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"Not this again ![]() I know that but the majority of them 17 mill still think they can recreate that time period. | |||
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"Not this again ![]() You are way off if you think the majority of 17 million only voted to leave because they want to recreate the British empire .. | |||
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"Not this again ![]() We have to agree to disagree on that one ![]() | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff" Yes they didnt think of the consequences there. | |||
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"Not this again ![]() ![]() If you have evidence of this majority, then you can offer that ... | |||
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"Not this again ![]() ![]() I can still offer it, no, have you of why not? But in general that is the view of a brexiter when you hear them. | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff" The cult of brexit has many sheep who will jump for Britain.When the call comes. Don’t blame the sheep blame the shepherd.. ![]() | |||
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"Not this again ![]() how would you possibly know as far as I'm aware you are Swedish and lady I heard you said you were living in Spain so how would you why anyone voted leave ? | |||
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"Not this again ![]() I do not think anyone is saying all voted to resurrect the raja, just that it was the subconscious motivation of a significant minority, just like there is a significant minority in the US that have an equally bizarre nostalgic view of the gun-slinging wild west to drive the gun madness that cant be seen by Americans but is so obvious to the rest of the world. | |||
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"Make yourself sheep, and the wolves will eat you." What is it John Lennon said about people who think they are clever and classless and free? If we are honest with ourselves we have to admit we are all sheep to some extent. | |||
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"It was an anti establishment vote sure enough. Led by multi millionaires like Banks, Boris and Rees mogg...They promised us all an easy way to "Take back control"...pointed out the money we paid to the EU and told us we were being duped. Now some of this has some merit, but be assured those mentioned above are not anti-establishment ....They are the establishment, be prepared for a lowering of standards in all areas of life, workers rights, working time directives,public health issues etc Any price to pay for this unfurling debacle will fall like in 2008 on us the general population,who lost jobs paid out £500 billion to the bankers who then rewarded themselves bonuses.A crime that led to not one of the city boys doing time in prison. We then had Eton boy Cameron tell us we "Are all in this together" i believe we have been sold an idea that will not benefit you or me,the ones who will gain from poorer workers rights and a suppression of health and safety are people like Mike Ashley, Jeff Bezos, and Johnsons cronies ....All "Men of the people" just like Farage .......Oh sorry he is an ex city boy as well... ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() Rubbish,there where many reasons and never heard anybody say this was the reason for voting out | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() Yes. There are many reasons and ALL of them are self-generated concepts of false idealism that were nurtured by the failures of successive Governments and a media backlash that targeted the very bottom of the barrel. One example might be for example that the “English” felt left behind by Scottish, Welsh and Irish devolution and like babies they cried “But what about us?” Another example might be the FACT that the United Kingdom has never settled its soul over the events of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 and to this day many are still fighting the enemy on the Continent. Another example might be the Press whose behaviour in the last three years has in part mirrored their behaviour in the phony war prior to May 1940. Denial and a sense of optimism, coupled with an absolute assertion that Hitler just “would not dare” resulted in the country being totally unprepared for the war that was ultimately unleashed despite having 9 months notice whilst actually being “at war” not to mention the six years prior watching what happened when Hitler took the election in 1933 with 17.5 million popular votes. This country still has a very misplaced sense of its own identity and its place on the world’s stage. Perhaps a total humiliation in the form of Brexit might just bring about the necessary changes to the country’s psyche to enable us to finally move forwards in step with our closest neighbours, trading partners and friends. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() There were many reasons. But in fairness none of them made sense or were real. | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff" We're jumping off a cliff to reward those who already have all the wealth and power. