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Brexit and the car industry

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

It will cost more to make a car as the high tariffs on the parts have to come from the eu, about 50% of the car, they say it might not beable to produce as many cars, whats your view? The car industry will be in for a bumpy ride

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By *ara JTV/TS
over a year ago

Bristol East

I read something about this yesterday.

Car-makers on the continent being advised to avoid British-supplied parts because they will dilute the Made-in-the-EU element of the vehicle after Brexit.

If too much of the car is supplied from outwith the EU, it no longer qualifies as an EU product for the purposes of export.

Kinda inevitable really, isn't it.

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By *urve BallWoman
over a year ago

North London

"It will cost more to make a car as the high tariffs on the parts have to come from the eu, about 50% of the car, they say it might not beable to produce as many cars, whats your view? The car industry will be in for a bumpy ride "

That's not exactly accurate or, at the very least, not the biggest problem the car industry faces after brexit. I explained the issue in some detail through my various posts in the last couple of days. I copy and paste one of them to contribute here:

"(...) the Dutch government (and the EU followed suit later) has warned/advised their businesses to avoid buying components from the Uk and look for alternatives from within the Eu in order to minimise manufacturing issues. This applies to small items like safety valves to larger items like car/airplane parts. This has sent *our* businesses in a panic (large and small) because for quite a few of them, the Eu is their largest, if not only, customer. This is the Eu making plans for a no-deal brexit, like you suggest. Do you think many of these companies can just sit and twiddle their thumbs while waiting a number of years for our government to sort out new trade deals with far away, cheaper markets (which in itself is a loss)? My guess is most of them will have to close down.

Also, and again in the same report by Faisal Islam as the things I mention above, an extention to the "rules of origin" (which is why the EU has issued those warnings) is affecting *our* car industry in an additional way: as it stands at the moment, British cars do NOT qualify for free trade deals with the rest of the world because their components are only around 25% British which is less than half short of the 55% needed in order to qualify. Can you imagine how catastrophic this will be for our industry? (...)"

And the sad thing is that, I'm sure, this is not (or, at least, will not be) the only industry that's affected from this. What's the point of banking on amazing new trade deals when our products won't qualify for them?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Not bothered.....next

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By *rench letterCouple
over a year ago


It just one big mess is Brexit. Leavers just seem to want to ruin this country. Tossers like Davies, mogg and Johnson want to be fired.

No idea all the mess it will cause for British businesses, and he NHS staff shortages and the farmers picking produce and other businesses who need EU nationals.

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By *unkkMan
over a year ago


Whilst I fully understand the short term implications of BREXIT on our economy, we must remember that we import far more cars than we export. This will have the same effect on the German, French, Italian, Spanish and Polish car industries. It is in the EU’s interests to keep things similar to what they are now.

Long term (10 years plus), the EU has too many broken economies to underwrite. The Greek economy is famous, but keep your eye on the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese economy, they will be the downfall of the EU (should BREXIT happen).

Like every decision, there are pros and cons and we must weigh them up over a period of time before making a decision on what we believe the best course of action to be.

Sex, politics and religion never mix lol

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Not bothered.....next"

If you are not bothered you might want to check in with your brethren up the coast at Nissan in Sunderland......

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By *illwill69uMan
over a year ago


"Not bothered.....next"

Funny how many people are 'Not Bothered' when it is other people who are loosing their jobs. Of course this changes when it is suddenly their job that is on the line and being flushed down the sewer.

Never mind maybe you will start getting bothered when the shops start to run out of food, the pumps start running dry, the electricity starts going out and the gas isn't there to heat your water when you turn on the tap.

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By *ou only live onceMan
over a year ago


"Whilst I fully understand the short term implications of BREXIT on our economy, we must remember that we import far more cars than we export. This will have the same effect on the German, French, Italian, Spanish and Polish car industries. It is in the EU’s interests to keep things similar to what they are now.

Long term (10 years plus), the EU has too many broken economies to underwrite. The Greek economy is famous, but keep your eye on the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese economy, they will be the downfall of the EU (should BREXIT happen).

Like every decision, there are pros and cons and we must weigh them up over a period of time before making a decision on what we believe the best course of action to be.

Sex, politics and religion never mix lol"

Completely agree that sex, politics and religion shouldn't mix (why did I open this forum...why?!?), but just a clarification on the car point.

It won't affect German, French or Italian manufacturers in the same way - for a start they wouldn't be losing preferential access to the single market of 400m+, but just the UK market of 60m, significant though that is.

But as far as I see, it's less about exports and more about 'rules of origin' - all those foreign car makers that might currently use components made in the UK have been advised not to, so the impact on UK companies supplying them could be significant.

Japanese manufacturers based in the UK are also worried as the UK will be classified a 'third country' making importing to the EU from the UK less desirable...unless of course the government has its cake and eats is, as it tells us it will!

But you're right, this isn't the place for politics. And not having a go...just get a bit geeky over this stuff!

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By *ou only live onceMan
over a year ago


"It will cost more to make a car as the high tariffs on the parts have to come from the eu, about 50% of the car, they say it might not beable to produce as many cars, whats your view? The car industry will be in for a bumpy ride

That's not exactly accurate or, at the very least, not the biggest problem the car industry faces after brexit. I explained the issue in some detail through my various posts in the last couple of days. I copy and paste one of them to contribute here:

"(...) the Dutch government (and the EU followed suit later) has warned/advised their businesses to avoid buying components from the Uk and look for alternatives from within the Eu in order to minimise manufacturing issues. This applies to small items like safety valves to larger items like car/airplane parts. This has sent *our* businesses in a panic (large and small) because for quite a few of them, the Eu is their largest, if not only, customer. This is the Eu making plans for a no-deal brexit, like you suggest. Do you think many of these companies can just sit and twiddle their thumbs while waiting a number of years for our government to sort out new trade deals with far away, cheaper markets (which in itself is a loss)? My guess is most of them will have to close down.

Also, and again in the same report by Faisal Islam as the things I mention above, an extention to the "rules of origin" (which is why the EU has issued those warnings) is affecting *our* car industry in an additional way: as it stands at the moment, British cars do NOT qualify for free trade deals with the rest of the world because their components are only around 25% British which is less than half short of the 55% needed in order to qualify. Can you imagine how catastrophic this will be for our industry? (...)"

And the sad thing is that, I'm sure, this is not (or, at least, will not be) the only industry that's affected from this. What's the point of banking on amazing new trade deals when our products won't qualify for them? "

What have we done?!?!

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin

"Whilst I fully understand the short term implications of BREXIT on our economy, we must remember that we import far more cars than we export. This will have the same effect on the German, French, Italian, Spanish and Polish car industries. It is in the EU’s interests to keep things similar to what they are now.

Long term (10 years plus), the EU has too many broken economies to underwrite. The Greek economy is famous, but keep your eye on the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese economy, they will be the downfall of the EU (should BREXIT happen).

Like every decision, there are pros and cons and we must weigh them up over a period of time before making a decision on what we believe the best course of action to be.

Sex, politics and religion never mix lol"

Thats funny, the German automakers association came out in support and lobbied their government for a tough Brexit deal that would discourage anyone else from leaving. Guess Britain isnt that important to car manufacturers as you think.

You import more cars than you export because Britain cant be self sustaining for every industry. The EU can very easily replace British parts for other EU parts and British made cars for EU cars. The UK wont have that option.

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


This industry is just one of many that will suffer. I was reading just yesterday about crops rotting in fields because farmers can't find workers to pick it. 99% of picking Labour comes from the EU.

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By *ou only live onceMan
over a year ago


"This industry is just one of many that will suffer. I was reading just yesterday about crops rotting in fields because farmers can't find workers to pick it. 99% of picking Labour comes from the EU. "

I can't think of a single sector that won't be adversely affected in some way (would love to be convinced otherwise)...though perhaps a boon for the legal profession with all the lawyers needed to sort this mess!

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By *tace 309TV/TS
over a year ago


Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This industry is just one of many that will suffer. I was reading just yesterday about crops rotting in fields because farmers can't find workers to pick it. 99% of picking Labour comes from the EU. "

Do you not do it?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip "

In the words of Albert Einstein - avoid negative people, they have a problem for every solution

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By *urve BallWoman
over a year ago

North London

"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip "

Not burying your head in the sand and not being in denial about *real*, *actual* damage that will be done, is *not* "doom and gloom". It's pragmatism. Try un-burying your head from the sand, take a look and listen around you and make up your own mind without your eyes and ears covered.

In addition, the brexiteers arguments about optimism for the future would have been a lot more credible if they admitted that there will be some damage, rather than dismissing everything as "doom and gloom" and "project fear" and keeping their head in the clouds getting their saddles ready for the (non-existing) unicorns.

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"This industry is just one of many that will suffer. I was reading just yesterday about crops rotting in fields because farmers can't find workers to pick it. 99% of picking Labour comes from the EU.

Do you not do it?"

I try my best to avoid fruit and vegetables at all costs. Why would I go to the place they are born?

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By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


I think the UK stands to lose out a lot, in the car industry, as with many others. It provides great strength to the need for the UK citizens to be able to have their acceptance of whatever the details are to be of the future UK/Eu relationship. The devil and relevance is obviously all in the specific details of the deal, where the explicit ramifications can be understood by everyone. Sovereignty to the people and parliament, as has been requested, based on the 2018 and onwards reality.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This industry is just one of many that will suffer. I was reading just yesterday about crops rotting in fields because farmers can't find workers to pick it. 99% of picking Labour comes from the EU.

Do you not do it?

I try my best to avoid fruit and vegetables at all costs. Why would I go to the place they are born? "

Well you seem worried enough about it not getting picked, thought maybe you’d like to help out? Or is it work that only lowly poor foreigners are suited to?

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"This industry is just one of many that will suffer. I was reading just yesterday about crops rotting in fields because farmers can't find workers to pick it. 99% of picking Labour comes from the EU.

Do you not do it?

I try my best to avoid fruit and vegetables at all costs. Why would I go to the place they are born?

Well you seem worried enough about it not getting picked, thought maybe you’d like to help out? Or is it work that only lowly poor foreigners are suited to? "

What will my food eat if no one picks it?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This industry is just one of many that will suffer. I was reading just yesterday about crops rotting in fields because farmers can't find workers to pick it. 99% of picking Labour comes from the EU.

Do you not do it?

I try my best to avoid fruit and vegetables at all costs. Why would I go to the place they are born?

Well you seem worried enough about it not getting picked, thought maybe you’d like to help out? Or is it work that only lowly poor foreigners are suited to?

What will my food eat if no one picks it? "

Best get in the fields then

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Not bothered.....next

Funny how many people are 'Not Bothered' when it is other people who are loosing their jobs. Of course this changes when it is suddenly their job that is on the line and being flushed down the sewer.

Never mind maybe you will start getting bothered when the shops start to run out of food, the pumps start running dry, the electricity starts going out and the gas isn't there to heat your water when you turn on the tap. "

You believe all this is going to happen yet you still voted Brexit.

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"This industry is just one of many that will suffer. I was reading just yesterday about crops rotting in fields because farmers can't find workers to pick it. 99% of picking Labour comes from the EU.

Do you not do it?

I try my best to avoid fruit and vegetables at all costs. Why would I go to the place they are born?

Well you seem worried enough about it not getting picked, thought maybe you’d like to help out? Or is it work that only lowly poor foreigners are suited to?

What will my food eat if no one picks it?

Best get in the fields then "

Yeah, great solution, I'm sure than me as an individual can replace 99% of the picking labour of the country

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By *illwill69uMan
over a year ago


"You believe all this is going to happen yet you still voted Brexit."

Some of this I saw, some I missed, but yes.

And I say this yet again, because we were and still are toxic to Europe and the sooner we learn that we are not special the better for all because this was bound to happen eventually and the longer it took to come about the more damaging it would be.

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By *ara JTV/TS
over a year ago

Bristol East

"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip "

Ok, give us all the good news about what Brexit is delivering.

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By *oxychick35Couple
over a year ago


We haven’t left yet

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"We haven’t left yet "

Because the government is shit at negotiating and shouldn't have started without knowing what they wanted to achieve

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By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

Not burying your head in the sand and not being in denial about *real*, *actual* damage that will be done, is *not* "doom and gloom". It's pragmatism. Try un-burying your head from the sand, take a look and listen around you and make up your own mind without your eyes and ears covered.

In addition, the brexiteers arguments about optimism for the future would have been a lot more credible if they admitted that there will be some damage, rather than dismissing everything as "doom and gloom" and "project fear" and keeping their head in the clouds getting their saddles ready for the (non-existing) unicorns."

Exactly. Pretending everything in the garden is rosy is utterly delusional.

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By *oxychick35Couple
over a year ago


"We haven’t left yet

Because the government is shit at negotiating and shouldn't have started without knowing what they wanted to achieve "

agree 100% with you there

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We can safely ignore all the merchants of doom and gloom who seem to really enjoy making negative postings on here . It would be interesting to know if they work in the public or private sector . They seem to have loads of time to spare to make negative posts .

The VW group want to work closely with the UK to avoid tariffs . We are one of their largest export markets.

Due to the UKs engineering excellence 8 out of 11 formula one racing teams are based here .

The opinions that matter are not those of Brussels bureaucrats , what matters are the opinions of European industry leaders.

They are hardly going to support action that would damage one of their largest markets .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

But... But... But... We can "strike our own trade deals" ..... still gets them moist rolling that mantra out... fuck everything else "including reality & basic economics"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Jesus, F1 Freddie's here with his few "tweaks"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Due to the UKs engineering excellence 8 out of 11 formula one racing teams are based here .


8 out of 11.... You sure about that

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We can safely ignore all the merchants of doom and gloom who seem to really enjoy making negative postings on here . It would be interesting to know if they work in the public or private sector . They seem to have loads of time to spare to make negative posts .

The VW group want to work closely with the UK to avoid tariffs . We are one of their largest export markets.

Due to the UKs engineering excellence 8 out of 11 formula one racing teams are based here .

