By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
A- Age: 48.
B- Biggest Fear: Silence.
C- Current Time: 1400.
D- Drink you last had: Coffee.
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: Myself ... at least when I'm not ignoring myself, that's when the arguments start.
F- Favorite Song: Oooh too hard to pick just one!! Love all music.
G- Ghosts, are they real: No ... unfortunately, cause I have questions.
H- Heads or tails?: Tails.
I- In love with: Life ... At times.
J- Joke: Life ... again at times.
K- Killed Someone? Surprisingly not, but never say never.
L- Last time you cried? 9th Nov, for no real reason than I felt sorry for myself.
M- Music taste: All music, totally depends on my mood which genre I listen to ... Life was never ment to be lived in silence!!
N- Number of Siblings: Had 2 only 1 left now.
O- One Wish: For my kids to live thier best life.
P- Person who you last called: Work.
Q- Question you're always asked: What is WRONG with you?!
R- Reason to smile: Christmas is coming!!
S- Song last played: Just Breathe - Pearl Jam
T- Time you woke up: 0630. Not working but damn internal alarm clock make me wake up as if I am!!
U- Underwear Color: Black.
V- Vacation Destination: No idea where I'm going next but my ideal vacation would be a log cabin in middle of no where with a open fire and hot tub surrounded by a lot of snow and some sexy company who are willing to cook.
W- Worst Habit: Overthinking and winding myself up to the high doh!!
X- X-Rays you've had: Erm ... Skull, face, neck, back, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, ribs, hips, legs, knees, ankles, feet ... and all at different times. Yes I am accident prone but to be fair only broke nose a few times, wrist once, thumb, and foot!! So I'm kinda winning!!
Y- Your favorite food: Steak. Medium to well done.
Z- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
From M  |