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() Lol what a load of rubbish ,, nobody was thinking this, just laughable even for you mate | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() ” Another example might be the FACT that the United Kingdom has never settled its soul over the events of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 and to this day many are still fighting the enemy on the Continent. Lol I’m willing to bet ( no not on here ) that not one single person had this as their reason lol ,, seriously? Lol come on mate | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() I think people who vote brexit, was because they perceived their lives to be really shit, they hated feeling powerless, they hated immigration from the EU, they hated not having a job, they hated being poor, they hated they didn’t get a piece of the pie. They hated change. The Brexit movement in general is build on a perceived injustice, feeling they have lost control. Those who support brexit, still feel hard done by. The bitterness is febrile. They still just want people to be just as miserable as they are, make them feel their pain. Of course brexiteers are going to deny it, but truthfully deep down they want people to suffer, to boost their sense of false superiority. They may not say it in public, privately they think it. If anyone who is a brexiteer denies this, I deny this is the truth. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() For 1 you started of with “ I think “ that in its self is dangerous And 2 so everything after the first 2 words is a guess so it is irrelevant and made up 3 pretty certain you don’t think your told what to think | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() One dimensional thinking is the prerogative of the simple minded. It is no one’s problem but your own if you are unable to digest and rationalise the issues that are damaging this country. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() Interesting. And there may well be an element of this. For a lot of leavers, it's like a religion. There's plenty of people who say that leaving will be good. There's no information or evidence to suggest there's any truth to it. But they believe it anyway. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() Of course it is not a reason in their conscious mind. The very issue that the country has not settled its (subconscious) soul over its wartime activities. Try and think a little more expansively - it’s not that hard. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() One dimensional? Lol as opposed to your “ I’m right your wrong, it’s my way or F off “ Think you will find it’s the loony left that is damaging the country | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() So that’s the reason people voted to leave it’s was their subconscious feelings, lol go read what you said out loud so you can hear how ridiculous that sounds Shit I wanted to tic stay but my subconscious wouldn’t let me because of the war I wasn’t alive in,, best comment ever lol | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() And your assumption is that someone who has voted Conservative for almost his whole adult life is a loony lefty? As I said, try thinking a little more expansively and get out of your echo chamber. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() Clearly you have been well groomed | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() What ? ,,,, sorry can’t hear you over all the rubbish your talking | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() You really are one of my favourites on here always good for a laugh ,, sorry that was my subconscious making me say that | |||
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"I think people who vote brexit, was because they perceived their lives to be really shit, they hated feeling powerless, they hated immigration from the EU, they hated not having a job, they hated being poor, they hated they didn’t get a piece of the pie. They hated change. Biggest load of bollocks I’ve ever read There’s one quick cure to it all Boris to give everyone who voted remain a fucking dingy and send them to France if they hate this country so much Plus it will save us having to read any more shite from them all on here " ![]() | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() . No shit, you treat people like children and shit for forty years and your astonished when given a democratic vote they vote to knee cap you!. I mean sure, we could have given them the vote on the Maestricht treaty that might have stopped all this nonsense but no, the powers that be like cheap labour so we got unlimited immigration despite nobody actually liking it here. There's those that make a living via capital and those that take a wage, that's the real battle lines, if your white and live in London your more likely to have voted brexit than somebody white from from the north. I keep saying this, the vote was about immigration and that's the simple truth. | |||
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"Strikes me as a huge mistake. I voted remain, not because I think the EU is some fantastic thing, but I think leaving could/will be catastrophic, for generations. Why bother? " I am also a remainer and yes it sure is a big mistake. I dont know either why they bothered with it. | |||
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"Strikes me as a huge mistake. I voted remain, not because I think the EU is some fantastic thing, but I think leaving could/will be catastrophic, for generations. Why bother? I am also a remainer and yes it sure is a big mistake. I dont know either why they bothered with it." . I give Sweden ten more years and they'll vote as well, it won't be for fiscal reasons although somebody will claim it is, it won't be for better trading although some people will claim it is, it won't be for sovereignty although some people will claim it is. It will be because Swedes don't want to be polish or Latvian or Pakistani or Afghans or Germans, they want to be Swedes in a Swedish country. This isn't hard to grasp, even the left grasp it when talking about anybody that isn't white, just the other day the guardian had an article on the Kashmir situation, India want to change the rules and allow non Muslims to own land and move to Kashmir, the Kashmiri aren't happy about that and neither are the guardian, the ethnic people of Kashmir should be free to keep their ethnic identity the guardian wrote, hallelujah they get it, there don't want Hindus. This isn't even considered in the slightest bit a hot topic when talking about brown countries, Palestine for the Palestinians, the left love that idea, England for the English, no your a racist cunt. | |||