The opinions that matter are not those of Brussels bureaucrats , what matters are the opinions of European industry leaders.

They are hardly going to support action that would damage one of their largest markets . "

do leaders count as experts ?

And I wonder what the make up of the F1 engineering teams are. I’m guessing not wholy brits.

Ps work in the private sector.

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By *unandbuckCouple
over a year ago


OP, firstly that assumes no trade deal is done.

Secondly, even if we fell on to WTO tariffs, the average tariff of a manufactured item is 4.5%. Parts make up less than 50% of a vehicle total cost. Lets say 50% are imported.

That would hike the price of a vehicle by 1.1% . Blimey with a disaster like that looming looks like a re-run is in order.

That's before mentioning the small points of all those import duties going to the exchequer for handy things like schools and the NHS, and secondly it making uk suppliers supplying the uk car makers that bit more competitive, hopefully winning more business and employing more people, generating wages and tax.

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By *.a75Man
over a year ago


Well as Parts Are made in Europe, Spain, Canada, Poland, Czk, Tokyo. It DOESN'T Matter what Europe Says. For Example, I transferred a 2nd Hand Abs pump for a 2011 Mazda3. Which is Made For Ford.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 07/06/18 21:25:29]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"OP, firstly that assumes no trade deal is done.

Secondly, even if we fell on to WTO tariffs, the average tariff of a manufactured item is 4.5%. Parts make up less than 50% of a vehicle total cost. Lets say 50% are imported.

That would hike the price of a vehicle by 1.1% . Blimey with a disaster like that looming looks like a re-run is in order.

That's before mentioning the small points of all those import duties going to the exchequer for handy things like schools and the NHS, and secondly it making uk suppliers supplying the uk car makers that bit more competitive, hopefully winning more business and employing more people, generating wages and tax."

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


The opinions that matter are not those of Brussels bureaucrats , what matters are the opinions of European industry leaders.


“If we leave without a deal, we would halve our profits, and if you add a weak economy it would be really challenging. I can’t think of a worse situation than ‘no deal’,” - Second-tier supplier Applied Component Technologies’ chief executive, Dermot Sterne.

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

So theres the industry leaders whose opinions "matter" saying it would be disastrous for them.

And far from giving British auto suppliers an edge it would decimate their profits because they would no longer be able to operate JIT management.

People complain about "doom and gloom" but even though Brexiters dont like it there are serious problems which will affect British jobs and industry and 2 years after the vote the Tories and Brexit supporters have no better solution than to complain about these issues being raised.

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By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago


"OP, firstly that assumes no trade deal is done.

Secondly, even if we fell on to WTO tariffs, the average tariff of a manufactured item is 4.5%. Parts make up less than 50% of a vehicle total cost. Lets say 50% are imported.

That would hike the price of a vehicle by 1.1% . Blimey with a disaster like that looming looks like a re-run is in order.

That's before mentioning the small points of all those import duties going to the exchequer for handy things like schools and the NHS, and secondly it making uk suppliers supplying the uk car makers that bit more competitive, hopefully winning more business and employing more people, generating wages and tax."

Great post

In fact Nissan already announced earlier in the year that after Brexit they intend to source at least 85% or more parts for uk made Nissan's, from within the UK single market (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland). I suspect other UK car manufacturers will do the same.

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By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago



Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.


LOL, like anyone buying an Aston Martin is going to be bothered about an extra £1,500 quid.

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

LOL, like anyone buying an Aston Martin is going to be bothered about an extra £1,500 quid. "

Doesn't that also go for Porsche, BMW, Audi, Mercedes etc?

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

LOL, like anyone buying an Aston Martin is going to be bothered about an extra £1,500 quid. "

Well luxury cars will be fine, but thats not the majority of British car exports. And theres also a 10% tariff on cars under WTO rules so a no deal scenario would see a British family car increase in cost by £1500 and then if they wanted to sell it to the EU they'd have to pay more for forwarding (shipping companies have said they'd have to employ a lot more staff). And then they'd have to add another 10% on.

Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"OP, firstly that assumes no trade deal is done.

Secondly, even if we fell on to WTO tariffs, the average tariff of a manufactured item is 4.5%. Parts make up less than 50% of a vehicle total cost. Lets say 50% are imported.

That would hike the price of a vehicle by 1.1% . Blimey with a disaster like that looming looks like a re-run is in order.

That's before mentioning the small points of all those import duties going to the exchequer for handy things like schools and the NHS, and secondly it making uk suppliers supplying the uk car makers that bit more competitive, hopefully winning more business and employing more people, generating wages and tax.

Great post

In fact Nissan already announced earlier in the year that after Brexit they intend to source at least 85% or more parts for uk made Nissan's, from within the UK single market (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland). I suspect other UK car manufacturers will do the same. "

did that announcement come with caveats ? Previously they were demanding government investment to do this. On top of the brexit bung .... they don’t feel like they’re brexit advocates ....

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By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

LOL, like anyone buying an Aston Martin is going to be bothered about an extra £1,500 quid.

Well luxury cars will be fine, but thats not the majority of British car exports. And theres also a 10% tariff on cars under WTO rules so a no deal scenario would see a British family car increase in cost by £1500 and then if they wanted to sell it to the EU they'd have to pay more for forwarding (shipping companies have said they'd have to employ a lot more staff). And then they'd have to add another 10% on.

Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price."

To start with you have added the 1500 twice. Also you obviously have no idea how the price is arrived at, its what a market will bear, Do you really think a land rover defender costs 30% more to make than a hilux ? It doesnt it, "sells" for more because many folks who buy it want the brand. The pound has fallen around 10% since brexit and will balance out the tariff, of course imorted parts will rise, this should enable uk parts to become more competitive and replace some imports, will it allbe rosey,no of course not but for every door that shuts a new one will open

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If a Juke is €18.5k now, how much were they in May 2016?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Sorry, Note not Juke

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By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago


"Whilst I fully understand the short term implications of BREXIT on our economy, we must remember that we import far more cars than we export. This will have the same effect on the German, French, Italian, Spanish and Polish car industries. It is in the EU’s interests to keep things similar to what they are now.

Long term (10 years plus), the EU has too many broken economies to underwrite. The Greek economy is famous, but keep your eye on the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese economy, they will be the downfall of the EU (should BREXIT happen).

Like every decision, there are pros and cons and we must weigh them up over a period of time before making a decision on what we believe the best course of action to be.

Sex, politics and religion never mix lol

Thats funny, the German automakers association came out in support and lobbied their government for a tough Brexit deal that would discourage anyone else from leaving. Guess Britain isnt that important to car manufacturers as you think.

You import more cars than you export because Britain cant be self sustaining for every industry. The EU can very easily replace British parts for other EU parts and British made cars for EU cars. The UK wont have that option."

The UK can very easily replace EU parts for UK parts, as I already pointed out earlier in the thread Nissan UK already plan to do this after Brexit. UK consumers can buy UK made cars made with UK supplied parts after Brexit. The UK can also very easily replace EU made cars with cars made from outside of the EU. In fact European car manufacturers (BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche, VW, Etc) have been falling behind Asian car manufacturers (Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Kia, etc) consistently for things like reliability and build quality in the consumer guide rankings for many years.

South Korean Kia offer a 7 year warranty, can any German, French or Italian car manufacturers compete with that level of build quality and reliability?

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By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago


"If a Juke is €18.5k now, how much were they in May 2016?"

Taking in to account the drop in the value of the pound £ I'd say a UK made Nissan Juke is considerably cheaper now on mainland Europe than it was before the referendum in 2016 after exchange rates. Any extra WTO tariff will therefore be cancelled out by the drop in the value of the UK pound (£) which has made UK products much more competitive in global markets.

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 07/06/18 22:31:13]

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

LOL, like anyone buying an Aston Martin is going to be bothered about an extra £1,500 quid.

Doesn't that also go for Porsche, BMW, Audi, Mercedes etc? "

Yet those are the brand's brexiters always hold up saying "they won't let us be screwed over, they need us too much!"

Yet again, a brexiter destroys their own arguement!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip "

Inclined to agree with you. I often wonder what planet remainers are living on? Most ordinary working class folk will never ever be able to afford a brand new car in their entire lifetime (whether we are in or out of the EU). For the vast majority of the population, both here and in Europe buy their cars on the 2nd hand used car market.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

Inclined to agree with you. I often wonder what planet remainers are living on? Most ordinary working class folk will never ever be able to afford a brand new car in their entire lifetime (whether we are in or out of the EU). For the vast majority of the population, both here and in Europe buy their cars on the 2nd hand used car market. "

You can't buy a 2nd hand car if no one buys the car new first!

Jesus, if all Brexit voters have the same powers of deduction and logic as you, then this country really is screwed!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

Inclined to agree with you. I often wonder what planet remainers are living on? Most ordinary working class folk will never ever be able to afford a brand new car in their entire lifetime (whether we are in or out of the EU). For the vast majority of the population, both here and in Europe buy their cars on the 2nd hand used car market.

You can't buy a 2nd hand car if no one buys the car new first!

Jesus, if all Brexit voters have the same powers of deduction and logic as you, then this country really is screwed! "

So you've never heard of such a thing called a company car then?

Appears it's your powers of deduction and logic which is lacking here!

Companies often buy new cars on company accounts and then sell them on to the used car market. The car I have now was bought on the used car market and used to be a company car.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

Inclined to agree with you. I often wonder what planet remainers are living on? Most ordinary working class folk will never ever be able to afford a brand new car in their entire lifetime (whether we are in or out of the EU). For the vast majority of the population, both here and in Europe buy their cars on the 2nd hand used car market.

You can't buy a 2nd hand car if no one buys the car new first!

Jesus, if all Brexit voters have the same powers of deduction and logic as you, then this country really is screwed!

So you've never heard of such a thing called a company car then?

Appears it's your powers of deduction and logic which is lacking here!

Companies often buy new cars on company accounts and then sell them on to the used car market. The car I have now was bought on the used car market and used to be a company car. "

Oh dear!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

LOL, like anyone buying an Aston Martin is going to be bothered about an extra £1,500 quid.

Well luxury cars will be fine, but thats not the majority of British car exports. And theres also a 10% tariff on cars under WTO rules so a no deal scenario would see a British family car increase in cost by £1500 and then if they wanted to sell it to the EU they'd have to pay more for forwarding (shipping companies have said they'd have to employ a lot more staff). And then they'd have to add another 10% on.

Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price.

To start with you have added the 1500 twice. Also you obviously have no idea how the price is arrived at, its what a market will bear, Do you really think a land rover defender costs 30% more to make than a hilux ? It doesnt it, "sells" for more because many folks who buy it want the brand. The pound has fallen around 10% since brexit and will balance out the tariff, of course imorted parts will rise, this should enable uk parts to become more competitive and replace some imports, will it allbe rosey,no of course not but for every door that shuts a new one will open"

To start with the 1500 is the price that the manufacturers say the cost will increase by. The 2000 is the tariff.

Price theory is not just something Ive studied, its also something I use since I run a business and before that was a sales manager. Price is not just what the market will bear. Ideally price is the point that maximises profit, that may mean selling 5% less units at a higher price or reducing your price to sell more units.

If what your attempting to say is that you think the price will stay the same and that Nissan are going to take a €3,500 hit on every single Note sold youve lost your mind.

The pound falling means all the imported parts have risen and besides its already factored in since Im talking about todays pricing.

And I quoted an auto parts supplier who said their profit would be cut in half so theyre not going to benefit either.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *alking HeadMan
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

Inclined to agree with you. I often wonder what planet remainers are living on? Most ordinary working class folk will never ever be able to afford a brand new car in their entire lifetime (whether we are in or out of the EU). For the vast majority of the population, both here and in Europe buy their cars on the 2nd hand used car market.

You can't buy a 2nd hand car if no one buys the car new first!

Jesus, if all Brexit voters have the same powers of deduction and logic as you, then this country really is screwed! "

To be fair, the people that CAN afford a brand new car, an extra £1500 isn't really going to break the bank, I hardly think there is going to be much of a dent in sales, on account of that price increase alone.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

There's always a way around something ..

Grey area

Or simply a legal loophole

Plus we can just make British cars

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

Inclined to agree with you. I often wonder what planet remainers are living on? Most ordinary working class folk will never ever be able to afford a brand new car in their entire lifetime (whether we are in or out of the EU). For the vast majority of the population, both here and in Europe buy their cars on the 2nd hand used car market.

You can't buy a 2nd hand car if no one buys the car new first!

Jesus, if all Brexit voters have the same powers of deduction and logic as you, then this country really is screwed!

To be fair, the people that CAN afford a brand new car, an extra £1500 isn't really going to break the bank, I hardly think there is going to be much of a dent in sales, on account of that price increase alone."

So you think that the German automotive industry won't be able to put any pressure on the EU to take a particularly generous or lienent stance on the UK then?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"There's always a way around something ..

Grey area

Or simply a legal loophole

Plus we can just make British cars "

How many British cars have you owned?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago



Thats funny, the German automakers association came out in support and lobbied their government for a tough Brexit deal that would discourage anyone else from leaving. Guess Britain isnt that important to car manufacturers as you think.


That's funny, as Richard Madeley just said on BBC Question Time that the top boss at Audi in Germany said this week that the EU must do a good Brexit deal with the UK.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



Thats funny, the German automakers association came out in support and lobbied their government for a tough Brexit deal that would discourage anyone else from leaving. Guess Britain isnt that important to car manufacturers as you think.

That's funny, as Richard Madeley just said on BBC Question Time that the top boss at Audi in Germany said this week that the EU must do a good Brexit deal with the UK. "

Brexiters on here say " the people that CAN afford a brand new car, an extra £1500 isn't really going to break the bank, I hardly think there is going to be much of a dent in sales, on account of that price increase alone"

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Thats funny, the German automakers association came out in support and lobbied their government for a tough Brexit deal that would discourage anyone else from leaving. Guess Britain isnt that important to car manufacturers as you think.

