottish Parliament had devolved authority. They still tried to interfere but couldn't do much without being seen as blatantly anti-democracy. But t say they're happy with it, or that they allowed or wanted it, is simply untrue.

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point."

Sorry, but I don't think they would be missing the point. Whilst it would be the 'patriotic' thing to do, voting for independence would be catastrophic for Scotland. Scotland benefits from being able to make its own decisions on a lot of things from education to health but also benefits greatly from letting Westminster pay for defence for a start. Would you be willing to pay 50% tax on everything you earnt?? Because I can't see any other way of paying for independence.

Yes the financial side isn't the whole story but it affects everything else. Would you want to have the euro? A currency that has been failing some it was introduced? If Scotland was independent and went into Europe then it would end up being part of the United States of Europe. What's the point??

I say give Scotland more power over itself but stay within the United Kingdom and continue to benefit from both.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"International law covers the dividing up of jointly-held assets; north sea is a geographical asset, and as such, the part of the north-sea that is england's area (about 14% of the oil fields) would stay with London, the rest would stay with Scotland. Failure to adhere to this would be illegal under UK and EU law, as well as international treaty. Westminster, including the Tories, Labour and Lib-Dems, have all agreed the north-sea oil in Scotland's area would go to Scotland, no questions. Anyone saying otherwise is either ill-informed, or lying.

Independence is nothing to do with Alex Salmond, who is a party leader; if you don't like his policies, you don't vote for his party.

Devomax is pointless because the strings would still be held by London, and the ripoff would continue. Right now, Scotland pays 10.3% of the UK taxes, but only receives 9.3% of UK spend - this INCLUDES all monies spent on our behalf in the UK as a whole (ie defence, uk-govt stuff, foreign office etc.). We're being ripped off. If you don't believe me, read the GERS report, by the UK govt. which says this.

Large numbers of international companies have said they will not change their plans, based upon independence (ie. they won't leave etc.) - the people saying otherwise are trying to scaremonger. Why? Why if Scotland is so poor, so wee, so stupid, are London fighting to keep us? If we were a drain on their economy, if we "needed" them so much, the Tories would be trying to ditch Scotland. Fact is, London is dependent on the north-sea oil revenues, the whisky and tourism revenues etc. backing up Scotland. Last time they were banging their drum about how Scotland is too poor and stupid to survive on it's own, they were saying "if you go independent, you'll lose your AAA credit rating." Yeah. That went well for them (the UK as a whole lost it because of London's inability to stop pouring money down the drain).

Scotland is fiscally better off than the rest of the UK, and is paying, subsidising to keep London afloat. Without London, and without the right-wing parties that the south-east of England loves, but by and large Scotland hates, we will be better off.

Look at all the policies of the current UK Govt. Ask yourself if this is what you want; the bedroom tax, student fees, the pensions cap, the pensions raid, the rise in VAT, the rise in fuel duty, the 10p tax band being abolished, the tax cuts for millionaires, the savage and brutal cuts to disability benefits, literally taking the money from the poor and elderly...all of this from a government that Scotland DIDN'T ELECT! 1 Tory MP in Scotland, 1. Yet we suffer their policies.

Like the SNP or not, at least Scotland elected them. Giving Holyrood control over Scottish benefits, tax incomes, social policies and economic policy is NOT a bad thing. London just don't want to lose the money and power....

As with everyone in politics, follow the money. We're subsidising London, not the other way around. I can't link the report, but google "GERS" and also "The McCrone Report".

Sorry for the long post..."

A very well informed post is it not true that a large proportion of the north sea oil fields belong to the faroe islands legaly? Thought I read this somewhere

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


keep hearing of these oil fields ??? am i wrong in my thinking that america actually owns it as oor maggie sold it to them and we get min $14 dollars a barrel as for scotland being richer have watched many of my family and freinds lose jobs to centralisation and exactly why would companys want to return as to get revenue we would have to charge far more than what would be our uk neighbours.we also wouldnt be a member of the eu for many years watched a parliment programme on it to be a member state 100s of billions would have to be spent on infrastructure to bring us in line with the min qualifying threshold.

sorry but the cry of freedom dont rub on me i am scottish whether that be in the uk or independant my view we would suffer badly with independace i definatly wont be voting for it

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

So you'll be one of the people i mention who'll make an uninformed patriotic vote and to hell with the reality of the situation and consequences of it then! "

Perhaps you didn't read my post.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

Sorry, but I don't think they would be missing the point. Whilst it would be the 'patriotic' thing to do, voting for independence would be catastrophic for Scotland. Scotland benefits from being able to make its own decisions on a lot of things from education to health but also benefits greatly from letting Westminster pay for defence for a start. Would you be willing to pay 50% tax on everything you earnt?? Because I can't see any other way of paying for independence.

Yes the financial side isn't the whole story but it affects everything else. Would you want to have the euro? A currency that has been failing some it was introduced? If Scotland was independent and went into Europe then it would end up being part of the United States of Europe. What's the point??

I say give Scotland more power over itself but stay within the United Kingdom and continue to benefit from both. "

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

So the point is?? "

A people's "identity" whether that be British,Scottish,whatever.

This can breed confidence and well being.it is not always about the few pounds saved.

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By *cotsbicoupleCouple
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

Sorry, but I don't think they would be missing the point. Whilst it would be the 'patriotic' thing to do, voting for independence would be catastrophic for Scotland. Scotland benefits from being able to make its own decisions on a lot of things from education to health but also benefits greatly from letting Westminster pay for defence for a start. Would you be willing to pay 50% tax on everything you earnt?? Because I can't see any other way of paying for independence.

Yes the financial side isn't the whole story but it affects everything else. Would you want to have the euro? A currency that has been failing some it was introduced? If Scotland was independent and went into Europe then it would end up being part of the United States of Europe. What's the point??

I say give Scotland more power over itself but stay within the United Kingdom and continue to benefit from both. "

We already pay our fair share of defence. And where is it? It's in England. Right now, we have 9.3% of the population, and only 2.4% of the UK's military. After independence, we'll actually be spending the same on defence, and yet have an army 5 times larger, 5 times more navy ships (since we'll be getting our fair share of the RN back), and 5 times the air-force; we are being RIPPED OFF!!!

The financial reasons are not everything, but the finances all point to independence. We pay far more than we need to for our defence etc. because we're subsiding england. I know you won't think that's true, but look a the actual figures, and it's true.

As for the EU, it's accepted that Scotland will have to renegotiate our membership, that's a good thing, get a better deal; we only have 7 MEP's, yet similar sized nations liked Denmark have 13. but that doesn't mean we would have to join the Euro. Partly because we're not a new member, just a new arrangement of an existing member, but also because there is an acceptance that not all nations will join the Euro - Sweden "should", but it is not going to; Scotland will be the same.

The UK as a whole will leave the EU in 2016 or 2017, when the tory's referendum will pass, because England will vote NO to continued EU membership. Scotland, if we don't go independent, will be dragged out as well, and this would be disastrous.

If we vote NO in 2013, the Tories will take the axe to Scotland, knowing full well there is nothing we can do to stop them. Devo-Max is not, and will likely never be, on the table. It was supported by the SNP, but the london-gang stopped them. Ask yourself why...

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

So the point is??

A people's "identity" whether that be British,Scottish,whatever.

This can breed confidence and well being.it is not always about the few pounds saved."

by that token if you feel scottish you are scottish whether independant or part of uk then

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Personally I don't think it is a good idea

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By *issyForDommeTV/TS
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

So you'll be one of the people i mention who'll make an uninformed patriotic vote and to hell with the reality of the situation and consequences of it then!

Perhaps you didn't read my post.


Of course i read it, dont you see that i quoted it-as did others who took it the same way that i did.

