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How important is face?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think?

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By *yrdsisWoman
over a year ago

Gleam Street

Snap. Sorry, not sorry...it's something for me

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Face and eyes are very important to my wife and for her if she doesn’t like the face then no chat which means no social which means no fun but to be fair she is a fussy monster!!!

Be safe and stay frosty out there!!!!!!


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By *cottishtourerMan
over a year ago


Sexy eyes are a big attraction for me

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By *imbobaMan
over a year ago


If you’re just asking face v body then face wins for me. For me personality is first. Face and eyes a close second. Body quite a bit lower.

Not sure if I’m a typical man though.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Personality first, face and body type a close second

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman
over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

A face draws me in but their personality is what keeps me interested

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By *ering SeaMan
over a year ago


face for me

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" A face draws me in but their personality is what keeps me interested


This in a nutshell, gotta be something there to keep you interested

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

" A face draws me in but their personality is what keeps me interested



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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Snap. Sorry, not sorry...it's something for me"

True but some folk say I’m vain and shallow for thinking like that but didn’t think I was rare in thinking that

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By *oldswarriorMan
over a year ago


Face got yo have that initial attraction.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

A face is probably important for a lot of people. And people will like different faces

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By *exmadcouple42Couple
over a year ago


I need face, personality and a healthy looking body, age also a factor

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By *luebell888Woman
over a year ago


"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think? "

Would not say face is more important but certainly equally as important. If George Clooneys face was attatched to a 40stone body he would not float my boat.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Have to be attracted to there face and body

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 27/04/20 18:48:50]

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By *utdooryoneMan
over a year ago

Over there

I can think of more than a few times when a ladies personality was what caught my attention, when my genuine conversation was just polite or even work....

I can also think of a good few times when a lovely face and smile caught my attention and engaged my interest...

While I've also listed over some bodies, I'm struggling to think of a time I've acted on that unless there's been a face or great conversation to go with it....

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By *oxy_minxWoman
over a year ago

Scotland - Aberdeen

I have to be attracted to the whole package!

But if they can't hold a conversation, then I am also out.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Agree!! I'm all for instant attraction on here.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I love nice eyes. Face is much more important than body. But a nice face and zero personality is also a no go!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Face + personality go before body. Nice eyes and smile go a long way!

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By *ink-KameraMan
over a year ago


I am definitely not an any hole is a goal type and while I am happy to chat with any lady I meet I do prefer to have some kind of mutual attraction before I will play.

Ideally I like a woman I can converse with and who I wouldn't have any issue being seen out with.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Face is more important than body though someone who was extremely out of shape wouldn't float my boat I'm afraid.

Facially they wouldn't always have to be what is considered traditionally attractive. Someone who looks cheeky with a bit of character peaks my interest before a pin up.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Eyes and teeth are important to me. woman that are overweight aren’t my thing but people with a figure I am attracted to that don’t have nice eyes or teeth then I’m not interested in them either.

Confidence is a turn on for me also.

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By *aura4ukTV/TS
over a year ago


Personality and face are most important for me

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By *mmixtapeCouple
over a year ago

middle earth

It's all face and initial attraction for me

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I love nice eyes. Face is much more important than body. But a nice face and zero personality is also a no go! "

SNAP! No personality even on the most beautiful love god of a man is such a let down...been there

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By *anny77Man
over a year ago


A face is very important. Imagine if we didn’t have one???? Ewwww

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Snap. Sorry, not sorry...it's something for me"

Thank god.lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Snap. Sorry, not sorry...it's something for me

True but some folk say I’m vain and shallow for thinking like that but didn’t think I was rare in thinking that "

Well that's a load of crap if you dont find someone attractive then theres no point meeting them. You can't be attracted to someone by personality alone it's a combination.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think? "

Depends how desperate you are.. there are a lot of desperados out there who would fuck anything with a shadow... stay classy

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By *ill-Ian KissesCouple
over a year ago

Somewhere over there

For me, face & personality (and a little bit of attraction) are key; if I can’t enjoy that persons company by conversing, why would I want to go further?

I know there are some that prefer the ‘meet & have sex’ and that’s it scenario but generally that’s not for me.

I like being able to chat whilst flirting

Millie x

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By *ifeandhubby400Couple
over a year ago

Arse hole of nowhere ,Scotland

I wont continue a potential chat/meet without a face pic ,sadly we get interest due to my body pics but hate sending a face pic (but i do ) as i feel it shows my age more than my body

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yeah you need that initial attraction, weight and physique isn't as important to me...

Got to be personality, followed by cute/sexy face

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It my opinion attraction can't really be categorised though of course there can be a broad scale of things that any one person finds attractive. I think it's best to say I don't have a type... there does need to be that mysterious spark that just happens...

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By *anarkshirelassCouple
over a year ago


Face first and foremost and then a good personality after the first meet.

If there isn't an initial 'wow' or 'mmmmm' then there will be no meet.

Some may say shallow, in fact a lot do and then some get rather perturbed when we say thanks but no thanks.

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By *egs11ABCWoman
over a year ago


Got to be physically attracted to someone to take it further but also need to have a good personality. I know plenty really hot guys or gorgeous women who are horrible people.

If ur ugly on the inside it doesnt matter how gorgeous u r x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think?