That's funny, as Richard Madeley just said on BBC Question Time that the top boss at Audi in Germany said this week that the EU must do a good Brexit deal with the UK. "

We've had this discussion before. The companies PR is saying lets be nice to the British, but the lobby group they pay to influence the german government said the opposite. Which do you think shows their true feelings on the matter

Dieter Kempf, president of the BDI, the federation of German industries, said: “Defending the single market, a key European project, must be the priority for the European Union. Europe must maintain the integrity of the single market and its four freedoms: goods, capital, services, and labour.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin

Well that was the wrong quote, this is from the German Auto Association:

Matthias Wissmann, head of Germany's influential auto industry lobby, the VDA.

"Everything must be done to allow the unfettered flow of goods and services," he told reporters. "But there is one clear priority: we must stand together among the 27 EU member states."

"We are interested in keeping the EU together - in fact, that is our priority. Britons are deluded if they think German carmakers care only about selling five more cars rather than taking the long-term view".

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkywife1981Couple
over a year ago

A town near you

I work for a large construction company with interests in the UK, all of our HGV are scania and volvo which are replaced every 4 years and all the heavy equipment is liehbar, wirtigen, kobelco. German and swedish equipment dominate the UK construction market, what effect will brexit have on their uk sales. At present our company isnt to concerned about the effect of brexit on our uk operations.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin

"I work for a large construction company with interests in the UK, all of our HGV are scania and volvo which are replaced every 4 years and all the heavy equipment is liehbar, wirtigen, kobelco. German and swedish equipment dominate the UK construction market, what effect will brexit have on their uk sales. At present our company isnt to concerned about the effect of brexit on our uk operations. "

If theres no deal those vehicles will be at WTO terms and as I remember those vehicles are a lot higher than cars, I think its 22% import duty so your vehicle costs would increase by that amount.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago


"There's always a way around something ..

Grey area

Or simply a legal loophole

Plus we can just make British cars "

Jesus wept.....now we are going to become self sufficient in car production are we? You really couldnt make this tosh up.....oh you did...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

Inclined to agree with you. I often wonder what planet remainers are living on? Most ordinary working class folk will never ever be able to afford a brand new car in their entire lifetime (whether we are in or out of the EU). For the vast majority of the population, both here and in Europe buy their cars on the 2nd hand used car market.

You can't buy a 2nd hand car if no one buys the car new first!

Jesus, if all Brexit voters have the same powers of deduction and logic as you, then this country really is screwed!

To be fair, the people that CAN afford a brand new car, an extra £1500 isn't really going to break the bank, I hardly think there is going to be much of a dent in sales, on account of that price increase alone."

New car sales have dropped like a stone since the referendum....

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"You believe all this is going to happen yet you still voted Brexit.

Some of this I saw, some I missed, but yes.

And I say this yet again, because we were and still are toxic to Europe and the sooner we learn that we are not special the better for all because this was bound to happen eventually and the longer it took to come about the more damaging it would be."

Which bits did you miss? The bit about people losing their jobs or the collapse of the food/energy supply chain and basic utilities?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ercuryMan
over a year ago


"Why is it that all remainers offer nothing but doom and gloom .get a grip

Inclined to agree with you. I often wonder what planet remainers are living on? Most ordinary working class folk will never ever be able to afford a brand new car in their entire lifetime (whether we are in or out of the EU). For the vast majority of the population, both here and in Europe buy their cars on the 2nd hand used car market.

You can't buy a 2nd hand car if no one buys the car new first!

Jesus, if all Brexit voters have the same powers of deduction and logic as you, then this country really is screwed!

To be fair, the people that CAN afford a brand new car, an extra £1500 isn't really going to break the bank, I hardly think there is going to be much of a dent in sales, on account of that price increase alone.

New car sales have dropped like a stone since the referendum...."

That isn't all down to the Brexit vote.

The criticism around diesel cars and the way that we buy (lease) cars are also strong factors.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ottscouple1981Couple
over a year ago


It's not tariffs that are the real problem for the automotive industry. It's non-tariff barriers to trade disrupting the JIT kanban supply chain that will destroy the industry in this country. This has been explained to the government in letters, by private lobbying and in select hearings for the past two years.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price.

To start with you have added the 1500 twice. Also you obviously have no idea how the price is arrived at, its what a market will bear, Do you really think a land rover defender costs 30% more to make than a hilux ? It doesnt it, "sells" for more because many folks who buy it want the brand. The pound has fallen around 10% since brexit and will balance out the tariff, of course imorted parts will rise, this should enable uk parts to become more competitive and replace some imports, will it allbe rosey,no of course not but for every door that shuts a new one will open

To start with the 1500 is the price that the manufacturers say the cost will increase by. The 2000 is the tariff.

Price theory is not just something Ive studied, its also something I use since I run a business and before that was a sales manager. Price is not just what the market will bear. Ideally price is the point that maximises profit, that may mean selling 5% less units at a higher price or reducing your price to sell more units.

If what your attempting to say is that you think the price will stay the same and that Nissan are going to take a €3,500 hit on every single Note sold youve lost your mind.

The pound falling means all the imported parts have risen and besides its already factored in since Im talking about todays pricing.

And I quoted an auto parts supplier who said their profit would be cut in half so theyre not going to benefit either."

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

Your words above, you added the 1500 which you said the car makers say the tariff will be and then say the tariff is 2000 and have added both, perhaps maths isnt your strong point

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ara JTV/TS
over a year ago

Bristol East


The UK can very easily replace EU parts for UK parts, as I already pointed out earlier in the thread Nissan UK already plan to do this after Brexit. UK consumers can buy UK made cars made with UK supplied parts after Brexit. The UK can also very easily replace EU made cars with cars made from outside of the EU. In fact European car manufacturers (BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche, VW, Etc) have been falling behind Asian car manufacturers (Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Kia, etc) consistently for things like reliability and build quality in the consumer guide rankings for many years.


Are you assuming that any future trade agreement between the UK and these Asian countries will be on exactly the same terms as the existing trade agreement between the EU and these Asian countries?

If so, quite a big assumption that nothing will change in terms of barriers.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oncupiscentTonyMan
over a year ago



The UK can very easily replace EU parts for UK parts, as I already pointed out earlier in the thread Nissan UK already plan to do this after Brexit. UK consumers can buy UK made cars made with UK supplied parts after Brexit. The UK can also very easily replace EU made cars with cars made from outside of the EU. In fact European car manufacturers (BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche, VW, Etc) have been falling behind Asian car manufacturers (Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Kia, etc) consistently for things like reliability and build quality in the consumer guide rankings for many years.

South Korean Kia offer a 7 year warranty, can any German, French or Italian car manufacturers compete with that level of build quality and reliability?


Fuck me you do come out with some laughable shit but that's beyond dumb even by your standards

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *alking HeadMan
over a year ago



Thats funny, the German automakers association came out in support and lobbied their government for a tough Brexit deal that would discourage anyone else from leaving. Guess Britain isnt that important to car manufacturers as you think.

That's funny, as Richard Madeley just said on BBC Question Time that the top boss at Audi in Germany said this week that the EU must do a good Brexit deal with the UK.

Brexiters on here say " the people that CAN afford a brand new car, an extra £1500 isn't really going to break the bank, I hardly think there is going to be much of a dent in sales, on account of that price increase alone""

And from that statement you deduced I voted for Brexit? You should be writing Sherlock Holmes novels. Don't assume, and don't use my posts to make a point when you don't know how I voted. I've made a point of not saying how I voted, all I have posted is pertinent points or questions.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price.

To start with you have added the 1500 twice. Also you obviously have no idea how the price is arrived at, its what a market will bear, Do you really think a land rover defender costs 30% more to make than a hilux ? It doesnt it, "sells" for more because many folks who buy it want the brand. The pound has fallen around 10% since brexit and will balance out the tariff, of course imorted parts will rise, this should enable uk parts to become more competitive and replace some imports, will it allbe rosey,no of course not but for every door that shuts a new one will open

To start with the 1500 is the price that the manufacturers say the cost will increase by. The 2000 is the tariff.

Price theory is not just something Ive studied, its also something I use since I run a business and before that was a sales manager. Price is not just what the market will bear. Ideally price is the point that maximises profit, that may mean selling 5% less units at a higher price or reducing your price to sell more units.

If what your attempting to say is that you think the price will stay the same and that Nissan are going to take a €3,500 hit on every single Note sold youve lost your mind.

The pound falling means all the imported parts have risen and besides its already factored in since Im talking about todays pricing.

And I quoted an auto parts supplier who said their profit would be cut in half so theyre not going to benefit either.

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

Your words above, you added the 1500 which you said the car makers say the tariff will be and then say the tariff is 2000 and have added both, perhaps maths isnt your strong point "

Is there anything worse than someone being smug while being completely wrong?

Ill explain it nice and slowly for you.

The car manufacturers said their cost to *manufacture* the cars would go up by £1500. This is due to the car parts they import going up in price dur to tariffs and other associated costs.

Then if they wish to export those cars to another country they'd be hit with 10% WTO duties to get the finished product into the new country.

I dont know whats worse about trying to discuss issues with Brexiters, their complete inability to keep up with simple points, their rabid delusions or the immense pity you have to feel knowing the struggle they face every day trying to dress themselves, butter toast, remembering to breath and all the other day to day tasks they must struggle with.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal . "

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price.

To start with you have added the 1500 twice. Also you obviously have no idea how the price is arrived at, its what a market will bear, Do you really think a land rover defender costs 30% more to make than a hilux ? It doesnt it, "sells" for more because many folks who buy it want the brand. The pound has fallen around 10% since brexit and will balance out the tariff, of course imorted parts will rise, this should enable uk parts to become more competitive and replace some imports, will it allbe rosey,no of course not but for every door that shuts a new one will open

To start with the 1500 is the price that the manufacturers say the cost will increase by. The 2000 is the tariff.

Price theory is not just something Ive studied, its also something I use since I run a business and before that was a sales manager. Price is not just what the market will bear. Ideally price is the point that maximises profit, that may mean selling 5% less units at a higher price or reducing your price to sell more units.

If what your attempting to say is that you think the price will stay the same and that Nissan are going to take a €3,500 hit on every single Note sold youve lost your mind.

The pound falling means all the imported parts have risen and besides its already factored in since Im talking about todays pricing.

And I quoted an auto parts supplier who said their profit would be cut in half so theyre not going to benefit either.

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

Your words above, you added the 1500 which you said the car makers say the tariff will be and then say the tariff is 2000 and have added both, perhaps maths isnt your strong point

Is there anything worse than someone being smug while being completely wrong?

Ill explain it nice and slowly for you.

The car manufacturers said their cost to *manufacture* the cars would go up by £1500. This is due to the car parts they import going up in price dur to tariffs and other associated costs.

Then if they wish to export those cars to another country they'd be hit with 10% WTO duties to get the finished product into the new country.

I dont know whats worse about trying to discuss issues with Brexiters, their complete inability to keep up with simple points, their rabid delusions or the immense pity you have to feel knowing the struggle they face every day trying to dress themselves, butter toast, remembering to breath and all the other day to day tasks they must struggle with."

Centaur is smug and wrong thinking that because a car used to be owned by a fleet management company that he is a 2md hand owner without there ever being a 1st owner!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *athy1Couple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 08/06/18 11:34:21]

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *athy1Couple
over a year ago



Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price.

To start with you have added the 1500 twice. Also you obviously have no idea how the price is arrived at, its what a market will bear, Do you really think a land rover defender costs 30% more to make than a hilux ? It doesnt it, "sells" for more because many folks who buy it want the brand. The pound has fallen around 10% since brexit and will balance out the tariff, of course imorted parts will rise, this should enable uk parts to become more competitive and replace some imports, will it allbe rosey,no of course not but for every door that shuts a new one will open

To start with the 1500 is the price that the manufacturers say the cost will increase by. The 2000 is the tariff.

Price theory is not just something Ive studied, its also something I use since I run a business and before that was a sales manager. Price is not just what the market will bear. Ideally price is the point that maximises profit, that may mean selling 5% less units at a higher price or reducing your price to sell more units.

If what your attempting to say is that you think the price will stay the same and that Nissan are going to take a €3,500 hit on every single Note sold youve lost your mind.

The pound falling means all the imported parts have risen and besides its already factored in since Im talking about todays pricing.

And I quoted an auto parts supplier who said their profit would be cut in half so theyre not going to benefit either.

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

Your words above, you added the 1500 which you said the car makers say the tariff will be and then say the tariff is 2000 and have added both, perhaps maths isnt your strong point

Is there anything worse than someone being smug while being completely wrong?

Ill explain it nice and slowly for you.

The car manufacturers said their cost to *manufacture* the cars would go up by £1500. This is due to the car parts they import going up in price dur to tariffs and other associated costs.

Then if they wish to export those cars to another country they'd be hit with 10% WTO duties to get the finished product into the new country.

I dont know whats worse about trying to discuss issues with Brexiters, their complete inability to keep up with simple points, their rabid delusions or the immense pity you have to feel knowing the struggle they face every day trying to dress themselves, butter toast, remembering to breath and all the other day to day tasks they must struggle with.

Centaur is smug and wrong thinking that because a car used to be owned by a fleet management company that he is a 2md hand owner without there ever being a 1st owner! "

He’s wrong about everything on here

I love his posts full of bullshit

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago


"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal . "

How much poorer are you prepared to accept? 5%? 10%? 50%?

You're simply spouting meaningless tosh

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago



Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price.

To start with you have added the 1500 twice. Also you obviously have no idea how the price is arrived at, its what a market will bear, Do you really think a land rover defender costs 30% more to make than a hilux ? It doesnt it, "sells" for more because many folks who buy it want the brand. The pound has fallen around 10% since brexit and will balance out the tariff, of course imorted parts will rise, this should enable uk parts to become more competitive and replace some imports, will it allbe rosey,no of course not but for every door that shuts a new one will open

To start with the 1500 is the price that the manufacturers say the cost will increase by. The 2000 is the tariff.

Price theory is not just something Ive studied, its also something I use since I run a business and before that was a sales manager. Price is not just what the market will bear. Ideally price is the point that maximises profit, that may mean selling 5% less units at a higher price or reducing your price to sell more units.