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By *cotsbicoupleCouple
over a year ago


"keep hearing of these oil fields ??? am i wrong in my thinking that america actually owns it as oor maggie sold it to them and we get min $14 dollars a barrel as for scotland being richer have watched many of my family and freinds lose jobs to centralisation and exactly why would companys want to return as to get revenue we would have to charge far more than what would be our uk neighbours.we also wouldnt be a member of the eu for many years watched a parliment programme on it to be a member state 100s of billions would have to be spent on infrastructure to bring us in line with the min qualifying threshold.

sorry but the cry of freedom dont rub on me i am scottish whether that be in the uk or independant my view we would suffer badly with independace i definatly wont be voting for it "

That is your choice (that London didn't want to give you, but anyway)...


1) No, the oil-fields are a governmentally-controlled resource; government grants contracts to various oil-companies to drill them, and is paid tax on those fields, this is how it works the world over. At the moment, all that oil-money goes to London. Scotland sees none of it, at all.

2) Scotland, under the centre-left parties it tends to vote for, would likely lower corporation tax. Since we see none of this at the moment anyway, ANYTHING we get from company taxes will UP our budget. People really just are not seeing the massive amount of money Scotland is ripped off every year by London.

3) We are all EU citizens. It is established EU law, that you cannot have this denied or removed, unless by consent; Scotland is, and will continue to be EU members, although during the period from 2013 to actual independence in 2016, we will need to adjust our terms of membership (amount of rebates, number of MEP's, signing various treaties etc.). Do not believe the right-wing scare-mongers that threaten Scotland with being dragged out of the EU. The only threat to our EU membership is if you vote NO, and England votes to leave the EU (which it will, in 2017).

Oh, and the thing about the Faroe islands isn't quite true; they do have a share of the North-sea oil fields, but it's not very large compared to Scotland...

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"keep hearing of these oil fields ??? am i wrong in my thinking that america actually owns it as oor maggie sold it to them and we get min $14 dollars a barrel as for scotland being richer have watched many of my family and freinds lose jobs to centralisation and exactly why would companys want to return as to get revenue we would have to charge far more than what would be our uk neighbours.we also wouldnt be a member of the eu for many years watched a parliment programme on it to be a member state 100s of billions would have to be spent on infrastructure to bring us in line with the min qualifying threshold.

sorry but the cry of freedom dont rub on me i am scottish whether that be in the uk or independant my view we would suffer badly with independace i definatly wont be voting for it

That is your choice (that London didn't want to give you, but anyway)...


1) No, the oil-fields are a governmentally-controlled resource; government grants contracts to various oil-companies to drill them, and is paid tax on those fields, this is how it works the world over. At the moment, all that oil-money goes to London. Scotland sees none of it, at all.

2) Scotland, under the centre-left parties it tends to vote for, would likely lower corporation tax. Since we see none of this at the moment anyway, ANYTHING we get from company taxes will UP our budget. People really just are not seeing the massive amount of money Scotland is ripped off every year by London.

3) We are all EU citizens. It is established EU law, that you cannot have this denied or removed, unless by consent; Scotland is, and will continue to be EU members, although during the period from 2013 to actual independence in 2016, we will need to adjust our terms of membership (amount of rebates, number of MEP's, signing various treaties etc.). Do not believe the right-wing scare-mongers that threaten Scotland with being dragged out of the EU. The only threat to our EU membership is if you vote NO, and England votes to leave the EU (which it will, in 2017).

Oh, and the thing about the Faroe islands isn't quite true; they do have a share of the North-sea oil fields, but it's not very large compared to Scotland..."

strokes n folks you like to read things with your spin i read with mine still a no vote wont change

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

So you'll be one of the people i mention who'll make an uninformed patriotic vote and to hell with the reality of the situation and consequences of it then!

Perhaps you didn't read my post.

Of course i read it, dont you see that i quoted it-as did others who took it the same way that i did."

You read it but didn't understand it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"wee eck" for queen...my ass!

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By *issyForDommeTV/TS
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

So the point is??

A people's "identity" whether that be British,Scottish,whatever.

This can breed confidence and well being.it is not always about the few pounds saved."

I'm sure that confidence and well being are holding the greeks, spanish, italians etc in good stead in the knowledge that they have nothing to worry about...i'll not include the cypriots in there as they're a divided nation

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

So the point is??

A people's "identity" whether that be British,Scottish,whatever.

This can breed confidence and well being.it is not always about the few pounds saved.by that token if you feel scottish you are scottish whether independant or part of uk then "

The Scottish for a miriad of reasons mostly historic and cultural suffer from an extreme lack of confidence.This may change with independance.maybe not.

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By *olly Gentle GiantMan
over a year ago


Salmond is banking on oil n gas but that will not last forever. What then?

Also, I hear in the northern isles (Orkney/Shetland)there is a strong view that they would be better off leaving the UK mainland and become independent island nations.

So Salmond better watch his ass - he might not get his hands on the oil taxes he expects.

Much as though I detest Westminster interference in any shape or form, there are too many unanswered questions to decide if Holyrood can do any better.

We need more info to genuinely decide - but will Holyrood or Westminster ever give true unspun info? I hae ma doobts!

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point.

So the point is??

A people's "identity" whether that be British,Scottish,whatever.

This can breed confidence and well being.it is not always about the few pounds saved.

I'm sure that confidence and well being are holding the greeks, spanish, italians etc in good stead in the knowledge that they have nothing to worry about...i'll not include the cypriots in there as they're a divided nation "

That actually doesn't make sense but hey ho..!

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By *eather OP   Woman
over a year ago


so we have no army no navy well we aint got one any way but what we do have is nuclear power staions target No 1 for the loonies who are terorists to hit Target No2 a massive arms depot under the hills at Loch long. And a final pont from me Alec Salmong and his motley crew in charge who cant give a straight answer to anything hey nae independence for me

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm as proud to be scottish than there is but...me myself do not think this country would prosper alone...

Too many work shy folk wanting a free n easy life .

Auds xx"

I agree completely!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have been following both sides of the argument for the last 10 years. Based on the evidence I have today, I will definitely be voting YES for Independence.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Scotland could easily support itd self given independence. However I'm with some of those folk on here who would love to string A.S up. He has consistantly lied to the people over his talks with foriegn ministers concerning treaties and trade. He was the first minister in britian to sign the Mastricht treaty giving up the british pound to the germans. If smaller countries like norway and southern Ireland can prosper then what's to stop us. SOAR ALBA I say.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

snp it has scottish interest at heart

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

alex salmond, has only alex salmonds, interests at heart, and to think my brother and I voted for him, in the general election- wouldnt trust alex salmond to sell me a used car!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

In this hard-nosed, EUROPE run country, is all ship building not put out to tender? All over Europe if not further?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I recall many years ago, an MOD contract was handed to a shipbuilding yard, in Gdansk, and the Yard in Gdansk, were given a subsidy from the EU, to fund the purchase of the steel to build the vessel- a contract that should really have gone to a british shipbuilders, but very sadly didn't

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By *illiam19Couple
over a year ago


Defo yes for independence we need to learn to stand on our own 2 feet

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By *reacherUKMan
over a year ago


Most people don't know that there were two draft bills for separation drawn up.

The first was in 1914, but due to world war one it was never read in parliament and therefore never happened.

It was raised and drawn up again in the late 1950's but it was just before they found oil and the government of the day (driven by Westminster civil servants) stalled enough to ensure it never got a first reading.

England don't want us, they only ever used us to support their war and then their finances.

When politicians of ALL parties say something, it is likely to be either a lie or for their advantage (who remembers Gordon Brown promoting the Euro as Chancellor).

This is or one chance to do it for ourselves and to leave the bureaucracy of the UK civil service.