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"I think people who vote brexit, was because they perceived their lives to be really shit, they hated feeling powerless, they hated immigration from the EU, they hated not having a job, they hated being poor, they hated they didn’t get a piece of the pie. They hated change. Biggest load of bollocks I’ve ever read There’s one quick cure to it all Boris to give everyone who voted remain a fucking dingy and send them to France if they hate this country so much Plus it will save us having to read any more shite from them all on here " People who support remaining are showing themselves clearly in these threads as those who care for the UK and all the people in it. The brexit fanatics are showing the opposite. | |||
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"I think people who vote brexit, was because they perceived their lives to be really shit, they hated feeling powerless, they hated immigration from the EU, they hated not having a job, they hated being poor, they hated they didn’t get a piece of the pie. They hated change. Biggest load of bollocks I’ve ever read There’s one quick cure to it all Boris to give everyone who voted remain a fucking dingy and send them to France if they hate this country so much Plus it will save us having to read any more shite from them all on here People who support remaining are showing themselves clearly in these threads as those who care for the UK and all the people in it. The brexit fanatics are showing the opposite. " This is like the American tactic of accusing anyone who speaks up against authority of being "unpatriotic". Suggesting that the UK should deport people who care about the wellbeing of the population and who don't want this country to sink into oblivion is something that a brainwashed person would say. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() It’s quite relevant actually, brexiteers are quite terrified to admit they hate more things than they like. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. What happens when hate wins? We all know what happened the last time. Read some history get educated. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() No it’s not relevant, if you started with “ I know “ then provide facts and proof fair enough. But starting with “ I think “ means your guessing so yes your guessing, so everything thing from then on is irrelevant from that point onwards | |||
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"Good news, Shag, a Swedish comedian won the best gag at the Edinburgh festival and fringe: "I keep randomly shouting out 'broccoli' and 'cauliflower' - I think I might have florets." ![]() Yes that is good news and you are right we are very funny too, that is a fun thing the comedian said too lol ![]() | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() From the tone of your it’s obviously true, if you felt the need to respond, so therefore, your my facts and your providing proof by responding to this, therefore, if you respond to this reply now then you only compound the truth about why brexiteers hate being in the EU. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() Lol so by your chain of thought someone who opposes you for the fact that you claim to know the minds, thoughts, beliefs of everyone in the uk ( which is impossible and very self righteous ) and also claiming to know the exact out come of post brexit Britain ( which is also impossible ) is your basis I’m the proof of your fantasy then yes I guess your right ,, lol wow And this ladies and gentlemen is the loony left, god help us all | |||
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"I agree with some of that. The Brexit vote was pretty much a declaration of what people did not want - European-wide rules, refugees/migrants, neo-liberalism etc etc. There hasn't been much of a debate about what people DO want. So we're heading off down a rabbit hole trying to escape things we do not like, without any clear idea of what comes next. " . It's what happens when you shut down people being honest and open, even if there wrong, you have to let them speak, take note and offer a compromise. What were going to get is heels dug in now, there not listening and don't trust the politicians to actually do anything about it. | |||
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"I agree with some of that. The Brexit vote was pretty much a declaration of what people did not want - European-wide rules, refugees/migrants, neo-liberalism etc etc. There hasn't been much of a debate about what people DO want. So we're heading off down a rabbit hole trying to escape things we do not like, without any clear idea of what comes next. . It's what happens when you shut down people being honest and open, even if there wrong, you have to let them speak, take note and offer a compromise. What were going to get is heels dug in now, there not listening and don't trust the politicians to actually do anything about it." I completely agree on listening. The key is that no one is "wrong" when they have something that is effecting their life or if it's something they want. In my opinion we need to dig down deeper to see what people actually do want. For example, a more prosperous and fairer society. Then debate how to achieve that. The problems come from people arguing about how to achieve things before agreeing what we want to achieve. And of course misinformation has made this process much more difficult. | |||