If what your attempting to say is that you think the price will stay the same and that Nissan are going to take a €3,500 hit on every single Note sold youve lost your mind.

The pound falling means all the imported parts have risen and besides its already factored in since Im talking about todays pricing.

And I quoted an auto parts supplier who said their profit would be cut in half so theyre not going to benefit either.

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

Your words above, you added the 1500 which you said the car makers say the tariff will be and then say the tariff is 2000 and have added both, perhaps maths isnt your strong point "

It's not just maths to be fair, he doesn't know how to use Google and couldn't find the Populous poll on an Internet search engine the other week. He also struggled to count to 3 on a thread a few days ago, saying I'd posted 3 times when I'd only posted twice. If he can't count to 3 then 1500 or 2000 is beyond his understanding.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andS66Couple
over a year ago



Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

LOL, like anyone buying an Aston Martin is going to be bothered about an extra £1,500 quid.

Well luxury cars will be fine, but thats not the majority of British car exports. And theres also a 10% tariff on cars under WTO rules so a no deal scenario would see a British family car increase in cost by £1500 and then if they wanted to sell it to the EU they'd have to pay more for forwarding (shipping companies have said they'd have to employ a lot more staff). And then they'd have to add another 10% on.

Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price."

First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkywife1981Couple
over a year ago

A town near you

"I work for a large construction company with interests in the UK, all of our HGV are scania and volvo which are replaced every 4 years and all the heavy equipment is liehbar, wirtigen, kobelco. German and swedish equipment dominate the UK construction market, what effect will brexit have on their uk sales. At present our company isnt to concerned about the effect of brexit on our uk operations.

If theres no deal those vehicles will be at WTO terms and as I remember those vehicles are a lot higher than cars, I think its 22% import duty so your vehicle costs would increase by that amount."

Perhaps as the UK is a big market for trucks and equipment i would imagine sales of Hino trucks and other Japanese heavy equipment not to mention Cat will become more competitive if European brands become more expensive. also i think many caterpillar manufacture some products in the uk as well as russia and finland, some range of cat diggers and articulated dumptrucks are made in the uk so i could see cat sales surge if volvo becomes more expensive

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!"

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Lets take the Nissan Note for example. Currently selling for ~€18.5k. Add 1500 on and we're up to 20k and then another 10% for the tariff and the cost is now €22k. Consumers are going to care a lot about paying an extra €3.5k in total. Thats over 20% extra of its original price.

To start with you have added the 1500 twice. Also you obviously have no idea how the price is arrived at, its what a market will bear, Do you really think a land rover defender costs 30% more to make than a hilux ? It doesnt it, "sells" for more because many folks who buy it want the brand. The pound has fallen around 10% since brexit and will balance out the tariff, of course imorted parts will rise, this should enable uk parts to become more competitive and replace some imports, will it allbe rosey,no of course not but for every door that shuts a new one will open

To start with the 1500 is the price that the manufacturers say the cost will increase by. The 2000 is the tariff.

Price theory is not just something Ive studied, its also something I use since I run a business and before that was a sales manager. Price is not just what the market will bear. Ideally price is the point that maximises profit, that may mean selling 5% less units at a higher price or reducing your price to sell more units.

If what your attempting to say is that you think the price will stay the same and that Nissan are going to take a €3,500 hit on every single Note sold youve lost your mind.

The pound falling means all the imported parts have risen and besides its already factored in since Im talking about todays pricing.

And I quoted an auto parts supplier who said their profit would be cut in half so theyre not going to benefit either.

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

Your words above, you added the 1500 which you said the car makers say the tariff will be and then say the tariff is 2000 and have added both, perhaps maths isnt your strong point

It's not just maths to be fair, he doesn't know how to use Google and couldn't find the Populous poll on an Internet search engine the other week. He also struggled to count to 3 on a thread a few days ago, saying I'd posted 3 times when I'd only posted twice. If he can't count to 3 then 1500 or 2000 is beyond his understanding. "

Populous isnt a poll that matters which is why it wasnt found. Asda's market research company isnt relevant to politics. We're all still waiting on the other polls agreeing with that.

Hows your £37bn divorce settlement going? Wait, £48bn once you add on the cash they left out. Oh and those dodgy workings I predicted months in advance have now been called out as wrong by the Torues themselves. Still at least you had Davis' big win in the battle of the summer

And if youre going to be snarky about my math skills probably best to wait until its not a case of Brexiters unable to comprehend simple sentences. Youre the third Brexiter thats needed it explained.

1500 = increase in manufacturing costs

2000 = tariffs to export

You'd think that being two different figures would let you follow it but obviously not. How do you lot managed to dress yourselves in the mornings?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andS66Couple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system."

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *urve BallWoman
over a year ago

North London


Thats funny, the German automakers association came out in support and lobbied their government for a tough Brexit deal that would discourage anyone else from leaving. Guess Britain isnt that important to car manufacturers as you think.

That's funny, as Richard Madeley just said on BBC Question Time that the top boss at Audi in Germany said this week that the EU must do a good Brexit deal with the UK. "

...to which Richard Reed responded with: "Germany's largest export market is the usa and second largest is china. The uk's largest export market is Germany. Who do you think holds the most negotiating power?"

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



Is there anything worse than someone being smug while being completely wrong?

Ill explain it nice and slowly for you.

The car manufacturers said their cost to *manufacture* the cars would go up by £1500. This is due to the car parts they import going up in price dur to tariffs and other associated costs.

Then if they wish to export those cars to another country they'd be hit with 10% WTO duties to get the finished product into the new country.

I dont know whats worse about trying to discuss issues with Brexiters, their complete inability to keep up with simple points, their rabid delusions or the immense pity you have to feel knowing the struggle they face every day trying to dress themselves, butter toast, remembering to breath and all the other day to day tasks they must struggle with."

Ah the good old brexit voters are thick story comes out again. it was YOU who said the car makers said the tariff was 1500 if you meant they said it was going to cost more to make and then they said the tariff on top then you need to proof read YOUR posts before being sarcastic about others posts, go back and read what you posted and then get back, meanwhile I try and keep breathing and not drop my toast on the floor.

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

So theres the industry leaders whose opinions "matter" saying it would be disastrous for them.

And far from giving British auto suppliers an edge it would decimate their profits because they would no longer be able to operate JIT management.

People complain about "doom and gloom" but even though Brexiters dont like it there are serious problems which will affect British jobs and industry and 2 years after the vote the Tories and Brexit supporters have no better solution than to complain about these issues being raised.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Is there anything worse than someone being smug while being completely wrong?

Ill explain it nice and slowly for you.

The car manufacturers said their cost to *manufacture* the cars would go up by £1500. This is due to the car parts they import going up in price dur to tariffs and other associated costs.

Then if they wish to export those cars to another country they'd be hit with 10% WTO duties to get the finished product into the new country.

I dont know whats worse about trying to discuss issues with Brexiters, their complete inability to keep up with simple points, their rabid delusions or the immense pity you have to feel knowing the struggle they face every day trying to dress themselves, butter toast, remembering to breath and all the other day to day tasks they must struggle with.

Ah the good old brexit voters are thick story comes out again. it was YOU who said the car makers said the tariff was 1500 if you meant they said it was going to cost more to make and then they said the tariff on top then you need to proof read YOUR posts before being sarcastic about others posts, go back and read what you posted and then get back, meanwhile I try and keep breathing and not drop my toast on the floor.

Car manufacturers Honda and Aston Martin said WTO tariffs would increase car prices by £1,500.

So theres the industry leaders whose opinions "matter" saying it would be disastrous for them.

And far from giving British auto suppliers an edge it would decimate their profits because they would no longer be able to operate JIT management.

People complain about "doom and gloom" but even though Brexiters dont like it there are serious problems which will affect British jobs and industry and 2 years after the vote the Tories and Brexit supporters have no better solution than to complain about these issues being raised."

WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education."

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating to the UK car industry.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry."

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs? "

They are still doing better than the UK though.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though. "

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"? "

You must be psychic lol.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol."

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andS66Couple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating to the UK car industry."

So inflation in Ireland bas been 10% over the last two years?

Wasn't it deflation of 0.4% in April?

As someone else pointed out earlier I think, maths really isn't your strong point.....

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down"

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum? "

Fastest in the EU? Who knows as we are in a period of transition. Fastest in the G20? Get real. If you want to debate at least be honest or try to get your facts right

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs? "

Had you not noticed that the BoE has had to pump billions into the UK economy since Brexit to keep the economy afloat?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum?

Fastest in the EU? Who knows as we are in a period of transition. Fastest in the G20? Get real. If you want to debate at least be honest or try to get your facts right "

Hmmm, it seems as though the OECD thinks that the UK will be the slowest growing economy.


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum?

Fastest in the EU? Who knows as we are in a period of transition. Fastest in the G20? Get real. If you want to debate at least be honest or try to get your facts right

Hmmm, it seems as though the OECD thinks that the UK will be the slowest growing economy.


Bloody experts with facts and reality....disgraceful. We want lies, propaganda and bollocks on this thread if you please

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum?

Fastest in the EU? Who knows as we are in a period of transition. Fastest in the G20? Get real. If you want to debate at least be honest or try to get your facts right

Hmmm, it seems as though the OECD thinks that the UK will be the slowest growing economy.


Bloody experts with facts and reality....disgraceful. We want lies, propaganda and bollocks on this thread if you please"

Sorry, erm the UK economy will grow by 700% in the next 45 minutes, because erm, because all the countries in the world are gonna pay us tribute.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU. "

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world "

Lots of cars made in the UK are exported to the EU.

One price increase is because the cost of the parts which are made in the EU, have to be imported into the UK.

The second increase is when that assembled car is exported to the EU, and again tariffs are paid.

Is that really too hard to understand?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andS66Couple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum?

Fastest in the EU? Who knows as we are in a period of transition. Fastest in the G20? Get real. If you want to debate at least be honest or try to get your facts right

Hmmm, it seems as though the OECD thinks that the UK will be the slowest growing economy.


Bloody experts with facts and reality....disgraceful. We want lies, propaganda and bollocks on this thread if you please"

Within two years of a vote to leave there will be a deep and profound recession, 800,000 people will have lost their jobs, GDP will have fallen by 6%, and house prices will have fallen by 10%.

Enough lies, propoganda and bollocks for you?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum?

Fastest in the EU? Who knows as we are in a period of transition. Fastest in the G20? Get real. If you want to debate at least be honest or try to get your facts right

Hmmm, it seems as though the OECD thinks that the UK will be the slowest growing economy.


Bloody experts with facts and reality....disgraceful. We want lies, propaganda and bollocks on this thread if you please

Within two years of a vote to leave there will be a deep and profound recession, 800,000 people will have lost their jobs, GDP will have fallen by 6%, and house prices will have fallen by 10%.

Enough lies, propoganda and bollocks for you?"

Within 2 yrs of leaving

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 08/06/18 20:48:51]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *urve BallWoman
over a year ago

North London

Omg! Ffs! The cars will be more expensive by an X amount! We all agree on that! As if it matters whether we calculate to the last penny what that X is. Anything over £1000 (in my view) is substantial, whether it comes from more expensive parts and/or from tariffs, especially if it happens from one day to the next.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum?

Fastest in the EU? Who knows as we are in a period of transition. Fastest in the G20? Get real. If you want to debate at least be honest or try to get your facts right

Hmmm, it seems as though the OECD thinks that the UK will be the slowest growing economy.


Bloody experts with facts and reality....disgraceful. We want lies, propaganda and bollocks on this thread if you please

Sorry, erm the UK economy will grow by 700% in the next 45 minutes, because erm, because all the countries in the world are gonna pay us tribute."

You need to add the bit about unicorns bringing us all, personal cartload of fairy dust

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world

Lots of cars made in the UK are exported to the EU.

One price increase is because the cost of the parts which are made in the EU, have to be imported into the UK.

The second increase is when that assembled car is exported to the EU, and again tariffs are paid.

Is that really too hard to understand?"

Ok another one that needs a maths lesson

our irish friend has now said that the imported parts for a car assembled in the uk, that retails in ireland for 17,000 will rise by 1500 due to tariffs, cars and parts are subjected to tariffs of roughly 10%,therefore for the cost of those parts to rise by 1500 they must today cost 15,000, which leaves only 2000 to cover any parts made here, labour in building the car, all factory overheads etc etc, then the cost of getting it to ireland and the margin for the dealer. do you understand that his figures are just bullshit

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world

Lots of cars made in the UK are exported to the EU.

One price increase is because the cost of the parts which are made in the EU, have to be imported into the UK.

The second increase is when that assembled car is exported to the EU, and again tariffs are paid.

Is that really too hard to understand?

Ok another one that needs a maths lesson

our irish friend has now said that the imported parts for a car assembled in the uk, that retails in ireland for 17,000 will rise by 1500 due to tariffs, cars and parts are subjected to tariffs of roughly 10%,therefore for the cost of those parts to rise by 1500 they must today cost 15,000, which leaves only 2000 to cover any parts made here, labour in building the car, all factory overheads etc etc, then the cost of getting it to ireland and the margin for the dealer. do you understand that his figures are just bullshit"

You haven't counted the cost of exporting the assembled car from the UK to Ireland.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



You haven't counted the cost of exporting the assembled car from the UK to Ireland. "

But that is the whole point HE stated that the parts were up by 1500 due to the tariffs on the imported parts to the uk and then again the car was up by ANOTHER 2000 when it was imported into ireland.

Now its anyone guess what the parts imported, cost but it isnt 15,000 so his 1500 is rubbish and the tariff on import to ireland isnt 2000 either as the sales price includes irish VAT.

If there is no trade deal then yes cars exported to the eu will rise by 10% but as the pound is down by that much it balances itself out, of course there will be a rise from the higher cost of the parts imported due to the currency and the tariff on them but the net figure isnt going to be that great and it should be possible to source some parts from here instead.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



You haven't counted the cost of exporting the assembled car from the UK to Ireland.