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By *ir laugh a lotMan
over a year ago


scotland wss once an independant nation and the english king saw our wealth and what he could pillage from us , we won many battles and scared the shit out of them when we took york we have the skills ,the talent and all we need is the will power to rise again and be a nation again

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"e He was the first minister in britian to sign the Mastricht treaty giving up the british pound to the germans. If smaller countries like norway and southern Ireland can prosper then what's to stop us. SOAR ALBA I say. "

That was John Major.Salmond has never been a minister in a UK govt.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

As a person who has never really listened to the politicians and followed all the drama that goes on. It seems clear that independence is a bad way to go.

For one thing, we will definitely lose more companies ( large or small) than will be brought in or created in an independent Scotland.

Also with the loss of trident and the closure of faslane naval base. Thousands of jobs just in that area alone will be gone, add that to loss of jobs from companies moving or being financially worse off.

All in all I believe it's just a bad idea from the beginning, we rely on the rest of the uk too much now. If this had been proposed many years ago then maybe.......

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Agree with trucker The vast majority of non PAYE tax income in the UK comes from Scotland

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By *ustus222Couple
over a year ago


What is it with people demanding answers to questions that obviously can't be answered..?

'I'm not voting for independence until the SNP have answered ALL my questions.' How can they..? They're only getting us to a referendum - after that, there will be another election where we will be able to vote for the party of our choice. And this time WE will be in charge - whereas just now, it only matters who England votes for.

For the record - Alistair Darling refuses to discuss what will happen after a YES vote - and so how can SNP advise voters if they're coming up against a brick wall like that?

We are bulls being led around by our nose rings, guys. We are so browbeaten and pathetic, we actually don't think we'll be able to run our own affairs. The reality is - we Scots already run Westminster ffs! Labour, Cons and Lib Dem MP's (who are Scots) don't want independence - not because they want Scotland to be a nice place to live. Good God no. They don't want it because these MP's will lose their inflated salaries and ridiculous expenses, and their little mansions down in London and be unemployed. It's all about me, me, me with them.

Who cares if the oil only lasts another 30 yrs. I'd rather Scotland got the taxes for the next 30 yrs instead of the UK.

If we really were a drain on the UK (they think they subsidise us ffs. What a joke!) then they'd have cut our strings off years ago without a second glance.

I want independence - but I worry that my fellow countrymen (and gals) are not willing to educate themselves so they can make an informed decision. That makes me sad.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It beggars belief at some if the ignorance in this thread when I read about how Scotland originally united with England (which is part of our history), naming other countries in Western Europe as success stories when they are suffering faltering economies, & quoting various figures & broad statements about what we would & wouldn't have as an independent nation. What we would have is at least a better opportunity to decide what we should have (or shouldn't) by our own government representative of who WE vote into power. Traditionally we have been governed by parties which don't represent the Scottish interest & have had a minority say in what is best for us in what we would wish for Scots. It's quite clear from our different stances on health (prescription charges & elderly care), education (fees) & other matters that we are diametrically opposed to our English cousins on various issues. Yet none of the parties are willing to give us the facts so we can make informed choices. So it's up to us to try & find out what information we can on the issues. As I see it. It will be up to us on the day to ask the question "Do I see this as an opportunity to elect a party which will govern in the Scottish interest & be more representative of my hopes for Scotland's aspirations or am I happy with going with the rest of the flock & it's consequences?"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Many Pro's and Con's on this subject.

Natural resource wise. We are the richest country in Europe not just the UK. The problem is most, if not all, have been sold to foreign multi nationals.

Most of the national debt is with England, true, as mentioned above. No mention of where our national income will come from. What currencey will we have etc etc.

as for joining the EU. Thats an easy get out for salmond. Yes it would smooth out the transition to independance but, on the other hand. Any wealth we aquire would be taken by the EU in taxes to prop up a failing idea of a single europe.

We would be better off independant BUT. It has to be done properly with the intersts of Scotland and its people, not in the interests of a politician who wants to write his name in the history books at any cost.

My tuppence worth

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By *ustus222Couple
over a year ago


If Scottish ship yards cannot compete for tenders in todays world then they should and will close down. We cant expect the government to subsidise the ship building just because its always been there. The skills that the few men have there are transferable. Please read this........Scotland is 8.6% of the UK population...............we pay into the coffers 10.3% and we get out 9.3%......... we are more succesful than England. (that does not include oil money) Scotland needs to become Independent for all our sakes!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

bring it on independence all the way im rather shocked by the amount of people against it if we want to have our own country back get behind it. Yes sammond's not the right man for the job but we would be better off in the long run look at the bigger picture it may take a while but would be worth it ithe long run. We must and we hopefully will be independent

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


".......Most of the national debt is with England, true, as mentioned above. No mention of where our national income will come from. What currencey will we have etc etc.

as for joining the EU. Thats an easy get out for salmond. ........."

Salmond has already 'decided' a separate Scotland would use Sterling and join the EU.

The trouble is you can't do both. All new entrants to the EU MUST use the Euro.

You only have to look at Cyprus to see the risk that runs.

Salmond has all but conceded defeat already. Putting puir Nicola in charge gave the game away.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

anyone who believes politicians from either side of the UK will tell the truth and act in favor of the public needs their heads looked at.

Even in its current state I think theres been fuck ups from the very start...and they arent coming from downsouth...

lets stay with the UK before we become a devolved mess

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

sorry for the laungage but for fuck sake has everyone buried there head in the fucking sand. How many times does scotland need to get ripped the cunt out of things before people will stand up and say enough is enough remember the pits poll tax clyde oil. I for one am fed up with scotland being used as a guinea pig bring on independence the quicker the better in my view again sorry for the laungage

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


Never forget it was the SNP who brought down the Callaghan government in 1979, forcing the general election which brought Thatcher into power.

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By *eather OP   Woman
over a year ago


Hey folks im so glad i opened this forum lots of lovely opinions for and against independence Keep them coming

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"if it happens am out of here my company are from england and i would move there salmond hasnt got a clue he hasnt answered any questions would we be in the euro or keep the pound do we need a passport to go to england what about the army its the british army we would no defence if its not broke dont fix it"

We own a quarter of the british army and all its equipment and men. Anyway we dont need an army. Nobody will invade us and even if they wanted to the yanks and english wouldnt let them. So let them pay

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


As a business man in Edinburgh I'm total for independence if we're a penny better off or a penny worst off makes no difference to me but least we wouldn't have to go cap in hand to Westminster bring it on, I also think after wards well get on better with our friends down south

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago



We own a quarter of the british army and all its equipment and men. Anyway we dont need an army.........."

How do you work that out?

Only approx 10% of the UK population is in Scotland.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago



We own a quarter of the british army and all its equipment and men. Anyway we dont need an army..........

How do you work that out?

Only approx 10% of the UK population is in Scotland."

ever other small country manages with a small army

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


Btw has anyone Thot we will also own 10% Falklands Gibraltar ect ect we could always sell 10% them back to Argentina and Spain that would rise some money

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"Anyone voting for or against for purely financial reasons is sorely missing the point."
totally agree

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think some people will be for it or against it no matter answers are given. The vote will be won or lost by convincing the middle of the road people who are willing to listen to the debate and then make an informed decison.

Just reading some of the posts above makes me laugh. People want answers but then when given answers that don't suit their viewpoint they pass them off as spin or lies.

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By *uboCouple
over a year ago

East kilbride

I want to vote for whover stops all the foreigners coming in to collect every benefit going whilst putting nothing back. Get given housing when our own have to be on waiting lists for years.

Take jobs at a lesser wage then send the money out the country. Get tough when they break the law and send them home. And above all, stop bailing out every other country that gets in the shit.

Would that be independance ? I have no idea but surely it couldn't be any worse that the mess westminster has the country in

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"I want to vote for whover stops all the foreigners coming in to collect every benefit going whilst putting nothing back. Get given housing when our own have to be on waiting lists for years.