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"I agree with some of that. The Brexit vote was pretty much a declaration of what people did not want - European-wide rules, refugees/migrants, neo-liberalism etc etc. There hasn't been much of a debate about what people DO want. So we're heading off down a rabbit hole trying to escape things we do not like, without any clear idea of what comes next. . It's what happens when you shut down people being honest and open, even if there wrong, you have to let them speak, take note and offer a compromise. What were going to get is heels dug in now, there not listening and don't trust the politicians to actually do anything about it. I completely agree on listening. The key is that no one is "wrong" when they have something that is effecting their life or if it's something they want. In my opinion we need to dig down deeper to see what people actually do want. For example, a more prosperous and fairer society. Then debate how to achieve that. The problems come from people arguing about how to achieve things before agreeing what we want to achieve. And of course misinformation has made this process much more difficult." Looks like people wanted to leave so that’s what they voted for wasn’t it ? | |||
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"I agree with some of that. The Brexit vote was pretty much a declaration of what people did not want - European-wide rules, refugees/migrants, neo-liberalism etc etc. There hasn't been much of a debate about what people DO want. So we're heading off down a rabbit hole trying to escape things we do not like, without any clear idea of what comes next. . It's what happens when you shut down people being honest and open, even if there wrong, you have to let them speak, take note and offer a compromise. What were going to get is heels dug in now, there not listening and don't trust the politicians to actually do anything about it. I completely agree on listening. The key is that no one is "wrong" when they have something that is effecting their life or if it's something they want. In my opinion we need to dig down deeper to see what people actually do want. For example, a more prosperous and fairer society. Then debate how to achieve that. The problems come from people arguing about how to achieve things before agreeing what we want to achieve. And of course misinformation has made this process much more difficult. Looks like people wanted to leave so that’s what they voted for wasn’t it ? " Thank you. This is an excellent example of what I'm talking about. | |||
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"I agree with some of that. The Brexit vote was pretty much a declaration of what people did not want - European-wide rules, refugees/migrants, neo-liberalism etc etc. There hasn't been much of a debate about what people DO want. So we're heading off down a rabbit hole trying to escape things we do not like, without any clear idea of what comes next. . It's what happens when you shut down people being honest and open, even if there wrong, you have to let them speak, take note and offer a compromise. What were going to get is heels dug in now, there not listening and don't trust the politicians to actually do anything about it. I completely agree on listening. The key is that no one is "wrong" when they have something that is effecting their life or if it's something they want. In my opinion we need to dig down deeper to see what people actually do want. For example, a more prosperous and fairer society. Then debate how to achieve that. The problems come from people arguing about how to achieve things before agreeing what we want to achieve. And of course misinformation has made this process much more difficult." . Do you know what the turning point was imo, Gordon brown, oh just some bigoted old woman. He was mostly right, she's just not alone in those thoughts, were hairless apes, we really don't adapt as fast as we think. If anybody actually listened to the citizens they are meant to represent we wouldn't be here but here we are. Politics is never going to go back to normal until we have the open and honest and frankly awkward debate on white identity in a white country and all us (I'm afraid I'm one of the liberals) progressives are just going to have to suck it up for ten years or so. I'm really afraid the consequences of not going through this are beyond fire going forward. | |||
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"I agree with some of that. The Brexit vote was pretty much a declaration of what people did not want - European-wide rules, refugees/migrants, neo-liberalism etc etc. There hasn't been much of a debate about what people DO want. So we're heading off down a rabbit hole trying to escape things we do not like, without any clear idea of what comes next. . It's what happens when you shut down people being honest and open, even if there wrong, you have to let them speak, take note and offer a compromise. What were going to get is heels dug in now, there not listening and don't trust the politicians to actually do anything about it. I completely agree on listening. The key is that no one is "wrong" when they have something that is effecting their life or if it's something they want. In my opinion we need to dig down deeper to see what people actually do want. For example, a more prosperous and fairer society. Then debate how to achieve that. The problems come from people arguing about how to achieve things before agreeing what we want to achieve. And of course misinformation has made this process much more difficult. Looks like people wanted to leave so that’s what they voted for wasn’t it ? Thank you. This is an excellent example of what I'm talking about." you are welcome, so as we had a democratic vote what’s the problem ? Is a democratic system wrong ? Or should we go to a dictatorship one ? | |||