But that is the whole point HE stated that the parts were up by 1500 due to the tariffs on the imported parts to the uk and then again the car was up by ANOTHER 2000 when it was imported into ireland.

Now its anyone guess what the parts imported, cost but it isnt 15,000 so his 1500 is rubbish and the tariff on import to ireland isnt 2000 either as the sales price includes irish VAT.

If there is no trade deal then yes cars exported to the eu will rise by 10% but as the pound is down by that much it balances itself out, of course there will be a rise from the higher cost of the parts imported due to the currency and the tariff on them but the net figure isnt going to be that great and it should be possible to source some parts from here instead.


But you accept the basic premise that tariffs make things more expensive? And that that is bad?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I get what you’re saying but did anyone ever say the 1500 related to a 1700 car ? The 1500 came from Honda and Aston Martin.. maybe the ticket price was higher ?

But if we say parts are 50% of the retail price and the tariff is 10%, that’s a 5% instantaneous cost inflation.

If this is indicative of other industries. Ouch.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



You haven't counted the cost of exporting the assembled car from the UK to Ireland.

But that is the whole point HE stated that the parts were up by 1500 due to the tariffs on the imported parts to the uk and then again the car was up by ANOTHER 2000 when it was imported into ireland.

Now its anyone guess what the parts imported, cost but it isnt 15,000 so his 1500 is rubbish and the tariff on import to ireland isnt 2000 either as the sales price includes irish VAT.

If there is no trade deal then yes cars exported to the eu will rise by 10% but as the pound is down by that much it balances itself out, of course there will be a rise from the higher cost of the parts imported due to the currency and the tariff on them but the net figure isnt going to be that great and it should be possible to source some parts from here instead.

But you accept the basic premise that tariffs make things more expensive? And that that is bad? "

Yes tariffs are bad, now tell me who wants free trade out of the eu and the uk ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago



You haven't counted the cost of exporting the assembled car from the UK to Ireland.

But that is the whole point HE stated that the parts were up by 1500 due to the tariffs on the imported parts to the uk and then again the car was up by ANOTHER 2000 when it was imported into ireland.

Now its anyone guess what the parts imported, cost but it isnt 15,000 so his 1500 is rubbish and the tariff on import to ireland isnt 2000 either as the sales price includes irish VAT.

If there is no trade deal then yes cars exported to the eu will rise by 10% but as the pound is down by that much it balances itself out, of course there will be a rise from the higher cost of the parts imported due to the currency and the tariff on them but the net figure isnt going to be that great and it should be possible to source some parts from here instead.

But you accept the basic premise that tariffs make things more expensive? And that that is bad?

Yes tariffs are bad, now tell me who wants free trade out of the eu and the uk ? "

The UK had a free trade deal with 27 other countries inside the EU, plus a host of other countries including Canada and South Korea. The UK chose to throw that all away and have ZERO free trade deals.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago


"I get what you’re saying but did anyone ever say the 1500 related to a 1700 car ? The 1500 came from Honda and Aston Martin.. maybe the ticket price was higher ?

But if we say parts are 50% of the retail price and the tariff is 10%, that’s a 5% instantaneous cost inflation.

If this is indicative of other industries. Ouch. "

Yes I believe they did say that and I think the parts in the two makes mentioned would be a tad different. I have no argument that tariffs will have an impact(thats what they are meant to do after all), its the EU that wants to have them not us. The currency movements over time are often more than the 5% you mention, companies use many things to negate such things and will take a long term view of where its best to do business, IMVHO the most likely threat to businesses leaving the uk is not tariffs but bribes from eu countries to move there( it happened when we were members) of course when we leave we can do the same, which we didnt before because we dont twist the rules because we are british.

The point I have been making all along is that our Irish friend was twisting figures as he has done before and when caught out changes his figures and calls people thick,

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating to the UK car industry.

So inflation in Ireland bas been 10% over the last two years?

Wasn't it deflation of 0.4% in April?

As someone else pointed out earlier I think, maths really isn't your strong point....."

Are you illiterate? Genuine question. Is there a 5 year old reading posts to you that are skipping parts of the post?

"Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years."

1. Nissan is in England. Inflation there affects the price of production.

2. I said the market improved for cars which it has. This has driven up the price.

Also, this isnt maths, its economics. How are you so inept in just 3 lines of a post?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We have got engineering skills and technology that the automotive sector is craving for.

So this will unfortunately effect bmw and other brands right across Europe.

Which is why the the European car makers have already sent their warnings to the eu top brass.

Wether that would make a difference remains to be seen.

Aston Martin could find it difficult as Mercedes amg devision is contracted to build Aston’s new engines.

A lot of non eu car brands are getting their cars built in the eu to so the prices of those would go up.

Shame there’s no clear plan to see what could be in place.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating to the UK car industry.

So inflation in Ireland bas been 10% over the last two years?

Wasn't it deflation of 0.4% in April?

As someone else pointed out earlier I think, maths really isn't your strong point.....

Are you illiterate? Genuine question. Is there a 5 year old reading posts to you that are skipping parts of the post?

"Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years."

1. Nissan is in England. Inflation there affects the price of production.

2. I said the market improved for cars which it has. This has driven up the price.

Also, this isnt maths, its economics. How are you so inept in just 3 lines of a post?"

Cars are also going up in price because of higher quality demanded in us uk/eu customers.

Bmw m cars for example have gone up a lot per new shape change.

But their more going for high quality higher priced cars these days as they don’t need to sell so many and therefore have a slightly reduced production number. you can see this since the mid nineties the m3 in the late 90s sold about 28000 cars.

Over the last m3 models the amount of cars sold is hovering at around 15000.

But I a

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world "

Cars have a 10% duty under WTO rules. Other products have different duties. Different parts have different duties. The £1500 figure is from 2 automakers, they should know their own costs.

Id be better off explaining the barter system to you first because that seems to be your level. Despite your attempts at smugness youve been wrong on every post so far in this thread.

Ill attempt once more to explain it to you and Ill aim for the level of a 5 year old, that way if theres any children around they can help you with the parts that you find too difficult.

Car makes: this will increase our costs to make cars by 1500.

That means car buyers pay more or Nissan makes less money or maybe a little bit of both. That makes Nissan and car buyers sad because they'd rather keep the money.

If Nissan wants to sell cars to the EU with WTO rules in place then they also have to pay mew taxes they didnt have to before. These new taxes will be 10% or if you havent mastered percentages and are still on fractions its 1/10.

So that means the price of the car Nissan sells in a WTO situation is this:

Todays car price + cost increases (£1500) + import duties (10%) - the hit to profits Nissan is willing to take.

I know, I know, adding subtraction in there at the end was probably unfair to you as you furrow your brow in a vain attempt to understand the situation as you wave your Union Jack harder and harder in the hopes it will make everything alright. But facts are facts. No really, I know you believe facts are whatever suits you, but thats not actually true.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


You haven't counted the cost of exporting the assembled car from the UK to Ireland.

But that is the whole point HE stated that the parts were up by 1500 due to the tariffs on the imported parts to the uk and then again the car was up by ANOTHER 2000 when it was imported into ireland.

Now its anyone guess what the parts imported, cost but it isnt 15,000 so his 1500 is rubbish and the tariff on import to ireland isnt 2000 either as the sales price includes irish VAT.

If there is no trade deal then yes cars exported to the eu will rise by 10% but as the pound is down by that much it balances itself out, of course there will be a rise from the higher cost of the parts imported due to the currency and the tariff on them but the net figure isnt going to be that great and it should be possible to source some parts from here instead.


No one said parts were subject to 10%

Honda and Aston Martin had the 1500 figure not me

Youre trying to understand economics when you cant seem to master reading and addition. You know what happens when the poind is devalued? All those parts you import go up in cost. So a 10% reduction in the pounds value might mean exports are cheaper to foreign markets but all your importa are more expensive.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world

Cars have a 10% duty under WTO rules. Other products have different duties. Different parts have different duties. The £1500 figure is from 2 automakers, they should know their own costs.

Id be better off explaining the barter system to you first because that seems to be your level. Despite your attempts at smugness youve been wrong on every post so far in this thread.

Ill attempt once more to explain it to you and Ill aim for the level of a 5 year old, that way if theres any children around they can help you with the parts that you find too difficult.

Car makes: this will increase our costs to make cars by 1500.

That means car buyers pay more or Nissan makes less money or maybe a little bit of both. That makes Nissan and car buyers sad because they'd rather keep the money.

If Nissan wants to sell cars to the EU with WTO rules in place then they also have to pay mew taxes they didnt have to before. These new taxes will be 10% or if you havent mastered percentages and are still on fractions its 1/10.

So that means the price of the car Nissan sells in a WTO situation is this:

Todays car price + cost increases (£1500) + import duties (10%) - the hit to profits Nissan is willing to take.

I know, I know, adding subtraction in there at the end was probably unfair to you as you furrow your brow in a vain attempt to understand the situation as you wave your Union Jack harder and harder in the hopes it will make everything alright. But facts are facts. No really, I know you believe facts are whatever suits you, but thats not actually true."

You have been shown to be wrong time and again in this and other threads, you just resort to insults, as someone once said dont raise your voice raise your argument,

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world

Cars have a 10% duty under WTO rules. Other products have different duties. Different parts have different duties. The £1500 figure is from 2 automakers, they should know their own costs.

Id be better off explaining the barter system to you first because that seems to be your level. Despite your attempts at smugness youve been wrong on every post so far in this thread.

Ill attempt once more to explain it to you and Ill aim for the level of a 5 year old, that way if theres any children around they can help you with the parts that you find too difficult.

Car makes: this will increase our costs to make cars by 1500.

That means car buyers pay more or Nissan makes less money or maybe a little bit of both. That makes Nissan and car buyers sad because they'd rather keep the money.

If Nissan wants to sell cars to the EU with WTO rules in place then they also have to pay mew taxes they didnt have to before. These new taxes will be 10% or if you havent mastered percentages and are still on fractions its 1/10.

So that means the price of the car Nissan sells in a WTO situation is this:

Todays car price + cost increases (£1500) + import duties (10%) - the hit to profits Nissan is willing to take.

I know, I know, adding subtraction in there at the end was probably unfair to you as you furrow your brow in a vain attempt to understand the situation as you wave your Union Jack harder and harder in the hopes it will make everything alright. But facts are facts. No really, I know you believe facts are whatever suits you, but thats not actually true.

You have been shown to be wrong time and again in this and other threads, you just resort to insults, as someone once said dont raise your voice raise your argument, "

And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world

Cars have a 10% duty under WTO rules. Other products have different duties. Different parts have different duties. The £1500 figure is from 2 automakers, they should know their own costs.

Id be better off explaining the barter system to you first because that seems to be your level. Despite your attempts at smugness youve been wrong on every post so far in this thread.

Ill attempt once more to explain it to you and Ill aim for the level of a 5 year old, that way if theres any children around they can help you with the parts that you find too difficult.

Car makes: this will increase our costs to make cars by 1500.

That means car buyers pay more or Nissan makes less money or maybe a little bit of both. That makes Nissan and car buyers sad because they'd rather keep the money.

If Nissan wants to sell cars to the EU with WTO rules in place then they also have to pay mew taxes they didnt have to before. These new taxes will be 10% or if you havent mastered percentages and are still on fractions its 1/10.

So that means the price of the car Nissan sells in a WTO situation is this:

Todays car price + cost increases (£1500) + import duties (10%) - the hit to profits Nissan is willing to take.

I know, I know, adding subtraction in there at the end was probably unfair to you as you furrow your brow in a vain attempt to understand the situation as you wave your Union Jack harder and harder in the hopes it will make everything alright. But facts are facts. No really, I know you believe facts are whatever suits you, but thats not actually true.

You have been shown to be wrong time and again in this and other threads, you just resort to insults, as someone once said dont raise your voice raise your argument,

And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread."

Mate, you are wrong, do the maths

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *entaur_UKMan
over a year ago



WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world

Cars have a 10% duty under WTO rules. Other products have different duties. Different parts have different duties. The £1500 figure is from 2 automakers, they should know their own costs.

Id be better off explaining the barter system to you first because that seems to be your level. Despite your attempts at smugness youve been wrong on every post so far in this thread.

Ill attempt once more to explain it to you and Ill aim for the level of a 5 year old, that way if theres any children around they can help you with the parts that you find too difficult.

Car makes: this will increase our costs to make cars by 1500.

That means car buyers pay more or Nissan makes less money or maybe a little bit of both. That makes Nissan and car buyers sad because they'd rather keep the money.

If Nissan wants to sell cars to the EU with WTO rules in place then they also have to pay mew taxes they didnt have to before. These new taxes will be 10% or if you havent mastered percentages and are still on fractions its 1/10.

So that means the price of the car Nissan sells in a WTO situation is this:

Todays car price + cost increases (£1500) + import duties (10%) - the hit to profits Nissan is willing to take.

I know, I know, adding subtraction in there at the end was probably unfair to you as you furrow your brow in a vain attempt to understand the situation as you wave your Union Jack harder and harder in the hopes it will make everything alright. But facts are facts. No really, I know you believe facts are whatever suits you, but thats not actually true.

You have been shown to be wrong time and again in this and other threads, you just resort to insults, as someone once said dont raise your voice raise your argument,

And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread.

Mate, you are wrong, do the maths"

Explicitlyrics can't do maths, that's the whole point. He can't even count to 3.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Mate, you are wrong, do the maths"

Ok then, where specifically am I wrong?

Is it the 1500? Because thats Honda and Aston Martins figure.

Is it Robka's baseless claim that the parts would be a 10% tariff because no one made that claim. There are different rates for different products. A ton of beef would have an effective ~60% tariff for example.

Is it the 10% export duty because thats easily checkable on the WTO tariff schedule?

Is it the fact that the pounds devaluation, while making exports cheaper to buying countries, also affects imports on all those parts that are imported?

Brexiters keep saying Im wrong but no ones actually pointed out what part is wrong. Its almost as if they dont understand the situation and think if they keep saying its ok it will magically make it ok

So Ben, specifically what part is wrong and what is the correct version?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"We have got engineering skills and technology that the automotive sector is craving for.