Take jobs at a lesser wage then send the money out the country. Get tough when they break the law and send them home. And above all, stop bailing out every other country that gets in the shit.

Would that be independance ? I have no idea but surely it couldn't be any worse that the mess westminster has the country in"

BNP and you would appear suited.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Every large company would move all there business and offices out of scotland if we got Independence, Oil Revenue will dry up..we're screwed ..how can we trust a lying, 2 faced weasel like salmond anyway...rant over...its folly.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"Every large company would move all there business and offices out of scotland if we got Independence, Oil Revenue will dry up..we're screwed ..how can we trust a lying, 2 faced weasel like salmond anyway...rant over...its folly.


you mean unlike Blair Brown Cameron hmmm interesting

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"Btw has anyone Thot we will also own 10% Falklands Gibraltar ect ect we could always sell 10% them back to Argentina and Spain that would rise some money "
why would we own 10% of any other country these countrys are part of great britain not some comodity to be diveded up as and when it suits the soverign nation

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"Btw has anyone Thot we will also own 10% Falklands Gibraltar ect ect we could always sell 10% them back to Argentina and Spain that would rise some money why would we own 10% of any other country these countrys are part of great britain not some comodity to be diveded up as and when it suits the soverign nation "
Aye they are

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"Btw has anyone Thot we will also own 10% Falklands Gibraltar ect ect we could always sell 10% them back to Argentina and Spain that would rise some money why would we own 10% of any other country these countrys are part of great britain not some comodity to be diveded up as and when it suits the soverign nation Aye they are "
makes sense you want independance but want to force others to your will good luck with that one

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Every large company would move all there business and offices out of scotland if we got Independence, Oil Revenue will dry up..we're screwed ..how can we trust a lying, 2 faced weasel like salmond anyway...rant over...its folly.

you mean unlike Blair Brown Cameron hmmm interesting "

I've yet to find an honest politician who is t in it for themselves!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


We own a quarter of the british army and all its equipment and men. Anyway we dont need an army..........

How do you work that out?

Only approx 10% of the UK population is in Scotland."

Because we are made up of an equall union

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Every large company would move all there business and offices out of scotland if we got Independence, Oil Revenue will dry up..we're screwed ..how can we trust a lying, 2 faced weasel like salmond anyway...rant over...its folly.


So what you are saying is that Scottish people are to thick and useless to run their own country. Even though large numbers of them have had major roles in running the UK. The day after the Tories announced this very stupis argument Amazon announce a new depot employinmg over 1000 people. Get a grip ffs

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've yet to find an honest politician who is t in it for themselves! "

Now THERE'S a truth if ever there was one.

At least a vote FOR Independence is a chance to influence things for change.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"Every large company would move all there business and offices out of scotland if we got Independence, Oil Revenue will dry up..we're screwed ..how can we trust a lying, 2 faced weasel like salmond anyway...rant over...its folly.

you mean unlike Blair Brown Cameron hmmm interesting

So why did choose to only name Salmond god save us from self loathing scots

I've yet to find an honest politician who is t in it for themselves! "

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nnyMan
over a year ago



We own a quarter of the british army and all its equipment and men. Anyway we dont need an army..........

How do you work that out?

Only approx 10% of the UK population is in Scotland.

ever other small country manages with a small army "

How does 10% of the population 'own' 25 of the Army?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"Btw has anyone Thot we will also own 10% Falklands Gibraltar ect ect we could always sell 10% them back to Argentina and Spain that would rise some money "

Being responsible for 10% of the costs of defending Falklands Gibraltar ect ect would bankrupt Scotland before we could erect a For Sale sign.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"Every large company would move all there business and offices out of scotland if we got Independence, Oil Revenue will dry up..we're screwed ..how can we trust a lying, 2 faced weasel like salmond anyway...rant over...its folly.

So what you are saying is that Scottish people are to thick and useless to run their own country. Even though large numbers of them have had major roles in running the UK. The day after the Tories announced this very stupis argument Amazon announce a new depot employinmg over 1000 people. Get a grip ffs"

Amazon's new depot was paid for by money from Holyrood derived via Barnett. The same Amazon as refuse to pay UK taxes.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Every large company would move all there business and offices out of scotland if we got Independence, Oil Revenue will dry up..we're screwed ..how can we trust a lying, 2 faced weasel like salmond anyway...rant over...its folly.

So what you are saying is that Scottish people are to thick and useless to run their own country. Even though large numbers of them have had major roles in running the UK. The day after the Tories announced this very stupis argument Amazon announce a new depot employinmg over 1000 people. Get a grip ffs

Amazon's new depot was paid for by money from Holyrood derived via Barnett. The same Amazon as refuse to pay UK taxes."

Huge revenue from PAYE and NI though. And huge savings on paying people benefits

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"Every large company would move all there business and offices out of scotland if we got Independence, Oil Revenue will dry up..we're screwed ..how can we trust a lying, 2 faced weasel like salmond anyway...rant over...its folly.

So what you are saying is that Scottish people are to thick and useless to run their own country. Even though large numbers of them have had major roles in running the UK. The day after the Tories announced this very stupis argument Amazon announce a new depot employinmg over 1000 people. Get a grip ffs

Amazon's new depot was paid for by money from Holyrood derived via Barnett. The same Amazon as refuse to pay UK taxes.

Huge revenue from PAYE and NI though. And huge savings on paying people benefits"

On Minimum Wage? I doubt the PAYE/ NI comes to much.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *stonishCouple
over a year ago


if i vote for independance we will be rulled by brussels (germany pulling the purse strings. we will end up with the euro ( most countries want out of it). then you can double my tax so i can pay for the people who think its there right not to work mmmmm how should i vote lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What does scotland do in the future if the shetlands states it is really there oil and wants independace from scotland

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What does scotland do in the future if the shetlands states it is really there oil and wants independace from scotland "

Depends where the oil is relevant to you shoreline. But by the time that happens Scotland will have made billions from the revenue and developed our own business model. There is more to Scotland than oil.

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


Never voted before but well both be voting against this.

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


Who opened this can I worms lol

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"....... There is more to Scotland than oil."

Like what?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"Never voted before but well both be voting against this."
Dinnae bother teehee

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"....... There is more to Scotland than oil.

Like what?"

whiskey financial services tourism farming etc etc

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


God save us from self loathing scots

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"....... There is more to Scotland than oil.

Like what? whiskey financial services tourism farming etc etc "

We don't make whiskey.

The banking/ financial services sector, should it ever recover from recent events, will never be the same again.

Tourism doesn't actually make much money for Scotland. OK, it employs a lot of people but they're mostly foreign and on minimum wage.

Farming makes money for farmers but they don't spend much of it in Scotland or employ many people.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

most of the oil is around the shetlands and they have there own identity and flag so they may not want to be part of an independent scotland.

if we can make our own business model why is it not in place now ???

for me there are too many un answered questions ,,currency...defence,,,,pensions,,,our share of the national debt ...if some of the questions were answered i may consider it !!!

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"most of the oil is around the shetlands and they have there own identity and flag so they may not want to be part of an independent scotland.


It's probably still open to Norway to redeem the dowry for Margaret and take Shetland back. Even Tavish Scott thinks that might be a better bet than being part of a separate Scotland.

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By *ustus222Couple
over a year ago


...renewable energy (we already sell electricity to England) our water (we'd sell that to the rest of the UK too). And we'd get rid of Trident. That would mean we wouldn't have to pay for it. And while we're waiting for Westminster to find a suitable place for it to be removed to...we'd charge them a shit load of money to rent the land it's on.

Once we were warriors....

Now we're a bunch of pansies that would rather have 50p given to us from Westminster than the £1 we could make for ourselves...because...because why...?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustus222Couple
over a year ago



We don't make whiskey.

