Speaking as a US citizen. Even disregarding that the freedom is in our Constitution. The gun culture, and the mind set of gun owners, has risen to the point that banning guns would never work here. There would be more people that would die just trying to take the guns away than all the shootings we've ever had combined. It would most likely cause a very bloody civil war here, collapsing our economy, and thus the economy of the rest of the world as well. I'm a firm believer that certain new restrictions and laws could be enforced to help keep guns away from most of the people that just have no business having access to them. The trouble is, the people that are in power, because of wealth or politics, profit from not having the new restrictions and laws passed and enforced. So, because of these facts, and others, I can say
with 99% certainty, taking guns away from the US people isn't a viable option, so it will never
happen here. Heck, just the shear civilian firepower of the people in the five states of Pennsylvania, West Virginia,, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky alone, thats tens of millions of guns, registered and unregistered, including millions of high military spec guns of every caliber, and tens of billions of rounds of ammunition. That's only 10% of the states in the US. Those five states could overwhelm many militaries in the world with that kind of civilian firepower. A vast majority of these people learned to handle guns from a Very young age, under 10 years old. Invasion of the US mainland by a foreign power, sure wouldn't be an intelligent choice for any government or dictator
to make. Not that I have any ill feelings against the Japanese people, because I don't in any way, and I'm happy they are our allies, but the Pearl Harbor bombing by the Japanese Navy planes on December 7th 1941, and just the possibility of
a west coast mainland invasion in everyones thoughts, changed the mindset of an entire nation, probably for many many generations to come. Millions of US citizens legally carry concealed handguns everyday. I can safely say, because I live in a rural country setting, there is probably at least a thousand civilian guns within a three mile radius of my home. The American saying, "They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead hands", is not a joke, and shouldn't be thought as such. These people are
deadly serious, and more than willing to prove it
to any authority, State or Federal, that wishes to
test them by trying to enforce a gun ban law. The very best anyone can hope for is smarter restrictions that these gun owners agree with and
will accept, anything beyond that isn't happening in our children's lifetime.
Sorry for my long winded reply on this topic. |