Depends how desperate you are.. there are a lot of desperados out there who would fuck anything with a shadow... stay classy "

Well I’m certainly not desperate and only meet someone I really want and fancy. I’m more interested in what folk think as I’ve recently come across someone who has a dream body but the face really didn’t match which was a shame as it was an instant turn off for me. And been called shallow for it. Was hoping that others opinion would shed some light on this for me. But yes there are some that would shag anything with a pulse I agree however that is most certainly not me

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Snap. Sorry, not sorry...it's something for me

True but some folk say I’m vain and shallow for thinking like that but didn’t think I was rare in thinking that

Well that's a load of crap if you dont find someone attractive then theres no point meeting them. You can't be attracted to someone by personality alone it's a combination. "

Exactly thanks! Plus nobody is looking for a life long connection here there has to be a physical attraction

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Shit. I've got a face that's wore out two bodies but I'm still a confident wee shite. I like who i am. Proud of the things I've achieved and a great wee ride life's too short to doubt myself.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

An attractive face is very important to me.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think?

Depends how desperate you are.. there are a lot of desperados out there who would fuck anything with a shadow... stay classy

Well I’m certainly not desperate and only meet someone I really want and fancy. I’m more interested in what folk think as I’ve recently come across someone who has a dream body but the face really didn’t match which was a shame as it was an instant turn off for me. And been called shallow for it. Was hoping that others opinion would shed some light on this for me. But yes there are some that would shag anything with a pulse I agree however that is most certainly not me "

Just let him do you from behind then.. problem solved

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think?

Depends how desperate you are.. there are a lot of desperados out there who would fuck anything with a shadow... stay classy

Well I’m certainly not desperate and only meet someone I really want and fancy. I’m more interested in what folk think as I’ve recently come across someone who has a dream body but the face really didn’t match which was a shame as it was an instant turn off for me. And been called shallow for it. Was hoping that others opinion would shed some light on this for me. But yes there are some that would shag anything with a pulse I agree however that is most certainly not me

Just let him do you from behind then.. problem solved "

You perving at my profile Bella?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Attraction starts with pretty smiley face for me and that's why is so hard on fab sometimes. You see a great body and because of many reasons You need to build trust before You'll get a face picture. And all of the sudden, boom, not what you've been looking for. This is the big advantage of meeting people in real instead of online chats. Fab is little bit like naked attraction. You've being shown everything but face

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By *recian2000Man
over a year ago


It’s all about the feet for me

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Personality face then body whats the point if that person is thick as mince a good pesonality with a cheeky side always wins me over

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think?

Depends how desperate you are.. there are a lot of desperados out there who would fuck anything with a shadow... stay classy

Well I’m certainly not desperate and only meet someone I really want and fancy. I’m more interested in what folk think as I’ve recently come across someone who has a dream body but the face really didn’t match which was a shame as it was an instant turn off for me. And been called shallow for it. Was hoping that others opinion would shed some light on this for me. But yes there are some that would shag anything with a pulse I agree however that is most certainly not me

Just let him do you from behind then.. problem solved "

Umm no never had any issues with anyone not liking my face but thanks for the advice

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think?

Depends how desperate you are.. there are a lot of desperados out there who would fuck anything with a shadow... stay classy

Well I’m certainly not desperate and only meet someone I really want and fancy. I’m more interested in what folk think as I’ve recently come across someone who has a dream body but the face really didn’t match which was a shame as it was an instant turn off for me. And been called shallow for it. Was hoping that others opinion would shed some light on this for me. But yes there are some that would shag anything with a pulse I agree however that is most certainly not me

Just let him do you from behind then.. problem solved

You perving at my profile Bella?"

Ummm nope

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I am more attracted to a face than a body... And if they have a matching set i'm putty in their hands

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By *uckOfTheBayMan
over a year ago


I thought Face was integral to the A - Team, much more so than Murdoch

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By *hav02Man
over a year ago


In a place like Fab, I'll chat to anyone with decent conversation and good mannerism.

If we're getting physical, then have to have some sort of attraction to face and body ...hygiene is good start!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

100 % agree.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"100 % agree. "

With what

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think? "

For me when it comes to.women a lot of it comes down to her eyes, they have to look full.of life and draw me into them.

When it comes to guys it is more about their bodies, with older guys I like heavy set guys who can dominate me. With younger guys I like them pretty, androgynous or fem looking.

My ex wife on the other hand when we were together and swinging she would start off finding a face the most important thing to attract her but the Hornier she got especially once she got into dogging it became more about the act that drove her and looks completely went out of the window.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"To me someone’s face is more important than their body. Is it me or to most men that’s not the case? Like say a woman has a truly stunning body but a rather unfortunate looking face in my experience they still go “yeah I’d still go for her”. But even if a guys body is perfection if the face doesn’t match I lose interest straight away I don’t want to come across as bitchy as it must sound like I’m being like that I’m just curious as to what people think?

For me when it comes to.women a lot of it comes down to her eyes, they have to look full.of life and draw me into them.

When it comes to guys it is more about their bodies, with older guys I like heavy set guys who can dominate me. With younger guys I like them pretty, androgynous or fem looking.

My ex wife on the other hand when we were together and swinging she would start off finding a face the most important thing to attract her but the Hornier she got especially once she got into dogging it became more about the act that drove her and looks completely went out of the window. "

You Neath lot are horny devils aren’t you

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