The banking/ financial services sector, should it ever recover from recent events, will never be the same again.

Tourism doesn't actually make much money for Scotland. OK, it employs a lot of people but they're mostly foreign and on minimum wage.

Farming makes money for farmers but they don't spend much of it in Scotland or employ many people."

Eh? There are 101 distilleries in Scotland. Believe me, we make whiskey. And we sell it all over the world - and Westminster claws in the tax for 80% of it. We would get ALL the tax if we were independent. That's a lot of dosh.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"...renewable energy (we already sell electricity to England) our water (we'd sell that to the rest of the UK too). "

And they sell leccy to us too. Renewables have enormous potential but, as yet, it's just potential and it'll probably be dearer than nuclear - even including clean-up costs.

"And we'd get rid of Trident. That would mean we wouldn't have to pay for it. And while we're waiting for Westminster to find a suitable place for it to be removed to...we'd charge them a shit load of money to rent the land it's on."

The Yanks won't let Trident go anywhere. They might, just might, pay to keep it at Faslane but they'd probably just make us an offer we can't refuse.

"Once we were warriors....


Once we were mercenaries, missionaries, merchants and matelots. None, however, looked like Mel Gibson.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago



We don't make whiskey.

The banking/ financial services sector, should it ever recover from recent events, will never be the same again.

Tourism doesn't actually make much money for Scotland. OK, it employs a lot of people but they're mostly foreign and on minimum wage.

Farming makes money for farmers but they don't spend much of it in Scotland or employ many people.

Eh? There are 101 distilleries in Scotland. Believe me, we make whiskey. And we sell it all over the world - and Westminster claws in the tax for 80% of it. We would get ALL the tax if we were independent. That's a lot of dosh. "

No, they make whisky. Whiskey is made in the US and Ireland.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustus222Couple
over a year ago



We don't make whiskey.

The banking/ financial services sector, should it ever recover from recent events, will never be the same again.

Tourism doesn't actually make much money for Scotland. OK, it employs a lot of people but they're mostly foreign and on minimum wage.

Farming makes money for farmers but they don't spend much of it in Scotland or employ many people.

Eh? There are 101 distilleries in Scotland. Believe me, we make whiskey. And we sell it all over the world - and Westminster claws in the tax for 80% of it. We would get ALL the tax if we were independent. That's a lot of dosh.

No, they make whisky. Whiskey is made in the US and Ireland."

My point still stands.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Has anyone else tried to point out that Scotland makes Whisky and not Whiskey...here's a tip it gets you a block from these arseholes..oops not supposed to slag people off in here...no doubt the ban will follow. But give me a break is this a Scottish forum or not?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nnyMan
over a year ago



No, they make whisky. Whiskey is made in the US and Ireland.

My point still stands. "

Any idea how much of the profit from whisky distilling stays in Scotland?

How many distillers are owned by Scottish companies?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"Has anyone else tried to point out that Scotland makes Whisky and not Whiskey...here's a tip it gets you a block from these arseholes..oops not supposed to slag people off in here...no doubt the ban will follow. But give me a break is this a Scottish forum or not?"

It's not about picking someone up on spelling, I know better than to do that but these are two entirely different things.

If there's ever a Scottish Nationality Test, it'll probably be one of the questions.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


Ok my mistake I admit it I look like an idiot now ??

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustus222Couple
over a year ago



No, they make whisky. Whiskey is made in the US and Ireland.

My point still stands.

Any idea how much of the profit from whisky distilling stays in Scotland?

How many distillers are owned by Scottish companies?"

Nope. Perhaps you could enlighten us, O.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"if i vote for independance we will be rulled by brussels (germany pulling the purse strings. we will end up with the euro ( most countries want out of it). then you can double my tax so i can pay for the people who think its there right not to work mmmmm how should i vote lol"


If we vote for Independence we will be able to decide our own destiny (Be it being ruled from Edinburgh or Brussels or Timbuktu) rather than let a party with only ONE MP in the whole of Scotland decide our fate for us. We might join the Euro, we might not. Sweden is the third largest country in the EU and still uses the Swedish Krona.

The point is, it would be OUR choice. Not some faceless toff from the City of London who makes our decision for us.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I love spotting those who get their information straight from the Unionist media. The number of times the BBC have been caught misquoting, misrepresenting and outright lying on the Independence debate is astounding. Remember, these are the people who disseminated the Unionist lies about how little oil we had during the second debate in the 70s.

It goes along with the character assassination of Alex Salmond whose maligned reputation is then used as a reason independence would be horrible despite the fact that the issue we are voting on is independence NOT who will run the country after it is achieved.

If the arguments for Scotland's independence are so weak why are they the same ones used by Unionist eurosceptics?

The Orkneys and Shetland Islands have never been independent. Ever. So these recent comments on the matter from Tavish Scott are a misleading sophistry on a par with the East Lothian question.

The oil may only last 50 years? So what? Do you know what we can do with that much oil money? Companies will leave? Apart from ones run by people with close ties to Unionist parties name one which has stated that policy. In or out of Europe? We'll decide that after independence. And why do the Tories keep saying we'll be slung out as if it's a bad thing when it's what most of them want for the whole UK?

Incidentally, the UK is the legal name of the country in Europe. The Union of the Crowns is not under discussion here and Independence will not affect the United Kingdom. We will be reverting to the status quo as was pre-union of the parliaments. I don't presume to know how that works with the EUROPEAN Court but it's an interesting point neither side has yet made.

There's a lot of lies being spread by the media. Don't base your arguments on their information seek out the non biased web-based news services (and don't just take their word at face value either).

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

A tale of two small fishing nations....

Oil was discovered in the North Sea in the 1970's. Norway and Scotland won the jackpot, with an estimated $4 trillion of oil reserves discovered.

First Norway.

Norway invested their share wisely, in an oil fund which is now worth £450bn. Their sovereign wealth fund is now so large it is 40% bigger than the value of the entire Norwegian economy. It is the largest pension fund in the world (including the USA) and is the largest stock owner in Europe. Nominal GDP per capita is almost $100,000 compared with the UK's miserable $38,000.

Not bad for a wee nation known only for its fishing prior to the discovery of oil.

Then we have Scotland.

Part of a much larger unit (the UK) which drained the oil wealth from Scotland into the pockets of wealthy financiers in the City of London. Scotland's wealth has been wasted by all Westminster governments for the last 40 years on various schemes and projects (usually in the south). The people have no wealth fund to fall back on.

The good news? There is still $1trillion worth of oil left to extract (maybe more, as oil prices continue to rise) and Scotland's share of this is around 90% so we still have a chance to create a sizeable oil wealth fund for the future of the people of Scotland.

This WILL ONLY happen if we vote for independence.

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By *eaisgreenMan
over a year ago


Salmons on a dream boat..... How can you ask kids who are currently 14 years old to decide on a countrys future?

He needs to get off the ego trip and start thinking about how to improve the important things in the country like unemployment, the roads.... need I say more!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

unfortunatly there are many people who reside in Scotland that dont want Scotland to be free from the shackles of the english public school dominated tory party , the good news is that none of these people are truly Scots . its a very strange people that think that the english have their best interests at haert and will run their country for them for the better . Freedom in 2014 , its the only way

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"Salmons on a dream boat..... How can you ask kids who are currently 14 years old to decide on a countrys future?