So this will unfortunately effect bmw and other brands right across Europe.

Which is why the the European car makers have already sent their warnings to the eu top brass.

Wether that would make a difference remains to be seen.

Aston Martin could find it difficult as Mercedes amg devision is contracted to build Aston’s new engines.

A lot of non eu car brands are getting their cars built in the eu to so the prices of those would go up.

Shame there’s no clear plan to see what could be in place."

But that simply isn't true. The German automotive industry have said to be hard on Britain because the EU is more important than 1 single country.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We have got engineering skills and technology that the automotive sector is craving for.

So this will unfortunately effect bmw and other brands right across Europe.

Which is why the the European car makers have already sent their warnings to the eu top brass.

Wether that would make a difference remains to be seen.

Aston Martin could find it difficult as Mercedes amg devision is contracted to build Aston’s new engines.

A lot of non eu car brands are getting their cars built in the eu to so the prices of those would go up.

Shame there’s no clear plan to see what could be in place.

But that simply isn't true. The German automotive industry have said to be hard on Britain because the EU is more important than 1 single country.


Ok what I heard then is wrong

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


Deloitte have done some research on this issue, they found that if there was a hard Brexit:

Average UK car price +15%

UK made car +3%

German made car +21%

Non-German EU made car +21%

Rest of world made car +10%

Overall they found the biggest winners to be the UK car industry, be as you can see from the above, UK consumers will be worse off.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Deloitte have done some research on this issue, they found that if there was a hard Brexit:

Average UK car price +15%

UK made car +3%

German made car +21%

Non-German EU made car +21%

Rest of world made car +10%

Overall they found the biggest winners to be the UK car industry, be as you can see from the above, UK consumers will be worse off."

That’s true.

Soft brexit would be better but the prices probably won’t rise as much but can’t give you stats as just assuming.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Mate, you are wrong, do the maths

Ok then, where specifically am I wrong?

Is it the 1500? Because thats Honda and Aston Martins figure.

Is it Robka's baseless claim that the parts would be a 10% tariff because no one made that claim. There are different rates for different products. A ton of beef would have an effective ~60% tariff for example.

Is it the 10% export duty because thats easily checkable on the WTO tariff schedule?

Is it the fact that the pounds devaluation, while making exports cheaper to buying countries, also affects imports on all those parts that are imported?

Brexiters keep saying Im wrong but no ones actually pointed out what part is wrong. Its almost as if they dont understand the situation and think if they keep saying its ok it will magically make it ok

So Ben, specifically what part is wrong and what is the correct version?"

Yes it’s the 1500, you claimed that that would apply to a UK family car which would mean that imported parts amounted to 15000. Now I don’t know which model of Rolls Royce your family drives but our family car only retails for around that amount, total. If Honda and Aston Martin came up with a figure of 1500 then maybe, as you research Theda things, you could explain how they arrived at that figure or which models they are talking about?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol.

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language."

My mistake as I should have put (gain's or cost) and I believe we will all gain from Brexit. But only if a bunch of bad loosers like the remainers who mostly are wealthy people being backed by a who couldn't give a shit about the poor being left behind as long as they are ok start learning what democracy is and start working for a Brexit we can all gain from.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol.

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language.

My mistake as I should have put (gain's or cost) and I believe we will all gain from Brexit. But only if a bunch of bad loosers like the remainers who mostly are wealthy people being backed by a who couldn't give a shit about the poor being left behind as long as they are ok start learning what democracy is and start working for a Brexit we can all gain from. "

Sorry I also missed out (wankers like blair and also soros).

Also I might add Hammond roo .

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andS66Couple
over a year ago



First off, That's the top of the range Note. And that is £15K in the UK, which is €17K at today's exchange rate. They start at £10K.

Second, why are you adding the tarif on twice?

Third, why on earth would you pay €18.5K for a Note, when there's better cars on the market for that money?!

Why does it matter what version of the Note it is? I literally just went on Nissans Irish site and took the price off it. Its just an example, it could not matter less which model or version we're talking about.

And Im not adding the tariff twice, if you'd read the thread properly 1500 is the increase in manufacturing, 2000 is the tariff to export to another country under WTO rules.

Brexiters are a damning indictment of the British school system.

The rrp of a top of tge range nissan note, according to SIMI, was €22,345 in 2016, and €23,095 now....despite the drop in the pound's value of 10% (equivalent to €2,200). Maybe Irish car salesmen are exploiting your understanding of simple maths, which is perhaps a sad indictment of your education.

Or maybe inflation has increased and the market for new cars has improved in the last few years. The EU hasnt had the anemic growth the UK has since the Brexit vote.

But now youre getting us off topic talking about the features of the Nissan Note, Im sure theres a car forum someplace for you to discuss that if you'd like.

The reality is, much as you'd like to avoid it, the cost to manufacture cars in the UK will increase hugely and EXPORT TARIFFS will further make UK made cars uncompetitive in the EU market if you regress to WTO rules. This would be devastating

to the UK car industry.

EU growth? Lol

Unfortunately EU growth has recently reached its peak through monetary impetus and is back on the way down. There are even fears of a recession in Germany. Do you not think that European parts manufacturers might just open plants in the UK to keep business and avoid tariffs?

They are still doing better than the UK though.

No, they are not. By September EU growth figures will be lower than the UK’s. Did you know that Germany had the biggest fall in manufactured exports for 3 years in the first quarter of this year? Buying bonds and ‘printing money ‘ is no longer having any impact and unless radical new policies are introduced then I’m afraid the only way is down

As you are the one with the crystal ball, will the UK have the fastest-growing economy in the EU in September? You know like it did on the day of the referendum? How about the fastest in the G20? You know, like it did on the day of the referendum?

Fastest in the EU? Who knows as we are in a period of transition. Fastest in the G20? Get real. If you want to debate at least be honest or try to get your facts right

Hmmm, it seems as though the OECD thinks that the UK will be the slowest growing economy.


Bloody experts with facts and reality....disgraceful. We want lies, propaganda and bollocks on this thread if you please

Within two years of a vote to leave there will be a deep and profound recession, 800,000 people will have lost their jobs, GDP will have fallen by 6%, and house prices will have fallen by 10%.

Enough lies, propoganda and bollocks for you?

Within 2 yrs of leaving "

This is the Treasury's description of their analysis paper. Note that it is quite specific about 'a vote to leave', not '2 years after leaving'.

"This document assesses the immediate economic impact of a vote for the UK to leave the EU.

A vote to leave would cause a profound economic shock creating instability and uncertainty which would be compounded by the complex and interdependent negotiations that would follow. The central conclusion of the analysis is that the effect of this profound shock would be to push the UK into recession and lead to a sharp rise in unemployment."

So "within 2 years of leaving" is also 'lies, propoganda and bollocks'.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andS66Couple
over a year ago


"Deloitte have done some research on this issue, they found that if there was a hard Brexit:

Average UK car price +15%

UK made car +3%

German made car +21%

Non-German EU made car +21%

Rest of world made car +10%

Overall they found the biggest winners to be the UK car industry, be as you can see from the above, UK consumers will be worse off."

The import duty would go to the UK government.

IF these increases are correct, then just 2 of various other outcomes would be;

More people would buy British made cars,

The UK government would be free to reduce VAT on new car sales to help offset the cost of new cars- to zero if they wanted- something they are not able to do under EU rules. They would still be getting the same tax revenue, albeit in a different form.

Of course, individuals could also negotiate discounts... We got discounts equalling the same value as the VAT on both our cars.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Mate, you are wrong, do the maths

Ok then, where specifically am I wrong?

Is it the 1500? Because thats Honda and Aston Martins figure.

Is it Robka's baseless claim that the parts would be a 10% tariff because no one made that claim. There are different rates for different products. A ton of beef would have an effective ~60% tariff for example.

Is it the 10% export duty because thats easily checkable on the WTO tariff schedule?

Is it the fact that the pounds devaluation, while making exports cheaper to buying countries, also affects imports on all those parts that are imported?

Brexiters keep saying Im wrong but no ones actually pointed out what part is wrong. Its almost as if they dont understand the situation and think if they keep saying its ok it will magically make it ok

So Ben, specifically what part is wrong and what is the correct version?

Yes it’s the 1500, you claimed that that would apply to a UK family car which would mean that imported parts amounted to 15000. Now I don’t know which model of Rolls Royce your family drives but our family car only retails for around that amount, total. If Honda and Aston Martin came up with a figure of 1500 then maybe, as you research Theda things, you could explain how they arrived at that figure or which models they are talking about?"

so it’s not his maths which is wrong. But potentially someone else’s ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol.

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language.

My mistake as I should have put (gain's or cost) and I believe we will all gain from Brexit. But only if a bunch of bad loosers like the remainers who mostly are wealthy people being backed by a who couldn't give a shit about the poor being left behind as long as they are ok start learning what democracy is and start working for a Brexit we can all gain from.

Sorry I also missed out (wankers like blair and also soros).

Also I might add Hammond roo .


Good thing the brexit lobby isn’t being led by rich folk like JRM and Boris then....

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread."

The fact is you are wrong, plain and simple.

The honda factory is just up the road from me, they do import some parts but the vast majority are uk sourced at the moment( a point they are proud of) and I suspectwith the pound lower that is more likely to increase, engines are made on site also. Companies like politicians say lots of things that arent always correct, your 1500 figure for the cost increase is quite frankly wrong, even allowing for a 10% increase due to the pound dropping then that means they are importing £15000 worth of parts per car, that is around 80% of the sales price of their cars, that makes no account for any other cost of making the cars etc, even with your dodgy maths you cant deny that if they use mainly uk parts,( some of which will have increased due to the pound) the figure of 1500 increase is rubbish. I cant comment on aston martin's costs as I havent looked them up.

You are in a big hole with this might be a time to stopping digging and back down gracefully. But then your comment of not being wrong just about sums up your arrogance, you know it all,you say just because someone keeps saying something doesnt make it right is true but thats what you are doing here despite being proved wrong by others, put up the figures that show where honda get their parts from and support your assertions with calculations, no doubt you will reply with a few more insults which just shows you know youre wrong

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol.

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language.

My mistake as I should have put (gain's or cost) and I believe we will all gain from Brexit. But only if a bunch of bad loosers like the remainers who mostly are wealthy people being backed by a who couldn't give a shit about the poor being left behind as long as they are ok start learning what democracy is and start working for a Brexit we can all gain from.

Sorry I also missed out (wankers like blair and also soros).

Also I might add Hammond roo .

Good thing the brexit lobby isn’t being led by rich folk like JRM and Boris then...."

At least he is British unlike Soros and wants the best for the whole country and I was talking in general of the REMAIN vote and the places that voted to vote no . Am surprised you didn't realise that that's what I meant. And if you just want to argue then you will have to find someone else to do that with as I have given my opinion on the matter of us leaving the EU and I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks of my opinion so have a great day like I am having. Xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol.

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language.

My mistake as I should have put (gain's or cost) and I believe we will all gain from Brexit. But only if a bunch of bad loosers like the remainers who mostly are wealthy people being backed by a who couldn't give a shit about the poor being left behind as long as they are ok start learning what democracy is and start working for a Brexit we can all gain from.

Sorry I also missed out (wankers like blair and also soros).

Also I might add Hammond roo .

Good thing the brexit lobby isn’t being led by rich folk like JRM and Boris then....

At least he is British unlike Soros and wants the best for the whole country and I was talking in general of the REMAIN vote and the places that voted to vote no . Am surprised you didn't realise that that's what I meant. And if you just want to argue then you will have to find someone else to do that with as I have given my opinion on the matter of us leaving the EU and I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks of my opinion so have a great day like I am having. Xx"

What a ridiculous position to take, you don't want the country to do what's in its best interest just because 1 foreign person also thinks that is a good idea?

The poor are going to be the people well and truely fucked by Brexit. Brexit economics is based on FTAs not with countries with similarly advanced economies such as France and Germany, but with developing economies, with low wages and low regulation. This will see the jobs that the UK's poor rely on flow out of this country.

Look at Dyson (A Brexiter) as an example, the high skilled graduate engineering, design, marketing, finance etc. all based in the UK, all the manufacturing done by cheap labour in the far East.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago


"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol.

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language.

My mistake as I should have put (gain's or cost) and I believe we will all gain from Brexit. But only if a bunch of bad loosers like the remainers who mostly are wealthy people being backed by a who couldn't give a shit about the poor being left behind as long as they are ok start learning what democracy is and start working for a Brexit we can all gain from.

Sorry I also missed out (wankers like blair and also soros).

Also I might add Hammond roo .

Good thing the brexit lobby isn’t being led by rich folk like JRM and Boris then....

At least he is British unlike Soros and wants the best for the whole country and I was talking in general of the REMAIN vote and the places that voted to vote no . Am surprised you didn't realise that that's what I meant. And if you just want to argue then you will have to find someone else to do that with as I have given my opinion on the matter of us leaving the EU and I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks of my opinion so have a great day like I am having. Xx

What a ridiculous position to take, you don't want the country to do what's in its best interest just because 1 foreign person also thinks that is a good idea?

The poor are going to be the people well and truely fucked by Brexit. Brexit economics is based on FTAs not with countries with similarly advanced economies such as France and Germany, but with developing economies, with low wages and low regulation. This will see the jobs that the UK's poor rely on flow out of this country.

Look at Dyson (A Brexiter) as an example, the high skilled graduate engineering, design, marketing, finance etc. all based in the UK, all the manufacturing done by cheap labour in the far East. "

Soros only does whats in his interest, remember black wednesday, he claims that he wants to change money market rules but makes a fortune speculating on them

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Mate, you are wrong, do the maths

Ok then, where specifically am I wrong?

Is it the 1500? Because thats Honda and Aston Martins figure.

Is it Robka's baseless claim that the parts would be a 10% tariff because no one made that claim. There are different rates for different products. A ton of beef would have an effective ~60% tariff for example.

Is it the 10% export duty because thats easily checkable on the WTO tariff schedule?