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"I agree with some of that. The Brexit vote was pretty much a declaration of what people did not want - European-wide rules, refugees/migrants, neo-liberalism etc etc. There hasn't been much of a debate about what people DO want. So we're heading off down a rabbit hole trying to escape things we do not like, without any clear idea of what comes next. " I suspect there were 101 reasons to vote leave .Youll never please all the leave people.Most will be bitter and angry and dissatisfied with brexit.Theyll feel the same as they were before brexit. It will drag on for a generation..Which is probably what’s required to lance the brexit boil and extract the puss.. ![]() | |||
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"I agree with some of that. The Brexit vote was pretty much a declaration of what people did not want - European-wide rules, refugees/migrants, neo-liberalism etc etc. There hasn't been much of a debate about what people DO want. So we're heading off down a rabbit hole trying to escape things we do not like, without any clear idea of what comes next. I suspect there were 101 reasons to vote leave .Youll never please all the leave people.Most will be bitter and angry and dissatisfied with brexit.Theyll feel the same as they were before brexit. It will drag on for a generation..Which is probably what’s required to lance the brexit boil and extract the puss.. ![]() A beautiful analogy. | |||
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"Oh let's bring race into it crap it's got nothing to do with pigmentation....." . I happen to agree, twenty years ago it would have been a debate on "englishness and culture" but we've all had that kicked out of us, nobody flew a George cross because they were scared of the consequences, when you poll people on English identity you get stupid answers like fish and chips and rain because there the last answers that don't offend anyone could you imagine polling a Kenyan and getting sunshine and elephants? Or the Japanese and getting sushi and bullet trains?. Were a lost nation of nobodys and everybodys where none of us feel at home and nobodys proud to be English. I was holidaying in Poland last year when it stuck me what a country and identity is actually like. All we've got left now is being white in an ever shrinking white country hence the rise in white identitarian politics and that's not going to get any better anytime soon. You know the first thing Mao did in China was deploy the one culture, one haircut, one uniform policy, everybody is the same no matter what colour you are. Hong kongers felt Chinese when polled twenty years ago, today less that 12% when polled feel Chinese despite being ethnically Chinese!!. Once you've lost your culture it doesn't just come back to you because your a race or a colour, it takes a generation or two. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() There you go! My point has been proven correct! End communication ![]() | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() ![]() So you make comments that make you look like a tit, I comment to prove you look like a tit So yes pretty much conversation over lol | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff We're jumping off a cliff to reward those who already have all the wealth and power." So how are they rewarded?This is just petty jealousy and ignorance | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff We're jumping off a cliff to reward those who already have all the wealth and power.So how are they rewarded?This is just petty jealousy and ignorance" Your ignorance is off the scale. I have money tied up in US dollars. Every time the pound drops I make more. This money was invested prior to 2016 so not an attempt to profit from Brexit. Brexit was always going to impact the UK economy and the pound was always going to be affected negatively. So, many wealthy people have a lot to gain from Brexit and the crashing of the pound. For example, £1m prior to the referendum was worth 1.35m euros. Now that 1.35m euros is worth £1.25m. That's 25% more. Once they've made more money they can start buying up on the cheap. That's not petty jealousy. It's disgusting. It's disgusting that people have conned the gullible into believing that investing less that 0.7% of our GDP in the EU (something like £40 per head a year) is a bad thing. Under WTO, our food bills will be significantly more than an extra £40 a year! It's disgusting that people were conned into believing that immigration from the EU was a bad thing. That all these people were stealing our jobs. It's disgusting that people were conned into thinking that the people were sponging off our NHS when in fact the vast majority were paying more into the system than taking out. The "healthcare tourism" nonsense sprouted is a tiny cost of the NHS and is not even a EU problem. I read something like less than 1/10th of 1%. That's less than 1p in every £10. You've been conned into believing that the laws in our country are dictated by the EU. Less than 15% of laws are EU and actually some aren't a bad thing. But the important thing, our MEPs approved the vast majority of those. You've been conned into believing that the EU is not democratic. You've been conned by fake news