He needs to get off the ego trip and start thinking about how to improve the important things in the country like unemployment, the roads.... need I say more!!"

taxation with out reprentaion is wrong what ever age you are

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

it would be a hoot if the oil pipelinr crossing the border going south was blown up the day after the freedom referendum , that would certianly make the people to the south spill their morning cuppa lol



Or a desert

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"unfortunatly there are many people who reside in Scotland that dont want Scotland to be free from the shackles of the english public school dominated tory party , the good news is that none of these people are truly Scots . its a very strange people that think that the english have their best interests at haert and will run their country for them for the better . Freedom in 2014 , its the only way "
theres also folk that just watch braveheart and run around shouting freedom with no concept of what freedom entails

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

its not a bad start to things when all is said and done

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'd love to go it alone,but having watched and listened to the antics of our Scots ministers in the parliment building ,I'm just not convinced this bunch of idiots would govern us well. If we vote for it then let's give it a damn good go. If we vote against it, then let's be proud to be British and get rid of our wee pretendy Scottish parliment as well and forget any notion of being a half hearted devolved government.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

get rid of the Scots parliment ? i could go with that , be proud to be north englandshire as a nice wee british subject beingback scuttled by the likes of them in the english parliment ? god no , it would be time to raise the fiery cross once more

accept the challenge

regardless of the odds

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"International law covers the dividing up of jointly-held assets; north sea is a geographical asset, and as such, the part of the north-sea that is england's area (about 14% of the oil fields) would stay with London, the rest would stay with Scotland. Failure to adhere to this would be illegal under UK and EU law, as well as international treaty. Westminster, including the Tories, Labour and Lib-Dems, have all agreed the north-sea oil in Scotland's area would go to Scotland, no questions. Anyone saying otherwise is either ill-informed, or lying.

Independence is nothing to do with Alex Salmond, who is a party leader; if you don't like his policies, you don't vote for his party.

Devomax is pointless because the strings would still be held by London, and the ripoff would continue. Right now, Scotland pays 10.3% of the UK taxes, but only receives 9.3% of UK spend - this INCLUDES all monies spent on our behalf in the UK as a whole (ie defence, uk-govt stuff, foreign office etc.). We're being ripped off. If you don't believe me, read the GERS report, by the UK govt. which says this.

Large numbers of international companies have said they will not change their plans, based upon independence (ie. they won't leave etc.) - the people saying otherwise are trying to scaremonger. Why? Why if Scotland is so poor, so wee, so stupid, are London fighting to keep us? If we were a drain on their economy, if we "needed" them so much, the Tories would be trying to ditch Scotland. Fact is, London is dependent on the north-sea oil revenues, the whisky and tourism revenues etc. backing up Scotland. Last time they were banging their drum about how Scotland is too poor and stupid to survive on it's own, they were saying "if you go independent, you'll lose your AAA credit rating." Yeah. That went well for them (the UK as a whole lost it because of London's inability to stop pouring money down the drain).

Scotland is fiscally better off than the rest of the UK, and is paying, subsidising to keep London afloat. Without London, and without the right-wing parties that the south-east of England loves, but by and large Scotland hates, we will be better off.

Look at all the policies of the current UK Govt. Ask yourself if this is what you want; the bedroom tax, student fees, the pensions cap, the pensions raid, the rise in VAT, the rise in fuel duty, the 10p tax band being abolished, the tax cuts for millionaires, the savage and brutal cuts to disability benefits, literally taking the money from the poor and elderly...all of this from a government that Scotland DIDN'T ELECT! 1 Tory MP in Scotland, 1. Yet we suffer their policies.

Like the SNP or not, at least Scotland elected them. Giving Holyrood control over Scottish benefits, tax incomes, social policies and economic policy is NOT a bad thing. London just don't want to lose the money and power....

As with everyone in politics, follow the money. We're subsidising London, not the other way around. I can't link the report, but google "GERS" and also "The McCrone Report".

Sorry for the long post..."

Wholeheartedly agree.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

even if it all goes tits up and we go down into ruin and destruction , al least we will have the very great satisfaction of dragging the english with us

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"I'd love to go it alone,but having watched and listened to the antics of our Scots ministers in the parliment building ,I'm just not convinced this bunch of idiots would govern us well. If we vote for it then let's give it a damn good go. If we vote against it, then let's be proud to be British and get rid of our wee pretendy Scottish parliment as well and forget any notion of being a half hearted devolved government."
I coz the ones down south have done such a great job huh

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

just think , when Scotland gets free of the south , never again will Scotland have the likes of mad maggie thatcher or the current crop of bulloons from the english tory party holding the whip hand over us . it will be so funny watching them over the border having to cope with them

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Wow - I appreciate that this topic will allow people to have opposing but valid viewpoints but there is a whole lot of misinformation and scare going on. Both sides are going to spin to their advantage but don't just read the 'British' press take on it - if you haven't also read http://www.newsnetscotland.com/index.php/scottish-opinion/4341-a-unionist-lexicon-an-a-z-of-unionist-scare-stories-myths-and-misinformation , if you haven't also watched First Minister's Questions on a weekly basis without falling for the personal attacks and misinformation, particulalry from Lamont, if you haven't realised that even Labour have a splinter group for Independence and it's not just SNP who want a YES vote, then you're not informed enough about making this hugely important decision. Even the latest "It's Shetland's oil". If that was true, why would they share it with the whole of the UK if they wouldn't share it with Scotland?? They'd all be millionaires if they went they're own way. It's a complete fabrication.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

there is only one hope for us all and that is to break free from the shackles our southern neighbour would ensnare us in . vote for freedom while we have the chance , if this goes by us then Scotland will just become a memory remembered by some when they see an old shortbread tin . We stand on a knife edge , on one side is freedom , until we get invaded by the southern hordes again , because they certianly dont want to relinquish there grasp on Scotlands resources , on the other side of the knife edge is oblivion , Scotland will cease to exsist in any meaningful form , useful only for providing bodies to be mangled in the next illigal war that they go to wage

Scotland needs to stand up and accept the challange of freedom , regardless of the odds

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"Salmons on a dream boat..............."

........ and it's taking water.

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"there is only one hope for us all and that is to break free from the shackles our southern neighbour would ensnare us in . vote for freedom while we have the chance , if this goes by us then Scotland will just become a memory remembered by some when they see an old shortbread tin . We stand on a knife edge , on one side is freedom , until we get invaded by the southern hordes again , because they certianly dont want to relinquish there grasp on Scotlands resources , on the other side of the knife edge is oblivion , Scotland will cease to exsist in any meaningful form , useful only for providing bodies to be mangled in the next illigal war that they go to wage

Scotland needs to stand up and accept the challange of freedom , regardless of the odds "

wtf are you serious shackles, ensnared, on a knifes edge there will always be a scotland always has been even while part of the union. as for stand up and accept the challenge thats a matter of opinion scotland has been stripped bare over the years to just seperate now would be the end of scotland. scottish first british second but feel no need to change for independence independant pverty is still poverty major countrys cant survive in this climate but some seem to think they can build a country in it utter nonsense is my view and will definatly have my vote heard on polling day

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"........ Both sides are going to spin to their advantage but don't just read the 'British' press take on it - if you haven't also read http://www.newsnetscotland.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx............"

NewsnetScotland is the inhouse journal for Gordon Lamb House.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

There are people in Scotland who absolutly hate the thought of Scotland being a free and independant country , fortunatly no real Scot thinks that way .There is no such thing as Scots first and british second , you are either Scots or one of the other folk that are desperate to keep Scotland shackled to the fag end of the english empire . Every true Scot would be happy to see Scotland a free but poor country than a desperate wee non entity being givin nice wee handouts of english silver by osbourne , posh dave and his cardboard cut out mate clegg . If Scotland cannot break free from this desperate situation of handouts from south of the border then we are doomed as a country .Its a very strange mindset for people to have where they would rather have whats left of their country and resources run by a bunch from the english public school system who couldnt even get a rail franchise sorted than have the courage to stand tall and govern ourselves . By abdicating our governance to a country south of the border we deserve all the contempt that they actually feel for us .