Is it the fact that the pounds devaluation, while making exports cheaper to buying countries, also affects imports on all those parts that are imported?

Brexiters keep saying Im wrong but no ones actually pointed out what part is wrong. Its almost as if they dont understand the situation and think if they keep saying its ok it will magically make it ok

So Ben, specifically what part is wrong and what is the correct version?

Yes it’s the 1500, you claimed that that would apply to a UK family car which would mean that imported parts amounted to 15000. Now I don’t know which model of Rolls Royce your family drives but our family car only retails for around that amount, total. If Honda and Aston Martin came up with a figure of 1500 then maybe, as you research Theda things, you could explain how they arrived at that figure or which models they are talking about?so it’s not his maths which is wrong. But potentially someone else’s ? "

Potentially. But if you are charged £10 for two £3 pints of lager do you not question the maths?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Mate, you are wrong, do the maths

Ok then, where specifically am I wrong?

Is it the 1500? Because thats Honda and Aston Martins figure.

Is it Robka's baseless claim that the parts would be a 10% tariff because no one made that claim. There are different rates for different products. A ton of beef would have an effective ~60% tariff for example.

Is it the 10% export duty because thats easily checkable on the WTO tariff schedule?

Is it the fact that the pounds devaluation, while making exports cheaper to buying countries, also affects imports on all those parts that are imported?

Brexiters keep saying Im wrong but no ones actually pointed out what part is wrong. Its almost as if they dont understand the situation and think if they keep saying its ok it will magically make it ok

So Ben, specifically what part is wrong and what is the correct version?

Yes it’s the 1500, you claimed that that would apply to a UK family car which would mean that imported parts amounted to 15000. Now I don’t know which model of Rolls Royce your family drives but our family car only retails for around that amount, total. If Honda and Aston Martin came up with a figure of 1500 then maybe, as you research Theda things, you could explain how they arrived at that figure or which models they are talking about?so it’s not his maths which is wrong. But potentially someone else’s ?

Potentially. But if you are charged £10 for two £3 pints of lager do you not question the maths? "

yes. But this hasn’t happened here. Someone has said a pint costs a fiver. He’s used that in good faith. Now the original quote may have been the cost of a pint in London and everyone else is talking about the north. Doesn’t mean his maths is wrong tho

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?"

Check out Most Favoured Nation status with the WTO and you will get your answer.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol.

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language.

My mistake as I should have put (gain's or cost) and I believe we will all gain from Brexit. But only if a bunch of bad loosers like the remainers who mostly are wealthy people being backed by a who couldn't give a shit about the poor being left behind as long as they are ok start learning what democracy is and start working for a Brexit we can all gain from.

Sorry I also missed out (wankers like blair and also soros).

Also I might add Hammond roo .

Good thing the brexit lobby isn’t being led by rich folk like JRM and Boris then....

At least he is British unlike Soros and wants the best for the whole country and I was talking in general of the REMAIN vote and the places that voted to vote no . Am surprised you didn't realise that that's what I meant. And if you just want to argue then you will have to find someone else to do that with as I have given my opinion on the matter of us leaving the EU and I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks of my opinion so have a great day like I am having. Xx

What a ridiculous position to take, you don't want the country to do what's in its best interest just because 1 foreign person also thinks that is a good idea?

The poor are going to be the people well and truely fucked by Brexit. Brexit economics is based on FTAs not with countries with similarly advanced economies such as France and Germany, but with developing economies, with low wages and low regulation. This will see the jobs that the UK's poor rely on flow out of this country.

Look at Dyson (A Brexiter) as an example, the high skilled graduate engineering, design, marketing, finance etc. all based in the UK, all the manufacturing done by cheap labour in the far East.

Soros only does whats in his interest, remember black wednesday, he claims that he wants to change money market rules but makes a fortune speculating on them"

You guys obviously care a hell of a lot more about him than I do.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?

Check out Most Favoured Nation status with the WTO and you will get your answer. "

Well answer this- how come cars imported from the USA to the EU are charged a 10% tariff but cars imported into the US from the EU only have a 2% tariff?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago



And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread.

The fact is you are wrong, plain and simple.

The honda factory is just up the road from me, they do import some parts but the vast majority are uk sourced at the moment( a point they are proud of) and I suspectwith the pound lower that is more likely to increase, engines are made on site also. Companies like politicians say lots of things that arent always correct, your 1500 figure for the cost increase is quite frankly wrong, even allowing for a 10% increase due to the pound dropping then that means they are importing £15000 worth of parts per car, that is around 80% of the sales price of their cars, that makes no account for any other cost of making the cars etc, even with your dodgy maths you cant deny that if they use mainly uk parts,( some of which will have increased due to the pound) the figure of 1500 increase is rubbish. I cant comment on aston martin's costs as I havent looked them up.

You are in a big hole with this might be a time to stopping digging and back down gracefully. But then your comment of not being wrong just about sums up your arrogance, you know it all,you say just because someone keeps saying something doesnt make it right is true but thats what you are doing here despite being proved wrong by others, put up the figures that show where honda get their parts from and support your assertions with calculations, no doubt you will reply with a few more insults which just shows you know youre wrong "

Only 6 or 7 months ago Honda told MPs that Swindon production relied upon 350 trucks a day arriving from Europe with parts for the production line.....2m daily component movements. So, with respect, youre peddling nonsense

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago


"Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?"

Um because that's not allowed under WTO rules.....

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?

Um because that's not allowed under WTO rules....."

Um why not?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago


"Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?

Um because that's not allowed under WTO rules.....

Um why not?"

If we chose to not charge tariffs to EU car parts manufacturers, we would have to do it for all goods from all WTO member countries. That's going to go well isnt it?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?

Um because that's not allowed under WTO rules.....

Um why not?

If we chose to not charge tariffs to EU car parts manufacturers, we would have to do it for all goods from all WTO member countries. That's going to go well isnt it?"

Why not?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andS66Couple
over a year ago


"Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?

Um because that's not allowed under WTO rules.....

Um why not?

If we chose to not charge tariffs to EU car parts manufacturers, we would have to do it for all goods from all WTO member countries. That's going to go well isnt it?

Why not?"

Because, silly, free trade only works between countries in the EU. It doesn't work anywhere else!

Besides, the EU does not want a free trade deal with the UK.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Here’s a radical thought

What if the Uk puts zero tariffs on EU car part imports?

Um because that's not allowed under WTO rules.....

Um why not?

If we chose to not charge tariffs to EU car parts manufacturers, we would have to do it for all goods from all WTO member countries. That's going to go well isnt it?

Why not?

Because, silly, free trade only works between countries in the EU. It doesn't work anywhere else!

Besides, the EU does not want a free trade deal with the UK."

Silly me. But what I’m confused with is how come the USA can put tariffs of just 2.5% on car and car part imports but apparently we will have to charge 10%?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread.

The fact is you are wrong, plain and simple.

The honda factory is just up the road from me, they do import some parts but the vast majority are uk sourced at the moment( a point they are proud of) and I suspectwith the pound lower that is more likely to increase, engines are made on site also. Companies like politicians say lots of things that arent always correct, your 1500 figure for the cost increase is quite frankly wrong, even allowing for a 10% increase due to the pound dropping then that means they are importing £15000 worth of parts per car, that is around 80% of the sales price of their cars, that makes no account for any other cost of making the cars etc, even with your dodgy maths you cant deny that if they use mainly uk parts,( some of which will have increased due to the pound) the figure of 1500 increase is rubbish. I cant comment on aston martin's costs as I havent looked them up.

You are in a big hole with this might be a time to stopping digging and back down gracefully. But then your comment of not being wrong just about sums up your arrogance, you know it all,you say just because someone keeps saying something doesnt make it right is true but thats what you are doing here despite being proved wrong by others, put up the figures that show where honda get their parts from and support your assertions with calculations, no doubt you will reply with a few more insults which just shows you know youre wrong

Only 6 or 7 months ago Honda told MPs that Swindon production relied upon 350 trucks a day arriving from Europe with parts for the production line.....2m daily component movements. So, with respect, youre peddling nonsense"

Now honda could have a different figure but I googled how many parts in a car, came back that toyota says 30,000, honda make over 600 a day thats 18 million parts, so they are importing about 10%, of course that could be high value or low value parts. but regardless of that its not disbutable that it isnt possible to import £15,000 worth of parts for a car that retails at around 18/20 including irish VAT which IIRC is 23 %

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What ever Brexit cost's it will be worth it to get away from Europe and if people buy British made goods there will be more jobs for the loosers who were left behind with Blair's multiculturalism and open door policy for this country to succeed we all need to work together to enjoy this fantastic opportunity the UK has right now. We might not see the results of our decision to leave Europe for 10 years but I believe they will come and the result will be great for our children and Grandchildren in the long run. I say walk away unless we get a good deal .

Why will be being poorer be "worth it"?

You must be psychic lol.

You said "what ever Brexit cost's [sic]". If something 'costs' you something, you have less money, i.e. you are poorer.

It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's all do do with comprehension of language.

My mistake as I should have put (gain's or cost) and I believe we will all gain from Brexit. But only if a bunch of bad loosers like the remainers who mostly are wealthy people being backed by a who couldn't give a shit about the poor being left behind as long as they are ok start learning what democracy is and start working for a Brexit we can all gain from.

Sorry I also missed out (wankers like blair and also soros).

Also I might add Hammond roo .

Good thing the brexit lobby isn’t being led by rich folk like JRM and Boris then....

At least he is British unlike Soros and wants the best for the whole country and I was talking in general of the REMAIN vote and the places that voted to vote no . Am surprised you didn't realise that that's what I meant. And if you just want to argue then you will have to find someone else to do that with as I have given my opinion on the matter of us leaving the EU and I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks of my opinion so have a great day like I am having. Xx

What a ridiculous position to take, you don't want the country to do what's in its best interest just because 1 foreign person also thinks that is a good idea?

The poor are going to be the people well and truely fucked by Brexit. Brexit economics is based on FTAs not with countries with similarly advanced economies such as France and Germany, but with developing economies, with low wages and low regulation. This will see the jobs that the UK's poor rely on flow out of this country.

Look at Dyson (A Brexiter) as an example, the high skilled graduate engineering, design, marketing, finance etc. all based in the UK, all the manufacturing done by cheap labour in the far East.

Soros only does whats in his interest, remember black wednesday, he claims that he wants to change money market rules but makes a fortune speculating on them

You guys obviously care a hell of a lot more about him than I do. "

Lol what a lovely day. I think I'll take my dog for a walk in the sun.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *avidnsa69Man
over a year ago



And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread.

The fact is you are wrong, plain and simple.

The honda factory is just up the road from me, they do import some parts but the vast majority are uk sourced at the moment( a point they are proud of) and I suspectwith the pound lower that is more likely to increase, engines are made on site also. Companies like politicians say lots of things that arent always correct, your 1500 figure for the cost increase is quite frankly wrong, even allowing for a 10% increase due to the pound dropping then that means they are importing £15000 worth of parts per car, that is around 80% of the sales price of their cars, that makes no account for any other cost of making the cars etc, even with your dodgy maths you cant deny that if they use mainly uk parts,( some of which will have increased due to the pound) the figure of 1500 increase is rubbish. I cant comment on aston martin's costs as I havent looked them up.

You are in a big hole with this might be a time to stopping digging and back down gracefully. But then your comment of not being wrong just about sums up your arrogance, you know it all,you say just because someone keeps saying something doesnt make it right is true but thats what you are doing here despite being proved wrong by others, put up the figures that show where honda get their parts from and support your assertions with calculations, no doubt you will reply with a few more insults which just shows you know youre wrong

Only 6 or 7 months ago Honda told MPs that Swindon production relied upon 350 trucks a day arriving from Europe with parts for the production line.....2m daily component movements. So, with respect, youre peddling nonsense

Now honda could have a different figure but I googled how many parts in a car, came back that toyota says 30,000, honda make over 600 a day thats 18 million parts, so they are importing about 10%, of course that could be high value or low value parts. but regardless of that its not disbutable that it isnt possible to import £15,000 worth of parts for a car that retails at around 18/20 including irish VAT which IIRC is 23 % "

Honda say 40% of their parts are sourced from Europe.....

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

1500 is the increase to the uk consumer of an imported cars

300 is the additional cost to exporters who are building cars in the uk

WTO Tariff on parts is 4.5%

WTO Tariff on complete cars is 10%

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


Mate, you are wrong, do the maths

Ok then, where specifically am I wrong?

Is it the 1500? Because thats Honda and Aston Martins figure.

Is it Robka's baseless claim that the parts would be a 10% tariff because no one made that claim. There are different rates for different products. A ton of beef would have an effective ~60% tariff for example.

Is it the 10% export duty because thats easily checkable on the WTO tariff schedule?

Is it the fact that the pounds devaluation, while making exports cheaper to buying countries, also affects imports on all those parts that are imported?

Brexiters keep saying Im wrong but no ones actually pointed out what part is wrong. Its almost as if they dont understand the situation and think if they keep saying its ok it will magically make it ok

So Ben, specifically what part is wrong and what is the correct version?

Yes it’s the 1500, you claimed that that would apply to a UK family car which would mean that imported parts amounted to 15000. Now I don’t know which model of Rolls Royce your family drives but our family car only retails for around that amount, total. If Honda and Aston Martin came up with a figure of 1500 then maybe, as you research Theda things, you could explain how they arrived at that figure or which models they are talking about?"

I mean, I literally had the 3rd paragraph point out that Robkas claim of car parts getting charged 10% duty was made up. So the whole idea that car parts are 15,000 in order for the tariff increase to be 1,500 is a lie.

I even gave the example of beef having a much higher tariff than cars. Car parts could have a range of different tariffs. Imported car parts could be as little as 3,000 and get an average tariff of 50% and we'd be at the 1,500 increase.

Robka clearly has no idea whats going on, why would you take the 10% as fact when even common sense would say otherwise?


And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread.

The fact is you are wrong, plain and simple.