that Turkey is about to join the EU and that there will be an EU Army. Conned. | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff We're jumping off a cliff to reward those who already have all the wealth and power.So how are they rewarded?This is just petty jealousy and ignorance" Brexit is for the sole benefit of those who already have wealth and power. Brexit is so they can get a tighter grip and more control over the population. Or have you missed everything that's been happening for the last 3 1/2 years? | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff We're jumping off a cliff to reward those who already have all the wealth and power.So how are they rewarded?This is just petty jealousy and ignorance Your ignorance is off the scale. I have money tied up in US dollars. Every time the pound drops I make more. This money was invested prior to 2016 so not an attempt to profit from Brexit. Brexit was always going to impact the UK economy and the pound was always going to be affected negatively. So, many wealthy people have a lot to gain from Brexit and the crashing of the pound. For example, £1m prior to the referendum was worth 1.35m euros. Now that 1.35m euros is worth £1.25m. That's 25% more. Once they've made more money they can start buying up on the cheap. That's not petty jealousy. It's disgusting. It's disgusting that people have conned the gullible into believing that investing less that 0.7% of our GDP in the EU (something like £40 per head a year) is a bad thing. Under WTO, our food bills will be significantly more than an extra £40 a year! It's disgusting that people were conned into believing that immigration from the EU was a bad thing. That all these people were stealing our jobs. It's disgusting that people were conned into thinking that the people were sponging off our NHS when in fact the vast majority were paying more into the system than taking out. The "healthcare tourism" nonsense sprouted is a tiny cost of the NHS and is not even a EU problem. I read something like less than 1/10th of 1%. That's less than 1p in every £10. You've been conned into believing that the laws in our country are dictated by the EU. Less than 15% of laws are EU and actually some aren't a bad thing. But the important thing, our MEPs approved the vast majority of those. You've been conned into believing that the EU is not democratic. You've been conned by fake news that Turkey is about to join the EU and that there will be an EU Army. Conned. " And it was scary how easy it was for them to con people. | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff We're jumping off a cliff to reward those who already have all the wealth and power.So how are they rewarded?This is just petty jealousy and ignorance Your ignorance is off the scale. I have money tied up in US dollars. Every time the pound drops I make more. This money was invested prior to 2016 so not an attempt to profit from Brexit. Brexit was always going to impact the UK economy and the pound was always going to be affected negatively. So, many wealthy people have a lot to gain from Brexit and the crashing of the pound. For example, £1m prior to the referendum was worth 1.35m euros. Now that 1.35m euros is worth £1.25m. That's 25% more. Once they've made more money they can start buying up on the cheap. That's not petty jealousy. It's disgusting. It's disgusting that people have conned the gullible into believing that investing less that 0.7% of our GDP in the EU (something like £40 per head a year) is a bad thing. Under WTO, our food bills will be significantly more than an extra £40 a year! It's disgusting that people were conned into believing that immigration from the EU was a bad thing. That all these people were stealing our jobs. It's disgusting that people were conned into thinking that the people were sponging off our NHS when in fact the vast majority were paying more into the system than taking out. The "healthcare tourism" nonsense sprouted is a tiny cost of the NHS and is not even a EU problem. I read something like less than 1/10th of 1%. That's less than 1p in every £10. You've been conned into believing that the laws in our country are dictated by the EU. Less than 15% of laws are EU and actually some aren't a bad thing. But the important thing, our MEPs approved the vast majority of those. You've been conned into believing that the EU is not democratic. You've been conned by fake news that Turkey is about to join the EU and that there will be an EU Army. Conned. And it was scary how easy it was for them to con people." What's REALLY scary is that after 3 years they still can't see it. They think that WTO is a good thing even though the likes of Johnson and Gove have in the past stated that isn't the direction we want to go down. Clueless! | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff We're jumping off a cliff to reward those who already have all the wealth and power.So how are they rewarded?This is just petty jealousy and ignorance Your ignorance is off the scale. I have money tied up in US dollars. Every time the pound drops I make more. This money was invested prior to 2016 so not an attempt to profit from Brexit. Brexit was always going to impact the UK economy and the pound was always going to be affected negatively. So, many wealthy people have a lot to gain from Brexit and the crashing of the pound. For example, £1m prior to the referendum was worth 1.35m euros. Now that 1.35m euros is worth £1.25m. That's 25% more. Once they've made more money they can start buying up on the cheap. That's not petty jealousy. It's disgusting. It's disgusting that people have conned the gullible into believing that investing less that 0.7% of our GDP in the EU (something like £40 per head a year) is a bad thing. Under WTO, our food bills will be significantly more than an extra £40 a year! It's disgusting that people were conned into believing that immigration from the EU was a bad thing. That all these people were stealing our jobs. It's disgusting that people were conned into thinking that the people were sponging off our NHS when in fact the vast majority were paying more into the system than taking out. The "healthcare tourism" nonsense sprouted is a tiny cost of the NHS and is not even a EU problem. I read something like less than 1/10th of 1%. That's less than 1p in every £10. You've been conned into believing that the laws in our country are dictated by the EU. Less than 15% of laws are EU and actually some aren't a bad thing. But the important thing, our MEPs approved the vast majority of those. You've been conned into believing that the EU is not democratic. You've been conned by fake news that Turkey is about to join the EU and that there will be an EU Army. Conned. And it was scary how easy it was for them to con people. What's REALLY scary is that after 3 years they still can't see it. They think that WTO is a good thing even though the likes of Johnson and Gove have in the past stated that isn't the direction we want to go down. Clueless!" Five minutes research into WTO trading rules would show anyone how unsuitable they are. It's a minimum requirement for a country to potentially survive on. But people don't want to know. | |||
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"but to punish the elite the country jumps off the cliff We're jumping off a cliff to reward those who already have all the wealth and power.So how are they rewarded?This is just petty jealousy and ignorance Your ignorance is off the scale. I have money tied up in US dollars. Every time the pound drops I make more. This money was invested prior to 2016 so not an attempt to profit from Brexit. Brexit was always going to impact the UK economy and the pound was always going to be affected negatively. So, many wealthy people have a lot to gain from Brexit and the crashing of the pound. For example, £1m prior to the referendum was worth 1.35m euros. Now that 1.35m euros is worth £1.25m. That's 25% more. Once they've made more money they can start buying up on the cheap. That's not petty jealousy. It's disgusting. It's disgusting that people have conned the gullible into believing that investing less that 0.7% of our GDP in the EU (something like £40 per head a year) is a bad thing. Under WTO, our food bills will be significantly more than an extra £40 a year! It's disgusting that people were conned into believing that immigration from the EU was a bad thing. That all these people were stealing our jobs. It's disgusting that people were conned into thinking that the people were sponging off our NHS when in fact the vast majority were paying more into the system than taking out. The "healthcare tourism" nonsense sprouted is a tiny cost of the NHS and is not even a EU problem. I read something like less than 1/10th of 1%. That's less than 1p in every £10. You've been conned into believing that the laws in our country are dictated by the EU. Less than 15% of laws are EU and actually some aren't a bad thing. But the important thing, our MEPs approved the vast majority of those. You've been conned into believing that the EU is not democratic. You've been conned by fake news that Turkey is about to join the EU and that there will be an EU Army. Conned. And it was scary how easy it was for them to con people. What's REALLY scary is that after 3 years they still can't see it. They think that WTO is a good thing even though the likes of Johnson and Gove have in the past stated that isn't the direction we want to go down. Clueless! Five minutes research into WTO trading rules would show anyone how unsuitable they are. It's a minimum requirement for a country to potentially survive on. But people don't want to know." WTO is the third division on the world economic stage and at present we are in the premier league.. ![]() | |||
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"Good news, Shag, a Swedish comedian won the best gag at the Edinburgh festival and fringe: "I keep randomly shouting out 'broccoli' and 'cauliflower' - I think I might have florets." ![]() ![]() Looks like it’s not been that funny for some: “A charity for people with Tourette's syndrome has asked a comedian to apologise for his award-winning joke made at the Edinburgh Fringe festival.” You never please everyone all the time ![]() | |||
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"Good news, Shag, a Swedish comedian won the best gag at the Edinburgh festival and fringe: "I keep randomly shouting out 'broccoli' and 'cauliflower' - I think I might have florets." ![]() ![]() ![]() did they say f@cking apologize you sh$y faced wan@er bastard c@Nt ![]() | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() But it wasn't about nostalgia, it was about taking back control and making our own rules up as we go along. For example, taking back control of British Steel... And for another example, for taking back control of that railway line which was effectively run by Richard Branson. 2 examples of "taking back control" which are happening right now. | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() The illusion of control gives an enormous sense of well being and happiness. ![]() | |||
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"Who else agreed that a vote for brexit was a vote a for a misguided nostalgia, for a so called golden age when the uk had an empire ![]() ![]() That is right it does that too ![]() | |||
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