Freedom or a


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"There are people in Scotland who absolutly hate the thought of Scotland being a free and independant country , fortunatly no real Scot thinks that way .There is no such thing as Scots first and british second , you are either Scots or one of the other folk that are desperate to keep Scotland shackled to the fag end of the english empire . Every true Scot would be happy to see Scotland a free but poor country than a desperate wee non entity being givin nice wee handouts of english silver by osbourne , posh dave and his cardboard cut out mate clegg . If Scotland cannot break free from this desperate situation of handouts from south of the border then we are doomed as a country .Its a very strange mindset for people to have where they would rather have whats left of their country and resources run by a bunch from the english public school system who couldnt even get a rail franchise sorted than have the courage to stand tall and govern ourselves . By abdicating our governance to a country south of the border we deserve all the contempt that they actually feel for us .


Freedom or a



So I'm not a real scot !!!!! What total and utter nonsense ..... Just because folk don't agree with you doesn't make them unpatriotic

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

absolutly agree , you can disagree with me and not be unpatriotic , but its whose side you are being patriotic for that counts , if your view is that scotland deservis nothing better than to be shackled to the arse end of the english empire as it slowly sinks beneath the waves , it doent make you unpatriotic to the english , but it certianly doesnt make you Scots

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ola cubesMan
over a year ago


"There are people in Scotland who absolutly hate the thought of Scotland being a free and independant country , fortunatly no real Scot thinks that way .There is no such thing as Scots first and british second , you are either Scots or one of the other folk that are desperate to keep Scotland shackled to the fag end of the english empire . Every true Scot would be happy to see Scotland a free but poor country than a desperate wee non entity being givin nice wee handouts of english silver by osbourne , posh dave and his cardboard cut out mate clegg . If Scotland cannot break free from this desperate situation of handouts from south of the border then we are doomed as a country .Its a very strange mindset for people to have where they would rather have whats left of their country and resources run by a bunch from the english public school system who couldnt even get a rail franchise sorted than have the courage to stand tall and govern ourselves . By abdicating our governance to a country south of the border we deserve all the contempt that they actually feel for us .


Freedom or a


So I'm not a real scot !!!!! What total and utter nonsense ..... Just because folk don't agree with you doesn't make them unpatriotic "

exactly cutie xenophobic attitudes are so passe and not in keeping with the new world i am scottish first and british second just because your view dont agree with mine dont make it wrong my view the cry of freedom n bleating on about past events keeps you there in the past move forward with whats best for the country not relive old hates from days gone by

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

the past is the past , cant be changed except in history books , the fight is for the future , whether Scotland will be just a bad memory on a biscit tin or in poorly made mel gibson films or a free and independant country

vote for freedom , before we have to fight for it , its the only game in town

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"There are people in Scotland who absolutly hate the thought of Scotland being a free and independant country , fortunatly no real Scot thinks that way .There is no such thing as Scots first and british second , you are either Scots or one of the other folk that are desperate to keep Scotland shackled to the fag end of the english empire . Every true Scot would be happy to see Scotland a free but poor country than a desperate wee non entity being givin nice wee handouts of english silver by osbourne , posh dave and his cardboard cut out mate clegg . If Scotland cannot break free from this desperate situation of handouts from south of the border then we are doomed as a country .Its a very strange mindset for people to have where they would rather have whats left of their country and resources run by a bunch from the english public school system who couldnt even get a rail franchise sorted than have the courage to stand tall and govern ourselves . By abdicating our governance to a country south of the border we deserve all the contempt that they actually feel for us .


Freedom or a


So I'm not a real scot !!!!! What total and utter nonsense ..... Just because folk don't agree with you doesn't make them unpatriotic exactly cutie xenophobic attitudes are so passe and not in keeping with the new world i am scottish first and british second just because your view dont agree with mine dont make it wrong my view the cry of freedom n bleating on about past events keeps you there in the past move forward with whats best for the country not relive old hates from days gone by "

Exactly this.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The best for Scotland can only be breaking free from governance by the tory party in england and standing tall as an independant country once more . Who has our best interests at haert ? i very much doubt if it is the current crop of southern torys that are deciding our future from a building god knows how many hundreds of miles from Scotland . Its a shame that so many people in Scotland see their best interests south of the border , yet continue to live north of the border

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


Yeah ok I shall pack up and move

At the end of the day whatever happens the politicians "in charge" will never make it any better for the " normal" folk living here..... No matter what they say

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


This sort of argument is more likely to turn people away from independence. It's the worst kind of nationalism, parochial and borderline xenophobicj

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"This sort of argument is more likely to turn people away from independence. It's the worst kind of nationalism, parochial and borderline xenophobicj"

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ombowieMan
over a year ago


"This sort of argument is more likely to turn people away from independence. It's the worst kind of nationalism, parochial and borderline xenophobicj"
. Totally agree I'm all for independence my hope that it will improve things with our English friends

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"There are people in Scotland who absolutly hate the thought of Scotland being a free and independant country , fortunatly no real Scot thinks that way ............"

This is simply nonsense and a slur on many true Scots.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I vote for independence when the zombie plague infects the rest of the UK... thankfully eating porridge everyday (with salt) is the only cure

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"I vote for independence when the zombie plague infects the rest of the UK... thankfully eating porridge everyday (with salt) is the only cure"

Aw no I hate porridge with salt.... I'm doomed

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I vote for independence when the zombie plague infects the rest of the UK... thankfully eating porridge everyday (with salt) is the only cure

Aw no I hate porridge with salt.... I'm doomed "

u can have my oats any day

cant believe u fell into that harharharrrrr

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Yeah ok I shall pack up and move

At the end of the day whatever happens the politicians "in charge" will never make it any better for the " normal" folk living here..... No matter what they say "

You can always run away with me cutie. As long as you can stand running away with an Englishman

It's always interesting when I read how bad the English are but let's not forget, the English have it no better either. I've never met an honest politician in my life. They are only interested in what's in it for them but I still believe even after reading all the arguments for and against thy Scotland would be better off letting Westminster pay but having more power and control. So devomax seems the best option to me

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


"I vote for independence when the zombie plague infects the rest of the UK... thankfully eating porridge everyday (with salt) is the only cure

Aw no I hate porridge with salt.... I'm doomed

u can have my oats any day

cant believe u fell into that harharharrrrr"

It's cause I'm innocent

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Who would have thought that things in Scotland could have come to this situation where people will actually be voting their country out of exsistance ? to lose your country because it has been overrun by a larger forighn power is a regrettable thing to have happen , but to actually vote to extinguish your country to ensure it is forever north englandshire is a most worrying thing . there cant be too many countrys on this planet that would actually contemplate such folly

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


Ah but if I run away with you Andy I won't be a true scot

In fact maybe it's best if we don't talk anymore I might get lynched

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Who would have thought that things in Scotland could have come to this situation where people will actually be voting their country out of exsistance ? to lose your country because it has been overrun by a larger forighn power is a regrettable thing to have happen , but to actually vote to extinguish your country to ensure it is forever north englandshire is a most worrying thing . there cant be too many countrys on this planet that would actually contemplate such folly "

Do you honestly think Scotland will cease to exist????? I've read with great interest all of what you've said but that's just a daft thing to say. Scotland will ALWAYS exist! Any proud scot will tell you that. And to suggest anything else is just stupid

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Its another expense and do we need it but also I would love independence. I would love to know the real cost to my pocket over the next 20 years and then make a decision. If its going to cost thousands then its not worth it.

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 21/03/13 12:44:33]

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"Ah but if I run away with you Andy I won't be a true scot

In fact maybe it's best if we don't talk anymore I might get lynched "

I'm really of Italian descent - so I think you may be ok cutie. Lets run off to Hawaii and eat pasta and doughnuts as it seems that Scotland is about to cease to exist.