The honda factory is just up the road from me, they do import some parts but the vast majority are uk sourced at the moment( a point they are proud of) and I suspectwith the pound lower that is more likely to increase, engines are made on site also. Companies like politicians say lots of things that arent always correct, your 1500 figure for the cost increase is quite frankly wrong, even allowing for a 10% increase due to the pound dropping then that means they are importing £15000 worth of parts per car, that is around 80% of the sales price of their cars, that makes no account for any other cost of making the cars etc, even with your dodgy maths you cant deny that if they use mainly uk parts,( some of which will have increased due to the pound) the figure of 1500 increase is rubbish. I cant comment on aston martin's costs as I havent looked them up.

You are in a big hole with this might be a time to stopping digging and back down gracefully. But then your comment of not being wrong just about sums up your arrogance, you know it all,you say just because someone keeps saying something doesnt make it right is true but thats what you are doing here despite being proved wrong by others, put up the figures that show where honda get their parts from and support your assertions with calculations, no doubt you will reply with a few more insults which just shows you know youre wrong "

See above, you pulled the 10% duty on car parts out of thin air. Do you think everything car related just gets a lazily done 10% tariff? So your whole arguement that car parts would have to cost 15,000 is wrong. Car parts arent at a 10% tariff, finished cars are.

America is currently charging a 25% tariff on steel for example. (And before your wrong again they are being taken to the WTO on most favoured nation, not that the tariff exceeds WTO tariffs).

What Honda use as car parts I cant say. I do know however that on average British car manufacturers use only 41% British parts.

So there you are. Facts and figures that prove youre completely wrong about your fabricated idea that car parts are at a 10% tariff with even an example of steel thrown in as well as a part thats over the 10%. Are you going to keep digging or admit youre wrong?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *illwill69uMan
over a year ago


"1500 is the increase to the uk consumer of an imported cars

300 is the additional cost to exporters who are building cars in the uk

WTO Tariff on parts is 4.5%

WTO Tariff on complete cars is 10%"

So that would be 4.5% on the parts Honda import from Europe, and then 10% on the built cars exported to Europe, plus the costs of the extra administration (who knows how much that will be) and the cost of the slowing down of the supply chain, plus VAT at 20% on those extra costs.


Brexit will be so easy, we can just walk away into a bright new future. ROFL

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"1500 is the increase to the uk consumer of an imported cars

300 is the additional cost to exporters who are building cars in the uk

WTO Tariff on parts is 4.5%

WTO Tariff on complete cars is 10%

So that would be 4.5% on the parts Honda import from Europe, and then 10% on the built cars exported to Europe, plus the costs of the extra administration (who knows how much that will be) and the cost of the slowing down of the supply chain, plus VAT at 20% on those extra costs.


Brexit will be so easy, we can just walk away into a bright new future. ROFL"

So why did you vote Leave?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *illwill69uMan
over a year ago


"1500 is the increase to the uk consumer of an imported cars

300 is the additional cost to exporters who are building cars in the uk

WTO Tariff on parts is 4.5%

WTO Tariff on complete cars is 10%

So that would be 4.5% on the parts Honda import from Europe, and then 10% on the built cars exported to Europe, plus the costs of the extra administration (who knows how much that will be) and the cost of the slowing down of the supply chain, plus VAT at 20% on those extra costs.


Brexit will be so easy, we can just walk away into a bright new future. ROFL

So why did you vote Leave?"

Because of the way the Tories constantly blame the EU for everything and the way people like you have swallowed every bit of the constant drip of anti EU propaganda and the UK is special message. The sooner we wake up to the fact that the Empire is gone and we can no longer survive on past glories the better!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Not bothered.....next

Funny how many people are 'Not Bothered' when it is other people who are loosing their jobs. Of course this changes when it is suddenly their job that is on the line and being flushed down the sewer.

Never mind maybe you will start getting bothered when the shops start to run out of food, the pumps start running dry, the electricity starts going out and the gas isn't there to heat your water when you turn on the tap. "

Which bits did you miss? The bit about people losing their jobs or the collapse of the food/energy supply chain and basic utilities?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *obka3Couple
over a year ago



See above, you pulled the 10% duty on car parts out of thin air. Do you think everything car related just gets a lazily done 10% tariff? So your whole arguement that car parts would have to cost 15,000 is wrong. Car parts arent at a 10% tariff, finished cars are.

America is currently charging a 25% tariff on steel for example. (And before your wrong again they are being taken to the WTO on most favoured nation, not that the tariff exceeds WTO tariffs).

What Honda use as car parts I cant say. I do know however that on average British car manufacturers use only 41% British parts.

So there you are. Facts and figures that prove youre completely wrong about your fabricated idea that car parts are at a 10% tariff with even an example of steel thrown in as well as a part thats over the 10%. Are you going to keep digging or admit youre wrong?"

Glad to see your maths hasnt improved since your last point.

According to the WTO, car"components" are at 4.5 % not 10 as I assumed so that in facts makes your argument that tariffs will increase car costs by 1500 even dafter, give up while youre behind dear boy

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *illwill69uMan
over a year ago


"Which bits did you miss? The bit about people losing their jobs or the collapse of the food/energy supply chain and basic utilities?"

Not those. LoL

In fact in multiple posts on multiple threads before the referendum I even described in detail the shitstorm we face with the Irish border and the situation we are going to be faced with over Gibraltar (just wait till Spain throws a spanner in the works over that) and was told by the brexiteers that I could not know that because I was not a fortune teller and did not possess a Chrystal ball. In fact it is the minutia and how serious the knock-on's will be that I missed. In fact I expect that there are some real doozies being hidden from the country by our brexit means brexit PM. In fact I am pretty sure there are because BoJo has just said that he accepts there is a chance that leaving the EU will cause an economic crash here. funny how he and his cronies never said that prior to the referendum, in fact they spent the whole campaign saying the exact opposite.

But hey, BoJo wrote 2 columns for the torygraph one why he was backing remain and the other why he was backing leave before he decided which horse would best promote BoJo's political career and get him into the cabinet and ultimately No 10.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Which bits did you miss? The bit about people losing their jobs or the collapse of the food/energy supply chain and basic utilities?

Not those. LoL

In fact in multiple posts on multiple threads before the referendum I even described in detail the shitstorm we face with the Irish border and the situation we are going to be faced with over Gibraltar (just wait till Spain throws a spanner in the works over that) and was told by the brexiteers that I could not know that because I was not a fortune teller and did not possess a Chrystal ball. In fact it is the minutia and how serious the knock-on's will be that I missed. In fact I expect that there are some real doozies being hidden from the country by our brexit means brexit PM. In fact I am pretty sure there are because BoJo has just said that he accepts there is a chance that leaving the EU will cause an economic crash here. funny how he and his cronies never said that prior to the referendum, in fact they spent the whole campaign saying the exact opposite.

But hey, BoJo wrote 2 columns for the torygraph one why he was backing remain and the other why he was backing leave before he decided which horse would best promote BoJo's political career and get him into the cabinet and ultimately No 10."

"Not those"?

You said earlier "Some of this I saw, some I missed"

Make your mind up.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS
over a year ago


"Well as Parts Are made in Europe, Spain, Canada, Poland, Czk, Tokyo. It DOESN'T Matter what Europe Says. For Example, I transferred a 2nd Hand Abs pump for a 2011 Mazda3. Which is Made For Ford. "

Everything then is rosy in brexitland

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


WTO tariffs on PARTS would increase the cost to manufacture by 1500.

This is not that complicated. WTO tariffs will increase the cost to the UK car manufacturers on everything they import as well as increasing the prices on everything they export. Thats why I talked about the price in the EU.

Oh dear, you really need to do some night school maths lessons.

You claim that the parts are going to cost £1500 more due to tariffs, ok we agree that tariffs are 10% so to arrive at a £1500 increase the cost today of those imported parts is £15,000, now that is for a car that retails at around £17,000, now explain to us thick brexit voters how that adds up in your little world

Cars have a 10% duty under WTO rules. Other products have different duties. Different parts have different duties. The £1500 figure is from 2 automakers, they should know their own costs.

Id be better off explaining the barter system to you first because that seems to be your level. Despite your attempts at smugness youve been wrong on every post so far in this thread.

Ill attempt once more to explain it to you and Ill aim for the level of a 5 year old, that way if theres any children around they can help you with the parts that you find too difficult.

Car makes: this will increase our costs to make cars by 1500.

That means car buyers pay more or Nissan makes less money or maybe a little bit of both. That makes Nissan and car buyers sad because they'd rather keep the money.

If Nissan wants to sell cars to the EU with WTO rules in place then they also have to pay mew taxes they didnt have to before. These new taxes will be 10% or if you havent mastered percentages and are still on fractions its 1/10.

So that means the price of the car Nissan sells in a WTO situation is this:

Todays car price + cost increases (£1500) + import duties (10%) - the hit to profits Nissan is willing to take.

I know, I know, adding subtraction in there at the end was probably unfair to you as you furrow your brow in a vain attempt to understand the situation as you wave your Union Jack harder and harder in the hopes it will make everything alright. But facts are facts. No really, I know you believe facts are whatever suits you, but thats not actually true.

You have been shown to be wrong time and again in this and other threads, you just resort to insults, as someone once said dont raise your voice raise your argument,

And yet the FACT is that Im not wrong at all in this thread.

I can back up everything I said.

1500 cost increase, quotes from Honda and Aston Martin.

10% import tax? Right there in black and white on the WTO schedule.

And Im very rarely wrong in here because I take the time to read about whats going on and if I dont know about something then I dont comment on it. You should try it sometime, maybe you wont embarrass yourself as much as you have in this thread."

How would you know whether you were right or wrong ? Even if you read or research about the topic that you are commenting on it does not mean that you are right. Your Google search may have simply returned the data that you want to see due to the manner in which you have configured it . Posting selected data on a topic hardly means that you are correct

Posters on these forums can comment on any topic that they like. I am more interested in a posters opinion , not whether they happen to be right or wrong. If someone wants a detailed analysis of a topic they are hardly going to rely on data from this site.

On a personal note I have found a lot your data to be either wrong or highly misleading.

You are entitled to comment or make as many posts as you like . That does not mean that anyone had to accept the post as being accurate or that your comments are a correct analysis of the data presented .

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By *illwill69uMan
over a year ago



You said earlier "Some of this I saw, some I missed"

Make your mind up."

I was addressing the whole brexit shitstorm, not any particular single issue involved in that storm, and I notice you like so many other brexiteers never want to actually address issues, your all about making everything about people and feelings. At some point (in and around October) when the EU says times up we need the next few months to progress your departure through the European Parliament and Council of Ministers you will find all your feelings and not addressing issues for the last 2 years add up to a bag of shite and that is exactly what we will have at the end of this process.

Simply put we will either remain in the single market, the customs union and continue to pay into the EU coffers but no longer with any voice or power to influence the decisions made by the EU, or we will leave with nothing and flush our economy and real freedom down the toilet for a feeling.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


You said earlier "Some of this I saw, some I missed"

Make your mind up.

I was addressing the whole brexit shitstorm, not any particular single issue involved in that storm, and I notice you like so many other brexiteers never want to actually address issues, your all about making everything about people and feelings. At some point (in and around October) when the EU says times up we need the next few months to progress your departure through the European Parliament and Council of Ministers you will find all your feelings and not addressing issues for the last 2 years add up to a bag of shite and that is exactly what we will have at the end of this process.

Simply put we will either remain in the single market, the customs union and continue to pay into the EU coffers but no longer with any voice or power to influence the decisions made by the EU, or we will leave with nothing and flush our economy and real freedom down the toilet for a feeling."

I asked:

"Which bits did you miss? The bit about people losing their jobs or the collapse of the food/energy supply chain and basic utilities?"

You replied to that question:

"Some of this I saw, some I missed"

So which bit did you miss? It's not a trick question.

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By *xplicitlyricsMan
over a year ago

south dublin


See above, you pulled the 10% duty on car parts out of thin air. Do you think everything car related just gets a lazily done 10% tariff? So your whole arguement that car parts would have to cost 15,000 is wrong. Car parts arent at a 10% tariff, finished cars are.

America is currently charging a 25% tariff on steel for example. (And before your wrong again they are being taken to the WTO on most favoured nation, not that the tariff exceeds WTO tariffs).

What Honda use as car parts I cant say. I do know however that on average British car manufacturers use only 41% British parts.

So there you are. Facts and figures that prove youre completely wrong about your fabricated idea that car parts are at a 10% tariff with even an example of steel thrown in as well as a part thats over the 10%. Are you going to keep digging or admit youre wrong?

Glad to see your maths hasnt improved since your last point.

According to the WTO, car"components" are at 4.5 % not 10 as I assumed so that in facts makes your argument that tariffs will increase car costs by 1500 even dafter, give up while youre behind dear boy"

Well lets look at the detail as per the World Tariffs Profile 2017 available on the WTO website (page 37);

Steel and aluminum have a tariff of up to 40%, leather up to 30%, electrical machinery up to 30%, cotton up to 20%.

While parts that are exclusively for cars might be 4.5%, there are other materials that go into cars that will face tariffs of up to 40%.

Aluminum is currently trading at £1,738 per tonne. Steel is currently trading at £3,650 per tonne.

Theres an average of 900kg of steel and aluminium in a car. That is where the bulk of the 1500 will come from.

Honda by the way uses mostly steel for its cars and typically uses aluminum for smaller parts that theu want to be lightweight like the hood of the car. The frames are usually pure steel.

If 70% of the metal in a Honda (or any other car) is steel then the tariff will cost £919.80 on the steel and £187.70 on the aluminum. Thats a total of £1,107.50.

Why....why thats a number thats very close to the £1,500 number quoted by Honda AND Aston Martin!!!!!!! And the rest of the £392.50 probably comes from other materials like car specific parts! Its almost as if theyve looked into this and know more about it than you do!!!! What a shocking turn of events!!!

Any other facts or figures you need before you try and pretend this whole thing never happened?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What British car industry that went years ago.

Don’t you mean the Uk based German, French and Japanese factories that may well be surplus to requirements post Brexit.

Still those made redundant can pick veggies.

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