But seriously, what's wrong with governing yourself whilst having the back up of the rest of the United Kingdom?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"Who would have thought that things in Scotland could have come to this situation where people will actually be voting their country out of exsistance ? to lose your country because it has been overrun by a larger forighn power is a regrettable thing to have happen , but to actually vote to extinguish your country to ensure it is forever north englandshire is a most worrying thing . there cant be too many countrys on this planet that would actually contemplate such folly "

This is the sort of scaremongering they cybernats have had to descend to 'cos they have no other arguments.

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago



But seriously, what's wrong with governing yourself whilst having the back up of the rest of the United Kingdom? "

What makes you think a separate Scotland would have 'the back up of the rest of the United Kingdom?'

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If Scotland was a dirt poor mountinus country , like albania possably , with no resourses worth exploiting on shore or on the continental shelf then we would have been cast adrift long ago . It is to our detriment that we are blessed with a dwindling but still significant quantity of oil in the sea , europes richest fishery , a goodly ammount of thorium in the mountains and a good deal else that would enable us to be a prosperous Free nation .With all these resources i suspect that the backup that england would be providing for us would be of the most insidious and unwelcome nature .

Dont be bpught off by baubles from osbournes pocket , burns saw it as it is , bought and sold by english gold. a people that deserves to be free does not vote itself into serfdome to a larger country just for a wee bit silver .

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago



But seriously, what's wrong with governing yourself whilst having the back up of the rest of the United Kingdom?

What makes you think a separate Scotland would have 'the back up of the rest of the United Kingdom?' "

That's my point! At least with devomax it would have the back up and still set most of its own laws

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

the backup might be a most unpalatable thing , as a free country we would have all our own laws , once their backup is in place you might never get rid of it , several examples still excist arround the world , it might be a very painful road we have to travel , but a free people should not shirk it , better that than puppets on a string , dancing to a southern tune for their ammusement .

we had a saying in the Airborne " no pain , no gain "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"the backup might be a most unpalatable thing , as a free country we would have all our own laws , once their backup is in place you might never get rid of it , several examples still excist arround the world , it might be a very painful road we have to travel , but a free people should not shirk it , better that than puppets on a string , dancing to a southern tune for their ammusement .

we had a saying in the Airborne " no pain , no gain "


Unfortunately, not many ordinary people will want to lose any more of their hard earned money to satisfy the minority. So there goes the no pain no gain theory

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

its not a theory really , well known fact , you want to pass " P Company " you take the pain and reap the gains , its the same in the rest of life , Scotland has been poor in the past , it could well be poor in the future , but so what ? its just bits of paper with the english queens head on . To be a people with a bit of civic pride , a people that deeply care to be Scots then we need to dig deep , take the pain , fight through it and when we come out the other side we will be a better nation for it . As it stands , there is no pride in this country , just look arround , there is shit and rubbish all over the place , whole housing estates that are shit holes , made so by the people in them , they do this cos they just dont give a fuck . Wonder round a country where people actually have pride in themselves , germany for one , the place is clean , neet tidy , they have a pride in themselves . That pride comes from being a people in there own country , at the moment we here in Scotland are not that

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

When all is said and done I think I'd rather be shafted by self absorbed numpties 40 miles away than thoughtless "couldn't care less" fuckwits 400 miles away!!!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The ones 400 miles south do care ,but not about you , just what they can exploit you for

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


But being an independent Scotland is not going to change that. What are you going to do? Kick out anyone you don't like? Kick out the unemployed? Kick out the youths who cause trouble? You can't force national pride onto people who don't care in the first place

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

they dont care because they have no pride , they have no pride because they have nocountry to be proud of ,

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think we need to stop this myth that says Scotland and its people will be poorer with a Yes vote.

There is NO evidence to suggest this. The only evidence by either side shows that if anything each person would be no worse off or very slightly better off but we are talking about 500 pound a year.

What this vote comes down to is where the laws are made and decisions made. In the main the majority of life will remain the same. Some jobs will come, some will go. Same as present.

People want to address the issues but to do that we need to get past the rubbish like border controls or losing access to the bbc. These are non issue scaremongering.

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"they dont care because they have no pride , they have no pride because they have nocountry to be proud of , "

I think you are wrong there. They have no pride because of their upbringing. It has nothing to do with having a country to be proud of. I'm always being told my kids are polite and yet I've never heard any of their friends say please or Thankyou. I'd be mortified if my kids were rude! It's about upbringing! Its not about not having a country to be proud of.

If you want a perfect independent Scotland then I think you are out of luck. Thanks to the human rights act being paraded around people are frightened to chastise their kids. Kids these days get away with far more than when you and I were young but it has nothing to do with Scotland as a country.

Common courtesy has one out the window and rudeness and ignorance reigns. Is an independent Scotland going to change that? No. Neither will a Scotland under British rule. We would all be better off telling Europe to stick it where the sun doesn't shine and working as a United Kingdom to get back to old fashioned values where everyone is polite and wants to work not sit on their asses.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just heard the news , the date for next years freedom vote has been released . The fight for Scotlands very excistance begins for real . one of my young nephews is into this warhammer stuff , his side has a motto , its a bit cheasy , but all the same i rather like it .

In the fight for Scotland there can be

no Pity

No Remorse

No Surrender

i kind of like it , has a certian ring to it .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

A lot of what you say is very right , upbringing very much has alot to do with it .Sticking with governance from london ? well , for 300 years we have tried that , look arround you , as experiments go its not been a success by any means . Europe ? well in some ways i find it has big negatives , in some ways it might allmost be as bad as being controlled by the english , it certianly makes me laugh when i hear the southern folk whinning about being ruled from brussels , welcome to our world we are ruled from another country . So in some ways i would cut my nose off to spit my face and have more interferance in the whole landmass of this island , for a while at least , just to really hear the howls of protest from south of the border

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


What if you live on the West Coast and don't want to be ruled by Edinburgh?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

then stand for what you believe in , get elected , campaign for your right to be ruled by westminster

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


Didn't mention Westminster. Just thought that if London is too far away then Edinburgh can be too far away from us. They even put salt and sauce on their chips. We'd prefer being run somewhere closer to home

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I cant wait for the Gaelic lessons to start

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By *unguyforanythinggoesMan
over a year ago


i am proud to be scots but i just dont think we can survive on our own, wht try n fix something that isnt broken mr salmond, we have no engineering or manufacturing gro0wth and i cant see snp making it happen

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Agree if we did go independant would the last person out please put off the lights!!!!!!!!!

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


".......... one of my young nephews is into this warhammer stuff , his side has a motto , its a bit cheasy , but all the same i rather like it .

In the fight for Scotland there can be

no Pity

No Remorse

No Surrender

i kind of like it , has a certian ring to it . "

So all those who disagree will be put to the sword?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"........ Both sides are going to spin to their advantage but don't just read the 'British' press take on it - if you haven't also read http://www.newsnetscotland.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx............

NewsnetScotland is the inhouse journal for Gordon Lamb House."

As the BBC, The Scotsman, The Glasgow Herald etc etc are the in-house journals for the unionist trio. As I said, BOTH sides will spin, but don't just listen to one set of spin.

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By *eather OP   Woman
over a year ago


What a great thread this has been thanks folks Its really got u talking and debating xx

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By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"........ Both sides are going to spin to their advantage but don't just read the 'British' press take on it - if you haven't also read http://www.newsnetscotland.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx............

NewsnetScotland is the inhouse journal for Gordon Lamb House.

As the BBC, The Scotsman, The Glasgow Herald etc etc are the in-house journals for the unionist trio. As I said, BOTH sides will spin, but don't just listen to one set of spin."

That really IS cybernat paranoia.

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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"What if you live on the West Coast and don't want to be ruled by Edinburgh? "

That's just silly

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


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By *oftfocusMan
over a year ago


"What a great thread this has been thanks folks Its really got u talking and debating xx "

I agree.nice not to have a thread ruinef by mindless "banter" for once.

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